Neda to Jon about today – “It’s really good for you to I know it’s fuc** but it’s really good”

POV Holder: Kenny Next POV ?
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony March 10
HOH Winner: Andrew Next HOH: March 13
Original Nominations: Paul & Neda
Current Nominations: Paul and Kyle
Last Evicted Houseguest Anick
Have Nots Rachelle, Neda, Heather and Sarah

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9:00pm Adel and Kyle getting ready to take a shower
Adel is packing some pipe

They head into the shower where Adel proceeds to tell him the rituals of his faith.

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9:16pm Praying
Adel teaches Kyle a muslim prayer. Kyle thanks him after, They hug.

9:16pm Hot tub Kenny and Sarah

Sarah – I want Jon to trust me but when I told Sabrina that I didn’t want her to run and tell Andrew.. honestly I adore him
Kenny – I love the guy I really did I really wish he entered the house with us so he could be with us
Sarah – I know
Kenny explains that Jon told him he won’t be able to compete this week so he pleaded with Kenny to help him from going home.
Kenny – I was like DUDE I’m not going it have you go over something like this.
Sarah – I trust Sabrina but I swear to god you are the one person I 100% trust
Kenny tells her he feels the same way.

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9:50pm Cool gang jump hot tub time
Just random chit chat, Sabrina, Andrew, Kenny do a large chunk of the talking. Neda, IKA, RAchelle, Heather, Jon and Sarah are quiet for the most part. . Andrew gives Sabrina and Racehlle back rubs. Heather explains that the tattoo she has on her inner thigh is really a birthmark that she paints the design on. She puts in on every morning after she showers.
Someone says Andrew type are blondes with fake boobs. Andrew says no thats not his type he goes on to explain, “Of course I dated girls with Fake boobs”

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10:05pm Arlie at some point slithers in

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10:20pm Bathroom Andrew moons the girls

10:26pm HOH Jon, Arlie, Andrew and Kenny
Jon alludes that they gave him powerful pain medication for his shoulder.

10:33pm Backyard Kyle and Paul training Kyle is breaking down the male house guests in terms of physical strengths and weaknesses.


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10:30pm Kitchen Jon and Neda

Neda is asking him if it’s going to be OK
Jon say it will be
She’s worried that his injury will be chronic
Jon says he needs to watch what he does cause his shoulder will be easily hurt again.
NEDA – if you leave i’m going to self evict
Jon – I’m so happy i’m back
Neda – you know it’s really good for you to I know it’s fuc** but it’s really good.. I know I shouldn’t say that.. it’s good”
Jon – ‘I know I didn’t want to say anything Shhhh’


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10 thoughts to “Neda to Jon about today – “It’s really good for you to I know it’s fuc** but it’s really good””

  1. Please tell me you have the clip everyone keeps talking about ( Sabrina admits to crushing on kenny)
    It won’t let me rewind past the last 5 minutes on the live feeds for some reason.

    1. but theyre not technically floaters. they haven’t floated from alliance to alliance. its just too early in the game for them to have done something yet

  2. BBCan would be wise to keep the three stooges around. expect the unexpected I think together they would shake this house up so much. Just one more week BB give us that lets see the shit they can stir up when one of them are hoh and tell Andrew to get out of the hoh room and andrew s god persona come a crumbling downt….watch sabrina tell everyone she is now crushing on paul adel and kyle wax their backs and do pedicures on their feet…….. we know it will happen…. it would really shake up the dynamics of the house and give us a bb game that is fun to watch

  3. Loved Kyle praying with Adel. I wish Kyle stayed instead of Paul and that Adel wins the next HOH and puts up Andrew and Sabrina. I mostly want Sabrina to be put up she’s like the Liza/Amanda of this season. Can’t stand her. She’s a whore that plays too hard to fast, she isn’t likeable at all. I hope Sabrina goes next week. Paul or Adel winning the next HOH would shift the power dramatically and make for an entertaining week of feeds. I want the people who are too confident with their place to sweat. Would be great TV.

  4. I think thats really sweet that Kyle shows such an interest. He seems like a really supportive guy, Id like to see him stay a little longer.

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