POV Holder: | Andy | Next POV | Aug 17th |
POV Used | NO | POV Ceremony | Aug 19th |
HOH Winner: | ANDY | Next HOH: | Aug 15th |
Original Nominations: | Jessie and Spencer | ||
Current Nominations: | Jessie and Spencer | Last Evicted Houseguest | David, Nick, Jeremy, Kaitlin, Howard, Candice, JUDD |
Have Nots | Aaryn, Helen , GM, Elissa |
1:10pm The Live Feeds return – Helen is in the kitchen telling Amanda that Jessie is going around telling Aaryn she has to get me out. Amanda says what?! Helen says I am done with her, I can’t believe I actually felt bad for her yesterday when she was crying.
Up in the HOH – McCrae is talking to Andy about how they need to get Elissa out of the house. He says that she has never hasn’t won a competition (she won the POV). He says that she had a big target on her in the beginning and now she doesn’t so much. McCrae is worried about Amanda wanting to take Elissa to the finals because she could win over her. Andy agrees that she has to go but that they need to get past this week. McCrae heads downstairs and Helen takes him into the lounge room to tell him that Jessie is going around tell Aaryn trying to get her (Helen) out. McCrae says that Jessie said that she will never vote for you in the end. Helen can’t believe she is doing this after I accepted her apology. McCrae and Helen talk about how Jessie doesn’t understand the game. Helen says that she is actually helping me get to the end because people will want to take me knowing she won’t vote for me. McCrae says she doesn’t understand how close we all are and how we will stick together to the end. They talk about how great it was to keep her out of the knockouts alliance. Helen says that Jessie is hanging out with Aaryn so much she will bring her down. McCrae says that Jessie has teenage girl syndrome. Helen agrees. They think that Dan Gheesling will be mad that Jessie wrote above his name in the bathroom. She is trying to be a big character in the game and she’s not. Andy joins them. They continue talking about Jessie’s behaviour. Helen worries that Judd won’t respect her game and doesn’t think she will vote for her either. McCrae says he think he might get over it as he said he doesn’t like bitter jurors and would vote for who played the best game. Helen says at this point I am playing for $50,000 at this point. She is helping my game more than hurting it. Andy leaves. Helen says that she really doesn’t know what Spencer will do if he wins HOH. McCrae agrees and says that he doesn’t know where his head is at. Helen says that if Spencer is in the final two, he might win over her. She says that he can say he has been up on the block 8 times by then and is still standing. Elissa joins them. Helen asks what are you going to do? Elissa says win! Helen asks what are you not going to do? Elissa says get nervous.
1:30pm – 1:35pm In the storage room – Andy is talking to Spencer about how Jessie is 100% telling the truth about Helen wanting Amanda out and it just show what a good liar Helen is. Andy talks about all the times Helen came to him to get Amanda out. Andy says that he likes if Helen wins HOH this week because she will be going after big targets which aren’t you or me. Spencer says that he is worried about Elissa winning because she will go after me. Spencer talks about just laying low. Andy and Spencer leave the storage room. Andy heads to the kitchen and then joins Elissa and McCrae in the lounge room.
1:45pm – 2:10pm In the lounge room – McCrae, Jessie and Andy talk about random things like past seasons / past BB alumni. They discuss how smart Dan was and how he never needed to win an HOH. Amanda raps “Andy loves my pizza boy McCrae but too bad he is not gay. My boy Andy loves boys with a little fruit.” Andy comments that Jessie’s drama f**ked up his chances of getting Pandora’s Box. Amanda says for sure if I get HOH and get Pandora’s Box it will for sure be a bad thing. Andy thinks his would have been a good one. Andy says he would love to see Helen getting a bad Pandora’s Box. McCrae and Amanda start arguing about which one of them who can rap better.
2:15pm – 2:20pm In the bathroom – Jessie asks Amanda can you unclip my mic from my vag!na and clip it to my pants. Amanda says sure just let me wash my hands first I just pooped. Amanda washes her hands and then pulls open Jessie’s pants and sticks her hands down to grab Jessie’s mic.
Gina starts rapping about Candice. “Like Candice, got crabs up her a$$ because she’s dirty like a crack wh*re on a monday morning! Crack a doning, now I’m yawning, bitch got two moms like I got two balls hanging from my mid section. I’m about to c*m on this bit*hes face, no messing around.” Jessie says that was good!!! Andy asks Gina if there is anyone she has ever hated more than Candice. Gina says yeah just one person. Andy and Spencer laugh that there’s only one person. Spencer says yeah one person that’s still alive.
2:20pm – 2:30pm Elissa, Helen and Aaryn are talking in the storage room. Helen continues to complain about what Jessie has done to her after she accepted her apology yesterday. Elissa and Helen worry if Gina will be okay with going on the block. Aaryn says that Gina knows she will keep going up unless she wins something. Aaryn explains how to talk to Gina when she is happy and to avoid her when she is in a bad mood. Aaryn down plays her competition wins and says I am not this big threat.
2:40pm – 2:50pm In the havenot room – Aaryn says that they want Spencer to stay because they know he won’t go after them. Helen says that Jessie was promising me the world just yesterday but behind my back she is making deals with McCrae and Amanda so I can’t believe her. Helen talks about how Amanda told Jessie all about the veto competition strategy. Helen says that McCrae told her about it. Helen says that no one else told her about that but he did. Helen says that Amanda probably threw it on me that it was my plan. Helen says I wonder why Amanda told her about the veto competition. Elissa says to get her jury vote, she is trying to get everyone’s jury vote. Andy joins them and the conversation dies. Helen says they’re just talking about the veto competition. Andy tells Helen to not take Jessie seriously no one believes her. Andy asks Helen what Elissa would do? Helen says guess. Andy asks Amanda and McCrae. Helen says I tried to advise her not to but she will do what she wants. She might put up Spencer/Ginamarie. Andy says he hopes she doesn’t because it will piss off Amanda and McCrae and we will have to convince them that we have no control over Elissa. Helen agrees and says we’ll worry about that later. Helen talks about wanting to get Spencer out. Helen says that Spencer is very dangerous. Andy says that if he wins he will try and influence him as best he can. Andy and Helen leave the havenot room.
