Big Brother 21 Nomination Ceremony! “I survived last week, I’ll survive this week.”

Head of Household Winner – Holly
Have note are: Cliff, Nicole and Jess get punishments
America’s Prankster – Nick
Nominations are: Christie & Nick
Power of Veto Players are –
Power of Veto holder –
Power of Veto Ceremony –

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Holly Nominated: Nick
Nick as America’s Prankster Nominated: Christie

4:24pm – 5:33pm Big Brother blocked the feeds for the nomination ceremony. When the feeds return – The house guests are in the kitchen hugging each other. Christie – I survived last week…I’ll survive this week. Its a game. Holly to Tommy – I forgot to say if you (Nick) were standing my my position it would have been me up.

Bedroom. Nick, Cliff and Nicole.
Nick – I’ve got a job to do. At least I have a chance. I knew I was going up. Cliff – well veto competition. Nick – I knew I was going up after I went up there the second time. I need some help from the gods. I’ve got one help. Cliff – she’s a strong competitor. Nick – If I am sitting next to her I have a good chance. I could always take myself off. I am going to need to pick someone for house guest choice if I get it. Cliff – if you need to pick someone you can talk to me later. Nick – Yeah I will talk to you later. Cliff leaves. Nick to Nicole – that’s Cliff’s target. That’s what he told me going into this week. That’s three, that’s all I need .. but thats just if Tommy actually did it. I have a chance. I have another life. I can win this veto. Nick – I hope its not hide the veto comp. It doesn’t give us a fair chance. I will do BB comics for sure! I will rock with BB comics. Jess – It could be Zingbot. And if it is it would probably be a strategic puzzle or game. Christie – we’re going to gun for it and if one of us goes, one of us goes. I’m not a sore loser at all (WHAT!? lol ok) Nick – she said I am getting put up because she respects my game.. I appreciate that. I think everyone of our games are have been f**king good. Everyone has battled through different sh*t. You (Jess) have been on and off the block. Christie has gone through crazy sh*t. I’ve gone through crazy sh*t. Michie’s won like five comps. Cliff has won a thousand comps. Everyone has been impressive. And Nicole even though you haven’t won a comp you’ve been so close in so many of them.

5:45pm – 6:20pm HOH room. Holly and Jackson.
Jackson – its Nicole. Holly – I hope so. Jackson – who else would have nominated Christie? Tommy? Holly – No not Tommy definitely. And Cliff said that he would tell me. Nicole never said that she would tell me. She didn’t even talk to me yesterday. She knew she wouldn’t be able to keep a straight face (if she was the prankster). She never spoke to me at all. Jackson – she has a bad poker face. Holly – good for her.. she needs to be a part of something and make a move. I am happy for her. Jackson – me too. Even if it was me I would be happy for her. Holly – I am so glad that its Christie. Christie is HEAVEN! HEAVEN! I hope I get Nick out. Jackson – if you get House Guest choice who are you picking? Holly – UMMmm.. YOU! Tommy joins them. Holly – who do you think America’s prankster is? Tommy – I honestly thought it was Christie and then she went up so I don’t know. Holly – several people told me they would tell me so I don’t know. I just hope the veto isn’t used because that would be weird. Tommy – in terms of the house I think its okay. In terms of the events that happened last week its easiest on the house. Holly – its prank week .. that also terrifies me. Tommy – if I get picked and win veto I will consult you the whole time. Jackson – the scary part is if it gets used on Christie .. you don’t know who would be put up. Holly – I know this is very shitty for you (Tommy). Tommy leaves. Cliff joins them. Cliff – do you think Nick might have it because of that (Christie being nominated)? Cliff – no one has asked me yet but if someone gets house guest choice I assume you don’t want Nick removed. Holly – I don’t want either of them removed. Cliff – then if he asks me, I will say that I won’t use it if I win it. In that case he will probably pick Nicole. Jackson – I think its Nicole (America’s Prankster).-Nicole – since its called prank week.. the whole week could be a prank .. thursday rolls around and they say no one is being evicted. Then we do a double eviction. Tommy – holy sh*t! Nicole – you can’t get in your head too much.

6:12pm HOH room. Jess, Holly and Jackson.
Holly – how are you feeling? Jess – I’m feeling good. Jackson – no pie in the hair. Jess – not yet. Holly – and honestly Christie is a damn good competitor. And at least she is guaranteed to play in the veto against Nick. Jackson – and out of me, you, Nicole, Tommy and Cliff .. three of us will be playing. Jess – that’s true. Jackson – I really really want to play. They speculate on what the veto comp might be. (Zingbot, Hide the Veto, Counting Fair, BB comics)

