Arlie pitches his Alliance plans to Sarah “I think we should keep Paul”

POV Holder: IKA Next POV ?
POV Used No POV Ceremony March 17
HOH Winner: IKA Next HOH: March 20
Original Nominations: Paul & Heather
Current Nominations: Paul & Heather
Last Evicted Houseguest Kyle, Anick
Have Nots Jon, Allison, Paul

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8:35pm Adel and Paul HAve Nots

Adel – “I got them right where I want them.. I swear to god guy I swear to god ”
Paul – “Arlie won’t go back on his word with heather
Adel – “Sure he will
Adel – “Bro we have everyone right where we want them Heather is going home 110% I swear on it bro”
Adel – “She’s not a good competitor all she did was suck up with the guys
paul – “She said to SAbrina .. oh you know we can travel together right
PArul – “I don’t think Rachelle likes her
Adel – “week one Rachelle and Heather were arguing and Rachelle said I swear to god I will punch you in the face.”
Adel – “When girls say that it sticks with them”
Paul – “Sabarina doesn’t like Heather I can tell.. she thinks Heather is fake”
Adel – “Sabrina is the fakest out of everyone here”
PAul – “she says she has a agent in LA and she’s going to be a actress”
Adel – “you know what she tells Rachelle? I’m going to introduce you to my agent he’s going to make you famous”
They laugh Adel – “There playing with each others mind.
Adel explains that Kenny and Andrew feel like they are a team, Arlie and Jon are a tekam. Adel adds that Arlie and JOn are expecting from Andrew and Kenny.

Adel says if they win HOH next week they put Andrew or Kennt up and the entire game is changed.

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8:42pm Storage room Arlie and Sarah
Sarah talking about voting out Paul and what she will say to IKA. She’s not as enthusiastic about it but is going to tell IKA that she swore om her kids lives that she wouldn’t send Heather home.
I can then say i’ll work on the new girl and after the vote comes out say the new girl flipped.
Sarah – “They don’t give a f** about me anymore” (Girls alliance)
Arlie – I think we should keep Paul.. It’s such a small thing for Paul to win HOH
Arlie – They (Andrew/Kenny) are just f*** with your game
Sarah – Sabrina is on board with doing that (Voting out Paul)
Arlie that is because Sabrina is in the prettiest spot ever and she doesn’t give a sh!t about Sarah’s game.. “They are going to do whatever they want they don’t listen to me.. we’re not part of their group”

Arlie – “tomorrow we have lots of time to talk.. but you have to think about it.. I told them valid reasons to keep PAul.. it’s not worth exposing you”
Arlie is saying that he’s building an alliance without any cracks. He’s got Adel and Jon he believes them they are solid.
Arlie – “Jon Loves you.. I can prove adel 150%.. we can work on a 5th but us four right now is looking really good”

Sarah – you don’t feel like Adel’s already too attached to IKA
Arlie – I’m with him 1 million percent.. he so happy and grateful to have an alliance.
Sarah “New girl is wanting to vote out HEather says it benefits her game”
Arlie – New girl is very close to Andrew”
Arlie says Allison is a potential 5th for their team once Andrew goes
Arlie – “Neda is the f** out she’s a snitch.. the 5th can be expendable”

Arlie Stresses that the guys are not looking after their games , “Mull this over tonight tell them whatever you want but in the end you do what the f** you want and I ‘ll do what the F** i want”

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9:08pm Rachelle and Allison BAthroom
Rachelle wants to know who she is voting for. Allison says she’s weighing all options it’s a tough spot to be in.
Allison – “I want Heather out..”
Rachelle – “better for your game.. but you don’t want all the boys against you.. you’ll have the girls”
Allison doesn’t feel if she does go with the girls that they will have her back.
Rachelle says it goes either way the boys or girls, depends on who she wants to be with.
Rachelle adds that voting out HEather will be a sign of trust to the girls.

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9:22pm Arlie alone in the Hammock while. He’s making some moves I wonder if it’ll work out

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9:25pm The faces of Sabrina as she gives out Hexes to people aroudn the house who “wrong” her.
Lots of house guests laughing and having a good time from this.

