Big Brother 16 Spoilers – “I don’t have a strategy my plan is to be POWPOW”

POV Holder: ? Next POV ?
POV Used ? POV Ceremony ?
HOH Winner 1: Amber HOH Winner 2: Devin
Battle of the Block Winner Hayden & Nicole Next HOH/ Next BOB July 10/July 4
Original Nominations: Devin’s Noms (Pow Pow & Brittany) Amber’s Noms (Hayden & Nicole)
Final Nominations: ?
Have Nots ?
POV Players ?

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9:31pm All the houseguests in the living room. They got to see Fireworks on the TV Screen.

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9:44pm Fireroom Brittany and POWPOW
Brittany brings up Amber telling her if she had more time to talk they could have picked Brittany and Cody so BOB would be won and they can backd**r Devin. Brittany – “But he got to pick first.. so I don’t know how i’m going to get out of it unless I win POV”

POWPOW – “If it’s mental I got it if it’s physical you got it” POWPOW thinks POV are always Luck or mental you just need to focus. Brittany – ‘I can’t focus here”
Brittany regrets not being more quiet, POWPOW mentions telling her that.
POWPOW says everyone knows she hates Devin. Brittany brushes it off says everyone hates Devin. POWPOW – “But they don’t talk about it”
POWPOW doesn’t want Brittany to get evicted she needs her in this game because , “Everyone else is a pu$$ a$$ b1tch”
Brittany is sick of everyone saying she was best friends with Joey, She’s starting to think Joey was 100% honest.
POWPOW – “I’m your closest friend here”
Brittany says most of the people in the house are letting Devin control their game. Donny rolls in to fold his laundry.
Brittany is hoping there is a twist she doesn’t know how to get out of this one.
POWPOW starts a rant:
“ONE, Everyone acts like they are best friend, bullsh!t”
“TWO, Kissing everyone ones a$$ because they are puSSs aSS , bullsh!t”
“THREE, There bio polar $$ fi***er b!tch a$$ fu****rs they just suck at life ,. Bullsh!t”
POWPOW – “I’m telling you right now these other f***ing females have no F***ing b@lls .,.. go f*** yourself.. you are the only one in this whole house that has b@lls to say it to Devin”
POWPOW – “I don’t have a strategy my plan is to be POWPOW”
POWPOW claims she will smoke everyone in the house in a mental competition. She’s noticed people she thought were her friends are really not. Brittany has noticed it  as well says a lot of people are playing that game.
POWPOW tells her if Devin wins POV he will take her off the block and replace her with Victoria. Brittany doesn’t think Devin doesn’t gets to play POV he’s the HOH. POWPOW corrects her.. Brittany doesn’t believe it thinks Devin will put someone up that is liked by everyone so she goes home
POWPOW – “My social game is beast mode”

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10:10pm Chess table Cody, Derrick and Christine
Cody is mad at Caleb for taking his button up shirt wrecking it. Sounds like it may have been stained and not folded up so Cody couldn’t wear it today. It’s his only shirt. (Is this why he was crying?)
Cody about Caleb – “Don’t preach respect and you take my sh!t and not put it back and fold it”
“you can preach respect.. bro action speaks louder than words… I’m so f***ing tired of that sh!t”
Cody – “OH man.. it’s just starting to get real tough.. I just need to vent it out .. I just want to start going f**ing” off
Derrick – don’t do it too early
Cody – “Caleb Took my stuff didn’t even ask”.. Cody adds that the funny thing is he told Caleb he was going to wear that shirt and glasses the day before.
Cody – “HAte people that preach and don’t act
Cody – “F***ing punch him in the mouth” (Didn’t catch the context of this could have meant if that happened back home punch him in the house)
Christine leaves
Derrick – “Cody this information is between me and you only .. you have to be extremely careful what you tell Hayden.. HAyden was playing us in the beehive”
Derrick explains that after nominations Devin took POWPOW and got her to Throw the BOB, He told Hayden and Nicole they are safe because he wanted Brittany gone. Hayden Knew he was safe on the block when he was talking to them.
Derrick says as the host he knew POWPOW threw the BOB. “So when Hayden came in and told him he didn’t know what happened he really did.. he knew POWPOW was going to throw it”
Derrick -”I’m telling you just be careful cause I dont give a sh!t about Hayden I care about you”
Derrick – our best move is to ride out the bomb squad as long as we can” Derrick thinks onse they get down to 8 they will be in a better position than other players. It will be their 5 against Caleb, Devin and Amber.
Cody – And frankie
Derric – ‘I think we can get Frankie”
Derrick – “If I win HOHi’m putting POWPOW and Nicole up”
Derrick likes Nicole thinks she’s a great girl but she’s never given him a straight answer.
Cody and Derrick agree HAyden is super smart, Cody wants to get tight with him because he’s a good competitor and they will need him on their side.
Derrick – I will not burn you there are people we have to burn but you are not one”
Cody says Christine he loves her but…
Derrick – One of us wins 1/2 a million the other 50 thousands.
Derrick says his name was mentioned by Amber it was quick,
Derick say Zach is all over the place he’s at the bottom of the bomb squad
Derrick is certain Hayden is playing both sides.. Victoria rolls in

