POV Holder: | Elissa | Next POV | Aug 24th |
POV Used | YES | POV Ceremony | Aug 26th |
HOH Winner: | Aaryn | Next HOH: | Aug 22nd |
Original Nominations: | Elissa and Helen | ||
Current Nominations: | Helen and Spencer | Last Evicted Houseguest | David, Nick, Jeremy, Kaitlin, Howard, Candice, JUDD, Jessie |
Have Nots (head cheese and habaneros) | GM, Amanda, Helen and Elissa |
4:28pm Kitchen Elissa and Helen
Elissa crying.. upset because their campaigning isn’t going to save Helen. She regrets getting out all her allies earlier in the game.
Elissa: “Candice should have never gone.. Howard should have never gone.. it’s so dumb this is all so stupid”
Helen: “You can get your revenge “
Elissa asks if Amanda is going to be coming after her or GM and Aaryn
Helen: “All three of you.. .I don’t know what order.. all three of you”
Helen: ‘This is why you have to win tomorrow.. to make some deal.. you need them badly”
Helen: ‘If you don’t win everyone is going to put up Spencer and you”
She explains that Elissa and Spencer have no one in the game so if it’s a safer move than to put up Aaryn and GM.
H: “Spencer is right now in a worse position because he’s going to be a pawn forever.. he will look like the worst player because he never changed his position in the game”
Elissa says she thinks she would put up Aaryn and Amanda.
H: “and you can be like this is for Helen’s eviction”
Helen says she has to keep Spencer off the block it’s a waste, “Spencer is a waste of time”
Helen says if Elissa puts up McCrae and Aaryn it will split up McCrae and Amanda. Elissa adds that Aaryn will go home in that scenario.
H: “She will go home and realize shit I should have listened to Helen and Elissa.. America knows who she is and America knows who we are.. I would rather go home with my dignity “
E: “Oh my gosh Aaryn says she’s going to get her boobs done with her mom.. oh my gosh”
Elissa adds that she never thought about getting botox and boob jobs at 22.. Elissa points out that she’s a mother with real life problems implying that’s her reason for Botox and boob jobs.
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4:45pm HOH Aaryn, Amanda, GM and Spencer
Amanda: “we all know that Elissa does no wrong she will never own up to what she does or apologize.”
McCrae thinks Elissa will walk he really does. Amanda thinks its a real possibility.
Aaryn: “I will be the Dan tomorrow.. I will be coming up with pep talks all night… this is serious.. she cannot win the HOH”
Big Brother 15 N*de flashback times here
4:52pm Havenots Helen and Elissa Both are getting emotional (Sounds like Helen knows her fate and is trying to prep Elissa for the battles ahead).
Helen is giving Elissa a pep talk between sobs, “do it for the moms out there”
Elissa: “My sister is big brother gold.. and you are saying nobody wanted me in the house.. maybe people did want work with me.. Candice wanted to work with me”
Helen apologizes for telling Elissa to vote out all her allies. “Even if you didn’t vote them out they would have gone out anyways.. we could say Gosh Candice and Howard should stay but they would have gone out regardless if we voted. ”
Helen at this point my only advice to you is tomorrow you have to win HOH. Elissa has to make deals or they will keep targeting her.
Helen: “Do it for Reilly and the Brenchel army”
Elissa says every time she looks at the other houseguests she sees evil people.
Helen says she’s appalled at the things that happened in the game, “I’m even appalled what I’ve done”
Helen: “I always wanted to go after big people.. I don’t regret pushing people to do that”
5:12pm HOH everyone Spencer, McCrae, Andy and Amanda
Andy saying he will sh!t his pants on live TV if a jury member comes back.
Amanda: “How can a 33 year old woman have her head shoved up a 22 year old a$$ hole” (talking about GM and Aaryn)
Spencer thinks it’s a jealousy thing, Gm has the blue contacts and bleached hair she’s trying to be Aaryn.
Amanda: “If you say anything wrong about Aaryn GM will back her up.. regardless”
Spencer says GM cannot be reasoned with you can’t tell her anything.
Amanda: “All you need is a arrogant 22 years old have a 33 year old to back you up”
Andy says he snapped at Elissa today he couldn’t handle it any more “She said she never threaten anyone.. She was threatening me.. she said to me If I vote out Helen, Aaryn, GM and her are gunning after him and i’m going home”
Amanda says in Elissa mind that is not a threat it’s a “Game move”
Amanda: “God I want Elissa and GM to get into a fight”
Andy: “Elissa will just walk away
Spencer: ”Gm will follow her”
Amanda: “I think GM will get rid of me as soon as she can she hates seeing me and McCrae together.. the funny thing I have never been targeting
Amanda: “That’s dangerous .. GM will do whatever Aaryn will do and Aaryn will protect GM at all costs.. It’s The blonde leading the blonde.. and they are both competitors”
They talk about Elissa and her encounters today how crazy she will look on the show. Andy says there is no way they can edit their conversation that shows Elissa in a good light. (wanna bet)
Amanda: “There is no way Elissa will ever talk to me again after she finds out what I said about her” McCrae says they were already dead to Elissa.
