Big Brother Canada Garry “Tom’s taking me off the block..I’ll do whatever he wants”

POV Holder: TOM Next POV March 9th
POV Used POV Ceremony March 11th
HOH Winner: TOM Next HOH: March 14th
Original Nominations: Garry Suzette
Current Nominations:
Last Evicted Houseguest Danielle
Have Nots Alec, Topaz, Aneal, Jillian


6:42pm Garry and Talla Hot tub
Garry: “Aneal is so up and down.. he thought i orchestrated the Danielle thing.. I don’t know I feel like he’s my major competition”
Garry: “Tom’s taking me off the block.. if he did that to earn my trust he earned it.. I trust him till the end.. I got his back.. Whatever he needs I got him… I’ll do whatever he wants. “
Garry adds that he wants Aneal gone because he’s “Mooching” his identity, “Why are you wearing my heels, why are you talking like me.. you are emulating my brand” Garry Wishes Aneal was just himself.

Garry wants Aneal and AJ gone, “Aneal’s a threat socially for me”
LIza joins them, Garry says he owes Tom’s his life
Liza: “No no no no no.. you don’t owe him nothing.. all you owe Tom is not going after Tom next week”

Liza: “I can tell you exactly what to do”

Garry: “Who Jillian and Emmett.. Topaz and Alec?”
Garry: “the people I trust the most are you guys.. Andrew and Aj I don’t talk to very much”
Liza reminds Garry that all Tom did was keep him safe for 7 days.

Liza: “I need you to knock a weight off the other end” (Hinting Alec or Topaz)
Liza says she wants Garry to flip up the power in the house. Liza tells him that Aneal will throw the HOH to Talla or Garry.
Garry: “thats nice”
Talla: “Thats really nice”
GArry: “I’m not going after Aneal now..”
Liza: “Alec and peter are tighter than Alec and topaz..Tom has told me to my face he’s taking Emmett to the final 2” Liza wants Garry to know that the showmances are a big threat like Alec and Topaz.

Alec joins them.. Liza leaves..


7:00pm Garry , Topaz and alec

Garry tells them the entire conversation with Liza.. Garry: “She wants Alec gone.. she’s was really working Talla and me”
Topaz: “She wants you next” (telling this to Alec)
Alec: “I know I know.. who does she have that makes her think she can pull this off… “
Garry: “She wants you gone Alec she wants you gone Next”
Topaz is pissed off she’s going to confront Liza. Alec and Garry tell her not to. Garry is worried that Tom won’t use the POV on him. Alec says for Garry not to worry He can get the votes to save him if the POV isn’t used.
Garry: “This B!tch is putting in work… I gotta watch myself cause I need Tom to take me off the block”

(Liza’s game is already starting to be figured out and BIG drama is about to start)


7:14pm Topaz, Aj and Alec Hot tub Room

Talking about the girls getting vir@btors and the guys getting vibrating co** rings. Al wonders who has m@sterbated in the house. Topaz says Tom and Danielle. Danielle in the shower and Tom in the HOH room. Feeds cut…

7:25pm Tom and Emmett Backyard
Tom: “F*** my dick hurts that is what happens when it doesn’t get used”
Emmett is complaining that he really needs to release. Tom tells him next week when he wins HOH he could get away with it in the HOH. Tom explains that he could make a tent out of pillows and blankets and “Get Jillian off” Tom is nice enough to show the feed watchers the hand motions (See video below) … “As long as she doesn’t scream”

7:43pm Backyard Tom, Talla, AJ, GArry
Talking about S$X. Tom is saying that he goes to the gay bars sometimes. “It’s $5 a drink but it’s only $3 if you take your shirt off… so me and my buddys take our shirts off”.. Feeds cut



8:22pm Kitchen. Andrew Goofing around..

9:25pm Feeds have been cut for the past hour


9:53pm Feeds come back for a minute to show Tom teaching everyone at the dinner table about making a drink.




10:03pm Lots of drinking going on


10:05pm Tom defends Lance Armstrong

14 thoughts to “Big Brother Canada Garry “Tom’s taking me off the block..I’ll do whatever he wants””

  1. YES! So happy Gary figured Liza out and is starting some drama..she seems to be way too confident in her playing..i’m hoping she’ll get out before jury

    1. I don’t watch the feeds so there must be something I’m missing here, but from what I read I think it’s a good thing we have someone like Liza coz in the event she wins HOH she can flip the power in the house which makes for interesting TV. It’s always fun when there’s ‘enemies’ in the house. If Garry winds he won’t go after Tom since he said he owes him big time.
      Let the power flip.

      1. I’m glad Tom and Liza are in the house they are going to bring some awesome drama. Although I do find Liza annoying to listen to on the feeds she’s really stirring the POT which is good.

      2. I think the thing with Liza is that we don’t really know where her true alliance is..she is making so many deals that she is safe all around and probably doesn’t have to win HOH. And with Gary, I truly think he was just saying that to Liza because he knows she plays all sides and if he would have said “I’m putting Tom up” Liza would have ran to Tom and told him, and he wouldn’t use the veto on Gary.

  2. I’ve been waiting for Liza to make a mistake! She has been pretty good about her game so far, but I don’t like her personality enough to want her to continue getting away with her sneaky alliances with everyone.

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