Big Brother Nomination Results! Enzo “Yo, respect this guy! My man is cold blooded yo!”

Head of Household Winner – Tyler
Have nots – Bay, Janelle and Enzo
Nominations – Janelle & Kaysar
Power of Veto Players are
POV Host:
Power of Veto holder
Power of Veto Ceremony
Safety Suite – Enzo wins Christmas is his plus one.
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4:47pm – 6:06pm Big Brother blocks the feeds for the nomination ceremony. When the feeds return we learn that as HOH Tyler nominated Janelle and Kaysar just as he said he would.

Christmas – I wonder when I get my punishment? Kaysar – probably later today. Christmas – they’re all so custom. I wonder what it will be for me? Bay – probably something fitness.

Storage room. Enzo and Tyler.

6:10pm Tyler heads up to the HOH room to listen to his HOH music and

6:18pm Bedroom. Dani and Cody.
Enzo – that’s it yo! They’re f**ked! He’s cold blooded yo! Cody – one of them are going home unless they add some bullsh*t.. and then I would just walk out. Dan – that will be next week. If there is some America’s voting for the next twist or something .. she (Janelle) will get it. Enzo – definitely! Definitely for sure! Dani – Enzo who knew you were going to be the brawn. Cody – they’re (Janelle & Kaysar) going say stuff about the people they were talking with the first two weeks. Its not going to be bad for us .. unless she throws you (Dani) under the bus. Would you get pissed? Dani – no because no one believes her.

6:40pm HOH room. Tyler and DaVonne.
Day – she is known for vetos. That is what she’s known for… and that’s what you’re known for. So its going to be clash of the titans. Tyler – and I’m gunning! Day – if she happens to win and take herself off then there is Kaysar but the question is who are you going to put up next to her. Tyler – it would have to be someone that you all don’t have too solid of a relationship with. I guess it doesn’t matter because it will just be us. Day – we have the votes. Tyler – it honestly doesn’t matter. Day – if she doesn’t come off the block then we need her gone. Tyler – if she doesn’t go home this week she will likely get a power .. she’s Janelle. Day – we were trying to figure that out and the next thing probably will be powers. Day – I really hope I get picked. I want to play. Tyler – if I get House Guest choice I am picking .. I don’t know if I want to sell out the group yet. I want to find out who will really be gunning for it.

7pm Bathroom. Janelle, Day and Kaysar.
Kaysar – we just have to fight and see what happens… but its not looking good. Day – ya’ll got vetos to fight for tomorrow .. together… so what happens? Kaysar – its not looking good. Day – ya’ll going to try and convince him (Tyler) to put one of you up with a pawn? Janelle – I am done doing this whole convincing thing. Kaysar – I already knew this was going to happen. Janelle – he told us he was going to put us up. He said that every single person in this house wants us out. Day – ok! Kaysar – and that’s been the case since day one. Janelle – and no I am not convincing him to put up any of you. Day – there is a veto to be won. If you come off the block who is a bigger target than you? Janelle – Memphis. Day – ohhhh.. gotcha! Janelle – they have something with Memphis though. Then who goes up .. Bay?! They’ll put Bay up. Day – I don’t think so .. he received a lot of sh*t on the outside for the way he treated her.

7:45pm Bathroom. Janelle, Ian and Kaysar are chatting.

8:45pm – 9:05pm The house guests are in the living room tossing a ball back and forth to each other in a circle. Next they play charades.

10:55pm Outside the HOH room. Kaysar and Bay.

Bay – I am good at people. I don’t like people. Kaysar – what do you mean you’re good at people. You’re very good at being sociable but you don’t like to do it all the time. You’re an introvert. Bay – I am an introvert. It sucks though because I know I am missing out on so much. Kaysar – that’s why I was in bed all day. Bay – its exhausting. These people keep going and going and going and I’m like how do you keep going?! Kaysar – the extroverts get their recharge from the groups. Bay – I just like my space from everybody. Kaysar – I don’t want to be floating to jury. I hope I didn’t offend anyone by coming on too strong? Bay – the foundation just wasn’t right. Tyler joins them. Tyler – this is another day down.. this is day three of your slop. Bay – its not really the food. I just want to have a positive attitude in here.