Andy tells them that Elissa is not going to drop off of the HOH he thinks she will fight. They are all thinking that Elissa will put up Aaryn and GM if she wins the HOH. Andy: “She’s after the trash in the house.. Spencer“
They laugh at Spencer.
Andy says Helen’s mistake was sticking with Elissa as long as she did. Elissa was useful in the beginning weeks but after that she was toxic to Helen’s game. Andy says all those weeks Helen would come to him and say they need to get Amanda out not once did Amanda come to him and say they needed to get Helen out.
Amanda: “Gm.. legit on my life her and Elissa are two types of crazy.. how can they take the personality tests and pass it”
Spencer says GM has talked to the physiologist 6 or 7 times. Amanda thinks it’s dangerous having them in the house. MC says if GM never hit Candice she is harmless.
Spencer points out that the farthest they get from Candice and Jessie’s eviction the more GM hates them it’s really odd.
Spencer: “In the event that GM is evicted.. will she either A) wear the hate talking to Julie Chen or B) have it on her hip”
Amanda: “He’s probably moved and changed his last name”
MC: “the problem with GM is If you take her out of this game you will never get her vote” (in the finales)
Amanda: “I never think about votes in this game.. it all depends who you are up against.. I know this is horrible to say but who is more dangerous Elissa by herself or GM and Aaryn together.. has anyone else thought of that”
Andy: “I really think Elissa needs to go next week.. I know she isn’t coming after me I just think she is dangerous ”
Spencer:’ Ya”
MC: “Ya”
Amanda: “That is why one of us 4 have to win the HOH”
Spencer gets called to the diary room
Amanda: “Poopy or Gm have to go soon”
MC tells Amanda to stop telling everyone that they are trying to be Elissa’s friend everyone knows and once people start getting in spots where they are in danger they are going tell people that.
Andy: “Aaryn baffles me..”
Amanda: “3am is going to have to be 2am.. she doesn’t trust you over GM”
Amanda: “She is going f***ing nuts.. she’s emotional.. she attacks me.. she’s trying to get us to go after each other”
Amanda: “She’s trying to turn Elissa on me.. that doesn’t help any of us if me and her go on the block tomorrow”
Amanda: “She keeps saying I’m not making my own moves.. I’m not making my own moves.. the DR told me I’m not making my own move”
Andy: “She’s been worrying me”
Amanda: “I would rather Spencer in the final 4 with us over Aaryn”
MC: “He’s not emotional he’s logical”
Andy: “she asks me all the time if this is legit.. shut up it’s worked for 9 weeks.. it’s legit”
Amanda: “I don’t care who goes to final 4 as long as it’s us three”
MC: “If Elissa wins it we have to push GM and Aaryn to go up”
Andy: “that is what she’s leaning to doing”
McCrae and Amanda say if they win HOH they will put up Spencer and GM and backdoor Elissa but if Elissa wins POV it would be poopy.
MC: “I do want to keep poopy.. ” They agree that Poopy will expose them all if she is on the block and in danger.
Amanda: “If we cannot get ELissa out next week then Aaryn or GM has to go”
Amanda: “If we were to back door Aaryn we would have ELissa.. and maybe GM”
Amanda: “She’s hurting our game right now..” (Aaryn)
Aaryn joins them. they tell her they plan is to put up GM and Spencer with Elissa being the target. Amanda asks Aaryn who GM will put up. Aaryn says it will be Specner and Elissa and if POV is played one of AManda, McCrae and Spencer.
Spencer rolls in.
MC tells them production will never show how truly crazy Elissa is. Andy thinks they will because he talks about it in the diary room. Feeds cut..
6:17pm HOH Spencer, Andy, Amanda and MC
Guys are talking about which girls are there types. MC says he likes amazons therefore he was attracted to Amanda.
Spencer tells them he likes a very submissive girl, He says he treats them well but wants to be in charge.
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when hellen pick spencer for the veto spencer LOOK STRAIGHT AT HELLEN AND said GOOD GIRL ROFLMAO ..
we all knew amanda want aaryn gone no surprise
It would be beyond hilarious if Helen comes back tommorow and Demanda or Aaracist get evicted next week… ha! What would be even better is if its double eviction next week and Demanda and Aaracist both get evicted! AHHH that would be fabulous.
