Nicole says I’ll let Christine come to me and it will be in her hands if Frankie goes up.

POV Holder: Chrsitne Next POV Aug 2nd
POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 4th
HOH Winner 1: Donny HOH Winner 2: Nicole
Battle of the Block Winner  Caleb/Victoria Next HOH/ Next BOB Aug 7/Aug 8
Original Nominations: Donny’s Noms (Victoria & Caleb) Nicole’s Noms (Zach & Jocasta)
Final Nominations: ?
Have Nots Frankie, Cody and Hayden
POV Players Nicole, Christine, Jocasta, ZachAttack, Caleb, Victoria,

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Take Advantage of the FREE 2 day Trial to watch all the drama!

1:15pm – 1:35pm Nicole comes out to join Donny on the backyard couch. Donny asks what’s going on? Nicole says not much, I have no idea what Christine is going to do with the veto? IF she does use it I will not put you up. Donny asks what about the other plan? Nicole says to tell Christine that I am putting you up but then put up Frankie. That’s a lot of blood Donny! Donny says I would be okay with that if you did it. Nicole says okay I’ll think about it. Donny says you could leave it in her ball court. Nicole says I don’t even want to talk to her about it. Donny says let her come to you. Nicole says I am secretly hoping that she thinks I think she won’t use it and then she uses it .. I would then put up Frankie. Donny says that he called Christine out and asking her why she put me up against Jocasta in the buzzer competition. She says she was told to put us up. Nicole says Christine is pretending that Zach won’t go home against Jocasta. She was wanting me to pull down Jocasta and put you up trying to make me think that Zach would go home over you. Nicole says I will let Christine come to me and it will be in her hands if he (Frankie) goes up. Donny says let her come to you and tell you about who she’s working with. Nicole asks will you vote Zach out over Jocasta? Donny says let you, me and Hayden decide what’s best and then we’ll do it. I don’t have an alliance with either one. I just don’t think Jocasta would come after any of us. Caleb and Victoria join them and the conversation ends.

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1:35pm – 1:50pm Caleb and Victoria head inside. Nicole and Donny continue their conversation. Donny says you know that if they’ve already talked to everybody, they know they have the votes to get me out. Nicole says that Christine is trying to tell me all these things about Hayden. It’s making me mad at Haydeb. Donny says its all lies, she doesn’t even hang out with Hayden. Nicole says she is saying that he wants to secretly keep Zach and that he and Victoria are making out. Donny says that’s a friend for ya. Nicole says can you please stop referring to her as my friend. As of yesterday she’s not my friend. Donny says alright, well you just leave it up to her if she is going to use it. Nicole says she keeps talking about how big of threat you are. Donny says I want you to know that you were the first person I was drawn to when I first came into the house because you looked so scared. Nicole tells him she won’t put him up no matter what people try to say. Donny says I like Cody, but I don’t trust him 100%. I like Hayden and I almost trust him 100%. I am willing to sacrifice me for the two of ya’ll. Nicole says Hayden and I trust you. I don’t get why Christine talks crap about Hayden to me ..doesn’t she understand how close we are?! Caleb and Victoria come back out and the conversation ends again.

