Big Brother 15 Spoilers Competition Practice “Poopy’s on FIRE”

POV Holder: Jessie Next POV Aug 10th
POV Used YES POV Ceremony Aug 12th
HOH Winner: GM Next HOH: Aug 8th
Original Nominations: Candice, Jessie and Amanda (MVP Nom)
Current Nominations: Candice, Spencer and Amanda (MVP Nom)
Last Evicted Houseguest David, Nick, Jeremy, Kaitlin, Howard
Have Nots no have nots this week


3:20PM Cockpit Random chit chat

Chatting about past houseguests who do p!rn or have done p*rn. Michelle BB11, Steven BB10, James BB9, Scott BB5, They think Bradon from BB11 may have and Ashley BB14 was involved in something. (Scott BB5 was in playgirl, Bradon had a full frontal scene in a movie and Ashley had relations with some bondage club owner)

Spencer: “What kinda name is Nakomis”
JUDD: “Some type of name she made up”
McCrae says Nakomis means a moon
JUDD: ‘She’s a lunatic”

3:38pm Spencer and Andy
Spencer: “have you heard anything .. i’m getting paranoid”
Andy whispers that he hasn’t heard a thing. He’s sure Candice is still going home. They start wondering why they are in lockdown. Andy thinks he should be counting things with McCrae and Amanda. Spencer doesn’t think it’s worth it.

They are joking about it being a Pandora’s box and Ginamarie is upstairs with Nick. Andy laughs say what if Nick is in the backyard and GM is trapped and can’t see him while the other players get to spend a hour with him. (We can all agree if this happened GM would chew through the walls to get to him)


4:01pm They have one hour to practice for a competition tomorrow

Aaryn gets the ball in almost every time. Andy, JUDD and McCrae have been calling Aaryn “Poopy” They keep singing “This poopy is on FIRE.. this poopy’s on FIRE”. Aaryn is considerably better than the rest of them.
Spencer, Andy, Amanda can get a ball in once every two tries
Jessie, JUDD, Elissa, McCrae can get a ball in every 4 tries
Helen, GM and Candice get very few balls in

5:53pm After about a hour of practicing it’s clear Aaryn is the best followed by Andy, Amanda, Spencer, Jessie, Elissa and McCrae.

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4:56pm HOH GM and McCrae
Going over votes. GM thinks they are A-OK for getting Candice out. She’s going to double check with everyone tonight and Thursday. She says McCrae, Aaryn, Helen, JUDD and Andy are all definite s.

4:58pm Storage Room JUDD and Helen

Talking about the competition and how the one they just practiced may be different than the one they actually use tomorrow. JUDD wonders if it’s double eviction tomorrow. Helen isn’t sure because that would mean they have reached Jury.


5:01pm bedroom Spencer tells AManda

Spencer whispers If he gets HOH and it’s double eviction he wants to Meet with Amanda and McCrae in the cockpit and they will plan out the move.
Amanda: “OK”

Spencer and Amanda agree there is an uneasy calm in the house. Spencer thinks something is about to happen he can feel it.
McCrae joins them, He says there is talk going around the house about next week but he can’t think that far ahead because he’s on the block. Amanda says Candice is going home.
Andy joins them (Drink)
Amanda says JUDD hates her. McCrae and Spencer haven’t heard him say anything.
Spencer: ‘My fear is with our checkered past a rumour will start.. to me that would be a easy thing to start”
Amanda isn’t worried. MC isn’t worried a rumour will harm them still thinks it’s possible someone will start it.
MC: ‘So are we all in agreements that it’s a double”
Spencer, Amanda, Andy “Yeah”
MC: ‘Unless it’s a food comp.. I doubt it”
Spencer about the comp practice: “It seems vetoish”

5:05pm HOH GM has been calling people up into the HOH to make sure they are voting out Candice. Most houseguests say Candice and chat about the double eviction. Jessie says she won’t tell GM her vote tells her she doesn’t want to discus it.


5:15pm BedroomAndy, MC, Amanda and Specner

Andy says he’s sick thinking about Double eviction tomorrow. JUDD join them and they start to comment about how it sucks if Candice makes it to jury because so few of them have gotten to know her.