Team Hellissa
Even though as a player i don’t like Amanda I have to say that the way she played the game: making people fear hear enough to not even try to put her up is a gameplay i have never seen in big brother. These houseguests are so scared of her (Aaryn said in DR tonight that everybody fears Amanda and her wrath) that they wont play their own game. We have to admit that this is AMAZING gameplay and never seen before in Big brother
I disagree … it was Andy who kept her in the game. Without him I think she would have been eliminated but Andy kept talking Helen out of it and Ellissa was as persistant as she should have been. She owes her game to Andy for the info and Mc for keeping her in line.
bad thing for her she cant win there is already 5 votes against her Candice Jessie Helen elissa gm at a minimum mCcrae knows this hes playing the smartest game big picture hate to say it Amanda has no chance he doea and he knows that
Why wouldn’t the jury vote for Amanda? GM, McCrae, and Spencer did absolutely nothing this game. Neither did Botox gold digger except be Rachel’s sister and get preferential treatment from production. Andy was a rat who told on everyone and betrayed everyone. Truth be told, Amanda and Aaryn have been the best game players and either deserve to win. Aaryn overcame tremendous odds from being a sure evictee to lasting to the end and winning an assload of competitions. And Amanda made it to the end without winning anything but single handedly determining each and every week’s eviction. She got into a lot of fights with the jury members but at least she was always upfront with them on where she stood with them. The others just pretended to be friends and then stabbed them in the back eviction night. Plus the women want a woman to win BB this year, not a guy. If it’s Amanda or Aaryn vs a guy, the females will vote for the woman. Under any scenario I will be happy. It was a GREAT season. The best one yet in my opinion.
are you insane?
Don’t mind @ Major amanda and aaryn fan ….its probably one of Amanda’s or AAryn’s family members behind that computer screen!!
I was with you until you said it was a great season lol. It has been a predictable season.
Amanda would of been out early if there was no mvp this season.
I think Amanda was chosen to win this season and Andy was chosen as second place OR her little sidekick to make sure she always has a vote on her side. Plus since day one he has been popping into everyones conversations and then reporting back to her. They probably told her to get into a showmance, therefore guaranteeing her 2 easy votes on her side making it harder to evict her. My spidey sense is tingling and this is the conclusion i have come to.
I will not be surprised if Amanda wins… i might want to throw up and break my TV though. Lol
Amanda cant win shes already got 5 votes against her minimum she like the dan of last year the last 4 weeks I told everyone hes playing for 2nd he will only get 1 vote Danielle
If Judd comes back it will be more of the same. Please Judd spare us the boredom!!!
Depends if Judd is on or off his meds. If Judd is off his meds he’s going after Aaryn and will team up with Amanda/MccRae. If he’s on his meds, then he’s going after Aaryn and will team up with Amanda/McCrae. Opps the medicated and non-medicated Judd will both take the same course of action.
Yeah, it’s not like Judd was some great player. He’ll just resume his fickle position and do as he’s been instructed by Amanda.
I would just once like to see Amanda have to work for her place in the house. She’s just way too comfortable sitting atop the heap and having done nothing more than strong arm already weak/frightened HGs.
And Andy is another delusional one who actually thinks he’s done something in this game. He’s only been useful in being a snitch for Amanda. He’s not even taken seriously as a threat because he is none. Once the numbers dwindle and the core alliances have to turn on someone, he’ll be sacrificed. Undoubtedly McCrae and Amanda are taking each other to the end and it appears that the Cheri Oteri knock off (GinaMarie) and the Grand Dragon’s under-secretary (Aaryn) will take each other. Elissa can at least play defense and win POVs and Spencer might actually be safe because of his pawn-dom (if such a word exists). That leaves clueless Andy (alongside whatever unfortunate returning HG) sitting with that blank stare and opened mouth that signifies just how dumb he really is.
Had he said “good girl” to me, I would have been removed from the game for punching him in his kidney. Bastard. I have never despised a BB contestant so much.
You sound like my type of woman. Give me a call at 1-800-Call-Me-Now
Can someone give me a quick update about the edits from the TV episode, Thanks
I just tuned in to the very end, like last five minutes, but aaryn made her nomination replacement saying she was nominating spencer bc “that’s the corner she is being backed into”…then it cut to her diary room session and she said that she really wanted to nominate Amanda but Amanda is too scary and she is afraid of her and how Amanda can turn the whole house against her….I point this out only bc I didn’t realize aaryn’s real target (at least internally) is amanda
she needed spencer or andys vote to backdoor Amanda 1 of the 2 Amanda doesn’t even realize how close she was to getting stunned
Amanda came across as the bitchy overly confident mastermind. Andy came across as the biggest fakest rat ever. Helen came across as delusional but at the end she realized that Amanda is her nemesis. .. setting it up for tomorrow when probably Helen comes back. Aaryn came across as weak and easily manipulated.
