Neda “Ika’s not the one holding the girls together it’s Sabrina”

POV Holder: IKA Next POV ?
POV Used No POV Ceremony March 17
HOH Winner: IKA Next HOH: March 20
Original Nominations: Paul & Heather
Current Nominations: Paul & Heather
Last Evicted Houseguest Kyle, Anick
Have Nots Jon, Allison, Paul

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8:42pm Storage room Arlie and Jon

Arlie saying that Deli (Adel) is going to start trusting them more once Paul goes. Jon says that Kenny can stay close. Arlie doesn’t think Kenny will have a choice.
Arlie mentions how Deli really wants Kenny gone. Arlie tried to plant an “Andrew seed” but Deli didn’t buy it
ARlie – “I’m just going to let Deli say what he wants”

8:50PM Paul and Adel trying out the ping pong table

KIenny, Arlie, Paul and Adel all play.

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9:01on HOH Sabrina and IKA
IKA – “Heather you were so blind plotting and scheming in this house that you failed to see that everybody was plotting and scheming against you”
IKa claims Heather is to blame for being evicted tomorrow. Sabrina agrees says Heather was spreading lies about her.

Sabrina does her goodbye speech to Heather. “Hey Heather I’m really happy that I’m recording your goodbye message because i’m the one that wanted you there most of all. you were the one telling my best friend in the house that I was plotting and scheming against her.. I wasn’t plotting and scheming about IKA I was plotting and scheming against you and now you’ll be watching from home enjoy your cookies”

Sabrina tells her that Heather is saying that Allison isn’t her target anymore she’s after someone else. IKA doesn’t care say Heather is going home tomorrow.

Rachelle and Neda join them. Sabrina explain the them that Allison will most likely be voting out Paul. Sabrina doesn’t blame Allison for doing that she was dropped into the game late.

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9:40pm Backyard opens up
Nothing there which probably rules out a large physical competition

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9:40pm Hot tub

Sarah saying tomorrow she’s going to make the first big play, “Thats what i’m here for”

Arlie waits at the exit to scare her.

Kenny waits at the kitchen and scares her again..

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9:50pm IKA and Paul
IKA tells him she feels sorry for Paul. SHe tells him that PAul is staying for sure unless Adel flips his vote. Adel swears he won’t be.
Adel – “You know if I Win HOH everyone in this house is going to sh1t his pants”
IKA says when he wins they will put on the other houseguest clothes and make fun of them. IKA leaves..
Adel starts talking to the evicted houseguests like they are watching.
Adel – “Canada has My back and Canada has Paul’s back”
Adel says if he wins HOH he’ll be taking down one of the “Big Dogs”
Adel calls their old group the three not what to do’s in Big Brother.
Adel predicts if Heather goes this week Allison will go next week.
Adel starts studying the Mugs they’ve received and the competitions.
It doesn’t sounds like Adel is 100% sure Paul is saying he thinks there’s a good chance but he’s smart enough not to keep his hopes up.
Adel – “If I win HOH tomorrow you better look out Kenny and Andrew”

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10:06pm Arlie and Jon bathroom

Jon asks if Adel is working with IKA. Arlie doesn’t know says it doesn’t matter.

Neda joins them and pulls a piece of glass out of Arlie’s foot.

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10:09pm Jon and Neda
Jon tells Neda she needs to spend less time with the girls.

Jon mention how “They” came up to him and asked him if he could get Neda to vote out Paul and he told them no.

Jon tells her the boys are going after IKA or Rachelle.
Neda rachelle and Sabrina are close with IKA

Neda tells him if Kenny leaves everyone will start targeting Jon. Jon disagrees thinks that Andrew would go over him.

Neda says she’s been trying to hang out with people other than IKA and Rachelle but who else is there. Jon says for her to start hanging out with Sarah and Sabrina.
Neda – “Sarah sketches me out”

Jon really stresses that she needs to start moving away from IKA and Rachelle

Jon “I might want to win this HOH.. I’ll put up IKA”
Neda says he’ll have to do whatever the boys want him t. Jon says he’ll do what he f*** wants to do.
Jon says Andrew will go not this week coming up but the following week.