6:30pm – 6:57pm Bedroom. Nick and Nicole.
Nick – if I get House Guest choice and I picked you would you be cool with it? Nicole – yes. I would safe you ..I know a lot of people would be pissed off at me but it is what it is. I don’t know if I could pick Tommy now because he is close to Christie. I’ll have to talk to Cliff. Would you feel good if it was BB comics? Nicole – I would try my darndest. I know I don’t have the best track record. Nick – even if its a number for me. If you were scared you were going to be a replacement nominee you could win and take me off and be safe too. Nicole – it would piss off a lot of people but I probably would. Nick – I would need to know more than a probably. Holly would be scared if Christie comes off that Jackson would go up. I don’t know who Holly would put up if I came off. I would like it if you won because then you couldn’t be the replacement. I hope there is some other twist and the prankster gets to f**k around. Everyone already knows we’re close so you using it on me wouldn’t be a surprise. I wonder what deal they (Christie with Holly & Jackson) like to final four with Tommy? I think Cliff wants me to stay over Christie. I think everyone is scared to get blood on their hands. I think I am the only one that I am doused in blood. But I know that America must like be a little bit. Nicole – I’m sure they do. Nick – I think people don’t like that I’m f**king getting buried like I am especially from people that they don’t like. Well I am not saying that they (America) don’t like her (Christie) .. I am just saying she is playing a dirty game. Nicole – as a fan of this game I respect your game too much for you to go home.. which could shoot me in the foot. Nick – it definitely won’t shoot you in the foot. I just don’t understand how Christie got out of that. Nick gets called to the diary room.

7:25pm The house guests are eating pizza, relaxing and playing chess.

7:36pm – 7:40pm Jess, Cliff and Nicole have to pie the other house guests. Christie, Jackson, Tommy, Holly Cliff and Nicole get pied. They complain that its sticky and smells bad.

Nick tells Holly that he really appreciated her speech when she nominated him .. how she respected his game play. Nick – I know that will get clipped on the episode .. it made me emotional and I wanted to thank you. Holly tells him she respects him. They hug.

8:07pm HOH room. Jackson and Nick.
Jackson – I didn’t want you to think I was pissed off at you earlier. Nick – no I think everything you guys knew. I am not going to talk about her. If you both think that I would make a deal with someone that wouldnt keep me safe …do you think I’m that stupid?! Jackson – no that wasn’t the thing. I have made it clear that I am coming after Christie for weeks and weeks and weeks .. and then all of a sudden it flips and theres a deal .. the vote hasn’t even happened yet and she is over here saying she is going to throw a comp. Nick – she never said she was going to throw. I am not going to argue with her. I can’t win an argument with her. Jackson – no one can. Dog, I believe you ..I just want you to know where I was coming from. I just didn’t want Holly to be nominating you if there were facts that weren’t true. Nick – I am sorry for what I did. I shouldn’t have said approach. Jackson – I have nothing against you. If I wanted to put you up, I could have last week. You’re not my number one target and I know I’m not yours. Nick – I don’t think I said I wouldn’t put her up as a replacement. If I did, I did. I would have never made a deal if I wasn’t getting anything in return.

8:50pm Bathroom. Holly, Jackson and Cliff.
Holly – I am still worried about tomorrow. Jackson – I think its going to have something to do with every leg of this week. Cliff – maybe. If they do too much .. its too powerful. Holly – its like what’s the point. Cliff – I mean what would be the next one? The prankster gets to pick the veto players? That may not be that big of a deal. There are only three other people.. so all that is happening is two people that won’t play. I am not sure that’s such a big deal. Especially after I told you if I play I am not taking either one of them off. Which makes me think that neither one of them are going to pick me. The unknown prankster person isn’t going to pick me knowing that. So there is one right there. Would he pick Tommy in the hopes that Tommy would win it and take him off? Jackson – Tommy is in a tough spot this week. Jackson – if I play and win it, I am not using it. Cliff – its a good resume builder. They talk about Jackson being a possible nom by the prankster. Jackson – if I am up against Christie or Nick I hope Jess would vote our way.

9:11pm – 9:25pm Bathroom. Jackson, Christie, Holly and Tommy.
Tommy – who would not nominate Christie .. is probably me and Jess. Holly – yeah. Christie – I don’t really know. Holly – no one in this room. Tommy – yeah you (Jackson) too. Jackson – the whole point of keeping you last week .. was to keep you in the game. Jackson – I might sound like the biggest f**king idiot on tv but I was literally like the thought crossed my mind of nominating myself if I won it. (prankster) Christie – why? Tommy – you would! Holly – he’s such a psycho! Jackson – because it makes me clearly not the person that has it. Two – it guarantees I play in the veto and three .. she doesn’t have to get blood on her hands. Is it high risk .. yeah.. but its high reward. Holly – unless you go home! Christie – no I feel like the universe would not do that if you were literally doing it as a selfless.. Jackson – or to just spite me. Tommy – so that leaves Cliff, Nick or Nicole. If they nominated you.. they would probably nominate me next. Jackson – if its Nick.. you’re definitely not the one (Jackson the points at himself as who the replacement nom would be) because she’s (Holly) HOH. Tommy – would either of you pick me as house guest choice? If I win it would expose who America’s Prankster is.

9:41pm Bathroom. Cliff and Nick.
Cliff – you know who I would piss off if I pulled anyone off. Nick – what if your chip just gets picked? Cliff – probably I would not pull you off.. I am just being honest with you. Nick – that’s fine. Cliff – unless people said we were okay with it but I am guessing that would not be the case because she (Holly) isn’t going to want to put anyone else up. Nick – no, that’s fine. I respect it. I appreciate it though. Cliff – you need to win it. Nick – at least if I don’t win it .. at least I have a chance against Christie. I got lucky. I just need to win the veto.

