Head of Household Winner – Christmas
Have nots – No havenots this week
Nominations – Bay & DaVonne
Power of Veto Players are – Christmas, Bayleigh, Da’Vonne, Nicole, Ian and Dani.
POV Host: – David
Power of Veto holder – Christmas
Power of Veto Ceremony – Veto not used.
Powers – Christmas, Dani, David
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Veto Results:
– Christmas Won the Veto
– Dani won the Home Gym
– Day won the 5K
– Nicole got the Slop-tard punishment
– Bay has to do 500 laps riding a tricycle on a track
– Ian didn’t feel well so he didn’t play
Bathroom. Day and Christmas.
Christmas – if I step back and look at the situation it just puts me in a very compromising position to have to do that. And then to completely shun me.. Day – even with him.. Christmas – that is still not my cross to bear. It is like literally not my cross to bear. Day – here is my thing to you with me.. the only thing that is confusing to me .. I understand you have to do what you have to do.. I get it, I get it, I get it. The only thing I don’t get .. unless there was a plan for one of us to go. It was almost like a gift was presented to you. Christmas – she sees it as a gift .. I see it as a burden. Not only would I have put you and her up and like got you guys both upset with me. So there is a black mark against me with her and you .. and then I put Tyler up and confusing the house. That compromises my position in the house and my game. Day – but he was going to have a house meeting to say that he wanted to go. Christmas – yeah he didn’t do that and she didn’t name him. And so it looks like I am just throwing him up there because she is telling me to. She is starting to merge these two situations. This situation isn’t because of him. If he wants to go up for her.. then do that next week during the noms and someone else’s HOH. Now she has an attitude with me. Day – its not what she wanted .. its what HE wanted.
Christmas – then he can do it on the next HOH. Its not my responsibility to do it on my HOH. If he wants out he has to do it on his own terms. Day – you took personal information that she told you and you ran with it. She feels hurt! Christmas – this is big brother DaVonne. Day – you were the person that she trusted in the game. Christmas – I would like for you to be there for the conversations because then you can talk on her behalf. You are arguing her behalf. There is no such thing as personal game information. Day – it is personal game information. Christmas – there is not such thing as personal game information!! Day – you EXPOSED HER!! YOU BETRAYED HER!!! Christmas – because you’re a DUO!!! Day – we weren’t a duo! Christmas – well she says that you’re her untouchable so what the f**k am I supposed to do with that information!?!! Bay joins them. Day leaves. Day – Christmas, I’m going to walk away. Christmas – please do! Thank you! Good Night!! Day – I am not going to bed! Don’t good night me!! I’m a walk away! I’m a walk away! Christmas – have a good night!
Bay and Christmas.
Bay – I just walked out of the diary room. I did not expect to walk into that. Christmas – its because we f**king love you. That was not aggressive towards you that was excitement. Bay – here is what everyone is struggling with.. and everyone is struggling with the same thing. Christmas – okay, I will clear the air. Bay – this is a game. We are all aware that this is a game. I was vulnerable with you on a different level for myself. I felt taken advantage of. She does feel like you took advantage of me. You used me to get ahead in the game and all I can say is good game move. Bay – it is what it is! Christmas – I have never said a damn thing about what you said about personal real life. Bay – however I opened up to you on a person real life level and you chose to come after me that is still something that people can be upset about. And I can get upset about that. And that is all. Christmas – for sure. What I am upset about is that you said you can separate game and personal and I don’t believe that is true. Bay – I did. Christmas – let me finish! Bay – No! You don’t get to play victim in this situation. You used me and you Christmas – I didn’t use you! You told me information. Bay – get your fingers out of my face! BACK UP! Christmas – you just came at me!! Bay – you want to say b***h! Christmas – I didn’t say b***h! Bay – you did! And ask her! You raised your tone and I have been nothing but nice! Christmas – no, no, no.. Bay – NO! Stop with all of THIS! Christmas – f**k off! F**k off Bay! Bay – I am asking you calmly. Christmas – there is a difference between game and personal! Bay – I didn’t treat you like this so why are you treating me like this way. I am coming to you with respect. Christmas – you came at me first! Day comes in and pulls Bay outside. Christmas starts clapping – GOOD GAME BAY! GOOD GAME BAY! Bay – what did I do!?!!
Backyard. Day crying and talking to David / Tyler / The cameras
Day – if you cuss her out everyone is going to blame you! OHHHHHHHHHH GOD!!! OHHHHHHHHHHH GOD!! OOOOHHHHHHHHH GOD!!! I DON’T get it!? I hate this game! Why does she get to talk to me like that but if I respond everyone is going to look at me like I’m crazy!! And she is talking to me like I am her child! And if I respond to that I am going to look crazy! I’m going to look like DaVonne .. there goes DaVonne! That’s the eruption we were waiting for!! That felt like a set up! I feel set up! I was having a calm conversation. The more people that started coming into the kitchen ..she kept getting louder and LOUDER AND LOUDER! And she kept talking to me like crazy and crazy and crazy .. FOR WHAT!?!! I was having a calm conversation with her!!!!!! I literally did nothing to that girl! Tyler – its okay! Day – if I respond everyone will be like that’s what I was waiting for .. that’s DaVonne! That’s what I wanted her to do! Tyler – don’t go in there.
Day goes to get Bay. Bay – what did I do?!!! Day – you did nothing .. she literally BETRAYED YOU AND SHE IS MAD ABOUT! She betrayed you and you did nothing! Bay – I tried to calm her down! Day – you did nothing. Her feelings are hurt. She betrayed you and she is mad about it. Bay – I just can’t win!! I just come out of the diary room and what?!! Bay – she was clapping at me! and she did this right in my face. And if I had grabbed it and twisted it would it have been a problem?!!? Day – you would have been wrong. You would have been wrong! Bay – she said don’t you dare come up stairs because I’m locking my door. Okay! Day – who is coming up to that punk as HOH room?!! Not ME! You’re reign is OVER BRO!! Its gone what you taking about!?!! You don’t matter no more .. you got to bring your a$$ back downstairs. Bay – the best part is when she comes back down she has to sleep next to one of us.
Kitchen. Christmas, Kevin and Dani.
Christmas – Don’t say that I gave personal information and that I leveraged you personally when I didn’t! No one has ever heard me say anything personal about Bay other than how wonderful she is. Then don’t yell at me and not let me finish and interrupt me and say that you get to finish and then when I walk out of the bathroom .. you f**king come after me and when I turn around to f**king talk you say that I am coming after you! Do not leverage this to make me look like a F**King bully!!! And no I am not the victim in this situation. She gave me very specific information about who she is working with and her ride or die! This is a game .. when you have couples like that .. you f**king take them out! We barely talked game. She came to me ..so you know what I am telling this sh*t! And I am not going to do her dirty work to try and get Tyler out! No matter how much he wants to go home that is not my position! They want him gone .. they can do it themselves. Dani – you have never said anything negative about her. Christmas – you obviously don’t need me to say who I want to go home because she doesn’t know the difference between game and personal. Kevin – everyone is really heated. Christmas – I don’t get like that and the fact that I got like that just breaks my..
Bay – she got her TV moment! Day – I promise you the more I talked to her the more if felt like a trap. I let her talk to me crazy for a long time until I said you know what I am not taking this sh*t no more and I got up and I walked away. She was really talking to me crazy!! Bay – I believe it. Day – like she was sunning me! I don’t like to be sun’d! Bay – she’s been doing it to me all week. Day – you can’t sun me because you won some punk a$$ HOH because I missed the question .. not because you knew it!! F**KER!?!!!! Like are you kidding me!?!! Day to Bay – and that my friend was your ticket to stay this week! Bay – no, no, no! NO NO NO! Day – that sh*t had to happen. Bay – no no no no no no no no no! Day – She said the reason she didn’t put him up was because you didn’t say his name (Tyler) in your speech (veto ceremony speech). GET THE F**K OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!! Get the f**k out of here! Get out of here! Bay to Tyler – just a question .. did you tell me no to say your name in my speech because she told you that? Tyler – no. Bay – okay so she just made that up. Day – and Tyler I am sorry to be talking about this all out in the open but she said that everyone already knows.
Kitchen. Christmas sitting at the island. Day walks in and slams the door. Kevin tells Christmas – I think you should go in the HOH room. Christmas – NO! Absolutely not! I live here too and I can go where ever the f**k I want!! Day starts walking back by Christmas with Bay. Day – I’M BACK! I’M BACK! Christmas – here we go! Day – SHUT THE F**K UP! Christmas – I don’t have to I live here too. Day – SHUT THE F**k UP!! SHUT THE F**k UP!! SHUT THE F**k UP!! Christmas – I live here too! Bay – why are you adding fuel!? Christmas – I’m not adding fuel! Bay – STOP!! STOP!! Day – you wanted to provoke me?!!?! I’M PROVOKED!! Christmas – OKAY!!! Day goes into the diary room. Bay walks back – that is unnecessary .. we don’t need to be doing all that. Christmas – it is unnecessary.
Bedroom. Dani and Cody.
Dani – did you see Christmas?! She was pointing and waving her fingers in Bay’s face. Then she was clapping at them. I was like what are you doing?! And then she was like I’M NOT GOING TO BE THE BULLY THIS SEASON!! I am playing game and not personal. This is my f**king house. I can stay where ever I want! Let her (Bay) be upset .. she’s on the block. She goes I’m not upset at all. They want me to do their dirty work .. they can’t win anything. Cody – and Day saying that if she yells back she is going to be seen as the ghetto black girl. Day was pissed!
Backyard. Nicole and Day.
Day – when she put me up and I still continued to talk to her.. that was hard for me to do! That was hard for me to do! You don’t even know! I don’t even know what is going to happen now. And quite honestly I don’t think I even care! Nicole – Day yes, yes, yes you do! We will get through this! Day – She betrayed Bay and now she feels bad about it. But don’t take that out on me. Nicole – people put people up and they ignore them. I would too. Bay didn’t do anything wrong by not talking to her. Day – when she put me up and I was still talking to her and smiling ..I feel like she took advantage of that. THat was very hard for me to do! That was hard to do. I don’t even know. Why would you come after me? Nicole – I don’t know.. I think she was mad at Bay and took it out on you. Day – that makes me think that the sh*t that happened the other day was a joke! Nicole – it wasn’t and it shouldn’t have been .. so what now you and her are going to go at each other!? She kept getting in my face! That’s what that announcement (Production) was for .. for her .. not me. I am worried that, that might have just sealed my fate. People who have arguments go home. Nicole – I think you’re still good.
11:45pm Bathroom. Day and Bay.
