Big Brother Canada Live Feeds: Gary says I know this is mean but I want to be the next Liza.

POV Holder: Alec Next POV March 23rd
POV Used No POV Ceremony March 25th
HOH Winner: Gary Next HOH: March 21th
Original Nominations: Tom & Liza
Current Nominations: Tom & Liza
Last Evicted Houseguest Aneal
Have Nots Jillian, Emmett, Talla and Alec

big brother canada march 20 2013 622pm

6:20pm Jillian and Emmett are in the havenot room taking a nap. Liza and Tom are in the have bedroom laying in bed together. Aj, Peter and Andrew are in the kitchen talking about random things. Talla is out in the backyard working out by herself. (She barely works out for 20 minutes.)
big brother canada march 20 2013 630pm

big brother canada march 20 2013 655pm
6:50pm Gary and Tom are in the bedroom talking. Gary says that this next week he wants to work on making something more concrete. Gary says I know this is mean but I want to be the next Liza. Tom laughs. Gary says that he doesn’t want Tom to hold this against him. Tom says that he knows it wasn’t him it was a house decision. I don’t hold anything against you. Gary says that he has a very good feeling that Tom will win HOH this week. Tom talks about how he was playing personally before and that he should have listened to people when they told me not to. Liza comes in and Tom kisses her and leaves. Liza and Gary talk about how bored they are. Liza talks about how emotional she is right now.
7:10pm Andrew is in the kitchen painting his finger nails and toe nails.

big brother canada march 20 2013 710pm
big brother canada march 20 2013 709pm

7:15pm – 7:30pm Aj, Tom and Andrew all look at the memory wall photos and talk about how none of their pictures do them justice. Aj and Andrew head out to the hot tub room to talk and smoke. Aj says he knows Tom is staying this week. Andrew talks about how he cant forget about the whole flashing incident with Alec .. it was so juvenile. Aj agrees but says that because of it, it makes Tom a bigger target. Aj says he is a bigger target and a good ally. They finish up their conversation and head inside.
7:35pm Peter and Liza are in the bathroom talking about random things. They then head out to the backyard to continue talking. Aj and Andrew are sitting on the kitchen couch talking about past evictions. Gary and Talla are sitting at the island talking.

7:55pm – 8pm Talla and Alec are talking about the votes. Alec says as of right now Tom is staying. Alec says that he knows that Liza is after him. Talla says she thinks her and Liza are fine now. They talk about how Gary wants to talk to people tomorrow to see where they stand because he wants a majority vote. Alec says that he told Gary that if they did what he wanted he would give them a two week deal. Talla asks um okay a two week deal? Alec says well it was a lose deal. Aj comes in and says sorry to interject but what are we talking about.
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4 thoughts to “Big Brother Canada Live Feeds: Gary says I know this is mean but I want to be the next Liza.”

  1. Man watching Peter these days is so embarassing. He gets giddy getting any form of attention from Liza. I bet when Topaz sat him down and told him about Liza he was really hurt and his story about being used in real life is most likely true. He just lied about playing it off in DR. Peter is slowly becoming one of the people I hate!

    1. So true. Unfortunately, I can’t think of a possible scenario when the majority of the house would vote him out. Eeeeverybody loves Peter. Even people that he doesn’t even like/trust, like Suzette.

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