Spencer says I told you Andy was going to do whatever the masses of a$$es wanted him to do.

POV Holder: ? Next POV Aug 10th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 12th
HOH Winner: ANDY Next HOH: Aug 15th
Original Nominations: Spencer & Jessie
Current Nominations:
Last Evicted Houseguest David, Nick, Jeremy, Kaitlin, Howard, Candice, JUDD
Have Nots Aaryn, Helen , GM, Elissa


7:50pm Out in the backyard – Spencer is grilling the steaks and the mackerel fish fillets on the BBQ. They comment on how the fish is super fishy tasting. Aaryn is in the kitchen making some sloppy balls.

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8pm – 8:10pm McCrae and Jessie sit on the backyard couch and smoke with talking about different foods. Spencer and Jessie are in the backyard alone. Spencer says well we are in the same place aren’t we? Jessie says we will have to fight for the POV. Spencer says I am going to fight like hell for the VETO. Jessie comments that he is handling it pretty well. Spencer says that he is just use to being on the block now. Spencer says that he knew that he would be fighting for the Veto every week after he got put up with Howard. Jessie asks what did Andy tell him up in the HOH room. (Big Brother then switches cams so we don’t hear his answer. They then flip the cameras back.) Spencer says I told you that Andy was going to do whatever the masses of a$$es would want him to do. Jessie talks about how everyone is sitting pretty right now. She says that she doesn’t understand why no one will go after Amanda/McCrae. Spencer says that its just chicken sh*t! Jessie agrees. Spencer says that we are on the outs and Andy is fighting to be on the in’s. As they head inside they talk about what Andy doesn’t realize is that he is going to be the first one taken out by them (Amanda, McCrae, Helen, Elissa).


8:15pm – 8:30pm All the house guests are now in the kitchen finishing making their dinners and eating. Ginamarie sits at the table and watches the other eat because she doesn’t feel like eating. Being a havenot and not liking fish she can only eat slop or mung beans.

8:35pm – 8:40pm Andy asks Helen up to the HOH room to talk to her for a couple minutes. Andy tells Helen that he thinks that once the veto is used people will know what we are going to do. I was thinking if before the veto its prizes, I was thinking of telling Jessie to just go for prizes. Helen isn’t sure he should say that to her. Andy tells Helen that if he gets house guest choice when picking veto players he will pick her (Helen or McCrae). Helen tells Andy to talk to Jessie about plans for next week to make her really safe. Andy says that if Jessie wins Veto then Ginamarie will be going home and it will break his heart. Helen feels bad for Gina about how she lives at home and doesn’t have a college degree. Helen hopes Gina wins America’s Favourite because $25,000 would be more money than she has ever seen. Andy says that he will tell Jessie that only she knows about the fact that he has a master plan but that he can’t tell her exactly what it is. Helen says yeah. Andy tells Helen that he will keep her informed all the way. They then both head downstairs.


8:40pm – 9pm Out on the backyard couch – Jessie and Spencer are talking. Jessie says that she and him deserve the money more than most of them. She then says well not deserves, that’s a bad word, everyone deserves it but we have had to fight to be here while others have just floated along. Jessie starts talking about how Judd was playing her. They talk about how weird it was that Judd’s stuff was still here when he got evicted. Jessie says that she never expected Judd to go up. Spencer tells Jessie sorry that he said he would put Jessie up if he won HOH. Spencer says that if I did win HOH I would talk to a lot of people I wouldn’t have just taken Judd’s word for it. Meanwhile in the bedroom – Amanda, McCrae and Helen talk about how they can’t believe they are only half way and still have another 50 days to go. They talk about being bored and think it will be really boring when it gets down to the final few. Helen then explains to Amanda how the final 3 part HOH works. Aaryn, Elissa and Andy join them. The conversation turns to talking about all the fights they had with Candice. They talk about whether or not the evicted house guests going to jury still get to see the goodbye messages and how they wonder if someone will come back into the house. Andy says that the next evicted house guest he will tell them in his goodbye message – If you come back don’t trust McCrae! Elissa says that’s a good one, I am going to use that. The conversation turns to talking about Nick and how no one really knew what he did.

8:55pm Meanwhile Jessie tells Spencer I think we have a really good chance of getting out of this position if we go to Andy after one of us wins the POV. Spencer says yeah we will worry about that after the veto competition. Spencer heads inside to grab his hoodie. Jessie finishes her smoke and heads inside to join the others in the bedroom.


9:10pm All the house guests are sitting around in the bedroom laughing and talking about random things that have happened in the house / past competitions. Big Brother tells Andy to relocate his transmitter. Andy looks at it and says found it! Amanda says that she wants to take her transmitter and start shoving it in my vag!na. And for them to tell me to treat it with respect. Aaryn says I am pretty sure that is treating it with respect.


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121 thoughts to “Spencer says I told you Andy was going to do whatever the masses of a$$es wanted him to do.”

