POV Holder: | Next POV | Aug 24th | |
POV Used | POV Ceremony | Aug 26th | |
HOH Winner: | Elissa | Next HOH: | Aug 29th |
Original Nominations: | |||
Current Nominations: | Last Evicted Houseguest | David, Nick, Jeremy, Kaitlin, Howard, Candice, Jessie. Helen | |
Have Nots |
9:00pm Bedroom JUDD, Andy, Amanda, McCrae , Aaryn, Specner
JUDD talking about the eviction process. Says he never really had time to talk Game with the other evicted houseguests. JUDD adds he was very surprised to see Helen got evicted he thought it would have been Spencer.
Amanda asks him about the post eviction interview JUDD says it only takes 5 minutes (not the one with Julie chen)
They are all confused why Jessie said ‘F*** you Amanda” after she slipped off the platform during the competition. JUDD always thought she was mad at Elissa and Helen
Aaryn:” How does it feel to have Helen out and you back in”
JUDD: “awesome” she says he didn’t care about winning the HOH he only cared about getting back into the game.
9:08 Storage room JUDD and Aaryn
Aaryn telling him she felt horrible for 3 days after he left.. She explains that “They” told her she was next if she didn’t put JUDD up. JUDD: “I Know”
9:14pm Lots of little side conversations going on
Spencer asks JUDD if there’s flying cars on the outside yet
Amanda:’ I started to cry it hurt so bad when it hit my b**b.. I thought it had popped”
Andy: ‘Those balls hurt”
9:17pm Elissa and JUDD
JUDD says he felt bad for not hugging Elissa.
Elissa:” I didn’t want you to go”
JUDD: “I’m starting with a clean slate I don’t have any Allies”
Elissa: “So you are good to vote out who I put up”
JUDD:” Anyone.. I don’t care”
Elissa: “Who do you think I will put up”
JUDD: “Aaryn”
Elissa: “So you are not mad at Amanda and MCCrea”
JUDD: “I’m starting fresh”
Elissa: “I don’t like anyone in here.. i’m so excited”
JUDD:” I’m still in shock.. I need my clothes I forgot how dirty it is around here”
9:22pm Amanda and Aaryn
Amanda tells her they have to tell JUDD getting him out was all Helen.
Amanda says she totally forgets what she told JUDD in his goodbye message..
Big Brother 15 N*de flashback times here
really hoping for demanda/mcpussy to be nominated, with andy as a replacement if needed
I sctually hope she puts up amanda and aryan so that when aryan saves herself she nominates mcpussy
I really hope she puts up amanda and mccrae cus if she puts up aaryn aaryn is gone. I hated elissa and aaryn in the beggining but now I hope they team up and start beasting competitions channel that rachel elissa and get andy amanda and mccrae out of here.
you just said aryan is a beast, there’s no doubt she will save herself, this way she can backdoor mcpussy, unless of course McPussy wins and saves A-man-duh! (hoping this doesn’t happen) so one of them will leave(hopefully A-man-Duh!)
I Love It, I Love It. Elissa You Go Girl!!
Omg I’m cracking up here. Whoever came up with the name Mcpussy is brilliant. Can’t stop laughing
No, you know what’s gonna even better then that? Is when mcpussy reads his new moniker. I mean its everywhere too. On every big brother site, facebook, twitter, etc. That will definitely make him think twice about keeping demanda around. Unless he really has no self respect.
No. She needs to put up Amanda and Mc. Because otherwise if hes not on the block he can win Veto and save them both. Then If either one comes down you put up Aryan. That way you get Ginamarie to vote out who evers let up against her. Dont worry about The snake Andy. Because once the Mcstinky’s are split up..he’ll be running around like a chicken w/no head. JUDD and Spencer need to hook up w/her and get rid of them. I have a feeling where ever JUDD goes…Aryan will follow….
PLEASE…hg…think…we’ve tried..Julie’s tried..Jessie tried…to tell you something..please get rid of the most gross house guest ever!
Great scenario. 100% Amanda is nominated. 100% she stays nominated because she’s terrible at winning any HOH or POV challenge. Elissa will also be gunning for little snitch, Andy, or MC. It’s over for that crew. If And wins POV so much the better. McAmanda is done.
If Elissa nominates McCranda, and Andy as a substitute, their strong alliance will be broken. They can’t say they don’t have the votes to evict them because they can only choose between them only. So goodbye $%%^^&**!!!
I cannot wait till everyone turns on Amanda! I really hope if she’s on the block before eviction someone uses the line “i’m voting with the house!” hopefully meaning they are taking her out. Who knew I’d be rooting for Elissa and gm lol
I read somewhere that Elissa told Amanda that she wants to put up McCrae and Aaryn and hopes that Aaryn leaves. That’s a big mistake, she should put McCrae and Amanda with Andy as a back up. Amanda is saying to put up Aaryn and Gina Marie. Elissa saying she doesn’t want to put up Gina Marie. Amanda is a horrible person. Everytime someone wins HOH she dictates who goes up. She should win HOH herself and then decide who goes up. I hope they get Demanda out of the house next Thursday, if not McCrae or then Gossip Boy Andy. Enough is enough, I hope Elissa is the first HOH not to be afraid of Demanda!!!
I think Elissa won’t resist putting up Aaryn… But I also think she tell’s Amanda what she wants to ear for now. Plus Aaryn is so good at comps, i bet she’ll win that veto and take herself off. THEN Amanda goes up! I wish so much!
I def think she might put up Aaryn and Amanda. I mean did anyone else hear her tell Judd about a made up alliance between Helen Amanda and Aaryn to get him out lol
Elissa put McCrae and Aaryn up and think that was a brilliant move. Now if ether one gets the veto and uses it she can back door Amanda and she can break up the McCrae/Amanda duo which needs to be done. She says she is gunning for Aaryn but I hope that is just a smoke screen to cover her real plan. What ever happens she will be eliminating a key player this week and will do serious damage to the power in the house.
You fools can keep on hating I’m taking this 500K!
I don’t know why this is down voted. I mean, it’s AMANda’s VAGINa. It’s clearly meant to be funny….and it is!
