Victoria “I just feel so betrayed. I speak so highly of him and now he does this to me. I am disgusted by him!”

BB16 2014-09-09 19-57-42-983

7:57pm Frankie and Caleb crushing it

8:04pm HOH The guys
Caleb thinks it will be funny if they all fling a skittle at Donny on finale night.
Derrick saying Donny hated him had a m&M saved for Derrick he was going to flip it at Derrick when he nominated him. Victoria joins them.
They start talking about Christine being booed. Cody wonders if she got booed because she threw the BOB comp with Donny. Caleb doesn’t think so there was plenty of comps thrown this season. Caleb explains to them that the boos were really faint at first then started up after a while. He thinks it’s the same thing that happens on Jerry Springer when the people walk out and start flipping off the audience it makes them all pissed. Cody says Christine’s brother’s wife is a multi millionaire. Victoria – She never told me that (Feeds cut)

8:23pm HOH Talking about dealing with Haters, boos etc.
Victoria says Aaryn threw Texas under the buys. Frankie says Aaryn is doing fine he’s trying to be optimistic if they get haters in this show it’s not he end of the world.
They cannot understand why Christine got more boos than Aaryn. (for Aaryn’s eviction the audience was CBS staffers)
Add another 10 minutes of them speculating about Christine’s boos.
Frankie doesn’t think they will be associated with Christine.
(They are still really paranoid they are going to get booed)

8:42pm Talk moves to the Clippers coach, Paula Dean.. etc etc. .
Frankie has excuses and an apology ready for when he gets out of the house. They mentions how Aaryn never owned up to what she said.
Cody says people can take offense to anything to say. Cody thinks there are people who found what he says are offensive and people who thought the way he played the game was offensive.

9:30pm HOH Everyone Speculation about tomorrow’s twist.. they have no idea.

BB16 2014-09-09 21-44-09-166

9:43pm HOH Derrick tells Victoria the plan is working on Frankie. Derrick – I don’t know what Tomorrow is going to bring”
Derrick – If you get a chance to save yourself.. do it.
Victoria hopes that Frankie takes Derrick. Derrick thinks there is still a chance Frankie will take Caleb. . Victoria says Cody doesn’t have hers, Donny, Nicole, and Hayden’s vote she will be so pissed if COdy wins this game.
Victoria – you just got to get there one more week
Derrick – I’m going to try and do it.. win it on my own.
BB16 2014-09-09 22-09-47-821

10:08pm Caleb “I’m still cut and I’m still yoked but I’m not Shredded”
10:31pm They been passing a yellow ball around.. pretending they are playing Baseball.

10:50pm Derick and Caleb Kitchen Frankie is up in the HOH taking a bubble bath studying. Derrick is telling Caleb that he’s in a very good spot Cody and Derrick will both keep him if they win the Veto. Derrick wonders if HOH will be the wall, suggests Caleb doesn’t go for cash prizes if they are teased. Derrick tells Caleb to hang in on the wall try to win it. Derrick presses that his jury votes are low too many people are pissed at him.
BB16 2014-09-09 23-21-20-730
11:20pm Caleb, Cody and Derrick
Caleb asks Cody if there was cash in the HOH would he go for it, Asks specifically if it was 10 grand.
Cody says no
Derrick – I will literally kill myself.
Caleb – it’s no going to be the wall with just three people
BB16 2014-09-09 23-29-55-038
11:30pm Fire room Victoria, Caleb and Cody are in bed. Derrick is getting ready in the bathroom brushing teeth etc. Frankie is in the HOH room studying.

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Derrick knows how to play the game with his head and Victoria is playing right into his plan


Princess Clueless is unbelievable. She is going to play dirty for Derrick FTW.. The only obstacle in Derrick’s way is the rewind. Once he gets past that, it’s clear sailing right into F2. Frankie, Cody and Caleb are going to fighting tooth and nail to take him to F2. They would be fools not to after Victoria’s crying jag about his disloyalty and she is going to get even. They all know that means jury votes. It is going to be so funny when Victoria tells them she was part of the plan to EVICT herself and get the jury to vote for Derrick FTW. Obviously, money is not important to Victoria. Derrick just may be the BEST player that has played this game. He deserves to be a BB allstar.


