Zach “Nicole you’re looking super cute in the Germ-itard, like a true superfan. I bet you didn’t see this coming!”

POV Holder: ? Next POV July 26th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 28th
HOH Winner 1: Frankie HOH Winner 2:  Zach
Battle of the Block Winner Next HOH/ Next BOB July 31/Aug 1
Original Nominations: ?
Final Nominations: ?
Have Nots Nicole, Caleb, Christine, Derrick
POV Players ?

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8:15am – 9:40am Big Brother blocks the live feeds to wake up the house guests. When the live feeds return – Donny is pacing around the house through the kitchen and around the living room. The nomination screen is up on the living room tv. Up in the HOH room Frankie is fast alseep. Big Brother blocks the feeds. When the feeds return – Donny and Derrick are talking in the havenot room. Derrick tells Donny that he will continue to pretend to sleep. He tells Donny to go get Frankie in the HOH room and get him to come in here so we can talk about the Team America mission. When the live feeds return – Derrick is telling Donny with Frankie there about how Zach is going to make fun of Christine during the nomination ceremony. Derrick tells Frankie to go ask Zach if he is still giving his speech today?

Play the role of puppet master and get two Houseguests to have an argument at either the nomination ceremony or the veto meeting.

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9:40am – 10am Frankie heads up to the HOH room. Zach asks him how he likes his chain. Frankie says oh thats nice. Frankie asks Zach to say his speech one more time. Zach is practices his nomination speeches. Zach says I nominate You Christine and you Nicole. Christine if we pulled out the big brother dictionary today and we looked up the word floater there would be a picture of you and Jenn City holding hands never being called to the diary room. Basically irrelevant! Nicole oh, Nicole you’re looking super cute in your little Germ-itard, like a true superfan. Well you dingus froot loop, I bet you didn’t see this coming! Frankie says thats good, she’ll come running to me and then after will we calm it down. Zach asks can I wear my HOH robe during the nomination ceremony? Frankie says yeah. Derrick joins them. Zach says this is going to be amazing! Derrick says get into character right now.. Zach says I am going to rock this robe like a BOSS! Frankie says after the nominations he going to just come up here and relax.

Zach says dude Christine is going to be pissed! Frankie asks are you going to let her come for you? Zach says I don’t care? At this point I am just putting on a show! Frankie says you should just ask what do you have to say? We can always jump in and help. Derrick says don’t be disrespectful but at the same time you can sit there and be like hey what do you have to say?! Zach is called to change his battery. Derrick tells Frankie its the best we can do.(team america mission) We talked to them (Donny & Zach) and we told DR… Big Brother blocks the feeds..

Zach asks Frankie what his speech will be? Frankie says it would be something like I wish I could say I was making these nominations out of strength but they’re actually kind of cowardly. You 2 have proven over & over again that you can handle being on the block. This has been an emotional week for me and I didn’t feel like taking on any additional burden. You’re staying here.

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In the havenot room – Derrick tells Donny that Frankie is definitely not putting you up. Derrick says I said I threw the HOH so that he could see photos of his grandfather.

10:10am In the fire room – Zach tells Jocasta that she is not going up on his side. You are not the person me or Frankie are coming after. Jocasta says okay. Zach says if you want to talk about anything I am here and I will always be honest with you.
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10:15am – 10:35am The live feeds are blocked for the nomination ceremony.. When the live feeds return all hell is going to break loose ..

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11:25am The live feeds are still blocked…

Alliances (Some Of these are defunct)
Zankie = Frankie/Zach
Bomb squad = Caleb, Amber, Frankie, Derrick, Cody, Christine, Zach, Hayden
Team America = Donny, Derrick, Frankie
Nicotine = Christine/Nicole
Not a showmance= Hayden/Nicole
Los Tres Amigos = Derrick, Cody, Zach
The bottom Feeders = Derrick/Nicole
We hate Devin = Christine and Zach
Outsiders = Brittany, Victoria, Jocasta, Donny
Old timers = Jocasta/Donny
Stalker = Caleb/Amber
Quad Kings = Derrick, Zach, Cody and Hayden (still being built)
Trilogy = Nicole, Christine & Hayden
The Detonators = Derrick, Frankie, Zach, Christine, Cody
Final 2 Deal “The HITMEN” – Cody & Derrick

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69 thoughts to “Zach “Nicole you’re looking super cute in the Germ-itard, like a true superfan. I bet you didn’t see this coming!””

    1. Mascara? Eyebrow curling, pink everything? Guys look good after 30 days? Caleb is sooo dumb he doesn’t even realize that he is probably bi-sexual.

  1. God bless you Simon and Dawg for all your hard work and lack of sleep! You guys do an amazing job keeping up with this site!!! I have to say I though Zach would be a douche when I first saw him and heard him but today I love him…..this drama is awesome. I wish I had the live feeds so I could watch it! And I know Derrick is running the show and I hope he gets found out soon but I have to give him props on how he smoothly gets things done he wants. Love him or hate him he is playing a great game right now!

