Big Brother Canada: Power Of Veto Ceremony Results!

POV Holder: TOM Next POV March 9th
POV Used YES POV Ceremony March 11th
HOH Winner: TOM Next HOH: March 14th
Original Nominations: Gary & Suzette
Current Nominations: Suzette & Aj
Last Evicted Houseguest Danielle
Have Nots Alec, Topaz, Aneal, Jillian

3:18pm The live feeds come back for a few seconds and we see a bunch of the house guests sitting on the backyard couches. Then big brother blocks the feeds again..

4:25pm When the Big Brother Canada Live Feeds return from being blocked again we learn that Tom used the power of veto to save Gary and nominate Aj as the replacement. Yesterday Tom had informed Aj that he would be nominated as the pawn. Tom had made a deal with Gary that if he won the veto he would use it to save Gary as Suzette is Tom’s target this week. Tom felt that making this deal and following through with it would earn Gary’s trust moving forward in the game. Despite this deal Tom still plans to target Gary next week.
Big Brother Canada March 11 2013 434pm

4:30pm Tom, Jillian and Emmett are talking getting Suzette out this week is the best decision they could have made. Tom says that if Suzette stays she could start to pull Aj, Aneal or Talla to her side. The conversation turns to talking about Topaz and how Topaz is just pretending to like Alec. They all comment on how they can tell she doesn’t like him but that she is staying with him to stay safe. They wonder how Alec doesn’t see that Topaz isn’t really into him when he is a psychology major. Tom says that pu$$y is a powerful thing. Tom says that Liza makes him feel good but it doesn’t mean I am going to be putting my peni$ in her or making out with her between the hidden passage way to go outside. Emmett laughs. They wonder if there will be a fake double eviction on April fools day. Tom brings up how Suzette could have just as easily won and someone else would have gone up and Gary would go home. Jillian comments on how she doesn’t like how she (Jillian) felt so comfortable when Tom won HOH. She says I shouldn’t this is a game. Tom says its okay to feel comfortable now until we get to jury then no one will be comfortable.

4:40pm – 4:55pm Tom is up in the HOH room with Liza. Tom confirms that he used the Veto to take Gary off the block and nominated Aj as the replacement nominee. Tom comments on how he is going to try and not win anything the next week to lay low. The conversation turns to talking about Topaz and how she is just pretending like she likes Alec but that he doesn’t see it. Tom says that Topaz 100% has a deal with Gary and she would vote you out over Gary. Tom tells Liza that Topaz is threatened by her. Liza asks why everyone thinks she is after Topaz and Alec. Tom tells Liza that he is onto Andrew and says that he can smell him from 30ft away.
Big Brother Canada March 11 2013 505pm
4:55pm Jillian and Emmett are on the kitchen couch putting the vibrator up each others noses. Jillian comments on how those little vibrators usually come on co*k rings. Emmett says there are some co*k rings over there.

4:55pm – 5:10pm Alec comments that that he loves Topaz. The others ask him if he really love her. Alec then turns to Topaz and tells her he love her. Topaz says don’t say that. Tom asks Topaz if she loves Alec and she says oh my god and runs away. Alec says he can get her to say it, I have her lip gloss. Alec then goes outside and threatens to drop her lip gloss in the pool. Topaz screams that she that she will whisper it in his ear and then she grabs it back before saying it. Topaz talks to Aj and Alec about how she doesn’t want the show to cut it in a way that makes it look like more than it is. Andrew says Alec plays the stupid card very well. Alec locks the back door and when Topaz tries to come in he tells her to say she loves him.

Video of Alec professing his love for Topaz and threatening her to say it back to him: (Video will be posted here soon.)

5:30pm – 5:40pm Topaz cooks dinner for Liza, Tom and Gary. They all sit down to eat and she says a prayer hoping that they don’t get sick from eating her food. Topaz starts talking about her past relationships. The talk turns to Tom talking about a girl he used to be with that was allergic to condoms, against abortion (which he agreed with) and so he told her he was not going to put his peni$ in her. Jillian says that she won’t sleep with someone unless they really mean something to her. Emmett says he wants to be financially secure when he has kids. Gary disagrees and says you don’t need to be financially ready.

