Stooges: “Peter and Alec had so many alliances and lied so much they assume we’re like that to”

POV Holder: Peter Next POV April 13th
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony April 8th
HOH Winner: JILLIAN Next HOH: April 11th
Original Nominations: ALEC & PETER
Current Nominations: Alec & Topaz
Last Evicted Houseguest GARY
Have Nots No havenots this week


11:30AM HOH Andrew, Emmett and Jillian

Andrew says he’s been talking to Talla if there was a twist. he told her the plan was to put either Andrew or Talla up and they will vote out Topaz or Alec.
Jillian: “Was she all for it”
Andrew: “Well she didn’t understand.. I had to explain it she thinks peter will go up”
Andrew adds that he explained it very clearly to Talla so hopefully she understands and doesn’t get mad. Jillian: “She has to know she can still trust us if she goes up.. We don’t have many choices”
Andrew thinks (Hopes) that Talla is ok about it.

Andrew goes on to say he thinks he has Talla’s trust, “But i know you will take her over me”
Emmett: “Cold day in hell my friend”
Andrew: “We were down there shooting the sh!t and peter came by sat beside us.. I was like just walk on get going”

Andrew says if Alec starts talking game to him again he’s going to ask Alec to leave him alone he’s said all there is to say and now Andrew will make his own decisions. Andrew needs to still be nice just incase there is a twist, “I’m getting close to saying F*** off you’re going home” (too many twists have had a damper on the drama..)
Andrew: “Going to be a long a$$ day.. I want to take a hour long dump and a 7 hour nap.. hopefully we go out there and it’s this massive physical thing.. “


11:38AM Stooges
(Stooge banter is the best)

Andrew brings up about Peter sitting down with them when they were chatting in the living room, “PEter you know what is going on.. walk on.. that is why I sat there cause that’s where peter and Alec always sit to look at the wall and ponder.. I was like I’m sitting here all day so they can’t”

Alec pops his head in for a minute asks them if they are speculating. Andrew: “No” Talla: “one thing Alec can you leave Aneal’s bow tie”
Alec leaves

Andrew: “all I want.. I don’t care about what happens tonight.. all i want is Alec to go.. one of those guys (Topaz/Peter) can win I don’t care put me up I’ll be right behind Alec in the Jury.. I just don’t want Alec to win.. He’s already won 10 grand and I don’t like the way he’s been playing”

Andrew: “He (Alec) keeps saying I have been nothing but honest.. I really like you.. Why weren’t you in an alliance with me Alec.. UHH Cause I was in all these other alliances”

Andrew: “Now he wants to be in an alliance with us”
Talla: “Sorry busy”
Andrew: “Of course you want to be in an alliance with us NOW”
Andrew brings up how Alec was telling him if he turns his back on Emmett and Jillian now and keeps him (Alec) that E/J will still be friends with Andrew outside of the game.
Andrew: “I told him Dude I’m not worried about that we’re playing a game”

Andrew mentions how he’s in his real first real alliance in the game, he knows that Talla, AJ and him had something but they never called it an alliance. Andrew: “Even AJ and I didn’t have anything.. “
Talla: “We’re Stooges”
Andrew: “Well I guess Aj and I had one.. “
Peter comes in for a bit to grab lip balm.

Andrew can’t believe Peter and Alec tell them so much then go to Jillian/Emmett and say a whole new set of lies. They must know that Andrew, Emmett, Jillian and Talla talk.
Andrew: “I think what is happening is Peter and Alec have had so many alliances and have lied so much they assume we’re like that to”
Andrew: “They think we’re using people like they are”
Andrew: “The one thing about Alec is he’s so mad at himself for not keeping AJ over me.. he said that to me “ Andrew adds that Alec told him keeping Andrew will “come back and bite him in the butt.. YUP cause i’m voting your ass out”
Alec thought andrew would put up Jillian and Emmett but instead Andrew put up Gary and Topaz.

Talla about Peter and Alec “They really think we’re not working together.. we’re that good”



Wrestling around + pillow fight


12:51PM Topaz and Talla are in the getting ready. The rest of the cams show resting houseguests in the main bedroom

Right before the feeds cut we see Topaz getting her “Cr*tch” waxed by Talla. She had talked about this last night

1:15pm Feeds on Hush Hush This might be it until later tonight.. Double Eviction YO!
2:00pm Feeds on Hush Hush
3:45pm Feeds on Hush Hush
4:50pm Feeds on Hush Hush

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42 thoughts to “Stooges: “Peter and Alec had so many alliances and lied so much they assume we’re like that to””

  1. Hahaha I’m not sure why Andrew is complaining so much about Alec’s campaigning. Personally, it is refreshing to see someone who is actually fighting to stay. I’d like to see Andrew on the block for more than 10 minutes just so he can see exactly how it feels. Besides, the only reason why Andrew is still in the game right now is because Alec (and Peter) voted AJ out during the instant eviction.