11:36pm HOH room. Bay and Day.
Day – are you alright? Bay – no, I miss you. I am trying to avoid you but I miss you. I think I’ve to to be letting you avoid me. Day – yeah but .. you made Nicole cry. Bay – why? Day – because ..when you were downstairs having the vocal conversation with her with the David situation with her.. And I was like well you won. And you said well it took you a couple tries and a couple guys to get there. Bay – is that not true? Did I hurt her feelings? Day – its true but it hurt her feelings because she is really sensitive about that. Bay – how am I supposed to know that? Day – she is sensitive about it.. I feel you. That is stuff she has going on in the outside world. It has nothing to do with you. I promise you. But it is something she is battling with the outside world. It isn’t your burden to carry. Bay – immediately, I don’t care about that.. how am I supposed to handle it because there is two things .. Nicole has come up to me already twice .. Do you hate me because of Janelle?! What is going on? I have no problem with that .. there are no issues. The other day she came up to me and said that it took her a few tries with the guys. I was repeating her exact words. I didn’t watch the season. I didn’t even know about Cory until she mentioned it. If I said anything on accident that offended her I would apologize. Day – you don’t have to apologize .. just be an ear but not tonight. When you talk to her its not you .. its the statement that bothered her. Bay – if I had been thinking I probably wouldn’t have said that because Nicole is a sensitive chick.. I would have just laughed about it.

Bay – so she can throw a random dude on you? Day – that’s a fact she and Dani have been teasing me all day about this. And then when Cody said it in there I was like wait is this sh*t getting around? Bay – Cody brought it up on his own. Day – Cody said that you brought it on to him. Bay – I am evicting .. I am literally self evicting. Day – why?! Bay – because this is dumb sh*t Day! What?! Cody comes into the room earlier and was like are Day and David flirting?! And this is so stupid because you and David are not a thing… so why is this a house drama?! Day – you’re right its not and I don’t want it to be. Dani and Nicole have been joking about it since day two. I don’t mind them joking and teasing about it as long as they know there is nothing there. Keep the Joke a joke between us. Now its no longer in the fun circle. Bay – so when do I apologize to Nicole. Day – you don’t have to. Bay – so she thinks she offended me? Day – The tone of the conversation was as if she said something to make you believe she was trying to jeopardize you friends game. Bay – oh so she thought I was being defensive of you. Day – correct. I said I don’t think she was being defensive but her points were very valid because we aren’t here for that. It is a very big deal for all of us to be in this house and we cannot afford it to get f**ked over by a showmance situation. I think she just wants to let you know that she was joking. Bay – Its just a whole miscommunication. Okay, I am not coming out of my room for the rest of the week. Day – no. She is trying to prove that she can come in here and do it without a guy.

12:45am – 1am Living room. Tyler and Dani.
Dani – what did Kaysar say? Tyler – he was apologetic at first and understanding. He kind of just owned it. Dani – that is good. Tyler – to both of them.. I kind of just told them. Dani – did they go up together or separate? Tyler – separate. I just told them.. I know you guys have had my name in your mouth this whole time making sh*t up. And he was just like I know man. I am sorry. Dani – at least he owned up to it. Tyler – he owned up to it but then he was buying into his bullsh*t again and trying to get me again. Dani – he is a good talker. Tyler – I was like you and me were closer than me and Cody in the beginning of the game. I am just going to be straight up this whole time. If you guys are going to flip on me then flip on me. Dani – who? Shut up! Oh my god! Tyler – I don’t have the patients any more. Dani – no one is going to flip on you.. the only one would be DaVonne. She wants to so bad. Tyler – we literally had to force her not to. Dani – isnt that so sad. Isn’t it crazy how calm it is and then after tomorrow its going to be crazy. You cannot let her (Janelle) beat you. Tyler – I won’t. I am definitely giving it 100%. Dani – and if it is anything that you can block her .. then block, block, block. Tyler – it might be one were we compete one at a time. We haven’t had that yet. I’m good at those.

