Big Brother Spoilers Alec “Gary and Topaz need to be on the block next week.. one of them must go”

POV Holder: Emmett Next POV March 30th
POV Used No POV Ceremony March 25th
HOH Winner: Alec Next HOH: March 28th
Original Nominations: Aj & Suzette
Current Nominations: Aj & Suzette
Last Evicted Houseguest Tom & Liza
Have Nots No Havenots this week


11:43AM Talla and AJ backyard

Talla is thinking that Emmett put it into Gary’s head to take her out.

Aj: “I don’t think he (Emmett) talks at all about Game” AJ really doesn’t think
AJ: “Emmett is not playing with Gary.. trust me”
Aj tells her to stop freaking out about Gary targeting her because there are 7 people playing in the HOH and only one of them is after her
AJ: “The only way to control your own fate is to win the HOH”
Talla: “I’m trying”
AJ: “Even if you are nominated you can still play for POV”
Talla: “But they are all physical”
AJ: “No they are not”

AJ says to her she has a really good chance to beat Jillian in the next endurance competition. Talla knows wants him to stop talking about it because it makes her nervous.

Aj points out that him and Andrew are her friends in the house. Aj has been her friend since day one and Andrew just recently has gotten to know her. Aj: “I don’t think you fully realize how many relationships you’ve made in the house.. we’ve got to the point that people just want to win this game” Aj adds and Andrew and Aj are close to hear so she needs to stick by them because everyone in the house has already paired up. Emmett and Jillian, Alec and Peter, Alec and Topaz, Topaz and Gary.

AJ: “Look at Topaz she’s in the best position in the game.. she’s close to Alec and Gary”

AJ: “Topaz is in the prime position in this game all she has to do is sleep all day”

Talla: “I just want to say she is not Canada’s favorite by far”
Aj: “Have you seen her? she definitely does have her fans”

Aj says that going into next week Gary is almost everyone’s target.. “You cannot argue that Gary is the strongest player right now he can win competition and he’s playing the social game.. Everyone loves him”.

Aj: “They are painting gary up to be the sh!t of shitz.. i’m telling you that Gary’s character is very popular outside this house”.

Aj warns her that production is building the character up.
Aj starts complaining about Suzette
AJ: “I’m sorry you suck at life.. she’s played the martyr card WAY TOO MUCH”
Talla: “She doesn;t suck at life don’t say that”

Aj: “Suzette is playing the card that she is the only one that has gone through hardship… we all have gone through hardship we just don’t bring them up all the time”
Talla completely agrees.

Talla: “You know what suzette said that her goal was to last longer than Tom”
AJ: “Thats it.. there are 14 people in this house to beat.. that’s her goal”
Talla: ‘I think it’s that she just feels defeated”

AJ: “i swear to god if Gary talks to me outside of the house like he does inside I will lay into him.. he’ll need to see a physiatrist”
AJ is getting really animated says Gary and Topaz name really loud
Talla wants him to keep quiet because everyone can hear him yelling out their names.


12:11pm Hammock Gary and Topaz
Gary: “If I lose my alliance i’m getting an Andrew.. ” ( I think he says he wants Aj out next.. )

Gary: “I’m worried about everyone else’s brow and my brows are looking whack as f*** ”
Gary: “did you guys make up”
Topaz: “No not really”‘
Gary: “Oh oh trouble in paradise.. just fake it Topaz you don’t want to lose him.. because he’s already acting like he doesn’t give a f***”

Gary warns her that they cannot afford Alec getting any closer to Peter than he already is. They need Alec close to them to get further in the game.
Gary: “I think Emmett is going a bit crazy.. he doesn’t really have anybody here.” Gary explains that Emmett wasn’t crazy about Tom but he was still a person Emmett could go to. Gary thinks Emmett has a lot of friends back home that are “A$$hole Bros” like Tom.