    1. So real! I can see Helen crying on the finally when she see’s how Gina and Aaryn laughed at how she should do their nails and the rice comment. She thinks America is going to vote Gina to be a favorite. I laughed hard. Also, Aaryn mention she wants some sort of hosting job after this. Most people will not touch her with a 10ft pole. I think their is a rumor that Amanda has been fired too for her comments about other races.(Puerto Ricans stink, Candice’s Nappy greasy hair, and others about Andy.

      They don’t know Candice will receive a job as a host on red carpet or E! before any of them. I just learned this girl was a part of a story on Oprah to find her birth mother, she was a real queen twice in Louisiana(Teen and Miss) and she has been an NFL cheerleader for the Saints and Houston. When I read those things, I said hmmmmm! Jealousy is a factor in Gina’s hatred towards that woman.

      1. I believe both Aaryn and GM have already lost their jobs. It wouldn’t surprise me if Amanda looses hers as well. I know I wouldn’t use a real estate agent like her.

        1. Aaryn did not lose a job mainly because she is not employed. Her model agency let her go, but they do not pay her. They just send her out on go calls.

      2. None of these people will get any type of hosting job because they are all disrespectful and nasty human beings. A USA title means nothing, now a Miss America title means brains and beauty lol!

        1. The only ones that are really going to be hurting from this show is Spencer who has an actual paying job and possibly Amanda because she does deal with the public and who would now want to buy a house from her. No way, not me! Aaryn’s parents are apparently pretty rich and another modeling agency will pick her up so no great loss there. As for GM that job really was not a job; more like a hobby so no huge deal. Helen perhaps since she is in politics because the way she acts may bring a bad connotation to politics unless you are Weiner lol, and perhaps Andy since he does deal with young people. Jessie has no job, and Elissa is self employed and McCrae nothing to say. Candice although she was taunted into doing the things she did could possibly deal with some repercussion because she deals with children with her yelling and screaming, but I hope not.

    2. Why has every one forgotten HOWARD tried to get the votes to vote AMANDA OUT ? They voted Howard out and all his predictions came true they are picking them off one by one .

    3. I don’t remember a season when ONLY jugheads were left. For all the times I wanted to see the weak players defeat all of the strong players on BB or Survivor, I kick myself. What a statement about society! Has there been another season like this?

  1. “Aaryn is in the kitchen making some sloppy balls.”

    I don’t know if that’s a typo, but ROLMFAO

  2. GM won’t eat the sloppy balls? Wasn’t she hogging them the other week when she wasn’t even a have not? or is she binging again?

  3. At this stage people should be very aware who they can win against.

    Andy might be leaving faster than he realizes. His strategy has been to be in many conversations, but as head of household, he has too many responsibilities. Also, Helen’s radar is probably up because she couldn’t dictate his noms. Amanda? She’s like a spider that can sense any movement under her web and she always assumes duplicity. I think she has a sense about him.

    Amanda saying that she was playing for McCrae to win? No way, she was just trying to see if he’d take the bait. The reality is, instead of using Dan’s mist technique, she’s agent orange – her results show up far later. She’s toxic to relationships and reputations. She doesn’t realize, tho, she’s toxic to herself. She can only certainly win against 2 people: Aaryn & GM. That’s why she’s bringing Aaryn further into her game.

    Amanda win against:


    Lose to:

    Mc win against:

    Helen (He should win against Helen, but Amanda will lose it for him if she campaigns too hard for him. It would be better if she were a woman scorned than people would do the opposite of what she wants.)
    Elissa (Same as Helen. )

    Lose to:
    Andy (he loses to Andy only because of Amanda. The odds are only slightly in Andy’s favor tho. Mc can shift this if he’s the reason Amanda gets out of the house.)

    Helen win against:



    It’s still a stealth game between the 4 key players (Amanda, Mc, Helen & Spencer) and it’s super stealth game for the other people lower on the totem pole. Ultimately it’ll be decided by Aaryn. She should chose who she has the better chance to win against and that’s Amanda (she would lose to Helen).

    But, there’s still variables that need to be played (Pandora’s box, jury, who wins, who throws the challenges, who is stupid).

    Aaryn is definitely going to be #2, but who will take her to the end?

    1. Not that I want Aaryn to go to the end, it’s just that it’s best for most people’s games and so far she’s been most “dependable”.

      I really want Mc to cut lose Amanda, prob during the next double eviction, the 2nd eviction.

    2. Meant it’s a stealth game between Amanda, Mc, Helen & Elissa. And, Andy but he’s having to take more risks.
      Aaryn’s MO is that she rats people out — I think she’s going to rat him out because she thinks she can do better against: Amanda, GM, Spencer, Jessie

      1. I agee with you. Aryan will spill ot to someone and Helen will know. I know Helen is annoying at times because she talks so much but she has never stated nasty, mean and degrading comments to any of the houseguest. My only problem with her is that she tells people who she thinks she can trust her next move or game play. I still beleive that Amanda will not be able to backdoor her next week. Elissa or Helen needs to win HOH next week.

