POV Holder: | Andrew | Next POV | ? |
POV Used | POV Ceremony | April 1 | |
HOH Winner: | ANDREW | Next HOH: | April 4th |
Original Nominations: | Gary and Topaz | ||
Current Nominations: | Last Evicted Houseguest | Aj | |
Have Nots | Gary, Peter, Topaz, Emmett (used Slop Pass) |
11:20pm Living room Topaz, Gary and Jillian (Gary and topaz walk into many rooms during this conversation)
Jillian is talking about how well Gary is handling the slop.. Topaz and GAry head into the storage room, Gary says Jillian must really feel stupid.. she complains everyday and I haven’t complained yet. (About being on slop)
Gary lists off the reason why he is the bigger threat, he’s good at quizes, he’s physical and Slop doesn’t phase him, Gary adds that his Social game is off the hook.,
Topaz says she thought her game was good.. Gary: “Your game is still good.. if they were smart they would get me out of the house.. I’m too physical.. I’m too good.. I can win smart competitions..”
Topaz: “Alec doesn’t want me out of here”
Gary keeps saying that it comes down to Emmett and Jillian and Emmett would be dumb to keep him in the house. Topaz says how horrible being in the house without Gary.
Topaz it’s easier to be fake with Jillian and Talla.. but faking a showmance is so hard.. in the beginning I actually liked him there was a friendship.. there was this… “
(Gary says “They would be stupid not to get rid of me” About 20 times.)
11:40pm Kitchen Couch Talla and Jillian
Talla is freaking out about hearing Topaz and Gary screaming “I can’t believe this is happening” Talla thinks it’s going to be a twist. Talla thinks it could be that everyone is safe for the week and next week is a double eviction. Talla: “It could be a whole game reset”
Jillian: “Could be anything.. “
Jillian thinks when Topaz and Gary were screaming it didn’t sound like they tel;ling a story sounded like they were excited.
Talla: “I’m scared to go to bed”
Jillian says she has a headache is going to have a yogurt and head to bed
Talla: “i’m not worried about it.. No point.. “
Talla: “I just really need to win a HOH.. i’m the second place goddess..”
Talla: ‘Peter is playing a social game.. but I wouldn’t be very mad if he left either.. ”
Jillian: “I agree with that”
Talla: “It comes down to me you and Emmett winning.. Talla says Alec will not turn against Peter.. he would turn against any one of us”
Jillian: “Soon we’ll have to pick people… I already have my decision made”
Talla: “Talk about pressure.. all they’ve done it physical and trivia..” Talla thinks that the next Competition is going to be endurance and her and Jillian will win it. Jillian is worried that Peter may be good that that type of competition.. Talla warns that Peter is playing a really good social game.
Talla: “I got butterflies.. that means something.. ”
Talla tells Jillian if she wins HOH Emmett, Andrew and her will be safe, adds that Alec and Peter are on the bottom of the list.
Jillian says Talla, Andrew, Emmett are safe and Alec/Peter are at the bottom. It looks like they are both expecting Gary to go home and want to keep Topaz one more week. Sounds like Talla and Andrew are teaming up with Emmett and Jillian..
Talla says if Peter won HOH he would put up Andrew and one of the girls. perhaps Emmett..
12:00AM Bedroom Gary and Emmett in bed
Jillian says that Tall isn’t stupid she see’s that Alec and Peter are a couple, she also knows that Alec/PEter or Emmett/Jillian will not pick their pair over her. Talla is trying to make a final 2 commitment with Andrew because it’s her only way to survive in the game. Talla comes in for a bit.. they chit chat..
12:16AM HOH Andrew and Ememtt
Emmett told Andrew not to drink the water in the fridge because he dumped a whole lot of salt into it
Andrew: “So what is happening..
Emmett: “Nothing you just have to be really careful with Talla.. Alec and Peter think that they can get Talla and control her and Tall will got with whoever she feels most safe with “
Andrew: “She also feels very safe with Jillian and me”
Emmett adds that the only way they can control the Alec and Peter situation is if it’s only the 2 of them.