I’m not gonna lie. I am in awe of what Derrick managed to do in regards to the Victoria plan. Honestly. Who does that?


I just hope Vic doesn’t overdo it. Frankie is going to catch on if she does.


How does Victoria being willing to give-up on trying to win $500,000 so that Derrick can win it prove that Derrick is playing a good game?


Even she’s not dumb enough to think at this point she has a chance to stay. Plus derrick has really told her he isn’t voting her to stay, voting with the ‘house’ again. She is going out like Nicole did (both times she was up I think) she studied with Donny, she studied with Victoria, her point was to make sure that they studied and knew the answers to the next comp when it came up, as she wouldn’t be there.

i can see victoria being on board with trying to manipulate the others in a way to further someone else’s game for a win, knowing there is zero chance of her getting to the end. even if a miracle happens and she is saved today, she’ll just be next weeks target regardless.


if he gets to the end and the jury votes like I think they will he is up there Frankie may come back to haunt him but everybody wants bib moves like dan but in his second season he had no chance to win and everyone at home knew it with a month to go because he would be lucky to get anyone besides Danielle in jury so players are hesitant to do that because you can give yourself no chance and still be in the game derrick trys to get in head of everyone that is on there way to the jury common sense tells you its harder to get the people you want out and still have them vote for you in jury just to take someone out no matter how big hell that’s easy the aftermath is the problem






Jeeeeez! 🙂




Don’t be afraid of using a period.


You might want to lay off the shots before commenting.


It’s not hard to be the “best” player when you’re playing with a bunch of idiots. I hope he does get to play an allstar season so we can watch him get evicted in the first few weeks.


The bunk called Victoria will be going home ( who cares?) and her way of expressing her anguish is pathetic to say the least.You’ve been played all the summer long, girl, and tomorrow it’s gonna be a rude awakening for you.

We Want to Watch The Jury House

Simon & Dawg–trying to drop you guys a few bucks ($25), but won’t let me cuz it wants to know what Province I live in and won’t let me put in that I live in the State of Texas. Then it won’t go through cuz it wants to know the state. Suggestions???


I think it will still go through.. I’m double checking with dawg.


Pretty sure there’s a way to select the USA so you can select the great state of Texas.


Use Paypal, you won’t have that problem.


Derrick is amazing at playing to everyone’s weakness, Victoria is naive, he plays into that, Caleb is egotistical, he plays into that, he just strings Cody along. I am still amazed that stinky one shower-a-week Caleb actually thinks he can win America’s Favorite, he is drinking some major delusional drink! Laughed so hard when Frankie actually said he is more manly than Cody! 1000% correct there!

derricks nostrils

victoria is a total tool and idiot. at this point shes campaigning more for derrick than she ever has for herself! what the ____ yo.

it is hard

Actually, Victoria is a pretty good actor with subscription! I think Frankie buys it!
I dont think she is fool. she just loves Derrick and wants to do anything for him. by the way, Derrick hasn’t done anything bad to her either, she is still in BB house so far has everything to do with Derrick


And people questioned Christine and Cody’s relationship. Hummmmm… Makes one wonder!

Kathie from Canada

To be honest, I’m surprised that she even remembered what she was supposed to say. I half expected her to screw things up and throw Derrick ‘s and Frankie’s games into complete chaos.

The Joker

Me too. I thought for a minute there she wasn’t acting and starting to believe what she was saying. THEN I thought she was going to say, “oh BTW you better win or you are next”….Just to blow them all up with out thinking. She wants to start shit but then again she wants to go out with class? She is not a Britney and they shouldn’t compare the two at all. She in no way as entertaining. Britneys alliance didn’t string her a long because they thought she was stupid. Huge difference.


i thought there was a real chance she would just go on and on too far, and undo whatever she was doing. As long as she kept it short and simple, fine, but too over the top and Frankie will think something’s fishy.

Also, what’s up with pic at 9:43PM? seriously, if they are trying to show that they are not talking anymore, the last kind of photo i should see is them laying together on the same bed. amiright?

