Kevin “What did you expect him to say?” Day “THE TRUTH! So guess what.. No vote for you F**KER!”

Head of Household Winner – Memphis
Have nots – Cody, Christmas
Nominations – Kevin & DaVonne
Power of Veto Players are – Kevin, Tyler, Dani, Da’Vonne, Memphis, Nicole
POV Host: – Cody
Power of Veto holder – Tyler
Power of Veto Ceremony – Tyler did not use the Veto Nominations hold.
Powers – Christmas, Dani, David
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8:25pm Hot Tub. Kevin and Day.
Day is whispering (Can’t hear her because she’s whispering too quietly and isn’t wearing a mic). Day – And he (Tyler) was like I don’t know I wish I could tell you something. And I was like Okay BYE! Kevin – what did you expect him to say? Day – THE TRUTH! So I said the truth .. why am I on the block!? So guess what .. No vote for you F**KER! Day says at the finale she will go eeny meeny miny moe to choose the winner. Kevin – I think they’re going to keep you. Day continues to whisper. Day – I know that you’re going to stay because she told me that. I asked her to tell me straight up .. and she told me. Kevin – if its not me this week.. Day – no I think you have it. You need to figure some sh*t out. Seriously!! You need to figure some sh*t out!

Nicole – is everyone still thinking Day? Christmas – I don’t know no one has talked anything today. Nicole – I am good with whatever. I just want to be on the same page as everyone else. Christmas – same. Nicole – Now I am focusing on the double. Christmas – I wouldn’t be surprised if they push it a week. But it would also be nice to go ahead and rip the Band-Aid off. Nicole – I feel like it is over due with the weeks and everything. I feel like if there is only one .. they might wait like how you counted. Christmas – oh with the half week.

9:10pm Enzo and Nicole go into the storage room and see that Big Brother gave them alcohol. They hide 3 of the beer and then leave the room to let someone else find the alcohol. Nicole heads to the bedroom and smiles too much to Dani and then spills the beans. They run into the storage room. Dani wants to hide a bottle of wine but doesn’t. They leave the room but then Dani tries to convince Dani to take it all and drink it between the three of them. Nicole – no we’re going to get in trouble. Dani – no one is going to know. Nicole – we’ll have red teeth and we’ll be drunk.

Lounge room. Day and Dani.
Day – I am going to tell you something but you have to keep your mouth all the way closed. Dani – swear. Day – I talked to Christmas and she told me that I’m going. Dani – what? Day – I’m leaving, this week. Dani – she did? What did she say? Day – I said I want you to tell me the truth. I am going to jury and I need people that are going to be honest with me with what’s happening. She started balling. Dani – how does she have this information!? Day – are you blind!? Dani – She told you that she knew already!? Day – yes. Dani – no one had told me jack crap! So why was she crying? Day – She was crying because she was like I really respect you.. Dani – was she bring nice? Day – yes! Like scary nice. I was like alright. She was talking to me about how she wanted to be educated about the Black Lives Matter Movement. She was like I just want to do better and be better. So after she told me that I went up to Tyler and said why am I on the block? And he was like I don’t know. He said I don’t know. I was like TYLER why am I on the block!? I don’t know. I am not working with nobody. Nobody tells me anything. I am in the dark. I just knew that if I used the veto it was going to put David in danger and I want to protect David. So I said ok! And so he said something about your speech might have you in this situation. And I asked what did my speech say? And he was like you were saying that I was coming after you and I’ve never tried to come after you. I’ve been your friend this whole time. I said that is not what I said. I’m my speech I said that you would be used as a weapon to come after me. They will use you as a weapon to shoot at me. Dani – what did he say? Dani – he was like well why didn’t you just tell me that!? I thought you were saying that. I was going to do this and I was going to do that. And that is why I’ve been acting the way I’ve been acting the last couple days. Tyler being Tyler .. BULLSH*T! Dani – yup!

Day – and so I just walked away because you’re not going to keep insulting me. Dani – you’re (Tyler) working with nobody and that is why everyone wanted to keep you? Stop! Day – so I think from what Christmas said .. this can go either way and then when I gave my speech it was like okay Day can go. Dani – that is really frustrating. Day – So I asked why am I even here at all. And she said because I am a fan of yours. I want us to be friends. So I just want to know what was it that got me to this point. I am happy to ask David because when I asked Tyler he feed me sh*t! I am going to ask David he seems to be in with some.. Dani – so are you going to campaign still or no? Day – yeah I am not just going to die! Dani – good. Day – so I asked Nicole if its bad .. don’t stick your neck out. And she was like Day I can never vote you out of this house. And I was like don’t. Don’t be crazy. At this point I feel like people are looking for anything. I am going to fish some more for some more information. If you can ask Cody why? Dani – I will. Day – when I leave sh*t is going to get out of control. I am a little confused .. Maybe I was wrong about you and Nicole’s connection to them. Like why would I not know this. I told her I want to know because I don’t want to see Julie in athletic wear. She said no wear something pretty. I just wanted to let you know so that you don’t stick your neck out and put yourself in danger. I am not going to tell Kevin because then he will relax and not campaign. Dani – I will be really really sad if you go. Day – don’t be next after me.

10:15pm Backyard. Dani, Memphis, Nicole, Christmas.
Memphis – I am so f**king confused .. I just don’t understand why this season.. I am beside myself. I don’t understand why when two people are on the block together they’re inseparable. When me and anyone here is on the block.. You’re not going to see me for a week! F**k you! I am out!! I don’t understand! I really don’t understand. Christmas – tell us how you really feel. Like Day did it with Bay and she didn’t spend that time talking to anyone else. She just basically continued to put herself on an island. And Kevin even told me to my face .. I just want to spend all my time with Day. Like I don’t get it! Nicole – yeah I don’t know. Memphis – he was like I want to spend as much time with her .. and I was like you’re about to spend a month with her.

11:08pm Hammock. Kevin and David
Kevin – I know your relationship with Day.. so if you want to vote for her.. David – the only thing is Day will never trust me. Do you think she would come in this game and trust me? Based on what you know? Kevin – I will flip it back to you.. what is your instinct say? David – no. Kevin – has you instinct been wrong? David – no. Kevin – you know your instinct. You’re asking me to say don’t trust her. I don’t want to get involved in that. David – ultimately I feel like she doesn’t trust me. She always wants the full picture and I never have wanted to play that way. This Day situation is so hard. Kevin – you’re telling me that your vote is leaning towards DaVonne. David – I felt that way on Sunday. I am sitting here telling you that is no longer the case. Kevin – I’ve had your back. I keep correcting her that there are four. How she doesn’t understand that there are four.. and its not fair .. I am not Caucasian, I am not Pilipino, And I am not Latino. If my own people don’t count me that is not fair. David – that is not a fair statement to make. Its not cool that you have to continue to do that. Kevin – and my value is discounted because I am only half. I do understand that half the experience is not the full experience. Big Brother switches the feeds.

12:13am Big Brother blocks the feeds..

1:36am The feeds are still blocked.

1:56am Still blocked..

5:31 am no feeds yo
7:51 am no feeds yo
11:00 am no feeds yo
1:27 pm no feeds yo
4:14 pm no feeds and of course nothing from CBS .. standard
6:35 pm no feeds Don’t care.

8:41pm CBS finally released that the feeds will be back at 10pm tonight..

10:02pm – 11:05pmThe live feeds return after having been blocked since 12am last night. The house guests are sitting around the living room. They’re playing charades.

11:30pm Bedroom. Christmas reads her HOH letter. Nicole joins her. Christmas read her proverbs from the bible.