5:19pm Havenots McCrae, Amanda, GM

Amanda: “Someone told me that you hate me”
GM :Who the f**** said that cause I will bash their face in”
Amanda: “Aaryn told me that you say that every day”
GM: “I don’t say that every day.. when Candice is in the same room do I hang around or do I leave”
Amanda: “You leave”
Gm explains this is what she does when she doesn’t like people. She threw a party for Amanda and she talks to Amanda all the time she likes her.
Amanda: “I don’t get it.. why would she go out of her way to tell me that.”
GM: “I swear to god I never said I hated you.. I never said I hated you I never said I wanted you out”
Amanda didn’t think it was truthful.

GM: ”you know how much shit she talked to me about Kaitlin.. she hates everyone”
Amanda adds that Aaryn told her GM wanted to put her up but Aaryn had to talk her out of it.
GM denies it says Aaryn is a sh!t disturber. McCrae and Amanda agree.
Amanda leaves
GM says Aaryn told her to put Amanda and Elissa up.

GM reports back about how her conversations when with the houseguests. GM isn’t sure about Jessie but everyone else is locked.

Use the Big Brother Live Feeds to FLASHBACK to SEE what they can’t show you on TV: BB15 N!p Sl!ps / N*des

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153 thoughts to “Big Brother 15 Spoilers Competition Practice “Poopy’s on FIRE””

    1. OMG, I cannot get why Candice did not fight to stay in the house. After the things Amanda did and said, if Candice would of just tried to make any deals they would of sent Amanda home ASAP!! DId you see their faces, Andy, Helen, ELissa, Aaryn, McCrae were horrified by what Amanda was saying. Geez, Candice if you would of just pulled Helen, Elissa, you, Judd, Jessie, Aaryn in a room they would of all sent that biotch home. All you would of had to of done is made a few deals and it would of been done. Amanda is a piece of sick work. I was shocked!!! I know you are going to jury but I just wish you would of went up there and worked crap out with Aaryn, and that is saying a lot and of sent that hate filled women to the jury house by herself. OMG, all of these house guests must be terrified of Amanda and after watching tonight I sort of understand why. WOW is all I can say!!!

      1. So were you hired by Aaryn’s family to take the heat off Aaryn or what?
        If that many people got together in one room Helen would make sure to change the subject or start a bingo game or something…ya know.

      2. Helen is so far up Amanda’s a$$ it wouldn’t matter what Candice said to Helen. Helen joined forces with Amanda a long time ago and Helen disconnected with Candice around the same time. They had their eyes set on getting out Howard, Candice and Spencer and that’s what they are going to do. Candice has tried to talk to others. The only one with some sense and listened was Jesse. Everyone else is brain dead.

      3. There isn’t anything to pull them aside and say. They already know and see how Amanda is and don’t care as long as it isn’t them or hurting their position.

      4. As sad as I am to say it, they are blinded by Amanda’s Mist. (By the way, in German, Mist means s***!) Let’s hope the smell gets to them ASAP!!

    2. vote amanda for 3rd nom every week until she is evicted

      vote jess for americas player

      good luck on thursday, i hope you stay, but if not its great you made jury

      america is cheering for you jess

  1. Now these losers are worried about getting to know Candice? They got themselves into that mess for being racist assholes. I’m hoping Amanda or Helen go home, I feel like it would really shake things up.

    1. Sorry, Lulu, this is the dumbest bunch ever, they WILL NEVER shake things up and get Helen and Amanda out……….I can’t believe how terrified they are of Amanda, and Candice and Jesse can’t get anyone else to vote her bully a… out……..

  2. As per the BB15 announcement the double eviction and 9 jury could land Candice then Aaryn in the same house? Alone? BB15 officially starts in jury.

    1. Candice and Aaryn can work out all of their differences. Candice actually said she knows that Aaryn is just young and stupid so Candice gets that, but wow I don’t think Candice and Amanda need to be in the same house together. Amanda is one horrible person and all of the other house guests saw just how awful she was tonight. It would not of taken much dealing on Candice’s part after that competition to of flipped the entire house. The other house guests and that includes all of them were just horrified at what Amanda was saying to Candice. Do not care if they liked her or not their utter disgust of Amanda showed on their faces during that competition.

      1. You’re giving too much credence to the CBS edit. Candice could have offered anything and she wasn’t getting the votes and she knew it from last week. I admire her for refusing to beg, hustle, or degrade herself. She was blamed for the racism in the house and it killed any chance she had at playing the game. All the people who said or laughed at the racist s**t were convinced by Amanda and Helen that the reason they were being asked about racism in the DR was because the black people were whining in the DR. They were all afraid of what was being said about them, so they decided the black people were troublemakers.