    1. I love Zack and have rooted for him for the past few weeks. He plays the game and threw so much shade around no one takes him serious. He is a serious player and genius is his strategy. He knows he needs to remain HoH so Franky can’t control the votes.

  2. Can’t wait the looks of Christine face that Zach putting her up with Nicole. Christine will be pissed at Zach. Please Zach…… it!!!!!! Do it for Team America!!!! I want to see Christine face and look pissed. I can’t wait for the argument at the nomination or veto ceremony.

    1. Zach…….Team America needs $5,000 more to put up Christine and Nicole on the block they will complete the mission!!! I want to see the looks of Christine face and pissed off at Zach. Do it Zach, do for the Zach attack peeps. I want to see fireworks.

    2. Zach is all over the place! I hope he sticks to the two he said he would nominate. But I have a feeling he will not.

  3. Nooooooooooooo! Please don’t nominate Nicole. I just don’t understand how she doesn’t get what’s going on.

    1. She doesn’t “get it” because she isn’t the brightest bulb on the tree. She is however, vacant and vacuous. Christine will throw her under a bus, climb in, drive over her, and back up to do it again.

      1. She trusts Christine way too much. Hopefully she opens her eyes. I am actually routing for Nicole over all the guys and girls, but she needs to get her head straight. If she doesn’t, I can see her being the Britney to their Brigade from season 12. :/

  4. I can’t wait for this nomination ceremony! It’s going to be HILARIOUS. I’ve got a feeling that Nicole and Christine are just gonna cry though, can’t see either of them fighting back. Still, can’t wait for those catty/bitchy girls to get called out.

  5. Expect the unexpected? Bag that, I expect Zack Attack to make this show a contender again. #Wildcard rockin the robe like a mofo!

  6. Could there finally be drama in the house….
    Could this season finally be starting to come to life…

    *makes a bag of popcorn*

  7. Christiane is going to freak! And then will try to make the sex to Cody, who will say, in his best Tony Manero accent, “Would ya just watch the hair? Ya know, I work on my hair a long time and you hit it!”

    Or maybe it’s “Ya know, Christiane, if you’re as good in bed as you are on Big Brother, then you’re one lousy f#ck!”

    Either way would be great.

  8. Major eye roll with Frankie using his Gandfather’s death to excuse who he nominates. Not cool. Be a man and own up to our nominations and don’t make excuses.

  9. I’m starting to suspect BB has huge amounts of cocaine for Zach to snort whenever he goes into the DR…
    Difficult to explain his erratic and hyperactive behavior otherwise, as entertaining as it might be…

    1. So funny you said that. I texted my friend last night and said DR is prob giving zach meth to amp him up and make him go nuts

  10. Ok Zach might be saving this season if he sticks to this plan. Seeing Christine freak out will be amazing. I just hope he does it. Him blowing up the house is just what we need. I was getting bored. Zach is my new fav player. His recklessness and crazy are awesome.

    1. Do you honestly think Christine will freak? I’m not so sure. Cry for sure. But lose it? Fingers crossed.

  11. I can already tell that this is gonna be my fave BB week so far. Bwahaha…

    I’m loving Zach right now!!! Putting up Nicole & Christine is just the cherry on top

  12. Finally!!! Love Zach for doing this. I hope Christine or Nicole go home this week. They’ve done nothing! Zach is back in my top players to win BB. Besides Donny of course.

    1. Leave Nicole alone! She has not done anything besides being a littly catty and I believe that is more to fit in with Christine. Not only did she rock the frog outfit but she is a natural in her Germatard with a big fat sausage in her hands. I want to see more. I want to see her fit that sausage in her bun!

      1. You are right, Nicole hasn’t done ANYTHING. Except, let someone else hijack her hoh so that she wouldn’t be accountable. So why should she get a free pass?

        1. She should get a pass for the simple fact that I hate that all of the women are getting kicked out of the house leaving us with a bunch of gay (or bi / bi curious) frat boys worshiping Frankie and Derrick. Not only would I rather look at the girls I keep hoping they will wake up and start working together. This weeks noms should be an eye opener ( too little to late) that the girls will be picked off one by one. Some season I would like to see the women with strong games running things

  13. Zach is my favorite player but u can not give him to much power because he can not handle it, he is gonna be out soon if he not control himself, I’m still sad Brittany left, but we all rooting for donny making the biggest move in the game, I just hope he doesn’t disappointe us

  14. it’s about time Nicole stopped being a coward with everything from winning comps to putting up nominations, etc. She isn’t even trying to play the game, imo, if she was she would be doing much better. her cowardice is what kept her out of the stronger alliance, where she could have been coasting like Christine is. If either one of them goes, it should be Christine, unless she finally figures out she needs to get to work.