2:50pm – 3:05pm In the bathroom Andy asks if McCrae knows what entertainment they get in jury. Movies? Music? McCrae says he isn’t sure. Spencer says po*n. Andy wishes he could bring his mp3 player. They talk about how strict production is. Spencer says yeah like the Nazi regime. Spencer, Andy and McCrae talk and joke around about random things. Spencer jokes that Candice told him that she would damned if she didn’t get a chance to ruin Ginamarie’s and Nicks wedding to ruin it. Spencer says that Candice wanted to get out and to f**k Nick. Gina says f**k that! He wouldn’t touch her with a 10 foot pole. Meanwhile on the other cameras Helen is sleeping in the rainbow room. Spencer and Andy leave the bathroom and head to the bedroom where Jessie, Elissa, Amanda and McCrae are talking about random things.
3:06pm Bathroom Aaryn and Amanda
Amanda: “Helen does not want you to go up she thinks she can control you so you are off the radar”
Amanda: “Which is good.. not for me but thats OK.. Helen needs to go”
Amanda says she talked to Elissa yesterday about her and Helen’s involvement in Jessie’s flip the house plan. Elissa ran straight to Helen and told her she was being questioned by Amanda.
Amanda: “Helen has to go. she is the base to all the problems like JUDD was. once she goes it will get a lot easier”
Amanda: “We have to f*** win this and she has to be backdoored”
Aaryn: ‘Spencer told her and Elissa that he’s coming after me”
Amanda: “Thats fine .. he talks to Amanda and McCrae and tells them he’s going after Helen and Elissa”
Amanda says they need Spencer around for one more week because he’s going to put up Elissa.
For amanda she needs Helen gone more than Spencer.
5:03pm trivia
Feeds will probably not come back until after the show
Use the Big Brother Live Feeds to FLASHBACK to SEE what they can’t show you on TV:
BB15 N!p Sl!ps / N*des
Not quite, Helen.
Wtf Helen the one with teenage girl syndrome and the fact that she’s 40 years old does not help
God I am praying to god spencer wins HOH And puts up both Helen and Amanda
One more question : why does Mccrae hates Elissa so much? I mean she’s absolutely useless
I swear tonight Julie needs to ask these houseguests to define the word threat. Because these dumb asses don’t understand that the strongest player are still in the house
I think that McCrae is seeing the lens from Amanda’s viewpoint where she always says that she is playing “strategic” and not “personal.”
With that said, if it comes down to the 3 of them, Amanda might take Elissa over McCrae because that guarantees that Amanda will win $500k. If it is with McCrae, it gurantees, she get $50k.
This is stemming from what their conversations this past week.
McCrae thinks that Elissa is playing dumb and can really do better than what she letting people think. It is possible that her sister gave her tips.
My opinion….Elissa just sucks at BB competitions. She is lucky she befriended Helen and Amanda who got her as far as she did along with getting the MVP.
As we are now learning, you really don’t need to be that great to stay in the game. You can just float. Look at Spencer.
Now, does Amanda really “love” McCrae? I am unsure. I think that girl is using that boy from that first HOH win. Outside the BB house, she knows she wouldn’t date a pizzaboy. Who is she fooling? I don’t buy it.
She can f*ck him and s*ck him and do all kinds of nasty sh!t with him. I do not believe that this showmance is real. It’s just like the wedding….and I was a fool to watch it from beginning to end on BBAD…..smh……I feel so ashamed.
Very good way of looking at both Amanda and Elissa.
I think I agree with all of what you wrote, even on Amanda and McCrae’s relationship.
Amanda is smart, like her or not, and knows exactly what she’s doing. Strategically, I see her as the best player this year.
I think Amanda does like her pizza boy. She also said she would like to be the first showmance to make it to F2. She is forgetting that the Boogie and Erica showmance made it to F2. Unless she thinks her “love” is real. In which case it wouldn’t be called a showmance. A showmance happened on the show, just for show. Dingbat
Ok I watched Rachel’s interview with jeff…..she did NOT tell her to go in there and just float and not win any competitions. she even said if she could tell her one thing it would be “win a hoh, girl”.
she even had a really funny analogy as to elissa being the house’s biggest floater and current waste of space.
I just cant believe all these people who KNOW they are going out at some point in the next 4-5 evictions, still won’t put up the obvious final 4.
I mean, what is wrong is spencer, this is a guy who will nominate elissa and Helen next week. seriously? I mean SERIOUSLY?
Helen: waa, I helped sabotage the comp, was happily going to blindside my ally, then I was lying and Jessie argued with me telling the truth, then Jessie offered to do my dirty work, I didn’t accept and now she hurting me. I can’t understand where this anger is coming from waa
She’s worried about Spencer but chuckles about Jessie saying he was more dangerous than Jess.
Then Helen goes to her vaunted move of throwing an ally under the bus to Andy, telling of Elissa’s plan.
you’re right, whenever Helen’s conscience kicks in she goes after the person triggering it. Waaaa look at me, they’re so mean…boo hoo
I really think Helen must be doing the math and realizing she waited too long and missed the chances. Amanda has more on her side–Helen won’t have enough votes to get rid of McManda or McCraw
I will miss Jessie! Who do I root for now? Glad that Helen is scrambling, I hope her or Demanda get backdoored
Forgive the crudeness of this remark but, I believe Demanda has been backdoored more times than she can remember.
You say Amanda has been backdoored before. You are sounding like Howard now. Better watch out that Amanda doesn’t accuse you of rape,
Well, she did say she likes it in he ‘back’ but only when drunk and only if simultaneously stimulated in the front.
God, she’s a slut. lol
Not that there is necessarily anything wrong with the act – more power to her, I guess – but one probably shouldn’t say things like that on national TV / Feeds.
I think that was the problem with Amanda and Howard. Amanda wanted to be backdoored by Howard but she was turned down. Hence, Howard became her enemy. If only Howard had gave her what she wanted in the beginning of the game. If he did, Howard could of been the one marrying Amanda right now. Nah! A half million dollars is not worth it.
I have no idea who has been ‘backdoored’ the most, Manda or GinaWhorina. They both seem to have loose bowels!!
GinaWhorina, now that’s funny. Like the name and play on words. Good job!
If I had to vote, I would say Amanda. I don’t have any proof but based on what she said and her actions. Amanda gets backdoored by guys, females, model airplanes, and dogs. So the edge goes to Amanda, she just doesn’t say no.
How did you find out?
and it has not cluck in Elissa’s mind why Helen is carrying her
Please let someone who will actually nominate Amanda win HOH.
Who do you think will do it?
Because of all their alliances the mistake will be that they will not be put up against each other. MC/AM
I can’t wait to see Helen’s face when she realizes she’s leaving. She will probably blame it on Jessie. I hope she realizes that she had her chance 2 weeks in a row to get Ursula the sea witch out but she just didn’t have the guts to do it.