        Candice understands that Judd and Andy are not in play, which means all she can get is three votes. Jessie isn’t trying to save her. Jessie knows she’s low man in the Superfriends and is trying to reset the game by getting Amanda out. Candice has everybody figured out because of the work she did last week talking to people. She can tell when people tell her something that doesn’t add up, like “The house wants somebody out” when the players are the house and the players COULD do what is best for them or best for other players. Candice knows her game is over and she’s not going to grovel or play nice with the scum…uh..I mean “The House”.

        1. I really don’t think Candice knew the first thing (socially or physically) about how to play this game from the beginning. She was doomed from the start because of that reason and not her ethnicity. Period. She glommed onto someone finally after a couple of weeks who could bear to hang out with her (‘Howie) and he got some action as a bonus. After he left, she was back to not knowing the first thing about making deals. Period.

          1. Lets assume what you say is true about Candice. She got action from Howie. Lets try explaining Amanda. Amanda makes a pass for Howard that he turns down. McCrae says there is nothing like a woman scorn. McCrae is to scared to get out of this evil relationship. However, Amanda never recovered from Howard saying no. But lets continue….Amanda gives hand j#bs, bl%w j&bs. and mounts McCrae all within on week. Now that’s a great player. LOL! If it wasn’t for McCrae calming Amanda down and watching her back….you could say Amanda would of been gone now.

            Was Candice the only female that jumped in bed with someone. Lets see, there was Kait and Jeremy, Gina and Nick, Jessie and Judd, Aaryn and David, and least we forget Amanda and McCrae. However, you make it seem like a negative that Candice and Howie might of hooked up. LOL!

            You don’t have to like Candice or her game, but at least be consistent with your flawed logic. Because most of single women in this house have hooked up. Only Elissa and Helen have not hooked up…and they are married.

    2. Jury starts when there are nine people left. That means seven people vote. That also means there is one more evicted after Candice, then jury starts.

  3. As per the BB15 announcement the double eviction and 9 jury could land Candice then Aaryn in the same house? Alone? BB15 officially starts in jury.

  4. since aaryn rocked practice, look for demanda and her minions to reverse that stance about not trusting/deciding to try and use her again.

    hopefully aaryn won’t fall for it though.

    and ugh. i have to root for aaryn now? 🙁

    1. I am definitely rooting for Aaryn because I do think with just a tiny bit of negotiations they can get her to put Amanda on the block. Her face during that competition were Amanda was going beserk was just total horror and she does not like Candice. All Candice had to of done at the end of that competition was sit down and of talked with Aaryn and Amanda’s butt would of been toast!

      1. Who is going to get her to put Amanda up? As it stands, Jessie is the only one interested in seeing Amanda leave.

  5. Google “Big Brother 15 rigged” and a former employee released a FB message telling everyone that Amanda will win it and that CBS scripts the show.

    1. by that logic it means that Amanda definitely won’t win because if it was rigged big brother wouldn’t want people to know it’s rigged so they would have to make her lose.

  6. simon and dawg,

    do either of you have an email for discussing website stuff? i have a couple ideas to run by you to maybe add to the place.

  7. LovinG tonight’s McCrae DR Amanda bashing sessions!!!! Wouldn’t it be epic if he becomes the person to “flip” and vote her out???? Scratch through drywall vs. vote her out!!! A girl can dream *le sigh*

    1. that would be amazing… and just to put the icing on the cake, he should hook up with Jessie once she’s out.

  8. Simon, does this site have anything to do with CBS? Are they employing you or influencing the post that make it on this site?

    1. It’s just finally a truthful edit…Amanda is a bully and bitch and she is FINALLY being portrayed that way. Unfortunately they didn’t air everything she said to Candice during the veto comp to really show her true colors…she is disgusting and I hope she gets the boot.

      1. Are you kidding me how much uglier could Amanda of gotten. I mean she is one scarey “woman”. I understand why all the other house guests stay away from her and are scared of going after her. I mean did you see all of their faces? McCrae, Aaryn, Helen, Andy, Elissa, Judd were in total disgust and horror the more she opened her mouth. She is one ugly person inside and out. I mean seriously she is delusional and she is a Racist Satan. She needs a lot of mental help!