Big Brother Canada March 11 2013 538pm

5:50pm Alec and Peter are playing foil ball in the living room while Tom watches to learn the rules. Meanwhile Topaz. Gary and Suzette are in the bedroom putting the sheets back on the bed. Jillian, Talla and Liza head out to the hot tub room to talk game. Talla asks them to give her 4 names of which guys they want her to nominate if she wins HOH. Jillian says that she doesn’t care if its Emmett, she just doesn’t want to be the one to do it. Talla says that she is going to make BIG moves and says that Canada is going to give her a standing ovation. The girls talk about thinking up an alliance name but decide to get back to each other. They break up the conversation and head back to the house.
6:20pm – 6:30pm Topaz and Gary talk about her relationship with Alec. Topaz thinks Alec is either a womanizer or doesn’t know how to play the game (relationships). She says that if this was the real world I would run the other way. Gary says he was telling you he loves you day 5. Topaz tells Gary about how Alec gets jealous when she hangs out with Tom. Topaz and Gary leave the havenot room.

6:40pm Topaz sits with Alec on the living room couch and she tells him that she is going to rip him a new one for using the L-word. Talla comes by and asks if they are talking about how much they love each other. Alec says we were going to get booze and food for the house but Topaz ruined it. Talla says she doesn’t need any more booze.

Big Brother Canada March 11 2013 633pm

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13 thoughts to “Big Brother Canada: Power Of Veto Ceremony Results!”

  1. I kind of wish Suzette would stay, just because i know she will go after tom. I know that’s probably not going to happen though.

    1. Honestly, and maybe you can explain this to me, I don’t understand why everyone hates Tom so much…

      He has a big ego – ya, okay? Everyone else in the house has an ego too, which is why they are on the show. He just shows it differently.

      Suzette is very fake in my opinion. She acts so sweet when everyone is around, and then the second she’s alone with someone, she starts talking shit. She plays the innocent card, “I’m overweight, I’m a mother of 3… etc, etc” yet she is the rudest person in the house, and couldn’t win the HoH competition that involved her brain.

      Everyone keeps saying she’s the “underdog”, but she had the same chance of winning the HoH as Tom did, he just outsmarted her.

      1. She’s just the underdog because she’s pretty much alone in the house. I don’t really like Suzette, but if she stays it would piss Tom the heck off and would change the dynamic of the house a little pit. I guess i just get sick of seeing one core alliance dominate.

    1. Don’t worry…other players will go after Tom. Doubt he survives next week unless Emmett or Jillian win HOH.

      1. I totally agree Sylvie. Tom thinks he is the king of the world but we have seen this type of player many times in the BB house. What is going to be good television is the few days between him getting back doored and the night he gets evicted. It’s going to get absolutely chaotic up in that house!

        1. Although I do like Tom, and am cheering for him, I couldn’t agree more that it will get very dramatic when that happens.

  2. There are lots of people that will go after Tom when the time is right… Although the game seems a bit boring now – I think people are playing it safe and waiting to make their mark.. it may just take another week or two……

    1. Agreed. He’s giving her karma for putting him up when she was HOH which is fair, but she’s not really a threat. I see her as someone they should keep around and take out later. It would be so nice if Suzette survives this week then we see what happens.
      And I was quite impressed with Topaz on last night’s episode. Just when I thought she wasn’t making any game moves she went up to Tom and added more fuel into his hatred for Suzette. She basically convinced him Suzette is a threat.
      For this weeks’s HOH I want anyone but Emmett, Peter or Jillian. It would be nice to see what Liza or Talla would do with the power.

  3. Tom just stepped in it big time IMHO. Putting AJ up puts 2 swing votes in play for the “girls alliance” next week. That plus Gary is enough to remove Tom or any member of Quatro. Peter and Alec better not throw HOH next time or they may be doing an exit interview. The funny thing is Gary’s deal with Tom will never be honoured by Gary. Gary wins HOH Tom goes up or is backdoored. Gary is just far more dangerous than Suz!

    1. HOH being won by someone willing to attack the Alliance thru one of the Quatro bros will be critical to freeing up this game, IMO.
      Hopefully Gary wouldn’t be so stupid as to target Aneal, Andrew, AJ.
      I really believe that if ANY of the lower tier is to have ANY hope, one of them must win HOH and attack Quatro, forcing them to evict one of their own, and in the process re-alignments could happen.
      I don’t expect it, but one can dream….

      1. That’s why Suzette needs to stay! You know she would target Tom and even though she doesn’t seem that could at comps, anyone can win a stupid question game. Tom is just stupid anyway, neither Suzette or AJ or any real threats right now.

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