Christine says Amber could tell Caleb I f**king hate you & he would be like when’s our next date?!

POV Holder: Victoria Next POV July 26th
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony July 28th
HOH Winner 1: Frankie HOH Winner 2:  Cody
Battle of the Block Winner Jocasta/Amber Next HOH/ Next BOB July 24/July 25
Original Nominations: Brittany/Victoria(Cody) Jocasta/Amber (Frankie)
Final Nominations: Brittany & Donny
Have Nots ?
POV Players Cody, Brittany, Victoria, Caleb, Nicole, Zach

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12:20am Out in the backyard – Zach, Victoria, Nicole and Christine are out by the hammock. Nicole heads inside. Zach says that Christine asks why Zach didn’t try anything with Nicole when we were drunk. Zach says we are just not here for that. Christine says that Brittany go jealous when Derrick was straddling me. People I am married which is why people do certain things with me and then … Zach says no one gets more jealous than Amber. Zach says that Amber is probably all over Cody. Christine says I seriously just want some alone time with Cody. Victoria says yeah me too. I finally got some with her today. Zach asks why don’t you tell her that. Christine says I did and she couldn’t understand why we aren’t able to say everything in front of everyone. Christine says this is big brother! Zach heads inside. Christine says that Brittany is the most jealous person she has ever met in her life. Victoria says disgustingly jealous. I can’t stand her, she so fake! Christine says its going to be sweet justice for you. Everyone is fully aware that Nicole and I are her targets and that she is that petty. Zach joins them. They talk about how Brittany has told them all different targets. Zach and Chirstine laugh about how obsessed Caleb is with Amber. Zach says he’s going to kill himself when he gets out and finds out. Christine says the first week she thought Caleb would be a beast, and it would be impossible to get rid of him. Christine wonders how Frankie can spend so much time with him? Zach says Frankie talks so much shit about him. Zach says I told Caleb that Amber was literally spitting in his face and rubbing his face in the dirt. Zach says Amber just follow Cody’s d**k around the house. Caleb is so stupid. Zach and Christine both think they’re in a good spot in the game.

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Up in the HOH room – Amber, Brittany, Derrick, Cody, Frankie, Hayden Jocasta and Derrick are hanging out. Brittany and Amber start tickling Hayden. He starts laughing like crazy and they continue to tickle him more. Brittany reaches over and grabs Hayden’s junk. Hayden asks what are you doing? You just grabbed my d**k! She says that she was trying to tickle him. Hayden says yeah you’ve got my vote for sure, you’re staying. They all laugh. Hayden and Brittany play rock paper scissors for who should leave. Hayden loses and Cody says best out of 7? Hayden and Brittany leave. Hayden turns around and goes back into the HOH. Cody says I am f**king going nuts over here dude! Cody says I wish we weren’t in this damn house Brittany is so hot! Hayden says yeah I would love to do some things to her body! Cody says I think Brittany would be a stupidly good kisser!! Victoria comes up and they pretend to be sleeping to make her go away. Victoria leaves. They laugh at how funny that was. Cody tells Hayden that Amber is driving him crazy. Brittany and Amber come back. Then Brittany leaves again. Cody talks to Amber about how Brittany is trying to dive a wedge in between us. Everything that he tells Brittany she then tells Amber. Brittany joins them again. Hayden says that he doesn’t understand their relationship. I think at any moment you guys are either going to throw fists in each other faces or your lips.