    3. I would not bet on that. If they pick a winner based on game play or personal feelings. Game Play: Aaryn wins; Personal Feelings: She loses.

    4. I do not agree with several of your choices as to who beats who. That said the interesting bit was Arryn F2. I like you saw that on the wall til last week in my case. She appeared to be well positioned to be everyone’s F2 choice as she was beatable and Amanda had her in her back pocket. A week ago something changed and she is back to being a target. Oh that’s right she got close to Judd!

      She was cruising along doing the dirty work and inching closer to 50K. Then the Judd thing happened and she is guilty by association. Interesting thing is the Judd thing was a crock of BS started by Amanda. Judd wasn’t the MVP period. Played a low key social game. Was a good, loyal sheeple!

      So we are left trying to guess the jury motivation like every season. Is it going to be “12 angry men” and women(actually 9). Or do we see voting based on the quality of game play? Either way I see 2 front runners right now. Andy as you have noted because of his social game! I think McCrae is the other unless/until he sits beside Amanda on eviction night. Avoid that he can get to F2. You see Helen a lot higher than I do. Terrible game player she only wins sitting by someone truly hated. That would be GM. Frankly to much game left for F2 talk but I would want to sit by GM for 500K at the moment.

      PS… Are any of these sheeple ever going to make a move!

      To answer my own question I’m getting the sick feeling instead of targeting Amanda or Helen. The sheeple will evict Ellisa or McCrae 1st.I really want to see douchebag Helen go before anyone else. Really dislike this idiots game.

    5. It’s currently day 51 out of 90. The game is barely halfway done. The houseguests’ opinions of each other will most likely change by the time it gets to the final 2. People are going to backstab each other and become embittered. If everyone brings along Aaryn, thinking that they’ll definitely win against her in the final 2, she’s going to end up winning just like Dr. Will in season 2.


    1. You must be crazy she has not made mean, nasty, degrading and racial comments. Yap annoying at times talk too much but her comments are all just her game play or moves which I think she should not do. Typing in all cap letters and what school did you attend?

    2. Not everyone deserves to lose their job just because you don’t like how someone is playing this game. GM was fired for her racist/bullying attitude and her pageant job didn’t think she was a good fit for mentoring young girls.. I don’t think Aaryn had a job, but was let go from her talent agency again for racist comments. Helen is not a racist, she is playing a game and shouldn’t be fired, that is just ridiculous.

      1. Don’t honestly think any of them are “racist”; just made racially mean jokes or comments, except for Amanda who readily admits to hating all races.

  5. Jessie and Spencer are the only players that can save us from the disaster.

    Elissa is nice but she is a mediocre player.

    Helen is going to get a blindside that she will never forget.

    Gina is a psycho and needs help. I thought Danielle from last year was bad but at least Dani is not a racist and is actually nice.

    Aaryn is a racist enough said.

    Andy is a rat who wants to be Ragan but is nothing like him.

    Amanda a bully and a racist who is insecure about her body and thinks America loves her but they don’t.

    Mccrae I don’t all the hate but he is the smartes player this season. He knows how to play the game and is going to be in the final four.

    Btw I watching Helen saying Gina should be America’s Favorite to Andy because she don’t have a college degree and live with her parents. To bad I’m voting for Candice 🙂

    1. I’ve realized I’ve started to hate watch/follow this show. I’ve only done that for 2 other shows: Weeds and Breaking Bad (tho Breaking Bad has many redeeming qualities).

      I really want McCrae to win (but he needs to boot Amanda to get my respect) and I’d actually be ok if Elissa would win (tho she’s pretty smug).


    2. Totally voting Candice for America’s Favorite. It would be like dumping and rubbing salt in a wound for both Aryan, GM, and Amanda.

      1. I would vote for Judd because he seems to actually need the money. Although it is unjust and disgusting about how people treated Candice – she will reap rewards all over for this far more than money.

        Honestly, they pick too many people for the cast that are loaded financially. It’s revolting.

    3. I kind of agree with most of this, except why the hell would you vote for Candice for Favorite? She did nothing, had no game, was just a lump. What a waste that would be, IMO!!!

    4. I only have seen McCrissy “playing the game,” literally, under Amanda. Every now and then, he talks smack to the air. Wasn’t he the first rat of the game, again while under Amanda? Sorry, but tail-whipped is not a commendable strategy. He was one of my three favorites to win in the first few days, but his “Amanda thing” turns me off all of the way. So, I’m an Elissa fan all of the way. Now would be a good time for her to start winning competitions .

  6. Hey Spencer and Jessie,

    For weeks you’ve known you were on the outside and you have NOT been able to win an HoH. Guess what: You deserve to go up on the block AND, if you fail to win a PoV, you deserve to go home.

    Boo freakin’ hoo! You aligned with the losers of the house.

    1. So the guy who was the co-leader of the MC strategically with Nick, who then fought to get himself and Howard into the good graces of the stupid “house” dynamic, the guy who tried like hell to save Howard, and the guy who has now proven his usefulness to enough people to likely be safe another 2-3 weeks, during which the game could shift and he can try to make a play…that’s who you think is a floater.