I think getting rid of Aaryn won’t be the best move right now. Even though she’s good a competitions and has a chance of winning next week’s HOH, Elissa would lose GM as a possible ally which Elissa needs. Getting rid of Amanda causes only McCrae and Andy to really go after Elissa.. and we all know how dangerous those two are 😉
Yay Elissa Helen quit the comp so did Candice what a waste and fans were routing for them that’s so annoying jessie was trying but slipped
No you get rid of aryan nation! You get rid of her and you get rid of 3ams powerhouse(so much for thinking kaitlin was the better competitor). 1. They now can only on mccrae in comps and with demanda around mcpussy is still pussy whipped and sucks at comps 3. 2am would replace elissa as their new Beast, while she backdoors them in the process 4. getting rid of amanda not only fuels mcpussys fire(and now she has two ppl going beast mode) but now aryan and mccrae will definitely target elissa and get her out since they will have votes; at least she can work with them and andy likes her too 5. Gm doesn’t really like aryan as much anymore, so elissa can build a side alliance with her, judd, and spencer.
Apologize for the confusion this response was meant for the comment above elissa fan’s.
I read on another site Candice realized and told Judd he would last longer (ABSOLUTELY TRUE) and jumped
If Elissa smart she will cut a deal with Aaryn (the Adderall queen she will win the next hoh) not to put her up next week ,then put Amanda ( she can’t win anything) with Andy (the rat face rim gobbler) then if either win the veto put McCrae as a paw.
it’s hilarious to watch Amanda/mcrae… scramble with their lil rat brother Andy… strategizing…about how to avoid the block…lol…..those 3 won’t get any sleep tonight..lol… I’m loving this…..
Oh I have been WAITING for this HOH. Go Elissa!!!!
Spencer asks JUDD if there’s flying cars on the outside yet
Elissa: “So you are not mad at Amanda and MCCrea”
JUDD: “I’m starting fresh”
As expected, Judd is right back to sheeping for Demanda and McPussy. Shocker! This is why the returning houseguest twist was lame.
I think Judd said that “fresh start) just to play it safe until he can see who is truly aligned with who.
I don’t think Judd is that smart.
That is why I did not want Judd back in the house. Nice guy, but easy for Amanda and Andy to manipulate.
Ya thankfully he didn’t win hoh. But I have a feeling Elissa might be convinced by Mcmanda/Andy to put up Aaryn/GM or Aaryn/Spencer…..i really hope i’m wrong!
Of all the people to not win HOH of course Botox duck lips pulls a rabbit out of her ass. I’m not sure how but I wouldn’t be surprised if the end result was rigged. I mean how convenient that Spencer, Andy, and McCrae were the first to drop. Really? Anyway, you better take your best shot this week you gold digging fake because next week you can’t play for HOH and it will be you heading to the jury house. That is if course unless production puts in a special power that you coincidentally win. Which is what will probably happen. This week is going to be miserable watching all the attention be on you, the way you like it, and seeing everyone kissing your ass. But at least they will be stabbing you in the back out of your sight and planning your demise.
Wtf, if elissa is the queen of stuck up what’s that make aryan, the empress of stuck u?I guess its still rigged when they are shooting random balls in the air. Did u see the focus in elissa’s eyes? That’s the first time I saw the tiger in her eyes all season. Well I guess she really is rachels sister. She just needed a fire under her ass. Its a good thing for her that helen left. Now she’s determined. I wouldn’t be surprised if she goes beast mode from now on. But to be honest I don’t even care if she wins; I just want to see her get aryan out. I can’t wait for that interview with the Chenbot.
Wtf, if elissa is the queen of stuck up what’s that make aryan, the empress of stuck u?I guess its still rigged when they are shooting random balls in the air. Did u see the focus in elissa’s eyes? That’s the first time I saw the tiger in her eyes all season. Well I guess she really is rachels sister. She just needed a fire under her ass. Its a good thing for her that helen left. Now she’s determined. I wouldn’t be surprised if she goes beast mode from now on. But to be honest I don’t even care if she wins; I just want to see her get aryan out. I can’t wait for that interview with the Chenbot.
Elissa should of been disqualified her feet came off the platform!! RIGGED!!!
I’m not sure how you can say it was rigged, when Amanda was the only one that didn’t seem to get as wet as the others. The water seemed to be aimed directly at the others face. Amanda was only getting wet in the side mostly. As for Spencer McCrae and Andy falling, so did Jessie and she was doing well so I guess you think that was rigged also. Spencer McCrae, and Andy didn’t have many balls, and at the rate they were throwing them they probably wouldn’t have won even if they stayed on the blocks.
I was actually happy with the HOH result – finally a shakeup in be house I hope. I think it wasn’t hitting Amanda’s face because she’s so tall – could be wrong though- she’s got like four inches on both Elissa and GM. As for rigging – not saying it was or wasn’t – but you could rig the direction and speed the balls were shot. Like some could come more directly to a person or it could come at an angle so they had to reach. And I don’t even care if it was cheating or not – Elissa’s super hero hangon was so badass that I can’t complain.
Exactly….. so why did all you fools vote for him to return on the poll. On this site so many complaints about how boring it is and you want a shake up but then you want someone back in the game who doesn’t have any backbone and is quite happy on riding McCranda’s coattails.
Last I checked America didnt pick who comes back..
what was the better choice?
Candice the quitter? She quit when Spencer fell off the log in the bull and china shop challenge. I think she quit tonight when Helen fell off.
Helen and her Mom and America speeches? She would just get tricked by Andy again.
Jessie? Everyone makes fun of her. She has no friends in the house. As you seen tonight she cant win anything.
I Said on the POLL….. and yes I think any of the others would have been better. Jessie being the best as she has a backbone!!!!
I agree with you I wish Jessie won
Right? It would have been so much more dramatic if helen woulda came back but that challenge was tailored for him over the girls. If it is so called “rigged” as allthese ppl claim, you think it would be tailored more for helen; like a puzzle or trivia. Cause that would have helped elissas cause. Cause we all know its rigged for her (sarcasm for you dimwits who will respond with “Its not rigged…”)
Don’t look at me I voted for DAWG!
Please, can we get an ACTUAL power move and put up amanda and mcrae? I mean cmon, this is becoming bb canada again where the love couple owns the season :/
I hear ya! But it seems that Elissa still has Aaryn in her crosshairs. She just lied to Judd that there was a secret girls alliance between Aaryn, Helen and Amanda that had been working for weeks to evict him. She obviously wants him to target Amanda and Aaryn, and McCrae is not even on her radar.
If she is smart she will put up McRae and Amanda to avoid one of them not being on the block, winning veto and saving the other one. But I wouldn’t put her past her to put up Amanda and Aaryn initially, because her emotions can get the best of her, and she’ll just put up the two she can’t stand.
We’ll see!!
Lookit them bitches, scrambling faster than a pan fulla shaky eggs!!!