12:38pm Alec and Peter Game Talk

Alec: “I was talking to Gary last night and he was saying that Andrew needs to go” Alec adds it’s also what Topaz wants because Gary won’t do anything without topaz co-signing it. Alec: “That is why we need to have Gary and Topaz on the block next week.. if one of them takes themselves off the block the other one goes”
Peter: “OK”
Alec: “I’m pretty sure that is what Emmett and Jillian will do.. Andrew and Talla will.. AJ won’t”
Peter agrees, says that Aj will put up Gary and Jillian. Alec: “That’s not going to happen anyways he’s not going to win”

They make a plan to get the entire house together to get Talla to put up Gary and Topaz. Alec: ‘I cannot be there for that” Peter: “I can tell her though I can make her do that”


1:17pm Jillian giving Andrew a haircut. He says he use to have a mullet

1:20PM Bedroom Topaz and Gary
Gary is joking around with Topaz about her being so lazy. Topaz: “My laziness is amplified 1000% in this house”


1:45pm Alec and AJ weight area

Talking game, tossing around the idea that they have the power right now to take out Gary. AJ Alec says he’s worried that Gary will put up Topaz and Peter and back door him. Aj just wants to make sure if he does get out up and is the target that he isn’t left out of all the fun. AJ knows it’s a game and is aware that everyone has to go home at one point for there to be a winner.


2:18pm Big Brother: “Attention Houseguests there is 3 hours until the POV Ceremony.. 3 hours ”


2:36pm Aj and Alec talk about the game..

Giant video uploading

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33 thoughts to “Big Brother Spoilers Alec “Gary and Topaz need to be on the block next week.. one of them must go””

    1. Realistically Talla has no chance of winning HoH.
      “I can make her do that” Peter really needs to stop. Lol

      1. Lala can win an endurance comp if Jillian throws it to her. Sort of pay back for Talla dropping on Jillian’s HOH comp.

        BB ALERT! The feeds are down it’s time for the veto meeting! It’s a snooze as Emmit doesn’t use it. Only option would be save AJ to backdoor Gary. They aren’t going to want Suzette in the house another week. This eviction is already done and the paint has dried.

  1. Alec is just mad ’cause Topaz has been ignoring him all day, lol.
    Truth is, the way Topaz is ignoring him is getting really awkward to watch! #TroubleInParadise
    I want to see Gary or Talla win the next HoH (The quatro, sans Tom, are still running things in the BB house)

  2. What would they do if Gary or Topaz wins? Especially, if Topaz wins? I know it’s far-fetched but it could still happen, then what??

  3. Gary needs his on spin off show called glitter factory ,where he makes over gay guys that don’t know how to dress and do make up.

  4. I can see why a lot of people are starting to dislike Alec. He is becoming very vindictive. Since Liza left, Peter has become The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. But, I think Topaz riding Alec’s coat-tails to the end is becoming annoying and the fact she hates him now aand then as soon as he wins something she is the first person to congratulate him and make a suggestion is a small percentage of why he’s getting angry. I would like to see Emmett, Andrew and Talla team up and just destroy the rest of the house. I’ve come to the conclusion that when your on the outside looking in, this game seems so easy to predict and you can map your way through, but actually being in the house having to deal with all those floaters and emotional players changes your plans by the minute. Damn I wish I was there!!

  5. I don’t like Alec anymore .. I think it’s weird how he suddenly wants topaz out .. & What exactly has Peter won?

    1. Lol, He is just throwing a tantrum b/c of he is not used to getting ignored (and Topaz is not helping either as she is not evenlooking at him)
      …plus he is a bit paranoid- he thinks that Topaz and Gary are in an alliance and Topaz is playing him, lol

  6. I really would like to see Talla win HOH. It wouldn’t be as predictable and boring as this week. Plus Alec or peter really need to go! Alec is an idiot for wasting is HOH like this. Getting Suzette out is like evicting a rock, it’s pointless!