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1:10am In the HOH bathroom – Amber tells Frankie that Caleb is nervous about you. Amber says I just don’t want the guys turning on me when we get down to it. Frankie says that people don’t see you as a target which is good. Amber says but they do because of him. Frankie says no they see him as a target. Amber says I’m sorry but I left my heart a couple weeks ago. Its a different game for me now. They leave the bathroom. Amber heads down stairs. Cody and Brittany are laying in bed. Amber says that she thinks Amber is pissed every time I come up here. Cody doesn’t think so.
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1:40am – 3:30am Amber joins Derrick and Jocasta in the hive room. Amber says that she just doesn’t want to lead Caleb on. Derrick asks outside the house would you date him? Amber says no not like that. I’m not looking for anything. Derrick says that when Caleb gets out of here, he is going to have a lot of options. Jocasta brings up how Caleb said god put him in here for Amber. Derrick says oh man. Derrick says I don’t think you’re leading him on. Jocasta says I can’t tell you what God is thinking. Amber says I can’t act like Caleb how I am with you other guys. The conversation turns to talking about voting out Brittany. Amber says I would much rather be straight up with her than her find out I was lying to her face. Derrick leaves. Jocasta and Amber talk about Brittany. Jocasta says I can’t vote for her to stay. She tells Amber that she can’t feel bad. The conversation turns to talking about Amber/Caleb. Jocasta tells Amber to not be distant with Caleb just be chill with him. Amber says that Caleb has never asked how I feel. Jocasta says that’s why I always ask him how does she feel?! Amber says I just don’t want him to blow up. I didn’t come here for that. I just hope that I am being portrayed for who I am and not someone I’m not. Amber says I feel like he is forcing it and putting so much on me. Its stressful! Jacosta says maybe that is a good term to take its heavy. Its a bit much too soon. Amber brings up how Caleb kissed her forehead while she was sleeping. Amber tells Jocasta don’t touch me while I’m sleeping. She is worried about how that looks.
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2am Christine, Frankie, Hayden, and Zach are talking and playing pool. Zach says that Caleb is going to kill himself when he gets out. Christine says don’t say that. Zach says like she doesn’t like you bro! Christine says Amber could go to Caleb and say I f**king hate you and he would be like when’s our next date?! I’ll eat a pickle for you. Christine laughs that Brittany actually thinks she’s staying. Hayden says that Brittany said she had 4 votes.. Who does she think she has?!

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2:10am – 3:45am Up in the HOH room – Cody and Derrick are talking. Brittany joins them. Derrick comments on how Brittany gave Frankie a Bo (elbow) job with his pants down. Brittany says she didn’t know his pants were down and says that she thought she was rubbing lotion on his stomach she wasn’t looking. Brittany says that she wants to know if she is going home. Derrick says if you don’t know by now, you need to get on it. Brittany says that people lie. Brittany asks Derrick how would feel going out before Victoria. Derrick says that it wouldn’t bother him. It’s a game, Derrick says everyone has to go home but two people and so it doesn’t matter when you go. Cody comments on how he doesn’t think the thing with the stipend is true. Derrick asks didn’t you read the contract?! I read it verbatim. It said we get a $1000 a week .. Big Brother blocks the feeds. When the feeds return Cody and Brittany are laying in the HOH bed together. She is rubbing his arm and then he does it to her. Zach joins them and they shut off the light. They start asking each other questions like what’s your favorite colour? What’s your favorite sauce? They continue to ask random what if and what would you questions.. They then all go to sleep. (Brittany, Cody, Zach are sleeping in the HOH bed.)

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4:15am – 4:30am Derrick and Victoria are laying out in the hammock. Victoria is stressing out about what Brittany is saying and doing. Derrick says who cares you won. You’re staying and she is going home. Victoria says I just want to shove this POV in her face. Victoria laughs. Derrick tells Victoria that she needs to go to sleep. She is stressing about someone that won’t even be here after Thursday. Derrick and Victoria head to bed.

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Alliances (Some Of these are dead)
Zankie = Frankie/Zach
Bomb squad = Caleb, Amber, Frankie, Derrick, Cody, Christine, Zach, Hayden
Team America = Donny, Derrick, Frankie
Nicotine = Christine/Nicole
Not a showmance= Hayden/Nicole
Los Tres Amigos = Derrick, Cody, Zach
The bottom Feeders = Derrick/Nicole
We hate Devin = Christine and Zach
Outsiders = Brittany, Victoria, Jocasta, Donny
Old timers = Jocasta/Donny
Stalker = Caleb/Amber
Quad Kings = Derrick, Zach, Cody and Hayden (still being built)
Trilogy = Nicole, Christine & Hayden
The Detonators = Derrick, Frankie, Zach, Christine, Cody
Final 2 Deal “The HITMEN” – Cody & Derrick

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102 thoughts to “Christine says Amber could tell Caleb I f**king hate you & he would be like when’s our next date?!”

    1. im sure she knows because hayden seems pretty open about thinking brittany is attractive etc, maybe thats a reason why shes so scared to kiss on live camera lol!!

    2. OMG, Christine thinks that Brittany is jealous of her!!!! Brittany is a gorgeous woman and Christine is well the absolute nicest thing you can say about is Cristine is she is a RAT. Christine has NOTHING to make any woman jealous. That is HILARIOUS. Christine get a grip and look in the mirror!