Helen and Elissa and Jessie would not had a chance either. Amanda and Mccrea control everyone as they are glued in the HOH room with the HOH winners. Do you see how they have made lies and Aryan is buying everything that Andy, Mccrea and Amanda tell her and so with Spencer. Everyone believes Andy the snake on Helen/Elissa alliance. I can only hope that Helen or Elissa wins HOH and then that 3AM alliance starts to turn on each other.
I’ve been very critical of Helen and her handling of this week helping evict a sure KNOWN vote against Amanda instead of pushing to evict the unknown that she suspects is coming after her. But I agree about last week, she had absolutely no chance to change the vote on that one and she couldn’t go too vocal because from her view she would’ve lost the blondes, Judd, Mcranda, and maybe Andy. It was the week before, where I think she lost a chance. She had Aaryn’s ear influenced Aaryn’s noms and knew Aaryn didn’t want out Howard. She also knew Jess was gunning for Amanda. She didn’t even try to talk Aaryn into making a big move. After Amanda was MVP nom and Spencer won POV was a chance to push Aaryn for a big move like putting up Mcrae.
Hello Helen is clueless, Either week no chance because as we see now that she has a disadvantage who is Andy and who is an advantage to Amanda. Helen and Elissa to be saved is an HOH win. Helen was and is outnumbers and still is. Andy is loyal to Amanda.
Helen or Elissa needs to win HOH tonight.
Ursula the Sea Witch–ROFLOL Good one!
Hahaha McCrae saying Jessie has school girl syndrome is funny because he has a case of poonitus! He got a little and now he’s hooked!
Every female this season has “High School girl syndrome”, all of the popular kinds, slutty, know-it-all,psycho, feel they’re better than others,ect.
Neither can talk about being more “mature:” than others, they’re all bad in their own way.
When you say every female is experiencing high school syndrome…are you including McCrae and Andy?
I don’t know why the high school syndrome should be limited to just females. And furthermore….why high school? That is giving this entire BB15 cast too much credit.
Preschool is more like it.
Ok, HG…..Nap time!
Its funny how right wing nuts still want to see Obama’s birth certificate and believe he’s not a citizen; However, delusional Teddie Cruz, that we know was born in Canada, tea party wing nuts believe he’s eligible to run for the United States presidency. Based on what? His mom was a citizen…..so was Obama’s? Tea party can’t apply the same logic to why Obama wasn’t eligible and Teddie Cruz is eligible.
Uhhhhh…. Ok I guess this statement is about BB!
Was that all on the live feeds? I think I missed that.
Put the pipe down. Your starting to sound like GinaMarie.
He is kin to GinaMarie. He has two navels, too! (Ya know…..M O B )
wtf are you jabbering about?
Maybe he’s watching the REAL Big Brother, the one the show’s title makes light of….
This is the type of nutcase that needs to be banned from the site. Completely off topic!
Cleary, we have some visitors on this site who got misdirected.
We are not here to discuss topics not connected to BB drama. There are sites for that.
I expect to come here to read comments (good, bad, ugly, outrageous, scadalous, funny, and just plain dirty) about BB.
SMH…..Even on the blogging, expect the unexpected.
OMG! Was Obama on ‘live’ feeds. Guess I missed he visit to the BB house!
Hope Helen didn’t feed him slop balls.
He’s really Gina’s uncle, the one with 3 fingers. (Shell Shocked) Ask GM later about where the others fingers went……
I’m not sure if anyone agrees, but as much as I dislike him, Andy is the best player of the season. Opinions?
I think he’s played the best social game, and STILL won’t be nominated for a while. I DO think, however, that he should have thrown the HoH competition, to be in an even better spot.
anyone who makes such a lame ass move while they are HoH shouldnt be talked about as best player. have him make a big move, then talk.
all he’s done now is:
– be a little rat bastard for demanda
– let demanda dictate his HoH
best player? plz
Andy is just a pussy boy toy for MANda. She has said before that she is the queen of the fag hags. Straight men don’t wanna have anything to do with this schizophrenic nut job.
Yes, I agree and dislike the fact that he didn’t make a big move, HOWEVER, he is playing everyone and doesn’t want to pick a side until he has to. Once he picks a side, if that side is successful, he will make it far in the game.
Saying that he has the beat game in the house doesn’t really say much but I agree. Andy has the best game going but he has some major flaws. 1) It’s just hard to respect a rat. And Andy is the biggest rat there is. 2) if he had a really good game he would try want Helen to win HOH so that she can take out either MC or Amanda. Who ever is left standing will take out Helen. That will remove the powers in the house and he will be on top and he won’t get ‘any blood on his hands’.
Helen’s loyalty to Andy will be her downfall as Andy’s loyalty to Amanda will be his downfall.
“Andy joins them (Helen, Elissa, Aaryn) and the conversation DIES”.
Could these girls FINALLY have Andy’s number?
I admit everyone trust and likes Andy, and he is in a good spot. He could switch sides at any moment and go with Amanda/McCrea, Helen/Ellisa, Aaryn/GM or Spencer. He has the most options in the house. But, if Andy was to win BB it would be a disgrace to the game. Unless he steps up and starts playing the game instead of being scared, he will never make it to the end.
I am hoping Elissa wins HOH, puts up Amanda and McCray, if one of them comes down puts Andy up. Elissa and Jessie seemed to be the only ones that know Andy is a little snitch. By the way, please let whoever wins to do what they want and not what the house wants. I am so tired of doing what the house wants. Pleeeeease let someone grow a pair and do what they want. The house sucks.
Andy with the pointed ears??? That bitch has been playing like a scared little high school girl. Kissing everyone’s dirty ass. He is afraid of anyone more masculine than himself including all the real females. Andy squats to piss and dabs it with tee pee.
Honest question.
I’m not exactly sure how I feel about his game. One one hand, he has positioned himself really well, right in between the two powerhouse players (Amanda/Helen) and he is riding that to the end or until one of them takes the other one out. That’s really smart.
On the other hand, he is such a weasel and a coward, afraid to take a position and become a big fish himself and surround himself with his own troops. But that seems to be his strategy and it’s not a bad one. Soon, the two big players will have to take each other out and he’ll get that much closer to his goal.
So, I like him on the personal level. I think he’s funny and a nice guy. His game is either good or bad, depending on how I look at it.
No doubt, though. He is what they refer on the show as a ‘rat’. Whatever he hears on one side, he immediately brings to the other.
I am STILL waiting for Andy’s EVICTION!