        1. She told Candice that Howard wanted to stick his c**k in her mouth, not Candice’s…and this is after a week of pretending to everybody else that she feared Howard was going to rape her in the house. Funny but I don’t know many women who would brag that somebody they saw as a rapist wanted to f**k them. Call me crazy.

          Production is still protecting Amanda, but when she shows her true colors during moments that have to make the CBS show, she ties production’s hands.

  9. Demanda getting a terrible edit. Pretty clear Rachelissa is STILL production’s pet, not Demanda. Sorry, Cat People.

  10. Yeah this episode is for the people who said the game is rigged for Amanda.Wooo she has a horrible edit today haha

    1. It doesn’t matter how they portrayed her tonight, if the MVP is over. In fact, if it is, I would bet they are thinking that the joke is on us, since we would no longer be able to nominate her.

  11. after that veto comp the whole house (ok jessie not) still protecting amanda. crazy, crazy world!! these are fools.

    1. Elissa wants to vote Amanda out and keep Cancice. Helen keeps threatening her., she will be all alone.

    2. They are all scared to death of her. Heck I would send myself home if I was in that house with Amanda. She is a sociopath!! She is one terrifying human and those guys were terrified to tell her they would not take her off the block if she won, and then she goes insane and yelling at McCrae and wants Aaryn to be all happy that they would use it on her. Is she total nuts or what. McCrae got it then tried to explain it to her and she went nuts on him. They are terrified of her, and cannot say that I blame any of them!!

  12. This years cast shows that productions casting criteria was poor sports, racists and damn fools…….well done production……if amanda is here next weekend there is no doubt its rigged,,,,funny how arryn isnt as racist anymore as the season progresses …..production has probably picked winner already.

    1. if you read the feeds your commenting on you would know that Amanda is not going anywhere and why…just because someone you don’t like sticks around doesn’t mean the show is rigged.

    2. Come on Amanda makes Aaryn look like a saint. There is no comparison of the two but wow you do not see one thing about Amanda on TMZ. Amanda is sick, sick, sick and scarey!

    3. “funny how arryn isnt as racist anymore as the season progresses”

      People are actually mad about this? I’m applauding her newfound restraint. At least she’s actually trying to learn from her mistakes while others (i.e. Demanda) just spiral further out of control.

    1. Feeling more and more sorry for McCrae…….would YOU want to bed down with that bully b……? She has bigger ba….s then he does……….

      1. Jessie is like half a person, not completely aware of anything. She pouts like a child.
        And she’s a complete moron.

  13. Watching tonight’s show… WHY is CBS always choosing Amanda to make comments like we need her to explain (her take on) what is happening?? Notice they didn’t include her crude remarks about Howard’s ****. Once again, an incomplete edit. WHY won’t these fools just VOTE HER OUT???? If Candice has to go first, let Amanda go second. What a week in the jury house would that be?!

      1. Something to the effect that Howard wanted to do Amanda and not Candice, but in very vulgar terms. Simon, can you cite the exact post? I will look and see if I can find it. It messed with Candice’s head and made her doubt Howie’s character.

        1. But did you hear Howard’s explanation of his comment. It’s obvious that
          that was exactly what he said. Candice was a whiney complainer the
          whole time he was there, why would he want her.

          1. Yes, I heard it, but I repeat: NO ONE heard what he said. Go back and listen to Jeff’s interview. I hope he challenges her on it at the finale. I don’t believe anything that comes out of her mouth.

  14. love all these amanda and mccrae fights on tv tonight. hopefully they find themselves on the block together… so i can see more fights. hah.

  15. Amanda makes me sick. She is such a mean person and a bully. I wish the HGs would open their eyes to how abusive she really is.

  16. REALLY DON’T WANT AARYN TO WIN A 3RD HOH!!! That means Jessie will go home asap and the house will be down to scum

    1. I don’t want Aaryn to win HOH either. BUT if she wins the first HOH of the night there are two chances I might not mind it. If it lasts only 15
      minutes within which she nominates Amanda and McCrae and orchestrates Amanda’s boot from the house then. Then someone else gets the HOH for the week. I will be totally fine with an arrangement like that

  17. Well Elissa made it to jury so she will win. Which is cool I guess. I’ll believe it’s rigged when the twist start coming to save Amanda from Eviction. If she wins, I will never watch BB again, and I’ve been watching since Season 1. Seems like we’ve come such a long way since then. It will be a sad parting but I’m not gonna put up with any blatant favoritism on Amanda’s part, she’s just as bad as Aaryn and they both should have never made jury as far as I’m concerned.