11:50pm – 12:05pm Kitchen. Dani and Day.
Dani – since putting him up .. I don’t think he likes me at all. Day – he’s possible. And I think the other two are tis the season and a liar. Big Brother blocks the feeds. When the feeds return .. Dani talks about how when you’re evicted you see the four goodbye messages but after the show ends you see the rest of the house guests messages. She says that it didn’t used to be like that like on her season but it is how it happens now.

12:18am Bedroom. Enzo and Tyler.
Enzo – there are too many scheming motherf**ker in here. Tyler – too many. We just got rid of sh*t. Enzo – Day I had a lot of fun with you in the beginning but sh*t got f**ked up. Tyler – just like her and her and her. Enzo – she (Dani) f**ked the slick six up. And Day fact checks too much. Let us lie a little bit. You can’t not lie in this game. Tyler – no one can. Enzo – she’s fact checking at 9 in the morning. Its 9:30 in the morning.. I can’t be in an alliance with this girl. Bay did too. You can’t do that. You have to come up with a lie for a lie.

1:30am Lounge room. Day crying in the lounge room talking about this is the end and how she’s a failure… “I just feel so bad because we (BLM) needed this so bad. But David is still here and David is still fighting. I just pray that he can get to his finish line and that his finish line is winning this whole thing. I feel like I failed Bay. I want you guys to know that I tried. I really did! I just hope that it is visible that I tried..

2:30am All the house guests are sleeping..

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216 thoughts to “Kevin “What did you expect him to say?” Day “THE TRUTH! So guess what.. No vote for you F**KER!””

        1. Nicole had absolutely NOTHING to do with Da’Vonne leaving this week. NOTHING! So you’re right, there’s no blood on her hands, just wrong about her getting her out. She actually wanted her to stay, so big failure on Nicole’s part.

    1. Well, in Dani’s defense, maybe she’s hiding the booze from DayDay as who knows what she’s capable of after a few cocktails….Boyz in da Hood Stuff, California Love…….

      1. Ok first off the Boys in the Hood stuff is wrong… Memphis and Christmas are more like to get scary after a few drinks… just ask the girlfriend of Christmas’s baby daddy.

        Day isn’t a big drinker… I don’t recall seeing her Rachel Riley hot mess blitzed ever.

      2. You do realize that you take the bait every time. Whenever someone makes a racial comment…you jump in and attack Shitmas, thus lowering yourself to the same level as the original poster who may or may not have been racist. Be better.

        1. I’m white…and it is still racist and ridiculous to say that about Day…when Christmas has literally shown what she is capable of…(and to the woman, not the man, in the situation).

          1. Oh I agree w/ that Nancy. That was a ridic racist comment about Day. I was more talkin about most of Trey’s postings claiming so and so is racist and it’s more about him wanting that person to be racist.

  1. Day is so bad at this game she makes it annoying to watch. The absolute worst person with information. Not only can she never keep things to herself for more than a minute, she runs off and tells people who do not have her back at all and are self-serving. The fact that she is STILL drinking Dani’s kool-aid shows what a bad player she is and she has no clue what’s going on in the house. At this point I’m happy she’s going just so I don’t have to see this awful game play anymore. 3 seasons now and still awful lol.

    1. I really like Day and I’m sad she’s going (mostly because the majority of the remaining players are just awful human beings)…but I agree with her inability to successfully play this game.

      1. Byeeee day don’t let the door hit ya
        So glad to see her go I haven’t watched for 2 weeks because she gets on my last nerve BLM has NOTHING to do with Bb move on girl

    2. Day’s downfall was caused by her fact checking…as was Baileigh’s. I mean Tyler was only trying to warn them…seems like months ago now… And instead of smartly keeping their eyes peeled and taking heed they run to Dani and ask if it’s true. WTF? How does that help them? It screwed Tyler with Dani..who of course lied to Day and Baileigh and denied it. DUH!!! It’s been heading downward ever since. Another thing about Day is she spends every waking moment with Kevin. Ugh

      1. Yes, perfect example, Bayleigh did the same thing with information from Ian. This “fact checking” shows how bad they are because there’s no logic to it. What do they expect Dani to say? “Oh yeah, I’m gunning for you real hard you gotta be careful”? These are the things that put them in a bad position because not only does the person who tells them the info no longer trust them, the person they “fact check” with realizes that they know too much and have to go.

        1. yeah, it’s all about how you fact check. you try to tease out the information, see if they get hesitant or wishy-washy. tyler for example has a great read on dani by doing exactly this. day? not so much.

      2. My question has always been: was Tyler trying to warn them, or was Tyler trying to weaponize them to go after someone in his alliance, because he couldn’t do it himself due to concerns of screwing his own game.

        The latter has been my thought. It wasn’t some nice guy being nice. He wanted to create distraction. He wanted to aim Dani and Da at each other so that he could stay under cover. The nice guy thing doesn’t fit, Tyler is a calculating type, not a sentiment type.

        Tbh, the fact checking was annoying, but was only a problem because the fact checkers were actually fact checking liars. They were too obvious about their fact checking, and the liars got spooked.

        1. Why can’t it be both? I think Tyler WAS trying to protect Bay and Day, but I also think he saw an opportunity to turn them against Dani, by telling them information that just happened to be true! Did it help his game if they were to go after Dani? Yes, probably so, but the fact he offered to leave the game to protect Bay and Day when things went bad, and he felt his telling them that was the beginning of things going bad, tells me there is some feelings in the guy. The totality of the story just doesn’t mesh with the way you see things, unless you’re one of those people who thinks he was somehow using the “movement” to further his game, which is total bullshit.

          1. The entire wanted to fall on the sword thing? Really? I think the two of us have commented back and forth enough on that subject that you should know darn well I didn’t bring the movement stuff into my assessment.
            Tyler talked about not wanting to go to jury over a week before the entire week in question. I found that to be the salient point to begin my opinion regarding the week Christmas was HOH.
            I believed, and still believe he was trying to walk. Production wouldn’t let him, and the entire divergent week was born. the whole choose your own adventure production sponsored conversations and out of timeline and character events issue that kept happening. This was production. They were trying to come up with a way to edit the issue of Tyler leaving in case they couldn’t talk him out of it. Remember? That was my take on things. The actual conversation with Da and Bay? Irrelevant in my assessment, because it was byproduct of multiple house meetings and feed cuts and d/r calls before and after, all in an attempt to talk Tyler out of leaving or come up with a reasonable storyline if they couldn’t.
            The closest you would ever come to me mentioning the blm part of the conversation as a part of my opinion would have been if I said, ‘IF he used that as game, that would be tacky and gross.’ But I don’t know if I actually said that, out of full understanding that someone would miss the IF part of that statement and run with it.

            1. Well I did say “unless you’re one of those people”, so I didn’t say you did bring the BLM movement in as part of your opinion, just left that open as to possibly being part of the reason why you feel the way you do about him being a “calculating type, not a sentiment type”, as people who feel he did use the movement clearly believe he is a very calculating type person and not sentimental at all. You get that, right?

              Obviously I know how strongly you feel that production controls things, and I’ve come to believe that they do that as well, but I’m not quite as sure about this one, at least as far as story line goes. They surely edited it hard to make it look like Bayleigh never believed him, when we know in the initial conversation that she did. It was only later that she had the thought that maybe he was playing them, but that’s not how it was shown on TV.

              We’ll never know how it actually went down most likely, due to NDA’s, and I think your opinion of Tyler and mine are just different. I see him as a tough competitor who enjoys playing the game, but who is also basically a good guy. I may be dead wrong about that, but I’ve never seen him do anything to prove anything different, and until I do, I’m going to continue thinking that way about him. I don’t think he did anything wrong in this game, other than get a little home sick for his girl, and maybe get a little caught up too emotionally in that and the whole black winner thing. He seems to have recovered nicely from that, so let’s move on to the blood letting that’s sure to come in the next two or three weeks!