No Andy has only played the “I want to be popular game”. He was nothing more than a tattle tale and in his efforts to avoid blood on his hands (blaek) he’s become nothing more than a boring can’t do nothing Amanda doll.
Spencer to win HOH put up 1 Amanda 1 Helen
I wonder how many wars the Republicans will get us in when they win the White House?
What are you talking about, you silly goose?
what the fu$k are you talking this bullsh$t for? i come here to find out about big brother, not some off the wall garbage that means nothing.
Rand Paul believes the world is flat. In other news, Ron Paul also believes the world is flat. Canada invade USA if any if these idiots ever become president.
There is never a war that the Republicans don’t like. Watch, they want us in Syria and now in Egypt. Then next year we have to attack Iran. The right wing will have us fighting the whole middle east.
Lighten up! Wars! Mideast! You are taking BB too serious. Get some meds that Amanda and Aaryn take.
I agree with you. The Republicans are pursuing a Colonial Expansion foreign policy. According to the Republicans they can dictate to the world how to live and if you don’t let the Republicans come in and steal your countries natural resources, then they bomb you.
Is that you David? Surf on and just say no.
LOL! You can bet that the bombs fly the moment the Republicans take the White House. McCain is just waiting for a good war. Bomb! Bomb! Bomb Iran! Is McCain theme song.
Romney got a wavier to avoid fighting in the Vietnam War. Then he joins a protest doing t 60’s in support of the Vietnam War urging further USA involvement. What a brave man, he chickens out of going to war but urges your sons and daughters to go to war. They asked Romney doing the campaign, how come none of his sons are serving in the military. His reply was that his sons help in his campaign was just as important as them being in the military. In other words, I am not letting my family fight for the oil companies, but I will send your family members.
what the fu$k are you talk`in about that bullsh$t here for? this is a big brother site. eather talk about bb, or shut the fu$k up.
In other news. The Republicans are still looking for Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. Yeah Right! This war was fought for big oil. The wing nuts would have you believe that it was for something righteous like bringing democracy to Iraq. Yeah Right!.
Go somewhere else, this is BB.
Both parties suck but it would be tough to do worse than this current train wreck adminstration. Let’s just stick to Big Brother topics like Amanda must go!
We know one thing. The house guests must be a much of left wing liberals. If they were republicans every eviction vote would be held up in filibuster. David and Nick would be still playing and the debate would be whether Julie had the authority to require house guests to have an eviction vote.
Troll alert.
Duckie… Rand + Ron do not want us to invade Syria, Egypt or Iran if there are rational alternatives to this.
Lindsey Graham is a notorious jingoist and warhawk who wants us overly involved and extended. The GOP
right now is divided into budget hawks who are starting to itemize the Pentagon and warhawks who still think
in terms of manifest destiny. I take it, Egypt’s riots have you worried. You should be more upset over any bill
that is bipartisan that lets our POTUS have a carte blanche and a totally free hand. Ron Paul is a Constitutionalist
who thinks our president needs to hash things over with Congress before going hostile or aggressive or to war.
Lets try not to be political, and try to at least get your facts straight. The GOP is not a monolith, its five seperate groups.
You sound like Glen Beck! Do you believe what you just said, well of course you did, you just said it. Mind if don’t go along with your BS.
How the hell am I supposed to know how many. I am too fucking busy with BB, you tard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who is Dan Gheesling
Dan is the winner of Big Brother 10 and came back as a coach for Big Brother 14 where he won second place.
Google Dan Gheesling and funeral – it was on Youtube at one time. Dan was on the block and was headed for certain eviction – so he held his own funeral – it was a riot and his plan worked.
he was president before obama
i just want to say, not all minnesota men are weak like me and like to be the woman in the relationship. I really like when amanda back doors me
The first time Demanda was on the block Helen and the rest should have taken her out. Don’t any of these people watch Big Brother. When you have your shot TAKE IT!
The MVP made making a move to break up the super alliance a bad idea. If she was gone who wouldn’t get the next MVP vote, Helen and the rest were worried it would be them. The MVP had too much power, and it changed how the game had to be played. So if you want to complain to CBS, complain about the MVP twist.
read here only, dont watch cbs.
that is the only way to really show AG and whoever what we really think about BB15.
I’m really hoping Amanda or McRae go up.
You know what? I’m so disgusted with this season that I want Amanda to take the check, shove it up her ass, dump McCrae, and call it a day!! Maybe next season will be better…especially IF I’m chosen next year and if it happens, I promise to play really good and make you all proud of me.
Here’s what will happen tonight: Helen wins HOH, she puts Jessie on the block against Jeremy……she hates them, they tell her, Helen, they are no longer here, she says : Im done! Im done…….she walks back in and says ok, Candice for yelling at spencer and Me and the block …….they say Helen, you cannot nominate your self and Candice is gone too, she says: Im done Im done!!….walks back in and says Im done, Im done…….Andy walks in and says….Helen is really gone, she self evicted, she wanted to make another Big Move but she said everyone lied to her and she will not…….Helen walks back in and says: Ok I am def nominating Dr Will…..they all tell her, Helen, you cant…….Helen says Im done, Im done, Im done, walks back in and falls asleep
I seriously can’t stand McCrae! why is he always talking smack about Elissa?!! what a d!ck , I really dislike the guy, someone needs to shave this guy’s head in his sleep!… but make use of gloves… God knows what’s in there…
He doesn’t like Ellisa because she would never with him. That’s how he got stuck with Amanda. She don’t care if he stinks and sleeps in dirty sheets. She is like a female version of himself. Or a male version of himself. This is confusing.
Hope you win HOH tonite Elissa!!!!!
Doesn’t matter, with the body that Elissa has, she will never be out of work. I now understand why those girls wanted Elissa out the house so bad. How could they compete with a body like that. Those young girls had to have so jealous the moment they saw that body.
Don’t be so sure, Elissa doing fine. I think Amanda will turn on Aaryn than Elissa.
Yes Elissa has a nice body, but her face is HORRIBLE. It’s hard to even look at. Her lips are grossly distorted and her eyes are just down right creepy. She is also one of the dumbest women I’ve ever seen on BB. But yes, she does have a nice body.
Why is McCrap all ofva sudden after Elissa. God i Hope she wins today so Amanda and McCrappy can go on the block!
Me too! Mc Crae and DaManda have to go!
If only I could believe she would actually do it. She’ll only do i if it’s what Helen wants.
Do we really need political rants here?
No we don’t! Simon at one point said he voted for the eventual victor of the 2012 fall election.
He is not adverse to folks praising our sitting president’s better decisions from time to time.