    Oh and on a side note… WHERE THE FUCK IS ZIGBOT!!!!!

    1. Sorry, but Amanda and Aaryn’s names do not need to be mentioned in the same breath. As awful as the comments were from Gina Marie and the use of the N word, or anything that Aaryn has said none of it comes close to the hatred and pure ugly that came from Amanda Zuckerman tonight. She is in a category all her own.

      1. Plus Aaryn’s actually making an effort to be less ignorant, whereas Demanda and Gina Marie spew more vile shit by the week and Candice proves to be no better.

  18. CBS had no other choice showing amanda true colors because they dont want to cause their show viewers … Not only is amanda estupid lol but slow no wonder she keeps getting nominated because of her attitude her nasty behaviour … REAL TALK in my macrea voice amnada mouth will always get her in trouble …. YET macrea HAS GIVEN HER MANY HINTS tone it down stop the drama … Macrea said amanda behaviour is like his ex girlfriends i really dont think they will last outside this house … Amanda wears the pants in this relations,,,, showmance she cant take the passenger side … I am glad macrea give her A reality check ….AND that shinqua comment holy shit i will never root for amanda she has shown us who she really is hope she is nominated again as MVP that would drive her crazy ….

  19. McCrae is fed up with his “big brother bride”, I hope we get a showmance breakup this season, I never seen one before. He doesn’t need her anymore, everyone in the house loves him, if he makes it to final 2, the votes will e unanimous in his favor.

  20. Everyone has been preoccupied hating on Amanda. The real evils this season has flown under the radar unnoticed .

    Evil probably isn’t the best word I just find them annoying

          1. helen may have voted for mitt instead of barack, but somebody said she’s into L. RON hubbard!!!!

            if her control freak impulses resemble the cult phase rapid expansion of the movement, i cannot

            blame ancient hoary elephant opines or glib glitteratii donkeysnark for her Napoleonic impulses…

            L.RON was controversial in his day. if helen is actually the group’s celeb who is akin to tom cruise

            or john travolta, and if her rich fantasy~life is found inside BATTLEFIELD EARTH most abundantly…

            we must sit back and wait for part two of the fabled double eviction with a divine wise patience!!!!

  21. If any of the racists, misogynists, pervs, etc. wins this show they’ll need that prize money for round the clock security. Poetic justice!

  22. New Pandora’s box idea: They show her a picture of Nick and reset button. GM goes into the room and sees a card with the reset button. She must rename two nominees and the MVP must name another one. The rest of the house gets to spend a day with Nick.

    1. @ TMC I was with you until you said MVP must chose another nominee. No thanks, we like the one we have lol

    1. She did? I don’t know if that would be true. I doubt they would use the same twist idea two years in a row with the reset..

      But then again we were suffocated with returning players..

  23. Spencer expelled by tomorrow morning for his comments. Candice goes first. Judd or Aryn second then they bring back Jeremy or Howard to replace Spencer. Jeremy would be cool because he had the balls to go after Amanda or Helen. If this scenario doesn’t happen then I will be finished for the rest of the season! No Pandora’s box yet.?? They are saving it for Aryn or Amanda’s HOH….. 🙁

    1. Are you serious? There is not doubt that Aaryn would for me. Amanda was just beyond hate and this women works with people. Aaryn comments not nice but no way no how are they remotely in the same category as Amanda. Amanda is a horrible human bully bigot racist who just is filled with hate for all not just Candice. She went after McCrae, Spencer, Judd, Aaryn, Jessie and anyone else that does not do what she says. She is frightening just to watch. I cannot imagine these people being stuck in this house with Amanda. I would be terrified as the woman is a total NUT.

  24. omg if aaryn wins another hoh half of me will die.

    and the other half will be somewhat satisfied considering (ALL PERSONAL FEELINGS ASIDE) she at least has a head on her shoulders (which contains a bad mouth) but strategically, she’s doing ok and is 10x better the Demanda.

    But would that be the HoH tomorrow, or after the second person is evicted? Because wouldn’t they have to concentrate so the ball doesnt fall off? And during DE they usually go really fast. It would take some time because everyone would go slow and steady. Right?

  25. Tonight’s veto episode was both annoying and entertaining…..I don’t get Amanda. She must really think that everyone is playing this game for her. I felt bad for McCrae….she is definitely messing with his game. When will this showmance dissolve with Amanda’s eviction? Only time will tell…..