1:41 am Kevin and Da’Vonne
Casually chatting about the game. Kevin says he met Kaysar outside of the house and didn’t like him then.
Kevin – he’s actually the one person I hung out with
Da’Vonne – did you enjoy i
Kevin – no
Da’Vonne laughs
Kevin – had the same conversation with my girlfriend my season Lydia.. I said he was a douchebag.
Da’Vonn e- her edit made her look batsh1t crazy is she
Kevin – no she’s a lot like Bayleigh..
Kevin says ‘they’ can edit it to make her look crazy and mean or they can make her look like she’s joking.
Da’Vonne talks about what they do after J/K go
Kevin – I think we have a short term plan.
Kevin and Da’Vonne both think they are good with the big alliance in the house (LOL Da’Vonne is first one targeted after J or K go.

Da’Vonne – then Enzo picked her instead of me that scared me
Kevin back with the brain worms.. “That’s because we’re good with that alliance”
Kevin – they were like Da’vonne we got her I’ve had conversations with Kevin we good but Christmas she’s been babbling so we need to bring her back
Da’Vonne says they need a plan when the big targets are gone. (Sigh, new school)
Da’Vonne says they know there’s three targets in front of them right now.
Kevin – if we don’t win power within those 3 we could become a casualty

Kevin mentions it’s already week3
Da’Vonne – we should have been sucked into something now.

2am All the house guests are sleeping..
4:12 am Sleeping yo
6:50 am Feeds kick to stars.

7:38 am Memphis is the first one up

133 thoughts to “Big Brother Nomination Results! Enzo “Yo, respect this guy! My man is cold blooded yo!””

        1. When a season becomes painful to watch or a season goes through a lull I call it Kraken. As in you need to drink Kraken rum to get through it.

  1. With the ratings in the sh*t and football about to take more away from Thursday and Sunday shows, how much are they going to lose when the faves are gone…for all you new fans, this show was pulling in 7-8 million viewers when football was on, new shows were starting up, everything was open and everyone was up for going out and these numbers haven’t been seen since the old school seasons…new school, but not enough new viewers to replace the former viewers who became disenfranchised with what it’s become. Season 2 FTW!

    PS…the are pulling in less than 4 million viewers now and it will continue to drop.

      1. Actually I am right on. You must be a youngin’…it’s called, you can research it yourself.

        Btw, this week, because Ty is HOH, free shipping on his jewelery! How many you gon’ get, yo?

        1. Yeah dude, kick him. We always have fun on this forum and there’s just a few that try to ruin it. No need to get rude ohyay. We don’t need people like you in the forum, I enjoy the show, even when HGs don’t play the way we would like them to. Some seasons you have to pop open the kraken and just sit back, but there’s always a good season around the corner. Who knows, one day maybe they’ll throw us a an All Champs Season. Champs only. I got odds on Dan G or Will.

    1. I already quit my feeds.I cannot watch the predictable large bash mob mentality group.Lie an bash one person while in ten groups.I thought an All Stars season would be refreshing but it the same meatball mentality of the past few seasons.Christmas and Dani and Nicole are just horrible people.I never said this before but I am ready to check out of this season.These times you need something uplifting not disgusting….This is not All Stars its a bunch of mentally disturbed bullies.

    2. Even I lost interest, up until now I watched faithfully but am losing more interest everyday. I’ve been coming here for updates – like many others.

    1. I beg you to go twitter and read taran Armstrong timeline of tyler and kaysar. We had the feeds from day 1 so it’s not hearsay. Tyler is very far from an asshole. It sucks cause i would have loved a kaysar janelle tyler trio but it didn’t work out when we were so close to it but Jaysar told dani tyler was one of their two targets on day 2 and of course she told tyler so he turned his back on them and started being invited into alliances with that side of the house. Up until that point he wasn’t one of the “bros” because Cody was sketched out when tyler went to bat for and vouched for kaysar. If it had kept on tyler would have realized he was on the outs with that side and joined the good (in my opinion) side of the house (janelle and kaysar). Him nominating them now is the best move for him at this point in the game unfortunately.

      1. It may be good for him NOW, but it won’t be good for him down the road, when Cody, Dani, NicF, Enzo and Memphis all backstab him because he’s “too big of a threat” and also not part of their pre-game alliance that good ol’ Dan and Derrick set up for them. Mark my words, you heard it here first – it will happen – and probably sooner rather than later. He may make jury, but don’t look for him to make the final 6 or something. He won’t make it that far. Dani and NicF will see to that.