Day congratulates Bay on how well she conducted herself. But I do want you to know that all that popped off because I was defending you. Bay – I know. I called her out for cussing at you too. Day – there was no real reason to put us up. You (Christmas) thought your big game move was putting up the two black people in the house. The two black women in the house. Bay – MMmmhhmmmm. Ya’ll made us a pair. Day – this is goofy as hell. Like girl BYE! She is going to hate me. She is going to hate me. Bay – I know you think you sealed your fate but we still in the same damn boat.. and you’re staying here. You can terrorize her! Day – I am going to make life a living hell! Bay – I would love to watch. I would love to see sister. Day – and I know for a fact that b***h has a power! Bay – you should say it in your speech. Bay – we should use it to flush it out. POW! I don’t know who she thinks she is f**king with but regardless of who stays.. she is on the top of our naughty list.
12:10am Bathroom. Bay and Day.
Bay – she done lost her mind. I wish she would have swung! Day – she ain’t that bold! I don’t understand how ya’ll started yelling. Bay – she started yelling. Day – I was angry because i know how that sh*t can get flipped on the OUTSIDE! I’m going to spill everything and I am going to lock that b***h in .. oh I am going to lock her in!
12:10pm HOH bathroom. Christmas is crying.
12:20am Bathroom.Bay and Kevin.
Kevin – she was so angry that she looked possessed. Bay – I’ve been on that side of it too I just don’t know how she got there. Keivn – guilt.
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Christmas will get that tail beat lol
What the hell does this even mean?
As much as people don’t like Christmas as a player and I get it because I’ve never been a fan of Christmas either….
but come on people
bayleigh and Davonne are complete trash as players.
What’s amusing is Davonne is trying to talk SH!T about the HOH THIS PAST WEEK and how she (Davonne) earned that win because she (Day) missed the last question….
Please Davonne you are the epitome of all talk and no bite !!!!
And for one Davonne you have no reason to talk becauseYOU HAVE ZERO competition WINS in THREE SEASONS!!! Day needs to really get over herself!
It is a laughing joke for how tough Day acts like she a great Big Brother player and a true all star in yet she’s the worst player we’ve ever seen in competitions as well as having a social game that is just plain horrific!!!! May be the worst we’ve ever seen and Her (Davonne) body language gives her intentions away and her loose lip and inability to use information to advantage not only leads to her demise being in the game but as well as her allies being in trouble and being voted out as well!!!
And what might be the most annoying thing is that Davone tries completely ignore the fact that she got evicted WEEK 2 in her original season!!!!
Newsflash Davonne you are garbage at this game because you can’t win competitions and your social game sucks and you were not deserving of a second chance in BB 18 because you got evicted WEEK 2 !!! Let alone earning a third chance to play!!!!
Bay and Day are the ones that are deserving to go these next two evictions because they are the ones who got PLAYED LIKE SPADES when they voted With the MAJORITY of the house for 4 WEEKS STRAIGHT!!!!
Bay and Day have made their own bed and they have no one to blame but themselves!!! Because they are the ones who did the dirty work for the major house alliance and take out possible allies!!!
Congratulations ladies you played yourself!!!
xmas hasn’t done shit either! 2 of her wins she did nothing but stand there! shes won 1 only.
That’s true but she still has done way more than those 2 loudmouths have. Hell, Davonne and Bayleigh have been on a combined 5 seasons and haven’t won a damn thing. They suck and it’s not because of their skin color.
Omg…..so Christmas is an angel huh? You’re calling the two POC loud mouths while Halloween instigated and added fuel to the fire by provoking ANOTHER fight, clapping her hands and getting in Bay’s face?? Girl bye!!!! You support the Karen movement!
It appears you are watching a different version of Bb22 then the rest of us.
All class……without the C and the L Trey.
Also, Shitmas rammed her car into her baby daddy’s woman’s car and threw i believe hot coffee on her! And she has the nerve to get in Bay’s face like a rabid ratched ghetto fool!! She is not an angel and think she’s a competition beast?! Are you shitting me? You won HOH and Veto by default you stupid ass!! If you people hate her now, wait until she get out of the house…she is gonna feel the burn from all races for her scummy behavior!!
Christmas is trash too. I don’t like any of the 3. Just because Christmas sucks doesn’t automatically make DaVonne and Bayleigh angels. At least Christmas can win a competition. All Bayleigh an DaVonne can do is complain about how they are oppressed. Look up Bayleigh, she grew up rich. No one wants to hear her whining anymore.
false Bay did win comps in her season
Bayleigh won 1 HoH In season 20 and managed to have a terrible HOH
Reign by sending out the person in Kaitlyn that she didn’t want to leave!!!
Not to mention that bayleigh also managed to blow up her own game up the week she was HOH because she mentioned to Tyler that she wanted to back door Angela if Veto was used!!!
If you ask me I really wouldn’t be going around bragging about that competition win if I was Bayleigh!!!
She was trying to set them up. That’s been the conversation in the house to try and make them go off. You are a example of just what Day and Bay are talking about. Also, you have two winners in the house and you target them. I feel It is because of the color of their skin. Remember Camp comeback. They are saying their next targets are, DaVonne, Kevin and David in that order.
tough . ppl ate sick of crybaby victims. no body cares what color you are,except u sad blm morons. bay and day think they owed something. nobody owes u nothing,work like the rest of us. blm ppl are gross
No Jason you are gross and obviously a loser, people are sick of sad losers and crybabies like you whining and crying on online forums. ‘Boohoo now I can’t generalize, oversimplify and ignore racism anylonger?’ Poor little frustrated Jason, the real victim here. Stop being a baby and educate yourself like the rest of us grownups. And please learn how to write properly, people might take you more seriously.
What exactly have Dani and Nicole done that is so game worthy?Whine,cry,they hurt my feelings.Waaaa.Day and Bay played the game and were constantly lied to.So yeah there’s that.
Dani is running the show. She wanted Keesha, Janelle and Kaysar out..and she got it.
She wanted Bay out because, she wants Day to be working only with her (Dani)…and guess what`s happening this week? Dani is getting what she wants again.
Dani isn’t running the show…. Cody is… Dani is just whining to get what she wants
I’m sorry This is the worst season I have ever seen. I can’t believe how stupid these people are playing. Dani and Nicole are useless! Dani is getting by from lying and swearing to god on her kids that’s awful! Christmas kisses all the guys asses and really has done nothing! The girls this season are a mess. Not one big move has been made. So many floaters. It’s painful to watch. I don’t even want anyone to win at this point no one deserves it!
Dani is playing the game for the guys like the girls always do (Cody, Tyler) in favor of “protection” and thinks it’s good game play. Once the guys get their use out of what the girls can do for them then they chop them.
The only way I see Dani having game redemption as a good player is if she can get someone who has won or close to it out or if she’s a target and wins herself out of it like she has in the past.
I kind of like Davon, at least compared to Bay. However, do you think that CBS invited her to be on the show because they figured something like this was bound to happen? They know we’d need some excitement and putting this duo in a house with Christmas was like adding gas to a fire.
I think that Davon made a big mistake telling Christmas that information. A really costly mistake.
Absolutely. They know shes worthless a person and a player. She didnt do anything on the Challenge either.
You’re racist
Hopefully this comment is in jest
You said it…complete trash!! Butt hurt because they are on the block. Good riddance!
You are speaking the truth! I could not say it any better myself. DaVonne and Bayleigh are trash at this game. I wish they could both go this week but I am going to enjoy watching them lose their minds these next few days.
Alll female this season sucks
You want two black people to leave bc you feel they are trash but love Nicole and Dani for practically doing the same thing?
Who loves Dani and Nicole? I don’t think anyone does. They are just as useless as Day and Bay.
I can’t stand Nicole or Dani either. All these people suck to be honest. I am just tired of hearing DaVonne and Bayleigh whine about being “treated” different. Kaysar tried working with Bayleigh and she spit in his face.
You need to choose a different word. They are not trash. Why not say they are not playing a good game.It looks like Xmas is loosing her mind.
You forgot Day and Bay are trash people too
How? Bruh you just sound more and more racist
Don’t forget Xmas Holiday in a felon.
No one is trash that is a strong very rude word to use. They are just not playing a good game. I do believe they shouldn’t use what’s going on in the real world inside there because it is just a game they signed up for.
Rigggghhhttt. And all the floaters including two past winners are just skating by. Keeping a low profile. Escaping racists’ wrath.
Are you out of your mind? Day and Bay would be broken in two.
Bay and Day continue to play the victim… When Bay should realize that you should never mention to another houseguest who your ride or die untouchable is!!!!
Bay’s argument and acting like she was getting information used against her that was personal but
IN REALITY Bay when you mention about a person in DAY who is your untouchable or Rider die in the game that is strictly game!!!
Personal game information my ass
Davonne There is no such thing when Bayleigh mentions you as a ride or die that is game!!!
The major reason why Bay is leaving this week is that she can because can’t separate the two game or personal !!! Davonne is right up with their Bay Because they playing for third time Davonne should realize that there is no such thing as personal game information
Bayleigh should not mention use as ride in a conversation as that paints HUGE TARGET ON YOUR BACKS BECAUSE ARE ASSOCIATED AS A DUO THAT is completely GAME INFORMATION!!!!
Believe me I’ve never been a fan of Christmas nor do I think Krampus was deserving of this second chance either!!!!
But come on you can’t expect Christmas to put herself in a bad position and to put Tyler up there just to save Bay and Day- for Bayleigh and Davonne to be upset that Christmas wouldn’t want to put Tyler up on the block during her HOH IS completely UNWARRENTED TO BLAME X-MAS because it would be a bad game move for Christmas to put Tyler up there in her HOH!!!
Bay and day need to wake up and realize they have no one but themselves to blame because they voted with the house for 4 WEEKS STRAIGHT when they (Bay & Day) we’re in the minority of the house!!!
Bay and Day proved in the first month of the game that they can not play this BIG BROTHER Because they were voting out their allies!!!!
And when it’s week five and all you’ve done is vote out people who would’ve worked with you and it’s your time to be on the block you have no one to blame but yourself !!!
In yet Bay and Day continue to blame other people for their downfall- Newsflash ladies you might wanna think about how you use your vote next time and how it could screw up your game!!!
Voting with the house majority for four weeks straight when you were in a fake alliance with them costed you!!!
You are absolutely right. And in this game the first thing you learn is to NOT go to people that you’ve heard may be coming after you and try to question them. Bayleigh is an idiot for doing that. She should have been glad for the heads up and adjusted her game accordingly and kept that info to herself. Day did. Bayleigh has the mentality to just attack first. Not the right move. She has proven once again that BB is not her game.
DaVonne’s gameplay has been nearly as bad. I think that both of them are not really seeing what has been going on around them with the other players. They sort of isolated themselves and everyone knew that they were a team. Not good from the start. Day on her BLM platform from the start of the game, with Bay’s support, made anyone who wasn’t black very uncomfortable. Bad start from the beginning…not the right place
to air racial issues on. Then she gets really irate because she’s not replaced by Tyler on the block. She can’t dictate how others play their game.
