Head of Household Winner – Christmas
Have nots – No havenots this week
Nominations – Bay & DaVonne
Power of Veto Players are – Christmas, Bayleigh, Da’Vonne, Nicole, Ian and Dani.
POV Host: – David
Power of Veto holder – Christmas
Power of Veto Ceremony – Veto not used.
Powers – Christmas, Dani, David
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Veto Results:
– Christmas Won the Veto
– Dani won the Home Gym
– Day won the 5K
– Nicole got the Slop-tard punishment
– Bay has to do 500 laps riding a tricycle on a track
– Ian didn’t feel well so he didn’t play
10:21 am Christmas and Memphis talking about Patrick Swayze.
(a favorite topic for Memphis)
10:23 am Dani and Nicole
Nicole going on about not being part of any drama.
Dani – David’s getting really close to the guys. He stayed up all night. We have to really watch the guys. I’m not about to get taken out by a freaking frat.
Dani – there’s only 4 of us left.. I don’t even know who my target is now that I’ve squashed it with Tyler
Dani – Kevin, David or Ian
Nicole – I would put up two guys.. I want Kevin out But if he won Veto I wouldn’t know who to put up
Dani – David.. would try to backdoor Tyler to get a good player out
Nicole – probably not. that would be really bad. I feel like Cody would be pissed
Dani – who else.. you’re not doing Christmas, Cody, Enzo so the only one are Memphis and Tyler
Nicole – is that it? I don’t know what I’ll do
Dani – Kevin would put up you and Cody. Is David still going after Memphis
Nicole – Maybe not he might put up Christmas and someone else.
Dani – maybe Christmas and Memphis. I would be fine with that
Nicole hopes she can whine enough to Da’Vonne to get Kevin to not put her up.
Dani says Kevin is just looking for someone to tell him what to do
11:01 am Christmas waiting around to give her stupid untouchable excuse to whoever walks by.
11:25 am Christmas and David
David was that your move or the best move that others needed at the time.
Christmas says Day/Bay never talked to her to work with her or came to her with an alliance.
Christmas says he never came to them to talk game Day/BAy only came to her “she asked me who mu untouchable is.. that’s pretty bold.. that’s like asking who is your final 2. It caught me of guard. I was taken a back. I don’t have a untouchable in this house. ”
Christmas – personally I f**Ing love Bayleigh
Christmas going on about “untouchable” and how she was never a part of what Bayleigh/Da’Vonne have. Adds that they only came to talk to her to work together after she won the HOH.
Christmas – Bayleigh came and volunteered information about who her untouchable was.. Da’Vonne is up there because she is Bayleigh’s untouchable
Christmas – Da’Vonne is Bayleigh’s casualty.
Christmas – If bayleigh wanted to save Da’Vonne she shouldn’t have taken the veto from her it’s cut and dry
Christmas – I heard a comment last night that I don’t even want to repeat because for that to even be a thought completely…
David – I don’t know the comment.
Christmas – I don’t want to say it you went from not understanding a game move to making it personal to making it viciously personally attack against me.
feeds switch ..
11:47 am Dani and Da’Vonne
Da’Vonne says she thought Tyler was lying about quitting until she heard “for a higher purpose I am your ally for the Black lives Matter movement”
Da’Vonne – so when he said that piece that made me believe it who would use that for game play
Dani – you would be disgusting
Da’Vonne – I’m on the block right now Dani so this cannot get back
they pinky swear.
Da’Vonne says Tyler told them he tried to get them against Dani and Dani against them. Da’Vonne adds that Tyler told them the truth is when Dani said she wanted to get them out that wasn’t a lie
Dani – oh my god.. Da’Vonne, I swear on everything and you will see I never ever ..
Da’Vonne – I didn’t bit into it.
Dani says Tyler has to go.
feed goes to stars all the time.. when we’re back
Dani says she’s just wants to clear her name because Tyler has been going around spreading lies.
Dani suggests that maybe Christmas is scared of the guys that is why she didn’t put Tyler up
Da’Vonne – she had a gift handed to her and she threw it to the side for no reason
12:55 pm David and Kevin
Kevin – how do you think the votes are going to go
David – I dunno, I feel like people want bayleigh out. They are going to use that on Da’Vonne so Da’Vonne is angry at me when she stays
Kevin – what
David says he wants Bayleigh to stay because she can win a competition he wants to say that but. “stating that or trying to flip it gets back to Day so Day can be angry at me coming back.. Creates tension”
Kevin – let Day know that.. .. Let them think there’s tension that’s good.
David – did you see the meeting they had this morning in the love room, Nicole, Dani and Cody. Early.
David says Nicole told him they were sleeping he knew they were strategising.
Daivd says he talked to Christmas and told her the house is laughing at the 3 of them fighting (Xmas, Da, Bay)
David – you got played.. I don’t know if she will take it that way I don’t know if she’s working with them. I was like YO theres people in other rooms laughing while you are crying after what you did
David – you did what other people wanted and they are laughing at you.. So I planted that seed
Kevin – that as a good move
David says they have to break that four up “If Memphis wins I know he will put me and you up”
1:16 pm Bayleigh and David
Bayleigh – what I told the group last night because you went to sleep it was me, Enzo, Kevin and Day
Bayleigh – before this takes place we need to chat we need to make a decision (on the vote) everyone needs to vote that way so they don’t have it all split teh way they want.
Bayleigh – we need to figure this sh1t out then we need to GO, Enzo said he’s down he’s sick of this sh1t. Kevin still thinks.. it’s a work in progress with Kevin he still thinks we should be really nice. I’m like no kevin
David – stop
Bayleigh – we need to go
David – yeah they are having open meetings in the rooms openly
Bayleigh – or else nothing is going to change
Bayleigh – it’s going to be a war
Bayleigh – I do feel bad for Christmas thought I’m sorry she feels that way
David – she got set up. As much as they want you, Day and Christmas to be like this (At odds) the harder its going to be.
David says Christmas is 6th “at best” in the pecking order of the other side
Bayleigh – they used her as a distraction
David says he was trying to explain to Christmas. “I planted the seed, I don’t know if she is going to take it that way I said YO. Who’s crying right now? you are who’s chillin?
DAvid – “who’s crying right now the three of you who’s chillin and laughing having a good time in the house look at it. ”
David says every week once HOH is won “they” meet and figure out their strategy then they go off plant seeds and make moves (the other side)
David – I told Enzo and he was like OHH sh1t it’s those four making moves
Bayleigh – he wasn’t invited in
David – Tyler wasn’t invited in I don’t know where he stands
Bayleigh says Tyler is with Dani he doesn’t have to be invited in.
