Andrew calls a final 3 with Kenny and Sabrina “I love you, seriously dude you’re an awesome girl”

POV Holder: Kenny Next POV ?
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony March 10
HOH Winner: Andrew Next HOH: March 13
Original Nominations: Paul & Neda
Current Nominations: Paul and Kyle
Last Evicted Houseguest Anick
Have Nots Rachelle, Neda, Heather and Sarah

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8:49pm Heather and Sabrina HOH
Heather is having issues with Rachelle. Sabrina says it’s petty competition stuff that girls do.
Heather – “She’s just immature and every time I talk to her she get like I’m getting mad at her.. I’m not going to talk to her.. I don’t want anyone to talk to her.. everyone knows I don’t get along with her”
Heather – You remember when Anick always tried to one up you .. she’s (Rachelle) Is always trying to one up me.. i’m not going to talk to her.. she’s a immature 10 year old she takes everything I say good or bad negatively”
Sabrina is trying to get her to talk it it out with Rachelle.

Heather says she’s been on slop and every little thing Rachelle says to her gets to her
Sabrina – But every little thing she has said has gotten to you from the beginning lets me honest
Heather says she was on her period the day she got into the house, It lasted 7 days and right after that was on slop.

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9:07pm Living Room Andrew, Jon, Sarah, Sabrina
(Before this Andrew asks Kyle and Adel if they want to help clean the pots. Adel Said sure later. As soon as they got into the room Adel said f*** that)
Andrew is pissed at Paul, Adel and Kyle, Sabrina tries to talk him down and starts cuddling close to him. Kenny overheard Adel saying “F*** that” when Andrew asked him to do the dishes. Andrew called Adel out for it and Adel told him he makes food to and doesn’t ask people to do his dishes when he’s done.
Andrew start to raise his voice “I don’t eat your overcooked f*** burgers and overcooked f*** steak”
Andrew says Paul, Kyle and Adel are rude. Sabrina wants to go wash the pot it’s not a big deal to her. ANdrew says no. Andrew – “It’s a big f*** deal to me.. I don’t give a f** they are rude”

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9:36pm Paul, Adel and Kyle
Paul says his wife thinks he looks like “L L”
Kyle – LL Kool jay
THey start talking about how Andrew b!tch out Adel for not washing the pot.
Kyle starts to call Andrew ‘B1tch t!ts’ feeds switch

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9:50pm Kitchen Sabrina and Andrew
Sabrina whispers to Andrew that she cannot stand Heather. mentions her voice. Heather walks in.

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9:52pm IKA, Rachelle and Neda trashing Heather saying she’s fake and such. IKA says she’s Heather is jealous of Rachelle because she’s so pretty.

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9:57 Hot tub Sabrina and Andrew game talk
Sabria tells him that he’s the only person she is real to.
Andrew – I love you
Andrew – ‘seriously dude you’re an awesome girl you and Kenny.. kenny is a bro but you are a .. .I have a lot of girlfriends and I value that relationship a lot.. it’s hard to connect with a girl. ‘
Sabrina – you’re so nice I love you to
Andrew – you and kenny are my number two in this house
Sabrina – you are my number one
Andrew says final three will be him, Sabrina and Kenny.
Andrew says Arlie is a body and a vote but he doesn’t add anything to game, Andrew adds that Arlie will be sent out first out of their group of 5. Sabrina says that Arlie doesn’t know anything.
Andrew stresses that they all stick to the plan on getting out Paul and Adel next.

Andrew tells her IKA over Heather becuase she;’s schemeing hard. Sabrina doesn’t want IKA in Jury so they have to get IKA out after Pauyl.
Heather joins them.

10:00pm Adel does a back flop into the pool

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17 thoughts to “Andrew calls a final 3 with Kenny and Sabrina “I love you, seriously dude you’re an awesome girl””

    1. Maybe a twist to send one to the war room instead of out the house…
      Need to keep these clowns on the show

  1. I kinda like Andrew,Sabrina and Kenny seem like a
    Good alliance. I think Kenny is a smart player nobody never talk bad about him.

  2. Sabrina REEKS! Of desperation.
    That heifer has wanted a showmance since yesterday and will jump in bed with anything that looks her way.
    Can’t stand her

  3. Adel and Kyle make the show worth watching and are only
    Ones who stand up to anyone go team adel/Kyle
    Way to stay solid to each other

    1. I know! i think people like Sabrina just say that Heather is the one that tells her shit for a scapegoat because she knows nobody will tell Heather. I’m kind of rooting for Heather now because she’s kind of an underdog. Plus she’s not stupid, i can see that her heads in the game.

      1. I agree, I’m starting to root for Heather since the other females spend all their free time putting her down. It’s getting tiresome, and Sabrina, Neda, Rachelle and (especially) Ika are ugly bitches with even uglier personalities. What exactly is their game plan other than calling Heather a bitch and a whore?

  4. Adel and kyle have to stay they make the show, without them it will be so boring watching the girls do their makeup and hair and talk shit about each other. And andrew thinking he is the stud with his harem . c’mon big brother pull a twist out the adel and kyle team will bring the best ratings ever..

  5. The stooges would be easier to root for if they weren’t such poor sports and whiners. If they actually had some gameplay, then ya….they should stick around. But until then, I’d take the first 5 crew +Jon/Neda over them any day.

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