          2. You’re right. Tyler was trying to help Day and Bay and he WAS sincere when he spoke with them. Their reaction was genuine then too. Tyler wasn’t out of the room very long before they went right back to trashing him. I believe Tyler got to a point where he just said fuck it and they had to go because they were obviously not going to trust him.

          3. I think it was in reverse. He WAS trying to weaponize the girls and happened to see an opportunity for him to appear to be protective and post-racial.

        2. Yes, Another Name! Well spotted!

          “They were too obvious about their fact checking, and the liars got spooked.”

          And the liars were really vociferous and convincing liars, and it backfired! Well, convincing to them, if they’ve ever watched Dani play they should have known that she’s a shady lying liar – spawn of an evil dick.

        3. Fully agree. Tyler may be a nice person…but in this game…he is ruthless and calculating. Not sayin it’s a bad thing if you’re tryin to win half a mil, it just gets tiring of seeing peeps think of him as poor, sweet, wounded baby bird, lol.

      3. You succinctly summarized what went down, well done! I was pulling for Day – I really wanted her to do well this season, but Bless her Heart, no such luck. Bad choices and too much “fact checking,” too much believing known liars, too much talking, and not watching and evaluating.

    3. Very well said I didnt like her the first time couple years ago shes annoying.
      I cant stand her. Shes lousy at the game and nicole amd dani are too far behind. Kevin and David next week then double evviction goodbye dani and nicole..

    4. Truth!! I was a Day fan and was rooting for her at first, but her inability to see what’s right in n front of her is very annoying, especially when she starts her bitching and crying spells!!! But hey, good luck to ya Day! Haha

  2. Been offline for a few days… Dear Lord, Is it still Memphis HOH week? Every Memphis HOH week feels like it takes a month and a half.

    So Da’vonne knows she’s going, and they’re still continuing with the vote lie? Oh that’s just stupid. At this point, with her knowing she’s going, the game move has moved into the realm of public humiliation. Sure, wait for goodbye messages so she is blindsided, embarrassed and stews in jury. That’s not going to be problematic for every juror that enters thereafter, is it? Does Da’vonne strike anyone as the type that would giggle and say ‘yeah, you got me’? No. She’s the type that will make them all want to leave jury with her constant mouthing off about going over the line (That line being her public image) and what did it get them cus they’re in jury now too. Until she was for sure leaving for jury, It was a game move. Now it isn’t. Now it’s an albatross.

    Counter Argument: Well it exposes the committee. Um, let’s be clear here, the lie must be continued to keep pulling the wool over the eyes of two people (Enzo already knows) who are going to target committee members if they win an HOH anyway. No. That doesn’t wash. At all. Even Enzo is going to target Committee (Nicf and Dani with Xmas renom).
    Kevin would nom Cody and Tyler. David would target Memphis and ? Not Kevin. And a committee member knows about each of those probabilities. That makes the lie thing superfluous at this point.

    While I’m mentioning the Production pushed Alliance, I want to make my stance clear: In only asking members about that one alliance d/r session after d/r session, the production team took an alliance that was dead after week 2 and forced it to remain in existence and become a major story olot point by making every member aware that the rest of their game wasn’t in the storyline. They might as well have had a production house meeting and said ‘hey, you six, you are stuck with each other because you are fulfilling Allison’s masturbatory fantasy of remaking season 16. If you don’t like it, tough, you can’t leave because we own you, you signed the contract. The rest of you? Pretend you didn’t just hear that and never mention it or else.’ In essence it’s in-game rigging to hide the pregame cheating that every single house guest is aware existed (but has been told to disregard… cough, cough: Ian’s about face).

    Is it sad that I find myself low key team fire and team earthquake?
    I’ve read up on what’s happened since i had to take my hiatus (knock on wood the air pressure shift and seasonal allergens are subsiding with the current temperature shift and this isn’t just the eye of the storm), and i’m convinced this season is going to go down in my memory bank as a cross between 16 and 18 for entertainment value. I wasn’t entertained at all by 16, and I’m sure you’re all aware by now exactly what I thought of the on feeds described rigging of 18.

    Side Thought:
    So. What happens if Da’vonne tries to be sneaky, and tells David she believes him, and she’ll go after Nicf for the betrayal if he keeps her? How does Nicf react? Should have come clean and finessed the story, putting it on one of the guys as being the result of intimidation. That would have been plausible. Now? Just more albatrossing.
    Oh. turned on feeds and that’s exactly the plan Da’vonne is thinking about trying? And a wall yeller? With Da and Kevin and Enzo in the yard. Oh.

    1. “masturbatory fantasy” LMAO!!!! :p I think there’s something to be said about being too far deep in a lie, realizing it’s now taken on unintentional cultural/racial tones, makes it super scary to come clean. Cause how do you defend against it? You can try, but it’s almost impossible.

      1. Given that the lie comes from Nicf, and that we’ve watched production attempt to fix her image for over a week (she got close to 35 minutes of crying d/r in the last week’s episodes), I’m not feeling very charitable about the concept of falling too deep into the lie.
        They knew on Thursday how deep the lie has gone into something beyond game. Now that eviction is certain, they are planning to double the injury by blindsiding a juror during eviction messages for something that stopped being game two hours after veto when it was decided that Da’vonne would be evicted.
        For certain, her game has been extremely flawed, and by game alone she deserves eviction. I don’t argue that she deserves to win. Like. At all. However, the entire justification these assclowns have made that it keeps the Production Alliance from being revealed to David and Kevin? Flimsy as hell.

        1. Yea, I agree…it’s all of her own making. I just can empathize because I don’t think Nic intended it to be racial and now it’s totally going to be taken that way. I’m torn between that train of thought, and then having no sympathy because I can’t stand her gameplay this season, lol.

  3. Whoa…it’s 3:15am and I just got in…someone tell me…did the girls hide the wine and drink that too? I read that they hid the 3 beers. I would’ve done it! Maybe I wouldn’t have drank it all at once, but I still would’ve done it. Life’s too short to not have fun. Besides, don’t it go that it’s better to ask for forgiveness than to ask permission? Gibb’s rule #26 or something?…

  4. I mean I know Memphis is a horse’s ass but he has some of the best one-liners…

    Kevin “I just want to spend as much time with her (Day) as possible”
    Memphis “You’re about to spend a month with her”

    Maybe I’m just tired but I thought that was really funny — same as when Nic was whining about losing Ian & he told her “we can send you to jury next if you want”.

    Granted, he’s arrogant but if I was in the house I’d roar laughing if I was in the room when he said these things.

  5. These people really are selfish, hiding booze? How old are they? Why shouldn’t Day and Kevin want to spend time together? They trust each other and no one else. Memphis is a racist, Tyler and Nicole are phony’s, Christmas is just psychotic! (She repeatedly drove her car into another woman’s car) NUTS!!

    1. I agree hiding the booze is selfish. Production shouldn’t allow that to happen. Also agree Day and Kevin should want to spend time together but game wise I agree with Memphis 100%. Every season house guests foolishly do this. It’s a bad game move to isolate your sled with the person you’re on the black with. Memphis May be the biggest douche bag out there but is not a racist. You can’t say someone is a racist under the assumption he said the N word. Christmas is a little nuts yes but psychotic no. One bad thing doesn’t make her a psycho. I agree what she did was bad but doesn’t label her a psycho for life. Your like Davonne, a bad read on everyone.

      1. So if a person lies once, by your definition, they will never lie again? If a person kills once, by your definition, should not be labeled as a killer for life?
        I’m confused by your definition, but yes she is a psycho by what she did and doesn’t clear her of future actions. Its as they say “start of a pattern”. No normal sane person would even attempt, or do what the psycho did. I couldn’t trust her ever.