      The MVP created a floater shelter, where the “house” or the majority was the power, and that’s what happened in week 2, a floater revolt co-opted and managed by Amanda. Spencer is a lot of things, but floater isn’t one of them.

      1. I agree, he’s playing the hand dealt to him and he’s doing a pretty damn good job at surviving thus far. Howard and Candice sunk him and he should’ve been gone, but he fought and he’s still there.

  7. Season Finale: Amanda Vs MC

    Julie: Helen – What did it feel like when you found out that one of people you trusted the most in the house (Andy), played a key role in getting you voted out? Do you regret not listening to the other HGs in your alliance and taking out Amanda?

    Helen: You know Julie that was a really surprise to me. I was like OK what just happened. I thought I could trust Andy and Elisa. I was making all of these plans after the game then got blindsided.

    Julie: You know it is never a good sign to make plans for life after BB until after the game is over – right?

    Helen: …….

    Candice: You know that’s right….. That was what I was saying all along!!! We several chances to take out Queen Amanda.

    Excerpt for OnlineBigBrother:

    July 20th: Last time Helen made any sense in Big Brother:

    Helen tells them they cannot let Amanda know they are on to her she needs to be backdoored as soon as one of them gets the MVP. Helen complains that Amanda was trying to force her to not use the POV she doesn’t like being told what to do. Helen tells them it’s not fair she can’t do what she wants to with the competitions she wins.
    Helen warns them to keep Andy in the dark ‘Andy is brainwashed by them .. I would think Howard and Spencer would be on our side”
    Helen: “She wants Howard out but I don’t”
    Elissa asks Jessie if she likes Amanda. Jessie didn’t like how Amanda was a bully and tried to make everyone’s HOH her HOH.

  8. Amanda is in the best position to win this game doesn’t matter if you like it or not. GM this week, no doubt jessie or maybe spencer wins veto. Hellen is out next week. That leaves Spencer, Andy, McCrae, and Aaryn, who will do what Amanda want. Jessie is the one who will try and go against Amanda but there is no way she can get the numbers. Elissa will be bitter but will have no choice but to team up with Andy (who is controlled by Amanda) Like it or not people Amanda is looking good, like a probable final 4 member.

    1. Oh for sure, she survived the last two weeks and that sealed it right there. She’s got nobody to thank but Helen- for having a hero complex towards her and Andy for ratting everyone out to her. If she wins it though, It’ll be the end of BB because of that rumor that she was pre-ordained to win it.

      1. Not true at all. People would say that if Ellisa won….that she is rachel’s sister and rachel has a pull. America can be pissed all they want that Amanda is in the house (based on a rumor that she knows the casting director) but the fact is if they want to cancel big brother because she got into the house by knowing someone then they will cancel the series regardless of if she wins or not. Once your in the house its up to you to put yourself in a good position to win. The casting producer doesn’t control who wins HOH and if you get along with them or not. And anyway in order for any of this to happen someone would have to prove that Amanda is friends with her, and if there was proof it would for sure be out by now.

        1. Say what you want, but there was an open letter saying she’s gonna win it and Elissa is just a distraction. Don’t know what season you’re watching, but it’s playing out to the tee.

          1. ummmmm did you read the letter? it was anonymous for crying out loud….hell for all we know you wrote it. I could write an “anonymous letter” and post it on the internet anyone in the world could. And I am watching season 15 clearly. Maybe I will write a letter saying Andy is “expected” to win HOH after a double evict just like the evil casting director planned on happening and sign it from a week ago. There is no way you can pre pick a winner to this game? Was that double eviction fake? Is Amanda’s bff the casting director controlling how every single individual in the house votes? If they wanted to keep Amanda safe there is no way in hell she would have been on the block 2 back to back times. That letter is absolutely no proof whatsoever its ridiculous that anyone would believe something so foolish.

  9. Remember when ppl complained about too many powershifts in BBCA…this is what BB15 needs right now. Certain ppl had reigned too long I.e. Amanda!!!

    1. That’s what I enjoy about Big Brother powershifts, whether it’s a team I like or not, I don’t care, I talk shit about every HGs if they give me something to talk about, and they DO, I don’t hate any of them.

  10. Andy has no balls and can’t make big moves, so typical. Unbelievable and so predictable on his nominations. Spencer is holding up do well for being on the block as a pawn every week. I really hope he survives this week and wins HOH next!!!! This house has some mean people in it.

  11. Simon why can’t I see the comment I posted earlier about how Helen wants Gina Marie to win America Favorite Player but she not because everyone included myself will vote for Candice. Also keep up the good work Simon and Dawg.

    1. Candice had my vote until she did something really dumb: I believe from what Spencer said in the Diary room AND to her that he had her back. Some one lied to her and it worked. Then she made a spectacle of herself dissing Spencer and therefore ruining any move he would try to make to save her. It was a very bad mood and some of her antics were a little weird. Sorry girl.