Derrick is king

There has never been a better player in the history of BB. Never been on the block and guaranteed to win. Absolutely flawless game.

Now if he only had Frankies body.


Um dan was never put up until his second season and his first season wasn’t filled with complete morons

The Truth

Dan was up twice in his first season. He survived an eviction vote against Steven in week 3 and was taken off the block by Memphis in week 8.


and the way dan played the second season was great if you didn’t have a jury what did he get 1 vote Danielle


What did Dan in , he swore on the Bible, and he was called out.

Lawon's Special Power

Derrick hasn’t had to play a game. No one else is playing. The only other person that was playing was easy to single out and make sure they couldn’t make waves. Any other season with more than 1 person playing the game and Derrick would’ve been on the block at least 2 times. Out of these people left he’s the only who’s been playing but his game is not that good.

His edit and boneheaded cast mates have made him “look” good…..he truly just average.

Pink haired turdlet

I agree. Derrick is sooooo lucky to be cast with this group. He has a few more brain cells than the rest of them, so what? (That’s not saying much)


I know you are a troll, but thumbs up. Funniest post of the night. Frankies body….lol


Frankie has the body of a 12 year old boy and walks around like he has a load in his pants. He must wear high heels a lot because when he’s shoeless he walks on his tippy toes.


I told my husband tonight Frankie walks like his bum in packed full of bricks!


Jillian made it to Final 2 un-nominated and won.


There are at least a dozen people more deserving of that title, but I’ll just mention Danielle, who also was never nominated and would have won if she’d refrained from being herself in the diary room. She was not cast with a bunch of morons so deserves way more credit.


It’ easy to play a flawless game when you are playing it with complete idiots. Besides Frankie, Donnie, and Nicole, if they put their brains together I don’t think they can come up with a complete thought. Put Derradick with the likes of Dan, Dr. Will, Boogie, Rachel, Janelle, Evil Dick and his daughter Danielle and he won’t have a chance. His luck can only be attributed to dumb-ass Victoria, Cody, and Caleb. Hope Frankie takes him out next. I would rather see Cody and Caleb in the final two. At least it will be even and no one will know the outcome until the votes are tallied.


Derrick is playing mind game well, but Calob is playing better game physical and loyal to his alliance. He should win


Caleb is absolutely NOT playing a physical game! Frankie is playing the physical game and Derrick is playing the mental game. I cannot stand Frankie, but he is hands down a better player than Victoria (obvious), Cody and Caleb. Caleb is such a weak player and a wuss, he couldn’t even put Frankie on the block to get out. He is weak and only thinks he is a physical threat because he injects to make himself look big! He doesn’t lift weights or stay fit, haven’t really seen him work out at all during his stay in the house, but he complains about the site under his arm and the lump in his chest….all signs of steroid injections. Of course, he is a beast mode, an actor, a country singer, a model, a body builder, etc…. just ask him, he will tell you how great he is. That all being said, I don’t think Caleb is a horrible person at all, but the boy needs to eat some humble pie, come out of the clouds about himself and according to his housemates, take a freaking shower and brush his teeth!


In all fairness to Caleb, he did in fact work out quite regularly in the beginning. He lifted weights all the time in the first few weeks, but the last couple of weeks he stopped lifting as much as he did previously. His muscle mass did decrease as everyone can see. But that could be because he isn’t taking protein such as whey for example like guys who work out do. As for his lumps and soreness, I hope it isn’t something like tumors which can pop up anywhere and can be benign or malignant. That was rather crass of you to assume steroid use when there are many other medical reasons why people can develop lumps on their body.


Donnie should win the $25,000


Ooooo…yeah. Less $15k after taxes.


Bless his heart! Donnie was just way too honest and kind hearted for a show like Big Brother. I wish they had a prize for integrity and respect. I just wish Victoria had a chance because everyone has made such fun of her. Frankie is just too “cocky” for his own good. Good luck to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂


Heck, all those b!tches thinking they are going to get an acting career out of this, and it turns out Victoria is the only one with actual acting talent. She turned on copious fake tears, got the snot going, and pretty much stone played Frankie…alas, it is all in service of someone else’s game. But credit where it is due…that was really impressive acting.