(David’s four is Memphis or Ian?, Dani, Nicole and Cody)
Bayleigh – Enzo doesn’t have to be invited in because it’s him and Cody
Bayleigh says on Wednesday her and Day are going to talk and upload all the information they have from the game to each other.
David says she needs to go to Tyler shed some tears “tell him you love him.. tell him you love him.. tell him you love him”
Bayleigh – stop repeating that
2:00 pm Christmas and Ian
Christmas going on about “untouchable”
2:35 pm feeds are fun
3:22 pm Da’Vonne and David
Da’Vonne – how do you feel about Enzo
David – good
Da’Vonne says whoever survives this week they need to link up with Enzo.
Da’Vonne asks what the odds are of them pulling in Ian
David – I’ve been poking and testing and what I see is him circling back
David saying this morning the four of them had a meeting, Dani, Ian, Cody and Nicole.
David fills Day in on his “Planting seeds” from earlier today with Christmas.
(David is trying to save Bayleigh because they need someone that can win Competitions)
David says they want them to go after Christmas it’s a distraction.
4:00 pm have nots Day and Bay
They’re talking about the two of them “can’t even be friends in public” or they’re targeted but the other people in the house “can have entire meetings in public”
Day – I hate this game sometimes.. I hate it so much.. Enzo is opening his eyes a lot more he’s still very sensitive to Cody
Bay – of course he is
Day – how much more does he need unless he’s 5th wheeling and we don’t know
Bay – he’s sixth wheeling it wouldn’t be 5th
Day – I told Enzo last night I’m scared you’ll get your feelings hurt.
Bay – it’s going to be a house full of boys
Day – people are going to be mad at me. If I win HOH I’m going to be shooting I don’t care I have nothing left to lose.
Day – I have to shot
Bay – you should
Day – I’m saying it because I thought you were going to talk me out of it
they laugh
Bay – shoot, It’s not too soon
Day – it’s time to shoot..
Bay – blow that sh1t up all of it..
Day says it’ll be endurance “that dumb a$$ wall”
Comparing notes about what David has been saying.
Day – why does he want you to tell Tyler you love him
Bayleigh says David repeating himself 3 times about the I love you was “very very weird crossing creepy”
Bay – he said it aggressive
Day – he’s got a power he came to me all slick earlier I was like Hey were have you been and he was like Minding my business..
Bay – I asked him what are you eating he said food..
Bay says Cody and David were up in the HOH for awhile talking.
Day brings up David saying to her “I want you to know i had a conversation with Tyler and I’m campaigning to him to vote for Bayleigh. I’m planting the seed so if Tyler goes back to them and they come back to you. I’m telling you now I’m planting the seed”
Bay – he told me his campaigning to keep me was, ‘I’m mentally unstable I am bound to snap and I’ve already been having psychological breakdowns”
Day – Bayeligh shut up
Bay – I promise you ..
Day – that’s what he’s been telling people? Does he not know that’s the reason some people want you to go?
Bay – Day, this is what I mean
Day – that’s literally verbatim to what Christmas was saying
Day – I’m so confused.. who picked him?
Bay – umm rosemary
Feeds cut .. Rosemary is someone in casting.. When we’re back they’re going on baffled about what David said.
Day – that’s weird as f*** you have to tell him to stop saying that to people
Day – Tyler really ain’t sh1t
Day brings up her conversation with Dani earlier today.
Day – she said I swear Da’Vonne I promise you he’s (Tyler) a liar.
Day – I fee like he’s trying to do Dan like tricks.
Bay – it’s Dan’s funeral.
Day -he’s doing it wrong
Bay – at the end of the game when everyone was asking my opinion weather Tyler should win.. Tyler maneuvered through so much he blah blah blah but he set himself.
Bay explains that he got himself out of a lot of sh1t but also was responsible for getting into the sh1t in the first place. “He wouldn’t have to get out of all that mess if he didn’t get himself in it in the first place”
Day – he was working overtime
4:43 pm Enzo and Shitzmas
Christmas says the fact she “got to that level” last night was surprising to her (WTF )
Christmas – if this week is a double eviction our approach should be whoever .. first person you nominate is the one you really want the second on is the second option .. We can’t be putting up f**ing pawn.
Christmas – if first option wins veto whoever goes up next is gone.. the replacement isn’t going home
Enzo – that’s a good rule..
Christmas – I want to win the next one and be right up here and let everyone know I don’t give a f** I had a hard a$$ week I did a lot of shit that people didn’t have the balls to do and I’ll do it again
Christmas – I ripped that bandage off I’ve done the worst that I have to do this was the hardest one that I’ll have to come into contact with
Enzo says he’s happy he won the HOH it was a good learning experience.
Enzo – you want me to vote Bayleigh out?
Christmas – for sure
Christmas goes on about Bay/Day saying Christmas was being personal. Denise it says it was just game.
Christmas says bay and Day are both Forwardly emotional players
Enzo – you just better hope she doesn’t win HOH
Christmas – she won’t are you kidding me?
Enzo – yeah
Christmas – Bayleigh took the f***ing veto from Da’Vonne..
Christmas says that DA’Vonne was telling her how Bay wasn’t her girl anymore than last night “She attacks me on Bayleigh’s behalf.. they say things like ohh girl you’re my duo, you’re my queen, you’re my final 2.. ”
Christmas impersonating Bay/Day ends feeds flip to David talking to Ian. when we’re back
Christmas is saying that Da’Vonne won’t nominate her she’ll try to backdoor her because Christmas is “too much of a comp threat”
~5:42 pm (feeds are cutting to stars way a lot)
Later Enzo asks her again who will Da’Vonne go after. Christmas says she’ll go after her and Tyler will be the second choice.
Christmas – she thinks Ian is my plus one.. my untouchable so he’ll be up there
Christmas – she would backdoor me
Enzo – that’s what you said before
Christmas – she’s not good at the vetos..
Christmas says Da’Vonne will put up Tyler or another strong player because they would have a good chance to win the Veto and use it.
Christmas – she will pick a very popular person and a very strong player. that’s what I would do.. then I would backdoor me.
Christmas – the girls kept trying to get me to say they’re safe.. It’s not my fault you didn’t put up safety barriers for your game and now you’re mad at me when you’re on the block for playing loose.