9:33pm Jon waiting at the inside the main bedroom. He’s been there for 5 minutes seems like he’s waiting for Sarah who’s in the bathroom getting ready for bed. (he sacres her)

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9:35pm HOH Ika and Neda
Talking about Jon not liking Andrew.

IKA – If we got rid of Kenny we’re taking away the glue that keeps them together
IKa – Andrew and Jon love Kenny.. Kenny has to go
NEDA – Sarah loves Kenny
IKA says that Sabrina told her it’s really hard for her to vote out Andrew, This worries IKA.
IKA is worried that Andrew will persuade Sabrina

NEda thinks if Kenny leaves Andrew will grab onto Sabrina and turn her against them. IKA says that Sabrina is liking Andrew on a personal level.

Neda says the one thing about ANdrew is he’s a real boys boys week one he was telling a story about how he was supposed to be on last season of Big Brother Canada.. Feeds switch to the Sarah and Kenny

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9:41pm Kenny and Sarah Bedroom
Sarah wants him to be honest with her and let her know if she votes for Heather to leave will it screw them up.
Sarah – “How can I trust someone I literally only met 3 weeks ago”
Kenny says he loves gordo, Jon and all the guys but she’s the only one he fully trusts.
Kenny is hearing that Jon is spreading sh!t all over the house about Andrew.
Sarah – “As crazy as Sabrina is.. I can’t deal with her grade 9 sh!t.. I know I was grunting at the table but the things she (Sabrina) does”
Kenny – I know I know.. i’m a big giant baby with a beard… theres a level and a line and she … ”
Sarah – We’re being idiots and she is being real
Sarah says Sabrina reminds her of her kids.
Kenny thinks Sabrina is very emotional and very intelligent, “:That makes her dangerous.. I’m glad she’s on our side.. sooner or later she’s going to have to choose which side”

Kenny tells Sarah if voting out Paul damages her game do not do it.
Sarah says that IKA will be voting out Heather if it’s a tie.

Sarah – “If Andrew wants the new girl to last a couple more weeks it’ll be smart for him to get her to vote with the girls”
Kenny – this is the crossroads to where this game is going to go.. all I need is one of those fgirls to win HOH and i’m f***d.

Sarah – “They (Girls alliance) want Andrew gone more than they want you gone.. he is the target not you”

Sarah – I don’t want to go against the five I want to keep it going.. theres lots of people that want him gone”

Kenny and Sarah both agree that sabrina is going downhill right now. They know she s helping them a lot in the game but it’s getting a little much.

Sarah – She making it so obvious that she’s trying to get your attention
Sarah says that Jon is catching on to Neda being a double agent.
Sarah says that Jon lowers the girls defenses “He’s the goofy newfy”

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10:08pm Washing machine Andrew and Allison
Andrew still trying to talk her into voting out Paul, “It’s your game to not just Kenny, Arlie, Jon and the other people that are voting in that direction”. Andrew goes on and on about hoiw he’ll still hang out with Allison if she votes out Heather.

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10:22pm Bedroom Neda, Sabrina, Rachelle and Sarah. Rachelle is licking parts of Kenny.

Arlie joins them and licks Kenny’s face he wakes up.

Arlie, Sabrina and Neda leave. Sarah points out how rude it was of the three to barge in there wake them all up.

10:40 Kenny protecting his jewls

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32 thoughts to “Arlie pitches his Alliance plans to Sarah “I think we should keep Paul””

  1. I just have to say, if ANY man did what Rachelle, Sabrina and Neda are doing to Kenny (licking his body parts while he’s sleeping in a towel), there were would TOTAL OUTRAGE and disciplinary action, if not expulsion from the house. This is what’s going on on the Live Feed right now. These women, especially Sabrina, are beyond vile.

  2. If 3 guys did that to one of the girls, then we would have a shitstorm with all feminists. Sadly, those are the double standards of society and feminists 🙂

    1. I guess from your statement it’s obvious you are a man. There was a definite tone of disdain in your post about ‘feminism’. I, for one feel outraged at this behaviour and I am a woman. Just like what they are doing to Heather; if it was a black chick, you’d have the Black Panther Movement all over that. What’s disgusting behaviour crosses every boundary, colour, ethnic background, religion, etc. It is disturbing behaviour without question. It begs the question – why doesn’t someone watching stop it (another houseguest)? Weird phenomenon, right?