Bathroom. Jess and Christie. Jess – are you okay baby? Christie – not really but its okay. I’ll be fine. I am just losing steam and I’m depressed. But its nothing that anyone else aint going through you know?! Its fine. I hate just not knowing anything. At least if I know who put me up I can talk to them and see their angle and know that I’m their target and channel my energy somewhere. But I am staying positive. I have a veto to play. I am just sick of Nick lying. I’m glad that its out. Christie talks about what happened between her and Nick and how he was trying to shift the target from him to her. He is a confident guy .. I get that but there is a difference between that and believing what you say. I am just over living with him. Holly joins them. Christie – I was vocal about please keep me, I’ll be a pawn .. utilize me and maybe its just someone saying this is her time. It will probably be a unanimous vote, respected HOH. If it was Nick, I get it whatever.

10:25pm Nicole, Jess, Christie and Cliff have gone to bed. Nick and Tommy are cuddling.

11:30pm All the house guests are sleeping..

11:32pm – 11:40pm PIE TIME Nicole has to pie herself. Cliff gets told he as to do it next. Jessica was not called to do it .. yet..

11:55pm Kitchen. Cliff, Christie, Tommy, Nick and Jess are up eating and chatting about random things..

1:23 am PIE TIME!!

5:00am zzzzz

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128 thoughts to “Big Brother 21 Nomination Ceremony! “I survived last week, I’ll survive this week.””

    1. Don’t count on it. Most vote the way HOH wants and she wants Nick out. We want Crusty out so bad and it never happens for some reason. Veto is the game changer.

      1. Agreed. And I know Nick is the target right now, but it’s a long week and I’m just happy there are two good noms. We may even get Round 2 of Taco Tuesday. The pawn took a hike last week, so maybe the same will happen this week.

        1. if holly, jackson, christie, tommy, or nick win veto jess goes up i think (just she replaces nick instead of christie if nick wins veto). she is everyone’s replacement nom. jess, cliff, and nicole probably keep noms the same.

          1. Nicole told Nick she would use it on him. I think she’ll have a tough sell to Holly/Jackson to not piss them off but she could say – when you guys had power (Jackson) you took your shot at what was best for your game. I kept Christie for you last week despite it not being good for my game, so this time I’m going to do what’s best for my game & Nick is better for my game than Christie. Then she can tell Holly you were going to put up Christie & Nick and said either can go and she still CAN GO.

            If Nicole does that hands down she’s AFP just b/c it would ensure Christie leaving b/c Holly would put up Jess and Cliff, Nick, Nicole and even Jackson at that point would vote out Christie.

  1. Dear BB21 HGs viewers would like to send you money to buy a vowel to solve the puzzle.

    You failed last week to vote out Crusty. Don’t F__ck it up this week.

    From every disappointed viewer out here.

    Thank you

    1. Hard to cheer for lil’ Nicky when he’s asking Tommy how long it would take him to ram it in his a$$…..sorry, can’t get behind ( no pun intended) this pervert getting a power from America

  2. Now, if both Christie and Nick stay on the block, will Christie snake her way through again. If she manages to come off, who will Nick put up? I think his only shot at staying would be if he was sitting next to Jackson. That would split up a powerful pair. Of course, with this bunch, who the h€ll knows….

    1. Honestly, I’m not sure Nick can stay against anyone – he needs to win POV.

      He has maybe a 40% chance against Christie – though TPTB seem to constantly help her. Against Jackson I could see Christie/Tommy trying to flip the vote to take out Jackson which could happen if Christie could sway Jess b/c Cliff/Nicole will stick with their 4-some (although Nicole might not want to).

      1. i think he can stay over jackson. holly would be super vulnerable the following week and an easy target which may be appealing to cliff/jess/nicole. but yeah, he needs to win and i don’t think that sends home christie. i think he comes down, jess goes up and gets sent to jury.

        1. Yeah I was thinking about the fact that Jackson leaving would open the door for the others to take shots — at each other lol -bc Holly would be a basket case & not know who she could trust – hence she would get super tight with Tommy. But if Jess goes on the block I don’t think the house keeps Christie b/c the point in keeping her was so she could take out Nick but….

          *Her lone comp win was the first HOH which most people throw and the whacktivity challenge (if you count that) which most think production gave her.

          * whenever she’s been on the block she’s never taken herself down – Tommy did once & last week she couldn’t. And after being on the block neither time has she been able to win HOH the following week which most competitors who’ve survived the block gun for. Hence her self proclaimed “comp brilliance” can be called into question.

          * if she attacks Jess the house is going to start saying wait a minute is it going to be the same routine every time from this girl? At some point enough is enough.

          * Holly already said she either wanted Nick or Christie leaving this week so if it’s Jess on the block it’s an easy vote out with Jackson/Cliff & Nicole all happily waving goodbye.