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1:55pm – 2:25pm Hayden heads into the kitchen and comments to Nicole. Holy crap its 2 oclock?! Nicole says you sleep a lot!! They head up to the HOH room. Nicole says I didn’t sleep that well with Adam and Eve. Hayden climbs on Nicole and lays on her. Hayden says look at you HOH ..two times! Nicole says I am the first girl to have this HOH room. Hayden says you’re the boss! Nicole says I want to wait and see what information Christine gives me because that will tell me a lot. Hayden says it would be unreal if she surprise used it. Nicole says I know I was talking to Donny about how I hope she does that so that I can put up Frankie. Hayden says no matter what .. either Zach or Frankie will be going home! That’s awesome! Me and Cody were talking about it yesterday and wondering how we can do it so that people don’t know. Hayden says if its Jocasta and Zach up there we would have to pretend like Zach is staying. Thats mainly just for Frankie and Christine. Hayden brings up how he and Frankie were in the backyard … and Frankie asked me how we get Nicole to get Zach to stay.. I was like yeah that’s a hard one. Nicole says I honestly don’t want Zach in the house.. I want him gone. Hayden says I would rather Frankie is gone. Hayden says I love how Zach already came to me and told me his speech. I am 99% sure he threw that competition yesterday because he wants to put on a show and be up there for live eviction. He said he was going to throw it the other day. Nicole asks do you think he will go home for sure… you guys aren’t going to flip are you. Hayden says no. Nicole asks what should I say if Christine asks what we were talking about? Hayden says that Jocasta has no alligence and that Zach isn’t coming after us. Hayden says try and keep her on track of wanting Donny out. Hayden says hes thinking of bringing up to Cody asking if he really thinks I kissed someone and if he says Victoria. I will say are you f**king kidding me. Nicole says that Christine said it disgusts me a bunch of times. I thought Christine would be the one person I could trust but I can’t and now I have to pretend. Hayden says I am going to call her Jonny apple seed because she’s planting seeds all over the house. Hayden says I hope she surprises you with using the veto so that you can put up Frankie. Hayden tells her that her reasoning for putting up Frankie can be that he is all over the house and can’t be trusted. Hayden tells Nicole she is the only person he has kissed, would kiss and will kiss. Hayden tries to tell Nicole about Zach’s speech.

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2:30pm Out in the backyard – Christine is talking to Donny and says I can’t believe Victoria didn’t even finish the puzzle last night. Unbelievable! Unbelievable!

Meanwhile up in the HOH room. Nicole asks Hayden do you think anyone is America’s Player? Hayden says no there hasn’t been any thing crazy happen. Nicole says whenever a bold move happens I think its America’s Player. Hayden says if Christine was she would have already won $25G’s. Hayden tells Nicole that she is doing really well at the game. Everyone loves you. Hayden starts kissing Nicole on her cheek and forehead. She tells him to stay away from her lips. I have to get to the bottom of these rumors. (Christine’s rumor she’s spreading that Hayden and Victoria kissed. Which they didn’t.) Hayden asks if no one is in the photo booth can we kiss? Nicole says yes. Hayden says okay. Hayden gets ready to head down stairs .. what were we talking about. Nicole says about voting Zach out. Hayden heads downstairs.

2:40pm – 2:50pm In the living room – Victoria tells Derrick that she can’t wait to be detached. Like it would be fun with anyone else but him. Derrick says its good TV. Derrick says we need to talk after you’re detached. Derrick tells Victoria that we need to talk this week after the veto meeting to see what we’re going to do. Victoria tells Derrick that he’s been distant from her. Derrick says yeah I have because I don’t want Caleb to know how much we talk.

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Big Brother says You’re ONE day closer to 5 hundred thousand dollars!!

2:55pm – 3pm Jocasta talks to Christine in the hive room. I just wanted to talk to you because you have the power. You probably do or dont know what you’re going to do.. Christine says I haven’t talked to Nicole yet. Jocasta says I would want you to use it on me. I would respect your game no matter what you choose to do. If there is anything I can do for you .. you name it I’ll do it. They talk about the POV competition. Christine tells Jocasta she did so well! Christine says I have to talk to Nicole because if I make her get more blood on her hands then she’ll resent me …

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Quad Squad = Nicole, Derrick, Hayden and Cody
Zankie = Frankie/Zach
The Detonators = Derrick, Frankie, Zach, Christine, Cody
“The HITMEN” – Cody & Derrick
Trilogy = Nicole, Christine & Hayden
Team America = Donny, Derrick, Frankie
Old timers = Jocasta/Donny
Nicotine = Christine/Nicole
bottomfeeders = Derrick and Nicole

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87 thoughts to “Nicole says I’ll let Christine come to me and it will be in her hands if Frankie goes up.”

    1. If Nicole was smart she would get rid if Derrick.
      Last night on TVGN he kept talking about monkeys masturbating, he was being disgusting, he must be a very sick twisted person. I can NOT wait to see him go!