        1. Many people have done something psycho in their life…but they are not actually psycho. I don’t care for Shitmas and I think she’s nasty to people, but not psychotic. As for Memphis…CBS says no racial word was uttered by Memphis.

        2. Everyone lies. Can you really think of a person that has never lied? Christmas was pregnant and cheated on. Hormones and betrayal can cause a normal person to do things they never would have normally done. But yes, a killer will probably kill again.

          1. You love this, but you think Christmas is a pyscho? If what Chrismas did makes her a pyscho, so does driving someone else’s car into a swimming pool. It’s the same damn thing!

  6. Day is a disappointment is so many ways. I really thought she was aware of the realities of life. But it seems once she got in the house, then the reality left her. Even more disappointing, is for her to refer to David as “Uncle Tom” . In actuality she is portraying herself as this by running around spilling things told to her from one person to another. Once she is voted out , maybe then reality will set in— she did not matter to others like Dani, Nicole and was only being used to do the dirty work and portray the angry black woman — she was a means to an end. And Memphis is a poor excuse for her a human being, callous and a bigot

          1. People of color can’t be racist because racism come from a power dynamic. People of color do not hold a position of power so you can call them prejudice but you can’t call them racist. Check the history and root on racism.

        1. Cody, Memphis. Tyler, Enzo, Nic, and Dani MAY be racist as all heck, who knows. But based on what we KNOW…they did not form an alliance to further/protect their race. Period. I never thought of Day/Bay as racist and am still not convinced they are. But some of the comments they’ve made this season are pushing the envelope, imo.

  7. are the feeds still down to punish us for the wall yeller or did the wall yeller cause choas, a fight, or worse?? I cant imagine them keeping them down all day but its been all night so who knows!!

    1. Thoughts
      A) filming the BB neighbor segment
      B) Pandora’s box
      C) wall yeller
      D) drain is plugged and needed extensive repairs
      E) Derrick had to come in and have a group meeting with his alliance.
      F) Someone quit
      G) major fight broke out
      H) Grod punishes the few fans that are still watching
      I) someone has COVID

      1. J. All of the above. There , helped you out Simon, your welcome. And by the way, the thumbs down key on my computer broke this morning. It was the damnedest thing.

      2. I’d guess the neighbor segment and we probably won’t get feeds back until after the eviction… ughhh another freaking thing they won’t show on the feeds.

      1. It’s all stars, the feeds go down so our brains can process the incredible gameplay…or if someone’s playing a drinking game involving the cast’s stupidity to give time for the liver to breathe. They may have created a monster though if someone starts playing a drinking game for every time the feeds go down…

  8. are sccccole and enzo having an alcohol problem they would like share…
    or they forgot they are too old to be acting lie little kids

    Selfishhhh – I am so f**king confused .. I just don’t understand why this season.. I am beside myself. I don’t understand why when two people are on the block together they’re inseparable. >>>> yeah I don’t understand why someone would mock Ian autism hate david cause the color of his skin and why would someone carry Dan’s vendetta against ian? yeah the same dan who beat you at the game and got the winning prize while you got nothing

    1. Who says he hates David cause of the color of his skin? Quit it w/ the race-baiting, it might lend legitimacy to your other theories.

      1. Have you seen the way he talks to David and other black players? Im not blind and we can see memphis has so issues with people of color

        1. Ok buddy…sounds like someone who may have experienced racism in the past and sees a white person w/ a Southern accent as racist.

          1. Now you are stereotyping black people. Southern accents are not a criteria for being labeled a racist. Is this Dan? Or are you a friend or family member to Memphis. You protest for him way too much

            1. Lol. Firstly, I never said “black people.” What else do you say about someone who repeatedly calls diff white people racist, when there is no evidence of such?

  9. First time commenting ever but I have to rant.. This is the first time I’ve ever had the feeds but it’s probably the worst year to have gotten them!! Every single time I try to watch it’s puppies or stars. Why are they doing this to the loyal viewers, it’s so annoying!!

    1. Well, this is “All Stars” so of course they have to break away from a horrid season to show “all stars”. This years finalist will be :”puppies or stars”. Only paid viewers will be allowed to vote, and the viewers that stay paid till the end, will be given one of the free puppies or a star of their choice (transportation not included).

  10. When is the neighbor twist happening? They acted like it was happening this week but nothing. I must’ve missed something.

    1. Once an ass, always an ass. She should have gone 4 weeks ago. Never ever cared for her character or her disingenuous ministry farce. Karma is gonna be busy.

  11. I’m going to miss Da’vonne on the feeds… she is game clueless but she is my favorite to watch on the feeds… Christmas and Memphis are probably the ones I dislike the most. Cody is only pretty to look at. Nicole is annoying. Dani is not as fun as she used to be. I’m not an Enzo fan. Kevin is like watching Nicole… Then there is David I don’t dislike him but damn… that dude is awkward and boring. I am left with Tyler who is probably the only one I like after Day is gone.

    1. Good has good lots but inside he is ugly and I would say uglier than his brother paulie. Paulie was a d…. but he was not fake and he would show his true personality.

      1. I like Paulie more than Cody too. I don’t think Cody is mean spirited as much as he is cowardly. He makes game moves but doesn’t have the balls to look people in the eye when he screws them over… he acts like he is going go off and that he is angry… but he is too cowardly to do it.

        He is like Enzo the Meow Meow is a Puss Puss and Zuko is Sucko when it comes to confrontation.

  12. I think CBS owes All Access subscribers a refund. All the blocking this year is unfair and not as advertised. Stop the CYA and show the feeds. Rant over.

    1. I was thinking the same thing… I DON’T have it, I get my fix from reading the updates of what other people watch on the feeds, so it sux but it is what it is – but if I was PAYING!? Aw hell nah! >:(

  13. So Day annoys me in many ways but the worst way is when she is talking to Julie Chen and says “Hi Julie guuuurl” Ugh. While some people may think it’s cute it makes me cringe.

    1. I love when Day does that haha. I guess to each their own. Nothing is worse than Coinslots though: *sits in chair and sighs, acting all flustered* “hii Julie”

  14. Assumption:
    “wall yeller” caused the usual wall yeller production issue, with the meagre booze heightening the response, and making it more difficult for production to wrangle.
    They sent them to bed. This morning the new neighbor made their presence known from the balcony in the backyard to keep the bubble partially intact. Doubtful that it will be anything season changing, rather just a cameo full of ego stroking and double entendre.
    Feeds should return after the veto episode..
    Or hey, piss on the feed viewers. The houseguests don’t like them anyway. The number of discussions about smallstars hating the fanbase unless they can make a direct profit has pretty much soured me to many of these little a$$holes.

  15. Warning – long post – avoid if you dislike long reads.
    TPTB = The Powers that Be

    LieGate vs. Production:

    Last night I had a post written on ‘Lie-Gate” but Another Name covered many similar thoughts so I’ve re-drafted to drop some additional thoughts here.

    I agree this has the potential to get caustic. If the lie gets outed prior to eviction it could impact the vote (read: Day freaks out on Nic) but even then it’s unlikely she stays b/c her exploding would reinforce with the guys/Xmas why she needs to go.

    Megaphone has little impact:

    Kevin isn’t pushing Day on getting to the truth anymore (now that he knows he’s staying), agreeing it was David’s vote. The brief segue away from that thinking for Kev no doubt had to do with his favorite information source (wall yeller). And, Enzo’s comments to Ty also suggest the megaphone message was tied to the lie “we must look like bullies – & I’m not putting him up (David)”.

    Don’t expect Ssscole to change:

    Nic saying “I feel so bad about the lie but I don’t want to out the Committee” is nonsense. Ty owned his overplay w/o exposing the Committee – Nic could too. She doesn’t want to b/c Day would blow up how sneaky Nic has been to her allies, and Nic would be in trouble regardless of who was evicted:
    1) Day stays & guns for her
    2) Day leaves & Kev/David gun for her
    3) regardless – everyone BUT Dani/Cody gun for her b/c they see her for the snake she is.