          *There isn’t as much excitement from Jackson to keep her especially b/c she proclaimed ALL she wanted was one more week & she would be the pawn & do whatever they wanted. As soon as Holly mentioned using her as a pawn she balked at the idea and said “what – whoa, whoa, whoa – already?” On top of that she changed her I’d be happy to make F5 to F3. Moral of the story is Christie has ZERO intention of honoring the deal which we already know since she told Tommy after this week she’ll gun for whoever the F she wants. If Nick was still in the house with her & she won next week it would be Nick/Nicole OTB and if Nick left it would Michie & Cliff likely OTB. She doesn’t care about deals & EVERYONE knows she twists words and lies but b/c she makes such a big scene no one wants to get into a debate with her b/c she spews so much shit.

          So yeah if she’s on the block versus Jess she’ll be toast & I’m not even sure it’s a given she’d stay over Nick.

      2. Nick needs to campaign that America nominated so he could nominate Christie and get her out.

        1. Yes!! Exactly why I wanted him to win! A message to Christie from America: yes we can see that Nick is a scumbag and we still voted for him so he could take her out!

          He absolutely should campaign on that. They all want to be loved and adored by BB fans. It would give them cause to jump on the Nick Train. (Get your mind out of the gutter!) Bonus being Christie spiraling out of control because once again, she is getting a message from America that she is definitely not the fan favorite.

      3. A Nick vs Jackson scenario would give Nick a chance but I’m not sure how much of one. Probably pretty slim I agree he needs to win the veto.

        1. Honestly….I think the only way Nick stays is against Christie. I know it’s hard for these folks to be logical…but I don’t see Cliff, Nicole, or Michie voting to keep Christie in any scenario.

      4. I think Jess, Cliff, and Nicole all would vote to keep Michie. In their eyes…Nasty Nick is too much of a snake. I think Tommy would be torn, but I think he would keep Nick, for intimacy reasons. I think Christie would keep Michie, because even though she’s not a fan of him, she believes Nick is too sketchy. If noms stay the same…I think Jess and Tommy are the only ones who vote Nick out. Cliff, Nicole, and Michie send out Christie. Yes Michie would be pissing off Holly…but I think deep down, he knows Christie is worse for his game than Nick.

  3. Dumb twist, these wld of been Holly’s original nominations so nothing beneficial abt Nick getting it, except it keeps Holly from the blood on her hands which still keeps her playing spineless! LAME!!!

    **Let’s get to the double eviction already cuz this season is One Big Sh*t Show!!!**

    I do look fw to Zingbot’s zings on this group.

  4. Seriously, they are NUTS if they don’t get her out. And like it or not, Tommy is playing a GREAT game; if he gets to the end, he wins against ANY of them (imo). I don’t know who I’m pulling for, really; still a fan of Cliff and he’s made it FAR representing the “over 40/50 crowd”. I like Nicole, but I don’t think she’s played a masterful game. Jess drives me up the wall. Holly, don’t love, don’t hate. Jackson I no longer despise; he’s played a better “second half”. Nick I just don’t like; he’s not guilty of every single thing he’s been accused of – at least no more than the chick accusing him. He’s not nearly as self-righteous as Christie. Cliff and Jackson both have revived their game over and over again, turning the tides that were against them. Holly has played a fairly good game, definitely not a floater. Tommy a GREAT game and he gets on my nerves less now that there are fewer players left; he’s more (choke) “Au-THEN-tic”.

    Christie and Nick on the block together is all I hoped for this round anyway. SEND IT!

    1. I agree with 95% of your take although I think Nicole has played a more strategic game than she’s given credit for. Had Jess not gone ballistic when she told her about the F6 alliance the two of them could’ve possibly figured out a way to shift the vote to keep Kat, but Jess gave her no choice she had to keep Cliff based on Jess actions & then Kat freaking out on her. Plus Nicole always saw the ties to Holly/Jackson & Kat so that was what she was grappling with I think. Ditto for the ties between Christie & Jess. If you think about it Nicole is always looking at who is tied to each other as well as to her & she looks to cut the third person in the equation. Hence why she wanted Kat out (cut the Jess/Kat ties as well as Holly/Jackson ties) Sis out – (cut the Nick/Sis ties) & why she’s turning up the heat to get Tommy OTB (cut the Nick/Tommy, Holly/Tommy ties).

      She also almost got evicted pre-jury until that switch to blindside Nick/Bella. She’s in a F4 that not one person has figured out & that’s mostly b/c she keeps her distance from them. She’s explained herself well (when given an opportunity) about how she’s playing her own game – “I don’t go in to vote & say Nick told me to vote out xx” And should she make the final she can speak to how HER vote was often the deciding factor in who stayed. It was the case for Kat leaving over Cliff & although the 4-some agreed to keep Christie that was Nicole’s preference b/c she always thought she was Sis target.

      And another key thing Nicole does is ALWAYS to make the ostracized person feel less alone. That will pay dividends (especially with this cast) should she reach a F2 chair.

      The issue in this house (which she wouldn’t have had in previous season to the same degree) is she can’t count on anyone keeping anything to themselves. Even Cliff has outed things she told him in confidence. She also gets nailed by players like Cliff & Nick blatantly saying how close they are to her. Either she has alliances screwing her over like Bella & Jess or she has those guys telling the house how close they are to her. Even with those things happening the only person who wants to put her on the block is Christie.