      2. kaysar should have kept his big mouth shut, he tell everyone everything!! he ruined his game he should have told that to Janelle only. He shares info with everyone even xmas whose with the other side smh!! Janelle and Kay should’ve gotten with ty day 1 and not said anything to Dani, they told that snake too much they trusted her.

    1. I’m not quite sure who other side is.
      Tyler is in an alliance or has an active real or fake deal with everyone except the nominees.

        1. I already posted my guess last night while feeds were out that kevin would 90% be renom. the other 10% in my guess was da’vonne if she blew her own game up, but she’d have to REALLY blow it up good and scorched earth.

          But thanks for your concern. 🙂

            1. I understand your point in that, but his entire group is getting early stage da’vonnitis. it’s a mutation of the janellousy virus.

    2. Only Kaysar or Janelle will take themselves down. None of the others have the balls to do it, as they are all living in fear of the “alliance” that is Cody, Dani, Tyler, Memphis, Enzo, NicF and Christmas. Of course some think they are also aligned in there somewhere (Day and Bay, Ian, even David) but those are fake, and in their hearts and minds they really know that. Kevin would never rock that boat in the unlikely event he was to fall into a veto win. One of them is gone for sure.

      1. I like Ian and think he is smart. But why is he just waiting to get picked off? I know he and NicF are the only previous winners, but doesn’t he realize he can’t trust her? Why doesn’t he make a move? Or at least try to make one? Where is the kid who told his coach Boogie to get to steppin’?

  2. My only hope is that Janelle wins veto, then her and Kaysar convince Tyler that NicoleF is a huge threat to him and it will be hard down the road to get rid of her. Tyler sees the light and convinces his bros to vote her out too. That would be freaking awesome

  3. I’m hoping Janelle and Kaysar can somehow get out of this!! This season really sucks I was all excited too for nothing.

        1. what is the problem? just because i dont have group think with others on this site? because i disagree you ban me? you are a fucking fascist and i wont be giving any donation this year, you just cut off a long time supporter. and for what? what did i do that was so bad? you kraken fascist

      1. Seems someone has started early on the weekend libations. Maybe if the more you drink, you’re attitude will get better?

    1. I agree. She is kind of the worst this season which is really disappointing, because I liked her on previous seasons.

    2. Dani is disappointing every season I though she would be different his time nicer being since she is a mother and all but no same evil mean person, the tree does not fall far from the tree she’s just like her dad she hates him because she’s just like him, lets hope her daughter has Dom’s heart not hers!!

    3. She always starts out a season being very pretty on the outside but then the inside gets exposed and she just gets uglier everytime I see her

  4. Jeesh Tyler sucks, every choice he makes is absolutely cringe worthy. Hopefully the other players kick him out soon, I don’t see him lasting long without Angela there to do the thinking for him. He’s just so stupid, it is kind blowing. Why would you want the two biggest targets out of the house this early? It gives floaters like him no one to hide behind.

    1. Tyler is far from a floater lmao. I am team Jaysar all the way but to say this is a stupid move on Tyler’s part is dumb. Team Jaysar were the only two people in the house that had tyler as a target right now. Yes dani is talking about cutting him down the line after Memphis but the only two people who said they would put him up right now are team Jaysar. It would have been stupid of him to not put them up. Hopefully somehow both can stay (not very likely but we can dream), but this was definitely tyler’s best move at this point.

      1. Cody has told Dani a bunch of things about Tyler. Cody already said Tyler is playing the same exactly game he did his first season.

      2. Tyler throws comps and hides in mass alliances, he floats to the end and only tried when he thinks he needs to, therefore he is a floater. J/K may be the only ones to voice targeting him, but that is only because they are the only ones who are not too intimidated by Cody and Nicole to actually talk about the game.

        By eliminating Janelle and Kaysar he is taking out the only two people that Cody and Nic are scared of besides him. It’s a dumb move. The fact that he doesn’t see he is already at the bottom of his alliance is also stupid. He is obviously not very bright.

        1. So the bright decision is to leave in two people who are targeting you. Ok thanks i didn’t read that in the BB101 handbook. Tyler has not thrown a comp yet this season. He threw very few two years ago (potentially 1). A floater floats from side to side. He had a 6 person alliance his first season. And is one this year that he will use as shields. I believe his only true alliance is to David at this point. Maybe Christmas is climbing up to that point also but as of right now David is his number 1 from what I can tell and he’s just with the Nicole’s and codys because if he’s on the block with them he has a great chance to stay.