Christmas – they didn’t even come in here and negotiated anything
Enzo says he’s telling the girls “I’ll vote with the house”
Christmas – they kept asking for stuff.. I said thats against the rules.. they asked three different times to bend rules.. I was like NO .. Da’Vonne you know this. (Shitzmas is a special kinda worst)
Enzo – they thought you were going to use it
Christmas – I never told them I was going to
Christmas says Ian is Chill right now wonders if he’s on medicine.
Christmas complaining about Da’Vonne being the type of person that walks by you doesn’t look you in the eye but gives out a “mmmmmhmmmm” she calls it passive aggro
Christmas says she won’t engage anyone like she did last night.
(All feeds have been on these two)
Sh1tmas – the way I want to play is I want help people do better in their game. I want to do better than them. I want the best of the best of the best ..
6:00 pm Ian and Kevin
Ian – I’m gunning for HOH I’m gunning hard .. If it’s endurance I’m pissing myself out there..
Kevin – me and you
Ian – this is a must at this point I need to win
Feeds come back 6:14 pm.
Ian – look on the brights side.. I’m not nominated not packing stuff up.. Thursday we got a game.
Ian – it’s going to be endurance. wouldn’t have lost the yard that early. If we’re spinning on something there’s a 100% chance I move into that room (HOH)
Ian – if we’re leaning on a wall there’s a very good chance i’m moving upstairs into that room
Kevin – who do you think the house will nominate next week
Ian – the house.. meaning? it totally depends on who gets it
Kevin – the house who has power
Ian – seems like someone has made a lot of noise lately.. that’s a bit of a guess. If my name has been floated around I have to imagine my name is in the mix..
Ian – to win this game I’m going to have to be nominated at some point.
David joins them.. Chit chat..
6:34 pm Chit chat in the kitchen.
6:43 pm David explaining a person eating a tarantula on YouTube
David reenacts a YouTube video of a man eating a tarantula "For Views" #BB22 pic.twitter.com/NVklTGsTLy
— OnlineBigBrother.com (@bigbspoilers) September 9, 2020
feeds on fire.. Cody shaving his forearms..
Could it be??? Memphis is getting targeted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ian doesn’t have to do much. He just naturally has allies with no target on his back.
ian knows what worked for his game the first time was just lying low and let the other sides of the house fight, and that certainly could work out for him again this season.
Cody for the win.
Say it my friends…
The oil man keeps sliding through.
He does look greasy sometimes
Nicole in her slop-tard looks like Nellie, the villian from Little House on the Prairie
Lol so funny!!!!
Day, Bay and David want you all to know they’re black. They’re black ya’ll, They’re black ya’ll, blackity black, they’re black ya’ll. They’re back and they’re black, blackity black black black. #BLM
And Day is racist, she voted based on race, and said she’ll do it again.
She voted based on the pigment of skin instead of her friend and ally, Nicole A.
She also mocked and laughed at a joke toward Kaysers religion.
She voted for alliance not blackness and said it .. that Nicole would flip to stay in the house (the bitch literally flipped on Janelle who had her back
If we voted on race she would call us out in a second, what do bay and day have to scream so loud to get a point across even when people are listening and quiet. They never let s person speak and when they do they get louder much louder. The are annoying and really need to go, and the way bay screamed at saggy on their season she’s nasty!
Simply sums it up! Thanks for the smile. On the down low of course.
HAHAHA!!! Yep, pretty much says it all in a nutshell.
hahah whats even funnier is how no one got the CB4 reference lol!
Dead Mike betta recognize…..lol thanx for getting the CB4 reference
I don’t care what the color of their skin is! They are ALL horrible players!! And don’t deserve to be on all stars!! What did they do on their seasons? Absolutely nothing!! So riddle me this? Why were they cast on all stars? Makes you go HMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!
I haven’t been able to watch live feeds so I have been reading the updates here. All that was going through my head with Bay/Day is everyone is racist. Christmas is racist because she put the “2 black girls up”. Tyler is racist because he supports the BLM movement. But because Christmas wouldn’t put him on the block, now they say the whole world will now see he is racist. rolls my eyes. Yet they openly say they won’t vote a person of colour out..WTF?? that is racist in itself but I guess that is okay in their minds because they are black. I really can’t wait for both Bay/Day to be gone. Day is just pathetic, biggest hypocrite I have seen on BB in years. Then David needs to go just because he has no clue what this game is about and listening to him is hard to take, he just doesn’t make sense. Then Kevin can go too. Though if David is carried to the end, I have no doubt anyone will beat him because he wont have an idea on how to answer questions the HGs will have, he has a shitty way of speaking. This really (to me) has been the season of no stars. What has David/Bay/Kevin/Day/Christmas ever really done to be thought of as an All Star”?? nothing.
Did bay actually say that tyler is with dani???? Can someone pls confirm
If thats the case idek what to say
How can anyone be so clueless…
And day yet again goes and spills everything to dani. Insert eyeroll
Is it really that hard to keep info for yourself till its necessary inside that house?
Reading this it sounds like david is actually giving bay good advice, if she really wants to stay thats what she needs to do, she needs to get the guys to want her to stay. Just go and tell them whatever they want to hear and then once she stays she can do what she wants
I’m glad you’re saying this because it blows my mind. They CONTINUALLY trust the wrong people and make the wrong reads and then they’re shocked they’re on the block. This is textbook insanity. Tyler told you Dani is not with you and Dani proved it by putting you against each other in the knockout competition and STILL Da trusts her. I’m lost.
YOU’re not lost! DaVonne is lost! One part of her game never changes, and that’s the fact that she is totally lost by herself out in the woods.
Dani could shove a 15 foot piece of re-bar up Day’s backside, break it off and Day would probably say “Ahhhhhh, that feels great up in there! Could you just shove a knife in my back now, you know, to off-set the vertical pressure of that re-bar?”
The way things are going right now, I’m not sure it’s going to matter, as it looks like Bayleigh might be able to swing the votes her way, and ol’ “three time” may be gone by Thursday night.
And Bay is still fighting with Tyler over what happened in her first season — and making Day promise to punish Tyler for it too.