Thank you Dawg for the last sentence. You gotta have a sense of humor when it’s this bad 🙂


I belive Nicole hyden Donny jocasts Christina will not vote for derrick
I think Victoria will if she out
cody will if he out
cleab will if he out
zack might
derrick lose by one


what i am thinking is if victoria makes it to the end she’ll win she has zach,nicole,hayden and jocasta it is a very personal jury only the detonators who r in the jury will vote for whatever detonateor is in the final 2 i see victoria winning this whole thing and anyone would win against frankie he’s a dick and he has a famous sister he does is lie and make fun of people which is y no one will vote for him he does’nt even have zachs vote so the way i see it whoever goes up against victoria they will lose


I don’t think Zach will vote for Victoria…he will vote for one of the guys. He may vote for Frankie just to play up the fact that he’s forgiven him. I think he would pick Frankie over the other detonators. But he will not vote for Victoria vs. Derrick. I agree with the others, hopefully Nicole saw the error of her ways.

I think he will do what makes him look good infront of the media. I love him but his irrational love for Frankie makes me think he’s some kind of masochist.


every person that went to jury that was not a detonator didn’t no about the them so unless the others tell them whos the jury mad at the house


how would you think Nicole would not vote for him what were you watching


Derrick did not make enemies in the house at all, everyone seems to like him, the jury will have time to reflect and if Derrick makes it to the end, he will state his case how he was behind most of the nominations and evictions and the jury will vote for best player which is what he is. Cody can say what? I went along with Derrick; Caleb can say? I danced with Frankie and thought girls were a bigger threat than the one man who has won the most competitions and Victoria can say she made the house pretty by being there.

BBused to be Fan

So you are assuming that Frankie is going. I definitely cant see anyone giving him votes. Derrick has it all the way.


You don’t think the jury members either know or care that Frankie has 5 HOH and 3 POV wins under his belt so far? Seriously?? Of course they would know who has won HOH and POV. Even Christine thought Frankie was controlling the house and said so during her eviction to Julie Chen, and I’m sure she told the rest of the jury house members as well. To say that they would be impressed by those numbers of Frankie winning would be a understatement. Then again who knows how many will vote on game play and how many will vote on personal feelings about the final two. Remember your personal feelings about Frankie are probably not shared by the other jury members who have not been watching live feeds and video clips of Frankie.


Stupid cbs. Can’t watch big brother because of stupid weather. Change the day because of football and still can’t watch it. Stop blocking big brother you dumb idiots


I know we have accused CBS & BB of controlling a lot of things & sabotaging the game. However, I can say with confidence that neither CBS or BB can control the weather. I feel your pain though.


You missed absolutely nothing. In fact, you are better off as a human being for having not watched it.


I really really really hate Frankie! He is just so ….. unlikable.

Detroit Girl

Yes Hitmen, realize how stupid you are for not getting Frankie out last week. Idiots!


see if Nicole wouldn’t have told derrick basically he was playing a great game and started giving details Frankie would be gone so Nicole screwed herself and probably derrick now he couldn’t risk Nicole telling anyone oh well im almost to the point I want caleb to win and say I had it the whole time then afterward he would find out he had no idea he was exclused weeks ago and got lucky they used him


Derrick should work for the F.B.I his manipulation are just so good!


If anyone doesn’t ‘deserve’ to win (even 2nd prize), it’s Victoria. She has done absolutely nothing. Really; she says she’s usually ‘happy-go-lucky’? Uh – did I miss that? I saw nothing but her being mean, vain, overestimating herself as a woman and a player and really just vacuous as far as interesting to watch.
Anyone else but Victoria and Derrick for that matter, I would support a win for.
Derrick has let Victoria ‘cross the line’ of physical touching and I think that is just plain slimy (on both their parts).
He’s way too cocky and I’d love to see him sent out the door before he gets to final 2.


I think she uses self affirmation. That’s all I got. It was the week that Nicole got evicted and I forgot what the conversation was about but Victoria said to Nicole not to say that because words are powerful.