  15. I have to admit, I was a little pissed that frankie and zach won HoH at first, thinking it was going to be another boring and predictable week. But Zach totally redeemed himself! I’m going to love seeing those two annoying/jealous floaters cry all week. I pray they lose BoB and lose POV. Make this show worth watching again!

  16. “Zach says I nominate You Christine and you Nicole. Christine if we pulled out the big brother dictionary today and we looked up the word floater there would be a picture of you and Jenn City holding hands never being called to the diary room. Basically irrelevant! Nicole oh, Nicole you’re looking super cute in your little Germ-itard, like a true superfan. Well you dingus froot loop, I bet you didn’t see this coming!”


    1. Hey moron that was already posted above so you must be desperate for some ‘thumbs up’ and approval from others today. We already read that so don’t waste your time and ours next time dufus.

  17. I just hope Zach follows through. We have seen soooooo many disappointments this season. Only to have the chocolate sundae ripped away from us at the last minute. Please Zach stay crazy, don’t sober up til it’s too late! Hopefully, this TA task will keep Donnie, Derrick, and Frankie stirring Zack up.

  18. I really hope #wildcard keeps his word to Donny. I am seriously respecting Zach’s game. He wants sh** to hit the floor and the floaters to swim in it.

  19. Finally some excitement! I like Nicole but dislike Christine Zach is right she is a floater…He should use Rachel’s life “Grab a life vest”

  20. Zach says I am going to rock this robe like a BOSS!

    Haha, get this kid a strait jacket! I love himmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

  21. I took Caleb’s advice and bought a bunch of energy drinks for this weekend.. you know the special ones.

    I’m expecting a lot of #WildCard action 🙂

    1. Just wanted to say thanks so much for creating this website Simon and Dawg! Just found it at the the start of this season. So much better than the broadcast! Best of luck!

  22. oh and another thought…if team america wants to earn the $$$ why do Frankie and Derrick keep trying to get Donny up on the block?

  23. SO EXCITED. #ZachATTACK all the way!

    I’m hitting refresh like a fool lol
    Praise Simon and Dawg for these updates!

  24. Have to love Zach since he won HOH. Been very entertaining. Just hope he sticks with the plan at the nomination ceremony. I believe if he nominates Christine, then maybe she will wake up and realize that she is low man on the totem pole in their alliance and she needs to start working with Nicole and Hayden more. All 3 of them need to step up their game.

  25. Any chance you can update the alliances or at least split them into two groups (active/inactive)?
    …and thanks for doing this site. Always entertaining.

  26. If they did a Celebrity version of BB in the U.S. Charlie Sheen would be brought in to play the Zach Attack game…

  27. Zach is the most unique HG on BB in the past…6 years….I mean really, when was the last time someone played the game, but truly, 100 percent, did not care what people thought of them. He is blowing up games just for OUR entertainment

    if Zach isn’t some CBS Saboteur….he really is the true Saboteur and what they should have had in mind with that twist to begin with.

    1. Zach I have taught you well young grasshopper! You found yourself a mike boogie (frankie) check, now stir things up!

  28. If Derrick and Frankie wanted to ensure a good fight between Zack and Christine they should have also fired her up. They should have told her if Zach comes at her during nominations that she should fire back. Zach is going to do his part but I think Christine might just sit there dumbfounded instead of fighting back.

  29. I will be so ecstatic if Zach follows thru with these noms! Then finally there will be some drama! All this voting with the house and not wanting blood on their hands is so annoying. It’s Big Brother, you gotta get blood on your hands. I thought it was going to be the same old shit again this week with Frankie and Zach as hoh but Zach switched it up. Well that’s if he sticks to his word!

  30. Zach the savior of the season!! Man, I hope he sticks with it! #wildcard

    These updates make my day, as do everyone’s comments. Thanks!

  31. Did you all notice that Julie didn’t ask Brittany the same questions as Devin & Pow Pow. I just wondering since she kicked all those goals, that the possibility might be is put her back in the game. This would be a twist. Since when do they have ur family come to you personally on eviction night. Finale yes but eviction. Julie also asked her did she really want to go home. I’

    1. that was my thinking from the moment she received the punishment. I would not be surprised to see her re-enter game or, if Donny gets the boot in the next week or so, that he will re-enter the house. Donny is good for ratings and cannot imagine AG letting him be evicted too early. Also believe that there will be a rewards comp and if Donny shaves THE BEARD, he will win a special power. ( I can hope anyhow)

    1. I noticed that too, I assume that since she was on the block they invited her kids to be there in case she got eliminated (though it would have been awkward if she hadn’t and her kids were just there to see Donny get evicted, lol) or maybe they realized by watching the feeds that she was surely going to get eliminated

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