Kenny And Sabrina Kiss on the lips “He thinks I’m a cow, I love Kenny”

POV Holder: ? Next POV ?
POV Used ? POV Ceremony March 17
HOH Winner: IKA Next HOH: March 20
Original Nominations: ?
Current Nominations: ?
Last Evicted Houseguest Kyle, Anick
Have Nots

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11:14pm Backyard Drinking and random chit chat. Andrew is being extra loud. Kenny and him pop their shirts off and start pounding beers.

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These bros are having tons of fun.

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A drink is spilled and Allison licks it up. After she does that Andrew kneels beside her and jokes purposes.

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11:26pm Hot tub Jon, Andrew and Kenny Talking about the girls getting out of hand tonight. Kenny says Rachelle told him when she drinks she gets naked.
Andrew – “Lets get her naked”
Andrew – “I love cigarettes and Beer”
Kenny – “I love beer and… ”
Jon – “Pu$$y ”
Kenny says that Sabrina is getting loaded, He also thinks the new girl and NEda are going to be tanked.

Andrew says that Sabrina is getting jealous because he’s flirting with the new girl.
(Random buzzed “Bro” talk)

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11:44pm Kitchen Paul, Neda and IKA

Paul says he’s Canada biggest fan he’s seen every episode. He wonders how he will be portrayed and how people will act when he gets out of the house. Paul is happy that IKA won HOH because now there might be music he likes to listen to. She says she picked upbeat tunes.

IKA says she knew how Paul felt yesterday when everyone alienated her. Arlie joins them says that everyone shares a bed except for one person. Arlie proposes Paul get his own bed because she’s the biggest and snores.
Paul – “You don’t hear me snore because of my machine”

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11:50pm Bathroom Alison and Sabrina
Sabrina says that Kenny kissed her . She adds that she loves Kenny but he doesn’t like her because she’s fat “I’m a cow”
Allison doesn’t think she is gives her a kiss.
Allison goes to the bathroom when she’s done she goes to wash her hands. Sabrina tells her she doesn’t have to Alison says she’s a nurse she needs to. (Thanks Johhny (the European one!))

Sabrina warns Alison not to talk to Heather because she is a liar and he talks to everyone. They scamper off to the bedroom.
Rachelle says she loves Kenny but she has a boyfriend. Sabrina says she loves Kenny to.

Heather joins them.

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12:10AM playing lawn games drunk

12:23AM Kitchen Jon and IKA Jon says he wants her to do whatever helps her game out and he’ll support whatever decision she makes. Ika thanks him for his support.

12:27am Poolside Andrew has been talking to Alison for the last 10 minutes how bad Adel and PAul are. He adds that the plan is for them to take those two out first. Heather joins them poolside wearing her bikini. Doesn’t take long for Racehlle to leave and cover up.

12:29AM backyard in private IKA and Sabrina
Sabrina calls the new girl “Newzilla” IKA points out that Andrew is talking game with Alison and She knows Kenny. IKA is certain that the new girl will join the guys.

IKA suggests to Sabrina they take out Kenny or Andrew this week.
IKA – “Don;’t you think it’s wise if the girls and the misfits team up and take out the strong guys”

Sabrina says Adel will put them up. IKA sys he won’t he’s sworn on the Koran. They go to Adel to talk to him.

Sabrina – I have a questions you would be me and IKA up right
Adel – no

Production calls the houseguests to go to the backyard and Allison to the Diary Room. Alison comes back with an arm full of Beer.

12:50AM Sabrina tells Adel she is not a b1tch

12:54am Kitchen Adel, IKA, Neda, Paul

Adel “we sold out the boys we’re not getting back with the boys until the end of the world”
IKA says she cannot trust Adel and Paul because they sold out their alliance.

Paul reminds her that Andrew sold them out to.

1:00AM Adel and Paul Adel tells him to start filling the girls heads that the Kenny and Andrew are too strong to keep in the house. Adel – “I’m telling you if you get into Sabrina’s head she’ll get into Ika’s head” Adel adds that they are weak they have to let the girls see that. Adel thinks tonight is the night to do it while they are all drunk .

Adel points out that that the girls have two votes with them they would be stupid to send those votes out the door. Adel adds that the new girl is with the guys she knows Kenny and will side with the newfy alliance.

Adel go spill your guts say your a old man you have three kids you can’t beat these young kids.

Adel mention that the girls are coming to him the’s not bringing this stuff to them.

Paul asks about the conversation that Kyle heard last night between Rachelle, Sabrina and Sarah. Adel says she’s already used it.

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Cam switch to the bath room where Rachelle, Sarah, Neda and IKA are talking about the new girl joining the guys alliance.

