Adel says Sab told Rach she would introduce her to her agent. What kind of agent does she have? She’s a F**KING MUT!

POV Holder: Allison Next POV ?
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony March 24
HOH Winner: Racehlle Next HOH: March 27
Original Nominations: Allison & Heather
Current Nominations: IKA & Heather
Last Evicted Houseguest Paul, Kyle, Anick
Have Nots Adel, Sabrina, Heather, Arlie

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4:25pm In the bathroom – Kenny gives his beard a bl*w j*b. Meanwhile – Out in the backyard by the pool Adel is talking to Jon about Sabrina and how he can’t stand her. Jon says I can’t stand her either. Adel asks Jon who Sabrina is working with because I don’t want to say things to the wrong person. Adel talks about how Sabrina told Rachelle that she would introduce her to her agent. Adel asks what kind of agent does Sabrina have.. she’s a f**king MUT! Adel says the good thing that I have going is with you and Andrew. Jon says I can’t stand the thought of being in the jury house with Andrew. Adel and Jon talk about making their backup plans solid. Adel says I think we have to keep gonads. I think no matter what they are going to put up gonads and Heather. Adel says I hate Heather .. she keeps telling me their going to put me up. Adel says if Kenny and Andrew go and you, me make it to the end .. everybody likes us for jury votes. Adel and Jon head inside the house. All of the house guests head into the diary room to wish Sarah’s man a happy birthday.

5:35pm – 5:45pm In the bed room – Neda talk game with Jon. Neda talks about how annoyed she is with Rachelle. Neda brings up how Rachelle and Sarah made comments about her (Neda) and Jon needing to be separated when they were drunk. They talk about how Neda says that if Andrew wins he would put me up because he knows I am with you. Jon says I think you are giving him way too much credit ..he isn’t smart at all. They only smart decisions he made were the ones Kenny told him to make. Sabrina joins them and JOn gets called to the diary room. Sabrina follows him. She asks him if he knows if anyone is after her. Jon says no. Sabrina asks is Allison? JOn says no.

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Up in the HOH room: Rachelle sheds her hot dog bun..
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6pm – 6:30pm In the storage room – Sarah and Kenny talk Sabrina thinking she is running the house. Sarah comments on how Sabrina is building one heck of a resume for the end. Kenny talks about how he’s been trying to stress to Andrew not to trust Allison. We can never be to sure if she can be trusted or not because if she’s America’s player then she’s not even doing what she wants to do. He needs to hold on to her and pull her in but not pull her in too close. Kenny talks about how Andrew is worried about how he’ll be perceived. Arlie joins them and the conversation ends. Arlie leaves. KENNY asks Sarah do you & Jason have a list? (Celebrities the can do) Sarah says yeah but all of his are like the neighbour, the 7/11 girl .. Andrew joins them. Andrew comments on how Neda commented that Talla (BBCAN1) was a floater. Andrew says that he asked the question to them after Neda said that who do you think the floaters are on our season. (Meaning he thinks she’s the floater). He comments that Neda is just Jon’s pillow. Sarah says that Neda contributed to the girls group when she was a part of it. Sarah brings up how annoying Heather is complimenting them all the time. She says that when Heather told me good job for making the orange juice. I wanted to f**king beat her!

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The conversation turns to being caught n@ked. SARAH shows her reaction and talks about how she was CAUGHT N@KED by the mail man:

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6:35pm – 7pm Out in the hot tub – Ika, Neda and Adel talk game:

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23 thoughts to “Adel says Sab told Rach she would introduce her to her agent. What kind of agent does she have? She’s a F**KING MUT!”

  1. What is up with the people on the block this year? No one is even going to try and make something happen? Come Ika, get mad! Campaign. Do something!

    1. Ika is trying and I think with the help of Neda and Adel they are up to somethng . They are now watching sabrina very carefully

      1. The only way Ika can stay would be if she can get Arlie and Allison to vote to keep her, but we all know those two are just minions of Andrew and Kenny so it likely won’t happen.

    2. How can she campaign when her,”friend” put her on the block… I believe she can change a lot of people game if she stay… however all these dummies are not playing for the 100k but for jury.

  2. this season is filled with so much negativity, there is no game whatsoever, last season around this time it was the “quatro” alliance and it was interesting to see how the hg’s were being manipulated. Even though manipulation is rampant this year it feels real nasty and ugly probably because sabrina is the one who is doing it. If emmett, Tom, Peter and Alec were strategizing it was for the game, Sabrina is just showing an ugly personality by being jealous, angry, bitter and cold, and to top it all off she is a SLOB…..which brings me to another point, i feel like i need Purell just to watch the show, the majority are really filthy and disgusting with all their back pimples, cold sores, farting, burping, licking utensils. I want to audition for season 3 or 4 but if i get in i am bringing 3 months worth of purell and lysol with me LoL

    1. Typical sexism. When guys play a manipulative game, it’s awesome. When girls do it, they’re bitches. It’s a complete double standard. Sabrina and Sarah have been playing the game brilliantly. Sabrina’s acting skills are amazing. They both had the girls fooled and Sabrina still has them fooled. Nobody has any idea about the First 5 alliance. They have been strong since week one (even though Arlie is lingering) and cover the entire house.

      “There is no game whatsoever” – What show are you watching? Last season had ZERO game. The “quatro” alliance failed weeks into the game, and it was extremely boring watching Emmett and Jillian rotate HoHs, even so much that they had to have so many twists to make it somewhat interesting.