      1. Agree with you about Nicole. Also making the decision to go with Cliff and stick with and not be wishy washy about it was a good one. They work well together and respect each other. Their decision to place themselves in the middle will pay off well. They should have several weeks of free and clear while everyone else fights it out.

      2. Lol give me a break she has done literally nothing. She hasn’t made a single thing happen in the house and just does what Nick, Cliff or the HOH tells her to

      3. I don’t know. I really don’t see Nicole’s strategic game developing YET. I do agree she’s doing fantastic at jury management…but we still need to see a comp win or 2…and some kind of strategy. Now that she’s in the 4…she has an opportunity to take ownership of w/e decisions they make as a group…just as any of the 4 do. Also, if Nick is still otb after the veto ceremony…she has a chance to be strategic with her vote. Ie. telling us, the viewers, that she had a strong relationship with Nick and used his connections while it suited her…and now as sad as she is to see him go…he is no longer useful to her game. Or if it’s Nick and Christie still otb…Nicole can tell us that because of Nick’s scattered game play and his connections…she can still use him for another week.

        1. And let’s not forget Nick tried to backdoor Nicole – he got blindsided by his own alliance when Nicole TOLD HIM THE TRUTH & he told Gr8ful who all lied & blamed Nicole. Then they switched gears & saved her. And now who is Nick the closest with? — Nicole.

          That takes skill. Yes she hasn’t won an HOH but everyone except Holly has only won once & she’s only played in ONE POV (the very first one of the year). Tommy has the next fewest with 3 but the others have played between 7 and 4 and only Jackson has 2 POV wins.

          I’m waiting to see if she tries to assert herself this week & help Nick (if he’s still OTB) & push for Christie’s oust if she’s on the block no matter who is beside her. I think she has figured out Nick is the Prankster. Initially she suggested Tommy replace Christie if she wins POV but then when he suggested Jackson she began planting seeds. We know Tommy’s preference (like Nicole) would be to keep Nick over Jackson & I have a feeling Nicole could persuade Cliff (IF they got a deal from Nick).

      4. I guess I missed Nicole’s strategic game moves and it could be because she hasn’t made any. She’s nothing more than a vote.

    2. tommy is in the best spot to win, but i think everyone has a chance. even though they shouldn’t be, a jury could be super bitter towards jackson and holly and give a win to jess or whoever’s sitting next to the remaining member of the couple. nicole probably should try to go to the end with jess, but likewise jackson and holly are potential options, maybe nick if she can get christie in jury poisoning them against him (christie entering jury blaming someone will be a big factor in creating a bitter jury, just a question of who she blames). depends somewhat on how they get to the end and who they take with them but everyone in the house except jess and nicole has potential to make an argument based on their game.

    3. Nick is a flip flopper. Nicole has played a good “floater” game, which means she has done almost literally nothing. Less than anyone but Sis. Jess and her feminist agenda are annoying and pointless. Holly and Jackson are disgusting in bed together, yikes. Cliff is a backstabber. Tommy is a venomous snake. AND THEY ARE ALL STILL FAR BETTER THAN KRUSTY THE CLOWN!!!!!!!

  5. Just turned on the feeds, did Nick tell Nicole, he was prankster and America must love his game play?

  6. This will be interesting. If Crusty, Tommy or Jess win veto Crusty will probably come off. If she comes off, does Nick get to name a replacement nominee (how, when); I’m thinking he would go for Jess. Jackson would be the smarter pick but Jess is the easy/safe pick.

    If Nick comes off I hope Holly puts Tommy up. Not just to deny Crusty a vote to stay but so she can campaign against him; and I’m pretty sure she would burn that bridge.

    Of course my ideal situation is nominations remain the same and Crusty goes while she’s sitting next to Nick.

    1. Based on Nick’s conversation with Nicole it would be Jackson who he’s thinking (if Christie comes off b/c that was his nom), Nicole also planted the seed of putting up Tommy which I doubt he’ll do.

      1. The problem for Nick is that he knows Crusty is out for him and she has Tommy and Jess behind her; if any of them win HoH he’s up and gone next. Also keep in mind, he’s not like Jess since almost the beginning.

        On the other hand, Nick has a good working relationship with Cliff, believes he does with Nicole and thinks that Holly and Jackson realize Crusty has backed out of her deals the second Sis walked out the door.

        Putting Jess up, doesn’t tick off Cliff and Nicole or Jackson and Holly. He knows he won’t get any support to stay from Crusty, Tommy or Jess, whereas he has a chance with the other four IF he doesn’t tick them off.

        Jess is his safe bet.

  7. Poor Nichole. She just can’t catch a break! She is an empath and listener. So of course these folks think she’s shady. I think if the veto is used, nick puts up Jess. If they both stay up he could be screwed-and so are we again

    1. See below – other than Nicole/Cliff the last person Nick would use as re-nom would be Jess b/c he’d be evicted in a unanimous vpte.