It’s suck for Amanda doesn’t it, I would love to see Aaryn or Amanda face that Elissa would put up both of them.
I hope Elissa puts Amanda and McRae together, not Aaryn. If one of them gets veto then put Andy. The three stooges has to be broken up.
I think Elissa should put up Aaryn too because in the long run Aaryn will put Elissa up the following week! Think about it…Elissa cant compete in the next HOH so Aaryn will nominate Elissa next week. As much as we despise Amanda….Aaryn is NOT a plus for Elissa’s game!
elissa will put up aaryn and mc. so either one gets off and andy or amanda go up and there goes 3am & 2am out the door
NO Aaryn !… you tell Judd it was ALL Amanda and you get her out !
“Amanda tells her they have to tell JUDD getting him out was all Helen.
Amanda says she totally forgets what she told JUDD in his goodbye message.. ”
This is HILARIOUS.. she don’t know that he knows it was her… This week is the entertainment I’ve been waiting for.
HE probably doesn’t even remember it was her. He has a “clean slate” now so he’s back to being a Demanda sheep.
She didn’t leave him a message, it was a double eviction. no messages were made for the evicted house guest. 🙂
They left a goodbye message.. the audience doesn’t get to see it!
How so? It was a double eviction that that they didn’t know about. Why would they be leaving Judd a goodbye message?
They had them all go in after the double evict and RE-record the Candice messages because they
did not know prior to her eviction that she was in jury.
At that time they also has them actually record them for Judd also, because there was no way to
know before the double eviction that they HAD to record any messages for JUDD (no one knew
about the DE)
I really hope Ellisa puts up McCranda up!
Judd better put his Smart Boy Pants on
but something tells me he’ s going to fall
right back into the CULT OF SATANDA
Ellisa winning HOH was amazing.
The game of BB has officially begun…
let’s hope Aaryn, Rat Face Andy or McCranda
is shown the front door next week!
LOL I HAVE SOOOOO MANY THINGS to say!!!!! This week’s game will be who can throw someone under the bus the best!!!! Elissa was a freaking Ninja Beast in that comp! It makes me sick how MCranda thinks they can control Elissa’s nom! To the members of 3am……I really hope y’all have an uncomfortable week cause y’all gonna be throwing each other left and right!!!! And as Rachel would say…..FLOATERS GRAB A LIFE VEST!!!
Amanda trying to pin it ALL on Helen…..puh lease!!!! Judd better NOT embarrass me and he better KNOW Amanda had a HUGE part in his eviction!!! I love it!!! They are all doing damage control haha! JUDD better figure out Amanda is still lying to him and get her out!
I realize Elissa still has to “play the game” so to speak, but wouldn’t it be wonderful if when The Red Queen and McCrae walk into the HOH room and The Red Queen possessively plops onto Elissa’s bed, Elissa says to them, “Get off of my bed!” I’d also love for her to throw Stoolie the Toad out of the room when she is having conversations with other houseguests and tells him, “This is a PRIVATE conversation.” I know it won’t happen; but I can dream.
I agree! If I was HOH and Amanda was sitting on my bed….I would be like “Get your stinking dirty yeast infection underwear off my bed!!!!!!” Although she does have to “play the game!”
Elissa will not allow Mcnasty to vacation on her HOH bed.
Amen! Im so sick of watching Amanda walk into the HOH and act like it is all her. I hope she does tell them to get off and out of her room. Pleae Please nominate Amanda and McCray. Andy as backup.
Amanda has to go though she has such evil eyes.
No more OK no more You Knows
Don’t forget lots more of “mmmmmmhmmmmuhhhhh” and begging production for more perks. After all, they gave her the freaking HOH competition she asked for, bet she’ll demand a Pandora’s Box or Diamond POV next.
She almost fell numerous times but she made amazing saves! You running out of reasons to hate on her because she is an actual competitor!!!
Hey Simon, is Elissa still in a final two deal with Allison G? Which one of that power couple will decide this weeks noms?
Simon remember that on week one Everyone was against Elissa and this Ok Ok Helen was the only one who came to the room tocomfort her and that is how they bonded. I just saw video on the Jury comps clearly a hand pushed Helen right foot as her right leg moved then saw a hand behind her spot before and after she fell. Guess they BB wanted Judd to come back instead Helen.
Please Elissa don’t play personal (Aaryn) play smart and get rid of Amanda and McCrae!!!!!!!
AARYN going up is still a plus for Elissa! Aaryn will put her up regardless……Aaryn can win comps too….cause of her freaking Aderall!!!
Why can’t Amanda win comps because of her freaking Adderall?
ADerall is an enhancing drug…..without it…Amanda would be last place but now she gets third place at compel….cause she sucks so much the drug doesn’t effect her…..although I’m not trying to be mean but I saw on this site that the drug is less effective on “bigger” ppl like Amanda….and she doesn’t take much
Because you need to have natural logical, coordination, concentration or memory skills FIRST! Then Aderrall increases it!! And here, i let you thinks about Amanda “naturals skills”… I don’t even need to comment about those, otherwise, i’ll risk a kind of vocabulary that i do not consider as “to be a skill” for myself…
This season bored me alot for the past few weeks. But that permit some people in the house to suprisely “arise” on an unexpected shinyer side (here i’m talking about GM! Even though her being nice to Helen and Elissa, I think she really opens herself to know them better and got suprised). Hopefully, this special arising will keep hitting Elissa’s (after two glorious wins!) mind and reach Judd at the same time… If Judd allies with the girls, he could have a chance, all the jurors really liking him…
* being nice to Helen and Elissa was srategical at first, …
That is what Helen told her do not nominate GM and Aryan. Elissa will not nominate GM but I hope she puts up MccManda and backdoor Andy if one wins veto as payback for being a RAT.
If judd goes to Amanda and mcrae hes stupid. I don’t understand why no one will get them out they only have 2 votes (considering one of them is on) also considering aaron backdoors. Aaron had a good oppurtuinity to take her out, but she didn’t because Amanda is “scary” hopefully judd does not do this. If he does im really done with big brother .-.
Elissa,please don.t screw this up.
Hope beyond hope Judd doesn’t get disoriented by the overpowering stench of the houses remaining HG B.S. Elissa, grab a pair and get out there and fight, fight, fight!
finally, the BB gods have answered, get rid of mcreepy aMANduh or andy,
IF elisa does not put up Amanda -_-
What a piece of crap. It’s Judd, he’s McCranda’s sheep. At least Elissa won HOH.