Andrew: “Is there something I’ve done or are you just reiterating things”
Emmett tells him they just have have to be careful. Emmet: “I think Talla wants final 4 to be us”
Andrew: “I got the Veto i’m not going to use it..”
Andrew says him, Aj and Talla were the 3 stooges and they would chat all the time. He’s confident his relationship with Talla is good..
Andrew can already see that Alec and Peter are swarming on Talla trying to control her.
Emmett: “You have to be careful that they are going to see you as a threat.. they might want to drop you and bring Talla..”
Emmett says that Alec is sleeping in Talla’s bed right now but only because she “Got Scared”
Andrew says that he would be a bit worried if Talla wins HOH but just a little bit. Emmett and Andrew agree that it’s best Emmett wins it.
Jillian joins them
Tells them about her game talk with Talla..
Jillian to Andrew: “You’re her person..”
Andrew: ‘Did she say that”
Jillian: “YA”
(Looks like the stooges have joined up with the milkmance)
Andrew says he would almost want Alec out first over Peter because Alec can win stuff and Peter really hasn’t done anything.
They start speculating about some twist because they head Topaz and Gary laughing earlier in the day. (There’s been so many twists the players all think another one is coming up this week)
Andrew: “Heres the thing I need to let you guys know.. If this twist happens i’m going to throw Peter up there”. Emmett: “what if both Gary and Topaz got pulled off the block”
Andrew: “I would slap Alec and Peter up.. whats the options.. i’m not putting you guys up”
Andrew points out that Peter hasn’t done anything in the game it’s a safe person to nominate if a twist happens. There seems to be concern with Andrew that Canada likes Gary so much that he’ll be saved before eviction.
Emmett says right before eviction he should pull Topaz aside and tell her she was not his target last week and that there is still trust between him and her, He should . When the vote happens Topaz will think Andrew was protecting her. This may benefit them the following week especially if she wins HOH.
Andrew really wants to get Gary out because he’s a strong player. The following week Emmett, Talla or JIllian have to win HOH and take out either Alec or Peter. They all agree that Talla is hungry to win the HOH.
Emmett warns them they have to stop hanging out so much.. They want PEter and Alec to still trust Emmett and tell him stuff. They also want to avoid Gary and Topaz going to Alec and Peter and make some type of deal.
Bedroom Topaz Freaks out that Talla and Alec are in the same bed. Topaz confronts Talla.. She says that Alec scared the sh!t out of her. Topaz: “really Alec i’m not even out of the house” Talla: “HE scared teh Sh1t out of me” Topaz: “DO NOT RAISE YOUR VOICE WITH ME.. There are 7 beds in this house.. This is so disrespectful”
Talla defends her and ALec says that nothing happened Jillian and Emmett were in the room.
Topaz: “Fine Talla keep being the slut that you are… that’s fine” Talla” Don’t call me a s*ut”
Topaz raises her voice “Keep being the s*ut that you are and maybe you should take up the offer to take up stripping when you’re out of here” You can hear Gary says “OK OK that’s enough.. ”
Topaz: “Alec you are disgusting.. I was in a showmance f or 30 something days I go up on the block and he disowns me”
(The argument.. keeps going.. worth a watch)
1:06AM Topaz and Talla
Apologizing about the fight and bonding. Talla does tell Topaz she is safe this week.
1:30AM Hot Tub Room
Topaz telling her that it’s going to be Gary, Topaz then Talla.
Topaz thinks that there is a “bro” alliance and the girls are not involved. Talla says it doesn’t make sense that the guys would want to keep all the strong players in the game.
Topaz tells her if she stays in the game they have to team up. Topaz: “We are not going to make it to final 2 unless we win HOH”
Talla: “Andrew leaving the noms the same is a good thing.. “
Topaz: “Ya but now is the time to Backdoor Emmett”
Topaz says that they are screwed unless they backdoor Emmett now because after this week everyone gets to play for the POV and Emmett is going to keep winning them.
Topaz: “Getting rid of Gary is not a bad thing because he’s physical” Topaz really starts campaigning to get Emmett out. Topaz spews out all the advantages there is for Andrew to take out Emmett this week.