    Does anyone truly buy that Nic would stand up in the middle of Day’s eviction speech if she calls out David or Ty in a derogatory way? I’m not confident she would — rather she would wait until Day left, cry & play victim & whine how it’s just a game & how she couldn’t say anything w/o it hurting her allies — BULL — it’s about protecting herself & keeping Kevin focused on Ty.

    Dani eager to shift spotlight off herself:

    When Day suggested to Dani what if she “pretends to believe David” – Dani did NOTHING to talk her out of it. Why? Because Dani is accurately feeling the shift in how Cody & others are treating her since her HOH. Shifting the focus on anyone but her is desirable. Nic of course isn’t happy with Dani for not shutting down this mission as she correctly sees how this could blow up on her.

    Even though Day’s game play comes off as dyslexic (read: attack my friends, help my enemies) and Kevin has his crazy bi-polar reads it sure feels like this is production driven. It’s implausible Kev/Day had Cody/Dani/Nic lined up for nomination pre HOH & suddenly want to align with them as allies or this theory of Dani/Nic being on the outs of the “guys alliance”. The main evidence is Xmas telling Day she’s leaving – WHY would she know & not Cody’s closer allies (N/D)?

    Plot line – Ty target in order to protect pre-game F3 Nic/Dani?:

    Also the Acting Coach Day going so hard on Ty also makes little sense. Her anger over Ty not telling her anything this week is ridiculous – I mean what did she expect? He previously told her the truth, offered an alliance lifeline, offered his game & she buried him & put a bigger target on his back so why the heck would he ever want to work with her again?

    She EXPECTS him to tell her the truth now? Say what? Why isn’t she demanding that same courtesy from ANYONE ELSE? Why not from the guy who put her on the block? Why doesn’t she need to know why Memphis said he told everyone to throw it while Dani/Nic told her he said to gun for it? WHY is Nicole so trustworthy given their previous experience? WHY is Tyler the only one she has expectations of? Even with David it’s more a situation of her being annoyed by his game play.

    Seriously I want to know the answer to that question b/c it’s such a different standard she has for Tyler over everyone else. Ty continues to be the target of so many of these small stars — but HELLO each of Dani, Memphis and Cody also won second place money while Nic took top prize so I’m baffled why he’s being held to a different standard. Dani/Nic aren’t necessarily tied to Memphis so why isn’t he under the same scrutiny?

    In essence what she blamed Ty for is how she’s going to end up viewing Nic’s lie & Dani’s role in it b/c it did pit her against David & isn’t a great look for her. It does seem like Day’s preference ABOVE EVERYTHING is for a female to win (or a POC – but her lack of trust with David & not filling in Kevin fully reinforces females as her priority).

    The other VERY interesting tidbit from last night was Dani telling Nic she gave in to Cody on this (he wants Day to go) BUT then he has to do what they (Nic/her) want next READ: take out Ty for Dani. So if the love triangle is what Grodner has ordained presumably Cody plays along OR if we believe his comments to Enzo he’s more annoyed by the drama created by Dani pushing her agenda.

    Actions in place to organically make Dani/Nic targets:

    While Day keeps pushing Ty target to Kevin/(& by association David) the truth is Tyler winning POV is what is saving them both this week! If there’s anyone they should want to work/align with it should be Ty NOT THE GIRL WHO JUST NOMINATED THEM BOTH LAST WEEK!

    Elsewhere, Xmas is working overtime on shining a spotlight on Dani/Nic. She told Day before Dani could that she’s leaving & is convincing Nic to wait & tell Day about the lie in her GBM. The play here is Xmas already told David she knows he voted out Ty & will tell Day in her GBM (feels like a setup to target Dani/Nic).

    Ultimately Grodner decides plot:

    At this point it seems each of Ty, Xmas, Dani & Nic are all planning on telling Day “truths” in their GBMs. Who TPTB elect to show will also provide insight on how they want the plot to proceed. Here’s hoping Ty’s GBM does get played. Regardless she’ll find out in jury b/c Ian will confirm everything.

    Bottom line, we got to this place with “lie-gate” bc last week Dani pushed her agenda (evict Ty), then Nic pushed hers (keep Ian). But once the dust settled their meat shield/Grodner Golden Goose halted their plans tapping Ian as the next to go. While Dani is priding herself on this wicked elaborate plan to blame David for the vote Nic is just beginning to realize how it looks & how it is going to play outside the BB bubble.

    With feeds down over 14 hours presumably the “neighbor” is in play. When feeds return if there is an abrupt shift to keep Day we’ll know TPTB have delivered new scripts. Grodner’s history hasn’t proven to be effected by how fans feel but one would hope she’ll recognize continuing to push a story line of Day calling David derogatory names or adding fuel to her fav female hamster (Nic) and/or Ty getting painted a certain way isn’t the type of focus BB needs.

  16. LOL at the “What did you expect him to say?”….The truth!!! sure so you can go tell everyone and blow his game up more

  17. Why are the FEEDS down the back yard is lock down the house guest are in side don’t get it WHY NO FEEDS . PAYING FOR NO FEEDS

    1. it’s punitive so that feed watchers take to social media to complain about wall yellers that are reacting to a season filled with rigging. The longer they keep feeds off, the more people will be saying don’t yell over the wall instead of saying don’t rig a season.

    2. If anyone really misses the FEEDS, take your lawn chair and place it in the middle of your lawn and watch your grass grow. It will be more interesting then this season of so many down time, increase in “Diary Room” sessions were players are reminded to follow the scripts.
      Can anyone explain what else “Diary Room” sessions are for, except to remind scripted players what to do and say?? I miss the original first 10 seasons when it seemed more real and less interference with the producers (less Diary room sessions).

          1. yeah, a good zing would have been something along the lines of “nicole, everyone knows you love makeup, but not as much as makeup companies love spokespeople who don’t bully people with autism.”

            1. Considering what they could have said about Christmas, her zing was downright charming. I mean… being locked in a house with a felon in a violent crime… and she’s the one saying she’s going to be physically harmed by others but only certain ones? that could have been zinged up.
              As far as nicf? should have just said couple tries couple guys, and now without makeup and been done with it.

        1. rAgreed.

          Zing bot used to shake up the house. Remember the Christine/Cody zing in their season? It caused all kinds of conflict.

          But they wouldn’t dare bring up that stuff now because these are “All-Stars”

          My problem is okay so you don’t want to be mean to the cast but at least be funny. They were neither.

          1. at least call out something specific. saying cody is dumb, dani is old, nicole is whiny. how about pointing out that da’vonne has spent less time in the house in three times than every player but david on his second time? that xmas has won more competitions that have been thrown to her than on her own merit? there’s so much to go after and zingbot just took jokes you could swap in any name and it’d still work for the most part.

            the christine/cody zing was epic. and ever since i’ve been so disappointed in zingbot.

            1. Yup. Also on that season they did one that sounded like it was for Frankie but was for Zach & quite funny.

              They just don’t seem to put the same effort in that they used to. Like ask the fans if you can’t find good writers. You know?

            2. Realistically, didn’t anyone else find Cody’s zing to be the most game friendly of the bunch? oh he’s stupid, he isn’t overplaying from day one, he wouldn’t even know how to, so don’t target him.

              1. Yeah his zing was helping him- oh ‘he’s stupid” we don’t have to worry about him.

                In fact I found all the zings weren’t game related except Tyler’s zing which implied he’s a liar.

                Dani (old) and Nic (annoying voice), Xmas (b*tch), Memphis (ass), David (rookie), Kevin (boring) and Day (loser).

