Big Brother Canada Spoilers IKA – “It was a wasted f*** HOH”

POV Holder: ? Next POV ?
POV Used ? POV Ceremony March 24
HOH Winner: Racehlle Next HOH: March 27
Original Nominations: ?
Current Nominations: ?
Last Evicted Houseguest Paul, Kyle, Anick
Have Nots Adel, Sabrina, Heather, Arlie

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10:27pm Living Room Everyone around the tv screens which are showing numbers counting up.

one person speaks up saying it’s neyond 700 000.
(It’s for the moose)

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10:29pm BAckyard Sabrina and RAcehlle
RAcehlle laughs says Heather came up to her and said “I won’t forgive you for this”
IKA and Sabrina cannot understand why Rachelle didn’t pick the boys to be a have nots she picked Heather, Sabrina and Adel.
They starts bashing Heather.. Sabrina calls her a freak a$$
Racehlle says she’s going to put Heather up.
Ika says it’s a wasted HOH

Adel joins them says he’s set up the Have nots for them.
Rachelle makes it clear that she hates Heather.
IKA and Sabrina start to argue. IKA is pissed that
Neda joins them.
IKA suggests they ignore Heather like the plague.

(Video coming)

10:29pm HAve nots Heather and Adel


10:42pm Heather and Jon bathroom


10:45pm Heather in the bedroom alone
Finally breaks down from all the abuse. The girls are outside bashing her.

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10:53pm Jon and Adel in the Hot tub

They chat about Racehlle wanting Heather gone. Adel says if nothing happens to him this week then he’ll use his card to put Andrew up next week.
After Adel leaves Jon says to himself “Bye Bye Andrew”

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59 thoughts to “Big Brother Canada Spoilers IKA – “It was a wasted f*** HOH””

  1. These girls are such bullies! I know Heather has made mistakes but she doesn’t deserve this treatment from grown woman.

    1. I am not excusing the way the girls are acting but we also have to understand that we’ve never had to be stuck in a house with someone who spreads lies about you and then acts like your best friend. That would drive ANYONE up the wall.

      Granted, if I ever saw someone sad/alone, it doesn’t matter what they did to me I would feel bad for them and talk to them and get over it…

      Heather is also not helping herself, she should have a meeting with the girl and admit to spreading lies about them and start over with them ( using her real voice from then on.. lol)

  2. So basically Sabrina or Sarah will dictate this HOH ’cause the Zombiegirl doesn’t have anything but rage for Heather and can’t see that making strategic moves and not being a grade-school meangirl is what Big Brother is about. Oh and what about that Yoga she said she does every day? Anyone seen her even stretch anything besides her neck to look at the mirror?

    1. Sarah, no, she is dead to the girls for voting against them. Sabrina can still control Rachelle votes. But Rachelle doesn’t seem like she wants to risk the boys all coming at her. Putting up heather and the new girl seem to be the most likely outcome because she avoids pissing off the boys or getting them to all come at her. Everyone is trying to win $100k. Rachelle knows putting up the boys might get ika and neda closer to that 100k but she is done in the game if she does. Ika knows this too which is why she put up Paul and Heather.

      From a strict selfish play, Rachelle’s best move is heather and new girl, it makes minimum waves and adel and ika are till the main house targets from the other side of the house. As for yoga, well she won the competition didn’t she and it looks like you needed to be flexible to win. That being said, someone who has done yoga everyday for years can skip a month and not lose much flexibility. But she is a waste of space in the house, you are right on that, I’d prefer they put in scott who was flamboyant than a do nothing houseguest like Rachelle.

    Has anyone seen a muscle anywhere on that student’s skinny little body?


    Another week of irredeemably VILE BITCHERY starring that vain, vacuous, face-chewing tw*t Rachelle,, the poster girl for Personality Disorder Monthly Sabrina, the Queen of Upsy-Daisy World Logic & self Ika-fication and Somebody Please Validate My Life Sarah !!!!!


  4. OMG!! YES!! I’m very very happy that Rachelle won HoH, and not one of the first five douchebags. Hopefully she won’t play with her emotions and try to get Heather out. Come on! Go for the real threats!

  5. Why the hell do the girls hate heather?? I don’t get it, what did heather ever do to them. Those girls really need to grow the hell up.

    1. The only thing she “did” and all the horrible lies she is “spreading” are all lies from stupid Sabrina! So happy she is a have not!!! Feel soooooo bad for Heather.

    2. I’ve never seen Heather do anything to anyone. She is a non entity. It is all because of Sabrina making stuff up, telling select people, and waiting for those people to talk to each other. After a while, Heather has said something bad about everyone and the game of broken telephone continues to twist what actually happened, which was nothing. I can’t believe nobody has figured out that Sabrina causes most of the strife in the house. Glad she is a have not. I hope the five and Allison include Heather this week and defend her. I bet Rachelle puts Heather up out of petty high school jealousy and probably Allison. Another wasted HOH.