These 2 blaming tyler for everything and i mean EVERYTHING, no matter how many ppl and wall yellers have confirmed what he said, is just insane
Talking about poisoning the jury and all that sort of things, while at the same time complaining and acting like tyler saying bay is emotional and shouldnt be in jury cause of that is the worst thing in the world bla bla…
So much double standards and hypocresy uhhh
If only they used all the time they spend hating on tyler actually campaigning or working on their social game and positioning themselves the best they possibly can for the upcoming weeks…. but nahhh lets trash tyler instead, then when talking to him acting cool (which to be clear is absolutely ok since thats smart and playing the game), but it just shows their double standards… its okey for them to do it, but if anyone else does it oh noooo THEN its so personal and those ppl deserve the worst
The fixation with Tyler frustrates me, Dani and their own ineptitude have waaaaay more to do with their predicament than Tyler did, Tyler has actually tried to help to the point where he felt so bad he was willing to leave for them which there was no need for him to do. No matter what this guy does they (especially Bayleigh) have it in for him.
Davonne is so damn bad at this game, it’s hard to watch
All Star Yo! First game, 2nd voted out, 2nd game, made jury, and she’s an All Star how?
Danielle Reyes is a great Big Brother player and would be a welcome addition to any season. Amber, Lolo Jones, Marcellas, Natalie Martinez, and Howard Overby were all good players. I could go on and on but what needs to be said is that we get players like Bayleigh and Da’Vonne and Jesse and Paulie because Grodner is not looking for good players. Big Brother is an entertainment show and Allison G. is looking for good drama not good players.
They probably don’t want to come back because of the same thing Da and Bay are talking about. Bay saying Da was her untouchable was more like I’m not going to go after the only other black woman in the house. Shitmas can’t understand that because she is not a minority. I’m not blaming her but many of the seasons feature players who target the black and brown players first. Nicole and ian won the game why would they think they would look out for each other because them sitting together is probably the only way one of them wins again. They already assume bay/Da are a pair because most people thing people group with people who are like them. The sad thing is the women never stick together they crawl up the guys ass and hope to be carried along. That why I love Janelle she was always a competitor and smart. Dani, Nicole, and Shitmas are all annoying. Shitmas did nothing to win that HOH. Last thing I can’t stand to watch people talk about people lying when they are the biggest liars (Dani).
But if Day, Bay, Amber, Zakiyah, Danielle Reyes, Howard, Marcellas, all in one season instead of a sprinkle here and a sprinkle there, maybe then play could be based play and strategy. I want to see a house, at least half majority, just one season. Then we can just play.
Amber and Zakiyah, are gorgeous. much better choice than Day and Bay
Zakiyah was definitely gorgeous, but she only finished 10th in her season (BB18) and my recollection was she pretty much used Paulie as a meat shield that season and didn’t do much.
Whereas I do like good looking house guests, I wouldn’t mind seeing her again, but for All-Stars? I don’t think she would be any better than Bayleigh or DaVonne when it comes to game play, or at least she didn’t show it in her first go round.
I would like a season of all POC
Marvin too
Christmas is inj sort of a minority for being arrested for a felony crime.
but she was not formally charged cause she was 8 months pregnant
I loved Howard. He was wonderful. All respect to him. What a crappy season for him, too.
Howard was a stand up guy who made it easy to root for him. I would love to see him get another shot.
The word “untouchable” has been completely ruined for me. It’s like I don’t hear anything else when Christmas talks.
“How are you feeling?”
Christmas: “untouchable”
“Oh yeah, what did you eat for breakfast?”
Christmas: “untouchable”
“Ok, so how’s the weather outside?”
Christmas: “untouchable, untouchable”
Ugh…we get it dammit! Lol!
U cant touch this! ask Kevin Costner
Get ready. in big brother 23 it will be the new blood on my hands.
We’re gonna hear how so and so is whogivesacrap’s untouchable. Forever.
But then again, I thought Season 17 Clay’s furless bat would catch on.
THIS is why Day doesn’t deserve to be an All-Star.. not only did Tyler put his game on the line by telling her the truth about Dani saying Bay/Day had to go – they got CONFIRMATION from Enzo that this was COMMON KNOWLEDGE. Hello you sat in a room with your Slick 6 (sans Dani) and they ALL TOLD YOU this was FACT!
But instead of taking that at face value she elects to go bury Tyler with Dani and keep that fire stoked. Now – if I thought Day was doing this to redirect Dani’s target at Tyler over her I’d applaud the move – – but it’s not. Yet, again it’s someone who was trying to help her (like David, like Kaysar, like Janelle) that she’s burying.
Day’s idea of how to win BB is to bury all allies and help all enemies.
I like DayVonne she’s got a great sense of humor and is one of the better hamsters in the DR- at least I don’t feel like all her lines are spoon fed. She’s has a similar quality to Britney Haynes who also made me laugh with her zingers.
But her game play flat out sucks. The fact Day entrusts Dani saying “this is vault” (about Tyler) shows how poorly she reads people- she’s trusting the one person in the house who lies to everyone.
Dani can’t keep anything quiet so how long until Tyler knows about this?
Here’s hoping Tyler points out her biggest BB flaw & tells her straight up:
“yeah so your pinky swear with Dani about the TRUTH I gave you has made the rounds through the house. On top of that, what you’ve said about my genuine actions is now being positioned to me as a reason to target you. Please tell me how I’m suppose to work with you especially since you’ve proven your way of playing Big Brother is to bury anyone who warns you, tells you truth or tries to help you? I tried to do the right thing. But instead you’d prefer to play the moth to the light game and play with people who only want to use you, take your secrets to others to make you a target and stab you in the back”
Make it happen please – b/c I’m sick of her lack of game play. Why would ANYONE want to be in an alliance with someone who plays that way? I’d rather play with Dani b/c at least I know she’s my enemy!
THIS. Dani must have some dirt on her on the outside because her continued trust in her despite proof that she shouldn’t might be the thing I’ve struggled to understand most this season.
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
It’s common sense…
da’vonne has thrown her allies under the bus all three seasons she’s been on. it’s why she should just be targeted immediately. she’s impossible to work with and thus adds no value to anyone’s individual game.
She’s useless. No one can work with her. She can’t win competitions. She can’t keep her mouth shut. Why the Hell would anybody want to keep her in the game?
The reason is because Day only wants to work with girls and well the choices are slim picking now. If it’s not a POC that wins, she would rather see a girl win…thats why she voted for Nicole.
She is fixated on working with Dani. Blind. It’s so hard to watch.
I get what all of you are say but tell me how can Day work with? Who in that house can she work with?
who in any house can she work with? i still remember her first season when she was one of the first people steve approached to work with him, but nah, she was too cool to work to work with the player who went on to win and decided to go out as the second boot instead. you have to be open to working with people and make adjustments but she’s too stubborn.