  8. So Nick asked Nicole if he picked her would she use the POV & she said yes although it would piss people off but she only trusts Cliff/Nick so she needs him in the game. She’s right it would piss off people (especially Holly- maybe not Jackson as much). Nicole has never fully trusted Holly/Jackson & she sees Tommy as a huge threat (although it seems like she & Cliff are the only ones who do). Nick says to her who would I have a chance to stay against if Christie comes down. HINT NICOLE: this should clue you in that he’s the prankster. She tells him Tommy (I laughed out loud – nothing like driving your narrative girl lol) & Nick asks what about Jackson to which she says yeah maybe. I’m still not sure that works unless Nick promises to take Cliff to the end b/c if he does that he’ll get Tommy/Nicole & Cliff for his three votes as I doubt Jess or Christie would vote to keep him although Christie might – you never know who she might think is the bigger target between Jackson/Nick & with Holly prematurely telling her she was going to use her as a pawn that may shift her thinking.

    In case it’s the hide & go veto comp there is a way Nicole could help Nick without getting blood on her hands since she’ll know the 4-some’s hiding spots & Jess spot presumably. Nick probably knows Tommy’s spot *could he convince Tommy to get him to tell him where Christie was hiding hers? If Nicole/Nick were smart they’d share that information with each other so Nicole could grab Christie/Tommy’s disc while Nick grabbed Holly/Jackson/Cliff’s (or whichever of the 6 played). Strategically, Nick should also tell Nicole where he’s hiding his to make sure she doesn’t take it & the pair of them should do something similar to what Brett did last year (keep barricading his). That might get him the POV to guarantee Christie stays on the block – Jess goes up beside her & Christie leaves.

    The other comp it could be is the comics which each of Nick, Tommy or Jackson should fair well in (mind you I’m not sure how observant Jackson is so maybe not).

    What we have to wonder is whether this HOH is even real it could be a farce and the whole week won’t count. I could see TPTB setting that up & Christie somehow magically being voted out only for them to set off alarms as she goes to leave the house. Imagine what a nightmare that would be for the fan base who is dying for her to leave. On the other hand if she stayed & it was Nick leaving with the week being a replay it would put a spotlight on Tommy being more closely aligned with Christie instead of Nick (b/c he’d vote to keep her not him) which would fire him up & force him to work more closely with Cliff/Nicole. Plus it might turn the entire house to centering in on the Christie/Tommy pairing.

    We’ll see – can’t wait for zingbot tomorrow. Christie has wanted to see him forever but I wonder how happy she’ll be once she gets nailed by his zing(s).

    1. They did the reset in season 16 so it’s been a bit. Although that would mean they’d either have a short week with 2 people getting tossed twice.

        1. Yeah, some seasons that has been a puzzle (Derrick/Cody season), others it’s been the Hide & Go Veto, so theoretically it could be either of the two.

    2. I never thought about the possibility of the HOH not being real. Dammit! if the GROD reads this and Christie doesn’t win the veto it will surely happen now.

      We’re due for a long POV I’m hoping for hide and seek veto.

      Dying to hear some ZINGS ..

      1. my first thought when they said prank week is: oh fake eviction week. the Grod giveth and the Grod taketh away.
        She’s got her goblet ready to catch the viewer’s tears. They’re a delicacy to her. I hope I’m wrong.

    3. ZINGBOT: the solitary redeeming reason why the Universe needed Christie to stay for just one more week!

  9. There’s too much time until the next eviction.
    More than enough time to screw up a sound plan with a dumb idea. (Or an over produced one,)
    Will believe it when I see it. I refuse to believe in great game play in this season until I actually see it

      1. Ask 2 people who actually played in the “game”:
        Ok I’m done with my BB conspiracies. I normally don’t buy into it but Jackson’s sudden flip this week just has me unsettled.
        It was the DR 100%

        1. Of course it was d/r. With their planned prank week coming, who would be the target if Christie were gone?
          There is no way they’d take a chance a pet might be the target.
          Whether it’s a real or a fake eviciton coming. It would be 100% fake if Christie were already evicted. I’m at about 65% it will be fake even with her there.

  10. I’ve missed the last few episodes and just got a chance to catch up on the blog. I literally shit a brick and said every cuss word in the book when I saw Christie wasn’t evicted Thursday. Then I saw that she was nominated this week which is good, but I still can’t understand why they wouldn’t evict her. Even though she ended up being nominated again, they took quite a gamble. These people don’t seem to want or need that money bad enough. I have a mortgage I’m already tired of so I could use it that’s for sure. I wish people like some of us blog readers would go to the casting, but I know I wouldn’t get casted because I’m not willing to F anything with a pulse like Sis for example. To be positive, I am glad she’s gone. Probably one of the worst BB players ever.
    I saw that Kat’s picture wasn’t black and white, but based off the comments that’s an error. I do wish she was back though. Lame bunch of folks left that’s for sure…..