  1. Donny is playing a very guarded game. The only time I have seen Donny have a full game-related conversation is one -on-one; otherwise he is mainly listening.

    1. “I am willing to sacrifice me for the two of yall”

      Dammit Donny..*wipes tears* why are you so perfect?

  2. Actually, it’s a good idea. Let Nicole tell Christine that she pretend to backdoored Donny and instead she puts up Frankie as a replacement nominee. Don’t worry, Zach or Frankie goes home or going to the jury house.

    1. Just an FYI. It “LOOKS” like the jury is only going to be seven (7). At the end of Jeff Schroder’s exit interview with Amber, ( he said “Be sure to join us next Friday when we interview the latest evicted house guests.” Jury members go directly to the jury house. They have not been interviewed in the past, because it would give them too much info. To be clear, I have not 100% confirmed this. It just is consistent with the rules. Actually, I hope I am wrong, and Jeff spoke incorrectly. I would like it to be nine (9) in the jury.

      1. I think I remember Jeff interviewing jury members the season Ian won. I remember Britney and frank and Shane (commenting on his necklace). These were all the week of eliminations.

      2. Julie does do exit interviews with jury members .. As for Jeff .. No clue I have never seen a Jeff interview so don’t know .. But Julie gives info about what happened as well .. She told amanda that Andy betrayed her and she told Elissa the same.

        1. In Andy’s goodbye message to Amanda, he admitted to voting her out, so she didn’t give Amanda any info she didn’t already have. I believe the same for Elissa. I’m not sure.

      3. Doesn’t jury normally start after double eviction. Leaving 7 jurors to vote. I’ve never recalled there being more than 7 jurors.

    2. I highly doubt Christine is gonna use the veto. if she uses the veto, this will be the highlight of the season having Frankie and Zach on the block. the campaigning of those two and seeing the house flip the fuck out will be hysterical.

      1. Uhh..if Christine uses the veto it would be on Zach since she wants him to stay. There’s no way in the world she would use it on Jocasta. So there is zero chance of seeing Zankie on the block together this week.

      2. If Frankie and Zach were actually the two nominees and on the block together, I would buy the live feeds because now that would be entertaining to watch. Nothing else this season has been entertaining or worth watching the CBS show. Just come on here and read the next boring installment of BB since these house guests are beyond boring!

    3. Nicole had yo be very careful how she imply that she will put Donny up. Or derreck and Christine will get supious of her. It can be done but slowly.

  3. Nicole please listen to Donny for the sake of the viewers. And don’t tell Derrick and Cody. Unfortunately it’ll reveal that she’s working with Donny but the season will get better.

    1. So, so happy Nicole and Donny are talking. I liked Nicole at the beginning – but found it hard to cheer for her, when she seemed aligned with Christine. Glad she has figured out Christine. Go Donny and Nicole!

    1. While it would be good strategy to get rid of “The Architect”, I do not know if they will be clever enough to convince everyone. It will be interesting to see if and how they strategize once they find out it is double-eviction week.

    2. I don’t understand why anyone in the comment section thinks it would be beneficial for Christine to use the veto. She actually needs both Frankie and Zach along with Derrick and Cody. To send one of them home is a very dumb move considering how gullible and stupid Nicole is regarding Hayden. Hayden needs to be cut loose. Also, do Hayden and Nicole seriously think that Derrick and Cody will vote Zach out? Frankie is out of their reach this elimination round most likely unless Christine totally flips. NIcole really is not that bright if she does not see she is being played. Victoria and Caleb will likely vote to keep Zach as well. If however, if Christine does use the veto, it would be very interesting to see what Christine gets from that. I just don’t think it make sense for Christine to use it for her game play. She needs her current alliance at least for the next several weeks going forward. This way they keep the numbers against Nicole, Hayden, and Donny. It will only take only one HOH from the Detonators to eliminate Hayden and Nicole and send them packing.

  4. Big brother 16 is going to go down as having some of the
    Worst men ever to play this game. None of them want to
    make a big move. Derrick keeps saying it’s not the time yet.
    Derrick the game is half over when will be the right time
    If not now when ?

