
Big Brother 14 Power Of Veto Ceremony Results!

POV Holder: Frank Next POV: Aug 18 (Saturday)
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony Aug 20 (Monday)
HOH Winner: Shane Next HOH: Aug 13 (Thursday)
Original Nominations: Boogie And Frank
Current Nominations: Boogie And Jenn
Have Nots No Have Nots This Week
Last Evicted Houseguest Wil
HOH temptations Britney Safe this week, Boogie gets 10grand


11:55am Jenn and Ashley are in the arcade room talking. Jenn says that she just knew Shane was going to nominate her, she says that he was looking at her a lot right before so she just knew she was going up. Jenn says that she is just going to sit by the pool and do the dishes and start thinking about her speech. Jenn says whatever the line is fu*king drawn and I am going out for blood after this! The cameras switch to the HOH room where Danielle, Britney and Shane talk about how pissed Jenn is. Britney says that she is going to go talk to her and tell her that she is sorry and that she will tell her to come up to talk to him (Shane). Britney goes down to talk to Jenn. Jenn is in the kitchen and yells FU*K. Britney takes Jenn into the arcade room and tells her she is sorry that she got nominated that she didn’t know it was happening. Britney tells Jenn that she told Shane she didn’t want to know who he was going to nominated after getting her name thrown out there with the nominations. Jenn says that she wants to campaign for Britney’s vote. Britney says absolutely. Britney tells her that Shane wants to talk to her. Jenn says that she wants wait until she calms down.

Watch it ALL on FlashBack: Pick the Day, Time and Camera View!


12:05am Boogie, Frank and Ashley are in the kicks room talking. Frank and Boogie talk about how done they are with Shane’s back and forth answers. Boogie says that he will be in the jury house by the pool with salt all around my rim talking so much sh*t about his game to make sure he doesn’t get the votes. Frank says all he will be doing is banging hammers now. Boogie says he just burned his bridge with me, that’s all he will be doing is banging hammers, there is no way I will help him out in LA now. Fu*k that and I told him I would help him too, but that’s done! Boogie says that he wants to go up there and call out Shane on his manhood, you are Dan’s bit*h! Boogie says that he wants to smash his fu*king face! He can go back to his pathetic life in Vermont, I could have changed his life and now there is no way!


Ian and Jenn go into the arcade room to talk. Jenn says that that it is hot out in the streets. She says that she thinks Dan scum bagged her. Jenn says that she doesn’t know if she is the target or not. Jenn says that she is gonna calm down and do dishes before she talks to Shane or else she will rip his head off. Jenn leaves and realizes Dan is doing the dishes, so she goes up and talks to Shane. Jenn asks Shane to tell her what the hell is going on. Shane says that he had to put her up because you have the best relationship with Boogie. Shane tells her that he put a huge target on his back right now because of all of this. Jenn says you sure did! Shane says that he has been told by people that Jenn was getting information for team Boogie. Jenn denies it. Shane tells her that she has a better relationship with Boogie than Ian, and that it is harder for Boogie to campaign against her, but that he thinks she has a very good chance to stay. Shane says that he has been told she is running back to give them information. Shane tells her he hopes she is never in this position to have to because it hard.

12:25pm Jenn and Ian join Boogie and Frank in the kicks room. Jenn talks about how she went up to talk to Shane. She tells them that she was washing dishes next to Dan and started singing the lyrics you look so pretty digging your grave. She says that she then walked away. Ian asks if he incites an argument later with him will they support him? They say oh yeah, yeah. Ian says that he might, or he might not we will see. Frank, Boogie and Jenn leave the kicks room. Frank goes up to Ian after and tells him not to start a fight right now I don’t want you to be painted in a bad light.