3AM is prob going to take a hit this week, but I think Elissa is potentially unstable, heres hoping she puts McManda up…
Anyone but JUDD!!! I so know he will go with Mc and Spenser. Ellissa needs to put up Mc/Am and the replacement will be Andy. She needs to make a deal with AA and Gm. Please Ellissa make the right deals. This is her one opportunity to make real deals. Amanda needs to go. Fricken Judd is up to no good again, we really never know where his alliances are. Didn’t Candace tell him it was Amanada who wanted him out???? Poor, Helen not only did she wait to long she is the blame for all their (am/mc) moves. PLEASE ELLISSA!!! The only one i want to see in the end is judd or ellissa ……… can’t imagine any of the others getting the money. i hope the internet is demanding that there be no luxury comps … they don’t deserve anything.
Helen will be OK her husband is a judge. I just hope that Elissa do what Helen told her to put up AMMCC and remembers that Andy is a traitor. Actually there are two people in HOH that Heln saved Elissa and Aaryan.
I will be seriously impressed if Elissa puts aside her feelings with Aaryn and nominates Mccranda and/or Andy. I’m not liking my odds of being impressed though.
judd will be the second brendon he went back into the house and he will get kick out again … I want these players to make moves big moves LOVE ya hellen …. JUDD is going right back to resting his game in the same people hand ……. I just dont want judd here now he’s here what will he do diffrent OR WHAT WE GET THE SAME JUDD BACK……… The ONLY thing judd do good is follow NOT LEAD …. I dont care what he said in the jury house but he’ll nominate amanda that was only talk ….
Good news all around Judd is back, and someone may actually try to get Mcranda out. Don’t waste an HOH on Aaryn, get the power couple seperated and all hell will break loose next week.
If Elissa doesn’t put up Amanda and McCrae…………………………………..!
As crazy as Elissa can get at times she is the most likely the ONLY one who is smart enough to realize that Amanda has to go. Amanda still gets on my nerves. Did she cry again after not winning yet another competition?
She hasn’t cried YET but she just might. Demanda has already asked Elissa who she was thinking about putting up and Elissa replied with Aryan and maybe McCrea. Demanda’s face was PRICELESS!!!!
If Elissa wastes this HOH on a personal move like Aaryn or GM I’m gonna be PISSED! Please put up McCranda!
Let us hope that he does not kiss Amanda’s a**. I hope Ellisa does not listen to Amanda.
There. Was. PROOF. That. Competition. Was. Rigged.
I’m SO angry! Helen was signalled to jump, and Elissa was PULLED back onto the platform. There’s a video on youtube and a gif floating around. They rigged it! You have to believe me. Why else would there be people behind the platforms, interfering?
care to post a link to this apocryphal clip?
So excited for Elissa, she has so many losers to choose from to put up.
Ok I’m man enough to admit that when I was predicting that Helen (and so glad she did) was leaving this week and Elissa was leaving next week, that I WAS WRONG. Elissa proved to be the best today, and was a beast in this HOH competition, so props to her. I still don’t like her game play or lack of it one bit, but she deserves to be HOH this week. Second, Out of the guest brought back to compete today, I’m glad Judd won.
She’s a cheating loser! All of that was rigged!
Please, be realistic. There’s nothing more normal thant having people behind the site comp on a TV show. Technicians, soundman, “you know”. I watched the “o so scandaleous” video. Helen was on the tips of her toes. She fall from a very difficult position to maintain. For the other people alleging Elissa was pulled or grabbed… I searched… And didn’t find it yet. The only rigging is about the idea they give us by editing what’s shown on tv.
If anyone could provide a link to see better “proofs”, really, being curious!
Man, Judd is really falling right back in line. He should form a new alliance, because all these numbnits wanting him out…That is why I didn’t want to see him back….funny or not, he brings nothing to the game.
Judd is still hoping for an all male finale at the end. He’d love to be able to stick around long enough to see all the women voted out.
Andy is the only player here that actually deserves to win. He has the best game here, and didn’t do anything wrong. TEAM ANDY!! can I get a Amen!
Andy is a damn annoying rat who has ruined most of the enjoyment of watching this show for viewers. Frigging grown ass man constantly crying and running to mommy Amanda all the time to tell her what the others said about her and accusing Elissa and Helen of “threatening” him. WTF?
He is so far up Amanda’s ass. I can’t friggin stand him. I really want to see Amanda and McCrae done for but I wouldn’t be upset one bit to see Andy scurrying out the door like the annoying rat that he is
I agree. Andy can;t think for himself. He is gonna get lost in a dark hole kissing her ass so much. It is so stupid. Cant stand the 3 of them. They gotta go. I hope Elissa makes some good moves this week.
I see rats and bunnies go together.
Please please please put up Amanda and McCrae. This is your shot. Don’t even risk a backdoor just take one of them out.
Just signed up for the feeds…..constant fish, what’s up with that? I want to see who hunts down Judd first!
Yo WTF is this right here, There was a hand showing when Helen jumped off.
To me, it looked like they were tapping her foot to jump off… Not that I wanted her back in the house, but that’s some suspect shit right there…
They were probably tapping everyone to hop off so Rachelissa could win. She also was begging production to “give her the wall” earlier, and lo and behold, she got the exact type of competition she wanted! Funny how that works.
how can anyone pay for the live feeds they off every minute.
Judd is conning Elissa. He’s hoping to get back into his alliance with The Red Queen and McCrae. I saw him whisper something to The Red Queen when the jurors first entered the house and then the three of them were talking off to a side. He’ll promise Elissa anything as long it keeps him safe this coming week. It sounds as though Elissa is uncertain as to who to put up on the block and that is troubling. She’ll start listening to the “advice” of her fellow housemates. Her dislike of Aaryn may overrule her good judgment and cause her to put Aaryn on the block instead of The Red Queen and McCrae.
As for Stoolie the Toad, we know he will be in her ear advising her NOT to put up both The Red Queen and McCrae but rather to target Spencer and GinaMarie. I’m really hoping she plays this game for HERSELF and disregards the advice of these people who really want her out. As with The Red Queen and McCrae, she needs to completely tune Stoolie the Toad out now and don’t listen to a thing he tells her. He’ll come to her all sheepish and apologetic and maybe even push out a few crocodile tears; but he’s proven to be diabolically untrustworthy.
If Elissa doesn’t put up Amanda and McCrea with Eyebrows…I mean Aaryn as the replacement, then she’s as dumb as she looks….which means dollars to doughnuts, she puts up Aaryn and Spencer with GM as the replacement…and Poopy goes home.