I hope the “motherf**cker” finds this information out, changes his vote, votes her out and tells her exactly WHY he did it 5 minutes before the show goes on the air Thursday night. Would serve her right to get voted out by the guy who tried not only to help her, but offered to give up his GAME for her and her friend (and their cause), and they appreciate it so much, all they can do is backstab him and denigrate him to the other house guests AND to the live feeders!
So screw her and the horse she rode in on.
I think it is messed up that Day and Bay aren’t allowed to have a friend while Nic and Dani can. It’s psychologically damaging to isolate the people you randomly chose to pick on just because they aren’t your favorite. Christmas really does just suck as a person. She doesn’t even get why picking a target and torturing them for fun is wrong. Maybe she needs Paul to come explain it to her.
Idt it is about them not being allowed to have a friend at all. Theres a reason why good players hide their true ride or die and pretend to have someone else as number 1. Whenever theres a clear pair, and it always shows when there are showmances, ppl try to split them and put them up together… and it makes sense, cause if you only put one of them on the block then theres the chance that the other wins pov and takes them off.
And breaking pairs also makes sense cause you know 100% that they will ALWAYS take that person over you. Its why whenever you see ppl wanting to really work with someone whos in a clear pair, they always try to get rid of their no. 1 so they can eventually take that spot. Its just smart gameplay
The thing with dani/cody/nicole, is that ppl somehow still arent certain about who is their real no. 1. You have christmas telling tyler that shes for sure nicoles no. 1, even when tyler told her its dani and not her, she simply doesnt believe it… enzo and memphis have their final 2’s with cody and so on… they all think ( even if theyre fools for it) that they can take that ride or die position
This game isnt about the truth but about perceptions and having ppl believe they are or can potentially be your ride or die is important
Bay made it clear who that person is for her. Everyone knows theres no taking that spot, not even a slim chance
This is ofc leaving aside the fact that all the other ppl, who happen to be the only ones winning comps, are working together and therefore arent targetting those other pairs
There are better ways to break up alliances than the way this was done. Christmas doesn’t care about any of the girls in the game. The guys will use her til she is used up
For sure there was a wayyy better way of doing it and someone posted about it (iirc it was another name)
Christmas in the end is a puppet and even while doing that she doesnt even let them know how much other ppl wanted them up on the block…
Everyone is focusing on dani/tyler when they talk about whos to blame for them being on the block (leaving aside their own game flaws), but the first person to really push bay leaving was nicole. When discussing weeks ago about day/bay christmas said day should go first cause she had a good relationship with bay, but nicole got in her head repeating again and again how bay needed to go first until christmas finally ended up repeating the same
As annoying as nicole is truth is that she has position herself extremely well in this game and has gotten other ppl to take out everyone shes wanted and in the process has taken absolutely no heat from any of it
Her method of constant whines and playing victim are the worst but these ppl around her actually buy all her bs (or most of it) and end up actually feeling like *oh poor nicole is being attacked we need to help her* . Hugeeeeee eyeroll. Thats whats happened so far… lets HOPE for ppl to open their eyes!!!!
Sad thing is that given the number of women left i really struggle to see ppl taking her out
Lets go over who could take a shot…
Tyler- said hed put up dani/nicole (dani would be the target and most likely leave). Tbh im not even sold on that being what tyler would do, especially after day spilled everything to dani *again*. So far it looks like that but it may change
Ian- even if he turns on them i feel like he will want to keep nicole to not be the only winner in the house. He probably wants dani and cody gone to become her real no. 1
Day- hmmm nope we know day didnt learn her lesson last time they played together! And with the number of women left its a huge NO
David/kevin- id love for them to take a shot at the trio but day will push hard for a guy to leave and will try to at least protect nicole
Enzo- hmm he wants nicole and dani out but cody will hard push against this and claim theyre numbers for them bla bla
Memphis- nah idts
Your explanation here should be “required reading” for so many posters.
Please keep in mind that Christmas is in an alliance with the other duos. I think we can all agree that going after a duo is good strategy. What I see as the biggest problem is that Kevin, David, Bay and Day all want to be accepted by and integrated into the power alliances. Season after season POC are not generally absorbed into these groups.
They were offered that opportunity w/ Janelle and Kayser and they chose the other option. Sorry, not sorry.
She probably needs a “friendship bracelet” LOL
I cant agree more with this. Day could potentially use what tyler said in her favor and against him at some point and that would be smart from her… at the right time
Knowing what to do with info and being strategic about it is a key point in big brother. I really dont get how someone whos supposed to be a fan of the show doesnt understand this, especially being this her 3rd try.
Right now she doesnt need to feed dani more info cause she already has dani wanting to not only keep her this week but potentially at least a few more weeks since the number of women left is so small. She can check on her from time to time and just agree with everything dani wants and plant seeds about how many guys there are left, which would only fire up dani even more on that direction since shes already thinking the same. There, dani and nicole secured for a few weeks (keeping an eye on them ofc amd knowing that dani indeed wanted bay out which several ppl have already confirmed to her).
On the other hand, she should continue talking to tyler and acting cool with him, acting like she believes everything he told her (even if she doesnt). Tyler wouldnt target her probably in the next few weeks (tho i can see how christmas will push that pretty hard).
On the tyler note too. Girl stop talking so much about him to everyone who comes to you. Keep your thoughts to yourself!!!! Im not saying to trust him or even believe everything he told her, but to stop being so freaking vocal about every thought that crosses your mind!!!. Anything you tell in this house can and will be used against you so stop giving ppl so much weapons to paint a target on you. Whats the point to bitch about him at this point?! Youre entitled to have your opinion about what he did but to tell everyone with no purpose other than let it all out is simply silly.
Honestly this all just proves why she (and the same applies to bay) are such bad allies.
Its really sad that when she finds herself in the block again, instead of realizing all this she will think everyones against her for no reason. She will go on and on how she isnt a threat and has done nothing
Id love for tyler to explain everything you wrote to her, but tbh idt she would ever understand it and would just call bs on him and whine about how much of an asshole he is and how he played her like fool
*slow clap*
Bay and Day proved themselves to be completely inept at the game of Big Brother because they believe it was personal game information that Bayleigh told Christmas that Davone was her (Bayleigh’s) ride or die!!
Bay and Day are completely foolish to not realize that is STRICTLY GAME INFO WHEN YOU TELL SOMEBODY THIS IS MY RIDE OR DIE!!!!
For one that is a dumb move by Bay to even admit that aka Day is her ride or die is when no one in the house deserves or needs to know that coming out of your mouth!!!