      I liked her better when she chose to be quick to listen and slow to speak.

    2. Probably because no one is going to vote for Candice for Americas favorite…..she did NOTHING and she won NOTHING she doesn’t deserve it

    3. Candice is a real b****. She was hateful and mean to many HG. Aaryn and GM were mean to Candice but does that make it okay for Candice to behave the way she did to other players. I and many others will NOT vote Candice for favorite player. I will vote JUDD.

    4. Is a video going to be made showing Jessie now that she said she wants Helen, McCrae and Amanda to drop the hair dryer in the shower and get electrocuted? I can’t believe people actually like Jessie. She is a brat who is trying to get attention. Making out with Judd so she can get what she wants? What does that make her?

      1. Great point Name! they are so quick to put up any bad clip of Amanda I’d love to see them show the mean side of jessie!!

    5. An ideal voting for America’s Favorite Player would be to have on the ballot “No One”. The 25K could go to a charity or therapy for GM.

    6. I would vote for David before I voted for her to have It. She did nothing in the house. She was a waste of a player.

  12. The way this season has been going, I think Amanda and McCrae could win this thing lying down.


    1. I never thought I would see the day when a BB contestant could go so far in the game, make so many puppet moves, not win anything, and still control nominations and evictions…..and never be HOH.

      WOW……Amanda…I’m rather impresses. If the cast let’s you do it, why not! There can only be one winner!

      Jessie is the only one that has the balls in this house to take her (and her showmance) on one on one/two.

      I feel like I am getting brainwashed into thinking that jury is worth more than $500k with this cast!

      HOLY SH!T

      1. I give your comment a thumbs up not because I’m impressed with her, but because the HG’s are such lazy game players and she’s just not letting the opportunity pass by her. I don’t think she’s like a Survivor Mariano, by any stretch of the imagination. Really, she just doesn’t have any competition. Yet, I can see what a lot of you have been saying about production interfering in the game. I mean, are these HG’s really this clueless, and what’s up with this $13,000 yellow carrot?! Awfully fishy that these HG’s can’t figure the difference between $500,000 and $13,000.

  13. I can’t wait til next week when Amanda does the 1st Big Move of the sea gets rid of Helen. Serves her right…..

  14. Just saying, it was Helen saying last week “it’s too soon to vote out Amanda.” Well, as we all predicted, now you can be nervous Helen. You don’t have control over Andy and you missed 2 chances to get Amanda out! Live with it!

  15. What kind of BS is that – production having the houseguests re record their goodbye messages to Candice? She should be able to see exactly what they said (not knowing she was going to jury).
    This is soooooo manipulating the game it is beyond comprehensible.
    Noone (other than maybe GM) is going to let her know their real feelings so that they can manipulate her vote. \
    Wow – I am really astounded at that.

    1. really? omg, I didn’t know that! That is sooo messed up, she should get to see the real good bye messages, not some well thought out please vote for me message… I swear I am about done with this, it’s all seeming way too scripted…. some production crap is expected but letting them rerecord goodbye messages is too much… I want to see real people on a reality show & all the back stabbing that goes with it but to keep favoring certain people! this is bs…

        1. And we’ll get Don Cherry from Hockey Night in Canada to host it!!!

          This idea could easily gross eleventy billion dollars a season!

    1. Voted for you Dawg. Lord only knows it’s a LOT more exciting coming to YOUR site to READ what’s going on than it is to sit and actually WATCH this season. First season in a LOOOOOONNNNNGGGGG time that I could care less if I miss an episode. Love you SImon/Dawg!!! You’re the BEST!!!! <3

  16. I hope Aaryn wins, She plays very hard & won more HOH`s than anyone. With all the drama crap in the house this year, i am pulling for the player that is winning comp`s.

  17. Amanda: Mc has really bad dandruff, so I gave him head and shoulders.”

    GM: “How do you give shoulders?”

    1. Aaryn was on vacation in the depths of Louisiana. She wanted a pair of genuine alligator shoes in the worst way, but was very reluctant to pay the high prices the local vendors were asking.

      After becoming very frustrated with the ‘no haggle’ attitude of one of the shopkeepers, Aaryn shouted, ‘Maybe I’ll just go out and catch my own alligator so I can get a pair of shoes at a reasonable price!’

      The shopkeeper said, ‘By all means, be my guest. Maybe you’ll luck out and catch yourself a big one!’

      Determined Aaryn turned and headed for the swamps, set on catching herself an alligator. Later in the day, the shopkeeper is driving home, when he spots the young woman standing waist deep in the water, shotgun in hand. Just then, he sees a huge 9 foot alligator swimming quickly toward her. Aaryn takes aim, kills the creature and with a great deal of effort hauls it on to the swamp bank. Laying nearby were several more of the dead creatures. The shopkeeper watches in amazement.

      Just then Aaryn flips the alligator on it’s back, and frustrated, shouts out, ‘Damn it, this one isn’t wearing any shoes either!’