Elissa will mess this hoh by focusing on Aaryn instead of Amanda and her boyfriend.
Looks like Amanda will be going to jury
Best case for McManda (providing that she is unable to mindfyck Elissa) is one of them comes off, and are able shift the target to Aaryn or Andy.
So glad Helen is out.
I swear Elissa says the funniest things. From “Make a deal with me, you have no other choice,” to “I am the biggest deal,” to “I hate everyone here…I’m so excited.” Iol I love this girl.
dont like aaryn, but if she goes on the block, she better win veto because i want one of those other 3am rats to go! NAMELY AMANDA.
Okay im like 99.999% sure elissa will put Jabba on the block. If they don’t vote for Jabba the 3rd time she’s on the block then im done. Im walking away. Give Jabba the money and just stop wasting everyones time
Is anyone else overjoyed Elissa won and Judd’s back in the game it’s like the perfect night
Elissa, yes! Judd, no. Would have preferred Jessie. At least we know she’d have the balls to put up Amanda and McCrae and if she didn’t win HOH she would campaign to Elissa to put them up
Finally Amanda won’t be running this hoh hopefully Elissa puts up Amanda and mccrea and if one of them wins veto then put up Andy. This would be the first time in a while Amanda hasn’t controle who goes home but she still may let’s hope Elissa remembers that Amanda and followers voted Helen out. Elissa needs to make this her hoh and not let any influence her about nominations. The best move she can make is getting someone out from the 3 am alliance.
“Finally Amanda won’t be running this hoh”
LOL… perfect timing, just as Rachelissa begins sheeping for Demanda!
I’m just happy Amanda didn’t win because it would be predictable who goes home.
For the first time, I seriously would be bothered by Aaryn leaving. That bothers me. Am I a terrible person?
I don’t discriminate, i hate everyone.
And now Rachelissa’s insisting that Aaryn has to go home and telling Demanda that she’s not going up.
When will Rachelissa’s delusional fans admit that she sucks at this game? No social game, 100% reliant on production, and plays the game way too personally for her own good.
i’m all for conspiracy theories but you can’t tell me that production didn’t scout Rachel’s sister to be on this show. She spends half the time complaining, the other half she just has no clue. I swear the only past seasons she’s watched were the one’s with her sister. Rachel was annoying as hell but she came to play the game…Elissa is just there
JuDD is no fool (i hope he’s smarter than he looks and sounds) there’s no way he’s playing it safe. This is the same guy that saw the ENTIRE house turn on him in a matter of seconds! I knew he was the one coming back when julie announced it last week. He was shaping up to go to the end when they backdoored him. I would’ve paid money to see Helen back in the game because it would’ve def been all out WAR on mcMANda, but I like JuDD and it was actually kinda sad the way he went out….production finally got something right this season
I know what I would do if I was Elisa, I would put up Amanda and Aaryn. Aaryn would win the veto or get someone else to save one of them and then I would put McCrae up as the replacement.
Then again for all you people who don’t want judd back in the house. Would you rather have Candice? No physical threat just a loud mouth. Jessie? Mind set to get out Amanda, but cant win compeitions, or Helen? cRYS to much threatens. I would’ve chose judd over and over again
well I called that one…E-Lissa wins HOH and Judd at least E-Lissa will have what it takes to get one of the nasty duo out before they all catch what they have…no nice but true. Kuddos to both for winning…or following the Production manuscript
ugh it looks like Aaryn is the target. Amanda coasts another week…
Predictable. It looks like she’ll nominate Aaryn and McPussy like she claimed she would earlier with Andy the Rat Snitch as her backup plan. She is just as big of a sheep for Demanda as anyone else.
I think Mcranda are screwed this week!
If judd does go with mcranda hes more stupid then I EVER though
aaryon better rat about 4am,
LOL and we all thought Elissa would target Amanda..
if elissa wants to win this game she has to align with aaryn and work against Amanda and mcrae, there are no two ways about it. But I doubt either of them are aware of this. we’ll see.
hahahaa!!! Go Zuckerman!!! Do yo thang!!!
WTF elissa get your head out of your ass put up Amanda!
amanda already tryna get the target off her and mccrae but elissa’s not having it
You know, almost everyone who leaves comments on this website says the same thing. You all hate Amanda and like Elissa. You all accuse the houseguests of being sheep, but YOU America, you are the sheep! And all the thumbs down I get will re-enforce my belief that you are sheep.
Most of you leave totally unoriginal, boring comments, usually about how you hate all the houseguests, except some boring uptight bitch called Elissa. She literally has no redeeming qualities. It is no wonder you people voted for George Bush. You collectively have terrible instincts and awful taste. I can’t wait until Elissa is voted out. Then maybe YOU WILL ALL SHUT UP!
Take your own advice… Since you’re doing the same thing.
Well I suppose I can’t blame Elissa for wanting to get out aaryn but she truly is a dumbass.
Hopefully aaryn wins pov and then Amanda goes up to ensure that one of the two go.
I knew Elissa was gonna win HOH and now we got our big brother winner, her sister will be so proud. I have been following you all for the past few weeks so you ll got your wish Elissa wins. Now can we replace the big brother time slot with something we can really enjoy. I have had enough of this show.
LOL OMG…. Demanda might manage to convince Rachelissa to put up GinaMarie instead of McPussy! You can’t make this up! These people are all brainless sheep!
Thing is, if the final 2 were ‘Elissa & McCrae (I tuned in late, did McCrae win anything yet?) McCrae may not get the vote because all he did was sleep around. Aaryn and Andy on the other hand have won stuff. They might be better as alternate should Amanda surprisingly win POV. I’m not sure how many on the jury care enough about Aaryn’s racist remarks.
Actully Andy might be the real target. Elissa said if he didn’t vote for Helen he would be elissa’s target
GREAT BALLS OF FIRE! The game is on and Elissa has fire in her belly – she is a relative of Brenchel and that will RULE…Say goodbye to the humpback of pizza boy – get off him and shower flat ass Amanda – HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN -Judd will be in bed with McCranda begging to be held.
Hmm i might have spoken in haste Elissa may not do what Amanda wants
Simon, I think she is lying to Amanda. I think she will do what Helen told her to do, Put up Amanda and Mcrea and get one of them out. Aaryn will be the back up. Helen told her to align with GM as welll. GM seemed up for it. If I were judd, ii would team up with Elissa and GM and Spencer,because he could beat them in the end. But that is just me, Judd is a coward too.