    1. lol… so true . But remember what Helen always said , and look what happened to her… I see history repeating itself…lol

    2. Derrick reminds me of Helen last year. Helen continuously was saying it wasn’t time for a big move yet in her game.

    3. Well i do agree the lack of big moves does not make for particularly engaging tv but i would think to make a big move that will just get you screwed makes no sense just so us the viewers can be entertained or for someone that people dont like to go out. Derrick is gauging the fact that nicole has lied to him multiple times to make others in his alliance look untrustworthy also the constant talking bout keeping donny off the block does lay out your cards a little bit. The fact is for derrick to make a big move he needs to know at the end of the big move hes not at the bottom wrung of his alliance with no outs elsewhere in the house and if he were to take the nic, hayden alliance and they do actually take donny as part of the aliance they have 4 with jo, and can flip on derrick. frankie goes home and derrick only has 4 cody zach and caleb leaving vic and christine as swing votes who can go either way. If he does vote with the detonators and takes jo out for instance he doesnt really lose trust with hayden, nicole, zach or frankie and if he decides to ally with hayden and nicole and finds out they are playing him he can go back to the detonators or vice versa.
      TLDR: Derrick making a big move will not help his game right now he needs numbers after the vote to make sure hes not screwed.

    4. Well there’s always Lawon’s Special Power that can come into play.
      That would for sure get the house scrambling and scheming.

  5. Twist of all twists!!

    If CBS had any brains they would’ve taken the evicted Houseguests and put them in an identical Bigbrother house. Then when they get to selecting the jury they tell the original house the plan that now everyone will be a jury member and now in the 2nd house the first evicted have to start playing the game again and start evicting to the jury til they each get down to 2 members in each house. Then the final 4 battle it out for one last Hoh the winner gets to choose which of the other 2 they get to sit next too for the half million dollar prize.

    Production are you reading this

    P.S. Way to go Donny using your brain telling Nicole to fake out Christine into believing you would be the replacement for Jocasta that’s what pretty much everyone on this site would like to happen

    1. Yes, but the thing is they ARE going to have to turn on each other anyways whether they want to or not i mean once the useless floaters like Jocasta and Victoria leave what other choices do these people have? They are going have to learn the hard way once those two are gone. So with that being said the sooner the Double Eviction happens on Thursday the better.

  6. It seems like when someone has the chance to get out a target it’s never the right time. Well HGs, when is the right time?!? Cause it seems like never. These people are wussies lol

  7. If nicole gets frankie out i will have a new respect for her. i just hope hope donny and someone wins hoh and put up derrick caleb and cody and cristine.

  8. All of us here at CIA Hq are proud of our agent Donny
    cant wait till he returns to Langley and briefs everyone on his experience

    1. Thats’s after he debriefs us at the Harvard School of Medicine…where is not only a professor emeritus but also a working physician and in his spare time expert groundskeeper.

  9. Nicole is finally using her brain! This can work. Tellin Christine she would put Donny up would probably tempt her enough to use the veto and the Frankie goes up. Then it would be up to the rest of the house guests to not pussy out of evicting Frankie

    1. I don’t see how that works. Nicole can’t really say she’d put up Donny when she
      continuously says to Derrick that Donny’s not going up. Christine will talk this over with at
      least Frankie, if not Derrick and Cody too. Then everyone will know it’s a trick. They only way this could work is if Christine keeps this to herself because she’s the only one who wants
      Zack out. I just don’t see her doing this even though I hope it happens.

    2. The problem is that Nicole is telling Christine that she will backdoor Donny in a heart beat, yet telling Derrick the exact opposite. Since Derrick and Christine obviously talk and compare notes , Derrick is now suspicious (rightly so) and worried that Nicole could be targeting someone other than Donny. That makes him and Cody vulnerable. He will advise Christine not to use the Veto , the noms remain the same and they have the votes to keep Zach . Nicole, Donny and Hayden all become targets for next week . Bottom line, adios Jocasta!

    1. I wish so too. I would really like to see a Nicole, Donny, and Hayden alliance. 🙂 I want to see the bomb squad evicted.