  18. im glad jessie corrected herself frpm “we deserve it more” to the proper way of putting it, still pulling for her, plus she got a nice ass

  19. It’s True we are being Punked!! I told you so 😉
    I keep watching, reading.. hoping for some enlightenment, some great big ol scheme
    I guess the big news is MC/Amanda/Andy have plans to backdoor and blindside Helen.. I wish she had the balls to do it last week to Amanda.. oh well
    they all deserve to lose to the pizza boy and his number one fan

    I can’t deal, this season seems to be dragging on, beyond horrible

  20. I can’t wait until Helen’s number is up. She is gonna feel like the biggest idiot for not doing what she knew had to be done over the past two weeks. Spencer is gonna coast into the F5 and he knows it. that’s why he’s so calm. The house doesn’t realize how Aaryn put herself back into contention and became Ahandjob and Keychain’s pitbull for the comps. I don’t even think Andy fully grasps that concept yet. Gotta give to Ahandjob, she’s pretty much controlded this season, but her downfall will be the jury exchanging notes if she get F2. that’s the only time these challenged individuals will find their sack and finally vote against her. that’s where ED is the man, he scared that jury into giving him the money.

    1. Ditto about Helen. Amanda definitely has the upper hand in how she handled her close allies and even ridding them when she thought there was a small seed a doubt. Or changing them up. She doesn’t seem to mind pulling the trigger without blinking. I figured Amanda would be the first to take a shot at Helen after watching Helen hesitate and alienate people by backstabbing them . Helen seem to ostracize people that she didn’t see use for instead of using them to her advantage even if it was for a jury vote. She looked at too many people as not being good for her game. So we’ll see. I see too many flaws in how she did’t gather a secure force of allies.

      I wonder about the jury. I guess it depends on how the next few weeks go and what happens. But while listening to the sentiment of Candace’s outgoing interview when she got evicted , I was thinking that some may end of voting for Amanda in the end even above some of the treatment while in the house for game play. Candace did give her credit for playing the game even after all that back and forth they did over the past week. And let’s face it Helen had her own way of backstabbing them without the verbal abuse. Amanda stabs from the front and Helen from the back. I wonder which way they will respect more if it comes down to it.

      1. The sad thing is that any other season pick one out of the blue, Ahandjob would’ve been bounced, she’s not playing that good of a game, it’s just the people are just so damn weak they make her look a lot stronger than she really is. I hope that rumor isn’t true, but each passing day is confirming it. If she wins it, BB USA is done.

  21. Helen is nauseating with that kiss ass nonsense. Too bad she can’t be blind sided this week. I would actually enjoy watching that unfold. There are only certain ones she has empathy for anyway. She acts like the Gina Marie is a pauper and that I seriously doubt. I bet she also has plenty of friends. I thought she talked about buying 700 hair extensions. And it’s her own fault if she’s chose not to be educated or at least expand her vocabulary pass the first grade and the streets of New York.

  22. CBS and BB is potentially facing a huge public relations nightmare. Can you image if the following occurs:

    Jessie, Helen, Elissa and Andy are all evicted.

    Leaving Amanda, Aaryn, Gina Marie, Spencer and McCrae as the final five of which:

    2 of the 5 (Aaryn and Gina Marie) have already lost their jobs for their racists and derogatory comments…

    1 of the 5 (Spencer) will more than likely lose his job once he returns from his unpaid leave of absence….due to his highly inappropriate sense of humor

    1 of the 5 (Amanda) has been rumored to be closely associated with the producer (Grodner). In addition, she has made some vile, replusive and derogatory comments.

    1 of the 5 (McCrae) has done nothing since week 1′ HOH but sleep with Amanda and hide behind her perceive stranglehold over the other beta-drones…

    If it comes down to this F5; Aaryn, Gina Marie and Spencer would more than likely evict McCrae as a potential threat since Amanda has not won any competitions to date. Then Amanda would be evicted next, which would leave Aaryn, Gina Marie and Spencer in the F3.

    Let the scrambling and fireworks begin…heads would definitely roll at CBS and BB…..

  23. Why is Elissa so concerned with GM’s eating disorder? I’m getting tired of her trying to interfere in everyone else’s life. We have enough problems in this country without trying to fix another problem. If GM doesn’t like our food she can go back to Bulemia where she came from.

  24. Don’t be surprised if Guttermouth gets pulled. The HG’s are talking about her eating disorder and Amanda went to production out of “concern”.

  25. Maybe I’m just paranoid after the whole rigging who the winner is – but did anyone else catch on to what was being said when Aaryn said she had someone in one ear and everyone else in the other, and then production came on and said their usual spiel, and EVERYONE tried to play it off. Blamed it on Helen, and then Spencer said…uh, she’s in the DR. – So tell me, do they have ear pieces, and does production legitimately tell them what to do or give them an outline of what they should be doing? I’m paranoid, right?

    1. Just seen that to, not sure what she let out of the bag but they all knew and tried covering, just more sketchy cbs crap !!!