One thing we know about Elissa is she will never agree to anything anyone tells her. She will listen and nod her head but will always go back to her original thoughts. I think she is going after Amanda and Aaryn and will use Andy as a replacement if needed for what he did to Helen
Did it seem to you like Candace jumped off? I wouldn’t be surprised if she did. Why would she want to put herself back into that pit?
All part of the script
btw Elissa, make sure your room is sanitized! And keep that biotch off your bed.
Remember you guys…Amanda is slated to win, signed her contract with Alison “Jabba” Grodner. I’m sure it’s all down on paper, signed and sealed. You optimists who really are in denial that the game is not rigged…lol!
Yep… Elissa wants to get out Aaryn… WELL OF COARSE SHE DOES… Aaryn is all Elissa has been able to talk about for the last week! That comp was rigged.. and tonight I decided to pay for the live feeds and all I get is freaking fish every other minute! Not worth the money people!!
That’s because they’re still asleep. Once they wake up, it will come back up.
Why couldn’t Jessie have won. Judd is such a pussy. He is funny and likeable but unfortunately he is a spineless wimp, who will run right back to aMANda and McPussy. Jessie would have been a great ally for Elissa. They could have done some damage.
Are you serious?? Thats it, this is totally lame…
Amanda will be Elissa’s shawdow for the next week. After everything that happened with Helen, Elissa knows she can’t fully trust Amanda.
Now to see if Aaryn will out Amanda/Mcrea even Andy to save her butt!!!
I miss Walter White!!!
I was really hoping Candy would be back!!!
Now all hope is in E’s hands, HOPEFULLY she can pull it off like her sis!
Between the pedophile Spencer, Aaryn the racist( who insists she isn’t REALLY) the idiot racist GM who always looks like she’s having a BM, gross mccrae, snaky Andy who is so full of crap, did he actually say Helen threatened him come on dude ur a grown a$$ man. And BAD built racist homophobic A-man-duh, who should’ve taken that boob implant money and gotten some butt injections. They should fire every writer, basically start over and hire some new talent at the very least steal some new ideas from Survivor…Bc this season of BB is horrible like the 1st season, it wasn’t a shocker that the striper was 1st to go then the black guy…and wow the one legged guy Eddie won
I was no Helen fan but she owned up to her screw up, getting rid of Howard and Candy.
Funniest moment of the night goes to GM, It was so dark in there I couldn’t see me my head in front of me
HAHAHAHAHAHA Everytime I see her I say 2+2=6 yeah 2+2=5 yeah I’m so smart!
Elissa nominate Aaryn & MC, then backdoor Amanda! Perfect.
Helen completely and thoroughly explained to elissa what she needs to do. Elissa knows she has to get Amanda out this week, period. she will do her best to get this done, if for nothing else for Helen.
Despite all the racism from Aaryn, I hope she realizes what she needs to do. And that’s to make a deal with Elyssa. Unfortunately as much as Elyssa hates her, she needs alliances. And as I’ve seen mentioned a few times, Aaryn and Elyssa would be beast on comps. I’m sad that Helen didn’t come back. Judd is useless. The “jury twist” was completely worthless.
When do they do the nominations?
So happy Elissa won. No matter what , she is going to want to send Aaryn out. I can’t stand the McNasties but don’t think their going out this time. Would love love love it if Rat Coward Andy would go on the block. He will be popping in on Every conversation then run and tattle like the little bitch he is. Still hopeful one of the McNasties will go…
Well, Ellissa just told Amanda that she is putting up AA and Mc. AM is trying to get her to put up GM … Ellissa isn’t listening. So, if this happens she won’t have the votes to evict Mc. Crap!!! AA needs to win veto and have AM as the replacement. DAM ELLISSA!!!
I would expect that Elissa will tell Amanda what she wants to hear but what she does may be very different. Aaryn and GM still need to talk to her.
OMG, this bitch still convinced Judd was MVP…. Yea, she’s is SOOOO Smart…. She’s just lucky everybody is dumber than she is….
Why am I getting so much joy seeing Amanda upset it is just so darn funny hopefully Judd doesn’t take to this bs
It sounds like Elissa’s pretty insistent on putting up Aaryn and McCrae. Knowing Aaryn is going balls to the wall for POV, do you think she’s manoeuvering to put Amanda as replacement, thus forcing people to choose between McCrae and his ‘wife’?
Yeah that is what it’s starting to look like..
Amanda is the best strategical player this game has seen since Evel Dick and Dr. Will. who everyone hated all season long when they played, but loved afterward. Because she is a woman you are all worse on her. I hope she kicks into gear, wins a POV ( finally, lol) and keeps going. Elissa is a spoiled, self entitled egotistical brat. Amanda may be loud and crass, but she is a real player, and understands this game far more than she is getting credit for, wheter you like her or not.
yeah she’s a strategical genius. she says the same thing every week. ‘it’s what the house wants’. just because everyone around her is stupid doesnt make her a strategical wizard. if i walked in a special ed class would that confer genius status on me?
Elissa’s winning is great. The one player- the most dangerous player in the game- is Aaryn. She has this attitude that drives me crazy, a sense of entitlement. She’s proved she’s racist, and she lost her job. If she wins this, losing that job means absolutely nothing and she learns nothing. I also want to see Julie Chen’s interview with her, and the crowd’s reaction when she comes out. Aaryn’s nomination would be only THE BEST thing!
Elissa was all talk. She’s not making any big moves unless Aaryn saves herself with the veto. Why not nominate McCrae and Amanda with Aaryn as a backup option? I’m going to guess that McCranda will survive another week. Helen would not approve.
Elissa WTH? Aaryn is your TARGET? Just like her Sister She has no strategic game sense whatsoever. How can she not know that Amanda has made every one of Aaryn’s nom’s? After everything she knows & she’s going to leave Amanda off the Block?? NO WORDS.
I think Elissa should put up Amanda and Andy and if either one of them comes off put up McRae. Amanda hasn’t won anything and Andy just could win the veto. Putting up Andy and Amanda takes away their little tattletale because I think he would be more interested in saving himself and they Amanda and McRae will try to sacrifice him hard. It’s time for Amanda to go. If she does go it will be very interesting to see what McRae’s game looks like without her. My thoughts are his game is nonexistent.
Amanda or mcrae is going home this week. lock it up.
I agree Dr Will. Elissa told Aaryn that she let Amanda and McPussy run her 4 HOH’s and that she didn’t win shit. I hope and pray that she remembers that aMANda and McPussy run the house and that Andy the is a good replacement nominee if one of McCranda wins the POV.