Talla tells her to hand the HOH to her. Topaz: “Can I trust you” Talla: “YES I know the guys are a threat”
Gary joins them.. They tell him they are not fighting anymore. Topaz says she doesn’t think Talla is a sl*t the sl*t has already left the game. (Implying Liza) Gary tells her she should go apologize to Alec and give him a hug.
Gary: “I think Alec has real feelings for Topaz… he’s really hurt”
Talla: “Didn’t he say I love you a little while ago”
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While Talla and Topaz make up Gary and Alec are talking.. Alec tells Gary how much he cares for Topaz.
2:00AM Hot Tub Room Gary and Topaz
Gary tells her that Alec loves her.. She starts feeling bad… (UGH.. watch the video of you want to see Topaz feel sorry for how she treated Alec)
Gary: “At the end of the day he’s still a good guy.. and he’s playing the game and you can’t knock him”
Gary: “Topaz I’m going home.. trust me I’m going home and you and Alec have a chance to make things right.. ”
Gary: ‘I’m going after Jillian and Emmett.. Liza was right maybe we were wrong after all it was Jillian and Emmett.. they are running this house”
Topaz says that her and Talla are close again.. Gary: “even when you guys are fighting I was sticking up for Talla.. ”
Topaz: “Maybe this will benefit us”
Gary: “We need to get Andrew to put up Emmett.. ”
They are convinced that they can stay in this game and will start working Andrew tomorrow.
(Looks like Alec and Topaz could get back together.. LOL)
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2:52AM Everyone in bed except for Topaz
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WOW! Topaz is going IN on T!!!!!
Go Topaz! Go Topaz!
BBCanada screwed you …..screw them back 🙂
And Alec is there on the bed looking like an idiot!
I came into the fight already on…now I know why they were fighting….OVER ALEC?….
Oh Topaz!!!! How about not giving a damn?
I guess she had real feeling for him?
But calling T all sorts of name was uncalled for tho….
Oh well….I guess thats what BBCanada wanted DRAMA!
Hahaha no..Gary and Topaz planned the whole blow up lol. They went in and saw Alec and Talla sleeping together, talked about it a little bit and Topaz was like “eff it i’m gonna go nuts on them” and they staged the whole “gary is looking for his shirt thing” to set up the arguement
Awww! I missed that.
So it was all planned in advance? LOL
This is hilarious now they are both ,Topaz and Talla ,talking like civil people! Who knew that would even be possible a few minutes ago!
Best. Big Brother. Episode. Ever. Everyone should just stab your eyeballs out and burn out your earholes because there will never be a better episode.
I can’t wait for knee grow paz to go.
My only wish was they gave Topaz 10 more minutes to shit talk more and more until the whole house wanted her out.
Knee grow… really!! Soooo not cool
Here’s what’s going to happen:
– Andrew doesn’t use the veto.
– Topaz gets a special challenge from the moose, which is to sleep for 48 hours straight. She completes the task. Gladly. Her prize is a special Power of Veto, she takes herself off the block.
– Gary gets a special challenge from the moose, which is to set up a chippendale show with the other men. He doesn’t succeed since Alec says he doesn’t want to be seen with no shirt on. Ever.
– That doesn’t matter because Canada gets to save Gary, thanks to Chevrolet.
– Andrew reluctantly puts Emmett and Jillian on the block as replacement nominees.
– Emmett finds a Special Triple Platinum Power of Veto on the bottom of a bottle of milk. He saves himself, Jillian and… let’s just say Talla.
– Andrew puts Alec and Peter on the block as replacement – replacement nominees. Andrew starts to get annoyed with production at this point.
– The moose frees herself from the wall and enters the living room to save Peter. Peter rides off on her back. Alec looks worried.
– Alec threatens to sue BB for messing up his brilliant game, he gets saved by production in a surprising twist. Really, noone is surprised at this point…
– There is noone left for Andrew to put on the block.
– Therefore Andrew gets evicted from the game since that’s what happens if an HOH doesn’t nominate anyone. That is kind of surpising since he is the reigning HOH. But in the grand scheme of things, it’s not really surprising at this point.
– The delay in the “live feeds” gets increased to 12 hours since there are so many things the remaining Houseguests say that BB doesn’t want us to hear.