      1. I agree, imagine if \heather was black and this shit was going on….wow or if……holy shit every body is just watching shows to complain about shit like
        People are people
        So why should it be
        You and I should get along so awfully

        So we’re different colours
        And we’re different creeds
        And different people have different needs
        It’s obvious you hate me
        Though I’ve done nothing wrong
        I’ve never even met you so what could I have done

        I can’t understand
        What makes a man
        Hate another man
        Help me understand

        Help me understand

        Now you’re punching
        And you’re kicking
        And you’re shouting at me
        I’m relying on your common decency
        So far it hasn’t surfaced
        But I’m sure it exists
        It just takes a while to travel
        From your head to your fists

        1. Thumbs up. That sh!t was deep and makes so much sense in the world we live in today. It just goes to show what kind of person that person is for thumbs downing you.

  3. Adel and Ika are really stirring the pot this is awesome I love the story Ika and Adel came up with for the “Canadian power of veto” LMAO! Wow Arlie really jumped ship very quickly after learning about Adel’s “secret power” very interesting and very telling, I hope Ika, adel, Neda and Paul decide to become an alliance and stick together.

  4. Why does Andrew keep calling Ika a slut? She’s the only girl that hasn’t humped any of the guys in the house, even Sarah’s married ass flirts with some of the guys.
    I hate Andrew, and Sarah is still bitter about life lol

    1. WTF are you talking about? Who humped who? I haven’t seen any action and I certainly haven’t seen Sarah flirt with any of the guys. Maybe you’re bitter Bianca! The only one who slept with (between two guys) is Sabrina and I don’t think either one of them touched her ass.

    2. And sarah lying on bed with legs open and kenny with only undies on !! What does it tell you ? Isn’t she up to something?!

        1. Love that you disagreed and agreed with everything I posted tonight – Feminism is passé and WTF Are you Canadian?

          1. \i have disagreed with a lot that you say in thees posts but yes at the same time time I do agree with so much that you speak of.

                  1. LOL. Canadians!!! Only in Canada, where you find two people start off arguing then in blow it all off into a conversation. LMAO!!

  5. Big night.
    Sabrina lying her ass off to both sides.
    If she wasn’t completely insane most of the time I would be able to appreciate her mad skills, but she will screw herself over pretty soon.
    Kenny seems to be catching on/getting paranoid about her, and Sarah isnt happy about how secure she is.
    Hopefully Arlie’s alliance works out and crushes the guys tomorrow when they expect smooth sailing.

    1. why the hate on Allison? I would sooner see her around than that skank freak two faced sabrina, uh uh uh uh cest ce cest psycho woman and she is still going on about it…

    2. Difference is Allison is playing Andrew for the game, Sabrina actually thinks there is something between them. Sabrina has serious mental issues going on, sad to say but it is true. Get her out, get her on a program and some Meds soon. Shit even last night she was going on about her ex BF while she is trashing Allison about her. Sabrina is Amanda and needs to go…..

  6. I hope Arlie’s master plan works … for at least a couple of weeks.

    Sarah’s reactions and micro-mannerisms with ARlie in the storage room were worrying me.

    Even though she did whisper, which to me means your serious. but she kept on drifting away as if thinking “wow he’s already going against the F5 alliance.”

    She was barely looking him in the eyes, but Arlie went IN (good for him). And wow I do think Andrew and Kenny disregard Arlie and don’t take him seriously (which can be a strategy). But….

    “No one puts Arlie in the corner.”

  7. I know Sabrina May seem mental, but does anyone
    See Sarah as a complete snobby B***H? She thinks
    She’s better than anyone else in there.

  8. How does everyone get to leave so many comments? I put on 4 comments one day, and then I was told I was putting on too many comments so quit putting on comments(until now lol) just wondering, but I sure love this site! Great job and thank you

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