Big Brother Spoilers – Week 8 Eviction results

What can I say about this season.. Solid casting but a boring season. No drama.

Tiffany won the Head of household competition and nominated Kyland and Sweet Sarah Beth. they were joined by Xavier who was nominated as part of the previous week’s veto punishment. Her target was Sarah Beth of course. Claire went on to win the High Roller Secret HOH and did nothing with it. Hannah finally wins something, the Power of Veto, and uses it on Xavier. No replacement was selected for him. Campaigning was done but it didn’t matter Sarah Beth was going the minute she lost the veto. Zzzzzzz .

Good news is tonight is endurance and it will be shown on the live feeds. Grab your feeds using the link below.

Results from the show

The Jury

They’re onto the cookout
DX – Ky, X, Tiffany, and Azah have been working together since week 1 each one of them is in this alliance and Shielded by their duo.
(Sooo close)

The vote

BIGD evotes to evict Sarah Beth
Claire Tie-breaking Vote for Sarah Beth
Alyssa votes to evict Sarah Beth
Tiffany votes to evict Kyland
Azah votes to evict Sarah Beth
Hannah votes to evict Sarah Beth
Xavier votes to evict Sarah Beth

Sarah Beth Evicted


Claire has to throw the competition. The first three houseguest to fall are the Have nots this week.

DerekF makes it to the first commercial but has fallen when the commercial break ends.

Double evictions two weeks in a row (YES!)

Alyssa is the second player to fall.

20 thoughts to “Big Brother Spoilers – Week 8 Eviction results”

      1. It looked really suspicious. I DVR’ed the show, so I ran it back and watched it in slow motion (even though her “fall” was right at the beginning of a camera “cut back”), and it looks like she just stepped off of the disc. Maybe that makes sense if she was “blacking out”, but the comp had only been going on for like maybe 5 minutes at most!

        I wasn’t at all surprised to see Big D off after the commercial break. lol

  1. OMG – Big D is going to be down really fast on this – looks like spinning comp hanging on a rope. With Hannah’s sore wrist that might rule her out too.

    Ally, Azah should perform well if they don’t get knocked off by the big elephant.

    Edited to add — Big D down already — He said he needed a strength comp — umm this was about strength – but CORE strength. AND Alyssa is DOWN too – wow! These comps tend to be about ability to handle dizziness, banging into the obstacle, balance, and core strength. If Hannah’s wrist wasn’t messed up I’d put her in the mix to win & she’s hanging on with the arms wrapped around the rope instead of hands (as are most the hamsters). Lighter people with smaller feet should fare better (Azah, Hannah) but core strength is a factor meaning the guys could do well (except Big D).

    So with Big D & Ally already down the others are trying to hang onto avoid being a have not – then Claire will fall (if not as 3rd down), Tiff will then drop as will X — This one feels like it’s Azah’s to win as long as Ky pays along like he should OR will he mess around again & refuse to drop like he promised?

  2. Awesome, when the BB house is down to 6 HG there will be a new twist. It’s a battle back exchange called “5 Card Draw”. It will occur right after the HoH comp and before Noms (the new HoH would be excluded). In this twist the current HG and Jurors would all battle each other for a spot in the BB house. There will be HG effectively evicted from big bust. There will be Juror returning from a big winning streak. There will be tears and cheers but it all lies in the cards. Press your luck and as always “Expect the Unexpected”.

  3. At a Friend’s house, so watching my first episode of the season. Not impressed.
    Long ass jury segment to include in what drunk Chenbot called “a crazy week”
    Was it crazy (only if crazy means we stopped asking what changed while feeds were down)?
    So Dx and Brit discuss cookout, and “If” Hannah and Couch into the group. Wasn’t an if when he spoke to the press and they right out included Hannah. So…. handlers.
    Tiff giving the sympathy vote thinking that’ll get her a jury vote. Mmkay…. that never works.
    No juror ever said I’ll give you the money because you pity voted me. Tiff’s jury management was FAR better for the prejury.
    HOH spinning comp.
    Things to watch for: how they alter the rules this time around. They’ve changed the rules for the comp every time they’ve had it. from can’t sit on the dial, to have to keep feet on the dial, to who cares about the dial as long as you keep holding on. Every time whatever change they make is made after a few people have fallen during a really short block during the comp on feeds. It’s bitched about later in the house by the first couple out of the comp before the rule change.
    Season 17 this comp was over within 7 minutes of feed return. be advised.

    Two double evictions in a row. Guess Ky really did call for the Grod and make a complaint to houseguest services about a triple.

      1. Hahahaha! And he’d be telling the troof! Tonight though was the first time all season (I believe) he said he “gladly” to evote SB! I honestly believe that man knows what he’s doing. Don’t know why, but surely they’ve corrected him, and he just keeps doing it.

        1. I came on discussion specifically to see WTH is wrong with Big D and his inability to say “vote to evict”. I thought I was losing my mind and mishearing him week after week! Maddening!

  4. Why does Claire have to throw the competition but not Tiffany? I knew the fix was in this season, just like when they tried to give the season to Paul!

    1. I thought it was odd when it came out but TPTB did say it PRIOR to them competing for the Secret HOH — so anyone won it was the same and going into that comp everyone except X & Ally were potentially eligible. That’s why Hannah told Tiff/Azah/Big D they shouldn’t play b/c the Claire would win & not be safe this week. Big D said okay & then played anyway (shocker — nope — or that he lost — nope again) while Tiff/Azah were just short of having enough to play & SB/Ky were no where near having enough (both got $50 from fans).

      Tiff got to play b/c she was unseeded via the twist and that was also announce PRIOR to the HOH being played.

  5. So two back-to-back double evictions???? Are they going to cancel the first one? I’m confused.

    B/c this coming week Sept 9th, it would be fourth juror out first F8 eviction & a double would take out F7 (fifth juror). If the initial dbl stands then the16th would evict the F6 and F5 hamster??? with 13 days remaining & last three hamsters go into finale night on 29th.

    Unless they’ve elected to do just a normal week with F4 exiting on 23rd and then a full week of F3 then the first DBL eviction must be voided is my guess. So F6 player goes to exit & door is locked.

    Then on 16th F7 & F6 players leave house which would get everything back on track — July 23rd F5 player exits, Sunday 26th F4 exits in short week and F3 play to finale night with last player exiting onto stage.

    I think that makes the most logical sense.

      1. but they never said that – do you think? That would be awesome but I have a feeling b/c of COVID they’ll just cancel the first DE & lock the door – we’ll see. Maybe Production purposefully didn’t say Battle Back waiting to see who exits gets evicted to keep their options open. Say it’s Big D or Azah for example – then yeah let’s have a jury battle back but if it’s Tiff/X/Ky lets lock the door.

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