Neda wants to get Andrew out, “Ika’s not the one holding the girls together it’s Sabrina.. you take Sabrina out and the girls will be much easier to pick off”
Jon – “Maybe I can chop the head off of that right away I don’t know”

Neda badgers him to say which girl is going to flip he won’t say, says he doesn’t know.

10:30pm Heather and Jon
They wonder what the HOH will be.. Jon hopes it’s endurance.

Jon says the only girls he really has talked game to is her. Jon will be voting for Heather to stay he adds that all the guys Less Adel will be voting for Paul to leave. “no Mind changing whatsoever”

Heather – “Thanks Jon”

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13 thoughts to “Neda “Ika’s not the one holding the girls together it’s Sabrina””

  1. I just can’t get over how IKA wants to use her HOH to get rid of the one girl who is most loyal to her. Sure Heather is annoying but she is in love with IKA. Really dumb move for her.

    On another note Sabrina needs to get over herself. She says she used to be a model and dated a guy who looked like David Beckham. Lol seriously? Who is she kidding.

    So to recap some players
    Sabrina is a delusional, immature, emotional wreck who thinks she is on the batchelor not big brother
    Rochelle has no personality and no game play, she is just there as a puppy dog to Sabrina
    IKA has ruined her game by making too many enemies and trying to evict her strongest ally
    Sarah is very wish washy and doesn’t seem to have her heart in the game
    Heather is just dumb and doesn’t know how to play
    Jon just seems stoned most of the time
    Paul is a trainwreck. I can’t believe this guy is a motivational speaker
    Andrew is an egomaniac, control freak, who is putting too big of a target on himself

    1. It is smart to hang back a bit and protect your back. Some players are smart to play it safe. I am disgusted by the bad manners and inconsideration of others on national tv. The farting and nose picking and rearranging of genitals for the public to observe is disgusting and embarrassing as a Canadian. It goes with the bad language and Andrew’s desire to be drunk daily! What happened to civil behavior and role modelling for the viewers? At least Heather has manners!

      1. Totally agree, these people are acting very rude and obnoxious. Some people call Sarah bitchy but I don’t blame her for getting pissed off at how they are all acting. But there is no one to blame but big brother, they selected these people.

  2. I really feel bad for Heather, she didn’t have the chance to compete in the veto competition, She really hurts herself, nobody really care about it, she is eating her emotion for a while now and she will get blind side by the house, mostly by Ika! She’s been sleeping with her all week!! 🙁

  3. It doesn’t really matter who stays this week, both or week players thus far. It’s looking like Paul is leaving. The good thing about that will be Ika’s reaction lol. Heather is a weak game player but i hate how the girls have been treating her and hopefully this week will wake her up and get her head better in the game!

  4. i really love the neda and jon alliance. i think they work well together and have a better understanding of what is really going on in the house than most. i think they can go far if they bring in adel and arli. neda and jon seem to be doing a good job at assessing the situations going on around them and seem to be playing with their brains rather than their emotions.

    1. i also love jon/neda, but jon is giving neda really good advice and neda is not really taking it. neda needs to sociallize with more than just ika and rachelle. if she were closer to sarah, sabrina or any of the boys, she would have a better idea that the votes won’t be on her side this week! i don’t really understand bc she has received confirmation that all 4 boys (andrew, kenny, arlie and jon) + allison that they will be voting out paul, AND jon hinted that another girl may change her vote. we know that girl is sarah, which neda admits sketches her out and is ALWAYS with the boys. really, neda, you cant put 2 and 2 together?

  5. I’m trying to think of a scenario where Sabrina goes on the block, but I don’t think anyone would put her up right now. I would love to see her and Ika on the block against each other, just for the pure entertainment it would cause.

  6. I’m getting incredibly tired of the Heather-bashing as well. Yes she is very annoying, but Ika is going over the top and is picking on someone easy, let’s see her game later, so far I’m unimpressed with most. Neda and Jon seem to be the most forward-thinking and cool.

  7. Sabrina “I wasn’t plotting and scheming about IKA” LOL yes you were! right before her hoh. all the lies you blamed on heather, were your lies sabrina. im actually surprised that sabrina is willing to let heather stay, bc she knows so much shit about sabrina. i guess she knows no one believes her bc she’s done such an expert job on dragging heather’s name and credibility threw the mud.

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