Simon/Dawg, can you begin issuing a special award, for world-class OBB comments? Maybe you can call it the “OOBY” award. Because Johnny’s post is truly worthy of one. It just totally cracked me up! I almost wish you had a “sticky” feature on OBB. I’d just hate to have any regulars miss reading it. A guaranteed LOL!
Sure thing.. we’ve done comment awards in the past it was a lot of fun!
I called it weeks before that Gary is overrated and a hypocrite. In his mind, he’s playing the best social game which is exactly why he separates himself and spends all his time with Topaz, great strategy. He is only here to promote his “brand” and he mentioned that again tonight by saying that his mom told him in the letter to focus on his “career”. LOL this dumbass will soon realize that BB does not make you an A-Lister. He may get 15 mins of fame but that’s about it.
Simon or whatever, Andrew doesn’t have the POV. I’ve been watching the feeds ever since it came back. Topaz just said that there’s still “a POV to win and her or Gary has still the chance to win it”. In HoH room, Andrew said he’d put up Peter or Alec on block if Gary wins the upcoming POV or if the production saves Gary for entertainment purposes.
Glitter isn’t over.
Andrew does have the POV.. re-watch the CONV in the HOH with Emmett and Jillian.
Andrew told emmitt he won’t use the veto and i think they are speculating if there is another twist he will throw up peter or alec.
You and Dawg are THE ABSOLUTE BEST RIGHT NOW. Bless your little hearts.
Didnt Alec said to Talla on the bed to not worry because he has the immunity around his neck?
Did the POV happened already?
Did Alec wont the POV?
Why is Alec talking like this is survivor?
thats what it may have looked like BUT i know that alec was pretending to be boston rob with talla all night.. he was wearing a hat and he taped a red b on it and said he was rob mariano a few times.. dont even worry alec was referencing to survivor about the “immunity necklace”
with that said.. this proves again how alec is a big fan of entertaining ruthless players yet he hasnt yet shown any similar gameplay traits with his fave reality stars hmmph…
I see our little Jill has stopped biting her nails and is now filing them. Who know, maybe she always did, eh? We’re dealing with some really smarts here – these 3 fellow East Coasters. Wish I was from there.
10000000000000% sure Andrew has POV
I believe Alec, Gary and Topaz planned it. Since when has Alec EVER asked someone if he can jump in bed with them. I tell you – HE IS D E A D inside. Gary turned into Suzette after learning about the slop and he and Topaz put on their best performance for the live feed cameras. After all, what wouldn’t you do for 100K.
I’m 50/50 with topaz , I mean i like her better than the other house guests ( excluding Gary and Emmett) but thats not saying much ( considering Jillian the puppy , Peter the ghost , Andrew the vampire , Alec the douche , and Talla the inarticulate are only left) .. but i wish she wouldn;t go around calling people sluts and such even though females do that ALL THE TIME. It just doesn’t make her look good or help her in anyway and it’s just not very nice lol .
That being said she is human and shes on the block , on slop , alec is being a douche , peter is still peter , and production screwed her over so I understand how she could snap.
I might not be Topaz’s biggest fan , but I love their relationship , they really care for each other like they don’t even care to campaign against each other . Even though its a game , if I was close to someone I wouldn’t campaign against them either .. honestly 100 grand doesn’t mean that much to me (as crazy as it sounds) I feel like 40 years from now they will still be the best of friends.
I also love how Gary laid it to Alec straight telling him to stop messing with her head if he doesn’t actually like her . The conversation between Alec and Gary seems like Gary has the PHD .
Their relationship = Topaz and Gary
The more you update us, the more the persuasion powers of the players are coming into play. I now assert that Gary, Topaz, Alec convinced Talla to come over to the dark side and she may see Jill and Emmett and Andrew the biggest threats. If I’m right, then she’s using her thinking cap (which she always has)and needs to knock out the Anti-Glitterati Brigade Elastic Man, Tazmanian Devil , Lala and the Voodoo Doll.