          1. The bright decision would be to go after the people who actually are threats to him. J/K have no influence in the house. They know it and Tyler knows it. He is setting himself up to be the first out of the big house alliance to be canabolized instead of making moves to further his game.

            1. Exactly. Taking out the biggest targets of the house this early in the game does not work out well for those wanting to sit with him F2. In the end this would bite him in the rear so if this gets him kicked out early, by all means, get his mask ready Julie!! And I agree with you. He is not very bright at all. What a stupid, stupid move!
              Now he thinks he is the poop stain sitting there with shades. pfft. smh.

        2. Tyler should have thrown this comp HOH let Ian Janelle or Kay have it they would have NOT gone after him and they wouldve done him favor by getting rid of Nicole or Cody!!!! Then next week of the other side wins they would’ve gone after Jan or Kay, or of Kay/Jay won still he wouldn’t be a target. smh!

      3. Whereas I agree with your logic, and understand it would be tough given the dynamics in the house right now, I do believe it would be in Tyler’s best interest to team up with J&K, possibly bringing Christmas with him, to form a strong “other side”, because I do believe Dani, NicF and Cody will backstab him sooner rather than later in this game. Why? Because he was NOT a part of their original pre-game alliance plans, and Dani in particular is a serious schemer, and sees him as a threat to her game. Yes, I realize this is a pipe dream at this point (obviously, since he’s already nominated them), but I’m just talking theory now. I like Tyler, and I really think they are going to screw him.

    2. The only reason the house turned against Janelle is because of Dani and Nicobra, they came in with a agenda of getting Janelle out already, but nobody had realized that yet.

      Tyler is doing what the girls wants. Memphis is a lot smarter and he did not let the girls manipulate him, in getting Janelle out

  5. Yep, getting kinda unbearable to watch now. Getting flashes of Season 19 with these ppl…. I may check out once Jaysar is gone….. love this site, been a regular since it started. Gonna hit the tip jar ; Simon & Dawg deserve every “ motherfricken “ penny, haha… So much respect for Janelle, there would be so much temptation to throat punch a certain whiny twat

  6. Tyler certainly got full of himself since last season. He’s such a disappointment. Sitting in this palace with those sunglasses on acting cool with Cody. Then Danielle acting so damn smug and cocky is too annoying to even watch.

    1. Tyler is using his same game as last time in terms of speaking to people. He mirrors them.
      It’s a technique to make others comfortable.
      Tyler is also playing to the audience in things that he says. He knows how he was perceived. He knows the pros and cons of his game style from the perception of viewers from last time. Some of the things he is saying are quite obvious as play to the viewers.
      Tyler, in my opinion, was more concerned with the negative responses than the positive responses from the audience. The issue, in my mind, is that he’s using David in these talks.
      David is going to goof up and slip out information Tyler gave him, not realizing its actual import as secret.

      1. Frankly Tyler never really played. Angela played and Tyler laid next to her. If they wanted to bring back an all star from that season it should have been Angela or Kaycee.

        1. Tyler played a great game in the first part of the season. He got everything lined up and then stepped back and coasted as Kaycee stepped up and became the face. That’s when Tyler laid around with Angela which cost him the game.

  7. Janelle is a legend in her own mind. I started to say she reminded me of Queen Sandra on Survivor, but that’s an insult to Sandra. Okay, she was great in her previous appearances. She has done nothing this season but act like an entitled primadonna. She didn’t even try to socialize with anyone but Kaysar the entire first week. She acted like everyone should fall at her feet and worship. Then, she says she can read people so well and she can’t even tell that Memphis is not with her. I really have not seen any good game play from her since day 1. She couldn’t even cheat well enough to win HOH this week. “Janelle you must face the three trays.” I hope she goes this week so that Kaysar has a chance to redeem his game. He finally seems to recognize that only securing one ally is not enough.

    1. Uh, what show have you been watching? She’s talked to most of the house. Everyone wanted her out day one because and only because, as Tyler said, “she’s Janelle.”

    2. I wish someone would tell me some good game moves Janelle has made THIS season. I agree she played well before. I just can’t think of a single good game move SHE has made this season.