Maybe that’s why she said she’s the prettiest girl in the house, she’s a warrior, she’s a happy person, she’s a force to be reckon with, Cody wasn’t good looking enough for her to be interest in, and many ridiculous things.


Anybody but the homorroid or pig snout.


I really hate frankie

Wendy Pethtel

Am I the only one that thinks Cody is a huge threat in the final 2. You know Donny, Hayden, Nicole, Jacosta, and Christine left thinking they were back stabed by or that the others were running the house and that’s why they are out. Cody had great social game, almost everyone still considers him a good friend.

Wendy Pethtel

Am I the only one that thinks Cody is a huge threat in the final 2. You know Donny, Hayden, Nicole, Jacosta, and Christine left thinking they were back stabed by or that the others were running the house and that’s why they are out. Cody had great social game, almost everyone still considers him a good friend.


Anybody but the homorroid or the pig snout.

Roisen Dubh

I’ll give it to Derrick. He knows how to scumbag you with finesse. I thought the number Dan did on Danielle was something.


But Dan was on the block and everyone was voting him out. Every time someone mentions Derrick he gets angry and they back off. Pussies in this game. Derrick has that cop anger trait, the one that gets physical with people.


Derrick is not playing the game with people who are interested in winning the game. Heck Frankie for all of his comp wins, is more interested in the fame, then the cash. This cast is so pathetic, they makes Derrick look like Einstein.
Most people think that Caleb is dumb, Caleb isn’t dumb, {he is star-struck} he knows he has no true alliance with anyone. The only person he can trust is Frankie, and he is pretty certain, that is a losing game. Why do you think he is always talking about “this is only a game”. He knows he will be the first to go when they get down to 4.
Cody for all of his bravado is as clueless as Victoria. Plus, he is more girly then Victoria ” the fictional mouse” Cody, MY HERO! NOT!


I hope that if Derrick wins, he and his family become close friends with Victoria. It will be with her help that he won. She is not vindictive, she is young and naive. I am certain that she will come out of this a different person.


Not vindictive? You saw what she did to her own hat, just to spite Zach right? Victoria plays nice because she wants in Derrick’s pants, but the girl has a mean streak.

That being said, I hope she wins. The idea of any of these guys winning the money after their far worse behavior makes me cringe.


She can pretty much cry on cue… I know she is crying partly out of frustration at the situation but she’s literally able to cry to campaign.

I think she knows she is going home and is using this tactic incase she gets to come back and people may be willing to keep her for an extra vote if they think she is no longer aligned with Derrick. Derrick is also lying his ass off to the audience that he respects the Hitmen anyway, because I do believe he’d rather take Victoria to Final 2 than Cody. If Derrick hated Christine for all the Cody touching, I can’t imagine he’s cool with Cody, even though he’d never diss him in the DR as he thinks Cody is eye candy for the viewers.

But yes, she is also too into Derrick as she would also know that if the button doesn’t save her then this all benefits Derrick. I believe she hates Frankie, Cody, and Caleb though, so this isn’t saying much.


Who the frig picked mission A what a waste these friggin jerks stay up all night anyway. Wtg production.


Can someone explain this mind game Derrick is playing with Victoria, How does this ultimately mean Victoria is campaigning for Derrick, if she is so mad at him?


She’s trying to convince them she’s not voting for him if he goes to the end….nor will Hayden, Nicole or Christine so therefore he’s not a threat if any of them take him to F2. He coached her and she bought it.


I didn’t read if Victoria mentioned to Frankie the most important part of her dialog. That Nichol told her that she and others would not vote for Derrick if he made it to the final two. That was the most important thing to say to Frankie so he would feel comfortable taking Derrick with him . All I read above was her feelings , not the message she was sent to convey to Frankie from Derrick?


Watching the live feeds, I actually felt sorry for Frankie having had to listen to Victoria babble on and on while not really saying anything. Poor guy. Kudos to him for trying to comfort her although she is just too dumb to understand anything anybody says to her. I had to mute the feeds because it was just misery listening to her.

Simon and Dawg….I don’t know how you sit through times like that but I appreciate all you do. Love this website.