      1. Heather has not sad ‘bad’ things.
        She has had observations, some good some bad. But she cannot be equated to most of these HG’.
        And, Allison has limited tolerance for Heather. The females of the 5, especially Sarah, will not throw her a bone.
        The Covert alliance, Arlie formed, might….but Sarah is potentially in it….so I don’t see a smooth ride for Heather. I don’t wish this experience on anyone like Heather.

  6. Anyone else suspicious about this HOH win? At the end of the episode tonight Rochelle mentioned that she didn’t feel any different when the ropes tightened for everyone. Then everyone started joking “big brother don’t forget about Rochelle” then it cut and they ended the episode. Now I hear she won HoH? Seems weird. She also isn’t exactly the type of girl that you think to be mentally strong that can dig deep with a lot of stamina…. just strange

  7. Ok first off.. How the hell did Rachelle win hoh??? I have the sneaking suspicion it was fixed because Rachelle said she didn’t feel any difference when the pull was increased on the ropes.

    Yes IKA your hoh was wasted, anytime you vote with emotion and try to evict a player who has no impact on the game you are wasting it. Now we can all watch Rachelle do the same stupid thing next week.

    The way those girls have treated Heather just turns my stomach, it goes beyond the game they are just cruel people.

    1. Have you people never watched Big Brother? Tensions naturally run high so is it really that surprising that the irritation they feel with each other is magnified?Someone’s always going to rub someone else the wrong way and it probably doesn’t help if the person isn’t helping your game in any way. Does it get catty sometimes? Yea, but nowhere near the level some of you people describe it to be so far. Heather is not some wounded bambi ffs.

    2. Well BB is not like a real game show like jeopardy or something if you read the full disclosures its more like any other “Reality tv show” which is a mixtured of fake, transcripts, set up scenarios and subtle fixing. Reality tv shows are not eligible for the canada and ontario film tax credit nor would it normally give credit to actra (the acting talent guild for canada) at the end of the show unless of course it wasn’t a reality tv show and more like a scripted show.

      That being said, isn’t heather spreading lies about these girls? I don’t know but thats what they all claim. She does have a degree of phonyness about her but she doesn’t deserve that either.

      1. Sabrina is the root of all Heather lie spreading. In other words, Sabrina is the one spreading lies, and then twists and attributes it to Heather. Sabrina is doing it to all the girls, but not the guys…yet.

      2. Ive been watching since the start and haven’t seen Heather doing any of the things they claim. From what other people on this forum have gathered its Sabrina who spread these lies about Heather. I think that’s what bothered most people here. It’s not that people have not seen BB, People are generally ok with house guests getting what they deserve but heather has (from what we have seen) not deserved the hate she has received from these girls.

      1. rachelle put sabrina on slop, making her sleep in the uncomfortable have nots room right next to heather, whilst andrew and allison make out in the comfortable bed…too funny


        and seeing ika put sabrina in her place…and sabrina absolutely stunned was beautiful to watch

        and sarah aka ‘crazy eyebrows’ can think about her double agent days, submissively ruining her own game to help 3 of the strongest guys win, and now 100% ruining any remote chance she may have had of being in the prize money…i dont believe ive ever seen a player complain as much as sarah has in this season, just moaning and whining relentlessly…one of the biggest grumps ive seen on any big brother anywhere in the world, for me right up there with amanda, sabrina and andy in terms of annoyance factor, her voice is brutal to listen to, if she doesnt like being there she should self evict…if she says mumsie one more time im gonna go insane dude

  8. I can understand Ika’s reasoning for not going after Kenny/Andrew yet, but she handled getting out Heather quite badly. One huge mistake was making it very easy for guys + Allison to vote against the HOH wishes. OK, Ika was the reason Arlie & Jon made promises for Heather and was OK with them voting Paul out. From that she was also OK with first Andrew and then Kenny voting out Paul. And she didn’t even try to get Allison on her side. That’s 3 votes that didn’t even make any promises for keeping Heather. If you give them a finger, they will take an arm…
    Oh, and desicion to vote out Heather was completely an emotional desicion (partially work of Sabrina). Heather was more with girls than guys, so girls could have used her for a vote, if they all weren’t so jealous of her. I am glad that Heather now knows at least a little bit girls group are not being honest with her, but sad that she has to be in the same house with them. Hopefully it will make her stronger because of it and has a chance for a revenge.

    1. While she was in the bedroom sobbing by herself, she started unpacking then sat for a moment and said in a very almost-tenor voice, “Stupid bitches.” Loved it. She is not going to be the same sugar and spice doll anymore I’m guessing.