The glandular hyperbole and quasi~hysterical alarmist rhetoric about the intent of the GOP
leadership is a tad over the top, even so. This is only 2013 and not 2015. The poster is young.
The coverage of the crackdown in Egypt is rather depressing, the ‘regs’ are not letting people
bury their kin. One of the charms of BigBro is that its isolated as an environment. I try to be on topic.
Jessie, the disgusting eater.
GM, the disgusting burper.
Amanda, the …. disgusting.
Elissa the disgusting talker, backstabber, whiner
I’d bone her.
I can’t root for people who give up after the POV is played. That’s not your only hope. It’s a numbers game Jessie! Fight, lie, cheat–do everything to stay. Fuck people over if you have to. Start conspiracies. Do ANYTHING!!
hey dawg and simon,
here’s something that can save you time regarding helen…
when talking about whoever behind their back, “i can’t believe i ever felt sorry for . they are horrible and untrustworthy”
when talking to whoever she was just trashing behind their back, “ok, i understand you know. ok you know i believe in you, you know. ok”
LOL thanks I could use that…
Here’s the thing, these good for nothing contestants rat each others’ conversations out like its their main purpose in life, so no matter what she says, she must see by now that they’re gonna run to the rest of the house and repeat what she said 10 minutes ago – verbatim.
Have they found out where Elissa’s dresses disappeared?
Why Gina hid her only 2 pairs of panties up her back pie hole?
I buried the dress in the back yard.
Someone please ANSWER!!!
How many episodes are there of big brother Canada?
There are 29 episodes of Big Brother Canada
who cares, we don`nt live in canada. but at least you stoped talking about obama and bombs and sh$t.
Lmao at Ursula the Sea Witch, what a diss….to Ursula that is!!!! Hehe i dislike Demanda a lot, can you tell?
Don’t Insult Ursula!!
I can’t decide which I want more tonight –
Helen & Elissa to lose HoH and Helen placed on the block plus denied the POV
Helen win HoH and continue being insulation for Elissa
The thought of her begging for her life in the game for four days amuses me VERY much!
Hands down I wnt Helen begging for her life, and I want and though I hate Amanda, i want her to be behind it just for the delicious just desserts.
Word, the war between the 2 powers, Helen/Elissa and Amanda McCrae, is the entertainment we’ve been missing all season long.
Either Amanda or Helen on the block, crying hysterically,threatening and being everything they accused the other evicted HGs of being is going to be great tv.
Helen absolutely – it will serve her right for being a wimp when she had the chance. Plus I can’t stand listening to her whining about so and so ruined my game,I gave them a chance, I’ve been abused & traumatized…..need I go on. She thinks she’s SO clever – it would be great to see her groveling.
I so hope elissa wins puts up hoemanduh and mcpussy and judd comes back find out hoemanduh was the cause of Helen getting aaryn to backdoor judd cause she thought he was mvp and judd reforms with elissa and Helen
Hoemanduh! Priceless name.
If you are a Big Brother fan then you know that Elissa will win HOH tonight. Its CBS’s way of controlling the game. They read the comments too and they know that people are really upset with it being so boring(except for this week with Jessie-LOVED IT).
does anyone else feel that it’s possible that the reason why there’s so much hate towards helen and amanda is because they’re women and we are taught that women are not to be in positions of power? if they were men would there be that much hate? usually in every season there is a few men who dominate the strategy, it is rare the house is controlled by women. it is easy to dismiss this idea with specific reasons why you hate helen and amanda, but try to honestly reflect and think if there were any men in past seasons with a similar amount of dominance and cockyness that you did not hate as much as you hate them.
I like strong women. But I don’t like Amanda’s bullying. (And her not taking McCrea’s no for an answer when it comes to sex is just as bad as a man’s no taking no as an answer.) As for Helen, walking out of a conversation because she is called on her lies is very grade school. That is not a strong woman. It is not the lies, it her reaction when she gets caught.
bbl wish I could give you 5 thumbs up for that one.
I hate people who lack empathy towards others and a little humility. Amanda only cares about herself and she takes credit for everybody else’s ideas/accomplishments. Gender is irrelevant.
That’s a crock of caca!!! Their are plenty of women in power in all aspects of life and the workforce. Yes, there is room for improvement but so it is with every aspect of people (men and women), who have been marginalized in our society.
I would not consider what Helen or Amanda are doing as being women of power. Women of power lead by example and a position of strength. They lift others up and ensure there is room for growth. And generally they are good role models for other young women.
Granted both have gotten this far in the game. But it has more to do with the lack of any intelligent strategizing and game play by the other houseguests.
Would you consider letting Helen and Amanda be a riole model for your daughter or for that matter your son???
“we are taught that women are not to be in positions of power?”
Who is this “we” you speak of? Stop throwing out your opinion as fact. Sorry you were raised in an abusive home but don’t take it out on us.
Amanda’s a racist bitch and Helen is a dog shit piece of shit poo head(fact).
Demanda is a bully. Strong women don’t need to bully. Helen chickened out when she had her chance to take down Demanda and McMinute. She had the power as p*ssed it away. It’s not strong, powerful women we dislike. It’s these women.
just ignore the people posting on this site right now….you know that you are correct…..bb is always male dominated and even tho it’s true that almost the entire cast has very negative qualities the type of people on this site have a lot of deep seated hatred of women….most of them want women and hate them at the same time. The majority of posters on here are male….and very unhealthy, unveiled people…..don’t take any of the seriously….they just egg each other on…they love to sit in the energy of hate…it’s quite disgusting!
Bend over!
I am a man & i like most of the women on bb this year better than mcpus$y. except for maybe candace & gm, thay are too off the wall. any guy who would cry like a little girl on live tv lost my vote. judd did not die, he was kicked off the game. git over it. i think aaryn is by far the strongest player in the game. her & andy are both sitting good in the game. if you leave all the bad press aside, and look at it from a game stand point aaryn has a chance.
I’m a woman and I want those two out–the perfect example of female bullies! That’s the problem. They’re like the office gossips who throw everyone under the bus. They are two-faced and Helen’s nice/power of positive reinforcement is so wrong because it is used for manipulation, not genuine compliments. Amanda especially makes personally condescending remarks and her verbal fights and lies have been uncalled for.
Are you a woman like Andy’s a woman?
If you going to fake a post under my screen name could you please at least spell it correctly? Thanks loser.
Who’s the worst bb player ever? I think I prefer Spencer’s game play over Adam bb13
Best Player, NONE. Favorite player, Jessie. Worse season I have seen. No guts.