    1. She truly believes her personality is normal and everyone likes her, counseling should be at the top of her to-do list after the show is over.

  26. “…they start to comment about how it sucks if Candice makes it to jury because so few of them have gotten to know her.”

    …Gee, ya don’t say?!!! House full of douchecanoes, I swear! It’s not like you’ve had plenty of time and opportunities!!

  27. I love amanda <3333333333333333
    I do not agree with those things she said to Candy…
    But hey….
    I'm not going to change loyalties based off what a person says. Everyone is trash in that house in their own way. I'm gunna stick with someone getting the work done

    1. I completely agree. She’s the only one keeping the game interesting.
      Why are they putting people in the game who don’t know how to play it.

  28. In my perfect world once julie annouces thats they have made it to jury and that its a double eviction, someone will say just evict amanda and send her packing!

    1. Helen would go into overdrive with the OK,OK, You Know, You Know.

      Elissa would talk about production like crazy, and how special she is.

      Spencer would be his vile self while raiding the fridge.

      Amanda and McCrae would only leave the bed to raid the fridge, make a pizza, then head right back. No change

      Judd, ok he’ll stay the same.

      Jessie will try and rape Judd, to his horror.

      GM would hallucinate and think Nick really likes her and wants to marry her, and is right beyond the “exit door”.

      Aaryn would continue to be delusional about the way she was acting, not much change.

      Weed wouldn’t bring much entertainment to this house. Now COCAINE on the other hand? Holy Shit

      1. It would be nice to throw Rick James up in this bitch w/ a full on coke buffet. That would really get things poppin off. Might hurt Judd though b/c he seems to have a hard enough time to get his thing up when Aaryn or Jessie flirt w/ him. Helen would talk everyone to death though, us live feeders would have a nervous breakdown for all the houseguests then.

    2. opps forgot about Andy

      Andy would jump into conversations at an alarming rate getting himself exposed as a weasel.

  29. They need to evict Amanda & if she is still in the house after the double eviction then the show is rigged someone in the house needs to grow some balls & put her out & CBS if you rigged this show & scripted how its going to play out you suck

  30. racism and Homophobia does not fall under the expect the unexpected category. As a gay man that has watched the show for years, none of this crap is new. Even is Season 2, coments made by Mike Boogie about Bunky. Russel being called a Terrorist on the show. Rachael saying what she did to Regan. Erica calling Jee a gook. the list goes on and on. It is Season 15, I can say that by now I would expect if I was Gay or a person of color. It outrages you, but most of it comes from a lack of knowledge and outrage just shuts people ears and does nothing to educate the person about how what they said is wrong.

    I also hate to say this but, the injured parties and people around them do nothing to help when Candice and Howard told GM “No, we don’t think you are racist.” or when people told Aaryn “No, you are not racist. I never thought that” i.e. Helen. None of them seem to understand that they should just tell Aaryn and GM ” These comments hurt me and everyone else because…” .or “I realize that your intent was not to attack people on a racial level, but, your comments (give examples) can be perceived as being racist and I feel hurt by them.” No one in that house did that. So complicity becomes a confirmation that the behavior is not wrong. It could have been brought to Aaryn Gm or whoever instead, backhanded gossip was the form of information.

    CBS is mostly to blame for handling this all wrong. They supply psychiatrist, therapist and other medical staff. they should be able to supply a counselor trained in how to approach this matter. Sit the house guests down bring in counselor have the discussion on the live feeds or TV. Don’t just educate the house guests but a lot of other people in the process. That would be the most honest and beneficial way of dealing with the matter.

    1. CBS can do that after the game is over, it is a good thing for America to see. Many people will change their behavior because of what’s happening this season.

    2. I so enjoyed reading your post and you are 100 percent correct. It is just that Aaryn at least not sure about GM does not get it that comments like that hurt and should not be said. I too blame CBS because it would of been simple to explain it and CBS is also to blame for the lies Spencer told and not correcting them. I mean I understand ratings but wow CBS had a chance to educate and then took the slime road instead of the high road!

  31. Spencer: “What kinda name is Nakomis”
    JUDD: “Some type of name she made up”
    McCrae says Nakomis means a moon
    JUDD: ‘She’s a lunatic”

    LOL! Funny, because “lunatic” essentially means “moonstruck” (or cuckoo-crazy). After watching tonight’s epi, I don’t think it would be too far off an idea if Candice and Jessie at least tried to talk to McCrea about voting Amanda out.