Hey, Helen drew first blood. And second blood. And finally third blood. The first rule of combat is don’t go after the king unless you can kill him. Having failed three times Amanda is finally getting her revenge and slaying Helen. What a traitorous fool Helen was. She should have stayed true to her alliance. But it bit her in the ass and now she is being evicted. Bye bye you manipulative wannabe. Must really sting that Spencer and GM outlasted you. That would be egg dripping off your face. Dumb ass!
I don’t recall thinking anything was a surprise in the edit
Elissa had some good fight in her in POV comp
Helen knew something was off in POV, Andy was moving slow
When Elissa cryptically ptold Helen she better make sure that Spencer is the target and not Helen, Helen knew Amanda threatened Elissa not to help Helen
Amanda – the mastermind, calling all the shots in the game
Elissa – knows what’s going on and who needs to go
Aaryn – weak, afraid of Amanda is why she put up Spencer
That’s about all there was
From what I remember >> Helen encourages Elissa to play for Veto so they can get Spencer up (he is going to be the target). She tells Andy, he tells others, Spencer finds out, Spencer is mad at Helen. When picking players for Veto comp, Helen randomly selects Spencer who turns to her and says “good girl” or w/e. Elissa gets houseguest choice, she picks Andy (thinking he’s on their side). Andy rants to Amanda and Aaryn that he doesn’t want to be playing in Veto b/c it puts him in a tight spot >> Amanda in DR calls him a preppy dude who needs to man up and stuff. She says to him he needs to play hard and not throw the veto. Helen trusts Andy a lot…tells him she needs to win it (they’re crying together). During Veto comp (that Otev game), Ginamarie is out, Helen is out, Amanda is happy, Andy then throws the comp by being very slow (red flag for Helen), Aaryn is down then Spencer. Elissa wins. After winning, Elissa and Helen are together and they are happy; Spencer is now the target. Then Andy walks in, shady and sad as ever. After he leaves, Elissa goes to the kitchen and asks Amanda what’s going to happen…she tells her that Helen is the target and nothing is going to change that…Helen is leaving on Thursday. Elissa is scares and cryptically tells Helen that she is the target. Helen goes to HOH room to talk to Aaryn about Amanda…Aaryn agrees with Helen that Amanda and McCrae are a force to be dealt with and they are basically running the show. In the kitchen, they reminisce about the wine thing and Amanda and Aaryn fight. Aaryn considers putting Amanda up, Andy says he completely trusts her. At POV ceremony, Elissa takes herself off and Spencer goes up. Aaryn says she is being pushed in a corner, hence her decision. She says she is scared to put Amanda up, because she will find a way to get the house to keep her. Amanda says she always gets what she wants. ((I am paraphrasing some of this stuff, don’t take it verbatim))
Basically, they were trying to show us that Amanda is running the House, Aaryn wants to put her up but is scared…everyone is afraid of Amanda….gaaahhH!
This is the most frustrating season of Big Brother I’ve seen. I ended up watching Youtube videos of BB14 and funny Britney moments to cheer me up.
You think these HGs suck but instead want to watch Britney? One of the most annoying obnoxious whiny twits to ever play BB? Please. You have lost all credibility. It was so funny when the 3 guys told her she’s been played and that they were voting her out. That scene was the best moment of that season.
ROLMFAO Guess Amanda knows that if they put Elissa up she would win POV, via “you know who” ..AGAIN So she said fuck it we’ll just get rid of Aaryn or GM….
Perhaps voting out GinaMarie is what it will take to get the Adderall Witch to make a strong move against The Red Queen. Once The Adderall Witch loses her closest ally, that would be a sure sign that The Red Queen, McCrae, Spencer and Stoolie the Toad are coming after her. They know she’s a strong competitor and they’ve only kept her this long because they’ve been able to control her. The only scenario I see that happening is if Elissa is on the block and win POV and GinaMarie is put up in her place. The Red Queen would keep Spencer over GinaMarie.
Hell-en is stupid as f**k. If I was not in an alliance with Andy and McSlob I would be worried, come on Helen how stupid can you be. Throwing Elissa under the bus just to save herself and putting her trust in Rat Andy. I am glad Elissa won the POV and I hope Hell-en goes to the jury house for good.