Elissa’s dislocated hip didn’t seem to effect her tonight.
Who wants to see my HoH room?
Oh look in my basket Botox and a yoga mat.
OMG, Amanda is crying already because she “doesn’t want to go” and she’s not even nom., wawawa. She and everone dissed Helen for crying when she was on the block. GTFO.
ALright, Something weird on this. Helen was either signaled to fall off or pushed????? See the hand?????
it does look awfully suspect given
that things went totally queen bee
as the superfriends ceased to be
Funny how Amanda was so happy to get rid of Helen and within a couple hours is sulking.
Elissa does not know who to put up yet cause she hasn’t gone into the DR to talk to Rachel yet.
Amanda is whining again…. Shocker!!!
someone, remind Amanda “it’s just a game” lol
Lets see her in the DR room now.( smarta$$) I want her to go but, just think if McRae went to jury with Jessie. I think she would want to go next but keep the bit– just to drive her insane( she can’t win sh– even when most of the people throw it for her) I bet nobody will be throwing any comps from now on. Send McRae packing and she will have Spencer 1POV. Andy 1HOH-1POV Amanda 00. That looks like a team I would want to be up against When my team won 7HOH -3POV. Send the weasels home.
elisa i agree with her nominations macrea and aaryn if she puts up amanda and arryn macrea will win pov and save her this way aaryn wins pov and elissa nominates amanda
Amanda “I am so scared. Please McCree, t don’t want to go to Jury house because…those Girls are nasty” LMAO.
I know,right? So funny watching her be so scared, whining like a little girl, because she probably won’t get her way.
It amazes me that everything worked out the way it did. Elissa had a small advantage for sure with this challenge (because she is ripped), but nothing close to a guarantee, yet she pulls it out. (Thank god!). Had anyone else won it would have been another nightmare week. Judd is the most popular and likeable jury member and probably the best person to return for CBS, he balances the assholes vs. likeables in the house better. Though (if? and that’s a big if?) he is coming in without any additional knowledge he will likely be the pussy we expect and kiss Mcranda’s ass, resulting in status-quo. I don’t think this will happen. I was shocked that the jury members were not sequestered and all joined in the house during the live show and were allowed to talk. This is an awesome twist! All the info sharing that could have taken place is hopeful. Judd must be coming in with info on everyone, including the goodbye messages, where I believe Askankda pretty much told him she put him out in her own arrogant way (MVP bullshit). On top of all this I believe there is likely a little bit of production input, in order to try and bring life back into this dismal season (quite frankly I am hoping for it). You have to love the head shaking going on with Jesse telling Askankda to F-Off. That was awesome!
Im pretty sure McCrae just told Amanda that both she and Elissa should have been disqualified and GM should have won because both Amanda and Elissa were holding onto the signs the whole time. RIGGED!!
McPussy should start working on his pizza and give his fingernails a rest ! Cry me a river Amanda…send that nasty piece of trash to the jury house and let her deal with Helen, Jessie and Candice!
It she’s trying to back door Amanda that’s redic.
She runs the risk Amanda wins pov and takes down mc and neither of them go.
amanda cant win shit if macrea comes down ANDY goes up
then andy goes up, anything else would be stupid. elissa seems to know what she is doing and this almost makes me want to by back a week of feeds
Amanda winning POV? On her own? HAHAHAHA, Funny joke…
Remember Aaryn attempted to throw the HOH to her, but Amanda was expecting the Adderall to make her smarter, and they would’ve been standing there all night.
I think Elissa’s kid is mixed and she can’t get over the comments that were made earlier in the game. She has almost a physical reaction to Aaryn when they are in the same room and when she talks about her, it is sheer rage in her eyes. She says she(aaryn) is bad for her game. I think emotionally she cannot stomach being in the same house with Aaryn.
Odd how GM and Amanda are not held responsible in any way by her about any race comments though. That tells me it’s a bit more about jealousy than anything else.
If she doesn’t go after Mcranda, she didn’t listen to Helen, she doesn’t know what’s going on and the army of Brenchal fans around here can kiss my ass because she IS STUPID! Case Closed.
At this point I don’t give a flying fadoodle who wins as long as its not controlling, full of her self Amanda and her lapdog McCrae. scratch that I also don’t want Andy to win, he is so blinded by hus loyalty to the couple that he doesn’t see why he should have stuck with Helen.
Amanda…”those girls are going to terrorize me & be so mean and nasty”… AND SHE’S NOT EVEN GETTING NOMINATED.
Do you think now they’ll realize the benefit of a spit vote? It would have shown Elissa someone was on Helen’s side. Can’t.
The WORST scenario for MacMayhem……I like it!! Elissa is spoilt for choice..as to whom she wants gone. AND……I bet she gets Pandora’s Box..with a special power.
I will say..Elissa is pretty boring….but I’m for Judd and her to final 2. Elissa is showing that she CAN play. Good on her. Oh..the enjoyment I’m having..seeing Amanda and McCray crying and biting fingernails to the bone. Andy being Waaayyy to upbeat. (fake). You think he was popping around before? BB is going to have to lay new floors by the end of the Seaon. Andy has worn those floors mighty thin.
Did anybody else realize Aayrin told a lie about being an only child??? Im awear of her saying it 3x now she told GM she is now her sister
She need to put up Amanda and Aryan only because Amanda can’t win veto but aryan has a chance so she can backdoor Mccare or it be him and Aryan
Can’t wait for Elissa to go into the DR & to talk & startegize with production about the NOMS. Allison Grodner is going to protect her bestie…NO way Amanda gets nominated or is the replacement.
Is there a more beautiful sight than Amanda and McCrae crying and chewing fingers off. Please let them both be on the block with neither winning POV.
Mc is already saying that Elissa cheated and so did Amanda and he wants them disqualified
and GM to be HOH. hmmmmmmmmmmm, I guess I pegged him wrong, I thought he was
smart but dirty and lazy. He is not a good sport. I guess they got too cocky.
They did cheat… they had an advantage that not everyone had by having signs hanging behind them in the comp and they were holding on to them. They both should have been disqualified for it… and GM would be the HOH then.
Elissa knows what she’s doing. She will humm and nod to Amanda but nobody will change her mind and tell her what to do.My guess.. Either Aaryn or Amanda will be gone on Elissa’s watch. She will probably put Aaryn n McNasty up..if either one wins veto…Amanda will go up and go home..if no veto used, it’s a toss up between Aaryn n McNasty. Go Elissa! Turn the house upside down.