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12:30pm – 12:40pm Britney, Danielle and Ashley are in the arcade room talking. Britney says that it is so awkward out there no one is looking or talking to each other. They talk about how pissed Jenn is that she is on the block. Meanwhile, out in the kitchen, Boogie and Frank are yelling at Shane. They are pissed because Shane was implying to them that Dan would be going up on the block and he didn’t. Frank asks why Shane was yanking them around so much and saying that he was leaning one way or another. Shane says yeah I said that I was leaning one way or another I didn’t say which way. Frank says yeah you were insinuating one way. Boogie says now you are just Dan’s bit*ch! Boogie says that he has put a huge target on his back and that he better hope his daddy Dan wins next week while he is on the sidelines watching. Boogie tells Shane that he is going to get what he deserves. Shane asks is that a threat?! Boogie tells him he isn’t in the game anymore, but that my man Frank is coming after you to back up that threat! Frank says you just went from not being on my hit list to being number one on my sh*t list and that Dan is now my number two! Shane says that he knew that would happen and he’s fine with it.
Great Yelling match in the kitchen, WATCH it on FlashBack:
Pick the Day, Time and Camera View!


12:40pm Boogie says what is great for you three (Ian, Jenn and Joe) is that all three of us are going to be in the jury house making sure they don’t get the votes in the jury house for scum bagging us. Ian says you know what that means, mountain bikes! (?)Frank says I would like to point out one thing too your boy (Dan) isn’t helping you out one bit in here. Maybe he will throw the HOH again, just like he did last time. Mike goes and walks by Dan in the living room and says nice fu*king play, nice one, getting them to do your dirty work. Dan sits there in silence reading the bible. Boogie tells Frank we have to give it up to this guy he is good.


Frank, Joe and Boogie go into the kick’s room to talk. Boogie tells Joe that they are tight and don’t have your back. With us you know where we stand and that we are ready to roll with you. Boogie says it is going to be real uncomfortable in here this next week. It is going to be a war! You are in a great position. Shane is in power now, but that is going to end soon. They have nothing to offer you! Frank says if you come over here with us it will be 5 against 3. We aren’t asking for just a week, we want to work with you. Boogie tells Joe to think it over for a day. Joe says that he just needs the 24 hours to think about it and he will not drag it out he will let them know. Joe says that he needs to know that Ashley is with them 100% before he makes his decision. They bring up how Dan didn’t come in and back up his man Shane. Joe leaves.


Watch Big Brother 14 on SuperPass!

12:53pm – 1pm Frank and Boogie head into the living room to sit by Dan to make him uncomfortable. Boogie asks Dan if he is going to ignore him all week. Dan says I’m not ignoring you man. Boogie says I tip my hat at you. I hold no ill will against you in the real world, but in the game it’s a different story. Frank says that he disagrees, he says he is pissed at Dan for trying to scumbag him. Frank says that he is going to start a website how to really get on Boogie says the only thing I asks is that you don’t do Ian wrong. Frank is a big boy and can handle himself. You and Ian have been friends since the beginning. Just don’t do him wrong. Ian is there and says yeah salsa ball. Ian leaves. Boogie says okay Dan we did a good job of hiding the alliance. Boogie says that Janelle is home enjoying a large dildo right now enjoying this… They laugh.

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boogie sucks

Bye Bye Boogie yo ufricken tool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mr this season suck

i think dan will save boogie and make a deal for final 2 or the box ? is saving boogie


Boogie: I gotta calm down before I interact with these motherf’krs


Now on the live feeds Frank and Boogie doing what they only know how to do and that is bully and threaten people! I used to love watching BB but now they only get babies on the show like Frank and Boogie who do not have any idea how to act like they have one ounce of dignity or grace and refuse to realize that it is a stupid game show. Come on BB get these two idiots out of the show ASAP!!! Sick of Frank’s big disgusting foul mouth and both of their inabilities to act like grown adults. THEY BOTH NEED TO GO ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!


YES! now double eviction this week and Frank goes out with his butt buddy too.


LIES! Frank gonna win HOH and put up Shane and Dan….so BYE BYE DAN! 🙂


I hope so. I just can`t stand them anymore.


I can’t believe you’re not pilayng with me–that was so helpful.


Why does a player like Jenn think she can act like this. I love these tough a$$ floaters.