                Not one of those zings had a direct game impact or leave behind other than Ty’s you know?

  18. If the feeds are down for the day with no announcement, it better be for something good. I sent an email through the CBS app saying “What is the point of paying for live feeds if they are constantly down”

  19. The puppy pics say “The Big Brother Houseguests are shooting something.” What? Their feet? Their reputations? Their self-respect? Or, in the case of Christmas, steroids?

  20. Tyler is persuasive and convinces Memphis that not using the Veto is the best path forward. This is why Tyler is a dangerous player in this game. He wins comps and often persuades people his way.

  21. i love that cody’s “zing” called him dumb so he can continue to be underestimated and overlooked. oh wait, did i say love? i meant hate. hate hate hate it.

  22. I just wanna say….I was so happy to see Enzo! And he’s actually winning comps and playing an amazing game. Of course his social game is great and I’m sure envied by most of these lousy wannabes. The crying and stupid, caddy and immature bickering is all in the background cuz Enzo has come up in the house like a BEAST!
    G O E N Z O G O! Love a great sense of humor!!

    1. A fight between people still in the game? I could see that but a positive covid doesn’t make sense both them and production are in bubbles and have no interaction with anyone.

      1. production workers don’t exactly live in the bubble. Considering Studio City has had issues since reopening (mostly in the offices), it’s not impossible for an asymptomatic production worker to slip through the cracks.
        However, we know now there wasn’t a cast positive.

  23. cbs has released a tweet saying feeds will resume at 10pm pacific time.

    meh. the entire season recap episode is going to be stars and adoptapets anyway.

  24. So Tyler “won” an individual times comp where the producers can just pick who the winner is. Shocking. But not really. The favoritism they have towards that guy is ridiculous.

  25. Day is too emotional.. It’s best she go. Unfortunately she leaves during the time Breonna Taylor’s murders got off. I wouldn’t be surprised if Big Brother steps in and save her.. She is a bad player but this year it seems like they are targeting minorities.

    1. “Breonna Taylor’s murders got off”

      You mean the officer got cleared of the charges?

      “this year it seems like they are targeting minorities”

      I hear this race baiting bullshit every season now. They suck at the game, that’s why they’re targeted.

      1. Breanna Taylor’s boyfriend shot an officer while they were serving a no knock warrant where they still knocked and identified themselves…. then the officers fired back and she caught the cross fire. Tragic but she and her boyfriend were drug dealers and involved in some crazy shit. She wasn’t an emt at the time either, she got fired in 2017. The media will ignore all the facts tho to divide us

  26. Like him or hate him, Tyler is playing a good game. Sneaky little bastard. Dani or David need to win HOH. Anything else is status quo.

  27. It looks like they are NOT doing a live eviction tomorrow… Da’Vonne is probably in jury unless some bizarre twist saved her. They probably are doing the second eviction tomorrow followed by an HoH.

    CBS owes me money and all the other live feeders. It is a rip off. There is no reason to do a over 24 hour blackout unless something major happened. Like Da’Vonee was saved and they booted Memphis or Christmas out of the BB House and they are trying to formulate the spin… otherwise… it is bullcarp and they can fork off. There is no excuse for this.

    1. Why do you say they’re not doing a live eviction tomorrow?

      Funny, I was just writing a post about the past 24 hours and feeds down.
      i put my bet on dayvonne getting a box, or special message from a neighbor, and it took her 24 hours to ‘win’ the comp so she gets to stay…..

  28. So
    feeds return to hg’s knowing feeds were down for practically a day.
    Instead of game talk and waffles, we get charades and nicf peeing with her mic on.
    Man, Grod really is a petty loathsome toad of a woman.

  29. The feeds being down for nearly 24 hours probably means the’ neighbor’ moves in…

    And what do yo wanna bet the ‘neighbor’ has been doing some sneaky things to them, like yelling over the wall to cause mayhem…..

  30. And another thing,

    Isn’t it ironic that at 10:00 After feeds were down for literally nearly 24 hours, they’re all sitting in the living room playing Charades? Yeah Right….
    I call Bullshit on that.

    Cant wait to see how they saved Day.

    1. Da isn’t saved.
      The wall yeller revealed Nicf’s secret.
      Da has been gone since two hours after the veto was won (or if you believe my theory, gone since thurs. night after hoh when dani and nicf had that odd crying conversation about not intending Da to take the fall, that smelled too much like production notes had been given to them and they were feeling bad about what was going to happen for the week).

      Nicf and Da have not been seen in a room alone together since feeds came back on.
      Nicf now distrusts Kevin again (mostly because Cody wants Kevin gone with a side of can’t trust Kevin because he knows Nicf lied).

      Q: Would Grod keep feeds off for an entire day so that Da confronting Nicf on her lie wouldn’t affect Nicf’s image? Grod just spent a week of episodes making Nicf look repentant and crying over Ian for the sake of image so….

      Da is in the bedroom with Kevin saying Nicf’s conscience is eating her soul over what she did, and Da doesn’t owe her a thing. Only thing that saves Da won’t happen. There is no way that Enzo and David and Dani and Christmas get into a room and say that Da is better for them than Kevin. That group? Won’t happen and they don’t actually meet to talk organically, and don’t have the impetus to come to that conclusion. That conclusion now that the lie has been exposed is actually true. Kevin is one bad read away from comatose, whereas Da’vonne’s idiocy comes from getting cold pricklies instead of warm fuzzies from hg interactions.

      The neigbhor moving in was never to help Da’vonne. It’s that point in the game where the big alliance cannibalizes itself, and Grod has to make sure her chosen ones are protected. That’s what the neighbor and the secret power to be revealed are there for. An extra padded boost to help Grod’s chosen ones (whether they are in danger or not) in order to attempt to induce fan support for preseason cheaters.

  31. I’ve been wanting something like a funeral speech, diamond power of veto or pandora box….please tell me the feeds are insignificantly down because there’s a game fixing in the mix….I mean a game twist!

  32. Will someone moving next door have an impact on the eviction. I really want day to leave. I don’t care what color you are. If you are purple black white or pink if you do not play the game you are going to be evicted unless someone is using you as a shield. If you cannot separate friendship from game play then this is not the game for you at all.

  33. I’m getting pulled back into the office today. Expect sparser than normal 8am-3pm updates Monday to Thursday.
    Friday to Sunday updates will be 24hour.

  34. I just “can’t” with these people. Kaysar and Janelle LITERALLY told you that voting unanimously wasn’t going to cut it…told you who (except that they missed Memphis) were in alliances….told you that you would always be the bottom of any alliance from the other side…and even if you couldn’t win competitions – you could still go out fighting. This new way of playing is ridiculous. (and then whining because you are getting booted is equally ridiculous).. At one time, the “outcasts” had the numbers or close to it….instead, just keep voting with the rest of your group against yourselves. pathetic.

    1. The problem is they never knew who the “outcasts” were. They were talking to the wrong people (i.e. Christmas and Memphis). I think that was their problem from the beginning. Everything they said about joining together was getting back to Tyler, Cody, Dani, and Nicole. They were doomed from the get-go.

    2. That really is the problem. If the vote is unanimous you should be worried unless you’re aware of every side deal that got it to unanimous. The slick six minus day and bay were in that position, day and bay should be “uh what? We should have a majority not unanimity. Some one’s talking that we should know about to have gotten that unanimity.” Instead they don’t see the red flag and can’t make adjustments to their game til it’s too late.