I conciously just don’t like either of them (Helen or that other chick-thing).
Hey my BB Online family. Just my regular Thursday night prediction. I’ve been wrong almost every time this season!! Lol! The only way there will be a good week is if Gina Marie or Elissa wins HOH. Spencer is too busy trying to fly below the radar which is actually working and Helen will nominate Spencer and Gina Marie as not to ruffle feathers. McCrae would actually put up Helen at thi point so lets hope for a McCrae, Gina Marie or Amanda HOH. Sorry to say but Amanda isn’t going anywhere intil at least final 5. Have fun tonight and see ya next week my people’s!
I hate everything you are saying but sadly it’s the truth. I’d just love for AA, Helen and Spenser to have a conversation and compare how many alliance Am and Mc are in.
I hope you continue to be wrong.
My prediction is Helen wins HOH and finally Mcranda is out.
I can not believe that Helen has the audacity to tell Andy and McCrae that Jessie is helping get to the end by trashing her. Then she further compounds her stupity by saying, she is playing for $50,000.
Helen, sweetie Jessie is only one vote in the jury house. And you never tell another houseguest that you will make it to the end, you are only putting a much larger target on your backside.
Seriously, she can not believe all this BS she is shoveling out of her mouth. Well, reality should set in within the next week or two….and to see the look on her face when she is evicted will be priceless. And they say Elissa is clueless, then what does that make Helen?
Does anyone know what Ginas problem is?? Candice is gone. Get over it. Now shes rapping about her? calling her a crack whore? Gina has serious issues. I would love to see her get evicted and when she sits down Julie just punches her in the face and calmly walks away lol.
OMG!!! If Amanduh somehow wins HOH….I’ll jump off my couch feet first and go to sleep immediately! Because I wouldn’t know what else to do…
The show is rigged. If Amanda wins, just remember that fact.
What is wrong with lying? Bill Clinton and I do it all the time. Lying is probably the most important skill in Big Brother.
Bush on Iraq….Mission Completed! 12 years later and 120 billion dollars and counting, we are still in Iraq. I guess Bush is the truthful one? LOL!
I thought these comments were moderated. No one wants to ready your political crap. We bypass it so get lost!
Dude, don’t try to help me. You can’t even spell. You must be an illegal immigrant.
Pretty funny you calling someone else out on their spelling when you are fake posting under my screen name which you spelled wrong. Slink away in shame loser.
At this point in time, I think that Jessie understands the game all too well; She’s just about 6 weeks or so too late, and she knows it now. I think she may be the only person in this game who becomes a better person for the experience.
If Helen does not win HOH and put up McRanda, she is screwed. She should have tried harder to keep Howard and Candace in the game. Spenser would have voted with Howard, and they might have gotten the other votes they needed to get those two out. Oh well,that ship done sailed…
This is one of the worst seasons of BB in history.
All the fun players are out thanks to the mvp twist.
Now we are stuck watching Andy the rat as an HOH.
BB CA 2 please!!!!!!
They are all out because these people are too stupid to see the MVP twist was a gift. Next season let’s hope they have better screening and a no meds rule.
I just wanted to explain the logic behind my last post. Hmmmmm won’t like this, but it makes the most sense. The only way we get some action this week by Elissa, McCrae or Amanda winning HOH is this….. If Aaryn wins Spencer and Elissa go up with Spencer being the pawn. If McCrae, Amanda or Elissa wins HOH they will put up Spencer and Gina Marie, but in the event that 1 of the original nominations or the HOH wins Veto, the Veto will most definitely be used to backdoor a way more serious threat which will be Helen, McCrae or Amanda. There is actually only 1 way to be safe this week and that is if Aaryn wins HOH. It makes me sick to my stomach that she is looking like the favorite second place person this season. Any other scenarios that will be exciting please people its rebuttal time. 🙂
I just cant beleive helen didnt know the minute that andy didnt backdoor amanda when he had the chance, that he and mc were playing her. if she loses this game it will be because she thinks she already won.
Helen’s croaky teeny weeny voice is so irritating.
BB gods please let Helen or Elissa win HOH tonight!
Not Helen. She’ll just put up Spencer and GinaMarie because she doesn’t want to face Amanda’s wrath.
Finesse, I’m going to surprise you by agreeing (as far as the excitement part goes). It will drive me NUTS to see that She-Beast in that position “officially”! It’s been her and McCrae’s room pretty much the whole time anyway. At least we can be sure that Helen will go (I hope). Anything but the usual will be ok. I’m sick of all these strong players getting nominated and voted out. (When I say “strong” players I actually mean “weak” players ….wink, wink)
This is the sorriest , crudest bunch of players ever. McRae is like a 12 year old with his fingers in his mouth and his feet on the walls all he time. Amanda is just a bully and an exhibitionist whore. Andy is a rat. Jessie is just pain stupid. Spenser and Aaron are racist, along with Amanda. I never thought Elissa would be my favorite but it has happened. Helen, i am at a loss of words.
This is BIG BABY not Big Brother! I’m amazed at how terribly this game is played this season. No one has game play or strategy to make any bold moves, it’s quite pathetic. Please BB play the game and stop whining!
After reading has been going on today,I really feel they should of completely blocked out Ginamarie’s rap about Candice!!! It was pure filth!!! Candice after this is all over will be devastated the hate most of them had for her,and the mean vicious things said by most all of them,this is a show about,competitions,lying to get to the end,not about degrading one another,this show has been hard to watch this season because of the racial,mean things said,I was thinking what would Julie Chin do if they started bashing her while in the house!! Remember they can say anything! If I had to choose right now who I would want to win with who is left,I would say Andy,maybe if they bring one of the jury house members back it will be Candice then she can sweep the game:)))
I hope Gm don’t go to Jury House anytime soon because she might just attack Candice.
You can bet production has set up something in the house to keep GM away from Candice. The last thing they need this season is for GM to be hauled off to jail and a lawsuit from Candice. And you know the jury house is now Candyland so GM will come in as a psycho underdog. Bet they put her in a totally separate place.
Candace & Judd are being held in a Motel in separate rooms, not in the jury house. Because thay plan to bring one of them back on to the show.
Candy don’t care who comes in JH next. She’s already stolen all of Judd’s stuff.
If Candace has any intelligence at all she won’t let it phase her – she will consider the source and completely brush it off. Think about it – would you let anything coming from that mouth bother you in the least let alone devastate you? NOT ME!