  32. Spencer: I can’t wait till jury because I’ve had practice in the past.. I thought it was gonna be boring but I met a really pretty girl.

    I keep trying to overlook the fact she hacked her family to death.

  33. If the reset button comes into play, I’m sure it will be after the DE. Maybe perhaps the first two sent to jury will go back into the game. Which could cause all kinds of drama. Fun stuff.

  34. would love to see both Amanda & Helen on block against each other then the 3rd nomination as Aaryn. Now THAT would really reveal who is in who’s camp.

  35. Such BS that these houseguests call Nakomis a “lunatic.” Yeah, she’s a luanatic all right, being the person to orchestrate and discover the first backdoor and the reason for drawing those chips. It disgusts me how these houseguests know so little about the game

  36. Half-way party? so that means the house knows that it’s jury? We’re in for some good times tonight

  37. On my phone so didn’t want to read all the comments but what if they’re playing for the right to be MVP during double elimination?

  38. Couple things

    1. For the love of all things Holy, please do not let Aaryn get HOH! I would gag myself. Though she does seem to be using her own brain a little more. But I doubt she’d make a big move.

    2. Was the reset button only last season? I didn’t watch last season so can someone explain to me briefly how that works? Or how it did last season anyway. Thanks!

    3. I GET the Amanda hate. I GET IT. Buuuut, thinking game, wouldn’t it be smart to want to have her be in the house longer? Obviously she has a lot of enemies and loses her temper easily. She hasn’t won a damn thing…yet. As long as you’re not on her bad side and she’s not gunning for you, it would be the smart move to keep her. That’s who I’d want in final 2. Not many people would vote for her in jury. Get out the more likable/smarter people like McCrae/Judd/Jessie. That sort of thing. But they are all dumb this season, I know.

  39. Dude Nakomis is one of my all time favorite houseguest!!! Along with Maggie who won season 5. Those were the days…

  40. Amanda is getting a “good edit”. She got the villainous edit. AG knows she is not America’s sweetheart this year like she may have wanted her to be. So now she is the person we all love to hate giving her the opportunity to bring her back in future seasons. Like look at all of us on the site. Brought together to hate one individual. Rather than rooting for a favorite this year we are drawn to despise a person hoping each week she gets booted. It has us on the edge of our seat. I consider her like Russell Hantz. Manipulating and bullying causing her to be polarizing. Some just hate her. And some love to hate her.

  41. Last season some Big BB names where brought in to “coach” the housegeusts and they would win money if one of their 3 houseguest won the game. After like 4 weeks or so they gave the coaches the opportunity to hit the reset button and join the game as players. It was Mike Boogie, Dan, Brittany, and Janelle.

  42. I am totally confused. Did Amanda just throw Aaryn Nation under the bus to Guidette Marie? Now you know that Guidette will go and tell Aaryn Nation; Aaryn will go ballastic and then tell Helen she is voting to evict Amanda (if there is a God or some sort of Spiritual Leader). Tonight and tomorrow should be extremely interesting or at least entertaining.

    1. I hope so. Knew there was good in Aaryn and hope it goes just like that. Aaryn wins HOH and puts that racist bigot biotch up and she goes home. That would be some good watching, and Aaryn would be a hero. Just would feel worried for poor Candice stuck in Jury with that biotch. Production would get extra security or maybe they could just send Amanda home!!!

  43. I swear this season the twist is who is the worst person. I swear each week it becomes who is the worst person more first couple weeks its Aaryn and GM, and Jeremy. Then Amanda now to Spencer. I just read what he said about kids, needless to say those comments were sick and disturbing. They really should try casting a belter set of people, it is hard to root for anyone in this cast. I think the nicest person got voted out week one.

  44. I’m sure the reset only means to MVP is over LIKE last year the COACHES thing was over. Wish it would be that the HOH gets to put up 3 people for eviction. That would be AWESOME entertainment.

  45. I think McCrae will end up getting Amanda out of the house. He’s tired of having to defend someone who picks so many fights. But he needs someone else to be the point person on it.

  46. I am going to wish really hard that McCrae has enough of Amanda and orchestrates her backdoor eviction for the second competition tomorrow. I think enough people don’t like Amanda but are afraid to make that big move but if it were orchestrated by McCrae, they would jump at the chance. Fingers are crossed!!!!

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