I am sure everybody saw Amanda’s face when Helen was evicted and how Elissa was the boss on the POV competition.
Why should Andy try to prevent Hell-en from going home when she never tried to save Jessie and Candice?
I was amazed when watching the show how obvious it was that Production cheated to help Elissa win. I mean you could tell that Helen was told to fall down so that Elissa could beat her up the ramp. Obvious that production will rig it for Elissa to win HOH, but I really hope that Judd comes back and gets Elissa out along with Helen. Would then love for Judd, Aaryn, rat Andy to team up and wipe out Amanda, McCrae, Spencer and GM in that order.
Really? Well than give Helen an academy award. I totally disagree with you. I can never see Helen giving up her game for Ellissa.
Ok, so Helen threw the POV comp so she could stay on the block and get evicted. Wow! I didn’t see that one coming. Oh wise one, can you also tell me who really killed President Kennedy? Was it the Mob, Russians or Aliens? My guess it was aliens but I will wait for your answer.
I think at that point in the game Helen still thought the target was Spencer so in her mind Ellissa getting the veto was more important because she thought she was safer than Ellissa. And when she got a look at Andy in the competition and how he was throwing it, the penny dropped and it was too late for her.
Helen’s biggest downfall was not being able to read what else was going on around her, clearly she is loyal to a fault and believed that everyone would stay on plan until the final 5 or 6, then it was time to start taking the core alliance out. She clearly thought that as long as she played by the alliance rules, she would survive.
I do think that Andy will get a very big surprise at the end of this game, while there is clearly an element of deception involved and people expect that, what they dont respect is a player like Andy who will actually create a situation where he knows he will have to lie and not only does he lie, he goes completely over the top and makes it almost an insult. While he may be seen as not too much of a threat in the game, I think that his overly personal way of setting people up for his lies will cost him any chance at the game. His lies have a certain taint to them vs Amanda’s overtly open game play.
no amanda, andy is/was toxic to helen’s game not elissa.
Nepotism is generally not seen as a positive trait.
God I can’t until a jury member gets to come back in ?the house!
Especially, if they come back with immunity and is HOH for one week along with golden veto for the second week.
I looked at Elissa pictures and either way she’s a pretty lady. I really don’t care who paid for her surgeries as long as she’s happy with them that’s all that matters (let’s not be like those twits in the house being judgmental and showing the hate).
I am so tired of listening to Sasquash demanding of others. Who the hell died and left that sleazy shameless boss in charge?
Let’s get Spencer out tomorrow!
Gosh I wanna bookmarks all these pages and tweet it out to the HG and say “SEE!” MCrap Amanda Andy and Spencer will be the WORST F4 ever….ALL of them are disgusting delusional hypocrites!!!
3AMSUCKS you are so right! I would like Helen to come back, and together with Elissa, Aaryn and Gina Marie, send the others to the jury house. My preference to win the game would be Elissa, then Helen, then Aaryn. Then whoever, I really don’t care about the rest.
Amanda: “Gm.. legit on my life her and Elissa are two types of crazy.. how can they take the personality tests and pass it”
Same way Amanda did when she ate that pot brownie before she came in the house…
Quick! Somebody notify Scotland! I spotted the loch ness monster on top of McCrae in tonight’s episode!
tonights edit elissa was beasting in the pov competetion removing hellen out the competetion first……. HELLEN was almost half way up the ramp and elissa came guns blazing to get her spot to otev…. elissa push andy a little to crawl under the wood first to get his spot .. elissa was beasting in the pov … hellen saw that andy was throwing the competetion because he was going too slow … …… tomorrow night they will show all the drama
Elissa was amazing the way she went under water OMG so great !!!!!!
Even the other houseguests know how blatantly obvious the rigging is for Rachelissa at this point. I’d be wondering why I even put in for the show in the first place if I were them.
Okay we have Helen going out and a juror coming back and Demanda’s meds refill has run out…this could finally be getting good.
“Elissa adds that she never thought about getting botox and boob jobs at 22.. Elissa points out that she’s a mother with real life problems implying that’s her reason for Botox and boob jobs. ”
Holy Fuck…. She’s a mom, that’s her reason for botox and boob jobs? Maybe she got that because she could land a sugar daddy easier? ROLMFAO
Super insensitive comment…obviously you don’t know how tough mothering is.
Botox and boob jobs make PTA meetings bearable.
Wait , I thought parents got a lil buzzed before going into PTA meetings, now they need plastic surgery?
“MC says he likes amazons therefore he was attracted to Amanda.”
Be honest you were attracted to the onion stench.