    1. Ditto on Sis. Seriously though, I have bills n ish. I would fight my own brother to win the money….if he had to go then he had to go. Yes its a game and everyone talks about “loving the game” but don’t they love the game cause they wanna leave with that $500,000?
      I get alliances n all but to keep someone in the game I had Zero chance of winning against is sheer stupidity. Too bad some care more about the game aspect n making good TV versus making a good fat bank account

  11. Crusty is a roach! She will not leave…….on a lighter note, so nice to not have Analice in the house , telling everyone how popular & hot she is… and the best of all, she thinks for sure she’ll be AFP….I don’t think she’ll be smart enough to realize what a joke she is IRL

  12. Watching Christie and Jess converse makes me want to rip my eyes out and shove them in my ears.

  13. Nick is working with Tommy Nicole and Cliff so why isn’t he pushing for a final 4?Nicole and Cliff would probably take that deal but the tricky part would be getting Tommy to vote out Christie,which is probably impossible but worth a shot.

  14. Updating what’s going on on feeds thanks again to the website and Simon’s hard work.
    Reading the conversation between Nick, and Cliff I’m beginning to understand why people don’t like Cliff. Isn’t he ever going to make a stand? What a wimp. Nick was somewhat of an ally to him and Nicole. Much more than Crusty.

    Remember they voted you out. Living week to week might work and yes, Holly is in power but you are expendable. Crusty’s “I love you” may as well be,”f-off”. I hope Nick wins POV. I know many people hate him. But perhaps it’ll allow for Jackson to go up and between Jackson, and Crusty I’m sure Holly will choose Jackson. Then again, Crusty could make Jackson seem like the wrong person to keep and like a rash you can’t get rid of she’ll just stay. Ech

    1. Agreed. Cliff is a wuss. He’s protecting the people that got him out. If he hadn’t won veto as well he would have been toast.
      These noms are not a surprise n despite America’s prankster will have no bearing unless Nick wins. Other than that it’s useless.
      If Jess goes up the week in NOT worth watching. Who cares if a non factor goes?
      If Nick wins, he gets to choose who goes up.
      Hopefully he grows some balls and names Michie. Oh yeah crispy ate their balls…
      Now THAT with Michie n Nick battling it out after he kept Christie would be IDEAL. Or Tommy going up next to Crispy…imagine her campaigning against him? Now that would make for great tv!
      Nick fell right back into his temporary Stockholm syndrome and was trying to “game” with Crispy n he got burnt! (Duh)
      These people haven’t learned to keep their mouths the hell shut yet? Like STOP freaking talking n blowing up your own damn games!!
      No one ever heard of a secret??? Where r all the balls in the house?? Get them out of Crispys mouth b4 she swallows what left of the balls in the house

      1. No Nick doesn’t get to pick if he wins POV b/c he was Holly’s nominee – he only gets to replace the Prankster nominee which would mean Christie would have to win POV or get removed by someone.

        1. Holly replaces her nominee and Nick would replace his nominee. Nick is Holly’s nominee so if he comes off, she chooses who replaces him. If Christie comes off Nick chooses who replaces her.

        2. You’re an idiot. Pay attention and listen to everyone. Holly replaces her nominee (Nick) and Nick replaces his nominee (Christie). Understand?

  15. I don’t understand why these people think Christie is this major threat she’s has only won the 1st HOH and No veto! I mean she is a liar and good at the way she uses her words but she cries a river at a drop of a dime if they can’t see thru that shame on them I mean c’mon she swears on her sisters life n a bible and she still lies Jackson n Holly are so stupid for keeping her last week over Sis it’s goin to bite them in the ass she needs to go home this week I hope Nick wins Veto! N she’s out the door!

    1. Yes. Tommy will. Should jess or Christie win n take Christie down, what are the chances Tommy will go up? Who would Nick use as replacement?

  16. This season has been an exciting one for this Granny. I haven’t been around as much because I was recruited for some special Big Brother work elsewhere….and let me tell you, while this season is full of some downright disgusting individuals, there are (were) also some real gems in that house this year. I’ll be traveling again, soon, but I will drop in as much as I can (kisses to my haters). Like Simon, Kat became a favorite of mine (she was my #2 or #3 until her eviction), so I was sad to witness her eviction. Other than our campers this season, her eviction is my only disappointment.

    I’m thrilled that some of my other favorites are still there, though. My top 4 players, due to game moves and/or personality/character are (in order of admiration) Nicole, Cliff, Tommy, and Jess. The again, some of my least favorites are still there, too (in order of disgust): Christie, Nick, Michie, Holly. 50/50 odds are exciting, but also could lead to ma major disappointment this season.

    Cliff has been quoted lately saying he would be happy for any of the remaining HGs to win the game. I disagree. While I understand that Cliff is looking at game moves; and yes, Christie has made some amazing moves. I cannot champion her to win. BLUK! Nick has been touted by the HG’s for being an amazing player. I couldn’t disagree more. I would be disgusted with him winning this game. In my opinion, Nick is….okay, I really don’t have anything nice to say, so I’ll just say Double BLUK!! I suppose I could accept Michie winning even though he is not likable in the least for me….but Holly is a hard NO!

    Much love to our boys, Simon and Dawg! You OBBers need to take good care of these guys by hitting that tip jar. They work hard. Show them some love! That is all for now!