Girls hammock chit chat

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10:36pm Pool Table Cody and Derrick Cody says he doesn’t want Brittany to go because she’s an ally. Derrick agrees but points out she has to go sooner than later.
Cody – “He’s literally pathological,.. it’s f***ing incredible”
Derrick explains If they wanted to they could safe Brittany then the bomb squad is over.. “what does it give them because if next week you me or Brittany don’t win HOH one of us is going home”
They start talking about a name for their final 2 alliance.. Derrick says about “DC” Derrick/cody , Dual City. Cody was thinking something like “Duo” All of a sudden you can hear fireworks.
Derrick – “Don’t worry BB we can’t see anything”
Feeds cut.

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11:00pm Caleb showing Frankie some jiu jitsu and pressure points. JOcasta says she should teach the girls that. Her mode of protection is to scratch.

Caleb starts training Jocasta and Frankie in ground fighting . “You gotta build separation.. Fold her right in.. push off with your hips”

Caleb slaps him in a ankle lock says he can drag him around the house like this. Caleb moves into a knee lock says he could break him at the knee.
Jocasta and Frankie thank him for the self defense class.
Caleb stroll out says “Don’t tell me I can’t protect my girl”
Caleb rolls to the backyard pool table.
They start talking about fighting Caleb says he practices Brazilian Jui Jitsu He’s a level three instructor.
Caleb “I Don’t care how big you are you get ontop of me i’ll get you off”
Cody – “Dude it always goes to the ground every fight i’ve ever been in has been on the ground”
Caleb walks away..

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11:23pm Fireroom POWPOW “I can’t cook.. I can’t Clean.. I can’t do dishes but i’m good in bed that’s all that matters”

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11:37pm Hammock Caleb, Christine and Amber
Amber complains it’s hard to put people up on the block. AMber says Devin is ruining their games she knows he’s in their alliance but what he did makes her look really bad. Amber – “He pulled my nominees aside and told them they were going up”
Amber also doesn’t like how Devin talks to her.
Christine looks at Caleb ”Caleb rocks”
Amber – “He’s just soaking it all in.. ahh it’s your best friend”
Caleb – “Its just game”
Amber wants Brittany to pull herself off the block, “I know she’s going to fight her heart out for it”
They all agree Devin has the largest target on him. Amber wants the bombsquad to stick around but thinks it’s better without Devin.
Amber says she wants Christine, Frankie and Caleb to go far together.
Christine suggest that the target on Caleb wouldn’t be so large if he wasn’t so close to Devin . Amber mentions she’s also heard other people say Caleb was super nice but Devin wasn’t
Caleb understands once they get to Jury it’s game on and he’s ready for people to start putting him up, “Yes I can be beat”. His plan is to fight as hard as he can.
Caleb says at first he didn’t want the girls in the alliance because it was already too big. Now Caleb see the advantage to having them, “your key people”
Clabe to Amber “I feel like I can trust you.. maybe as far as I can throw you”
Amber hits him with the pillow
Caleb to Christine – “I felt you were smart and genuine.. I felt I could trust you maybe”
Amber- ‘Dang you got a better speech right there”
They start teasing Caleb and laughing he’s got a smile on his face
after he got to know them he started to be glad they wer there.
Caleb – “Everything I just told her I’ve told you since day one so you can zip it”
Amber – “Caleb is this our first argument”

21 thoughts to “Big Brother 16 Spoilers – “I don’t have a strategy my plan is to be POWPOW””

  1. “…i’m good in bed that’s all that matters” Wow I bet POW POW’s family is so proud of her!

  2. Ugh there needs to be a major power shift. Once the bomb squad isn’t safe they will start to turn on each other and then the game will get interesting again. I really don’t want Brittany to go home as I think she has a lot of potential physically and mentally.

    1. Derrick needs to grow some balls. If he wins HOH he is putting up 2 girls? Comon… grow some balls and put a guy up

  3. Omg powpow, why would you say that. Where’s your integrity?!
    I think it’s funny how jocasta’s just ghostin’ on by. La da de da dee. Lol
    If Nicotine and DC team up, that would be awesome. With Donny and Hayden, they would have the votes and take these crazies out!

    What do you all think about Derrick? It seems like he’s starting to strategize more.

    1. I like derrick a lot no one wants him out,,, he has good relationships with the girls they all come to him for game talk … I wont be surprised if he wins this…. derick social game is on point…..