To funny Monistat. You made me laugh tonight and I really needed it. Been worrying about that first PTA meeting and the mom status. Hoping I find a HELEN to pep talk us all! I love when my ears bleed. Go MOM SQUAD! Seriously though, She beats Amanda’s infected hootie.
I love this: Amanda: “How can a 33 year old woman have her head shoved up a 22 year old a$$ hole” (talking about GM and Aaryn)….DAH…..That is what her jelly fish sex slave has been doing to her onion diseased woman hole!!!
Did anybody else notice Hayden is gonna be on the next season of Survivor!
yep. He will be the first BB to Survivor contestant
And it will pit family members against each other. Should be good
He’ll go against Kat his gf who was on the season Kim won apart of the core girls alliance
On tonight’s show Amanda said, in one of her DR sessions, “I always get what I want”. That’s odd. What female would want a yeast infection, a body like a sumo wrestler, and a personality that has made her despised by the majority of Big Brother fans? Her pal AG is going to have to handpick the audience for the finale, or Amanda will be openly booed, no matter where she finishes
I would love to see Amanda get booed as she walks out of the house — does anyone know if that’s ever happened before? I assume they try to have some control over the audience, but come on. If this is their so-called social experiment and the results are that America hates that person, I want to see it! Surely that has happened after 15 seasons and over 100+ house guests, no??
Add boos for GM, Aaryn and Andy to that list as well.
Love the idea of crowd booing or chanting:
Amanda: SKANK
Spencer: PERVERT
Aaryn: BIGOT
Andy: R A T
McCrap: BUM
Helen: (crowd is silent)
Elissa: (Congratulations) W I N N E R
Amanda needs to go
Put up Amanda & McRae and watch the fireworks. If one of their alliance does not win POV then she will have a meltdown and if one of them does win she will be threatening them to use it on her. If Arryn,GM and Elissa unite they could get Amanda if not McRae which will make her useless in the comp.
against ( GM& Arryn) if Elissa wins or vice versa. HOH tie breaker
Next week Andy & McRae or Amanda. Whoever survives the 1st week
Love to see the little weasel go to but without Amanda he is nothing.
One things for sure if McManda wins HOH they’ll have to cancel the season as they will refuse to nominate anyone for fear of blood on their hands.
I guess it depends on who comes back.If Jessie or Judd came back they might work with Elissa,GM,& Arryn to get Amanda out. Then they need to go after the weasel. Leave McRae in the house a couple of weeks with Jessie & Arryn and Amanda will have a meltdown and leave the jury house so she could keep an eye on her man. Bring Jessie back and get Amanda out and save the season. She would want McRae to go home too.
“Amanda says in Elissa mind that is not a threat it’s a “Game move””
Just like in Amanda’s mind every move she made was “strategic” but in reality they were personal.
I love how Elissa justifies all the plastic surgery she’s had b/c she’s a mom. What the frick does that mean???? Google Elissa Slater Bridezilla and see what she looked like before all her surgeries. I guess she found s a sugar daddy that wanted to customize his blow up doll. What’s the difference between a 22 yr old that wants a boob job, and a 33 yr old thats had a nose job, boob job, brow lift, cheek lift, botox, chin re-alignment, etc, etc…………
How convenient you leave out GM- Botox since early 20’s, liposuction everywhere, 2 nose jobs, boobs, fake hair, fake skin color, fake eye color…oh, and that little bit of a purging habit she has… and you say Elissa is the “fake” one who has had a baby and GM has not? And, GM’s really nasty mouth! Strict numbers, GM wins the plastic game.
Woops, sorry, not meant to say leave out GM, but left out stuff she’s had done. And she wants more!
stop all the fighting. I know you all love me. Sometime I’m fake, sometimes real. Always ready for a motorboat
………….Why does it smell like onions in here?
I smell fish…….
… And fish
This could be the season where an all girl alliance makes the final 4. Amanda, Aaryn, MCcrae and Andy..
Oh come on now, don’t be so ridiculous. Amanda is not a girl.
I’m a mom, and I’m not a fan of either Helen or Amanda.
Okay, not fan of Amanda either, but I’m not a fan of Elissa. So I wish they’d quit playing the MOM card, as if that is the only redeeming quality one can have.
Yes, Elissa you were born the Virgin Mary chosen by God himself. Shaddup. You are not sin-free.
Elissa might not be a saint, but in comparison to the other house guests she might as well be. You have Aaryn I am not a rascist saying she’s an overt racist today with a smile. You have Gina who is so delusional that she went into the DR and asked for permission to punch Candice. Gina also thinks it would be a good idea to take a dump on the floor in the bathroom for Elissa to find it. Spencer and McCrae talk about their drug use. I don’t even care if they use drugs recreationally in private. The fools are talking about drug use in public and setting themselves up for repercussions. Amanda, what can I say that hasn’t already been said, lets just move on.