  10. Love that nicole is finally distancing herself from christine!!! It would be pretty great if she used the pov thinking donny was going up & then heard nicole say frankie’s name instead!!!

  11. I think Jocasta needs to go. She brings nothing and she is the BOB killer. Yes Nicole used her (as everyone else has) to tank Zack in the BOB. If she stays then Nicole could find herself on the block with…..? Jocosata! Then so on and so on and so on. Get rid of this nice, but game killing BB boor.

    1. I’d be shocked if BOB went any further than this week. Usually they kill the twist after the first Double Eviction since they don’t have enough air time to have an HoH, BoB, PoV, and an Eviction. And I can’t see them just randomly going back to it next week. I think this is the last week with 2 HoH’s.

      So, if the twist does end, it’d be better for Nicole to find herself up against Jocasta on the block because that’s one less true competitor in a PoV competition.

    2. Nicole will probably end up on the block anyway whether she’s aware or not. That’s probably why she and Donny should have just put up four guys in hindsight. Jocasta is a weak and maybe even phony player. But possible leverage if she votes the way Nicole wants. And Jocasta can be iffy in challenges. She maybe could have won the wedding cake challenge if it wasn’t for Victoria . Or even the one where Caleb threw it with the puzzles in BOB because they were pretty far along. And I don’t know about the past BOB until it airs.

  12. If Nicole can get Christine to use the veto and then draw first blood like that, she will be this seasons savior. I agree though it all hinges on Derrick and Cody. They could turn around and f*ck her by not voting Frankie out if he goes up. I just hope it all works out for her. Donny still my fav.

  13. If it is any indication from the way this season has been going, I forsee Christine NOT using the veto and poor Jocasta WILL go home. I really hope Nicole grows a pair and changes up the game for us all. I can’t stand old Frankie aka Fakie. A little bit of him goes a long, long way. He was entertaining for about 15 minutes into the opening show and that was the end of it. I knew by looking at him that he was there to try to play Andy the Rat’s game from last year; he’s so predictable. He needs to GO! And I hope it is ASAP. I don’t know how the people are choosen for the show, if one person does the casting, or if it is done by a panel of people, but I hope it is done by more than one or two people. We need a better variety of people with some stronger women being cast. I couldn’t stand her, but Amanda did have something to admire about her. She wasn’t afraid to stand up to anyone and she ruled the house for a long time. I love the show but it gets so boring when the players of the game either have never heard of it before (like quite a few this year) or they are just hum-drum, blah drips that so over-analyze everything to the point that they are afraid to make a move! And where are the incentives, CBS? We want to see that Golden Power of Veto, Pandora’s Box, money flying from the sky…some excitement!

    1. I do not know why big brohter fans keep comparing frankie and andy’s game there similar only in the fact that they were both pretty good social players but thats were the comparison ends. Andy had no real allegiance amanda and mccrae was his alliance but he really did not get any blood on his hands for them, frankie does actually do derricks work and is getting blood on his hands. Andy did not win competitions, frankie has won more in less than half the season Andy was always the listener in conversations he never gave away anything unless he needed to to get more out of someone, frankie is the big personality and talks a lot which gets him in to trouble. There is really no comparison between them Christine would be the closer consideration to andys game if u were comparing.

    2. Jacosta shouldn’t even be there in and in no way deserves to even be in the jury house!!! I cannot believe she has lasted this long. I do not know how anyone could feel bad for Jacosta.

  14. Go Donny! Bring it home for all the CIA agents/professor emeritus/physicians/expert groundskeepers out there. We LUV you!

  15. Am i missing something? As far as i know Zach has atleast 5 votes maybe 6 why is nicole so confident in thining hes gone?

  16. its really up to production on what they want to happen this Thursday…. if they want drama for Wednesday and Thursday show, they would try hard for Christine to use the veto .. Frankie on the block on Thursday will good for tv drama if that’s what the tptb wants…

  17. Nicole thinks derrick and cody is going to vote out Zach… Nicole and hayden are going to get blindsided this Thursday after the votes come out…..

