HaveNot Competition Results! Jared “The spotlight is on me for yelling at Dallas”

POV Holder: ? Next POV March 19th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony March 21th
HOH Winner: JOEL Next HOH: March 24th
Original Nominations: ?
Current Nominations: ?
Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine
Have Nots Tim, Raul, Kelsey, Jared

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There will likely be a lot of alliances during the season – keep track with our alliance help guide.

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1:05pm – 6:40pm The live feeds were blocked for the Have / Havenot competition.

HaveNot Teams:

Team 1 – Jared, Tim, kelsey Cassandra, Mitch, Raul
Team 2 – Dallas, Phil/Nick, Maddy, Nikki Ramsey, Loveita

HaveNot’s This Week:

Team 1 Lost *** Mitch & Cassandra are not a havenots – not sure why yet ***

– They had booze during the competition. Dallas & Jared had a blow up during the competition. It also sounds like Mitch got involved. Dallas said he was about to start scrapping if he wasn’t told to go have a smoke. Kelsey spit seeds in Nick’s face and he called her a c**t. Tim threw a baseball bat over a hedge/fence and hit Maddy. (They say she milked it)

In the bathroom – Tim comments that we all signed up for this. There’s no saying this isn’t fair. Dallas hugs Mitch and says I know you’re upset. Its okay. Be cool. They hug and Dallas leaves. Jared joins them and they talk about how things got out of hand. Nikki says that she was having fun before everything went wrong. She says it was one of the best Big Brother tasks she’s taken part of. Nikki says a hedge got broken and a knee got hurt that’s it. Tim says we’re okay with losing. Nikki tells Ramsey well done. Sorry I was no use. They hug.

In the Living room – Kelsey comments on how she’s a little drunk.

HOH room – Joel tells Raul that when everyone gets emotional like that its hard not to feel bad. Raul tells Joel that he doesn’t want to go on the block. We’ve had your back and kept you safe. I’m a straight up person and if I am the one to go up just please let me know. Joel says that everything has just been so emotional and he hasn’t decided what he’s going to do for nominations yet. Joel heads downstairs and talks to Phil on the couch. Phil asks if he knows what he’s going to do? Joel says he thinks he knows but just wants to sit and think. Kelsey says she thinks the noms will be tomorrow. Joel says with everything that’s gone on tonight I hope so. Joel heads to the storage room where Dallas and Maddy talk to him. Dallas says that if he hadn’t been told to go have a smoke he probably would have ended up scrapping. I’m a scrapper. Maddy tells Joel no matter what happens and if we’re on the block just know we love and respect you.

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– Joel will be making his nominations later tonight –
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Dallas apologizes to Mitch and tells him no hard feelings. Where we go from here is totally up to you.

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7:05pm – 7:25pm Tim moves his things into the Havenot room. He tells Kelsey we’re in here now. Kelsey says no we’re not! Jared moves his things into the havenot room as well. Kelsey wants to talk to Joel. Jared says she’s too tipsy to talk to him right now. Jared says that all the spotlight is on me right now because I was yelling at Dallas. Kelsey says that after Jared left the room she started yelling at Dallas. Jared says I thoroughly enjoyed todays events. Tim says I was drunk I threw a baseball bat over a fence. I didn’t know I would hit anyone. Jared says she (Maddy) milked it. If someone hit me with a bat I probably would have cried.

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11 thoughts to “HaveNot Competition Results! Jared “The spotlight is on me for yelling at Dallas””

  1. Has a Have Not comp ever gotten HG this emotional and fiery? I think Hamtserwatch and RHAP mentioned booze being involved. On RHAP they said something happened where Mich worried what his boyfriend would think. Sunday’s episode is going to be very interesting.

    I’m assuming someone from the other team choose Mitch and Cassandra to not be Have Nots this week.

    1. Very rare does BB allow Booze in any competition even Have Not’s, This just proves why it’s a bad idea…

      1. That’s what I’m thinking! As soon as those messages started popping up on Twitter I was really confused. Is this flare up a sign of things to come I wonder?

      2. Love it, alcohol people say what they truly believe and want to do.
        We see houseguests as they want to be while under the influence. Arf Arf!
        Yahoo Joel go for it before they throw you under the BUS.

  2. sounds like these people can’t handle their booze. or some of them are using it as an excuse to be rude and mean.

  3. I noticed when the teams were set for the competition that the possibility for tempers would be heightened. Add beer? oh my.
    So it sounds like the Pink room was winning 6-0 and the blue room got mad.

  4. I’m confused. Last week Tim said once one of the alliance of three is broken, even if the surviving three went after the middle ground, the middle controlled the votes.
    So… in the bathroom with Joel and Cassandra, why is he so concerned that going after the Jared three was a week early. Oh, because the surviving three doesn’t have a relationship with him and Cassandra to guarantee his safety. I hope Joel is picking up on this.
    Goes further to the questions Joel had about Cassandra and Tim’s loyalties when he was plotting moves before nominations.

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