With Elissa trapped in that house with these house guests, she might as well be a saint.
Who are you anyway Name? In an earlier post you described yourself as a white guy. WTF!!
Thursday night on BB “history” could be made! OMG!
Of all people – our gay player…Andy! When he said he will shit his pants on TV ? If one if the players comes back from jury…Andy my lil gay buddy…start shuttin!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 LMFAO!!! Hahaha
Btw…I don’ t think this line was scripted…IMO!
Someone should toss a roll of toilet paper to Andy when Julie announces a jury player will be returning.
In an earlier post, someone commented on Amanduh’s dirty knickers. I must admit that while watching tonight’s show I had problems looking at Amanduh as I could only think about what a dirty individual she must be. Hope her and her dirty drawers get the boot soon.
Elissa. Do everyone outside the Brenchel Army a favor. Shut your botox-laden fake face!!!!!
she may have botox-ladden fake face, but she is the only genuine person inside this sick house!
Genuine people claim they’re special and better than everyone else? I didn’t get that memo.
“Elissa says every time she looks at the houseguests she sees evil people.”
so do we hun, so do we.
Elissa sees evil people. That doesn’t impress me. Get back with me when you can see dead people…..now that’s impressive.
I don’t know, but Gina is from Brooklyn. I bet you she sees dead people and some of them she probably put there.
Again PRODUCTION edits the “AMANDA SHOW” not Big Brother!! UNLESS JUDD comes back or Helen does and FLIPS the HOUSE and this game, then you can just WRITE the CHECK to AMANDA!!! and all the speculations will be confirmed when SHE WINS!!! CBS/PRODUCTION better hope SHE or ELLISA doesn’t win or all HELL will break lose about how PRODUCTION AGAIN manipulated the comps and the FINAL outcome!! If evidence EVER proves what the HGs; VIEWERS and the MEDIA knows then BIG BROTHER will be cancelled!!
Ahhh yet another conspiracy theorist. Gotta love those. Rigged the comps for Amanda?? Ummm last I checked Amanda hasn’t won anything. This show isn’t rigged.Wake up to reality. Amanda may be an unlikable person but it isn’t her fault that nobody in there will stand up to her. All you whiner haters need to stay calm and keep your pants on. Zuckerman will be going out in final 4.
Bring back the pressure cooker HOH! Make it an all out test of ultimate will. Don’t make it the wall that alays favors the smaller houseguests.
While they trash talk Elissa she is the only one who has a realistic idea of what America thinks about them. It just amazes me that these horrible people think that they are going to be America’s darlings.
LOL at Helen giving Elissa advice.
Elissa was right to call Helen out on voting out their allies.
Helen may be right or maybe she is wrong when she says they couldn’t save Howard or Candice but for sure she would have found out that Andy was a rat weeks ago if she would have campaigned for her “allies”.
If Elissa wins HOH she needs to put up Andy and McCrae. If one of them comes down she needs to put up Amanda. That alliance needs to be broken up. From here on out everyone needs to target those three. Until all three are gone. Then the rest can battle it out.
Amanda and McCrea need to go up and the HoH needs to tell the others if one of them comes off then Andy or Aaryn goes up. Let them go after each other and watch the fun.
So Elissa now realizes she ruined her game trying to save Helen. Everyone is going to be coming after her now. Depending on when BB sends back an evicted house guest back into the game, Elissa has very little chance of staying longer then two weeks. Her only hope was working with Aaryn and she blew that trying to save Helen. Its amazing that Elissa admits it was stupid to get rid of Howard or Candice; however Helen who orchestrated Howard’s departure and supported Candice’s eviction says nothing. Helen thinks she played such a great game. Who evicts their own support and considers herself to had played a great name? Don’t answer that question. It was a rhetorical question and its obvious that person is Helen. Helen will be in the Jury House still in disbelief that Andy never was in her corner.
Aaryn who did all of Amanda’s bidding is talked about by Amanda. Aaryn knows Amanda is the biggest threat, but she is really intimidated by her. I love how Amanda could just go into a room and tell everyone just shut up and this is how its going to be and if she challenge her. The rest of the house will make you apologize to Amanda. Andy is shocked that Elissa hasn’t apologized to Amanda yet. LOL! You can’t even talk back to Amanda in this game. This is really the Amanda Show. Oh Howard, you was the last guy with a pair. Judd, Andy, McCrae were all neutered by Amanda.