      1. She leads with solid knowledge. She can’t be held responsible for these twits that are incapable of actual thinking.

        Her not being out yet is proof enough she’s playing her ass off. She was Target #1 before even entering the house.

    3. you hit the nail on the head. the truth hurts, thats why you got so many thumbdowns. im a big janelle and kaysar and sovereign six fan,(i even bought signed pictures from Janelle on Ebay), but their gameplay since day one has been sh*t.

    1. We’re calling it “BB Pandemic” here. And “BB Few Stars.”

      At first we were grateful, now we’re just gagging. And mostly re-watching past (awesome) low production seasons.

      Personally, I say let Kaynelle free from these people. They should just stand up eviction night and go out together.*

      *wishful thinking… contractual obligations.

  8. I don’t get the hate for Tyler. And I will try to explain. First off correct me if I am wrong Simon, or Dawg? But the Kraken was never broken out during BB20. I know Ty wasn’t the sole reason but he ran that show. Plus Ty went on to win best Male Reality player and Best overall. He beat players like Bananas from the Challenge. Not to mention all the other shows. Tyler is playing his same game. Don’t ruffle any feathers. Worked on BB20. But, now that they added people I could have gone to school with like J/K you all bash him. I am kind of surprised by this. His game play may not be at the level of a Dan. But he is and will always be one of the most popular players of all time.. His AFP votes just for him on BB20 were more than the total that were cast for BB19 and BB21 combined. I know in a post on an earlier segment of this site. Someone mentioned ratings. I guess they left of the fact that BB20 had better ratings than Sunday Night Football that year. And, the Wed, and Thurs, shows always had more than 10 plus million viewers.I’ll blame this post on Houka. LOL just kidding. Just my own opinion. Plus to be honest all the Janelle and Kayser lovers. I can understand J. She was a beast in her first 2 seasons.But K never even made it to Jury. He is no more an allstar than Da’Vonne. IMHO

    1. Nice try, but here’s a fact about ratings…BB20 is definitely the best season of the new dawn. Tyler played awesome…but Sunday Sept 16, 2018 BB20 did just over 6 million where as Sunday Night Football did over 20 million viewers…Sunday Night Football Pre Show did over 14 million viewers…Wed Sept 12 BB did 5.7 million viewers, Thursday the 13th did 5.592 million viewers for the live and over the course of 7 days it rose to 6.858 million…add the BB week up and it doesn’t match the Sunday Nighter of Football, and nowhere near 10 million views…

    2. I don’t hate Tyler but his way of playing to me wasn’t as great as everyone thought and I do think that Kaycee deserved to win. I think the thing that pisses everyone off is that he could be such a good player but unfortunately this season he has taken up residence in Cody’s butt, which will just end badly for him.

  9. Been in and out today, and I’m in that week three place that I talk about on here every season for both bbus and bbcan.
    It’s that ‘okay, either i step back a little or i stay jumped all in for the season’ brain space, because by week four i have to make a decision on my time and mental investment.

    Today’s Internal Monologue:
    My first storyline projection assessment that I made in the first 3 days of feeds was Janelle Kaysar hit the block on week 4. hmm. odd. where did that other week go? Oh. okay check chart…there’s two preseasons i didn’t realize by day 3. that alters the dynamic and the variables, but not enough for a full week to disappear. Is there some group complaints to production going on that we aren’t aware of? That would change it for sure. Hmmm. I’m losing my touch. Where did that week go? stoopid obsessive streak.


    If i’m understanding some of the convos correctly, Janelle and Kaysar have come back to the original conclusion that, yes, one or both of them have been the target since they walked into the house for a large group of people. Everything else is smoke screen. Thanks for that, the bad read that maybe they were mistaken was really annoying. There’s a few of their bad reads that are just over the top bad.
    This whole ‘threw my name / weren’t a target / wanted to work with you / source of all the lies’ stuff is just flotsam and jetsam.
    They were targets the moment they arrived if not weeks before.
    I don’t say this for any excuse. They have played badly thus far, but I am saying it would not have mattered.
    Nobody except Janelle had pregame contact with Kaysar. Nobody had pregame contact with Keesha. Nicole said she refused to have pregame contact when she was talking to David after he grinned that he did. And Janelle: they say she had pregame contact with Bayleigh and we know she knew Kaysar was coming. She talked to Dan more than once (which I believe is why she has a blindspot to Memphis she’s thinking friend of my friend).