Well, I broke down and watched the episode tonight, and it only reaffirmed my belief that this is all staged. Of course, maybe I was only seeing what I wanted to see, but as someone who stays up late a lot, I do a lot of thinking, and I almost never do it aloud the way Topaz conveniently did for the cameras.
Throw in Gary’s fake surprise, and I feel pretty confident this is all rigged. Am I being too cynical? I’m open to what others think….
I believe you are half-way there. Maybe you can starting thinking all your thoughts out loud instead of only sometimes.
Talla is a dirty whore and if Gary and Topaz can’t see that they are crazy.Alec cares only about himself,he’s a bigger douche than Tom.
I never would normally give you more than a second of my time but, what actions make Talla a ‘dirty whore?’ I don’t recall her spreading her legs for anyone in that house. Now you can off on a tangent and have fun ’cause that’s what you are staying up for anyway. GO TO BED.
I meant to put a period before that last 4-some. Anti Glitterati VS Elastic Man, Garbonzo, and Troll
Is Talla now with Topaz and Gary, or is she still with Andrew, Emmett and Jill?
Talla is a wildcard.. I’m still thinking she’s a stooge 4 life
Well, let’s have a huddle and see what the consensus is. That is exactly what I’m trying to figure out. She is a real conundrum, eh>
Talla is with WHOEVER has the POWER & is telling things to everyone.
She is cozying up to Alec in case he wins next week (and although I don’t agree with Topaz’s words to Talla) this is the same person who just KEPT TALLA in the house by not nominating her like everyone wanted! It’s SIMPLE GIRL CODE. You don’t jump in bed with any guy your girl is close to especially when they are feeling low. It’s disrespectful; even if it’s with a cold heartless, calculating Alec, lol.
She is staying close to Em/Jill b/c they are power houses & Andrew is in love with them thinking he’ll go to F3 with them (which will ONLY happen should they turn on Alec/Peter) & she is close to Topaz b/c she will likely stay & has been helping Talla all along trying to keep her in the house.
In fact, the whole house is playing each other. There are only couples who are TRULY honest/close & they are Emmett/Jill, Peter/Alec, Topaz/Gary & the least close couple Andrew & Talla out of necessity. But BBCan just screwed Topaz & Gary with their sabotage to get ratings & in the process will lose the one player willing to make REAL big moves before they have to.
Alec has turned into quite the disgusting individual; I get why he would play out scenarios to get better results for himself but he is going ABOVE & BEYOND to make Topaz look/feel bad following the show. I really hope he does actually like her (as it seems he did by how he sniffed behind her for so long & by how upset he got when she inferred she might not sleep with him) & that she learns of his ruse so that when he approaches her post show & says Hey let’s hook up she can tell him where to go.
If Topaz hadn’t protected Alec so vehemently after the shower thing & if I hadn’t heard yesterday she was playing along to pretend they were broken up so Alec wouldn’t get nominated as a re-nom I don’t think I’d feel so strongly BUT these 2 ACTIONS by her make what he is doing all the more base & crass if you ask me.
What kills me is if all of these players are such dedicated fans WHY do they all fall under the HOH Power spell? Andrew was SO LIKEABLE until he became HOH. Now he is willing to repay Alec/Peter for saving him by cutting their throats should another twist occur? AND he wants to tell both Gary/Topaz they are safe & he will use POV on them only to then laugh & say April Fools. WHERE did this Andrew come from?
Jillian who has seemed to express real genuine feelings for people is now getting really cut throat telling Alec about the necklace & then telling Topaz it wasn’t cool how Alec was acting. I get that its a game but everyone in there is cut throat even more so now. She was so disgusted by Liza but now she is playing the game with the same ruthlessness.
I can’t believe I’m saying this but after watching Gary spend time talking to Alec re: Topaz, it’s sad that he appears to be the only one who actually cares about anyone’s feelings. Well A.J. did as well but the ruthless crew cut him faster than a speeding car.
Why can’t any of the HOH’s remember their power is only for ONE week & immediately afterward they will be at their most vulnerable?
I know some of you are shouting at your screens saying : “Hey it’s a game, put on your big girl panties” but I would hope if I were in the house I could wield my sword & make difficult cuts & YES try to out wit someone BUT I would also hope I wouldn’t find it necessary to rub salt in their wounds just b/c I could.