  18. So I actually like Frankie….. Call me crazy but he is playing a good game. I would much rather watch all of the floaters go home and then when jury starts see all of the big players start stabbing each other in the back. And to be honest some of these comments are really vapid and ridiculous. Going so far as calling someone a “bitch” or “rat” is takkkkiinngg it a bit too far. It’s a tv show for gods sake better yet a game show. Sure talk about their game play but a lot of the name calling is uncalled for. No one wants to stoop to the vitriol of last season. As my mama says act your age not your shoe size. I’ve even read some homophobic and even sexist comments. But anyway I enjoy BB for the game play. So I say get the floaters out and let the game really begin. Jocasta and Victoria need to go then the game can begin lol.

    1. Thank you sir or miss it is nice to see people talk game play there is a lot of hate talk amongst bb fandom which is extremely disheartening. I do not hate anyone on the show its a game they are playing for money and they are not gonna cost that for our entertainment. I am glad that you like me are a fan for the game play and i hope you continue to make the bb fandom a better place for us.

      1. Yeah I agree….. This is a high powered situation for them and its a game where people are meant to be social and stab each other in the back. A lot of the comment on here are super ridiculous and have NOTHING to do with the contestants game play. I’ve been following this blog since the beginning of this season and there have been soooo many homophobic and sexist comments. It honestly makes me want to change to a blog that monitors its comments section more. But I absolutely love that the floaters are getting kicked off. Once all of them are gone then the game will kick up a notch and I can forsee some players flipping on each other. Its only a game folks. Half the stuff people say on here they would have the gall to say it to the person’s face in real life.

  19. I think production is behind this if Christine doesn’t use the veto. I think production wants Frankie to stay because they know people are starting not to like him and isn’t this what the show is about. Yes I would love for Frankie to be voted out that would bring me so much joy, but as long as he is in the house we will continue to hate him.

  20. Please for the love of Big Brother let Zach be safe this week. He is the only houseguest that keeps me interested this season and makes me laugh. Frankie irks me and I don’t want another Rat Andy 2.0 to win. I also would like to see Zach work with Donny like he secretly has been.

  21. really BIG IF

    IF…Nicole can persuade Christine to use the POV and convince her to use it on Jocasta by explaining to Christine that Zach needs to stay on the black and sweat a little and replace Jocasta with Donny,convincing Christine that Donny is the target Zach just needs to be the one to remain there and sweat a little then maybe Nicole has a shot at backdooring Frankie.

    a really BIG IF

  22. Caleb could be the swing vote. The self proclaimed, “I’ll play by myself,” and “King of the house,” might finally make a move to shake up things. Let us see some of that beast come forth and get even with Zach or Frankie. Assert thyself Beast Mode…..!!!

  23. As much as I would love to see Frankie go, I still would rather see Jocasta leave first. She’s never on the feeds, doesn’t talk game to anyone, and is absolutely horrible in comps. Her vote will become unpredicatable, and she brings nothing to the game or the viewers. Then, say goodbye to Victoria, and let the real fun begin!

    1. Ur accusation are incorrect with regards to Michael Jackson. Were u there to see this happen? Oh yeah that’s rt if the media says it happened it must be true. (Sarcastic remark)

  24. Did Chrisitne say that Nicole and Hayden were only kissing or did she say that we’re doing it in the shower like I thought I had read somewhere?

    I don’t think Christine will use the POV but it will be epic if she does…

  25. Someone on facebook put up a picture of Linda from the animated sitcom Bob’s Burgers. Saying it resembled Christine, it really does look like her minus the black hair.

  26. There once was a houseguest named zach
    who went by the surname attack
    He liked to stir the pot
    but shivered when he went on the block
    he secretly likes a girl named victoria
    but despised paolo from queens, astoria
    he went against the giant called devin
    whose personalities numbered seven
    he loves the pink-haired frankie
    together they make the duo zankie
    he thinks he’s best buds with cody and derrick
    but to them, his antics do not merit
    he does not care for nicole and christine
    the fruitloop dingus and the irrelevance queen
    does he really want to win the game?
    is he actually clinically insane?
    my guess is no to both questions
    but he’ll likely just keep us guessing

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