What’s the deal with panties all over the place…? When Aaryn went in to talk to GM and asked her why were they everywhere and GM said she had two pair up her butt? I read it on the feeds but didn’t see it….anyone got a clue?
I could care less about GM`s panties, not a happy thought.
Helen can’t believe that Jessie is going after her after she accepted Jesse’s apology yesterday.WTF? Helen needed to apologize to Jesse for lying to her face all week. How would Helen have reacted if she heard a room full of people laughing about blindsiding her? Would we have had days of “I am a mother!” sobs? That would have been so tiring to watch. Face it, Helen, you got caught.
I find it ironic that Andy of all people is explaining to Spencer that Jessie was telling the truth about Helen and that Helen is a really good liar. Does he realize that he knows Andy made Jessie feel she is safe all week and he was part of the “don’t let Jessie win veto” plan. I have to wonder if Spencer is realizing the irony and will make a deal with Helen if he wins HOH. Spencer is not as dumb as they wish he was. As much as he is a despicable human being, he may be the only hope for an actual unexpected week. Of course, he may just do what Andy and McCrae tell him to if he believes they actually have an alliance. Too bad Spencer wouldn’t ask “Who has an alliance with Amanda, McCrae or Andy”? Like they were going to do with Howard. They all had a great laugh about doing it to Howard but they wouldn’t be laughing if Spencer did it. Let the sparks fly.
Sing a song of syphilis,
A fanny full of crabs,
Four and twenty ulcers,
and twice as many scabs
When the scabs are opened,
Amanda begins to sing,
“What a f*ckin’ dirty place to put your penis in!”
You’re a sick, funny, fuck.
Welcome back Lurker001…….Kept confusing you with Lurker007
dawg we need a good day today so please elissa win that hoh that i only hope in im a true fan of elssia of an racheal i want her to see her family please bb elssia hoh your rating go sky high this season been to boring with her it could change
Keeping my fingers crossed that Elissa the whiner gets backdoored this week!
I volunteer.
The rap which GinaMarie did on Candice is really horrible. If she goes to Jury House she has the potential of really attacking Candice. CBS really needs to address Gm regarding her mental state.
I hope CBS experiences some legal backlash due to their inaction with regard to Gina Marie’s numerous outbursts of hate and overt threats toward Candice. They must have some sort of responsibility to keep the houseguests in a physically safe environment, and if GM does act out toward Candice in the jury house, then CBS should be held accountable.
Why have they not shown the Jury house? Wonder if Candice went? That would be funny if she did not. She did not honk she was going so I’m not sur how she felt about going. Lol
If Jessie realized how crude GM”s Candice rap was I doubt she would of said it was good. Maybe it is a good thing for her to leave before she is sucked any deeper into the soulless abyss that is the BB house.
Gina starts rapping about Candice. “Like Candice, got crabs up her a$$ because she’s dirty like a crack wh*re on a monday morning! Crack a doning, now I’m yawning, bitch got two moms like I got two balls hanging from my mid section. I’m about to c*m on this bit*hes face, no messing around.” Jessie says that was good!!! Andy asks Gina if there is anyone she has ever hated more than Candice. Gina says yeah just one person. Andy and Spencer laugh that there’s only one person. Spencer says yeah one person that’s still alive.
You are right. This is not funny. GM has no boundaries, no filter and is a danger to the others. She’s not entertaining, she’s sick.
Actually, those are the lyrics to Katy “the harlot” Perry’s new single.
Gina is one crazy bitch. She’s the only one in the house I would be afraid of waking up to standing over my head with a kitchen knife pointed at me.
I went back to the live feeds from day 1 and on and all Amanda did was go into the HOH room as soon as McEmbryo won and assumed the position as the madam of the house. Everyone goes in to talk to McC (ends up talking to her), she asserts herself as a dominant bitch who swears a lot, talks a lot (with plenty of ‘you know what I mean’) and from then on it seems the dye was cast.
Every HOH afterwards, except maybe Helen’s, she’s done the same thing.
It’s not that she’s good (debatable), rather they’ve have mistakenly treated her like the boss. They’ve been hardcore cowards.
I can’t figure it out because I don’t rate her gameplay highly.
It’s weird and kind of furthers the idea of her being the predetermined winner. It just doesn’t make sense.
I’ve noticed that, too.,, She’s sitting on Andy’s bed instead of using the couch or a chair. Also having a shower and a wedding thrown in her “honor” places her above the other women. You’d think the two married women would have said, “This is a crock o’ you know what, we’re breaking up this Blow-mance.”
“Amanda says for sure if I get HOH”
Biggest IF of the season….
Only chance Amanda has of winning HOH is if her and McCrae are the last 2 standing and he jumps off, because nobody else will take that risk of letting her win.. Everyone knows her and Helen are too hot, letting them get HOH now would be a bad thing for the rest of the HGs, and GREAT TV for US…
Hey Simon or Dawg, Got a quick question for you? Is it true or not that production does not want the houseguests singing? (Reason why I ask is because they need to have the same rule in place for when they try to rap too.)
Yeah they usually cut the feeds when a house guests sings
VaGina’s intervention will come when she finds she no longer has a job and is shunned by everyone. that’s right woman opening your d***hole all the time has consequences.
When Gutter Mouth finds out she lost her pageant job, she’ll go nuts and blame CANDICE!
Dawg….do you and Simon sleep when the HG sleep or do you two rotate your feed and blogging hours around sleep? I’m curious.
really depends on the day, more or less we sleep when they sleep… This years is a little tougher than past because the players stayed up into the late hours.
I see….it must be that 3am alliance.
Hey dawg what time does episode start tonight est 8 or 9? And do you just show results or do you go over what they say in dr as well? CBS is airing a preseason nfl game here tonight
It starts at 6pm pst 9pm est
Thanks Simon I’m a huge football fan but hate when they move regular shows for a damn preseason game. But idk by the end of the episode ill probably be cursing you out for giving me the site cause of this lame ass cast so apologies in advance 🙂
Thanks Simon! (Got my fingers crossed that either Elissa or Spencer wins HoH tonight!!!!)
since rap is not technically singing it shouldn’t be a problem.
I don’t think bringing Candice or Judd back into the house will be a good idea. First, Candice will just be walking into the same situation she left. None of those people in the house have changed. So unless they give her all the powers of HOH and POV, its pointless. Judd will just run back to McCranda’s arms and do as he’s told.
My dream finale would be this:
Everyones in their jury seats, final 2 sitting on the couch waiting for the votes.