      And that forcing a tie also should have been a red flag. Why would Dani want a tie? You force a tie when the hoh is not in on it. If the hoh is in on it, you try to get to 5-3 to not expose her. Why didn’t they go to Enzo, Xmas, Cody, and/or Memphis and say “we have the votes?” They kept silent for Nicole and Dani, another obvious red flag better players would pick up on

  35. Da’vonne would have gone at this point even if she played a perfect social game. If they had evicted David instead of Nicole A she wouldn’t have been in jury. Her number would have come up sooner. She never had the numbers or a group to win HoHs to save her. The alliances she would have thought she was in were all liars. The entire house has been messy. They think they are keeping a secret… when they evicted Ian and saved Tyler… do the math… if David wasn’t foolish he would know Day, Kevin, and himself were the only ones who voted to evict Tyler…. they were played. There biggest game problem has been They don’t win comps.

    Honestly, this Season was done week one.

    1. If David wasn’t foolish? Is that a typo? Surely you meant to type Da’Vonne’s name there and not David’s as she is the ONLY one of the three who believes now that it wasn’t Nicole who flipped.

    2. day just needed to listen to janelle from the start. rally janelle, kaysar, keesha, nicola, kevin, bay, david, ian, and day into a counter alliance and they have over half of the house that just needs to win an hoh, sure they lose a number week 1, but they’d still have a majority and have a real shot in that comp that xmas won had they not been shooting at each other.

  36. Day wants David to win just because they have the same… It is obvious he doesn’t deserve that as a player.
    That is sh*t. She would not pray for her friend Kevin to win ! But for David.. only because.. that’s racict.. she is actually the most racict person in the house

    1. I’ve been saying this all along. She is the worst when it comes to racism.She flat out said she couldn’t vote against David because they have the same…

    2. “she is actually the most racict person in the house”

      Probably on par with Aaryn Gries if not more, but unlike Aaryn, Day is not going to get Julie’s nor the “cancel mob’s” wrath, and she’s well shielded by CBS.

  37. Lots of banter this morning:

    Dani & Cody in storage room (quickly went to stars) BUT Dani tells him Day knows Nic is lying. Based on that conversation the 22 hour shutdown couldn’t have been b/c of a fight between Day & Nic — (if it was Dani wouldn’t need to tell Cody that especially b/c they switched to stars right away).

    I can’t remember who from feeds last night but I think it was Xmas asking Cody how Tyler was doing after that…. (feeds went to stars) which leads me to believe if there was a fight — Day blew up on Tyler. That would also explain why Day is still pushing for Tyler to be the target to Kevin instead of Nic (or Dani). AND that Dani is feeding this to Day so she’ll feed it to Kevin. It also might explain why Enzo is back to working so closely with Ty again b/c he likely now sees how Dani used the entire situation to paint a target on Ty & would do the same to Cody/him.

    Remember – Enzo/Cody were also in on the conversation about Dani being everywhere & know what Tyler told Day/Bay was true. But Tyler never threw them UTB. Each of Ty, Enzo & Xmas all want Dani out & the guys also want Nic out. Enzo told Tyler last night that the love triangle are friends & came in with a pre-game alliance so the ladies had to go. Of course this also works to Enzo’s benefit but still at least he’s gaming now.

    After storage room Cody chat Dani goes to Memphis & tells him about her power & that she can use it on him if he wants. Interesting b/c she was saying no to Nic last night so Cody influenced her.

    Lots to take away from this b/c she tells Memphis she told Day she had the power so she wouldn’t use the POV & had her convinced until Kevin said he wouldn’t vote for her if she didn’t use it. She tells Memphis if he does want her to use it Kevin will know they are working together. Even more interesting is she tells Memphis if they don’t use it & Kevin wins he won’t put her up (THAT IS VERY TELLING INTEL TO SHARE).

    This will partially back fire on Dani for not sharing this info prior & its going to make her look even shadier for not telling her alliance she had it when she was so close to Day & trying to get Tyler out. Not telling him at the start of the week is also suspect – only NOW that she’s scared of going on the block is she telling Memphis which surely even he will see through. Won’t he? (I think — I mean it’s Memphis but…)

    Man – – I’m really, really hoping Xmas tells Day that it was Dani’s idea to pin the vote on David b/c at the moment Day is pushing Kevin to put up Cody/Tyler with Enzo as the replacement.

    I want Nicole and ideally Dani gone too b/c she’s stooped to levels beyond necessary in the game. Surely there was a way to paint something on Ian without the necessity to add more damage to an already fragile relationship between Day & David.

    Meanwhile — Enzo & David chat: Enzo confirms if he or Tyler win David is safe & that he wants him in the house. Surely, Ty has also filled him in that Memphis wanted to back door him & that’s why he gunned for POV. Uncharacteristically, David is also sharing intel with Enzo (maybe the fact Tyler protected him by winning/not using POV) finally has David feeling that he truly has friends/allies in the game and b/c of that feels freer to game talk.

    David tells Enzo that Day asked him “if I can get three votes will you vote for me” and he said initially he told her yes & if she could trust him he could get her to stay. He notes she can get Dani/Nic to vote for her but after the POV he is done trying to hep her. He also said she got tricked by Dani/Nic & questioned how she fell for that to believe he was working against her the whole season & that it took someone from outside to make her see the truth & for her to say “I’m sorry”(finally verification of wall yeller).

    THIS isn’t a small tidbit from David to expose. If Enzo (or maybe I should say WHEN Enzo) tells Cody this information it will work to the detriment of Dani at a minimum and likely also Nicole.

    1. It is with great joy that I will watch Day leave the house tonight. They probably will have a slot for her on The Bad Girls Club where she belongs.

    2. Stellar post, as always, McTeamy. *wink* (I have your links found & saved now too). Here’s a couple lil add’l veryyy interesting morsels I picked up on late last night:

      • A very meek Nic to Da’: Should we talk about you know… *long pause* the (just above a whisper) reset? Da’: HELL NO! Not goin’ anywhere near that. Feed flip.
      • Enzo, Tyler & David while in their beds just chatting away and Enzo apologizing to America because he keeps saying “muthafucker” too much and promising to work on it (lol). Enzo thinks out loud. A lot. He blurted “Sooo a triple, huh? A triple dipple. A triple dog dare yo! Yo! (Many yoz. Of course, it’s Enzo)
      • Their body language and behavior… all of them, upon feed restart ’til bed, was very telling that they’ve all been “shook.” My logic and intuition says these are VERY BIG tells that “expect the unexpected” went to a much higher level, both ways.

      I highly doubt BB will ever start a season live like they did ever, ever, again. Oh and Enzo again gave me the hardest belly laugh o’ my day AGAIN by peeling the paint off the walls with whatever died inside of him and Dani having to sleep next to his innocently rotten, (what are they feeding him?!), constantly blowin’ gut butt. Turns out instant Karma reallyyy stinks. Ha.

          1. Btw – Evel Dick tweeted today that Derrick contacted Bayleigh & Dan contacted Janelle and implied both were dicks (no pun intended) as they were only contacted to be set up for Cody/Memphis bottom of the totem pole evictees (although Dick didn’t say Memphis — just Cody).

            I think it was in response to someone trolling either Bay or Jani’s game play. Dick has always loved Janelle so that isn’t surprising.

        1. Also the final part of the HoH had an issue where Cody as the second player running was able to see the unstable platforms still shaking but after Cody went Julie made the rest stay behind the wall until they stopped moving. There was almost no chance anyone else was going to beat Cody’s time. A recorded challenge would have allowed them to reset the platform and rerun it.

          It created additional drama with the pregame alliances being exposed and he benefitted greatly from them. I don’t think Julie was trying to give Cody an advantage but she didn’t seem to have an alternative when she goofed and he got a huge advantage.