You said it and so will I…both of these girls have no one to blame but themselves. They should not keep trying to always lay that blame on others. Grow the F up!
I thought Tyler wanted to go home this week and didn’t want to walk out. Getting voted out before Jury he would get paid and go home to Angela. Xmas said no, she didn’t want to let him go. Am I missing something? If he wants to go, probably because he can’t win the game with all of the pre gaming alliances, he would rather be home than in a jury house.
I don’t think so.
They’re trying to instigate and antagonize Xmas to the point where she gets physical so she will be sent home and they can stay, because at this point it’s their only hope of staying together in the house.
Without winning this week or getting David to use his power it’s hard to see where the one that stays this week won’t be the next person out, who want’s to live with emotional players like that, Meow Meow is right, you can’t work with the emotional players which is why I see these ladies leaving this week and next followed by Dani and Nicole
by who. the 2 biggest victims in the game. that sjw crap dont fly in the real world. day and bay just got checked. blm trash. blm is a disgusting group of morons,mostly white. blk Democrats tricked again. big surprise
What’s up with all your victim noises on here? What was it in real life that ruined you? What made you so bitter? In every comment you’re actually talking about yourself (projecting). Sad to witness.Throwing around the same old stereotypes, it’s getting boring and tiresome. I’m sure you have more interesting things to say?
Oh poor Shitmas she was def playing victim Bay and Day were the ones walking away and she kept running her chubby cheeks … I hope the house goes after Shitmas now!!!!
Bay and Day proved themselves to be completely inept at the game of Big Brother because they believe it was personal game information that Bayleigh told Christmas that Davone was her (Bayleigh’s) ride or die!!
Bay and Day are completely foolish to not realize that is STRICTLY GAME INFO WHEN YOU TELL SOMEBODY THIS IS MY RIDE OR DIE!!!!
For one that is a dumb move by Bay to even admit that aka Day is her ride or die is when no one in the house deserves or needs to know that coming out of your mouth!!!
Davonne being such a big fan of Danielle Reyes by Davonne calling Danielle like her Godmother should know better because Danielle Reyes would never admit out of her mouth that Jason Guy was her ride or die in season 3!!!
That’s like Derrick in season 16 telling the bomb squad and rest of the house about him and Cody having a secret final 2 deal Called the HITMEN!!!!
The fact that Davonne is playing for a third time and can’t realize that telling someone a houseguest about who your ride or die is STRICTLY GAME INFO AND NOT PERSONAL Further proves that DAY is AWFUL AT THIS GAME!!! AND NEVER DESERVES TO BE BROUGHT BACK!!!
I’ll give it to him. Best post popcorn line.
Tyler to Christmas:
Maybe you should go listen to some Miley. Just not the Wrecking ball song.
Call me petty and bored, but damn, at least shit got real for a second versus this over produced bullshit season so far
Current Ranking: 6%
Previous: 5 %
Dawg! Kudos to you for surviving that $hit storm. Hats off!
Well, it looks like Tyler may no longer be public enemy #1.
LOL thank you! That was pretty intense!
That’s how almost all of season 10 was. Never a dull moment and so hard to keep up. Pat yourself on the back and be gentle… more may be comin’.
Oh I’m sure there is a lot more coming .. 🙂 This season is heating up!
The houseguests have been saying for weeks that Bay and Christmas were going to pop off on someone. Well, they were right!
Tyler had no intent on leaving…he played it up for America and BLM!!!
Just like Derrick he thinks he can play the audience too, unfortunately it seems to work and most people believe he really wanted to leave…
I never believed that.
Can we stop with this narrative? He clearly wanted to leave but production wouldn’t let him walk away without losing his stipend most likely. On top of that, Christmas wasn’t going to honor his wishes because he’s her closest ally in the game and it would be a dumb move for her to take him out. And for those saying, “just walk away”, would you willingly give up a guaranteed $40,000 just so that Bay and Day could stay one more week? He doesn’t owe them anything. This notion that Tyler was playing it up for the cameras and using the BLM movement to further his game is a ridiculous attack on his character. In my opinion, I believe he was genuine in wanting them to stay but the circumstances prevented that from happening.
The circumstances were he’d be in violation of his contract and not get paid or forfeit earnings.
Just missed the fight, in the Feeds at the moment and Enzo says to David,Cody and Day “best f*cking fight I’ve ever seen on big brother! I’m dead the fu*k up, YO! “ LOLDay and Dani just scared Cody…Hilarious :,D but also very weird being that Dani secretly plotted to get her and Bay out…Cringy…..
Christmas is the worst… Bay and Day are right… Christmas did them dirty. Look at almost all of the people evicted so far… on a personal level Christmas and Dani betrayed all of them because they were foolish enough to trust them… is is a game but anyone would think someone ws the scum of the Earth for smiling in their face and talking to them like they were a child in a condescending fake sympathy voice . My mother used to call it the tampon commercial voice or tampon voice… because that is the tone they use to sell tampons. Hell, I’d hate Christmases guts for doing me like that… it is a game but it is a $500,000.00 life changing game.
BTW WTF is Kevin doing comforting Christmas. Wasn’t he the one that was pissed off at Jeff and Jordan because they didn’t comfort Olivia as much as they did another friend in the game… for F’s sake Kevin is stupid if he thinks that is going to gain him points and make him not a disposable.
If you want to hear a condescending voice and tone…. listen to Bayleigh talk to pretty much anyone with the exception of Day or she needs something from you. I love how Bayleigh is talking about how the whole house saw everything and now Christmas has no one at all in the house because she only had Day and Bay…. can’t wait for either one of them (most likely Bayleigh) to walk out on Thursday and sit down with Julie and then realize Christmas is apart of the alliance that has been running the entire game… she doesn’t need either of them on her side because she has almost the entire house on her side. Jaw drop from Bay will most likely be further then Janelle, Kaysar and Nicole
I completely agree with you about Bayleigh’s tone. As a fan of the show, it has been the one thing that has always stopped me from routing for her. She is very condescending and it almost comes off as entitled. I find it very hard to watch. It was also hypocritical of her to tell Christmas that she can’t play the victim, yet that is all she does in every interaction with people. It’s all about Bayleigh and her feelings, it can’t ever be about anyone else or there is a complete melt down. As a viewer it is portrayed in a way that makes it seem like she is not able to really accept her position in most situations and fully take responsibility for her own part in things. She is the exact same way in every show she has been on and that is not because of editing.
I do also believe that all three women in this fight played a part. Each lady at one point or another had dialog that was defensive. Day really pushed the issue with Christmas, I would have had the same level of annoyance with Day as well once she wouldn’t let it go and kept asking the same damn thing. It could have been handled better, however I can’t say Im surprised by any of the behaviour.
Nah, you just hate black people
Why does every opinion have to come down to race?
Idk bc in this whole season dani talks to people like their idiots and Tyler uses the race card but you like them
Because Dani is clearly the most condescending person in that crew. Dani and Nicole are the most entitled. Bayleigh isn’t a close second or third in either category.
Omg this has NOTHING to do with color! She is always in defense mode and it is exhausting! If another player was so confrontational I would say the same thing! You should not have to walk on egg shells around people! I think the house will have a cool vibe without Bay!
Yeah she might be in an alliance, but she’ll always be Sh*tmas. Sh*tmas f*cking sucks too, so don’t get it twisted.
So there’s a bunch of Christmas fans on here, wth?!?! All I said is she sucks too and she does. I didn’t take any sides on the fight, I’m saying they all equally suck. I guarantee not a single one of those three makes it to the end.
I was shocked by the thumbs down too. I don’t like Christmas and she hasn’t done anything to out shine her bullying behavior of last time. She was shitmas than and shitmas now. She did yell in the fight she was not going to be labeled the bully this time, well too late. She should have let Tyler go when he asked, instead made him stay.
sh1tmas is the worst.
She’s a dick, but she’s no worse than the two attacking her just for putting them up, and then refusing to go along with their scheme for saving both of their asses. She IS the HOH, and she won the damn veto. It’s up to her to decide to use it or not. Not up to Tyler. Not up to DayVonne or Bayleigh. They have no right to attack her for making those game decisions based simply on what she thinks is best for HER game.
All of these accusations about “betrayal”, “you used her” and “real life personal information” are pretty personal, and most people would get pissed and defend against those.
Christmas is certainly not one of my favorites, and I wanted Bay and Day to get with the program for the past four weeks, but they never did. Now they are paying the price for that. Blaming someone else for that is just weak sauce in my eyes. You made your bed – now you must lay in it.
wait til’ she finds out david has a Power that could have helped them!
But why would David use it on them? They don’t have a alliance and David will need it in the next 3 weeks. Bay and Day both had a chance to get a power and also play in Veto to save themselves. They sick and now they have to blame everyone else for how bad they played the game.
David is a moron who needs teraphy he shouldnt NEVER get allowed to play again cause he aint fucking all stars howard ollie even fucking Marcellas would be better than this tree
Well we do know for sure that no way Day or Bay would use the power for david if they had it.Good riddence.
I’m pretty sure that they know and he tried to use it but production told him it was already too late. I heard the three of them talking about it this afternoon on the feeds.
Xmas did not do any dirty.
During her DR Xmas even said, Day has never talked game with me until now, so it is too late for us to work together.
Xmas is very classy and her DR
s on sunday, showed how great she is. She was not trying to be bossy and saying she
s this or that, just like Cody,Tyler and Enzo during their HOH.People can hate on Xmas as much as they want…But she`s playing a great game. But fans only takes this personal and they will side up with their favorite players, and then they want to come here and say crap about people not playing the game.
Grow Up people…we are not fools
We can’t base our decisions on episode D/R.
The episode edit and the feeds are 2 completely different Universes.
Christmas is intentionally being full of crap because she doesn’t want to be portrayed as a conniving player that’s been an embedded spy.
She wants a clean game edit perception. She isn’t owning her actual game because she herself doesn’t respect the game style she is playing (as evident in the way she describes an honorable game). As in her discussions of her previous season, she either doesn’t remember (cop out she has to have asked why she’s disliked on her season, she’s a narcissist), or takes no responsibility.
The never talked game stuff is a contrivance and an excuse.
Christmas has talked game to Bayleigh. The untouchables conversation was not a one off conversation without any game related basis. SInce she is pumping them for information, as she informed Tyler, there has to be game talk.
Christmas has talked game to Da’vonne. After the Kaysar attempt to create a counterstrike alliance talk. The conclusion was this Kaysalliance doesn’t work for me, but we should still stay close and watch each other’s backs.
Christmas doesn’t want her alliance to know she talked game to either. Christmas is trying to gloss over personal and say only game, but uses personal in order to try to attempt to assuage hard feelings.