Julie Chen says.. btw, we have a final twist to the game before votes. Because of all the nasty stuff that took place in the house regarding Candice and because Elissa was the only one that had empathy and sympathy for her, we have decided they will be the final 2 and America will vote the winner.
The rest of you may leave. Thank you for playing, don’t let the door hit you in the ass.
Yes… one can only dream. 🙂
CBS would have to pay royalties for ANY SONG or RAP that is online/TV (recorded) to the record companies and the artisit or studios. That is why they can’t bring up songs/lyrics or quotes for movies! CBS can not afford to pay that kind of MONEY!! for every song that they sing! lol
alot of hateful comments on this forum. and those that make them somehow think they are better than amanda, GM, aaryn. wow. haters gotta hate :/
hate is fine when it’s directed at a deserving target. it’s ok to hate hitler, bin laden, and crapmanda. go watch barney if you can’t deal.
i have no probllem with hate. what annoys me is when the same people who hae claim they are somehow superior to the one they are hating. thats all
I can’t stand it when someone says (who never wins anything) – we have to win this. Like bi**h, you win something and do something. Why isn’t anyone saying that to Amanda’s face? If you want to give orders, than get your hands dirty at least. Lazy sloth.
Boxer…did you used to be Hello -?
umm…ok. Did you used to be Bob the Dingo?
Judd’s Granny……Judd called and asked when do you need your diaper’s changed. He hadn’t heard from you in 2 weeks and figured the poop was still sticking to your butt cheeks.
Ya, I changed it because someone else was using Hello as their name (without the dash). I didn’t want any confusion; negative or positive.
Hope you enjoy tonight’s show..
Most of he things Gina and Aaryn have said behind Candice back. I think they both full of it. Hot air.
Not to mention the nasty racist comments Helen, Judd, Jessie, Spencer, McCrae, Andy and Elissa have said behind Candice’s back all the while some of them pretending to be Candice’s “friend”.
Ironic that Andy complains that it was JESSIE who cost him his Pandora’s Box this week with her drama, when he OFFICIATED at the scuzziest wedding of the season, starring his “BFFS” Amanda and McCrae. Umm that probably soaked up just a FEW minutes of TV time, too Rev. Andrew!!
Not fair….. I was really looking forward to a Pandora’s box. Why must viewers be punished? And where is….Zingbot?
SMH……this cast has deprived us of good entertainment. Instead, we were given filth.
Elissa sucks. She is too snarky. She has no charisma and doesn’t do anything but whine and badmouth others with her holier than thou attitude. She needs to go up with Helen so that they can feel the burn of needing to win POV and at least one goes home. Screw her that yoga predispositioned ass. Oh I love me some of dat.
I don’t even think she’s good at yoga. She can’t keep her balance a lot of the time.
That means she probably sucks at everything.
Would be lovely this week to see Aryan use the veto to save Gina Marie and have Helen go up as her replacement . Then next week Elissa could go up on the block – be completely dreadful at playing in veto comp (as usual) – and try to campaign to stay. Glorious.
feeds have been on trivia for awhile nothing new to report
Rachelissa has established herself as no better than Helen. Can’t stand both of them and their fake personalities. They need to GO.
Helen is seriously Delusional. She lies, backstab and plots against everyone. Yet when someone does it to her she cries “Why are they doing that to me? I was always talking nice things about you to everyone!” Common let’s fast forward to Helen’s eviction next week – that will be the most exciting week of the show then we can all go back to sleep until Andy leaves.
I hope when Helen gets evicted, Julie hands her a phone. “Hello? Yes!!! I’ll be right there. Bye!” “It was Wiener! He offered me a job! I really love Wiener! Listen, Julie, I gotta go. Vote for Wiener everybody! I just love all of you! Bye bye!!!”
I think she’s a bitch and the difference is that her style of bullying doesn’t involve swearing, like Amanda’s. I also think she’s pretty immature for her age. She’s like an annoying 37 year old college girl.
Does anyone know where I can watch tonight online live?
Who is gonna have the guts to put up Amanda and Helen at the same time because they have always and will always be the biggest threats! If Helen doesn’t win HOH and or veto I think she’s done this week she is seeming more and more screwed past this week. The stupid move for anyone would be to get rid of Spencer or GM this week that’s a waste of an HOH!
True but it seems as though many of the HOH have been a waste if time !!
So at this point, Helen knows that Amanda is ready to target her, and that Andy and McCrae are playing her. She also knows that Spencer is with them, and will go after her and Elissa. And yet her and Elissa are STILL wanting to vote out Jesse??!! Why are they not flipping this?! Helen, Elissa, Aaryn and GM can choose who goes this week. They may think it’s risky keeping Jesse, but the alternative is GUARANTEED loss to Amanda and McCrae. All because of Helen’s petty squabbles with Jess that she is too arrogant about to see the big picture. What an idiot to cut off her own nose to spite her face.
can someone please post the link to watch the live show….out local station is being taken over by preseason football and BB will be shown at 2 am….=( thank you
What is the website for tonight’s live show. (Streaming). I live on the west coast and want to watch the 9:00 PM eastern standard time live show.
Regarding Jessie’s mic getting stuck on her vag – I’m assuming Jessie was just joking and Amanda called her on it? So random…
There is no need for me to complain anymore. I will just read the post. Stopped my DVR from recording and been going to sleep at 11 instead of 2am after BB AfterDark. Will just watch the finale and check the websites about how the react when they all are jobless. This season is washed up. Unless Candice returns with a vengance, but she cant win anything so she will be going right back out the door. Judd will become McMandas do boy again and be booted right back out. So unless CBS puts a power in which they will not it seem. This season is over. BB16 hopefully is better if not they could be in the same pile of crap like BB UK.
Julie Chen even called them the ” 3 a.m alliance”
i think Simon + Dawg have started something!!!
3am was the name the name Aaryn gave them
Julie just hinted that someone is coming back from the Jury House!!!! Alrighty now, let’s get this party started. The game is afoot!!!
Imagine the house if givemHellen and DeManda are up. Add in a little PMS and wow, can just imagine.
“Dans the man, Judds the dud, Helens the liar slinging the mud, imay be out joining Judd and Candice, butt the other house guests can kiss my bad ass.”
RIP Jesse! Give em heck!
Jessie is so fine
Okay Aaryn if you have any redeeming qualities you need to put Amanda and Helen up next week. Don’t be scared you will have the votes to get Helen out of the game.
instead of just MVP, BB should have added a twist of america having a vote to evict. this BB is so boring and predictable. I’m tired of amanda and mccrae and everyone following their every move. get them out already!!!! BB better add a better twist to shake things up.