I feel bad for Jenn in a way because she has no idea how little respect Boogie/Frank have for her when they talk about her when she’s not around.


Thats her fault for not playing the game for the first half of the season. She got nominated as a pawn and showed her true colors. She’s an idiot. She is on the side of Boogie and Frank but gets pissed because the other side puts her up. They really need to do a better job casting.

production rigged it

i couldn’t agree more she is stupid she should have enough sense to know that obviously they want boogie gone not her so she just needs to chill out and relax.

Kathie from Canada

Up until this moment in the game, Jenn has been VSA and now she thinks she is all big and bad??? Seriously???? Could she be any more pathetic that she appears now??? And Boogie showing his amazing sense of sportsmanship???? This couldn’t be better for entertainment value IMO.


Danielle has figured out that, she is not in a good
position if she is considered a “strong player” since
the house is getting rid of strong players.

Hopefully Danielle will just keep letting the guys
get rid of each other and sail right into the F4 in
the Girls Alliance!

But, Danielle would need to remember that the
goal here is to win the game……

Wasn’t Danielle one of the people who applied to be
on a dating show? Maybe she was convinced to do
BB because there would be men there, too?

Hopefully Danielle will realize that she could win
$500,000.00, and that she will have plenty of
time and opportunities to meet a more suitable
man than Shane (or that Trey-who-is-with-another
-girl is).

If the Girls’ Alliance just focuses on making sure
Boogie, Frank, Dan, and Shane are the next 4 to go,
there will only be Joe and Ian left to go before
the F4.

Hopefully Britney has figured this out, since it
isn’t looking like Danielle will take the lead. It
would be very interesting to watch Jenn turn
out to be the ‘leader’ of the Girls’ Alliance,
and bring them to victory.

It’s really going to help that Shane is back-
stabbing Jenn, hopefully it will motivate her to
cement her relationship with ‘the Girls’.


Danielle is a strong player?… Baaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahahahahahahahahahahaahhaahaha… That girl is dumber than a box of rocks.


Dani and Shane are Dans puppets! Dan is a good player

Production has a hard on for Frank

How is Danielle dumb??? She is a nurse who almost has a Masters? That takes a LOT OF BRAINS!


i’d never let her be my nurse


Boogie is pissed about something AGAIN. just came out of the diary room talking about production/bitching and feeds cut.


Do they realy think they will go through all of Big Brother and NEVER be nominated? Ugh, why is Jenn so pissed and wanting “blood for this.”? Get over it! You haven’t done shit in this game, and Boogie is the target….why is she even on this cast?


Exactly. Jenn hasn’t won or come close to winning any comps, has she even been a Have Not? She is the ultimate floater and to be this pissed over being nominated it nuts. Suck it up Cupcake!

Jenn zip it

Jenn is right up there with Lawaon and Adam as some of the most uesless players in BB history! Oh no, she’s out for revenge now..everyoen shuold be scared



say what?

yes!! see ya Boogie 🙂


Not going to Happen? Jenn wants to leave, follow by Dan!

The Voices In Captain Wedgies Head

Yes, I am right always. Jenn wants to leave, believe me in this. You will see, Chilltown 2.0 is stronger than ever. I no do drugs, why people think this?


@The voices of whatever head Your Such annoying. stfu!


boogie and frank deflated!! their dark bullying didn’t work!




Not surprised at all by the outcome. I wish Dr. Will would have came in to coach instead of Boogie, would of been fun seeing him literally mind-f*** this cast. Frank is better off on his own, Boogie is just dragging him down at this point. What surprised me was Boogie actually trying to be trustworthy and waste Frank’s HOH, should of predicted the Silent 6 alliance would be done the week after.


Jenn, you got your wish. Hopefully, the best to see you go! Don’t worry you will be happy to see you leave.

The Voices In Captain Wedgies Head

Yes Jenn, you want to leave. I know this, I always right. Just tell people vote you out, like you want. It happen every year, people always campaign to get themselves voted out, believe me when I tell this.