    2. They wear ear buds to get production cues to help move the competition along, just like your local news anchors do.

      This is how they relay things through the comp host to the hg’s that are players.

      Things like Jessie, you scored 23 pts. or Jeff, technotronics is not a word.

      I could tell Aaryn was having a rough time with it durring the frog comp. She practicaly put her hand up to her ear durring Candice and Amanda’s fight.

    3. Do you know when that was? I’ve been watching the feeds off & on today & I missed that! I think I’m just looking for another excuse to walk away from this season… I’ve been getting pretty fed up today & now Helen is acting like she’s already a superstar & ready for fame & beauty pageants…

  26. I think Helen might be retarded! First she thinks that this is the best Big Brother season ever! Second she thinks she could actually compete in the Miss America pageant despite being ugly as crap! Third she thinks Gina Marie actually has a chance for Americas player! I think the small little yellow bus accidentally dropped Helen off at the wrong place!!!

    1. you can say what you want about Helen’s game play and her pity for GM but I don’t see how you could call Helen ugly. she is gorgeous.

      1. I agree, I did a double take when I saw her in that blue bikini wearing the dog cone skirt for HOH pics!

  27. “Big Brother tells Andy to relocate his transmitter. Andy looks at it and says found it! Amanda says that she wants to take her transmitter and start shoving it in my vag!na. And for them to tell me to treat it with respect. Aaryn says I am pretty sure that is treating it with respect.”

    Robert Zuckerman – I am so proud of my daughter, she is playing this game with so much integrity and class….

    Amanda Zuckerman – Amanda says that she wants to take her transmitter and start shoving it in my vag!na. And for them to tell me to treat it with respect.

    CBS12 News Anchor – Yes, well I see what you mean Mr. Zuckerman…very classy indeed!!! (Man that is one f**ked up family)

  28. Can not believe they are letting them redo their goodbye messages to Candace, because they did not know she would be in jury. Why would cbs wont to sugar coat that, hhmmm, Guess Mcramdas was pretty harsh !!! I think it blows, but but doesn’t this year.

    1. This entire season is a mess from head to toe. It took this classless bunch to expose the shenanigans. A lot of people are gonna be out of work when this season ends.

  29. HILARIOUS !!! I just seen the CBS commercial with Jessie balling her eyes out. “I just want a cigarette so bad!” Wa wa wa !! LMAO !!! Lets all root for her !! Obviously the best game of them all.

  30. while i agree that this season is becoming boring. Everyone wants Andy to make a big move to spice up the game, and while I and many others would like to see that, that would not be good for his game. Even though its not what everyone wants, Andy is doing what is best for him right now

  31. It’s like all the HG live in the twilight zone! On what planet is Helen pretty enough to compete in any beauty pageant, slow ass GM is America’s Favorite, Andy is a mastermind and this is the best BB season yet?! Lets be real, Helen is an annoying, overbearing mom. GM has not one redeeming quality; she is fucking dumb and mean spirited. Her accent is obnoxious and screams I’m from trash Staten Island. Andy is an insecure gossip; that’s not strategy it’s a character flaw. And this season is the biggest joke ever. Racists, misogynist, bullies, sheep, idiots and assholes. Yup best season ever Helen, you know? Ok?

  32. I just wish and have been wishing for weeks now that somebody would have the guts to put up Amanda/McCrae! Or better yet if they would have evicted Amanda the last two weeks while she was up on the block. Everyone is so afraid of her. When Amanda was nominated by America she interrogated everyone to see who was/wasn’t MVP. She acted as if she was invincible and putting her up on the block was against the rules of the game. The season by far has been the most boring out of any season. It has been completely predictable and nobody has stood out as a power player and nobody has made any power moves. Evicting Judd may have seemed like a big move in the game but in all honesty it was a waste. I wish Aaryn would have put Amanda up when she took Jesse off the block. Helen, Elissa, Jessie and out of who was left to vote (probably GM) would have evicted Amanda. I do however give Amanda credit to basically have complete control of every HOH (despite the fact that she has not won anything this season). I just hate the fact that despite countless suggestions by many to attempt to flip the house, nobody wants to go along with it. Definitely no risk takers or game changers this season. It’s terrible

    If Helen does in fact go home next week she will only have herself to blame. She had two opportunities to get rid of Amanda and she decided against it. I really wish for next week Elissa, Helen, Spencer and/or Jessie win HOH next week because they would all nominate Amanda/McCrae.

  33. Can I please get a confirm on the meaning of “floater”? Is it not a player who floats from power to power or a player who floats from alliance to alliance or who is the swing vote player, or the player who floats under the radar??? Seems to me that the floater (whichever way you define it) is the player to watch/be in the game. (???)

    Also, every move from here on out will be a boring/predictable move except for Amanda eviction (this week), McCrea eviction or Candice being voted back in with some kinda power to keep her in the game a week. BB15 =Yawner!

    “Masses of Asses!” Why didn’t I think of that?