Christmas doesn’t want Bay to know that she was indeed using her as an information source and stringing her along in the game. She told Tyler that’s what she was doing a couple weeks ago. All the while saying it’s game out of one side of her mouth, and then saying how much she loves Bayleigh out of the other, enhancing the personal.
She gave terrible reasons for putting up Bay. But as a game move it was correct. She just misspoke.
How was it correct from her pov tho? Bay was willing to work with her. The reason why she gave poor excuses is cause she herself doesnt know the real reason why she wants bay out. Just 1-2 weeks ago whenever a talk about who in bay/day should leave first she was saying day cause she was closer to bay and getting info from her.
With all the drama between bay and tyler is now easy to forget that the person who started really pushing to get bay out was nicole after the entire many guys and many tries thing.
Nicole was in christmas ear repeating again and again how much bay needed to go till eventually she got christmas to actually believe it was the best for her game too when in reality she was just doing nicoles work
Before the whole ty/bay thing exploded that had been happening for a long time and had christmas say last week that she would put day/bay on the block and repeating how bay needed to go
Obv none of bay/day sees or will ever see any of this, honestly i doubt even after the show theyll understand how it all started.
Bay is fixated on playing victim and blaming someone for all of her doings while looking very little at what she couldve done differently. In the end she just blames tyler and christmas for everything and will prob continue doing so after the show. Everything tyler has said about her being in jury that she takes like such a personal offense, she herself has proven and openly talked about reaffirming how much its actually true
Having said that christmas attitude last night was absolutely awful and will just make her a bigger target moving forward probably. She was actually in a good spot before all this and that showed in the last hoh where no one picked her till the very end.
Does anyone really trust Hurricane Bayleigh?
I can check that one off my list.
Told y’all Mt. St. Helen’s was gonna erupt tonight.
Easily the three least likeable people in the house going at it. “Day and Bay” are just so damned predictable it’s mildy amusing. Anyone else see Bayleigh on The Challenge? She has absolutely no self awareness or control. Swaggy D list was actually respectable on the same “The Challenge”.
I have just stumbled onto what may be an excellent idea. Instead of an All-Star season down the road, have one for the all time worst players based on fan voting Bring back “The Rock (Star), Fessy, of course Bay, Day and David, and 11 others.
Then that show wouldn’t be a strategic social experiment….it would be a comedy!
Fraggie you must be a Trump supporter! Why you hating on the only people of color on the show? And them you bring up Swaggy! I bet your feminine self wouldn’t say a thing to Swaggy in person. Anyone who is a Big Brother fan knows what Christmas is doing. I hope this is the last year the Show and producers cater to this same style of show with a few people of color.
Color of skin has nothing to do with this. Stop the racist pot stirring.
I hate those type of ppl who keeps bringing racism GTFO
why cause you are a racist?
Nope actually I already had thousand of black d*cks inside my *** so I dont think honey
Ignorance is bliss…
Your bliss is searching the internet for underage nudes
Omgosh stop!!!
Who cares what color people are in this game? I watch the NBA and it’s 90 percent black and I don’t hear people complaining it needs more white people. How about Big Brother just cast people regardless of skin color that know how to play this game. Unfortunately, most POC on this game suck, ie” Bayleigh, David and Davonne. Just stating facts.
Don’t tell me, some of your best friends are African Americans.
To pretend race has not been pretty relevant in alliance formation in BB through its history is pretty absurd.
At least he probably met one before unlike yourself.
Tyler wanted an alliance with David and he screwed him over, do you think others want to make the same mistake? Keep studying your 1619 project.
Because the NBA is racist and is not fulfilling the true demographic of the US.
So do most white people. But they’re not targeted first.
You forgot Kevin….
Oh look its one of Epstein’s relatives. Pedomaniac.
Devon from bb16 too,
Now we need 10 more:???
-how about that Ronnie idiot from bb11….9 more?
yeah. i’d love to see these two again. players that were in great spots and then absolutely tanked their game.
Worst ever. Lawon!
i’ve generally been curious of what an all first boots season would look like. but the early boots i want to see again are actually people who did last a few weeks, mainly bb16’s devin and bb11’s ronnie.
They would all somehow get evicted while HOH
I’ve been waiting for the real Bailey to show up. The Challenge…OMG. The best show ever. Christmas sucks. I can’t wait until she leaves.
I think they should make a season of people who all like making big moves, argumentative, don’t back down and aren’t all sheep like Janelle, Kaysar, etc. but no sheep.
Christmas is the worst!! She was a bully on her season and she continues to be one on this season. Her ego is so big but her game sucks! I don’t even know how she got on this season what she was the alternative since Paul and for that matter josh didn’t make it on the season. I hope she goes out soon!
Why are people letting Tyler out of this so easily. He literally started all of this!
I know??? and he used #BLM even! He was never going anywhere!
Dani started this. Tyler tried to help but it back fired. Day and Bay need to take responsibility of their bad game. But nope put the blame on others is the way they play because they think just because they want a pox to win. If you want to win, then play and do it yourself. What they are doing now is putting a target on the one that stays. They would be better off working to help the one stay to get further in the game. But Bay can’t see past her Spoiled Entitled Princess self to try and help Day get further.
Yes, Dani started this….and guess what? She won this battle….she went from being the target to oh well…. Dani is not going anywhere. This is what a great player will do….Dani is amazing
Have you not been following the protests over the last 100 days? Youre basically quoting their actions and strategy.
TBH Tyler has the chill factor like Derrick and Dan. He had that on 20, he has it now. He is excellent at comps on top of that, It makes people want to work with him. He has a certain level of charm. If Cody and Derrick had a baby with Brittany Haynes as the egg donor it would be Tyler.
s fans are just like him....I
m not surprised at all.She stood her ground! These girls are used to people backing down, and they call victim when someone does’t “fear” down to them. I say, “Good for xmas”!
Christmas playing like she has Paul, Raven, Josh and Matt with her dumb ass…. Newsflash…. Tyler’s playing level 6 rules with you…. Soon as the other side gets power he’s rallying to get Cody, dani, and you on the block… Ian, Kevin, Day, Or Bay, one of you… WIN
So pathetic that Bailey and Da’Vonne need to flip out because one of them is going home. Janelle and Kaysar didn’t put on a shameful display like this, they fought tooth and nail and campaigned. Bailey and Da’Vonne should be campaigning against each other and trying to position themselves for the following weeks. They’re just marking themselves to be the next target. This is all stars… L O L!
Bailey and Da’Vonne should’ve listened to Kaysar and Janelle about the alliance formed in the house, but they refused and the only explanation they could give was: I can’t vote out someone who’s the same race as me. Poor Janelle never had a chance with these scrubs. Her only shot was to kiss NicoleF and Dani’s asses and never trust Memphis (whos in a great spot right now btw).
Kaysar tried to tell Bay to “think about it” when he was telling her about the alliance and she went off. Don’t tell Bay to think lol
Shes an idiot lmaoooooo I dont know who is more retard shitmas or her LOL
Not an appropriate word to use to describe someone.
Why would anyone think they wouldnt act like this?
Yea, their confrontation to xmas and trying to lay the guilt trip on her didn’t work. When xmas stood her ground they acted like they are the victims. boohoo. Bay and day got outplayed and tried to blame it one her. Can’t wait for bay to find out about the alliance. I bet she will say she knew it all the time. How dare them pull the race card…super poor sportsmanship!
How did that work for Janelle and Kaysar? Right. No point in copying a failed strategy of people who went out before you. Bay and Day would need for the boys they were working with to campaign for them, you can’t campaign for yourself in BB, it never works, and they’d need for the boys to convince s!!!mas to use the veto and get a bigger target.
Kaysar and Janelle could not have helped them for 2 reasons. 1, the other side of the house won nothing, so had no pull or power. 2. because memphis was always with the other side of the house, they never actually had the numbers to save either Janelle or Kaysar. Ie. 11 votes last week, 6 needed to evict S!!!tmas. Cody, tyler, dani, enzo, nicole f is a 5. Memphis is the 6th. The week before, same thing 6 + hoh. So they lost numbers before they had the chance to do anything to the powerside.
Janelle and Kaysar were screwed because they declared their intentions on targeting their alliance. Bailey and Da’Vonne did not, so they weren’t the next target. That would’ve been Ian, Dani or David.
That just shows the distinction between maturity and class..and NO maturity or class.
Guess they won’t be getting any more booze
LoL… I flashback to around the 11pm (BBT) mark and the 1st thing I hear? Bay-“Where’s that big knife?” Innocent irony.
The BB house JUST started getting real kitchenware back… don’t blow it ya silly rats.
“Day – there was no real reason to put us up. You (Christmas) thought your big game move was putting up the two black people in the house. The two black women in the house.”
These racists need to go, and yes duals going on a block is a smart move, especially ones not in your alliance.
Stop putting racism on everything the fact that both are color woman does not mean that is racism! So what if 2 white girls are there because Dav or Bay put them so is racism? Stop with that is so stupid! So what we need then more Latin, Asian, Arabs, Jewish etc….? Nooo people should not even bring the racist card in BB they putting people on the block for fame reasons not personal !! Well once in a while it does become personal…
Jewish is a race???
This is racist. She is supposedly scared of getting shot or stabbed by bay. Christmas didn’t look scared to me. Christmas has the Felony. Christmas was still screaming when the police asked her to stop. Notice she didn’t get tazed or shot or even booked immediately. Between the 3 which ones have ever actually gotten violent? Which one has a record? All you have ever seen Bay/Day do is yell but they are the ones people are so scared of. Yea, sure, not racist at all.
Here’s the post from when Shitmas said she was worried about getting shot
These kind of fights completely confuse me. I don’t understand the flying off the handle thing. And I’m confused why Day is screaming at Xmas when it was Bay and Christmas that got all hot with each other. Do they think that since they are black they should never have to go on the block? At what stage in the game would it not be wrong to nominate a black person?
They did suddenly get that Tyler doesn’t want Bay on the jury because she would poison the jury. I’m surprised that they figured that out. Then Bay’s statement about Fiji. Who wanted to pay for them to go there? Who paid Tyler to go to Fiji?
Because Day cant help herself. She lasted 30 days and couldnt restrain herself anymore. I cant even imagine what she does to her daughter at home.
No, No….dont do that….dont bring kids in it
Bayleigh and DaVonne seem to be their own worst enemies. They have to know that blowing up in the house puts an even bigger target on your back. I’m sure that the people not involved found it exciting to watch, but they don’t care as long as all three psycho girls don’t come at them. Why Xmas thinks she needs to explain anything to them is beyond me… (except that she doesn’t use personal information in the game.)
I knew that this was going to happen with these girls eventually but hoped I was wrong. I was really hoping that the big blowout up would be on Memphis if he had put them up. I’d love to see his reaction to Bay and Day screaming in his face!