Your annoying!


Like you’re NOT…..???????


Now….vote Boogie out as planned….I just hope that CBS & Big Brother Production does not pull something like they have right before our eyes when they want someone to stay that was already out the door…..

Please CBS & Big Brother Production…look at the fan votes….Boogie & Frank do not have the numbers….America does not like them….get rid of them & let the real Big Brother game begin….not Boogiie’s game…..let him go home!!!!

Appears the fans are veryhappy with the Quack Pack!!!


Sorry…but I like Frank and Boogie


This is just my personal opinion, but I think that Boogie and Frank are the two most despicable people I ever saw play on BB. There were others I didn’t like, or thought were big, raging, buttholes, but this is a new level of hatred I’m feeling with those two.

Production has a hard on for Frank

Could not agree more!


I’m there with you…there’s so much one can take. Such hubris and small mindedness is really bothersome…I have to work with abused children everyday and I admit that in my years, it’s still so hard to imagine any human being could cause so much pain because I had a great Dad but mehn! Seeing Boogie and Frank at works makes my skin crawl…so sad. Game or no game, my respect for Dan continues to grow insurmountably by the second.


Please get a life, this is only a TV show, LOL!


Sorry.. I don’t like either of them.

Danielle's Pathetic

Speak for yourself my Dear…… NOT “ALL” of America dislikes Boogie & Frank!!!!!!!!
FACT: Boogie MAKES the show interesting this year!
And are you just so callous that you don’t see that at his core Frank is a probably THE MOST decent human being in that house????


Sorry, I don’t condone bullying under any circumstances. And, if you think decent is someone who can’t put three sentences together without swearing; who speaks about women in a derogatory manner….well, your definition of decent is otherworldly.

Zingbot Fan

Boogie will make it interesting when he gets voted out Thursday. I hope you were kidding about Frank being the most decent human being in the house if not you might want to check the dosage on your medication.


Frank is so decent, he never swears, he doesn’t support total immature-clown -hip-hop-losers, has never made out with a complete airhead, he is never a poor sport or a cheater, is totally modest and perfectly decent. haha

Zingbot Fan

@janedoe that was awesome. Did you notice that television does not pickup Frank’s halo?


I have to disagree. Frank is not even close to being decent. He needs to go ASAP. Boogie doesn’t need the money. He is rich and it was smart of Shane to put Frank and Boogie up so that one of them goes this week.


Thank you! Susan is Right the Fans dont like Cheaters or other people production wants ! Let them have Real big Brother

Not a production of it!

I am so glad Shane put up Jenn ! GO SHANE !

Next week Frank ! If production lets it happen 4 in the Chair and not voted out is that a record!


@MEXFRENCH! OMG, Your Just a hater! I’m not a Mike Boogie Fan but I respect his gameplay. Can wait to see Jenn go!


Jenn is shooting herself in the foot for no reason, but at this point I don’t think it really matters what she does. Boogie is too bid of a target and he will got home. Jenn is ruining her game for the future though. The target on her back just went from invisible to medium sized because she pretty much told Shane she was coming after him and Dan. Not smart!


Um, do NOT speak for everyone Susan!!!

VA Vet

No cameras on Boogie yet? ROFLMAO.

Out for Blood #not really playing

Who is Jenn?

Eric CA

Jen is that thing you see from the corner of your eye, that know one believes is real.
Jen is the hairs on the back of your neck that stand up, because someone is watching you. Turn around and no one is there.
Jen is that voice no else can hear.

Jen is Big Brothers first Tattooed Punk Rock Lesbian Ghost. Say her name in a mirror three times and the Live Feeds are cut.


She’s mad she actually has to play the game now? Obviously she knows she’s just a pawn so why get so angry unless it’s because she has to finally do something now.