    2. Heathers request to have all the guys pledge allegiance to her in this vote was a moment of brilliance on Heather’s part. I thought this was a spark of good gameplay on Heathers part that might be an indication of her potential. But…

  9. is it bad that even when Heather is crying she still makes me smile? Like the girl is adorable, no matter what she is doing

  10. Obv I am just a random guy on the internet and 99% of the internet is BS but legit someone who is halfway between being a an acquaintance and friend ((for almost two decades) is a producer on BB Can and looked me in the face and swore BB Can does not rig comps (or order ppl to do things in the DR). I usually think every reality show is rigged (BB US seems ridiculous) but I know this girl well enough to believe her. Just tossing that out there. FTR she also does not think it is a good cast and wanted Paul to stay (because obv Adel-Ika-Paul come up is preferable to anyone w a brain to Andrew and psycho Sabrina remaining the alphas).

  11. I predicted Rachelle doing well in endurance challenges, she is light but yoga would male her a perfect candidate to do well.

    Think about it, Andrew 175 pounds of pressure on his finger, or Rachelle 75 pounds of pressure.

    This was not a strength challenge! It was endurance! It was a light persons challenge.

  12. I’m wondering if the guys will keep Heather around because they think she will be in their debt and vote with them in the future. I’m thinking it will actually be Ika who goes this week.

  13. seriously even though heather tells lies and talks behind peoples back- i dont think she deserves all the abuse from the other girls – its sad i feel so bad for her

  14. last week when ika won hoh i was glad because she said she wanted to make a big move … i am not rejoicing that rachel won yet sabrina will convince her not to touch the boys so most likely rachel will nominate arlie adel allison or a strong guy ….. i need to see some muscle on the block

  15. I love this site. Thanks for the updates.
    I really hope that Rachelle doesn’t put up Heather. I hope she Kearns from Ika’s HOH and puts up Kenny/Andrew.

  16. Well, now rechell is the Hoh. Who she’ll put on the block? C’mon so easy: Heather & may be Adel ( pawn). Who is the target ; heather. Omg I’m surprised 😮 ughhh

  17. What’s positive about this?

    Adel & Arlie can discreetly bond with Heather & give her support.
    Between Jon & Arlie, they can keep eyes on what Andrew & Kenny try and get up to in terms of Heather.
    Arlie & Adel can have conversations.

  18. If Ika is melting down this bad about Sarah not supporting her how bad is she going to be when she finds out about the true Sabrina?

    1. Rachelle winning is AWSOME!! This plays very well for Neda. To me she’s playing the best so far.

      Too bad they won’t show this HOH comp on After Dark. That’s what they should do when they have an endurance comp. 🙁

  19. Its bull shit heather does not deserve this sabrina. Needs to damn well go and this is the worse season of bb ever

  20. Omg Sabrina has convinced Rachellr to put up Allison/heather and backdoor IKA!! Wtf! I swear Rachelle is so stupid!!!!

    1. I don’t want to praise Sabrina, but she’s getting it done. Let’s see if she can still function after a couple of “have not “days.

  21. Worst BB show so far …. Boring jealous
    Bitches . Sarah is the worst Heather basher.
    Come on people where’s the strategic
    Game play …. Not this high school Drama
    Shit . Canadians want to watch the good people
    Rise from the ashes and win ….not these fucking
    Clicky Dumb douche bags who probably have
    Never had to work for anything in there lives
    Go team Underdogs

  22. Sabrina, Rachelle and Ika are the Kaitlin, GM and Aaryn for this season! ( Excusing the racism )
    It really upsets me to see these girls gain up on Heather for no reason. I must be blind because i have never ever seen Heather do something wrong or has in anyway, shape or form hurt anyone. I really hope that Heather can win this Pov and karma will come back to bite them in the asses.
    In some way, it doesn’t surprise me that its Sabrina who is doing the most trash talking. In terms of personality and looks, Heather is kind, funny and beautiful, While Sabrina is a fat fucking cow who has low self esteem, so she attacks others who she see’s as a threat.
    Disgusting Cu****ts.

  23. Sabrina, Rachelle and Ika are the Kaitlin, GM and Aaryn for this season! ( Excusing the racism )
    It really upsets me to see these girls gain up on Heather for no reason. I must be blind because i have never ever seen Heather do something wrong or has in anyway, shape or form hurt anyone. I really hope that Heather can win this Pov and karma will come back to bite them in the asses.
    In some way, it doesn’t surprise me that its Sabrina who is doing the most trash talking. In terms of personality and looks, Heather is kind, funny and beautiful, While Sabrina is a fat fu*king cow who has low self esteem, so she attacks others who she see’s as a threat.
    Disgusting Cu*ts.

  24. Ughhh i hate Rachelle and her little groupie of trolls Ika and Sabrina. I hope Heather wins POV when she gets nominated and shoves it down rachelles throat. I’m really hoping for a Heather-John-Neda and Adel alliance.

  25. It’s really nice of Jon to comfort Heather like that and to let her know who’s on her side and who isn’t. I’m hoping Jon or Heather wins an HOH in the coming weeks.

  26. Perhaps one of the worst HOH’s ever? she exposed herself to everyone, and didnt even get out who she wanted.


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