Spoilers – Girl Alliance “IKA is the spearhead of the girl power”

POV Holder: Kenny Next POV ?
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony March 10
HOH Winner: Andrew Next HOH: March 13
Original Nominations: Paul & Neda
Current Nominations: Paul and Kyle
Last Evicted Houseguest Anick
Have Nots Rachelle, Neda, Heather and Sarah

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4:28pm Hot tub Sabrina, Neda, IKA Sabrina says she will never put up Andrew
Neda says she will never put up Jon
IKA asks if Andrew is up and IKA is up what will Sabrina do?
Sabrina explains that she will vote to keep a girl but will not put up Andrew if she wins HOH.
Sabrina: “My thoughts are Kyle, Adel, Paul and Heather gone.. my thoughts”
Neda thinks that Adel will take out a guy if he wins HOH
IKA and Sabrina disagree think it will be one of the girls.
Neda wonders if they can get Adel to take out Heather. Sabrina doesn’t think so.
Nedal – “Paul winning will f** things up Adel winning will F*** things up”
Sabrina says Adel winning is the worst case scenario.
IKA and Sabrina think they will be Adel’s target.
Neda thinks the next HOH will be mental which might help Adel because there is a element of luck.
IKA says Adel is stupid.
Neda says girls are her number one priority she goes on and on about how she will be loyal to girls first.

Sabrina and Neda start to argue about who is more loyal to the girls alliance.

Rachelle joins them.
Neda – “My allegiance has been week one with the f*** girls since week one”
IKA – What about Jon”
Neda says it doesn’t matter.
Sabrina – Everyone likes you IKA Andrew wants to impregnate you.

Sabrina says someone is spreading around that IKA and Heather do not trust Sabrina.

Neda, IKA and Sabrina all really do not like Heather the more they talk the more they want her gone. Rachelle says quiet.

Jon joins them… What’s happening. Sabrina – “I want Adel gone”
Jon – “Where is he’
Sabrina probably plotting to assassinate me’

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4:43pm Jon and Neda Hot tub

Neda is pissed at Heather going around telling people that she’s been telling JOn everything about what the girls are saying.

Arlie joins them, Neda leaves.. the guys both say they want Heather gone.

Jon says he wants Heather gone so does Arlie. They agree Heather is top of the list to go followed by IKA. Arlie says someone mentioned to him that Heather was on top of the list but he’s heard that three guys are now to go first.

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4:52pm Pool Rachelle, Neda, Sabrina and IKA

Unravelling Heather going around telling people NEDA is “Telling lies” to Jon.

Sarah joins them and they fill her in what Jon told NEDA about Heather. Sarah reminds them that they have to watch what they believe in the house if it’s not heard first hand.

Heather joins them..
Sabrina – We’re having a real dilemma.. we have to make sure Adel doesn’t win HOH otherwise a girl is going home.

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4:55pm pool Kenny, Jon, Arlie and Sarah

Wondering if they get a party tonight.. Kenny hopes it’s something to do about family. Generalle. General chit chat.. Jon leaves and Andrew joins them. GAme talk starts..

Kenny says he doesn’t trust IKA and he doesn’t Trust Heather.

Sarah warns them that none of the girls can win HOH next week. IKA is the spearhead of the girl power”

Sarah the only saving grace is Sabrina is unreal for the girls and she’s so good at fooling the girls. Kenny agrees says she might be able to persuade the girls to not take one of them out if they hold the power.

They all agree how good Sabrina is and they are lucky to have her as an ally. Sarah leaves..
Kenny points out how it’s so obvious that IKA is trying to play him. Kenny adds that Paul and Adel will side with them if they need the votes. Arlie mentions that Paul is still the plan to take out next week. Kenny agrees says it all comes down to them having to win HOH next week.

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5:20pm Ika and Jon

IKA denies there is any girls alliance in the house.

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5:30pm heather in the bathroom doing nails.

(Looks like Sarah, Sabrina, Kenny, Andrew and Arlie are in a tight alliance. Sarah is in a very good position being close to both major alliance)

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5:48pm Kyle and PAul Paul gives a shoutout to his wife and kids and starts to tear up. Kyle joins them and they wonder where they went wrong. Paul says if he knew people would break their word like they just did he would have gone for the big guns during his HOH

Paul “Jon Wacking off in front of all those ladies” Feeds Cut.. (It’s near the end of the video.. Dawg explains that they have been talking about this all day. He was under the covers and a bunch of them were in the bedroom … they couldn’t tell if he was actually wacking off or pretending … they commented about some “white stuff” on the glass )

When the feeds come back Kyle is talking about how shady Kenny is. Paul – ‘Kenny and Jon looked me in the face.. they looked at the camera and said on my son that I was safe this week”

Kyle – It’s all about reading people we don’t have a Hayden, Enzo and a lane that are loyal”

Kyle says this season is all about a couple big alliances, ‘This is why they are targeting me cause I told them straight up I’m coming after them”
Paul – Andrew is really scared of your strength and you are younger and faster”

Kyle talks to the Camera give us some advice

Sabrina working on Rachelle’s Eyebrows.

6:10pm Rachelle and Neda in the bathroom they both sound nervous that next week Andrew will not want to take out Paul or Adel. They think he’s going to clue in and take out a girl. Neda is really worried that heather told Andrew about the numbers thing.
Neda – “I’m really weird about how Sabrina took my wording..”

NEDA complains about all the fishy looks she gets when talking with the girls but the guys can hang out in the HOH and talk game all they want. NEDA thinks that Jon would rather be with Kenny and Andrew, she’s questioning Jon’s loyalty. Neda ‘Oh my god Slop sticks to my lips. ”

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6:30pm Hot tub Kyle and Paul Kyle is talking about his past.. says something about getting “Hit” A lot… and the feeds cut

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8 thoughts to “Spoilers – Girl Alliance “IKA is the spearhead of the girl power””

  1. I like Sarah but Sabrina not so much. I would like to see her on the block next week it seems to me she has a sense of self entitlement and that everything is about her.

  2. These people are so stupid. They’re so intent on voting with emotion, that they don’t realize that Kyle, Paul, & Adel are literally the LEAST of their worries.

  3. Does anyone else think that Jon looks like a not quite as good looking version of Ryan Gosling especially his eyes?

  4. Sabrina is such a little cry baby. She needs to go on the block. I’m on team rachelle and team ika 🙂

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