While I’m on my rant; I get why they go after the people that targeted them but why doesn’t anyone ever have the sense to talk through why taking out a big POWER is equally important to getting further in the game? Hasn’t Andrew even considered the reason he & Talla were the last 2 in the Q&A was b/c everyone threw the comp knowing both Talla & Andrew would target Gary & Topaz. Andrew keeping Jill/Emm in the game only serves to get him to F3 at best & more likely F6 now that he’s pulling out wins. Why can’t he see the logic of Topaz saying THIS is the best opportunity to back door Emmett & thereby open up the opportunity for Jill to work with him (toward a F2) alongside the easier targets of Talla,Topaz & Gary going against Peter & Alec.
I guess I wouldn’t fair as well b/c I WOULD make the move to back door Emmett after getting confirmation from Talla, Topaz & Gary that next week they would take out either Peter or Alec & gain numbers & control of the game. Wouldn’t it be easier for Andrew to get to a F2 chair if he didn’t have to go through Emmett, Jill, Alec & Peter but rather Talla,Topaz & Gary?
Well said and so true about the HOH syndrome….Andrew has it bad!!! Nobody in this house gets the the longer they leave the power couple Emmett and Gillian alone the more impossible it will be to get them out and if they make it to final 4 them look out because one of them will win. It is kinda kewl that with all new players as opposed to old players coming back I think you get much more emotional decisions being made as opposed to well thought out strategic ones.
I agree with topaz that Talla is a sl*t…we all seen her drunk behavior….Lap dancer, kissing topaz and saying she old date Andrew! She is rowdy!
What’s with Alec saying he has an immunity necklace? What’s with the whole Gary and Topaz supposedly screaming with delight in the Diary Room?
I think the immunity necklace is a joke – Alec is pretending to be Boston Rob from Survivor. Gary mentioned that Alec made himself the necklace.
Gary and Topaz screaming: it seemed as if Gary and Topaz were in the diary room together and they were asked a question about being friends forever, and that made them giddy. Just my guess from a few brief words.
he was joking around, pretending to be all star boston rob from survivor with talla all night, hence the survivor lingo
This is the topaz I wish we could have seen earlier I forgot I was watching BB. This is good shit.
They mind fucked Talla with a rusty pipe. And it was amazing. While calling her a slut was a bit much she is definately trying those slut pants on for size. She loves attention from guys and is now looking for an aj substitute.
that was an epic performance
Meg dont hate me because Tall is a wh*re.She showed here true colours. If you cant handle the truth ,in the wise words of the milk man Emmett, Tough T
Wow… Had it not been for Gary and topaz I would have been in bed a long time ago.
Alec wants to know where Peter is.
Where is Peter in any after dark episode? I’m starting to think he’s a producer on the show or something.
Zero camera time in Live Feeds and BBAD. Most camera time during broadcasts.
Has this typically happened in the US predecessor that some people start attacking at a personal level nearing the final 6? At the beginning, it seemed to be about ‘not playing personal’, especially when it came to Tom and I daresay Suzette. The house as a whole did not respond well to anybody doing it. When Topaz went off on tom too. Anybody out there have some feedback. If you ask me, it shows no smarts whatsoever to do that. Please forgive any grammar or sp slips cause I’m having aftershock effects of last nights show and AFTER DARK is on TV right now.
why people always making excuse for talla talkin but she’s a dumbwit so she get a free pass….. bullshit image and apperance is everything what you give the world you cant get back … talla knew just what she was doing … … andrew told talla she could sleep up their with him even if she was scared she should of stayed in the hoh but she wanted the drama knowing if she sleep in the same bed what the outlook would mean to other people… see people say talla aint a slut because she aint spread her legs its cheaper she did because if you replay the video and see the bikin she wearing she wanted to stay in that bed with alec … …. no excuse for her because andrew just told her sleep up there in hoh room ….. i said this before i dont know what it is that makes talla stupid but whatever it is it works …..talla is a video game u just grab the controls to get her to do what u want (cast in a jordan role).. talla makes rocks look intelligent …being a f$%ng idiot is a valuable commodity…. its easy to manipulate stupid people like talla even though she have a wet brain … …she aint have the insight to know when youre going too far … she never thought about how this would make her look even if it was innocent even when your playing a game morals and integrity dont leave them at the bbcan door ……..