Victoria needs to realize Derrik been truthful to her from the beginning. Victoria you won for being the last standing woman standing. Derrick told you from the beginning you might be going home.


Victoria called herself the competition queen on the live show. This isnt the most twisted summer ever its the most delusional cast ever

How long til BB17 ?????

Christine is so cold, Ice cubes use Her to take the ALS challenge


It’s not hard to out play a slop head.


To be honest, idk who I want to win. But I don’t want Frankie or Vitoria to win.


I am uncomfortable with caleb winning. he is so clueless to the social game. so darn clueless. its just hard to believe he could win.

Yikes a rat!

Caleb was so funny tonite!!

Pink haired turdlet

I’ll give Caleb this, he got right in there checking for the “rodent” and seemed totally unfazed. Cody on the other hand acted like there was a bear, cougar, alligator, and boa constrictor hiding in the house.


Please this week couldn’t of come any faster just send Frankie home for the greater good. Donnie the 25K and give Derek the 500 K. Okay I hope this rewind works. Btw Vicky how many times you have to be told that Derek is align with other people in this house stupid young lady. She doesn’t deserve anything. At least I was respectful. Hurry up Survivor!


Derrick heads into the kitchen and beats his meat with the rolling pin.


Roisen Dubh

Well it’s not gonna beat itself.



Vain Fools: "This is Big Brother, NOT "SURVIVOR"

The only reason Derrick is where he is now is due to the extreme vanity of each player. At this point you have the 5 most vain personalities (with Derrick being the least vain to everyone in the house, but the most vain for Production and “America”.

You have the weakest pair of Final 2 Deals (Derrick/Victoria & Derrick/Cody) and the biggest egos (Frankie & Caleb) who only want to win Big Brother “Survivor style” (using the Power of Veto as an individual immunity necklace). It is the “Survivor” mentality that will cost both Frankie and Caleb the final 2 spots of the game they are actually supposed to be playing (aka Big Brother) where the goal is to take out the people who you know at some point will take you out and convincing a Jury you were the one to strike first against the ones who had took or would have taken strikes at you.


I cant believe Derrick was so close to Frankies time, nice. I like the fact that Derrick enjoys the TA stuff. Even if we don’t now its something for them to do. If he didn’t give it any thought I am sure people might be upset about that.


I know I sound like a horny housewife but Cody is absolutely yum to look at. 🙂


I have given up on Victoria. She is a tart straight up. She has no idea that she has been carried. The girls in the beginning didn’t like her (along with Amber). She doesn’t understand that shes not the only girl standing because she is good at the game. Shes there to use as a vote and nothing more. She hasn’t proven herself what so ever. People use people in the house to get further in the game. How this girl does not know this is beyond me. The girls that were playing the game, have been voted out.

The Homophobia Card

I have no doubt that Frankie will play that card if he doesn’t get either first or second place in BB

The laughable thing is the HG’s have tip toed on egg shells not to “offend” this vulgar piece of garbage. The crap he has pulled with the groping, grinding, and gyrating as well as his disgusting innuendos were ONLY tolerated because he is gay.

SO, if this person attempts to pull out some “I was discriminated against” card if he loses, he needs to be told how fortunate he was that someone neither smacked him around or verbally blasted him for being such a scumbag the entire show.


did you notice especially tonight how uncomfortable derrick looked when Frankie hugged him its was really obvious tonight


Derrick’s uncomfortable because Frankie is ruining his game by not only still being in the house but by bringing up the fact that he was never on the block once, as well Derrick has been visibly angry at others when they bring up that he is well liked, which is obviously Derrick realizes is not true because he thinks Hayden and Zach put blame on him for them being evicted, he didn’t protect his alliance members. As well that Donny who was on to him is probably telling other jury members about him. Derrick is losing his cool and becoming paranoid as well starting to become aggressive to others when they bring up certain things.. This is great to watch his resolve begin to crumble, and he is in panic mode right now using Victoria to bring Frankie back to his side. Watch Derrick flip out when he is told the details about the reset, and that he is not able to compete for HOH. Frankie has Derrick on his radar and Derrick knows that Frankie has been campaigning to get him out. Frankie is the most ruthless player even more so than Derrick who has used everyone and lied to their faces.