    1. I think its because Alec has been giving him the same argument to keep him for a week straight. If you had the same conversation with someone multiple times a day for an entire week (when you had already finalized your decision to not keep them) you would probably be telling them to eff-off as well.

      1. I’m not saying that Alec is doing a good job of campaigning (or whatever it is that he’s been doing) but all I mean is that Andrew has never been in Alec’s position so it’s tough for me to sympathize with him at this point.

  2. I haven’t been reading up on BBCA or following the feeds for weeks, I’m sad to see Gary got evicted. Who is going this week? I have a feeling it’s Alec.

  3. I bet Emmett really wants to smoother Talla, imagine living with her 24hr a day. It’s the stuff nightmares are made of.

  4. Well said LaRitournelle. I have always been cheering for Andrew but all this constant nasty talk about Alec is getting old. We all know that this would be a totally different scenario if one of the Shield had won last week and not the Beast Coast…. the three of them would have been scrambling then and who can say what their game play would be like under pressure. Hopefully we are going to see it this week when Peter and Topaz ( fingers crossed) take control of the house. Also I disagree that Jillian would win in jury…. I don’t think she has a chance…. maybe against Talla but not any other HG remaining in my opinion. I think Jillian’s game is mostly gossiping about the other players…. her word means nothing and all the directions come from Emmett. I’m starting to see similarities between her and Danielle from last season’s BBUS and ” delusional” being the key word to describe them. I’m definitely cheering for Topaz now ( always like the underdog)… she may be into napping but it seems to me in watching BBAD that all Jillian does is eat… so who cares!!!!

    1. according to peter and alec they have been running the house and the whole game … according to those to bozo`s they think they are the best players ever to play BB and everyone would want them back in an All Star game .. NOT … i refuse to watch if they brought back those two ego idiots… they are the biggest liars .. they are sickening to listen to , thinking they are better then anyone else… and they are cheaters … example of being an idiot … pulling out of a POV .. yep that was real smart of Alec…. he can now put himself in with some of the dumbest moves made in BB history …lmao @ Alec … looks good on him .. Now if Peter goes home along with him … even better …

    2. Ugh, I WANT to like Jillian but I just can’t. A huge part of BB is lying and backstabbing so she has that part right. I don’t know what it is about her that I just can’t get behind. Anyway, Jillian has to know that going to F3 with Lala and Topaz gives her the best chance of winning. It seems as though the remaining players all have people in the Jury house on their side except for Jillian and Emmett. Talla and Andrew have AJ. Peter is going to have Alec and Topaz has Gary.

      1. Totally agree. I don’t actually believe for one second that she even auditioned for BB, she was probably a Bachelor applicant and they thought that she would be a perfect match for Emmett, either that or she applied on a dare. She didn’t even know who Dan was! She is surprised by people lying and is shocked that Alec and Peter are attempting to save themselves… shocker!!! Anyway, move over Jillian, it’s time to go I hope that you’re the double evictee tonight. I do hope that Jill and Emmett get married and live happily ever after though! Very cute couple and if so she will be the ultimate winner.

        Hope Emmett wins… as Gary says “I LOVE EMMETT”!!! definitely played the best game in the house.

        Bye bye Alec!! Can’t wait to see you go and I can’t imagine any girl ever wanting to date you after the way you treated Topaz.

        Too bad the big drama players are gone. Danielle, Liza, Tom, Kat, Aneal and Gary, I think there was definite potential for some real drama if these guys hadn’t left so early. Oh well, hopefully there will be another season next year, it breaks up the wait for BBUS.

  5. I work tonight until 10 so it will be all said and done when I get home tonight. I hope Topaz wins the quickie HOH and the news is that the milkmance is no more. Thanks to Simon and Dawg for everything they do for those of us that can’t watch in real time! Please check out the donate button and show some Simon and Dawg love!

  6. do you think the ninjas or sumos are in there now? or will be part of the comp tonight? on twitter, bb said there’s was a “surprise” along with the double eviction tonight.