      1. Hey there 😉

        The other GREAT Enzo moment was with Cody/Tyler sharing that little bed Enzo said “Yo, you went from Tangela to Mangela” LMAO

  38. I find it funny – and a bit sad – that Day managed to convince herself that the BLM movement, which is mainly trying to end rampant racism and police brutality on people of color, actually cares what happens on a dumb reality show full of a bunch of idiots wanting nothing more than to be celebrities. Let’s make no bones about it, Day is on this show to be a celebrity; not to spread a message, not to teach a lesson, and not to touch our lives. That is why she went on The Challenge multiple times. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with wanting to be a celebrity, but let’s not kid ourselves. A black person winning Big Brother won’t do anything for BLM.

  39. Okay.
    I always appreciate someone who campaigns until the bitter end,
    even if I don’t like the hg: even if I don’t think the hg can win.
    I appreciate the effort to stay more than sitting by the door, waiting to leave.

    This season the hg’s seem to have a derisive opinion when it comes to campaigning. I chalk this up to single mindedness in regard to game, which is fine.. well boring as hell but strategically fine.

    So today Da’vonne is still campaigning. I doubt a campaign to Xmas actually works, but the effort gets a checkmark. Yeah, it’s most likely because they don’t have enough campaign footage due to the day that shall not be mentioned due to blackout… but still.

    What I’m Seeing Today:
    So Dani is using her “shitty power” on Memphis. I wonder how that will be twisted into the narrative. Dani is, at this moment, my choice for most endangered when it comes to the next target. Cody has begun to spread the lie that Dani stayed up with Da until 4am talking. That’s not something that happened. Da and Kevin plotted. Dani and Nicf schemed. Cody and Xmas sat in bed chatting. Enzo farted a lot in another bedroom. Dani sat in the bathroom doing what she did when she was HOH: sitting alone silently plotting. There was no chat until 4am thing happening. The targeting is getting more brazen.
    David is, I believe, attempting to combat any leverage Da’vonne may make. He’s gone to Christmas after Da’vonne left, he believes Da is telling everyone she has 3 votes and they’d be her fourth. Da and Kev are comparing notes about the vote. Da says she can’t get David’s vote so she’s dead in the water. Nicf and Xmas are talking about evil Dani. Yeah, the two most likely to want to be last woman surrounded by multiple penises are conspiring against the only other woman that will be in the house. I’m shocked beyond measure.

  40. I am really rooting for Dani. Out of the people left she is the only one playing a fun game. The rest of the house is a snooze with the whole group mentality/flow. The last thing we need is more Nicole and xmas in the house with their whole “I am loyal, I vote with the house thing” zzzzzzzzzz


    The feeds were down for a day in order to cover for Christmas going AWOL and purge-style hunting down Zingbot for her zing. RIP zingbot… who knows how the SUV grill marks ended up embedded in his chestplate.

  42. Between feeds & some social media updates … a bit of tea

    Of note: a few of these updates are courtesy of social media including some that come from people who apparently work behind the scenes. I can’t guarantee their veracity BUT I will say they’ve been spot on all season so figured I’d add them.

    The big news was apparently Day DID confront Nicole. There was also the verification of the points I posted this AM (Tyler/Enzo after Dani/Nic). This is the tweet from someone behind the scenes which contrasts what happened this AM (Dani/Cody talk) … BUT that could easily have been TPTB saying we need you to have this chat so we can add it to tonight’s show.

    Interesting (and not surprising) is Nic seems to have turned on Dani. This is likely b/c Nic is taking all the heat for the Ian vote & Dani is feigning ignorance so of course Nic isn’t happy. In convo with Xmas, Nic says Dani is coming after her uses “adamantly” about getting Xmas out. Nic also chats with Cody who told her Dani woke him up this morning “pissed, b/c she is playing this game to help everyone else win” (LMAO) She filled in Cody about D/N convo with Nic asking her to use the power (which is seems she did b/c after telling Memphis she asked to be called to DR & was immediately). Once again as the convo neared discussion on the wall yeller we went to stars.

    Xmas also noted Dani has been tense, acting weird , giving her side glances … Nic confirmed it’s b/c she’s worried someone will tell Day about her involvement (um – she created the plan) & after Xmas say no Nic says not like I’d care if you did (LMAO). So yeah, the BFFs are not jiving atm. Still later, Tyler checks on Dani who is in bed with covers over her head but I couldn’t hear what she said if she responded at all.

    Day spoke to Xmas asking her if she’d vote for her – says she has 3 votes already. Xmas was smart & said can you tell me who. Day said well you can guess who two of them are (Dani/Nic) I’ve had one all week (Dani) and confirmed the other this AM (Nic) but I need to check on the 3rd (David) if I confirm that one do I have your vote? Xmas doesn’t say yes or no – just ask for receipts.

    Xmas then talks politely continues to throw D/N under bus with David & later Day tells Kevin she doesn’t have the 4 she needs b/c David won’t confirm. Just prior to this convo David confirms with Kev he’s got his vote & starts to talk to live feeders to explain why he would vote against another African American player — this is rooted in the hits he took last season for not working with Kemi. David is covering his bases even though he doesn’t need to – b/c live feeders/social media KNOW Day hasn’t exactly made it easy either & didn’t believe him on the vote until the wall yeller. Just as he got to the part where he was going to explain why of course the feeds went to STARS

    Dani/Nic will likely get out of voting for Day since she can’t get the votes but after what’s happened it’s doubtful Nic would’ve kept her anyway & Xmas was NEVER going to keep her.

    Still here on my island hoping someone … anyone … tells Day that it was Dani’s idea to pin the vote on David. Either that OR I hope Kev/David don’t take Day’s advice to target Tyler primarily (Cody/Enzo second) & protect Dani/Nic (UGH).

    Moving forward:

    Day will be evicted & I’m not sure anyone will vote for her. Dani might throw her a vote & try to pin it on David (but NO ONE in the house would believe that — so she’s better going with the herd).

    Dani will use power & Memphis will play in HOH & he speculated it’s slip n slide (favors Ty, Cody, Dani maybe Kev). Here’s hoping that bit of intel is announced by TPTB BEFORE Day is evicted so she can whisper to Kev on her way out the door – Dani is the RAT.

    In the most danger:

    • Kevin (but this time for real)
    • Dani – if Ty/Enzo/Christmas win
    • Tyler – possibly if Kev wins & stick with Day’s directive & Dani (although she needs to gain back some loyalty within her alliance)


    • Enzo — YO — what else is new
    • Cody
    • ironically David (he might be put OTB by Dani/Nic/Memphis but won’t be the target other than for Mem & even then the house won’t vote him out over Kev)
    1. david’s less safe than you think. if kevin or possibly memphis/nic/dani win veto, kevin comes down and david goes to jury.

      but yeah, the dani/nic situation is interesting. dani is playing with fire and nic is getting burned. it’s unclear if nic can turn it so that dani starts getting burned, but hasn’t really been working so far.

      after day, i think most of the house would rather get rid of kevin before turning on each other (but they’ll settle for david, either way they’re turning on each other before both go, but we probably have one more floater evicted before they do).

      day’s just frustrating to watch. she’s still clinging to that deal with dani/nic that she should know is bullsh*t. even xmas’ wishy-washy response should tell her how screwed she is. xmas should be saying yes (because you say yes to everything in big brother, whether your actions follow being another story), that xmas isn’t suggests xmas is part of a much bigger alliance and she’s concerned about consequences for saying yes, the hesitancy suggests that xmas isn’t at the top of this alliance however, which she isn’t (people with firm nos are generally those in power who need to signal to underlings). her best course of action is to completely blow up dani and nic’s game, insist she won’t work with them for screwing her, and say the rest of the house should keep her because she’ll target dani/nic not them, but day’s just not a strong enough player to pull this off, certainly not convincingly. it’d also probably torch her friendship with kevin as she’d need to exploit kevin comforting dani/nic getting upset as proof they’re working together.

      i think the next hoh comp is rope-swing, not slip and slide, but that still probably favors the same hgs.

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