Chicago BB Fan

Jenn is absolutely worthless in this game…… She doesn’t even have to do a thing to save herself this week….. She obviously is not the target, but yet she is too dumb to even realize that……. The girl has done jack-squat since day one….. She will be there at the end sitting next to whomever is going to win this year….. What a waste of a spot on the show…. CBS could have at least given her spot to someone who would play the game instead of just sleep and eat all day…… Hell, she hasn’t even been a have-not yet…….. Welcome to Big Brother Jenn, it’s only taken 50 days for you to figure out that this is a game not a vacation….. Ugh, I hate that she is even in this house.


Why is ? so pissed??? Does she honestly beileve she’s the target??? Get a grip on reality!


see jenn has been hiding but now we know she has the nasty in her. now we to see who she is underneath all of her fake ….it’s all good mama comments.


I am a Chilltown fan, but I do have to admit that Jenn is going a bit overboard. She is sitting next to Boogie, why should she worry about getting the boot sitting next to him. I’d just be sitting pretty, laying low, and just confirm things down the road. Wil proved big time what happens when you start having attitude. It was Joe leaving the house during Frank’s HOH until Wil started up and then it flipped. Its Monday, elimination is Thursdays. Its Double Evict, anything is possible…yo…


Love how Brit says she didn’t know what was gonna happen . LOL

Just me

I love how Britney is playing the game this season. She’s the innocent player, in the middle, who doesn’t know anything when she’s asked and looks surprise when her suggestion nominee is put on the block. At the same time letttig the other players dig their own graves while she remains with no drop of blood in her own hands. On top of that, I laugh when she mimics other’s in the diary room plus she catches little BB house details like the key holes beside the coaches names back when they were not playing. I hope she and Dan get to final two.


boogies not goin anywhere production isnt going to have a repeat of last season it seems obvious to me that pandoras box will be making an appearance and saving boogie no one wants to watch a boring house of floaters who are dan,brit ,jenn,ashley,ian,joe


I hope you’re right because otherwise the show will be more boring than it already is.

billy bob

ring ring ,hello ,dr will ,your boy boogie sucks without you ,he sucks big balls ,call him thursday night and tell him dan out played him ,made him look like a yo yo, bahahahahhahahaha hahahahahahhahahah


Dan is the best player in this game right now. Danielle honestly has zero target on her as well in the Q pack. I think it will be those 2 in the end.
Boogie goes home.
Quack pack has Joe now (even though he doesn’t know it) and no matter who wins HOH next they have the numbers to do what they want.
Whos left after Thursday.

Other side:
Jenn the ?

AS long as Quack pack with Joe stick to their guns they will ride to final 6. Then it will really be on.

I hope Pandoras box does NOT save Boogie. His crying and whining and bullying behavior totally tarnished his image for me. Dan is the best Big Brother player of all time in my opinion. Close with Dr. Will.

Last thought. Ever wonder why BB1 players never get love. Like the winner Eddie for example??? strange.


WOOHOO Bring on the “Girls Alliance” (with Ian
as the last guy). It will be great, just like it was
during the Survivor F4 Girls Alliance season.

boogie sucks

If Boogie gets saved by a power than this should be the last year of big brother because it is a f’n joke. I think he is gone on thursday. Boogie is such an ass.

CJ Cool

Then stop watching.


My bet is that lots of people will.


if rachael the most hated player in big brother history can be saved time and time again by special powers than why not boogie


OMG, Jenn, Boogie and Frank are such huge babies!!! They all three are the biggest cry babies I have ever seen on BB in 14 seasons. Get over it you are nominated and grow up. None of the other house guests have acted so intolerable as these three tools. Boogie needs to go Thursday and Frank after him and then Jenn to try and save this season if it is possible. At least the other house guests even though they may lie which is part of the game have some type of class where as these three do not even know how to spell the word!!! BYE BYE to all three so please production do not put your dirty little hands in the game and try to save these three worthless individuals.


They both have been in the center of the shit storm that’s been making this season actually entertaining. If both go, it’s gonna be a crappy second half of this season. You’re going to have the Quack Pack picking off the floaters one by one. Ian will be the first one expendable for them once they’re the only ones left. That doesn’t make for interesting television.


