Big Brother “Last week 2 house guests were caught breaking the rules of being a havenot!”

POV Holder: ? Next POV March 12th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony March 14th
HOH Winner: Loveita Next HOH: March 17th
Original Nominations: ? and ?
Current Nominations: ? and ?
Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry
Have Nots Joel & Cassandra

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9:20pm – 9:50pm Big Brother blocked the live feeds and when the feeds return. Big Brother says “Last week two house guests were caught breaking the rules of being a have not!” Big Brother then shows on the tv the two eating. Cassandra tasted yogurt off a spoon from Tim. The next video show Joel eating a grape that Nick feed him. Raul says oh my god if we all get in trouble I’m going to be pissed!! Big Brother says Joel and Cassandra as a result of your actions you will be the only havenots again this week. Joel says you have to respect the rules. All the house guests are laughing. Cassandra says just me and you bud. She says I’m happy all of you don’t have to be on it because that would really make me feel like sh*t. Cassandra laughs. We get the heat for everything. Joel says the footage is right there, I did what I did. Cassandra says Joel I didn’t know you cheated! The others laugh at how Joel and Nicks arms were interlocked. Dallas says you had natural yogurt, at least do it for a steak or something!!? Nick apologizes to Joel and says he’s embarrassed. They hug and Joel says its okay. Big Brother then blocks the feeds again.

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10:15pm The live feeds are still blocked..

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9 thoughts to “Big Brother “Last week 2 house guests were caught breaking the rules of being a havenot!””

    1. Haha YES ! Big Brother is not fair.
      Tim and Nick fed them. If youre a have not and youre not really eating, obviously if someone wants to stick something good in your mouth, youre going to eat it.
      At least for Joel, he’s the safest in the house right now.

  1. i like cassandra and joel chats

    this will be now 2 weeks in a row together as have nots

    they had the pool party clothing task, and the date task

    good game bond developing

  2. ramsay and christine should be nominated for being boring for live feeders and actually have the hoh say that reason at the ceremony ha ha

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