All the rats are scurrying around like rats. Amanda wants to tell Judd it was all Helen but Judd was suppose to be in Amanda’s alliance(they were suppose to protect him and when the vote was unanimous at the last minute that means she was in on it.) She likes to talk shit when people leave and it might just bite her in her fat a$$. Hopefully Elissa will go to Arryn& GM like Helen said and work with them & Judd just might join since his last alliance threw him to the wolves. Elissa needs to listen to Helen & Jessie and put up Amanda & McRae. If on of them get off, put up the weasel.they have enough votes to break up the showmance.Next week Andy and whoever got off the block this week .Let those a$$holes see how it feels to be on the block and run around kissing butt.Spencer you can go next, you had your chance, Bye Bye A$$ hole.
Andy =. 1hOH. 1POV
Spencer=. 1POV
McRae. 1HOH. 1POV
Elissa. =1HOH. 2 POV
Arryn. =. 4HOH. 1POV
GM. = 1HOH
Judd. =1 HOH
Which alliance would you want to be part of Elissa’s alliance 7HOH. Mcrae’s alliance 2HOH. ( and he made a deal with Nick to get his HOH)
Hope Elissa follows some of the previous season’s HOHs and keeps her door locked. most of the time. Sick of seeing Amanda taking over the bed no matter who is HOH.
You know, an Elissa/Judd/Aaryn/GinaMarie alliance could work out very well (vs. McCrae/Amanda/Spencer/Andy), but Elissa’s going the personal route, so I guess that’s out the window. I mean, Aaryn can already sense that she’s on the outs and Amanda has been throwing her name out for an upcoming eviction, and Elissa has no alliance whatsoever. Pull something together.
aaryn and mccrae are going up, Amanda will win veto, pull off mcc and lobby to get spencer up or gm. If either one of those 2 go up, she will get the votes to keep Aaryn. Boom. Mark it down. lol This is going to be an awesome epic fail
I am by no means a fan of Elissa or any one else in the house for that matter. I just find it funny that inappropriate and racist comments aside some of the HG display the exact characteristics or lack of charter that they pick on the other for.
*Amanda is like the school yard bully. All happy and smiles until someone knocks her out of the sandbox. The she cries and wines. The same behavior she despised of her victims.
* Aaryn says Elissa made her feel bad a cry. I thought that people were being overly sensitive to comments she made and should not cry about them.
* GM is just CRAZY, enough said.
* Andy told Helen she betrayed people he was close to, he has been playing both sides and betraying everyone, but I guess it doesn’t count because he cries once they are evicted.
*McCree talks about people not being their to play, but he threw the last HOH and fell of the wall before any of the women, I guess that happens when you chose to be the female in a relationship.
McPussy and Aaryn nominated, Aaryn(by way of Adderall) wins POV, Amanda goes up as replacement…. Looks OK, but I’m guessing Andy gets nominated as replacement and goes home…
Rigged. Rigged, rigged. But damn CBS why so sloppy. This is how the fix goes people.. mark my words.
Amanda wins Big brother
Elissa #2
Andy #3
So sloppy CBS tapping them to tell them to jump. I am telling you that’s why nobody ever wanted to win the comps. They were told be happy with going to jury. Lazy CBS.. fire somebody or this should be the last BB. So sad
Oh my god, i know Judd is dumb but i hope he isn’t stupid enough to be a sheep once again for Mccranda! If that happens, it would be such a waste of a twist because it should of been Candice or Helen coming back. I hope that Judd and Elissa can come together and nominate Amanda and Mccrae with Andy as the replacement nom. Elissa remembers the deal she made with Andy so, i dont think she is going to let him off so easily. I’m 89% sure Andy will be nominated.
Alright kiddies…ITS TIME TO MAKE A BIG MOVE!!!
Simon i have a stupid question to ask… when a person comments on this site could you track their IP address ?
Best of both worlds, The house flipped, and judd is back. Couldn’t be happier.
MESSAGE TO JUDD (if only he could read this….)
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
I can’t believe what I am reading! It looks like he is leaning towards being the sheep of Mcranda again…..!
I loved tonight’s episode!
As I had stated I had stop watching since Aug. 11th but by reading the feeds here I saw that Helen was getting evicted and I couldn’t resist seeing that delectable moment.
It was one BB episode worth watching: Helen’s downfall, Candice hugging GM and Aaryn AND even complimenting them, Andy’s face when Julie announced the twist. W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L!
And now that Elissa is the new HOH, I will definitely turn on my tv again on Sunday and Wednesday and next Thursday to be a witness of all this chaos :). Hopefully she will make a big move and nominate
Am vs. Mc or
Mc vs. Aa or
Aa vs. Am or
the most wonderful of all
Am vs. Mc
Reading that Amanda is freaking out and crying is making me happy, I feel bad for saying it but it is what it is … 🙂
Elissa …wtf? Andy is such a rat!!
Wow the deal makin’ goin on!!
Even Mcrae is trying to sell it to Elissa! Crazy.
Elissa is horrible…
She claimed who she put up was always game moves…
but is passing on getting rid of demanda to put up Aaaryn who she is obsessed with
Butter’s Mom: she says the same thing over and over ‘it’s rigged! it’s rigged! it’s rigged!’ hey dummy-we heard you the first 300 times. STFU.
ok I love big brother best show ever but this season with Amanda controlling pretty much every eviction & being the Dbag that she is with ALL her whining, bi***ing, & poor me feel bad 4 me cuz I suck @ life bull s*** o yeah n her cocky ness the whole o Americas definitely not the MVP that kept putting her up cuz America would never wanna do that 2 her ugh I HATE HER its annoying & getting lil boring noing how each week is gonna go the B**** gotta go put up Amanda & Mccray as the pawn so she can flip out 4 the week & if she leave MAYBE McCray impartially stop his PU*** whipped Bull S*** & it’ll be fun again
I can see Elissa wining this challenge. She’s the most physically fit amongst the bunch. She actually exercises and doesn’t lay around in bed and smoke all day.
Seriously, Amanda is shaped like a baguette!
Oh my god I hope Elissa nominates Demanda/McPizza… but *spoiler*, apparently she is thinking of nominating McPizza and Aaryn instead with a target in mind of Aaryn 🙁 Ugh I hate Aaryn but can demanda just leave already she’s so annoying.
i wamt judd gone again.\i hate when people come back
it is simple for Amanada
tellls Elissa if she puts Judd up or backdoor him, she will be safe next week and they get spencer out…that would be a good deal for Elissa
Elissa needs to put up Judd. He don’t deserve a second chance.