Davonne being such a big fan of Danielle Reyes by Davonne calling Danielle like her Godmother should know better because Danielle Reyes would never admit out of her mouth that Jason Guy was her ride or die in season 3!!!
That’s like Derrick in season 16 telling the bomb squad and rest of the house about him and Cody having a secret final 2 deal Called the HITMEN!!!!
The fact that Davonne is playing for a third time and can’t realize that telling someone a houseguest about who your ride or die is STRICTLY GAME INFO AND NOT PERSONAL Further proves that DAY is AWFUL AT THIS GAME!!! AND NEVER DESERVES TO BE BROUGHT BACK!!!
That’s why Showmances are always targeted because they know who the ride or die is, except last season.
Omg, he’s alive!
I was starting to wonder if Memphis was really in the house anymore?
I don’t read about him in the updates, I NEVER see readers or even other houseguests ever commenting on him and I haven’t seen him on the live feeds in ages.
I was starting to think that he transformed himself into furniture…
I think they’re setting it up for a David vs Memphis showdown in the end – because when Memphis is around David is scarce and when David is around Memphis is scarce!
Maybe they’re secretly the same person, like the people thought with Michael & Janet?
Talk about a BB twist, huh?
It would certainly liven things up a bit.
With all of this “stuff” happening in this house, it’s nice to know that there are groups of people hoping a nip pops out during one of these fights regardless of skin tone.
Quit wasting your time and go watch some porn…
The untouchable talk in regard to Ian / Christmas.
Please correct if wrong.
I was under the feeling that Christmas told Enzo she was going to say Ian is her untouchable.
I think Enzo ‘helped’ so that nobody would attach Christmas to Enzo and target them together.
That’s where this all came from.
Reason for the Sloppie contest:
Got an entire episode block to fill if you’re editing and you are trying to avoid this whole Tyler wanting to quit mess.
Nicole promised liquor as a prize. But didn’t get productions promise to provide liquor. Hope that lead balloons. If they give them liquor again this week i’d be shocked.
Wait… wha? lol
Please explain what you mean after “Nicole promised liquor” because I read it 3 times and still don’t know what you were trying to say. 🙂
N. said the winners of the sloppie games would get booze. She didn’t actually get production to agree to give them booze.
Ah, got it, thanks.
You’re saying that went over like a lead balloon…
i’m saying if she doesn’t get them booze after promising them booze they are going to be pissed and her social game is going to lead balloon, yes.
Nicole looks like Darla from “Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel” LOL. Notice how Dan’s students are laying low (weak player/injury complaints). Now that would be a showdown – Memphis vs. Ian.
Davonne’s downfall in this game will be trusting Dani and Nicole F.
Davonne’s downfall in this game is trusting Davonne.
Right – so Day is asking David about working with Ian – how he feels about that.
Ummm Day — you mean the same Ian who you went & told Dani/Nic that he told you about them targeting you? You think THAT IAN is going to trust you & want to work WITH YOU? Sure that makes logical sense.
Yeah -okay – keep doing your stellar game play lady. Next thing we know Tyler will win HOH & she’ll be up there telling him he’s her F2 about the same time Dani walks in & drops all the info Day just spread all over the floor about him. (smacks head against table)
Really enjoying your takes. You’re expressing exactly what’s frustrating me about this information sharing lol. A wall yeller, several sources (Tyler, Ian, Kaysar, Janelle) and the knockout comp have all proven that Dani and Nicole F cannot be trusted. So Da decides they’re the two she trusts the most once Bayleigh is gone, makes sense…
Da’: who picked him (David)?
Bay: ummm…. Rosemary.
feeds cut.
Does this make David Rosemary’s baby?
Lol. :p
You have to give Enzo props b/c not one of the others (Bay, Day, Kevin or David) have figured out he’s in tight with everyone. Not even Memphis has figured out he’s tighter with Cody/Tyler than Memphis is.
YO – love him or hate him his social game is stellar yo!
You’re right. Like I feel like it’s so obvious but that’s just cause we’re privy to everything. He really is setting himself up better than anyone else in the house, imo.
So Bay tells David her & Day will meet Thursday to download everything they know in game. That should be a compelling conversation.
You can just picture it going something like this….
Bay: “I told Tyler to vote for you since I don’t have the votes”
Day’s read: Tyler ruined my game & is coming after you
Bay “I got confirmation that Dani/Nicole DID want us targeted & broken up so they can use you to target who they want & vote how they want.”
Day’s read: “Dani & Nicole want to take me to F3 and Tyler was the one targeting us”
Bay “David saw Dani, Cody, Nicole & Ian meeting for hours alone each day in a room”
Day’s read: “Each of Dani, Nic, Cody & Ian want to bring me to F2”
Bay “The trio of Dani, Nicole & Cody were laughing at Xmas, you and I crying b/c it means we are targeting each other”
Day’s read: “Christmas & Tyler made fun of me & they both need to be targeted next so I can go on Nicole’s podcast and laugh about our great BB experience where she votes me as the winner to pay me back for last time”
I mean – it’s not really that far fetched based on what we’ve witnessed of late.
Dani – David.. would try to backdoor Tyler to get a good player out
Nicole – probably not. that would be really bad. I feel like Cody would be pissed
LOL and this is how the weakest surrender to the strongest player LOL
and second
Da’Vonne says she thought Tyler was lying about quitting until she heard “for a higher purpose I am your ally for the Black lives Matter movement”
For god sake girl Tyler’s husband is Mr. angelo whom seems to dislike people of color.
of course Tyler was lying. Haven’t you heard never trust nobody?
Third, Shiiitmas personally I f**Ing love Bayleigh
and you are sending her home why? cause Bay is the weakest player and evicting the weakest and not the strongest is a damn good move right?
I believe shiiitmas doesnt have so many female friends outside the BBhouse
Why is it okay for DayVonne to shade Bayleigh with information she knows isn’t true – implying she won’t see Swaggy for a long time b/c she’s the one staying?
How it that all fine? Just say nothing or that you don’t know (even though you DO KNOW you’re staying Day & it’s been confirmed). Bay tells her to stop b/c she knows she only has David/Tyler & she already told Ty he could vote for Day.
What Day is doing to me is just as cruel as some of the things they are upset about.
Dani’s read on David (or Kevin for that matter) isn’t very good either as she believes he’ll target Tyler.