  7. Imagine for a split second that any of these losers actually get a show? I mean they are so delusional. Canada does not love any of you guys (Maybe Andrew) but lets be real here who ever cast this crew is a complete joke. I mean even the host is annoying! This whole crew that cast these fools should be fired!!! Wonder why they have done so many double evictions……HELLO its because nobody can stand any of these people. Don’t get me started on Talla and her fake attitude trying to play the dumb brunette and trying to be cute 24/7. Your annoying bitch!!!

    1. I don’t blame @kassting for anything. Her and the other casting directors did a good job as they have done previously on BB US. I blame production for their twists and rigging the game. Aneal had potential (first week he was trying to set up Gary with the glitter), saving horrible players like Suzette, AJ got screwed (the game would be different if the three stooges were all in the house), Tom would have lasted longer if they didn’t bad his allies from the HOH redo, making 75% of the show about someone who is disliked by livefeeders (Peter), etc.
      The cast had a ton of potential. It’s the producers and the fake fans who cry about how “boring” a week is that big moves are not made. They are not fans of the game, they are reality show fans. And BB is like chess. But it’s their cryibg that causes the producers to take action. Every episode can’t be excited unless you want to see a fashion show, the moose tell Peter how cute he is, etc.

  8. I am so sick of listening to Peter and Alec’s lies for Alec to stay. Alec needs to go tonight and Peter behind him. Peter and Topaz would never work together he does not even talk to her. Topaz and Talla I can see them working together.

  9. I am so fed up listening to Talla talk over everyone. Watching BBAD where Jillian and Topaz are trying to have a conversation and Talla keeps interjecting non-sentences. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. She should just stop it.

    She is like a child tugging on your skirt: when you’re talking to a friend: “Mommy ! Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! You know what mommy?! Mommy! Mommy!” Cheeses!

    1. Definitely ready for her to go. It was cute at the beginning but it is non stop every minute everyday. Pathetic

    2. I was supper annoyed though on BBAD when Jill asked Talla to describe her conversation she had with peter or alec, to her and Topaz and jill kept cutting Talla of every second trying to say something to Topaz. I just turned the tv off after that lol

  10. I agree completely, Talla is just getting on my nerves with her high pitched voice when no one listens to her, she just keeps getting louder and louder, she must go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. So looking forward to tonights eviction..brings to mind what they are all singing about Thatcher..ding dong the witch is dead..just have to change it to ding dong you are gone..I agree about Jillian something about her..I want to like her but there is just something about her. I don’t know if its her facial expressions or the constant picking of food she does she irritates me more than talla . I don’t think Jillian will have the votes I don’t honestly think she interacted with the rest of the house guests that much have you ever noticed she is always the last to come to the table when they sit down and eat together, and if she isn’t cuddling with Emmett she is off doing yoga..being normal I think is the expression she used..Andrew I would love to see get to the finals and I would like to see Emmett as well, Emmett is actually playing the game not Jillian..we saw what happened to Jillian in the diary room when she had to choose between Andrew and a deer lost in the was actually quite funny so with Alex and I hope Peter gone tonight I think we will see Andrew play his game to the fullest..the only thing is I think he would take Jillian over Emmett..

  12. I actually like Jillian most of the remaining girls. Topaz has no game and makes elementary mistakes, why on Earth did she step down from that iceberg. She could have easily won. Fail! Talla never shuts up and annoys me. I just want her gone. It’s too late for the girls to talk game and alliance. They don’t really trust one another and nothing is going to rebuild that. Production better step in with last minute twists, enough of this Vanilla.

  13. 100 percent someone from Jury will come back into the house. After the Double eviction tonight there will be 25 days left and only five houseguests. Then next week it will be 4 people with 18 days, then it will be 3 people with 11 days. I think it only makes sense for Production to bring someone back. What do you think Simon??

    1. Dropping someone in this late in the game from Jury is a huge chunk of f*ckery. Most of the time when they drop a player in they have been isolated and it’s earlier on in the show. Still I wouldn’t put it past them one bit.

      I’m not sure how the final week will go down for Big Brother Canada. Your numbers look correct so there will be 11 days with only 3 people.. hmm..