Sabrina and IKA go off to the corner where they both agree they don’t trust Adel and Paul.

1:16AM Kenny and Jon
Kenny says that Sabrina just told him that IKA has an allaince with Paul and Adel and Kenny/Andrew are going up. Jon is going to talk to IKA right now and clear this up, he says IKA told him that was not going to happen. Kenny says for him not to talk to anyone yet he needs to wait til tomorrow warns that Alcohol is involved right now and he doesn’t want something to slip.

1:22AM Kenny and Rachelle Storage room

Kenny says that he’s going to be nominated for sure. Rachelle doesn’t think that is going to happen. Kenny adds that if he goes this coming week the entire house will be shocked at IKA. IKA joins them and tells them she doesn’t trust Paul one bit. IKA tells them that PAul was apologizing to Sabrina and saying he never called her a cow. When Sabrina and IKA got up to Leave Paul told them that Adel calls Sabrina a cow. IKa uses this as an example at how Adel and Apul are not even loyal to each other.

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1:30AM Kenny and Andrew are panicking. Kenny is talking all the guys down as they are getting heated because rumor has it IKA isn’t going to do what they want.

1:43AM Andrew, Kenny and JOn Hot tub Andrew tells them he’s gotten them another with Allison. they guys all laugh they start smoking while talking a mile a minute. The guys are in full panic they decide to have a second smoke, Jon calls this second smoke a “Party Dart”

Sarah joins them they ask her what is going on with the girls side. Sarah says IKA isn’t telling her sh1t since the spazz last night. Andrew is certain they are going up. Sarah – “I just heard her telling IKA Don’t tell me how to do my HOH”

Andrew and Kenny want to both be put up so they can compete in the Power of Veto.

Sarah says the new girl is going to realize how crazy the girls are and join them. Andrew says he’s working the new girls hard.

1:54AM IKA and Adel IKA tells him that PAul threw him under the bus after Adel was telling Sabrina that he never called her a cow. Adel shrugs his shoulders (jeepers creepers PAul WTF)

2:00AM Pool Arlie, Adel and Jon. Adel hopes they have his back. Arlie promises him they will talk tomorrow in a safe spot. Jon tells Adel to keep his mouth shut. Adel leaves. Jon and Arlie agree Adel is good for them to keep around.

Jon says it will be smart for IKA to “Throw a .. you know what I mean.. throw a” (I think Jon is implying a hail marry) Arlie is worried that Andrew and Kenny go up and one of them win POV because he’ll go up as the replacement nominee. Jon doesn’t see that happening. Arlie tells him that after IKa won she hugged Andrew and told him he is safe. JOn thinks IKA will throw Sarah or Heather up as a replacement.

Jon says IKA isn’t a dummy he doubts she’ll be going against the entire house it’s too early. They both agree they have each other 100% for the entire game.

2:12AM Kenny is getting sick from drinking and smoking too much Image link

2:27AM Neda, Sabrina and Rachelle talking about IKA’s Nominations. Sabrina doesn’t think now is the time. Image here (It’s a bum shot of Racehlle image for the boys)

2:37AM Adel Explains the Sabrina and IKA why they have to take out the strong guys first.

3:07AM Andrew and Allison
Andrew goes on and on about how bad of a person Paul is. Says that Paul called him some of the most unimaginable things, “Some of the worst things you can in life on TV”.
Andrew- “And I’m being the bigger man and acting like I should I’m acting like most people would not be able to… you know what I mean ”
Allison- “Ya’
Allison says she hasn’t spoken much with Paul.

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41 thoughts to “Kenny And Sabrina Kiss on the lips “He thinks I’m a cow, I love Kenny””

  1. These girls are very loud, shrieky, sloppy drunks (especially Sabrina, big surprise) and the guys get doubly obnoxious.

    Sabrina, Allison and Heather were in the bathroom and Allison had to pee. When she came out of the stall she went to wash her hands and Sabrina said, “Oh, don’t wash your hands, that’s okay!” I didn’t think Sabrina could get any more disgusting?! Thank God Allison said, “I’m a nurse. I’m washing my hands.”

  2. OK so Sabrina has admitted now that Adel never called her a cow, she assumed it. WOW!! JUST FRIGGING WOW!!! Shes been telling everyone non-stop this and how he calls the girls sluts etc.

  3. LOL LOL LOL Andrew is such a GOOF. I can’t wait to see his ass on the block. The way he talks is so transparent, whoever would even fall for this douche is even more douchey.

  4. That is SO gross! Sabrina : oh that’s okay you don’t have to wash your hands. What a disgusting person! That is what you are supposed to do after you go to the bathroom! Thank god Allison is normal.