    1. Thanks for the update, Granny. I look forward to your comments every season and I’ve been missing them a lot.

      That’s super cool that what is keeping you away from here is BB related. I hope you’re having a blast and the realize what a gem that have in you.

      I hope you get a chance to check back in before the season is over.

  17. My thoughts..if Christie does not come down this week this game is rigged. After last week if she is saved this week just hand her the game. Her resume would warrant winning. Everyone said Nick didn’t say anything new in the blow up. Jackson all week targeted Christie then takes out Sis someone who had no effect on his game Everyone playing Christie and Jax game is painful to watch. BB should have a boot camp on how to play before they pick people or production should stay out of it and no diary rooms or fish. Frustrated…invested a lot of time watching these idiots

  18. AGAIN Nicole doesn’t get picked for Veto this must be a record (she’s played in one all season!).

    POV players are Holly, Christie, Nick, Jackson, Cliff & Jess.

    Tommy was the other person not selected – so Christie/Nick must not have pulled house guests choice since she was going to pick Tommy & he was going to pick Nicole.

    Zingbot did not make an appearance YET but as per Julie’s closing message Zingbot was scheduled to come this week therefore he must be arriving later this morning since they got them up so early.

  19. Given the fact Holly is the only player to win HOH twice I just wanted to point out how many POV comps the remaining hamsters have played in (just so the next time someone says Nicole doesn’t win anything you can point to this stat).

    Number of POVs played in:
    Cliff: 7 – no wins
    Jackson: 7, He has 2 wins: Take it off (the one with the suspect timer) & Coral Grief
    Jess: 6, won once – tossed in space
    Nick: 6, won once, Counting sheep on a farm
    Christie: 5 – no wins (but she’s a comp beast remember)
    Holly: 4 (Sam (2 won twice/Jack never won/Kat won once and all played in 4 POVs too)
    Tommy: 3, won once – OTEV
    Nicole: 1 ** this must be a record in week 9 of BB season – played in the 1st POV & not since

  20. OMG – Jess just said it could be BB Comics — Can you even imagine what Christie’s picture would be?
    There would be tears flying from her eyes, food flying out of her mouth & word bubbles all around her head saying
    “I swear on my sisters life” (and at the bottom of the comic would be a grave with her sister in it. )
    “the universe wants me to win b/c I’m good”
    “F You, I’m manifesting this to happen”

    1. Your ability to “paint” with words is absolutely spot on, I could not think of a better description of what Christie’s picture would look like!

  21. I am curious as to how much time these women spend playing with their hair outside of the BB house. They are constantly brushing, curling, pulling or flinging it. Christy is the worst!!

  22. Interesting banter this morning –
    Jackson (jokingly) told Christie if he won POV he was sorry but he’d have to take down Nick & she burst out crying. Jackson couldn’t stop apologizing saying it was a joke. Christie is fine with it now – saying it was funny (but queue the day that gets used as him being cruel in one of her tirades).

    Jackson/Holly discuss how Christie is implying b/c the Prankster put her on the block she has fulfilled her deal obligations HA lol — immediately afterward J/H not impressed by how much Christie is trying to bail on her obligation & changing how things are positioned in the deal this week now that she stayed. Um yeah guys – her whole I just want ONE MORE WEEK was total BS.

    Nicole/Cliff discussion regarding Christie (& Tommy):
    Nicole I wouldn’t want to piss Holly/Jackson off but I don’t have any deals with Christie, other than her vote to keep her over Sis and I know Nick would never put me up or you up.
    Cliff: Christie can make lots of promises but at what point does she have to say sorry guys I don’t have anyone else to put up.
    Nicole: She scares me. “I know, I KNOW some of the things she’s said are lies. That’s what freaks me out.”
    Cliff: I know. If I win HOH Christie and Tommy are “going up there” because they both scare me. “Obviously there aren’t many people left” I’d love to see Tommy win and take shots at other people but I’m not sure who he’s got deals with.

    It’s still early but if Christie stays on the block is this the beginning of the production driven shift (or what the hamsters truly wanted to happen last week prior to the DR interference?).

    OH – & Holly/Jackson have been working on their F2 speeches (they are due for a hit b/c they’ve won HOH 2 weeks in a row. I wouldn’t say it’s HOHitis (but they do stay in the HOH room when they win & rarely interact). The issue is how many deals they’ve made (or others believe to be true b/c of well placed wording) AND b/c this season has tended to be the one week alliance deals that shift & they remained in power so nothing changed.

    Mind you working with Nicole/Cliff who were hankering for a REAL commitment to something also gave Holly/Jackson confidence. Couple that with Tommy/Christie THINKING they have a F4 with them only b/c Christie kind of implied that to Tommy (& Holly is super close to him too) though it was never an official thing & Jess thinks in her Jess logic she has a F3 with J/H & F5 with them & Christie all b/c Christie said so lol. Btw, I was going through POVs this morning when I put together that list & going wayyyyyyy back to the beginning Jess picked Christie to play for her in POV so the Jess admiration of Christie started at the beginning of the game.

    Interestingly, Nicole also said to Cliff so what if Christie comes down & the prankster puts up Jackson? Cliff implied they would have to rethink things (hmm)

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