  4. So far Derrick is the smartest player…he gave Amber the right advise about putting up Hayden and Nicole…and trying to advise the emotional paranoid Cody to not disrupt the Bomb Squad Alliance…Cody was recruited and it shows…this guy wants to get rid of people that’s protecting him… Cody does not like Devin and Caleb, don’t trust Frankie, Zach is all over the place, Amber needs to go, and he’s unsure about Christine…All the people he doesn’t trust are bomb squad members…..this guy is to emotional….Hey Cody look Caleb is wearing your go to have not room and cry again…

    1. I agree with u… derrick sees Christine as a potential treat to his game going down the road… I think he sees her as big treat to his game… Christine is smart and knows the game well..

    2. Derrick has no balls, why would he put up 2 girls on the block if he wins HOH? why not Donny and Hayden? He is too chicken.

      Too bad, I alreaday can see Donny sliding to the end without doing nothing, all he does is sleeps and cry

  5. Maybe it was his only nice shirt and Calebs big ole ego stretched it out and now hes all sad :(……Honestly though, I think its because he doesn’t like him so pretty much anything Caleb does is going to bother Cody. I dont think the crying was so much about the T-shirt (lols) I think when you are feeling emotional , anything can trigger it off (guys are no exception )and theres no where to go when it happens, no where to hide for 5 seconds to compose yourself. I actually like Cody. If his dad is a superfan then hopefully he coached him a little bit about the game.
    Brittney is not one of my favs but she is growing on me and I don’t want to see her go just yet. She is the best one out of the girls who is actually playing the game so far.

  6. i think Caleb ends up on the jury becuz exploding the bomb~squad early iz stupid and bad form.
    i hope Donny ends up on the jury becuz he’s wearin’ Stonewall Jackson’s beard rather well, and
    talks like a cast member on GREEN ACRES. if Donny’s modesty has him sounding like Forrest Gump,
    Caleb’s vet status has him forgiven much. POWPOW is the antithesis of a Competition Hogg just as
    Donny’s casting is a reaction to BB-15’s casting of SPENCER. i think Donny is the elder, the oldest one.
    Devin was once labor but has just made the transition to management, he’s running both the show and
    the team! If Devin does nothing totally stupid, he may also get to the jury, along with POWPOW + Caleb.
    all betz are off if bomb~squad implodes, or Victoria + Brittany turn JOEY the Martyr into Ms. Joan of Arc!
    i think easily half the bomb~squad becomes jury members, and i really hope Donny does, too! Nico~teen
    is my next most favorite alliance after the Two D’s becuz they are 100% solid. i’d cu$$ out Devin as he
    turns on Donny, becuz keeping the Two D’s verrrry quiet gives him vigorish and a spin-factor. my idea is
    that his bold moves set in motion the game, its his to loose. Frankie clearly lucked in, i keep on thinking of
    Martin Short when he is onscreen and quiet, becuz his guilt tripping borders on CLIFFORD’s to the degree
    where i am looking around for Charles Grodin and thinking him to be off-screen. BB-16 is not BB-15 redux
    and its mix had me thinking of BBCAN-2 initially. if anything, when i next opine on Spencer + gameplay i
    just might be ahh talking of the now wealthy guy on SURVIVOR who almost unseated the undercover cop.
    POWPOW may end up gettin’ to JURY by setting a BB-16 record of glorious losses, and lousy gameplay….

  7. Firstly… did Brittany just say that the HOH can’t play in the POV competition??!! Every day the number of recruited houseguests goes up.

    Secondly Pow Pow just gave a big speech about how everyone was a p**sy but when she’s presented with a prime opportunity to tell Victoria the truth she wimps out.

    Thirdly Cody is displaying a lot of b*tch@s*n*ss.

    And lastly even if he doesn’t have the greatest game play I wouldn’t mind if Donny won the whole thing, I like his personality and I find him funny.

    1. Yeah, Britney said to someone she was at a bar talking to her friend and the recruiters told her to call them because they liked her energy.

  8. hint— the bossy cop won on SURVIVOR. lightning could strike twice, just sayin’ …this guy is not boastful.

  9. do imagine if VICTORIA + HAYDEN win the two HoHs as Ms. “V” puts up POWPOW + BRITANNY…and
    next letz have Mr. “H” boldly put up his rivals CALEB + DEVIN, who loose a “mental” comp to P+B…so
    is a wild scenario like this the very thing that takes apart or down the current bomb~squad in tyme…???

  10. I really like Christine gameplay,,, she is in the middle between amber and devin tension…amber complains to her about devin, devin is just complaining to her about amber… Christine is getting good intel she can use later on in the game…. I love how derrick and Christine are playing the game….. they are both getting info they can use later on without really showing their cards to alliance members…. I will not be surprised if one of this two win the whole thing…..

  11. I don’t understand all this love for Brittany. She’s really not a strong player, she’s only started beginning to play the “game” when she found out Devin was coming after her. She didn’t talk one ounce of strategy with anyone and that’s why she’s without an alliance and members willing to have her back.

    So please explain to me why this girl is so valuable to stay?

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