      1. Insecurity is not about looks. Christine may be delusional but even a beautiful woman can be insecure.

      2. Typical night out with Christine…
        Complain about the females that come into her coffee shop & how much they remind her of the girls in h.s. Whine about her h.s. life…proceed to hating on these females because they remind her of the h.s. meanies. Then…when she gets home she’ll hate on the people she was with, bossing & criticizing her husband in the process.

        If beauty is skin deep? How do you explain Christine??

  1. Zack, Christine, Victoria remind me of the $5#@& who arrive early to a party, so they can laugh and make fun of everyone that walks through the door. Why are two married people straddling each other?? I can hear Derrick now explaining to his wife, “come on honey, look at her, you know I’m not attracted to that”. Zack’s personality is really disgusting, he’s not funny or cute and his biggest problem is, he thinks he’s funny and cute.

  2. As I was reading through I caught those thumbnails and it looked like Zankie was actually kissing. I would imagine that would have been mentioned though. Just a matter of time and booze…

  3. Once again, the question arises. WTF was casting thinking hiring Victoria? She’s a childish brat, in need of a good couple of slaps. No wonder they pretend to be asleep to make her go away.

    1. That’s exactly why they cast Victoria! She’s a childish, spoiled brat that would get on the nerves of every HG. Although I think they were hoping for a bit more drama in the house because of her.

  4. On another note, how did Jocasta become more hated than Christine or Frankie? She hasn’t done anything game-wise!

    1. Well it didn’t help her likeability quotient with that whole weird chipmunk routine (aka speaking in tongues) on that last episode. Her diary room session right after with pretty self-righteous and smug. It was actually Amber that won it and not her. I noticed she doesn’t pray before she eats (like a pig no less).

  5. How can Caleb be so delusional? It’s frightening behavior. He doesn’t care how Amber feels or what she thinks.

    Christine said that Donny talks behind everyone’s back is projection. She does that. She just wants the target on Donny to get bigger and bigger.

    1. I see a Restraining Order in Caleb’s future.
      Somebody buy this guy a blow-up doll so he can put it on a pedestal, talk about himself, take her on a cruise to Atlantis and have the best conversations with her.

      1. Amber may have to make a make-shift crucifix out of pickles to keep Caleb back like a vampire in the Jury House.

      2. Caleb kissing Amber on the forehead while she slept was over the line. Production should step in and tell him not to do that. If it were me, I would be majorly creeped out and almost feel violated without my consent.

    2. I was sad for Caleb a bit there when he thinks he was ‘dressing up’ for Amber, a model wearing a modely dress and looking very sophisticated, and he’s got on his cowboy dress up time. You have to know that is the last thing she is going to feel attracted to. he’d have been better off wearing something still casual like cody did.

      I am not sure what he was trying to do with his hair either. The shame of it is when he isn’t trying this hard, he’s damn good looking, no question.

  6. it’s 6:54 am in the BB house now and none of the live feed cameras are on the HoH bed. is britt still up there with zach and cody? wonder if she did both of them to stay in the house?

        1. she’s also a mother of 3 who really needs the money (so she says driving a BMW 5 series) so it’s ok to be sleeping around?

  7. Here’s the twist I want to see. HOH competition all lies within their activity bracelets. Whoever has the highest numbers become the hoh’s. Britney gets it from her kick punishment and Donny from his constant walks. Britney puts either zach and Frankie up or Christine and Nicole. Donny puts up Cody and Derrick and they both agreed on same backdoor if needed (a power player). Then things get wild.

    And I’m not even a fan of Britney’s. I just want some action. It’s too lame now. Even Zach was complaining last night this is boring TV!!, he’s right.

    There is a video out there of compilation of the guys dancing to background music which is really funny. And zach twerking all over is hysterical. Check YouTube

    1. I want Brittany to stay. She is my favorite.

      I wish the twist was the one they had at “Escape Club”. The person evicted, gets to evict someone.

      Would be funny if Brittany gets evicted and takes Christiane with her.

      1. If they wanted to keep Brit, they could have a twist where during the Live show Julie says the person with highest activity score gets the option to replace one of the nominees. Then Britany could replace herself with Victoria. The thing is, Brit is blindly loyal to Derrick and he already has enough soldiers.