      I have a feeling that the feeds will be cut near the end of the season the last week will probably have a feed blackout

      Shield goes home tonight Canada votes who gets dropped back in AJ wins 3 Stooges final 3 😉 (I know I’m dreaming)

  14. Topaz is really the only person left in the game i want to see win and the only other person left who isn’t afraid to make moves…

    1) Talla- annoying and has accomplished nothing and just floats around… but yet, i’d rather see her come in second than anyone else.
    2) Emmett- i dont even know.. hes hot but thats about it
    3) Andrew- Lol..
    4) Peter… you’re not Ian/Dan 2.0.. if anything “The Shield” is where u went wrong
    5) Alec- Egotistical Douche you’re not even close to becoming one of the “best” players to play the game
    6)Jill- refer to number 2

    1. Topaz put up Andrew and AJ which was the weakest available move at the time. So, she is afraid to make big moves.

  15. Every time I see a picture of Peter clinging to that pathetic elastic band Lisa left, I just smile sadly and shake my head. He’s like a small child hanging onto his blanket or teddy bear after mom and dad dropped him off at day care. I recall Lisa interrupting the the show’s host to ask “where’s Tom” ?… Time for the moose head to let his buddy know the bad news.. And this food thing. Come on. All kids go through an “I’ll only eat” thing. They grow out of it.. Can only hope Talla wins the HOH tonight and puts him up…………At least Survivor is great this seasons. Big wow move by Malcom at tribal last night..

  16. I agree with Simon 100% !! the stooges are awesome. Talla is who I want to win it all<3 she has played this game better than anyone. hasn't won a single challenge, but has came in 2nd three times and still managaes to be this far in the game, without being on the block once … IMPRESSIVE! she really is dumb, that's not an act, but she has an intelligent side to her, she's working everyone in that house. She is also very genuine, I remember Aj calling Suzette an idiot without her even being around, and Talla said; "she's not an idiot, don't call her that", *awwwh!*. I feel it in me that she's going to win HOH tonight and Peter will go home, if not, I can only hope one of the milkmance goes bc if one of them don't go tonight, they're going to win their way to F2 :@

  17. I hope Topaz or Talla win HoH, just because Topaz got royally screwed her HoH, and Talla would be interesting (and probably unintentionally funny) during her HoH. On another note, Andrew is really annoying me as of late because he won’t tell Alec that he’s going home and keeps complaining about Alec’s campaigning. MAN UP!

  18. Simon/Dawg, you made a very interesting “ad lib” in your commentary today. The fact that Andrew has to be careful “not to speak his mind to Alec, just in case there’s a twist!”, and how that means the HGs are now less inclined to speak their mind, really does lessen the drama in the house. Conflict is fun! I hadn’t thought of that, but you’re exactly right! Andrew going off on Alec would be epic, and I would have loved to have seen that. Production “stole it” from us!

    To me, it seems like “karma” only allows us a *certain* amount of drama, in each BB season. Whenever Production “twists”, yeah, they get an extra exciting day or two. But then, there’s always a “snap back”, where the “BB Drama Gods” even it out, and mellow out the house for a time.

    I’ve enjoyed two “normal weeks” of BB. I personally much appreciate BBCA Production adopting more of a “hands-off” approach, of late. But I think all that ends tonight. Big time. Simon just ran the HG numbers, and, based on the time left, they’re “short” a HG. That’s like giving Production a “Free Spin Card!” Let’s see. Which jury member do *we* want back in the game?

    Since the second he left, I’ve *always* thought Gary would be brought back. He’s *everything* BB values in a HG! He’s been gone only one week. And I expect it more than *ever* now (and, no, I’m *not* a fan of his.) Production’s *got* to know that “The Shield” is now dead in this game. Them saving Alec buys Production nothing, at this point. They’ve been “outed” by the entire house, as pathological liars. (And, after watching the house reacting to Peter of late, he’s clearly being “shunned” by the other HGs, far more than I thought. Peter’s major role in the “Save Alec Campaign” this week clearly hasn’t helped him shake his “guilt by association”, has it? Peter’s a goner.) But Gary’s return pumps a *ton* of new life into Topaz’ floundering BB game. Together, Gary and Topaz could also give “The Milkmance” and “The Stooges” a run for their money here.

    How can it *not” be Gary returning? Who *else* is Production gonna bring back – AJ? (Hey, I enjoyed AJ in the house and all, but, come on!)

    1. Always a pleasure to read you comments Jim

      I’m onboard with you on Gary if someone comes back it will be him. I’ll still campaign to have AJ back but there is ZERO chance of that happening.

      As for the drama/twist it’s never been more apparent than in this season. Production tosses in silly twists to create drama but in doing so the players are so freaked out no drama is created organically. Its sad really.

      Twists do not equal good Big Brother TV, Good casting and leaving people alone so drama is created naturally makes for good TV

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