  5. My last comment for the night:

    Listening to Ika talk to Sabrina, I HOPE she’s playing Sabrina when she said she doesn’t trust Adel and Paul. If she’s serious and changes her plan, I’m going to be very so frustrated. Ika needs to keep in mind who defended her (no one) and who avoided her (everyone) during Potatogate. Ika is smart but if she thinks she can plot with Sabrina, then there’s no hope (or redemption) for Ika.

    Jon is an OBNOXIOUS, crude drunk who comes close to being as loud as the drunken women.

    Allison obviously learned NOTHING during her time in the Secret Room. She’s shooting herself in the foot by spending ALL of her time with Sabrina and Andrew.

    The one thing I HATE about BBCanada is that they modeled themselves after BBUS in having the houseguests vote to evict instead of the public. I have a huge problem with that for two reasons: 1) Because it leaves the audience out completely. What incentive do we have to continue watching if we can’t affect the outcome? And 2) It gives the houseguests too much power. There’s less chance for things to get shaken up. They should have modeled themselves after BBUK and BBAU. Let the PUBLIC vote to evict. After all, it’s the public who keeps the show on the air. And it keeps the houseguests on their toes, wondering what’s going to happen. It also doesn’t allow people to gang up on people and humiliate them for fear of angering the public. (There’s accountability for their actions when the public is involved.)

    Lastly, if Sabrina’s boyfriend stays with her after the show, he’s either a bigger idiot than she is or he’s after media attention for himself. Sabrina is nothing but a hyena in heat.

    1. The house-guests HAVE to be the ones that vote. Otherwise, its just a popularity/beauty contest. Also, Its hard to tell a good player from a bad player until you’ve seen how they react when they’re nominated and trying to get votes. Kyle just laid down and died, so he’s not a big loss IMO.

      1. I totally agree. The public cannot vote. This particular style of BB is about gameplay and not a popularity contest. For the first time this past year, I watched BB Australia, and while I really enjoyed watching the show itself, I really disliked the public voting aspect. That is patently unfair if you categorize this as a game show, where anyone can win. The show editors have way too much power in molding HG’s image and shaping their storylines. They can almost pre-ordain who the winner is going to be in that scenario. You cannot and should not institute public voting based on the broadcast shows alone. As it is, I had a huge problem last year with BB Canada when they incorporated public-involved Power Shifts. AJ got a really raw deal and was not afforded the same opportunities as the other contestants to save himself.

    2. Basically the girls are very fractured. I think at the core Ika does not trust/like Brina and perhaps Sarah plus Heather. As for Allison the girls have decided “not to bring Allison” in for now. So she will gravitate to the guys. Which is ok with Brina and Sarah of course. The week really hinges on the nom ceremony today. Kenny and Andrew or any other 2 noms. If I was betting I’d say Andrew/Kenny go to Ika and offer a deal which has no real value since they’ll do whatever they want when they have power anyway. Ika takes the deal and the opportunity is lost.
      Brina is harping in her ear almost hourly about it being too early. Week 6 or 7 are you kidding Ika will be a distant memory by then. As well as the other favourite “you can’t go against the house”. This brings us to a point that happens almost every BB season. Short term interest verses long term interest. Let the strong get stronger or take a shot. For Ika who had no F4 shot before HOH and was being targeted for eviction before jury she has nothing to actually lose. The question is does she actually understand that. I hope the nom ceremony happens early. Every season we don’t understand why the HOH in this situation plays it safe and ultimately loses. It’s a little thing called hope! 🙁

  6. I have a feeling that this getting rid of Andrew or Kenny thing isn’t going to happen. It’s her first night in power and Ika is already talking way too much. Everyone will know the plan by morning and she’ll fall back.

  7. Is this some kind of genetically engineered super-Beer, or what? They’re so drunk from just that little!

    LOL at how poorly Sabrina is handling alcohol in general, and the whole “let’s talk with Adel/Paul” situation… She’s pushing far too much, and wants to abort any conversation about strategy by bringing the cow thing up over and over again. It’s so obvious, Ika should really have clued in on her true intentions by now…

  8. I just had a thought that I had to share. No matter what happens, Adel and Paul have no chance of winning this show. Even if Andrew and Kenny are evicted, that makes this a girl’s game with the numbers. And there’s no way the girls will keep Adel and Paul in the game because they still find both of them annoying.

    Ugh. I just realized that I don’t want ANYONE in the house to win. That being the case, I hope Heather wins just to piss every single person in there off.