There is a difference between entertainment crazy like Rachel and what those two asswipes are doing. I want them out of the house.


Rather watch the Quack Pack then the two cry babies, Frank and Boogie!!! They don’t make it entertaining they make it sad to watch two grown men act like babies and one who is in the middle of lawsuits for embezzlement and the other that has such a limited vocabulary that he cannot not speak without using the F Bomb in every sentence. They need to go!!!!!!!!


I don’t think so. Frank and Boogie are bullies and the others are just smart enough to let them be the only scum in the house (now ? as well). Once they are gone, others will step into that role.

CJ Cool

Wow, take it easy. The fact that everybody forgets is that this is a reality show that gets ratings from the house guests going overboard. Sure Frank and Boogie play their little whiny game from time to time but to say that they are worthless individuals is a little much. Most people are watching this season because of their actions and that tells me that they are worth watching. If production steps in to give a special power, then so be it. I didn’t see anybody complaining when Jeff was handed the diamond power of veto and put Jesse and Natalie on the block in a past season. That is because Jeff was a fan favourite and good guy. Frank and Boogie are playing the villains here and it makes better television. I will bet that you keep watching even if they save Boogie.


Well then you would be 100% wrong because I had stopped watching and only started back when read that Frank and Boogie were on the block, and will stop once again if Boogie does not go home. I do not find threats and bullying at all entertaining. Dr. Will was entertaining but he did not threaten or bully, but Boogie is incapable of doing anything but bully and threaten with his Bozo by his side. If these two children are sent home with their limited vocabulary and bullying tactics the others will step up and actually make the show very entertaining to watch without the bullying and threats that is the only arsenal that Boogie and Frank have.


AGREE LOVE THE QUACK PACK and cannot stomach the cry babies. Production do look at the numbers America does not like Boogie, Frank or Jenn. Send their skanky butts out the door!!

CJ Cool

Dan and Ian should flip sides to save Boogie. Dan should see that everybody is out for his blood and Ian should realize he is playing 5th fiddle and is his only worth is sharing information. Down goes Quack pack.


I can’t even imagine how hard Boogie is working right now to come up with a way to make it seem like his eviction was under his control. I am sure he will just bash everyone, with some 40 year old wigger humor splashed in there.


is anyone else annoyed with the fact that everytime danielle talks to a HG she somehow manages to turn the conversation to herself? At this point i would rather frank survive the double eviction on thursday if they would vote out danielle. She is a freaking psycopath, for some delusional reason she is constatly comparing herself to Jordan. WTF!!!! Message to Danielle: You are not likable, Dan will not talk to you after this game is over because you are crazy!


I’m glad someone else sees this. She is 100% INSANE. Literally. No hyperbole. Like, I kind of fear for Shane’s well-being after this.


If Jenn wants to go home! Let her go home! She not happy here! Just remember Pawns will go home. Jenn wants to leave, let her. It’s for the best for her

The Voices In Captain Wedgies Head

Yes believe me this is for best. Jenn want to leave. Jenn, go head butt Shane, then you will must go home and boogie must stay. Chilltown 2.0!!! Why are these people in white at my trailer? I no insane, I always right!! Get straight-jacket away from me…AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


STFU! You got on my nerves!


And you’re NOT….????


if dan leaves, so does dani…..but dan knows he has to get rid of danielle …he wants to be in the final two with ashley or jenn…..wouldnt it be awesome if jenn just started winning this alll…..if jenn just got into beast mode and screamed team tits forever!!!!!!…….i like jenn…she was right…she is the coolest floater around….she is just mixed up witht he wrong crowd….lol,……..her music is pretty good too and whoever said danielle is a strong player hasnt been watching live feeds…..danielle is just another mutation of dan in this game……she is a mere clone of dan….she is dans puppet

VA Vet

If Frank starts trying to make a deal with Shane, I hope Shane tells him it depends on how Frank votes on Thursday. Getting a 7 to zip vote would be the coup-deatat of the season. Would definitely send Mike out the door wondering what the heck is going on.


jenn is so ugly omg she looks like a fish with a wig on top…..