      2. on youtube search for ‘zach frankie & cody bb16 dance moves’. it should be the first one. at the end zach twerking is funny.

        there are other ones that show up on the list. one called Zankie Mountain which is a take on Brokeback.

        a short one with caleb is funny where he actually seems kind of normal. search on YouTube “Big Brother 16 zach & caleb” needs a little soundtrack

    2. i don’t think there is going to be any new interesting twist, in spite of Julie’s dire warnings. If the big twist this week is the activity bracelet shows who is or isn’t Have Nots its kind of a lame yay surprise not.

      i don’t know why Victoria thinks she ‘won’ the Veto. She ‘won’ it like Allison on BBCAN2 ‘won’ hers. She had it and no one took it when they could have or should have. It’s not really the same thing as winning the comp and being the one who chooses last.

  8. It’s funny how Brittany was high and mighty that she’s the only girl that wasn’t on Cody’s jock. Now that she’s almost out the house she’s riding every guy in there looking for votes.

    1. Did I miss something? I haven’t seen where she’s been “riding” all of the guys. I’ve seen Christine (a married woman) WAY more on Cody than I have Brittany.

      1. That’s because it’s an 11th hour ploy by Brittany. She only started doing it last night but she was all over Cody and Derrick.

        And Fabio, she doesn’t know that she’s definitely going. This is definitely a game move for her.

    2. She is not

      If has was ridding the guys for votes, she would have done that before to not put her on the block.

      The just like hanging out with guys. And how would she hang out with the girls if they all hate her?

      She knows she is going home, she is just trying to have some fun.


  9. I’m getting tired of Zach BEGGING his alliance to vote him out of the house.
    He thinks he’s being smart by blowing up their games and afterwards say “oh, I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking. It won’t happen again. I would never compromise your game (OMG!)”. He thinks he’s setting himself up for 2nd place to be dragged all the way through the end, but he’ll be gone before jury.
    I’ll be really mad at him if he’s responsible for Caleb making it to jury by being sent out first instead.
    Yes, it’s great fun to watch him on the feeds, but it’s like watching a game of chess, and then someone drops a crazy hamster on the chessboard. The chess part of the entertainment gets lost.

    1. That is a strange yet accurate analogy.

      Personally Zach reminds me of The Joker; minus the homicidal impulses. There’s no real reason for why he does what he does; he just can’t help but to cause chaos.

    2. I agree that Zach is like dropping a hamster on the chess board but watching chess is boring so I’m good with the hamster shaking stuff up.

  10. I bed BB is at the board table trying to figure out what to do light some fire under these boring people.
    What a boring, lazy bunch of chimps last night.

    What did we learn new? Nothing!
    Even the so call date look staged. Did that joker go on a date with that plaid shirt? He look like a broke hip cowboy. I would just tell him, you ever watch a cowboy movie when he going through the desert and his horse breaks a leg?
    He shoots it!!!! Well dude your leg is broken. POW! Smh

    1. This happens every year there is a super powerful alliance. If you watch BBCAN2 they had a similar thing one alliance dominated the house. I’ll bet my shoes they have a big twist planned to launch soon that will break up the power alliance.

      1. Do you guys watch ” Escape Club” on E! ??

        I really like that show, and I wish those people were on the BB.

        Yesterday they had a amazing twist. The person evicted, got to evicted another house guest.

        I think would be amazing if they do this on BB. It would be crazy and insane, They would not really know what to do.

        1. That would really stir up some paranoia. I like that idea. Maybe do that on the double eviction night. Only problem would be if Caleb got evicted and then evicted Amber just so he would have her to himself in the jury house or just to get her away from Cody.

  11. Jocasta is nothing more than an irritant and I wish she could be swatted away like a fly! What gets me is all her holy and righteous preaching, yet she’s not beyond backstabbing and making deals with the devil (Derrick). So much for what the Bible teaches her. Some Minister! Leave the Bible at home if you want to play BB because it’s a two-faced backstabbing game……no room for the Bible here.

  12. As long as wildcard Zachattack stays in the house we have the potential for exciting feeds. Give him the Coup d’tate and lets watch some fireworks go off.

    1. I think if Zack wins HOH, he will do something really crazy. Like putting Cody and Derrick up.
      He seams to get money from his parents, and he is in the house just for “tv time” and attention. He does not care if he wins or not.