  7. Most of these folks in the house are flip floppers. One week it’s so and so the next someone else. This is partly the result of the house voting almost unanimously IMO. Rather than the drama of chasing a deciding vote the noms are told early on who’s the “target”. Win POV or go home basically. So the HG’s break into little groups discussing who goes next HOH. It frankly gets extremely boring. HG’s on auto pilot basically. Then when the HOH is played all bets are off depending on who is the new HOH. Does anyone think Emmit would nominate Gary and Topaz? I do not think he nominates Gary period. Folks who could make moves. Jillian, Andrew, Gary and that’s about it. The rest have complex alliances like Emmit or are poor comp players. Really it’s Jillian for endurance(Talla has a chance as well) or Gary for Physical as I think Emmit throws HOH. If it’s Q&A I think it’s a wild card comp. No one has shown much in the way of superiority.

  8. I dont get why they just don’t take out Gary this week. He’s a huge threat to them and he is not aligned with anyone other than topaz and sue who booth cant win SH*T … I get that they don’t want blood on their hands but who you cared of Sue and Topaz CMONNN MAN… I think its idiotic giving Gary a chance to compete in HOH he just gonna make another power move. Get Gary out and then its the whole house vs Topaz and Sue. Keep Gary around and he will win but if they get him out this week i dont see how Emmett, Alec, and Peter don’t make final 3. AJ, Andrew, and Talla are easy pickings and easy to influence. Jillian in attached to Emmett’s hip and Sue and Topaz would be the next two to go unless they win something.

  9. If they are so afraid of Gary winning HOH and possible make another bold move like he did with his first HOH, Emmett should use the veto on either suzette or aj and put Gary up as the replacement nominee…
    It’s a win-win situation as you get out one of the biggest threat in the house and Aj or Suzette could be an ally later in the game
    I wish they wouldn’t be so scared to do so

    p.s. I am positive that the houseguests will regret it if Gary wins the next HOH

    1. They defiantly will regret it. I though Emmett should have used POV last week on Liza and Andrew should have put Gary up. That would have been the best Double Eviction EVER!!! These houseguests are to scared and to stupid to make good moves.

      1. I tend to agree they are afraid of the consequences. But the truth is evicting is going to change after Thursday as the Jury starts to fill up. This is the last purely nasty eviction(see Tom) potentially! Suzette basically never gave herself a chance to let the house change targets. Self loathing, crying and bad mouthing folks won’t get you a 2nd chance. If the twist next week is we can vote anyone eliminated I ask everyone to consider voting Tom even if you hate the guy! After those choice goodbye message from Peter, Gary and others it would definately shake up the house. Tom back would be better than “baby momma drama!!! 😛
        I’d so love to see the gutless coward Peter watch his whole game blow up because of his nasty, vile hateful fool mouth. Can’t be nominated 1st week back and Tommy boy makes the jury. It would be priceless. But I think the twist will be designed to let production get Suzette back in. I see it as I stated above that we will get to vote on bringing back an evicted HG. But no matter what the vote production will flat out lie and bring back Suzette regaurdless. I still think my friend is correct on a theory he mantioned to me the week of the POWERSHIFT. Suzette got on the show b/c she knew someone in production. If you see her win Canada’s favorite you’ll know the whole thing was fixed IMHO.

        1. Stan I would vote Tom back into the house in a heartbeat just to see the drama….that would be so entertaining!!!! I do think he is a despicable very self unaware young man but would love to see the faces on the HGs if he came back.

      2. Feed me Seymour feed me!! Feed a fever starve a cold! That cash is chicken feed! Feed the rich, starve the poor!(it’s a conservative value) Please add to my silly observations! hehehe

        This is what agrevates me most about production. Veto meeting was at 5 AST that’s 2 and 1/2 hours ago. The meeting in real time cannot be more than 15 minutes. Why are the feeds still down? My perspective is perhaps slightly different than most. I don’t mind paying for live BBus feeds and I’d be likely to pay here but production is so incompitent that you can’t see paying your hard earned money for “hush, hush, hush” 20 hours a day(slight exageration).
        How are they going to convince people to buy the feeds if the product is this poor on there end?

  10. Why is everyone hating on Gary so much? He is the only one who has had the guts to actually make any big moves, I don’t think anyone else would have put up Tom and Liza together on the block. If Gary gets evicted the show will be overwhelmingly boring. It will be Peter-Alec-Emmet just controlling everything, and the house guests will all just get picked off one by one.