Sadly, I don’t think it’s over yet…
Well they didnt blow up until Christmas did first. They were responding but yeah as black women you cant do that either just let the white woman yell at you and put her hands in you face. Even Dani thought Christmas was wrong.
Dani is two-faced.
Just to be clear.
Okay. The allegations Christmas makes that Bay charged at her:
For analysis I define charging as invading a personal space barrier with aggressive intent.
it has also been defined as rushing forward in attack.
Video shows:
Christmas gets mad when Bayleigh says,”NO, you don’t get to play victim” (that was the ignition) that had Christmas saying “if you won’t let me finish”, and take off out of the room still talking as she heads towards the crowd in the kitchen.
*Enzo is watching like it’s jello wrestling and a bucket of chicken on 50 cent draft night (tell me i’m wrong).
Bayleigh followed Christmas out of the Bathroom. she made it 2’in the hall approx. (first lamp on the wall) Stopped (so left a personal space barrier). Christmas turned from about 6′ away or so (door frame and 2 more lamps on wall almost to the window frames) further down the hall and came back. In terms of charging, if there was still 6′ between them until Christmas decreased that space, Christmas can’t allege charging, because SHE decreased the personal space barrier. Bayleigh’s hands were raised in gesture only when there was personal distance still in the bathrooom. Christmas’ hand movements were the aggressive ones once the space barrier was broken.
So. Bayleigh followed her, she didn’t charge her (because of missing aggressive intent). in turning back and reducing space added to hand gestures Christmas more closely meets my definition of charging in this instance.
I would have no problem using charging if Bayleigh hadn’t ceased forward movement. She stopped with a space barrier, therefore no attack.
Bayleigh has a confrontatin without the ABW blood spitting thing.
BTW: who gave the woman whose antidepressant dosage was increased five days ago alcohol to begin with???? That’s just stupid. Giving a depressant to someone on anti depressants is… not advised. When her mood stablization tanks… don’t say nobody mentioned it as a possibility.
This entire incident started because Christmas approached Da’vonne and Da’vonne did not tell Christmas what Christmas wanted to hear. When has an HoH been so stupid as to think nominating two people that are clearly friends the week before jury starts is going to make those people like them? When? When has anyone who trusted some one on a personal and game level and was backstabbed ever looked at that person who did that as a friend? Did Nicole ever forgive Christine? Nicole is probably over joyed that Christines life was decimated post BB 16.
Then to be told it was what the house wanted cop out. She’s clueless.
Thank you! I’m not understanding why people are painting Bayleigh and DaVonne as the aggressors when it was Christmas who took to 100. Now I’m not saying Bayleigh is innocent, when she went off on Kaysar, who was totally correct in his assessment on how things in the house were going to after he left, shows she can go off for dumb reasons. Even Dani, Cody, and Nicole mentioned that Christmas was in the wrong in the beginning. I think Dani will use this incident to push for the house voting out Christmas in the near future, she’s already made comments that she’s scared Christmas will go off on her earlier in the season. To me Dani is benefitting from this entire blow up, it puts three girls ahead of her to be nominated and it took the focus off of her (Dani’s) sloppy game playing the last two weeks. I hope Tyler gets another final two, Christmas is too much of a loose cannon.
You know exactly why!
Thanks for breaking this down for us using distances and lamps for visual references, as if that is all that matters in who started things, who escalated things, and who charged who here. Seems to me that Day is the one who accused Christmas of “betraying” Bay and using “personal life information” against them, over and over again, and when Christmas objected to that characterization, that’s when things started heating up.
THEN Bay comes in, says that Christmas USED her, and when Christmas objects to that as well, Bay says Christmas doesn’t get to be the victim here. Excuse me, but there are no victims here. This is not a war, but a game. Sorry, but if I was the HOH, and considering that Christmas has had plenty of positive things to say about both of these women before this incident, being accused like this would probably piss me off a little bit too.
Pretty clear that both Day and Bay escalated things with Christmas first with their words. Charge or no charge, they are the ones that made accusations against her, simply because 1) they didn’t want to be on the block, 2) they didn’t want to be on the block together, and 3) when Tyler offered to throw them a lifeline, Christmas decided not to go along with their plan. This pissed them off, which means that Christmas must be an evil bitch who had to have done something wrong or else they surely wouldn’t be on the block together.
Also, since she refused to take one of them off per Tyler’s plan, Tyler is now a motherf**cker, who only made the offer to make himself look good to America, according to DayVonne.
Very nice. With logic like this, is it any wonder that the two of them are on the block together, especially since they are not part of the power alliance? Even in campaigning to Ian, Bayleigh STILL tells him, that a black person winning the game is so important to her, that she will not “attack” a POC in this game, which tells Ian, she will not nominate David or most likely Kevin going forward. What kind of campaign strategy is that? I mean, you gotta admire her honesty, but Hell, where’s the incentive for a non-POC to keep a player that basically tells you, at best you’ll never be better than #4 to me?
The moment Felonykaren wonders where she parked her SUV (because there’s no manager on duty on stat. holidays)
Simon/Dawg can we please get a gif of this moment, xmas starts watching bay/day reflection and she gets low like a cat ready to pounce(before a cat fight) haha
This is hilarious. The funny thing is I have seen many a Karen start a fight but I have yet to see a Karen win won. LOL! Good Luck with that Christmas.
This season will be a terrible one if the house keeps going down this crazy path! At least Day and Bay are trying to play the game and have enough sense to realize more women are being voted out of the house. Why would a woman send a woman home when they can shift the game and send the guys home? Christmas is simply the worst! Oops, that might be Dani! I wish David could change the noms…..
Day & Bay are trying to play the game? Since when? Seriously, they had ample opportunities to work with Janelle & Kaysar and then try to rally others against the main alliance like David, Kevin & Ian but they chose to lay low and go with the house. That is definitely not “trying to play the game.” They’re just upset now because the Slick Six was a joke and they fell for it and got played.
To be fair they are trying to play,they are just terrible at it.
What aggravates me is numerous people approached Christmas to put up Day & Bay but now they are leaving her out to dry!
Exactly l! She did their dirty work for them! Dani, Nicole, Cody n Tyler wanted them gone…. Christmas could have used them in the long run! She could of put up Kevin n David…. two people she would never work with…. Christmas got played just as much as Bay n Day Have been getting played…
Thank you Bay and Day for giving us an excitement moment on this boring non all star season. Regardless how bad they played the game when it comes to fights and drama they are pretty good. I would like to see Mrs Angela gone first he’s damn boring. Shiiiitmas can stay as long as Day stays and goes after her with the yelling lol Good luck to the next HOH who puts Day on the block lol
I mean, what does Da’Vonne expect Christmas to say when she’s telling her lies. Day should grow up and assume that they got put up on the block because they did a terrible job at hiding that they are a duo and getting a group together.
Bay and Day expected to make it to final 6 been floaters, and they get mad now cause noone thorws a lifevest at them. That’s the same thing you did to Janelle and Kaysar.
Now its their turn.
Disapointed with Day tbh. I already didn’t like Christmas.
Congrats to Bay for dealing with the situation the best.
Go Tyler and Ian!
yeah, it’s bb 101 don’t make it obvious you’re in a duo and xmas even told them in her nom speech that they’re up there because bay told xmas bay/day was a duo. horrendous gameplay. if they wanted to stay they needed to spend as much time as possible before the veto was played distancing themselves from each other to try to get the veto used, but instead they continued to act like a duo and duos get split up.
There are plenty of obvious duos that didn’t go up. Dani +Nicole,Cody + Enzo. I don’t see how its a smart game move for Xmas to keep around people who will beat her in most comps to send out a horrible player.
Why would Christmas put up people she is working with? She is working with Dani, Nicole, Cody and Enzo. So again, why would she put them up?
Christmas thinks shes working with those ppl and thinks shes higher in the totem pole with them than she actually is. She actually thinks shes nicoles no.1 which is absolute bs lol
a) these duos are actually working with xmas
b) they’re not so dumb as to tell xmas they have a ride or die with each other
Christmas is a bully and she was trying to provoke. Even her own alliance are saying so. She will be known for putting up the 2 black woman in the house. Like Day said. If she really cared about winning she would get rid of her major competition which are Cody and Tyler.
They are just saying that for the audience. You really think they are mad that one of these 2 are leaving?
So should Cody be known for putting up and getting the first white Woman evicted from the house? Should Memphis be known as the guy who put up the first black man and got the second white woman evicted? Ridiculous. But Day should be known as the biggest racist in the house since she literally said she’d keep a black person over a white person. Why can’t they just play the game without racists like you basing every move on skin color?
This is bullshit. Day started it by accusing Christmas of betraying Bayleigh and using personal life information against her. THAT is when things started heating up.
Then Bayleigh comes in, says that Christmas USED her, congratulates her sarcastically for making a good game move, and when Christmas objects to that characterization of what happened, Bayleigh says “You are not the victim here!”, as if she’s been shot or stabbed or something.
Christmas merely defended herself. The whole house wanted those two on the block – except for those two and possibly Tyler and Kevin, and Kevin has no idea who to put up. She did what she had to do this week.
Wait until they find out that David has a Power that could have helped them??? LOL
Well if he would’ve used it he would’ve been definitely laughed at. You don’t use it on them you use it on yourself. And I guarantee you if they had a power they wouldn’t use it on David!
Did you watch the video of David telling Tyler he knows he has a power? Poor David…..just clueless.
So Christmas is to blame for Bayleigh yelling and getting worked up? Because Bayleigh has no history of ever screaming and blowing up at all?!?!?!?! Ridiculous! Also, Day was being rude to Christmas. This is a game and Bay and Day act like they shouldn’t ever be put on the block. Terribe players.
I guess you missed Christmas gettin worked up first, huh?
Getting worked up because she was trying to explain over and over to Day that it wasn’t personal information used against Bayleigh? Did we watch the same thing? Yep, I would have gotten worked up, too.
Convenient Excuse….
“Dani – did you see Christmas?! She was pointing and waving her fingers in Bay’s face. Then she was clapping at them. I was like what are you doing?!”
This is what started it!! Day tried to walk away from her. Did you read what Simon wrote or is it that you cant believe that Christmas went all Karen on her?
Don’t forget, Day also accused her of betraying Bayleigh. I guess people think it’s okay to just say whatever you want to somebody, and Christmas is just supposed to sit there and take it.
Wait. So Christmas doesn’t have a history of screaming and blowing up?
Season 19 called and wants you to rewatch the feeds.