  34. Since people are giving their “two pieces”, here we go…

    Amanda….great social game, able to adapt. Knows she is strong, yet pathetic in comps. Manipulative. Can get anyone to believe anything that she thinks is true, which usually isn’t. Could win this game if put against right opponent ..reliant on allies. Very manipulative in that respect…can get blood on hands and yet smell like roses. Basically is considered as ” running the house”….(puh leez). Mistake prone.

    McCrea…. showmance. Enough said. Part of Amanda scheme. Yet is always concerned with how Amanda is perceived, due to targets and his effect of his game, not hers.. A big comp threat, yet not really. Could win whole shebang if HOH goes his alliances way. Should make Amanda more humble. But cant.

    Helen….spastic. way too fake, yet seems genuine to household. Great relationship with Elissa. Protective of her, and will lie to let others know she isn’t happy, yet she is happy with her relationship. Very manipulative. great social game. Deal maker. Which annoys this forum.

    Elissa….wildcard. follows Helen. To a “T”. Can be funny and sarcastic, but within sarcasm lies truth. Rubs some the wrong way. Could suddenly be very powerful towards rear of game. Good player, not great.

    Andy…oh boy ..considered a rat, but simple playing the game for he and him alone. Will benefit his alliance, wherever it lies, probably Amanda. Likable. Which is problematic for the rest of the household. Trustworthy and convincing… and thus Dangerous .

    Aaryn…beast. thank you medication. Liar. Fearful for her portrayal outside the house, and thus follows the house to look good. Will benefit whoever TRULY reels her in. Deadly in any alliance. Paranoid as fuck. Mistake prone.

    GM…who knows. Problem child. Ignorant. Shoulda stayed in NYC, b/c now it has a bad name due to her. Just plain wildcard. Very little chance she makes it to finals. Issues.

    Spencer, Jessie…..floaters….enough said. Jessie overplayed her hand, which will destroy her game due to wishy washy actions and lack of truly winning something. ( Judd POV, Aaryn backdoor of Judd)…is obsessed with showmances, which is pathetic (should ally with power players then make move later in game.)…Spencer just happy to be around. Could make Pawer move, which is why we watch.

    Predictions…….. I dunno. Although the season is bad, I cannot stop watching and checking into this website every ten minutes ( help me Jesus) hoh. POV. Re noms all make the difference…..


  35. Everyone seems to be saying over and over again that Amanda is controlling the house. Has anyone noticed the backstabbing, scheming bullshit that has been spewing out of Helen’s mouth. Helen’s a liar, backstabber,and hypocrite. I suppose this is the typical politician way…

  36. I just realized something weird (among other things) about this season – has Julie interviewed the HOH just before the votes. You know when she says “Just a reminder – the other houseguests can’t hear anything you say….”. Has she done that this season and I just overlooked it?

  37. Aaryn wants a hosting job after big brother she could get a hosting job on FOX Sports, or better yet hosting job at Denny’s.

    GM-will still be at home pining away for Nick, and will be shipped to the nearest nut house, before that she’ll be on Dr. Phil first.

    Helen- Will try her best to get a gig on FOX NEWS and explain to the American ppl what the Republican Party has to offer (the lies continue)
    after that she will try her hand at a hosting job at Ms. USA 2014 and Aaryn will be utterly upset, because that was her hosting gig she wanted. Helen disaster career continues where she will be at the local mall signing her autograph pictures and taking photos with Santa..

    Andy- will continue to do PR work, but this time it will be for the playgirl channel.

    Amanda- will be a contestant on The Apprentice but will lie, back-stab, blame other people and will continue to survive another reality show disaster.

    Elissa-will go on the talk show circuit to talk about Yoga & BB- She be on Katie Couric, The Doctors, Dr. Oz.

    McCrea will get a pizza commercial from Pizza Hut

    Judd/Spencer- will both be on The Amazing Race

    Jessie will out shine them all- She’ll get a MTV reality show, a hosting gig on sirius xm radio, another reality series, a book deal, on the cover of magazines and even be on the bachelorette , guest host The Talk w/ Julie & Company and GinaMarie will be in a straight jacket upset doped up on pills, and Aaryn will be in a Texas prison cell doing life in her orange jump suit will be pissed, because Jessie is the new it girl.

    1. You missed a couple of things. Mike Damone got busted scalping Ozzy tickets outside the 7-11. Brad Hamilton got promoted to manager at the Quik-e mart. Jeff Spicoli saved Brooke Shields from drowning. He blew the money hiring Van Halen to play his birthday party.

  38. I live in the desert and was wondering why it has taken over three weeks for the paint to dry….Then I realized I was watching BB15. Boring, castrated sheep. Mehhh!

  39. Can Amanda please stop going into the DR? She tries way too hard to be funny and sarcastic. She says her favourite character is Britney and it is blatant that shes trying to be like her, except Amanda isn’t funny she’s a racist bitch. on an irrelevant side note ; does anyone find it funny how she refers herself to a racoon with the spray tan in the DR but in the live feeds she calls herself a slave?

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