    I would like to see an Emmet and Gary alliance along with Topaz and Jill. That would really make things interesting and light a fire under Peter and Alec, I think they have been way too cozy for the whole game.

  11. WOW!! I’m speechless! I am soooooo GLAD that I am not the only person who was thinking this way about BB Canada! So many great comments today! I’m proud to be Canadian. So many people feel the same way that I do about the lack of strategic moves or just overall confidence to back up your words in the BB house. Keep up the great comments guys! I’m at work about to get fired because I can’t stay off this Blog today!!

  12. The exact moment this experience of BB Canada became pointless was when the producers decided it would be a good idea to do the POWER SHIFT. It was absolutely pointless. It screwed Aneal out of his chance to redeem himself and it gave the most useless player in the game a chance to do absolutely nothing for 2 more weeks! Which 1 of us viewers at home actually voted to keep Suzette in the house? That was totally rigged. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. What they need to do is put more of the after dark content onto the regualar Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday show. Other than eviction there is no need to watch on Wednesday or Sunday.

  13. So AJ the dumbass comments the Topaz is in such a good position in the house since she’s aligned with both Alec and Gary and completely disregards the fact that Alec is clearly aligned with Peter and Topaz and has strong relationships with Emmett and and Andrew. From AJs point of view Alec is much more dangerous the Topaz. He’s such a DUMBASS!!! Surprised they can’t see what a threat Alec is.

    1. Your comment is about 3/4ers true imo. Alec is the bigger threat for sure. You can cut Topaz off at the knees by evicting Gary. You evict Peter and Alec is far from done. Fact is Alec will likely have to turn on people he’s working with before his name comes up as a serious target. Everyone needs to remember that what we see on the feeds and read in the forum is not necessarily the perspective of the house. Tom, Gary and Alec have all had there share of bad airtime as far as slamming other HG’s goes.
      The part I’m not sure I agree with is why you think AJ doesn’t know the difference. He may be a dumba$$ just as you say but maybe he doesn’t want to speak poorly of Alec because Alec is helping give him cover. Alot of the HG’s have much to prove. Are they asleep at the switch or do they not have a game switch to turn on. Every week I’m waiting for an HOH to make unpopular noms that makes the other HG’s po’d with HOH. Then watch a good week of scrambling as both try to save themselves. The show truely needs a week with no clear target getting 6-0 eviction! And second we need Tom back for a couple weeks to stir the pot! Not that I’m a Tom fan but it could potentially be epic. If we are lucky enough to get to choose a HG to return the 1st thing I’m doing is finding his eviction episode and watch all the goodbye messages. Tom wins HOH and nominates Peter and Gary I’d be unable to stop laughing. 🙂 🙂 🙂

    2. I don’t think that Alec is as big a threat as everyone thinks. All the HGs would agree that Alec is too scared to take down the big targets. He is SCARED. He is too busy trying to be nice to everybody etc. And the crying for sure made him look like he is not able to handle the pressure.

      Yes, Alec (and Peter) want to get others to do the dirty work. No blood on their hands. And by Alec going after Suzette this week, i think that is proof of all of that.

      Alec may be able to win comps, but he doesn’t have the kahuna’s to win the whole thing. But ppl are using HIM to get their way. Even peter is using him. And i think that will become more evident as the game goes on.

  14. I like Alec but him and Peter are annoying me this week. Seriously Alec is saying Put up Topaz or Gary next week one needs to go. Emmett shouldve gone up to him and said to him “im taking AJ off since you want either topaz or Gary out next, why not make it this week. You also say Suzette caNT win comps or isnt a big threat so really leaving her again shouldnt be a problem. Why wait till thursday, where Gary has a chance to be HoH again, instead let me save AJ and you take Gary out now!” but thats what annoys me, he doesnt want to get blood, or make the first strike. Seriously what pisses me off is I knw id be the same as Alec. And Peter being so sure he can manipulate Talla or whoever is annoying, why does he believe he can do this???

  15. Thanks for the vote of confidence Novan!! Next season or season 3, we are gonna both there to do some serious damage!! Llets study the game some more then go on and make final 2!! Yeah Baby!

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