U r racist
I think Bay and Day are more pissed at the fact that Tyler wanted to self evict and Christmas didn’t give him what he wanted. It really doesn’t make sense to me for her to keep an even bigger threat and comp beast in the house vs Day/Bay who’ve shown they aren’t gonna win anything! I really don’t know what’s going on this season lol!! Did I miss something?
xmas has a good relationship with enzo and ian who are big targets on opposite sides of the house. she doesn’t plan on sweating until one of them goes home, by which point she’s at least made jury which is all she cares about as this is more about promoting her fitness crap than actually winning the game.
I think Day and Bay are mad the are still sitting on the block. Period. They don’t care about Tyler. They see it as an oportunitty to both stay.
Christmas made the right move this week for her own game.
How on earth is that the right move for Christmas? She is 1. Getting rid of more females when they are already outnumbered, 2. She is giving up the opportunity to send someone home who is well-positioned to win everything. It makes zero sense. And have Bay and Day not tried to work with her multiple times? Why not stick with the all-girl alliance that was proposed and actually try to get out some of these guys? They are literally laughing watching all the girls go after each other. It’s so painful to watch.
Its her HOH, she can do what she pleases.
Plus if Tyler wants out, that means she doesnt need to use her power next week.
She will breakup a duo and have a strong player leave. Thats a great 2 weeks for her.
But she literally convinced Tyler not to quit. So instead of getting him out, she convinced him to keep playing ! Why? So she could take out Bay first? Because Bay is such a threat ? Because Bay has such a good chance of winning? LOL. What sweet irony it will be when Tyler makes it further than her in the game
xmas was on no one’s radar before her hoh and will only be on the radar of whoever stays after her hoh. while it makes sense for almost everyone else in the house to take out a big target, xmas is way better off laying low. she made the correct move for her game this week.
Right and it would take years for Day or Bay to win an HOH comp.
Post nominations it’s the best move. Once those bitter girls went on the block, two enemies one guaranteed staying. If she back doored some bigger target, she leaves two bitter emotional players in the house. pre nomination would have been to axe Cody or Tyler but given the mess she created, send one of those ladies home.
But they were set up to have an all girls alliance. It was already set in motion after Tyler said he wanted to go home. It’s not “backdooring” if he is literally asking to be put up. Then the girls could have been a strong 5 person alliance and change the game. Xmas is a joke
Yeah, they mad because things didn’t go the way they wanted them to go. They had it all wrapped up with a big ol’ red bow tied on it, but then mean ol’ Christmas refused to go along with their plan.
Now they are pissed! Might as well spread some volcanic ash around the house to show we’ve been here! Oh, but that’s not our fault! She pissed us off, so it’s all on her! She betrayed us, used us, victimized us, oh and Tyler is a motherf**cker! lol
That actually blew up in Christmases face because Christmas lied to her alliances about what the conversation was about and then Tyler told all of them what the conversation was about.. None of them trust Christmas now even before Day told her to her face that Bay felt betrayed.
Nicole is my favorite those people are playing personal
I didn’t know was still playing.
OMG bay nooooo she needs to calm down seriously
Well, Christmas tried very hard and executed a personal best without blowing up and going “defcon” 5 in the last 3 weeks. I’m proud of her… she tried to stay out of controversial arguments, kept her distance as much as possible, and played adult as long as she could. But, you can’t take the trash out of the trailer and tell a snake not to bite. Now that she has done her best, it is time to quit acting like someone else and simply be herself – violent hothead.
Oh you meant Davonne, that makes sense
“Dani – did you see Christmas?! She was pointing and waving her fingers in Bay’s face. Then she was clapping at them. I was like what are you doing?!”
This is what started it, or are you calling Simon a liar?
Wow, keeping it classy girls! Geez, big difference in New School on the block and old school. Janelle and Kaysar kept it classy and a game.
Oh old school had some of the best and most hilarious popcorn arguments.
right now my mind is playing the gold digging whore vs. polyester hair bitch argument.
What do producers see in Day that they keep casting her on big brother and the challenge? She is awful at competitions and her social game isn’t any better. Has she won any form of competition in the 3 seasons she’s been on? I don’t get it
For the drama, darling.
Because they have no one else of color to bring on ALLSTARs because they have done a horrible job of casting when it comes to black people! Their choices have been terrible over the years! Yes I am black and I watch every year the type of people they bring on the show!
^ so much this.
Danielle Reyes is a great Big Brother player and would be a welcome addition to any season. Amber, Lolo Jones, Marcellas, Natalie Martinez, and Howard Overby were all good players. I could go on and on but what needs to be said is that we get players like Bayleigh and Da’Vonne and Jesse and Paulie because Grodner is not looking for good players. Big Brother is an entertainment show and Allison G. is looking for good drama not good players.
Bay and day are just plain pathetic at the game
Then why put up 2 terrible players
That’s the 500 thousand dollar question? What’s the advantage of getting out these two players? All you heard the last two weeks was Janelle n Kaysar are strong n smart players they have to go! They might rally the troops! So now this week it’s let’s get rid of a weak duo…??????? So they see no other duos in the house???
Because they are a duo who said they will vote by skin color?
Yeah, that’s not racist for those ladies though. Poor victims losing they’re shit. Lol
Agree 100%. If two of the three POCs are in jury voting for a winner, why on earth would you want two of your potential votes being decided by color or sex orientation? What a mess with identity BB!
because they’re a solid voting bloc who can’t keep secrets, cause chaos around the house, and don’t get blood on the hoh’s hands when you nominate them.
To get rid of them!
Tired of hearing that they are on the block because they are black! Day and Bay , stop saying you’re not a duo ! This whole time you’ve been telling each other it’s the two of you to the end.
I am sorry but there is a reason why people get stereotyped. DaVonne and Bayleigh are acting like fools. You both suck at this game, can’t win a thing and your social games suck. They act like Christmas owes them something. News flash,SHE DOESN’T! And this is coming from someone who can’t stand Christmas. She can go next week as far as I am concerned. I am just tired of watching Bayleigh and DaVonne walk and talk like victims. This schtick is getting old. Good riddance to Bayleigh. Go back to that loudmouth husband of yours and disappear.
Right…Christmas didn’t come to them with the plan to put up Tyler. That was Tyler and why would Christmas go along with it. She made her choice. I don’t like Christmas, but she still has to do what she thinks is good for her game and switching your own noms to satisfy Bay and Day who have not worked with you at al, makes no sense.And Swaggy will just add to Bay’s Spoiled Entitled self by having a Tesla waiting for her.
Tyler didn’t tell her it was his plan though! Christmas came out and said during the argument that she not doing that for bAyleigh… she thought it was bay making Tyler feel guilty as asking him to jump on the grenade for her! WELL PLAYED TYLER! I wonder why the feeds didn’t let us hear that two hour conversation in the HOH room
Here is the place where Christmas screwed up. You are correct that she isn’t beholden to Tyler to help him self evict via vote. She doesn’t actually owe anything to the nominees either.
Christmas told both nominees she wanted them to stay. That’s an error.
Christmas entered into an alliance with a nominee, and then left her on the block. That’s another error.
Christmas shouldn’t have for a moment implied that veto was a possibiity in the talk to the girls as a group when forming the alliance. There’s an error as well.
In her attempt to get out of her HOH with no hard feelings, she went too far, thereby creating hard feelings.
Christmas should have toddled her tipsy ass out of the bathroom and not tried to recharacterize the week. Since the entire discussion began with how/why is Bayleigh feeling how Bayleigh is feeling… and neither of the people in the initial conversation was Bayleigh, it should have been a deferred discussion.
You’re trying way too hard to place all of the blame on Christmas here. Way. too. hard.
HOH’s tell both nominees they want them to stay all the time. It’s called hedging your bet, or maybe just being nice. They don’t get to vote, so they “leave it up to the house to decide”. I don’t see how that can be classified as an error.
The whole 4 person women’s alliance thing was kind of forced onto her by Dani and Nicole, which we all know you don’t say no when somebody offers you an alliance. But we also know she has a final 2 alliance with Tyler and she’s not about to put his butt on the block just to save DaVonne, who she doesn’t really want to save anyway, for the sake of what in her eyes (and in the eyes of Dani and Nicole) is just another “fake” alliance. So how exactly is that an error?
As for implying the veto might be used, she probably should have squashed that thought immediately, but if she had, the bad feelings would only have erupted sooner, the so-called women’s alliance may have never been formed (which it’s up in flames now anyway) and Christmas would have had to violate what she sees as the rules of the game by telling them before the veto meeting that she wasn’t going to use it. So in her mind it was a sticky wicket. You say she implied the veto was a possibility. How do you arrive at that? Did she outright say that or did she just say nothing? What Christmas implied and what DaVonne inferred may be two different things, although I’m pretty sure after the meeting DaVonne told Bayleigh she didn’t think Christmas was going to use it, so I don’t think she made an error here either.
In the bathroom, Christmas merely defended herself. She was attacked, first by Day and then by Bayleigh. She could have handled it better given the situation for sure, but still, DaVonne made a personal attack on her first, and then Bayleigh followed that up with more personal shots. I don’t blame her for getting pissed about that. But maybe if she hadn’t had a couple in her, she would have walked away from it. BUT knowing Christmas, maybe not. She’s not one to take a lot of shit when she doesn’t think she’s done anything wrong, and she doesn’t think she’s done anything wrong here. Frankly, I have to agree with her.
There is a reason why you get stereotyped? Ok, does that work for the stereotypes of ALL races?
Why my comments arent shown? BS
Chill they need to be moderated first yo
As I read that I could hear Enzo saying it LOL
Every female will be evicted they keep going after each other idiots
just shows the girls are idiots
nah, xmas is in better with the guys than ian and kevin so she’ll outlast those two at least. dani and nicole are also in a pretty good spot. it’s just whoever stays this week who has to worry.
Bay what about bye bye
Shitmas ur next both of them suck at the game CBS needs to cast me instead
This fight actually is so funny cause both of them are clowns LMAO shitmas thinks shes the baddest bitch jessica at this point would already got expelled for beating this hoe up
You could be right, but Shitmas has that ticky-ticky boom thing going for her. I get the feeling she has a little more anger than the other girls. That kind of anger can be difficult to deal with. And considering she could bench-press most of these people, I would put my money on her for the win.
Day runs her mouth for the camera WAAAAAAY too much!