just when i thought alec couldn’t be anymore insane he proves me wrong ,,topaz aint out the door yet……..i remember alec telling the guys last week he wont date a girl like topaz or associate with someone like her but what alec represent is worse ……always trying to make himself appear to have class thats a problem … i am tired of alec and his fake humility
i actually found this episode very funny! i for one like how production is trying to stir things up because the houseguests were all acting like bestfriends and the show is more boring than usual. the twist once every week thing is starting to get old, but i think the whole time they were just trying to get drama to roll through the house. SOMEBODY GET YOUR HANDS BLOODY SOON PLEASE voting out aj and suzette are crap moves and its not helping anyone. i wanna see some backstabbing happen!!!
Well if the veto isn’t used r5eoduction won’t step in. Alot of folks on the block talk a big story. Gary goes JH and Topaz spreads her legs for Alec. Lala has been a wild card all along. She’ll stick with stooge head Andrew and Jillbutt. Lala has a great bum too!!! It is ONLY Alec/Peter that potentially stop this top 4 juggernaut. That said very unlikely they win down to 4 left.
PS the powershift thing is BS. But I loved the entire hour last night on slice. Well edited piece of production. Was almost US BB quality.
Topaz: “Fine Talla keep being the slut that you are… that’s fine” . There is that nasty girl back. As Miranda Lambert says “Girl put away your crazy and start acting like a lady” How many times is Talla going to take this abuse from Topaz?
i dont know what it is that makes talla stupid but whatever it is it works.. she is a video game u just grab the control to get her to do what u want …… she make rock look intelligent ….andrew told talla if she wanted to sleep in the hoh room she can so talla saying she was scared is no excuse going in the same bed with alec …hoes get no excuse …. its cheaper talla did cuddle with alec because her intensions are clear being a f—— idiot is a valuable commodity .. its easy to manipulate stupid people like her even though she have a wet brain …. she never thought about how this would look even if it was innocent …. i hate to see a grown ass women acting simple her intensions were clear… image is every thing what u put out there u cant take back she gets no excuse even when playing a game like this people dont have to leave their morals and integrity at the bbcan door
sorry about the double post
Topaz is the one that got mad at Alec for “playing the game” after all isnt that the reason they are there is to play the game? And then doesnt speak to him and blows a gasket at Talla and Alec when it is Topaz who pushed him away. I dont see any reason EVER for a woman to call another woman a slut. She isnt just degrading the woman she is saying it to but also herself for going that low. It is the same reasoning I use when a man calls a woman a slut….should never happen or be said….IMHO. I hope Andrew is smart and leaves the nominations the way they are. I hope the house rallys together and gets Topaz out even tho Gary is the more physical player. All we have seen Topaz do since the sho began is sleep, pick arguments, sleep, has Alec’s ipod taken away, sleep and call people names. Oh did I mention sleep? Talla should vote her out for calling her a slut even if she did apologize….I dont believe she meant it. I cant stand to look at the knot in her face anymore when she doesnt get her own way.
If the hat fits, Talla should wear it.
Alec is even more of a douche than I originally thought. It’s too bad someone with his education has to play to the lowest common human denominator. I was also disappointed to watch Andrew fall victim to the HOH syndrome and have that smug full of himself look on his face. It’s going to be sweet to see the two arrogant douchebags Peter and Alec get voted out since I don’t believe they will make it to the end.
I am very disappointed at the stunt bb canada producers pulled yesterday. Its one thing to manipulate someones HOH. However putting Topaz on live cam for the house guests to see what her strategy was, is very low. Everyone else thats ever had an HOH, always got to privately figure out who they were putting on the block. Its just so unfair on her part.
And for Peter to say that he wouldn’t have been talking out loud is a BOLD ASS lie.
I’m not a fan of Topaz, but I really felt bad for her yesterday.
Alec is gaining Douchebag status quick.
Jillian is playing reallly good.. shes on everyones good side