      This season is full of game play, namely by Sabrina, which is why people don’t like it, because she’s a girl. If she was a guy, you’d be singing a different tune. Sabrina is brilliant and a huge fan of the game, yet people like Neda and Heather, the two dumbest girls in the house who don’t have a clue. (Yes they know Andrew and Kenny are threats. Big whoop.) They’re airheads with no personalities. At least Sabrina is interesting. But she’s not a size 0 so everyone doesn’t like her. It’s a shame that people have to be so sexist. Girls are allowed to play the game too.

      And BB isn’t supposed to be patty game. It’s a tough game. There is always drama, fighting, and negativity, which is what makes it entertaining. Do you want to watch a bunch of good-natured people sit in a circle and sing Kumbaya, or do you want to be entertained? Stop whining.

      1. Sarah is a disgrace

        as fake as they come, and deep down no decency, grace or class, faking being a nice mom with the help of dr golden edits…she can play however she wants, put the pretending she is nice crap just insults the viewers intelligence

    2. Typical sexism. When guys play a manipulative game, it’s awesome. When girls do it, they’re bitches. It’s a complete double standard. Sabrina and Sarah have been playing the game brilliantly. Sabrina’s acting skills are amazing. They both had the girls fooled and Sabrina still has them fooled. Nobody has any idea about the First 5 alliance. They have been strong since week one (even though Arlie is lingering) and cover the entire house.

      “There is no game whatsoever” – What show are you watching? Last season had ZERO game. The “quatro” alliance failed weeks into the game, and it was extremely boring watching Emmett and Jillian rotate HoHs, even so much that they had to have so many twists to make it somewhat interesting.

      This season is full of game play, namely by Sabrina, which is why people don’t like it, because she’s a girl. If she was a guy, you’d be singing a different tune. Sabrina is brilliant and a huge fan of the game, yet people like Neda and Heather, the two dumbest girls in the house who don’t have a clue. (Yes they know Andrew and Kenny are threats. Big whoop.) They’re airheads with no personalities. At least Sabrina is interesting. But she’s not a size 0 so everyone doesn’t like her. It’s a shame that people have to be so sexist. Girls are allowed to play the game too.

      And BB isn’t supposed to be patty cake. It’s a tough game. There is always drama, fighting, and negativity, which is what makes it entertaining. Do you want to watch a bunch of good-natured people sit in a circle and sing Kumbaya, or do you want to be entertained? Stop whining.

      1. sabrina is embarassing herself to the world

        if she cant see this then she is actually very dumb

        in terms of character she is majorly lacking in many areas

        she is just a train wreck of a human being, a totally selfish individual where it has to be about her 100% of the time or she throws a hissy fit like a child

        i would feel sorry for anyone unlucky enough to ever be associated with her in the real world

        i see now why she is a makeup artist, but she needs to know you cant polish a turd

  3. BB Canada needs someone like Dr.Will or Dan, someone who can run the house but still be likeable and enjoyable to watch. I have yet to see this from bb. Last years winner Jillian was hardly a fan favourite, and this year is just a clusterfuck, even Adel who i thought was cool seems like a bit of a jerk. Closest we have had is Emmett and while he is a great competitior, he makes for some really boring television.

    1. Again, more sexism.

      Why does the person running the house have to be a straight attractive male? Why can’t it be a girl? Oh, because then she’s a bitch. Double standard. Girls are allowed to be manipulative too. Stop being so sexist.

  4. Ika sends Paul home and now Rachelle puts up Ika.
    Unbelievable. This is what happens when you have players playing not to win but just to survive another week. This season is not half as good as the first season. So far I feel that Allison was the wrong choice. She did not shake up the very boring house which was to point of the new player. Loved the first season this season boring, boring, boring.
    Everybody is scared of Andrew and Kenny and I don’t see anybody going against them.

    1. Why? Because she lies. Big Brother is about lying! Sabrina is fooling everyone and getting them to do their dirty work. She’s playing the game.

      1. sabrina is not fooling everyone

        most in the game are onto her and want her out

        even her own alliance are realizing she is a liability and are considering if its prudent to keep her or not

        her game worked the first few weeks because production set it up that the first strong group of players in would be given the overwhelming advantage over the others of forming an alliance with nobody else in the house to catch them…the others were not afforded this luxury…this kind of unfair head start should not be allowed in my opinion, as forming an alliance is about firstly approaching people you are considering and doing it in a stealthy way to avoid being caught…they were handed the alliance on a platter…even arissa said before they entered “is this the first alliance of the season?”

        but now she cant rat on the other girls, she has now become one of the biggest targets as she has bizarrely played way too hard too fast

        and is now being a big jealous baby – she wants adel out as canada loves him and hates her, and she wants allison out as she is making out with andrew right in her face

  5. Adel lie has kept him off the block this week, but if he doesn’t win HOH the coming week…its going to blow up in his face

  6. Andrew doesn’t wanna get played and look like a fool on TV, but he’s completely buying all the lies Sabrina is selling about Allison.
    So yeah, you will look like a fool on a TV and hopefully it will come back to bite you in the ass.

  7. Dear Ratchild…I mean Rachelle;

    You’re allegedly studying Psychology.

    Perhaps, after the show, you can write a paper on how psychopaths only superficially resemble normal humans, or on the wreckage they leave in their wake.

    Perhaps you could write about damaged spouses, children, entire families, destroyed careers, entire workplaces thrown into dysfunctional turmoil.

    Or how adept they are at mimicking emotions. Or how, if confronted, they just don’t “get it” and feel victimised by accusations of wrongdoing or blame their victims.

    Or how enablers magnify the ability of the small numbers of this predatory Human sub-species to do damage.

    Sorry if this isn’t quirky, funny or really about BB.

    Just be thankful Sab isn’t one of the really high-functioning ones, like a Corporate CEO or a high-level politician.

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