Priceless. Jenn is in no position to be mad. She tried to fly under the radar till this point. Obvious that she is working for F/B since she never talks game with Shane and she was in his face yesterday pushing Dan, Dan, Dan. SHe is just pissed that she is up after all her boasting that she thought she turned him to the dark side. Dani needs to go toe to toe with her and smack her ass down. NO ONE is immune from the block. What a b*itch.


Omg I hate Ian. Why is everyone just letting him skate along and acting like he’s on everyone’s side. It’s everyone wants to protect this kid. And for what reason. He would never take the heat for anyone else. I’m so sick of this kid Man up and stop floating


Ummm because Boogie and Frank trust him, tell him everything and Ian takes that info back to the quack pack. How do you think that quack pack has been getting all their “inside” info? Boogie and Frank are going to look like dumb asses when they find out it was Ian relaying info and not Dan.

VA Vet

Did you ever stop to think that maybe it’s his game plan? Being a double agent isn’t exactly floating. It’s keeping everyone else at each others throat while he sits back and surveys the carnage. Not a bad plan for BB, don’t you think?

We’ll all see once the herd gets thinned.


First of all yes I know that’s his game plan. That’s not what I’m talking about. Everyone else is going to let boogie and frank yell at them threaten them and get them voted out. It’s one thing to go back to them with info. It’s another to say your going to yell at Shane and put this act on. With boogie gone and the line drawn there is no need to act anymore. Stop being a little boy and step up to the plate. Dan and the rest of the quack pack are letting there names be drag through the mud for this kid. At first it was nice of Dan but I wouldn’t want to lose $500,000 because some kid wouldn’t take the wrap


Everyone loves an underdog, people always root for the little guy, the smart guy who never gets the girl…that is why people like Ian. He is the ultimate underdog. I think he is playing a great game and would love to see him and Dan in the end, just to see who would win.


Quack pack is an alliance with a bunch of weak players except for maybe Dan.

CJ Cool

Agreed. Quack pack sucks.


Yeah a bunch of ‘weak’ players that are kicking ass and are taking out a ‘strong player this week, ha ha. And if they win HOH then these weak players will finish Frank off.
They’re weak coz you don’t like them. But they have the numbers and are playing the game, that’s why Boogie’s going home. How’s that for ‘weak’? The strong players are whining like babies and not realizing this is a game and they got got.
Boogie can dish it out but can’t take it.

Rachel's nipple

Boogie kinda reminds me of J-Rock from TPB. Knowatimsayin

linda is crazy

linda…..u must be a lesbian….because only a butch dike lesbian would want an all girls alliance…go lick twat and stop bothering our chat

VA Vet



Of course I’m not a lesbian. I just remember how funny
it was on Survivor when that guy (Eric?) gave away his
immunity necklace and gave the women the F4. And,
it was interesting to watch the F4 that year (especially
if compared to when Sandra won… yawn).

It seems to me that Ashley could get Ian to throw her
Ian’s final POV if she wanted to do it. And, it’s too late
for any other interesting scenario. If Shane/Dan think
that they won’t be the next to go (after Boogie/Frank)
Shane/Dan are fooling themselves.


Linda, there is no need to explain yourself to this ignorant scumbag. He is obviously a mentally challenged woman hater. Low life!

Team 10K

Ok, Mike, time to get your ass to work…


Cya Jenn! I feel bad for you but you need to go! You haven’t won anything. Not even a HOH or POV!

MU Tigers

Cya Boogie! I feel bad for you but you need to go! You haven’t won anything. Not even a HOH or POV!

Danielle's Pity Party Planner

Brit is horrible at this game – she thinks she’s being such a great strategist by saying the Nom’s and POV replacement choice were all Shane’s doing – she had nothing to do with it. If she were smart she would wrap Shane around her like a warm coat in winter and wear him to the end and say she had everything to do with Shane’s decisions – she couldnt compete physically soshe used her social skills to take out the heavy hitters to get Shane and herself further in the game – then with some luck dump Shane at Final 3 or 4 and take Danielle to F2. By saying she had nothing to do with it everyone knows she’s a liar and a coward wanting (in her words talking about Joe) to ‘be at the murder but not get any blood on her hands’. Grow some ovaries Brit!!!