Meanwhile both Kevin/David see the foursome of Cody/Nic/Dani/Ian constantly meeting. Today the two were discussing chatting to both Tyler/Ian prior to HOH to come to an understanding ahead of time READ: if the 4 of them are still left in HOH to give it to Kevin or David.
While TPTB (the Powers that Be) could push things in a different direction I’m pretty sure if either Kevin or David won HOH they would target Dani/Nic & possibly backdoor Cody.
David told Day he is testing Tyler by trying to set him up with comments to see if he comes back to Day with it. BUT Ty isn’t about to rat out things to Day at this point b/c he knows how volatile the current situation is & that she can’t be trusted to retain things even if they’ll help her game. That should garner some faith from David.
One note: for as poorly as David plays the game – remember last season he was the ONLY one in the house who correctly figured out the core alliance was Jack, Jackson, Analyse, Holly, Christie & Tommy. He told Kat about it as she was the only one he hadn’t figured out was part of the group.
The bottom line is if you listen to what Kevin & David say about what they see/notice they both correctly believe the core is Cody/Dani/Nic & that Ian isn’t comfortable (feels he’s a shield) which was bolstered by Ian having private chats with each of them prior to Kaysar leaving.
They see Enzo, Xmas, Tyler & Memphis all as disposable or at the bottom of the totem pole. Although they might not completely see the game correctly they know enough to believe the wall yellers and banners. On top of that, outside of Bay/Day the only players who’ve talked game consistently to them with names of who to target are Ian and Tyler.
Neither has bolstered any semblance of trust in the game b/c David messed up telling Day/Bay things he shouldn’t while Kevin is a shit stirrer & negative. BUT — Ian is enough of a non-cool kid that both Kevin/David feel more comfortable with him. They also feel Tyler would target Dani so why take him out?
At this point in the game as poorly as they’ve played if they won HOH they would be most likely to target the trio. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’m kind of pulling for a Kevin or David HOH win. AND hope beyond all hope that they wouldn’t listen to Day who would go out of her way to get them to protect Dani and Nic.
P.S. David could also target Memphis in a tit for tat move b/c he’s dying to say to him – okay so since I’m just a rookie and don’t know how to play the game I guess the best thing would be to target the guy who does know how to play – Memphis take a seat.
My ideal next week would be ian winning and turning on nicole! Even if he doesnt put her up but puts dani and cody up, thatd be GOLD!!!!
However i really dont see him turning on them just yet, and its sad that as time passes his potential allies to go against them keep getting evicted one after the other. Really hope im wrong tho!
If not that im rooting for david for next hoh and like you HOPING he wont listen to day. Day could i think get him to target memphis tho since there are so few girls in the house and thatd be really unfortunate since i really wanna see dani/nicole/cody freaking out when they find themselves on the block lol
Kevin uhhh i really dont trust him to do anything good in this game. Lets just remember how much hes fed up day and nicole a with bs and just incredibly wrong game info. I think dani and day would get to him and would potentially end up targetting tyler
True – but Kevin is very opportunistic – he doesn’t trust Nic/Dani to win anything so he’d more likely TELL Tyler what they said to get him to commit to protecting him. Plus the last thing Cody wants is Tyler gone this early b/c that leaves him as the scariest remaining male in the house so he’d be pushing against that happening too.
Shitmas is beyond insufferable. It’s draining her going on for hours. How the hell can Enzo handle it?
Lmao im so thankful for the work you guys put in writing all this. Just reading bits of what these ppl talk some times is so draining and frustrating, cant even imagine how it is to actually have to watch it all!
Exactly, my brain hurts!
where is that titanic “it’s been 84 years” gif to describe how long she’s been droning?
Every hour or so she says, “I don’t care, but…”
and it starts all over again.
Here ya go another name?
The funny part she complains about bay and day being emotional but she is acting like one too lol shiiiitmas is more annoying than previous season. Is shiiitmas the new Angela?
Nicole outfit looks like a little rat inside a cookie box lol
HOHitis and crazy. It’s a toxic brew.
Shitmas better thank her lucky stars she was not clapping her hands in someone else’s face who did not have the same restraint. She is despicable.
The houseguests all know that VIOLENCE is NOT tolerated and is cause for immediate eviction. They also known they immediately lose that $40K payday. Restraint had little to do with it.
He’s counting to 500,000. So he’s not really listening to her at all.
I was unaware of how crazy Christmas was. While 8 months pregnant the story is she drove he car into the car of her exes girlfriend and pled to a misdemeanor
The story is crazy. And she is too.
Which is a good thing for BB since crazy means drama. But why the hell did they ask her back
Next Hoh braiding weave competition
Why do people ignore the blatantly obvious in this game and come up with these crazy conspiracy theories.
Da’Vonne and Bay actually believe Tyler is trying to pull some Dan’s funeral maneuver at their expense? For literally what purpose? He wasn’t in jeopardy. Why would him pretending to want to go up as a sacrificial lamb and use BLM to do so just to change his mind be beneficial to him in any way?
I don’t know Tyler’s true intentions and by no means am I trying to paint him as a golden boy but if I were Da’vonne and Bayleigh and I didn’t believe he was genuine my first thoughts would be that his motivations were to get social media followers or whatever and not that he was trying to mastermind some brilliant game move. If anything, this has completely screwed him.
I don’t know why Bay and Da seem to trust Dani over Tyler. Maybe it has something to do with Bay and Tyler’s history but still. Dani picked you in the HOH knock out comp. That literally should tell them all they need to know.
Dani and Nicole have been throwing Da’ and especially Bay’s name out there since before Kaysar was evicted. Rest assured they both wanted Da’ and Bay on the block, they just didn’t want to be the ones to do it.
I believe Tyler realised he’d made a mistake by getting rid of Janelle and started to distrust his alliance and was genuinely trying to work with Da’ and Bay. They then turned around and told everyone. It wasn’t smart. Tyler’s attempt to self evict or whatever it was was also stupid but I’m not even going to get into that.
It’s just unfortunate because I thought all this drama might actually cause a diversion in the pre-planned course of the untouchable trio (cody, nicole, dani) making it to final three and hopefully make the season more interesting by getting them out earliar but it seems at this point Tyler and even Christmas (though I’m not a fan and not excusing any of her behaviour) became scapegoats for that trio.
Everyone seems terrified to target men, but now Tyler is on everyone’s mind so they have a reason to put him up, leaving Cody to just drag his knuckles on week further. Is anyone even targeting him at all?