This is not fun. What is the problem with production and casting? What happened is ugly. It’s not entertaining. It’s not affirming. Just horrible. Too late to nip it in the bud. I can’t imagine having to walk on eggshells for the rest of this season. This is not a platform for anything and shouldn’t be. The experiment is now over. What exactly was the hypothesis?
golf clap for xmas, bay, day for some entertainment…but come on ladies youre all better than that…
you were only at level 6 or 7 hostility…time to really turn up the voltage to at least a 9 today (pots and pans level hostility) and hopefully rest of the week! then day v xmas all next week
i need xmas to go full hulk mode and hip check bay whilst walking past her…bay to retaliate and push her, shouting match ensues, bay bleeding from mouth…day to say “oh no she didnt”…and a production “xmas go to the hoh, bay/day to the picture room” announcement and then a tense powder keg atmosphere leading into an explosive hoh
and to enzo thanks for the late night comedy
enzo i think may beat anyone in f2 right now…i think i want to see an enzo, memphis, ian f3
Am I missing something? In order to get further in the game, you must put 2 people up for nom and one gets evicted. How is this not known? From every season that I have watched, it is smart to break up a duo, is that not called game play????? To turn it into something political and to point fingers calling people racist is absolutely crazy!!! I have no idea why people on the block take this shit personally when THIS IS A GAME!!!! And with them being called All Stars then they should know …..this is how it goes!!!! I am so confused as to why everyone is attacking eachother??? Like WTF- the goal is to get to the end. Obviously you attempt to do it with class, but its pretty difficult to not end up being deceitful to get the end.
“What we have here is a…”
a darn tooting soapY opera
is entertaining cause…lmfao
xmas mentally preparing in hoh this morning ready to go full scotty bbott
Good Job Dawg and Simon!!!
Best BB site going!
Thanks BB9000!
This is a reality game show. It’s about winning $500,000. I’ve never thought before that winning or not winning had anything to do with your skin color. Being on a TV show that you’ve never watched and never heard of until you were recruited and thinking you’re going to be the First of anything when you don’t have the right info to begin with shouldn’t be a discussion. Alliances are formed by people who you get along best with, have something in common with or who they think can help them get further in the game. If you are left out of an alliance it’s b/c you either aren’t able to win competitions or your social game stinks. I have noticed that the ‘pretty’ people have gotten together in other years but they don’t usually win b/c someone is smart enough to break them up. I like Bay and Da’Vonne, David not so much. They never mentioned race before and bringing it up now is ridiculous. I love this show, i’ve sat thru Amber talking about Jews and big noses, I’ve watched Chilltown be the most disgusting form of life, I’ve seen people being misted by Dan and fooled by Derrick, gosh i lived thru the friendship and watched many contestants get robbed of a win (Danielle). I’ve seen every episode of every season including Season 1. I’m already depressed about what’s happening in the world today and was hoping that a break from reality by watching BB would be a great distraction. But alas, reality has certainly crept into the BB house and i wonder if this is the season that will end it all. Such a shame. Also…Christmas is a bully. I’ll never forget her performance during her season, she’s the lowest form of life and how they allowed someone on this show who was just recently off of probation or whatever for a violent crime is beyond me. I think Bayleigh is a beautiful young woman and not made for this game, she should walk away and not look back.
I still wonder why BB recruited Christmas for this show after as you say “probation”. Some here are wondering if she paid the restitution she was ordered to and completed her “anger management” class? Apparently she still has a problem with controlling herself. BB is taking a big chance with her and if anyone gets hurt from her, I see big bucks bigger then the 500,000 prize coming out of CBS coffer.
Moving into the fall our updates during the day Monday to Thursday will be slow coming. Both Dawg and I have children/work commitments. In the summer we can balance it all out but given how Covid has impacted us we’ll have to make adjustments to OBB.
I’m going to cut out the 8-1pm updates mon-thu. If something happens during that time we’ll flashback and summarize in the afternoon post.
Monday to Thursday afternoons to evenings as well as Thursday night to Monday Morning will be business as usually here.
no worries simon, most of the action happens afternoon and night anyway
Thank you guys for all the hard work you do! I know all us crazy fans really appreciate it!
Just for that I’m making an audition tape for you and putting it in for bbcan9
many thanks for years of devotion…
No worries….they keep cutting the feeds anyway….very annoying! Thanks for what you do!
What?! You have lives outside of here?How dare you.I’ll be joining the Karens to file a complaint.
Bayleigh please be EVICTED Wednesday & go home & drive your new Tesla. Top 3 most annoying BB players and definitely NOT an AllStar.
Who are the other 2?
Frankie HAS to be one of them…..
Jesse and Chima.
$itches be crazy…
Sooooooo……all girls alliance???
Suuuuure. Who wants cake?
Wait… Can Cody join? He sits to pee.
{Sideye waiting for someone to take it seriously}
Was there ever a question that he’d be included?
Why is Tyler such a mess this season?
He played much better game on his season.
Tyler didn’t want to come.
I think Tyler was expecting more of his suspected pre-game reach out squad to be there.
Like Kaycee and Josh. Instead he got… Memphis and Keesha.
Finally some much needed drama…. bring it on …loving it
Three words I would like to erase from Bay and Day’s mouths: set-up, trap and victim. These girls are out of control.
Yes! Even praying that people who set-up the trap would fall into their own trap, and insinuating that Tyler, who was offering to fall on his sword for these two lovely pieces of humanity, would be doing that, by going on the block in one of their places and then getting voted out.
They both have a warped way of thinking about things IMO. They only see things from the perspective of their own best interest, PERIOD. Any other way, something is wrong or evil about that. I get it that it’s not the way you want things to go, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong or evil…….or a trap or set-up. You are not always victims. There’s only ONE winner on Big Brother – 15 losers. They just go home on different weeks, but they still lose just the same.
another thing. I bet production will play this like Xmas being racist and Tyler the “hero” by showing support to the BLM movement.
Cody’s grandfather passed away. Wonder if they will use that as an excuse why no one puts him up and listens the the wall yellers.
Other than Tyler making the Fouetté alliance look really stupid season 20, why did/does Bayleigh hate Tyler so much? If a war between them has been going on for 2 years since, BB has exploited them both anticipating controversy. Was saying he wanted to leave Tyler’s revenge if she previously boasted she was the reason he lost BB20?
This whole thing started because Christmas tried to hug Bay after the veto ceremony and Bay was pissed and acting like a 3rd grader called her a name.
Just plain bad sportsmanship.
‘Then, late at night, Bay in the bathroom with Kevin still acting like a 3rd grader laughing and mocking saying how ‘everyone just walked past Christmas, did you see how she was shunned, laugh laugh laugh, mock, mock, mock. Very immature and unbecoming.
My granddaughter and I were watching feeds last night (In separate homes) texting each other about what was going on. We were both very frustrated with the feeds, they shut them off every single time it was getting good.
She said to me, “looks like they’re scared to let us see what’s really going on, just like all media today, if we don’t show it, it didn’t happen.”
Tomorrow nights edit will be interesting.
if you rewind to last Wednesday and just watch the relationships and talk in the house, the controversy with Dani spreading to Tyler that da and bay were after him and vice versa, as his ‘untouchable’, I would think Christmas would definitely put them up! It’s good game. She hadn’t heard any other rumblings in the house of targets and she was good with them all. So, to turn this into a personal vendetta and screaming match rests all upon day and bay for turning it that way. And all along, Tyler was just trying to protect them. You don’t need paranoid, crap stirring, maniacs in the house.
OK, so let me see if I understand this right – This whole argument is because after Bay and Day were put on the block, Tyler said because BLM, Bay and Day should stay so he tried to get himself nominated so HE could go home instead…..Christmas didn’t want to do this so she keep the votes the same and somehow in the process betrayed Bay’s trust. So now Day is pissed at Christmas because of this? Does that about sum it up?
I wanted to respond when I reviewed the actual feeds and sorry not sorry…X-Mess was the agitator in this one. Before watching I thought maybe Bay and Day were double teaming her or being aggressive….but no. X-Mess lost her cool because she actually thought she was going to get through the week free and clear…and she didn’t. Bay and Day afterwards stayed mad and got everyone else involved… which was a little much…but I am not sure how cool I would have been with her yelling at me like that and her hands in my face. Can definitely understand why X-Mess has that felony now. She goes from 0-180 in the matter of seconds. Good thing they didn’t give her a car to ram into them.
Did I just say that?? Why yes, yes I did—-LOL
Christmas was due to explode (the guys were already talking about it) and she was the one who made the situation worse. I’d agree Bay/Day aren’t helping by feeding into it or helping whoever stays.
Not that Christmas can think fast enough on her feet there was many reasons she could’ve given to Bay/Day (PRIVATELY) to reinforce why they were on the block AND if Bay/Day were willing to honestly look at their own game play they could see they themselves were more at fault for why they were targets. Some of the things that could’ve been pointed to are:
Unfortunately, Xmas couldn’t say many of these things b/c of what specifically was outlined above — anything she told them they would tell the others. So Dani/Cody/Nic/Enzo who were ALL fine with them being targeted would then turn on Xmas.
Ultimately, the ladies have put themselves in this position b/c no one feels they are completely reliable as alliance members. Granted, Dani, Cody, Enzo were never fully invested in the Slick 6 to begin with – the one who did try to work with them they immediately turned against and it was the same scenario with Janie & Kaysar.
My point is I don’t believe any of Xmas, Bay or Day fit into the mode of an “All-Star” and none of them are capable of owning how they impacted the demise of their own game either.
Xmas could’ve positioned this far differently to show herself simply as the person delivering the blow but the majority of the house was on board with. And Bay/Day did this to themselves by constantly spilling any relevant helpful information to them. Even though Enzo/Cody were also in the room and confirmed Dani was a target the people Bay/Day sold out were Tyler/Ian the ones they SHOULD have aligned with.
Why would anyone take them as serious allies when they don’t keep anything to themselves? It seems like Kevin, Bay, Day, David each wanted to be a part of the bigger ‘cool kids’ club so much so that when they had opportunities to turn the house against larger targets (Cody/Nic/Dani) they did everything to avoid those options.
Again, not that Xmas is a stand out player but she is physical and could pull out an endurance win so in her mind aligning with Enzo, Memphis, Tyler, Ian each in sub groups puts her in a situation where she likely won’t leave ahead of any of them other than maybe Memphis. She represents someone that group of men see as a potential HOH that could take out Cody/Dani or Nic.
Now the big alliance & especially Cody will want to target Day/Kevin/David after this week in order to remove a voting block that the others could use to take him (and his love triangle) out.
I just have a quick question: Who brought up the subject of “Untouchable”? Was it Christmas or Bayleigh? To my understanding it was Christmas…please correct me if I am wrong.
I believe Bayleigh asked Christmas who her untouchable was and Christmas said you tell me first.
IF memory serves: Bayleigh said to Christmas we should be working together as initial opener. Then said we need some numbers or we’re getting picked off. about five minutes in Bayleigh asked do you have an untouchable. Christmas asked who is your untouchable.
Bay is in all caps and xmas isn’t.