    Ooh! Kenny just told Jon that he knows for sure that Ika is “not going after Paul or Adel whatsoever.” Ika, you’re a FOOL for telling so many people what you were thinking! Ika just ruined her whole game by talking too much. Like Sabrina, she doesn’t know when to SHUT UP!

  9. K so I have got caught up on everything and have been watching the live feeds for two hours now.
    Jon is like a social ninja. This guy can walk in to the middle of any conversation and people just keep talking! He seriously knows everything that is going on in that house!

  10. Ika is a damn fool, she just finish telling Neda not to trust Sabrina and now she turns around and tells Sabrina the plan, this would be Ika’s chance to shake up the house and shift the balance of power in the house. Everyone was right about Ika she is all bark and no damn bite.


    I canNOT stand Kenny and Andrew.
    How is Ika stupid if she puts you up? were you not going to put her up if you won?
    Get over yourselves.

    Arlie, they don’t like you!

    Can someone get me up to speed with Jon’s intentions. He doesn’t like Andrew right? but he likes Kenny because he knows Jon’s gf?

  12. She’s going to put up Paul and Adel, its honestly the best move she can make from a game standpoint at this moment, even though as a viewer i would want to see her put up andrew and kenny

      1. aaarghh!
        This is even worse than having no feed at all: you SEE there’s an important conversation going on, and you can’t listen to it!

  13. Did I hear Jon say something to Allison about her having immunity? It was a few minutes before the live feeds went down.

    1. yup, he made a joke saying that he asked BB, and they told him she could give her immunity to someone else if she wanted to, so he asked her to give it to him. 🙂
      Seems like BB gave her a 1 week immunity.

  14. Can someone please tell Andrew to shut up already! He holds a grudge over something petty. Got news for you Andrew Canada doesn’t like ass**les Meanwhile Kenny is too scared to show anyone who he really is. They both need to go. I like Adele and Jon.

  15. Thanks for finally talking about >Kenny And Sabrina Kiss on
    the lips “He thinks I’m a cow, I love Kenny”
    Big Brother Canada Spoilers | OnlineBigBrother Live Feed Updates <Loved it!

  16. Ika showed her hand way too much last night, It will be interesting to see how it goes in the house today. Paul gets a second life and shoots himself in the foot yet again, too bad as “name” says above some of Kyle’s integrity didn’t rub off on him, Adel must still be hurting from the sword Paul thrust in his back the first chance he had. Every time I start feel a little empathy for this guy he pulls another classless act.

  17. kyle went out with his head held high and his integrity intact way to go will be missed. Watching Andrew fluffing his feathers around allison ..this man is so caught up in himself..please cross fingers allison knows this and is fighting the urge to vomit every time he is around her. Did anyone else notice how Sabrina suddenly put her sights back on Kenny when she realized andrew was so into Allison. And when did i miss Adel calling the girls sluts….watching the high school antics of the girls ..Rachelle getting into her bathing suit to gain attention, Sabrina jumping around because of the kenny kiss..which i missed. The dart glares at allison …lets hope Sabrina implodes or explodes this weekend..i can see Andrew losing it as well this weekend ..let us hope they keep the streams on

    1. Can’t wait to see Sabrina’s face when she finds out she has been barking up the wrong tree with Kenny!!!

  18. Simon, Dawg (I always vote for you in polls Dawg – don’t give up!!!),
    Can Andrew get a King Tom crown?
    Can Kenny get a paper bag over his head?
    Can Sarah get a pickle up her butt?

    Why oh why didn’t Adel (and Kyle) work this way before? Sigh.
    Let Adel and Paul say ANYTHING – just keep reminding that A&K are Comp threats and Paul & Adel are NEEDED votes!

    Ika doesn’t have to trust anybody ! But splitting the Comp leaders of F5 & evicting one (preferably K) leaves Sab/Sar undefended. Think Ika ! How many Comps will Sab/Sar or Rach win? Set your Noms in mind, kick back, listen, watch, nod & say UmmHmm a lot & enjoy the week !!!

    Seriously, if Arlie & Jon know she’s gonna Nom Andrew &Kenny will that make them unhappy? HA! Everybody wants everybody out ! Putting up ANY girl at this point is crazy ! Leave the weak sisters until later ! Next HoH who knows ? Nobody.

    I hope both Adel and Jon have some nice quiet conversations with Allison….

  19. its sad that Jon who is for getting Andrew out of the house informed the bros of the plan to get Andrew out of the house.. the majority wants the same thing but they won’t do it. Buncha dumbasses.

  20. can you fix that poll?? kenny is in the poll twice and rachelle is mispelled! interesting that alison is way in the lead! followed by kenny, jon and adel. i voted for neda. i like allison, jon and ika too tho.

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