They are just fixated on him being the reason for everything thats happened to them and they feed each other with all these crazy ideas so it just keeps getting worse and worse to the point where no matter what tyler does he will always be the one to blame
Dani can come and tell them what tyler said its true and theyd find a way to believe that its still tylers fault… its just sad and frustrating
As a viewer tyler wanting to leave absolutely sucks, but tbh theres no way he ever wins this unless he brings christmas to the end, and even then i feel like day may vote for chrismas over tyler after having plenty of time in jury feeding the idea of tyler being the one who caused it all
Day and dani in jury will surely work hard against him as of what we’ve been seeing so far. Really hope im wrong…
So from his pov leaving b4 jury made a lot of sense imo
Shitmas is such an All-Star she now coaches others lol… I died I was like omg are you serious!?!?!?!
As Nicf complains about not warning Ian he’s a target because he blew up her entire game…
I wonder to myself Did Janelle leave him an evening gown that he wears around Nicf when the feeds are down?
Did he accidentally call her fiance HaydCorVic?
Oh wait. It’s when he didn’t cook dinner for himself, and she was really mad because she was looking forward to eating it. That’s it.
Bad human shield fake ally. Baaad. Thought for himself for a minute there. Hasn’t won an HOH so that she can run his instead of winning one herself. Baaad.
I just wish he’d turn against her and put her up next to codi/dani
If that moment ever comes the whines, bitching and playing victim will get to a whole new level…
Usually by this point there is somebody i hate less than the rest.
But this is supposedly All-Stars.
I don’t like any of them.
Hahahha i think you guys take this too personally too 😛
There are some really unlikable ppl here for sure lol
I just try to focus on the strategic part of the game. Im totally fine with lying, manipulating and doing what it takes to win as long as ppl separate game from personal stuff
What really gets to me is when ppl act like everything is a personal attack on them and fail to understand that someone has to leave every week and at any point if they dont play their cards right, it will be them
So what if you gave someone info and they used it against you?! So what if they lied to your face?! Putting trust on someone in this game is a very dangerous thing and you should know that everyone will do whatever they can to farther themselves in the game and why shouldnt they?! Theres a lot of money on the line and they came to win it. Yes it sucks, take your time and feel a little sorry for yourself sure… but in the end recognize that its your fault for not see it coming and acknowledge they were better than you
Id honestly be even cool with nicole if she at any point talked to the camera and said “these fools buy all my whines and end up doing my dirty work”. Just own it!
Then again i dont have to hear them being hateful and talk bs nonstop on the feeds so theres that lol
And hey having ppl to root against can be pretty fun just to see them scrumble when theyre on the block!
Imagine what she’ll say if he put’s her ass up on the block and sends her packing Mike Boogie style? “Get to stepping Tuggy! See you in Turks and Caicos!”
Bayleigh told Cameras today that fans of hers needs to go give Christmas business a bad review. Like WTF is wrong with you…
If only ppl understood this is a game and didnt take everything in such a personal way
This is all so sad
Ppl are really crossing all bounderies. Christmas and bay/day all have taken this way farther than it shouldve
Whats even worse is that viewers actually attack so much these ppls characters and personal lives…
Fans want them to act natural and play strategically and give them drama so this doesnt become predictable/staged for the viewers. They get offended when any of these ppl, who are being filmed 24/7 and have nothing to do in that house with a bunch of strangers, say mean things about each other. Yet those same ppl go on social media and completely lash out on them
She once again proves herself to be an ugly, horrible person. Sure, she may be nice to look at, but don’t let the package fool you. She’s so ugly on the inside.
She’s such a tiny little small person. She loves to talk about her character and her heart, yet her behavior exhibits none of that, which is unfortunate. She’s got a lot of growing up to do.
If I was Bayleigh and DaVonne I would be ashamed that Tyler pitied them so much that he would volunteer to go on the block. What happened to Big Brother? This is not the show I used to love watching. Bayleigh sucks at this game, she sucked in Season 20 and has not improved one bit. Kaysar tried working with her and she spit in his face. I don’t pity her at all. Can’t wait to see her walk out the door on Thursday. For the record I can’t stand Christmas either. I hope she is the next one out.
You guys are getting your hopes up. Dude, these guys will screw it up, Cody gets control back and all goes on in the new BB world. I hope I’m wrong because I’ll will be the first to say I’m wrong. Too many people are under the radar this time.
I expect a fracture in the production endorsed alliance by next week.
Enzo and Dani aren’t naming names in front of Cody. Yeah, he’s not going to greasy squirrell about that.
Enzo will take a shot at Dani and Nicf he thinks, but, it’s Enzo. he’ll cave and he isn’t even actually in the big alliance.
Dani will take a shot at Memphis and Tyler.
If Tyler wins he’s liable to nom Cody and Dani just to piss the alliance off.
Enzo and Dani are trying to keep Memphis focused on Ian.
Groundhog Day? Whatever the person that strokes her ego enough tells her to do…. and da’vonne.
Nicf doesn’t want to win yet. she still can’t find her missing sock. and doesn’t know which guy to put up with Kevin… odds are it will end up being with a girl.
This show is a representation of how Amerians are racists and how the us system discriminate blacks and minorities
I dont really see whos been racist this season (given what ive read here). If anything going against your better judgement just to keep someone ONLY cause of their skin color is the only real evidence ive seen
There are really unlikable ppl and bad players for sure tho
What is really sad is how in american society currently everything seems to revolve around race and ppl have stopped analysing situations for what they really are and instead only look at the skin color of those involved and jump to conclusions. When that kind of thing happens it leads to racism growing deeper
I’m of the belief that prejudice and discrimination of one kind or another are of a global providence. A sad statement about our species.
?? Seriously? This wins for the stupidest comment in a comment section ever. Please explain how it’s racist when the first 3 people voted off were white females and the 4th was voted off because he was aligned with a white female. Although, Day did make a disgustingly racist comment and should have been booted off for that. Emilio, please get a life.
“Shitmas is a special kinda worst” hahahahaha FACTS !!! When she’s on the feeds I switch to the other camera.
Christmas is full of it! She keeps talking about ‘untouchable’ as if she doesn’t have one, or two, or three! Just trying to justify her stupid reason for putting them both up. I’m going to stop watching this show because it is racist! It is. People can try to act like it isn’t to appease themselves. Why is it that two Black women can’t be close, sit and talk without there being a problem. But all the White people can have meetings, hug and stuff and nobody says anything. Tyler may have had good intentions at first, but he went about it all wrong. Just be yourself, play your game and not try to fall on the sword for someone.