Joe's a**l beads

OK… frank and boogie are trying to bully shane….when is enough enough……seriously, u guys got put up on the block….stop bein babies and take it on the chin like a man… boogie is telling shane u r number one target and blah blah blah…….BRITNEY, DANIELLE, DAN…step your fucking game up and win thursdays HOH….the person who has done the most for you is on the line……SHANE HAS WON THE MOST COMPS FOR THE QUACK PACK…..its time they step up and win one for him….please dont let frank win the hoh on thursday…..lets go quack pack step your game up….

LA from GA

Boogie and Frank have been such bullies the past 2 days, that I really hope they (production) just let Boogie get the boot. It’s fun watching people scheme, but it is not enjoyable to watch people bully.

That being said obviously the viewers and production are unhappy with Jenn, I mean we’ve seen like 4 minutes total of her all season. I could see Boogie getting voted out and Pandora’s box coming in to play and switching the last eviction so that Jenn has to leave and Boogie comes back.


“Anyone gonna be mad if i take up for Shane?” – TPH4L Yo!


I doubt it even prduction wouldn’t pull that


Omg Jenn is so annoying!! It’s a game! Someone had to be nominated. I hope she leaves. She has done eff all and is just floating to the end. Such a baby


I honestly don’t understand the men rooting for Shane and Dan. Are they the kind of guys you’d hang out with? If so, you need a little more beer and football in your life.

And just from an entertainment standpoint, do you really want to watch Shane stumble through every awkward conversation while Britney complains and Dan literally lays on the couch all day? This was an awful decision to bring the coaches back in, especially considering how *terrible* all the new players are. Other than Frank and Willie (RIP–not literally), the newbs have/had no idea what they were doing, even if Willie did try to win the game week 1. At least he did *something*

And Shane is a moron for leaving Dan in the game. Get Dan out, and he becomes the most important person in that alliance. Don’t, and they’ll all turn on him b/c they don’t want to sit next to him in the end.


I hope Dan goes home next !! I am sick of him wearing that ugly red t-shirt all the time…..


I sense Jenn will suddenly decide to leave after a Diary Room session. I theorize “production” will offer her 75,000 dollars to leave and it will be kept quiet. Or they will have some kind of temptation game where they offer players money to leave before Thursday. If anyone leaves, the HOH/POV will reset for Thursday and only 1 person goes home. SOmething will happen.

Team 10K

Mike/Frank are the only decent human beings in this game…Piss ant Dan hides behinds his religion as some choir boy, and then you have th biatch Britney/pu$$y Shane alliance…


Decent? Ummmm, ok….smh(WOW)

HOH Comp

I liked boogie and frank but what they dont seem to understand is that they would have just got out dan or brit next week during the Double Eviction…. They are just mad they didnt do it first…


Sore losers much? Gawd every year there is sore losers – they got the better of me first so theyare not getting my vote. Bunch of babies.

production rigged it

was it a typo in the text or is boogie just that stupid because i read that he said he would be sitting in the jury house relaxing by the pool having a drink, his ass ain’t going to jury it’s going home and what a pathetic little b**tch he is saying oh i’m not helping him out now he can go back to his pathetic life in vermont, no boogie it’s you who can go back to your pathetic life now and deal with all of your legal and sexual lawsuits, also when frank and boogie were yelling at him in the kitchen shane should have looked at them and said now boys there is no place for bullying outside of this house or in it wasn’t that what frank said week 1 and then after that he should’ve said frank your nana told you to keep it classy and you’re not she will be disappointed in you, what a couple of losers!!! also what a joke jenn is she hasn’t done anything in this game most people don’t even know she’s there and now she’s mad that she actually has to do something poor thing whatever will she do.