    2. I think you should include Zach-attack in the Favorite Big Brother 16 Alliance Poll… he is a one man wrecking crew

  13. Every year I cannot believe how gross the living conditions appear……and yet I cannot comprehend how a group of adults (with no kids, pets, jobs, etc. to worry about) have no desire to keep their living space clean and organized. They complain of being bored and having nothing to do. Can you not talk game while doing the dishes? wiping the bathroom sink?

    1. The Big Brother in some countries, makes the have nots of the week clean the house.

      I think they should do the same thing here

  14. Really? Christiane saying Brittany is most jelous person she has ever meet?

    Christiane is so delusional. What does Christiane has that would make Brittany be jelous of her?
    Brittany does not give a F@@K to her and Nicole.

    She is really thinking she is the hottest and most powerful girl in the house.

    I would be so amazing if Brittany stay to see what Crhistiane and Nicole would do.

    I was hoping for Donny(Brittany) and Jocasta win HOH.
    But I would love if Derrick and Zack wins and put this bitcheee on the block, she needs to find out soon that all the guys are just using her as toilet paper.

    1. I was going to post something similar. I couldn’t believe when I read that.

      Also, all these people laughing at how stupid Brittany is for thinking she’s staying are being complete idiots. What’s so funny about you all lying to someone’s face, they believe you, just for them to look like a chump come Thursday? I don’t get the strategy with this thought process. It’s pretty immature and serves absolutely no purpose other than they’re a bunch of catty, immature people with nothing better to do than kick someone when they’re down.

      I’ve said before and I’m saying it again: I get this is a game and people need to lie and manipulate; I’m totally okay with that. However, it feels like people in the BB house tend to forget it’s a game and they do the most ridiculous, childish things that seem to serve no purpose at all other than to show how awful they can be.

      1. Brittany is doing what Donny told her. When people tell you something, you don`t know if is true or not. The least you can do is believe hoping that is true.

        That is what Brittany is doing. She knows she is going home, but if she goes around saying nobody will voting for her, nobody will really vote for her. At least she is giving them something to think about it.

      2. Does anyone know where Donny was during all this drinking/dates/&bashing??? Was he sitting there eating his homemade ice cream watching all the kiddies running around? or did he simply go to bed…so that he is prepared for the HOH challenge…Haha

  15. f*cken can’t stand Christine!!

    To the person that said Zach isn’t funny or cute, you are wrong. lol He’s cute and funniest one in the house.

    Zach attack B!!!tches lol

    1. I’d say funny, but not cute. He seems to look at the camera a lot and mug in the HOH room, but at least he’s not talking into it like Derrick thinking we like him 😉 I like Zach because you never know where he is going and what he plans to throw out there next. He’s got everyone on edge, but at some point it will cost him the game.

  16. Seems like Christine has Britney confused with herself. Seriously, what has Britney done to make all these girls hate her so much? Seems like most of the girls thus season beyond Brit and maybe Amber are hyper insecure.

    1. That is just how some girls are. They are insecure, so when they see another girl has is not like that, they will just hate her, and wonder why they are not like that.

      They are dominate by guys. Like Christiane wants all the male attention, and Brittany takes all the attention from the guys.

      The only way any guy would look at Christiane is if she is the only girl on earth. ( I don`t think even Caleb after serving 50 years in Iraq would do anything with her)

      1. I agree Fabio that some girls are just petty and jealous. I don’t know why it is this way. They don’t like her for some imagined or real slight they felt, but it’s an excuse because they are jealous. Brittany also isn’t playing he “girl” game, which makes them dislike her more.

  17. What is the policy of Big Brother when a personal tragedy occurs. Do they let them know right away? Read somewhere that Frankie’s grandfather passed away

      1. yeah i think Production will call frankie to the DR and tell him. it will be frankie’s decision to stay or leave. btw, does anyone know what happened to Evil Dick the season he was paired with his daughter, danielle? he got called to the DR and was never seen again in the BB house.

        1. Nobody has ever known why ED left; however, he did say, though, that he’s going to be on the upcoming season of “Couples Therapy” on VH1 and he talks about why he left.

      2. TMZ reported that they will not tell him until BB is over. That’s a personal decision, but I would want to know if something happened so that I can make my own decision as to whether I should leave the game or not

    1. I’m curious if he’ll leave the game. His sister released a statement saying her grandfather said last week that he wanted Frankie to stay. Not sure if that meant while he was just sick and if it wasn’t clear he was going to die shortly or not. If I was Frankie, I would regret not leaving to be with my family.