BBused to be Fan

As a gay person myself, I am humiliated and embarrassed by his actions. Thanks Frankie for turning the clock back for the entire community as well as the game.


You sure are one to talk considering your name and that you even had to bring it up in the first place. There is enough homophobic remarks about the male house guests from others so that it is still in fact an issue for some. Those are a dying breed of dinosaurs anyway. In Frankie’s case there has not been one single homophobic incident or homophobic guest in the house, thus denying homophobes their opportunity to vent. What will you say if Frankie does win? That there was a homosexual agenda at work by CBS or something as equally insane.


Did I miss something? Did Victoria figure out Derrick is voting her out or is she playing the part like they (Derrick/Victoria) planned? First time I’ve agreed with Frankie. He totally makes sense in what he’s saying to Victoria.

watched a little bbad

This is a plan. She and Derrick discussed it last night.


Oh Caleb. I love to hate to love you!!! He is entertaining to watch when he gets excited about such things as making a mouse trap lols. As per the game he is clueless but I kind of like that too. I am still supporting Derrick though.
I cant believe the things Frankie was saying about himself. Competition beast but everyone despises him lols. You need a little of everything to win this.


Victoria is a very good caring person but she should of never going this far I think jocasts whould did a better job she belive everything derrick says when if she goes to jury she try in get every vote for him its really sad why whould you come on a show if you want somebody else to win Victoria



Dr Will had that kind of arrogance that you liked (to hate) and he won no comps. Frankie wins comps and has that arrogance that you cant stand. Frankie is an ass clown and I can not see him being any different outside of this house then he is on the inside. He seems like he would be shady and talk shit about you behind your back and then get caught and say “Oh but you know I love you” and then everything is copacetic. I can not stand him and I want to punch him……..Is that bad 😛


no I don’t think you are unreasonable I would like to see Frankie get a small part in the next sharknado and have his woodpecker head bite off in the first 5 seconds of the movie


Hahahaha! LoVe!!!!




Kathie from Canada

Why are you yelling?

Hair Pulling

Really tired of you typing Cleab

Wiping Tears

OMG I am f*cking DYING here right now @ Hair Pulling. For some reason I am LOLING way to much at your comment.

Fast Eddie

If Derrick had of just hustled a little more he would have beaten that score. Ding dong!!! Speaking of Dr Will. One of the best reactions from Will and Boogie was in All Stars when Janelle pulled out that 1:00 minute or 50 seconds which ever time it was for the same kind of game these HG’s just played. I think it was then they realised that Janelle was a beast all on her own. Loved that!
Mouse in the house lols.


Victoria thinks shes at summer camp. Why keep asking someone if you should campaign? Just do it so you can say at least you tried. Dead lock or not its worth a try instead of a whine.


Typical girl approach. Dropping hints to a man to campaign for her. Is that my underwear on the floor?


I think derrick is going to take Victoria to the final 2.


If by some quirky twist of fate this reset works out for him, you are absolutely correct. His original plan was always to take Victoria to the end. He only recently had to consider other options because neither of the two of them did anything in comps to secure their F2 deal lately.

Victoria would love to win the $500k but I suspect she’d be beaming like a lighthouse beacon just because she made it to the end with Derrick beside her.


how about this ideal next year if you on the block in win pov you got two opition
1- take you and the person next to you off the block
2-take you off and you put up the replament
3 if you not on the block in win veto in use it on one of the noms
only your vote matter if you don’t use it it everybody vote that counts


Victoria really bugs me BUT I would like to see her win HOH once, nominate Frankie and whoever and Frankie go home! She may be go next but I think it would make her game.


I hope they BOO Derrick when he makes his exit. Victoria is not even working the house to stay and win $500,000. She is trying to help Derrick win the money. Who the F is this stupid?? She is an insult to all woman. She mentioned that she didn’t have to audition that she was picked to do the show. Who the F chose her? Is her daddy in the business? Who ever picks these people needs to be fired. Please send her home I can’t watch another second of her ugly clueless ass following Derrick around the house.