    This season IS a game of extrapolating from pregame contacts. So, do we believe that pregame targeting wasn’t happening? We’re just watching that play out. Anybody that wasn’t in the big loop, or was a target of anybody in the big loop was already by word of mouth walking into trouble.
    We should have had preseason audio.

    oh good. Now we’re at that let’s manufacture a showmance portion of the season.
    Let’s not.
    Only reason Nicf’s trying to set Da’vonne into a showmance is so the house has a viable reason to get her ass evicted without revealing Dani and Nicf stabbed Da’vonne in the back like 25000 times in the past five days. Did they think Da’vonne’s middle name was Janelle or something?
    Like it’s not obvious. Here’s a 25x speed fast forward to show you the intent:
    hour 1: Hey da’vonne, you should showmance David.
    hour 2: did you guys hear da’vonne is showmancing with David? that’s a pair, she scares me I don’t trust her she makes me uncomfortable.
    hour 3: oh da’vonne i’m so sorry you’re on the block because of you and david… but we have to vote with the house.

  10. Lol, Bayleigh made Franzel cry after she said to her” A couple of tries and a couple of guys” until she won

    1. Notice how earlier in the day Dani was making similar cracks about her showmances and she was smiling and laughing about it. They were alone.
      This time there were three people there.
      Tears and victiming.

        1. What I don’t understand for the life of me is why they (Cody, Enzo Memphis, Tyler) are protecting rat’s nest. (snakole)

          1. I know, rightttt? She’s got some sort of mist over men. Do they see her as a little sister they need to protect or something? I do think Tyler is less enthralled with her than the others.

          2. Hold on to your hat, here comes the mentioned on feeds connection chain:

            Cody and Nicf are real world friends. they consider each other family.
            Nicf and Dani are real world friends.
            Dani knows Memphis’ ex. she planned Dani’s wedding.
            Cody knows Enzo, but Enzo if far closer to Dani.
            Enzo and ex wife, Dani and husband have vegased together.
            This is why Enzo isn’t as protect Nicf as Cody and Dani are, but is in the circle.
            Tyler? Has contact with Derrick, Cody’s bff.
            But Tyler is closer to xmas (friends with Angela for a few years from fitness modelling) and Bay.

            I’m sure that six alliance had NOTHING to do with this daisychain of real world connections. nooooo. not at all.

            NOooooothing to see here. whistes rolls eyes and wanders away cursing the Grod.

  11. Looking at the picture to this update.
    It strikes me:
    So you’re missing someone you love.
    Then why is the picture aiming away from you so that you’re looking at the back of the frame? Why aim the photo at the camera?
    Oh. image. riiiight.
    Too much image consciousness coming out of that boy today.
    Stick to actually playing the game, because you’re not maintaining all of your toys properly.
    These trying to suck up to the fans psa’s and actions… superfluous.
    Some of your toys are talking. This is what created the Scottie and Sam situations last time.
    Remember the Sam situation?
    That was the vote that got you.
    Maintain your toys.

    1. Now I’ve done it.
      I’ve asked myself that question.
      What ever happened to that Whack-a-doodle Sam?
      I know. I know. she got… a little out there creepy near the end.
      I know. I know. she had some opinions that drove people to grab torches tar and feathers.
      I know.
      But man. They don’t cast em like that often.
      It was a true breath of fresh air until it became the tornado that dropped the house on those two jezebels playing with her boys hearts.

      I actually liked her…. i actually hoped her…. strange… was strategy.
      come on. she tried to make everybody weiner hooch, and ripped apart the set design for arts and crafts, and had a pretty good side game going of Sam vs. team ants while knitting things out of laundry lint. They don’t cast like that on the regular.

  12. Christmas is such an attention seeker. She is obsessed with being the center of everything. Every time I watched the feeds she was trying to steer the discussion to what her punishment will be and how they are making them so personal this year. She wants a tutu because she wore one on her season and is known for that. I don’t remember her wearing a tutu.

    As expected Kaysar and Janelle are accepting their noms without anger or tears. Even though they know their fate in the game is sealed I think they relish the fight. There seems to be a great vibe in the Have Nots room this week.

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