    2. Just read somewhere that his Grandfather requested, before he passed away obviously, that he NOT be informed until after the game.

      It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
      Frankie is not my favorite player, but I do feel sorry for him and his family.

    3. You know this is really hard. I feel really sorry for Frankie and his family.

      This happened at Big Brother Brasil twice. The grandmother of one guy died, and another season the sister of one of the girls.

      The families had the right to tell them or not.

      For the guy, the family decided not to let him know.

      And for the girl they told her, and she decided to stay in the game and not go to her funeral. because they had only 3 weeks left. She said that is what her sister would want her to do.

      I don`t think anybody from Production would tell him. A member of his family will come to the house and talk to him

  18. What is Big Brother’s policy when a personal tragedy occurs? Do they let the houseguest know right away? Read that Frankie’s grandfather passed away.

  19. Simon/Dawg,

    Just sent a donation as a thank you! You’ve been doing a great job as usual! Love this site, you two and all the other posters. This is what makes watching BB worth it for me!

    1. Thanks bbfangrl it’s much appreciated! Readers support is what keeps this site running and allows us to watch the feeds 24/7.

      1. Better you than me 😉 I listen for only so long before I can’t take it! I’ll send you another donation later in the game! I would buy through amazon, but I don’t need anything in the near future.

  20. Hey simon & Dawg!! I’m email you the polls for final 2 Hall of fame. Please check it out

  21. I believe Cody will win the game since this is shaping up to be a repeat of Season 5 (minus the twin or secret sibling in the house factor) where all the guys dominated, and then the outside alliance took over and the strong girls took the best looking guy (Drew) to the end who eventually won the game.

    Not that I’m cheering for Cody, but it seems like it will either be Cody or Nicole (likable person flying under the radar) that wins this game.

    1. As long as Cody doesn’t start focusing on just one of the girls, (making all of the other girls jealous) he is sitting pretty in the game. The only real problem I see for him is Derrick. Derrick is smart enough to know that he doesn’t want to sit next to Cody in the finale with 5 girls in the jury that want Cody’s D***. That may be the main reason Derrick is focused on getting rid of the girls instead of taking out physical threats.

  22. hooray to at least another week of listening to Donny’s annoying voice. lol

    be nice Donny lovers, you have to admit his voice is annoying!!

  23. I don’t get cody, didn’t he say just last week or so that he thought amber was the hottest girl in the house and he wanted her, now he thinks Brittany is the hottest, and he’s dying to have her? so confused?

  24. So sad to read about Frankie’s grandpa…he’s going to be devastated when he gets out. I just heard him on a live feed clip saying that if his grandparents aren’t at the finale then he’s going straight to Florida to see them. 🙁

    On a lighter note, as anyone else checked out the Zankie clips on Youtube? There are way more interactions than I ever would have thought. A) I can’t believe they haven’t hooked up yet and B) it’s interesting that none of the other houseguests seem to think much of them hanging all over each other.

  25. As someone who is gayer than that b1tch Frankie (& is Proud & Loud at that fact)…I find Zach’s twerking a bit disturbing…for a straight guy, it’s so much better than mine & I’m mad!

  26. Christine says I seriously just want some alone time with Cody–
    For what? Woman, you better be talking game and not getting up to any shenanigans! It’s like her marriage just flew out the window once she latched on to Cody! And from what I understand, her husband isn’t pleased hearing about what she’s doing anyway.

  27. Stalker He is a freaking stalker and its very difficult to watch, I think production has a duty and if amber gets hurt after this game because your not doing anything about this crazy stalking bastard I’ve seen too many times in my life and seen some bad things happen to people like her because of people like him Caleb, Is everyone afraid of him, I would knock his dick right in the dirt, SCUM BAG, you don’t chase a girl that don’t want you and he has done nothing but that, and Talk about himself is freaking annoying as heck, what a joke, and to see this is very hard to watch, I have nothing to say about anyone else because its fairly normal. But that STALKING SHIT HAS TO QUIT BIG BROTHER, YOU NEED TO TELL HIM TO QUIT IF SOMETHING HAPPEN AFTER THIS SHOW TO AMBER YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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