THE FEEDS ARE EFFFED UP THIS YEAR!!!! And, as far as I can tell, there’s no rooms on the feeds for chat this year so I can’t vent there.
if we had been able to see everything, we would have learned A LOT this morning. Christmas talking to David crying about being called a racist last night by….FEEDS CUT. He says you should go to production and she says she did and FEEDS CUT…
Dani in bathroom talking to Bay and Da and she’s trying to have some lighthearted talk about Nicole’s costume and her daughter and constantly gets interrupted by Dsy, “I feel provoked”…
then Dani tries to ignore and continue with light talk and Day interrupts with “Christmas acts like a plum damn fool, yelling and screaming and people think it’s funny, if I do it all hell breaks loose”
Dani walks away, it goes to Day and Bay and Bay says
Yall not going to keep pushing me bc im black. i would rather go home” FEEDS CUT”
They very DEFINITELY do not want a bad edit on the black girls and that is just WRONG! Everyone is in the house to play BIG BROTHER and all should be treated EQUALLY!
I’m on the very verge of canceling the feeds. This is beyond ridiculous
Does it ever occur to anyone that production may not have enough people to work or control the cameras due to Covid? Maybe that is why live feeds are wonky this year although, I do speculate that because of all the tension outside the BB house annnd on past seasons they may be trying to shield the players from backlash when they leave the BB house. With the web being so open and also so intolerant to “ones opinion” cutting the feeds could be the only way to protect the houseguest. BB is not the same and can never be the same because times have changed.
So does anyone think David will use his power? Would it make a difference?
Even though that would’ve been a great move, He can’t; It’s to late.
First….Christmas is stupid….just like she was in her first season. Putting up Bay and Da was just a stupid move when Dani is in the background with her smug ass look. Dani is the trouble maker….she should have been up on that block….but i digress. Okay fine….put up Bay and Da….but please dont give that lame ass excuse (thats where shes stupid), shes your untouchable….please, EVERYONE has an untouchable!! Tyler needs to simmah down…stand up to Dani and say….ya know what….yes i said it….you are a pot stirrer and you wanted them out…whats so special about her that he should be scared?? Bay and Da using the race card was gonna happen…the reason they are up is NOT because of race….its because Christmas is stupid!!
Feeds today.
Dani is annoyed by Ian always saying “I just want to make jury.”
Nicole doesn’t know who she would target because if she targets a guy Cody will be sooo maaad. Then she says she doesn’t know who to put up with Kevin and what if the veto is used?
Dani says so you won’t nominate Cody, or Enzo, or Tyler, or Ian, or David? So… Memphis?
Nicole says oh I can’t do that. (problem with wanting to live in a house with all men for Nicole…. she can’t target any of the men once she gets what she wants?)
Dani isn’t in the mood to be taken out by a frat. Nicf’s mass penis envy isn’t helping.
Christmas is complaining to Memphis that she feels attacked and wasn’t at all aggressive.
She wants to be told if she did anything aggressive so she can correct it. She’s been told already by Kevin and Tyler that she needs to apologize for starting the escalation that the entire house saw her escalate the situation, and it’s bad for her game. Christmas wants a COMMITTEE meeting. Anyone that watched 19 knows that the pretext of discussing double targets is not the reality. She wants everyone to back her and form a mob. It’s plain as day (not the houseguest, the actual timespan of daylight hours). She wants attention, validation, praise, and a group smiting of her foes.
Dani is asking Enzo why her trusted alliance guys didn’t tell her Tyler was weaponizing Bay and Da against her by revealing what Dani was saying.
Enzo is a bit meek in his explanation, but does throw in an apology that they should have told her (remember, Enzo is over Dani, so this must be eating him).
David is attempting to get Christmas to slip up and admit she’s in a bigger alliance, or the puppet of an alliance. Christmas is too far into Bay and Da land to be of actual use. She’s trying to scoop up David as her new side side puppet deal thing. I don’t think David actually wants to. Like. At all. As long as she isn’t targeting him, good, but getting into game bed with her? No.
Dani and Da’vonne are downloading the Tyler situation to each other. Again. Da tells Dani that during the argument with Xmas all the guys faces read “good they’ll take each other out”. Dani, still fearing being squashed by a sausage factory is pushing if it’s endurance we have to take it and make a move.
Cody is now with David, pushing that Christmas lacks the understanding that a nominee on the block that has been named as the target in the speech has every right not to want to be around the HOH that put them there.
(ed. I’m still expecting more waffles than usual this Wednesday. Something strikes me as ‘nobody gives a damn what this HOH wants’ is going to happen).
Try to end on a joke thought and hope it doesn’t get people riled up:
Imagine if Bayleigh had gone to the d/r post argument and said the way she came at me and was poking at my face… with her police record for violence, i don’t feel safe in the house with her.
Anyone that watched BBCAN 8 knows why I am making this joke (cough jamar / kyle / vanessa).
How likely do you think it is that a series of events such as
And this all culminates in Cody – Enzo – Tyler – Ian – Memphis & David voting to keep Bay instead (they only need five votes & that would be six ) versus Kevin – Dani – Nic keeping Day?
Da’vonne stated three days ago that she’s keeping Cody’s name out of the Dani stuff intentionally. She said if he’s the centre of the monster, she needs to keep him happy.
I think the supposed girls alliance that Dani told Cody about when she was paranoid will, at some point bite Christmas and possibly Day in the ass.
I think Cody won’t mind so much keeping Bay if she’s pissed at Tyler. He doesn’t want to go super deep with Tyler. He doesn’t like the challenge to his house control.
My initial gut told me split vote with Bay squeaking through, and Day going home.
I’ve missed a few hours of feeds today and i’m just catching up, so I don’t have a full on prophesy yet.
The DEFINITION of racist should be… people that can’t co-exist with other races without making race an issue
I agree !!
Regardless of this fight…telling someone you have a final two deal with someone and then getting mad at them for putting you on the block is silly. Xmas has an alliance with the majority of the house—of course she is going to use any little thing to put up the people left. Bay gave it right to her and now wants to be mad at her for her game move? It just goes to show again that she doesn’t get this game at all.
Dayvonne made another terrible game move. She is almost guaranteed she’s staying. Power of veto ceremony is over. There’s absolutely no good reason to talk to the HOH at that point about why they didn’t use the veto. Terrible unnecessary move. She just doesn’t know how to play either.
In all likelihood this seasons winner will not be a POC. Unless CBS gets involved to make sure at least 1 makes it to the finale. It’s a sad day we live in where people feel entitled to something based on the color of their skin yet say they want equality.
I used to escape from “real life” with television and computers but now you can’t even do that, and I’m sorry but you can’t say you didn’t see this happening l, if they (Day and Bay) or even just one of them went up while other options were In the house, there would be immediate cries of racism. To say that Tyler or anyone In the house would use the BLM in a negative way for game is unfair and just wrong, it’s sour grapes because you find yourself losing a game, and you want to destroy real lives
Are you seriously saying that these BLACK people feel entitled to something just because of the color of their skin??? You can’t be serious….. Yes this is a game but entitlement has NEVER been something a POC has ever “taken advantage of”!!!! To speak on their feelings of discrimination (whether it’s happening in this game or not) is their right. Television or not this is their real life being streamed live. This isn’t scripted….they are there playing a game as themselves and you saying something like this shows that you have no respect for POC. Smh. They aren’t destroying lives they are speaking how they feel and you wouldn’t know the emotions this house will bring up unless you are in it.
1.) Bold to assume you’re not speaking to a POC 2.) Using a global movement for change to stay in a game is sickening, just as sickening as twisting words to give the impression to those watching the feeds that a player has done so all in attempt to keep him from winning or making money. Because from what I read here there’s a contestant fixated on what financial losses they have had a part in making someone lose. 3.) Probably most importantly this is not their real life, they don’t wake up in their normal life playing competitions for a $500k prize shut off to the world around them.
Now they may hustle their asses off to make that $500k which, kudos, do you, but to be the this upset over the fact that you could possibly be evicted is ridiculous.
If you’re counting on the prize money to provide for those you love, that’s almost equivalent to playing the lotto as your retirement plan.
I would also assume that since they are “all-stars” they’re at least familiar enough with the game to know that eviction is part of the game and that they could be nominated at the same time.
Okay so after looking at this online the only solution is to wrap production on this season and split the $500K among the 5 POC, if I missed one, then obviously adjust it to reflect the actual number.
Because it’s looking more and more as though some of you out there think that a POC should win whether he or she does anything or not, as though they deserve the money based solely on their pigmentation.
Welcome to Big Brother 2020 where if you dont let someone stay because BLM your a bully LOL
Most of the people are not cast on BB because they are good players. They are cast for entertainment purposes. They know who will fight and or cross a line and leave comments in and cut others out to make them appear racist or sexist. Saying Day and Bay is a duo is the same as any other two people working together. Janelle and Kaysar were a duo and now they are gone.
Using potentially emotional or race based and sexist based snippets of conversation are weaved in intentionally to invoke a reaction, especially with how the country is now.
Had Day and Bay stood their ground with Kaysar n janelle maybe then someone would respect their game but again that’s NOT why they are “cast” on the show. They were cast to go along with the group then when put up to be openly upset about it.
Not that christmas is a star but she is cast for a reason as well.
The show is “produced” and “cast” for those to play a role the producers see fit.
As a women of color you can’t work with people against your own interest (Kaysar and Janelle) then vote with the house, then get mad at the people you voted with against your own interest and call it racist. The initial moves were just plain dumb. Period.
But BB knew that’s how it would go.
Bay and Day were not going to rally up numbers to make their stance instead they didn’t want to piss off the house. Now Day is pissed? Of course she is and that’s why she was cast!
What a terrible season. The weakest “All-Stars” ever. We have Tyler getting railroaded and just giving up, serving himself on a platter for Bay and Day. We have Christmas finally showing who she really is, the natural bully. We have literal nothingness from Kevin and David. They could both be taken out of the house at any point, and the game wouldn’t be affected whatsoever. Day has managed to become an even worse player, and Bay an even worse person. Literally zero self-awareness. Couple of fake, disconnected whiners. Can’t fall back and blame racism for everything. Perhaps you’re just terrible at this game. Sweet Lord! This house reeks of ego, self-pity, and victimhood. What a horrendous fall for Big Brother.
Well,I agree that they “can’t”…..but they still do *eye roll*
“Perhaps you’re just terrible at this game” ….couldn’t have said it better myself.
Since she says she’s going to watch the show, I wonder if Day will recognize that Nicole actually IS sincere with trying to help her. I mean, I doubt she’ll acknowledge it, but stranger things have happened I suppose.
this is hilarious lol. the only ones that didnt know they were going to be put on the block were bay and davonne
Damn this season is good!!
“MMmmhhmmmm. Ya’ll made us a pair” ……Fact Check: Wrong. You made yourselves a pair, and it’s been known since day 1. And now you didn’t get your way, so you’re whining, complaining, and having a temper tantrum. It’s always somebody else’s fault………
I am beginning to really hate this show. Each year it seems to be more and more racial bias. The players are FAKE for the most part and they are not playing Big Brothet rather having CLICKS. Am going to stop watcjing