A personality test is not a pass/fail thing. It shows what personality type you are!!! Idiots
Good bye Helen
Who do we want to come back in the house
Candice would go after Ginamarie
Jessie & Helen would go after Amanda
Who knows what the hell Judd would do.
The only way it is gonna get better is if helen comes back in. Judd will try and do the boy alliance … yuck. Candance and Jessie can not win shit but Helen may have a chance with Ellissa. So, I sure hope it’s Helen.
“MC says he likes amazons therefore he was attracted to Amanda.”
No doubt a taste acquired while Geek boy was reading comics
I think McRae wakes up, rolls one and plays video games till time to go to work. Then comes homes, rolls one and plays video games. I don’t think he is motivated but, to lay around and play video games and is very happy with his career choices. Amanda is in for a shock if she brings him to fl. Like he said, I can deliver pizzas anywhere. I actually think he is too lazy to even read comic books.
Somebody please give these houseguests a definition of backdoor! In tonight’s episode spencer got to play in the veto and Helen was like we have to backdoor spencer. And then Helen is like omg I hope they don’t backdoor me! Wtf Helen it’s not backdoored if you are put on the block at the nomination ceremony!
The words back door, throw under the bus and floater have no meaning in Big Brother anymore.
the new words are
Back door = 6 finger plan
under the bus = talking mad sh!t
floater = flip flopper
Simon, taking mad shit= GM. ROFLMAO when GM said she should take a big dump and leave it for Elissa.
Elissa looks a lot like Rachel when she cries.
“Looks like Elissa is crying, or maybe she’s leaking oil.”
FYI, just read on a blog thursday live show has been CANCELLED. Production has contracted Amanda’s yeast infection. I guess there was something else going on in those DR(Diarhhea sessions)
Why is everyone so afraid of the sl**t Amanda…….if everyone stuck together and agreed to put her out, just don’t tell mc slob what they are doing, how the heck will she be able to come after them……they are such mindless stupid putzes…….Andy the rat boy is such a low life, how many times has he said he would kill himself if somebody did something against him, now he is going to crap himself on live tv if someone from the jury comes back in the house. And to think the rat boy is a professor who is teaching the youth of today, know wonder this country is such a mess…….Andy the rat reminds me of the unpopular kid in school who will say and do anything to get the popular kids to like him……he is so pathetic……
From what I read, he was only 1-2 weeks into the hiring as a “professor” then took BB. Plus, it’s only an adjunct position AND something about kids had signed up for his class and the school had cancelled it-so, not sure what’s going to happen post BB. Note, he’s been doing improv since about age 8 to present which explains the lies told on a dime, complete insincerity, apathy, and lack of empathy.
Don’t you love how everyone can have endless bad days and moments EXCEPT those deemed undeserving of even being on BB and getting a break by the bashers?
Elissa was a beast in tonight’s veto comp (OTEV). She really surprised me. Hopefully she plays that hard from here on out. She’ll need it because her days are numbered after today’s outbursts. Hopefully she can align with whoever comes back in the house and they can shake things up. I know she’s a little annoying but she’s the only one I can fathom rooting for at this point. She probably needs the money the least out of everyone left but oh well. And for the record I think she’s absolutely gorgeous. Plastic surgery and all. She’s much prettier than Rachel.
Despite her whole face and lips being made out of a combination of Botox and plastic, Rachelissa still criticizes others for wanting plastic surgery….. you can’t make this shit up!
There are STILL fans of Elissa? Do you not see how utterly NUTS she is? What does that make you, her loyal fans (by way of her equally insane sister). I weep for society. Amanda is the female Dr Will for sure. A master.
I wouldn’t say I was a “fan” but she is the least vile HG left in the house. Sorry (Kanye shrug). And she has been spot on in her assessments of what America thinks of the other players. I couldn’t stand Rachel but Elissa is definitely tolerable. I don’t blame her for saying she should have been paid to be in that house. With all of the disgusting HG’s and the diseases floating around that place, UGH. BB needs to disinfect that house after this season. People shouldn’t be putting their life at risk for this damn game.
And also CBS, how about changing up the formula a little bit. Have a contest where America can submit some suggestions on how to improve the game. Take some of those suggestions and breathe some new life into this thing. Also the prize money needs to be increased. That way people will really play the game instead of coming in looking for a showmance and their 15 minutes of fame. You know it’s bad when all of the house guests are more concerned with the edit they are getting on the show instead of trying to get the big threats out of the game. I’ve been watching BB since season one. Too many of us have been loyal to this franchise for you to let it go down the toilet like this. We wait all year for this show. Do better CBS!
I agree with most of what you said, especially CBS taking suggestions from us, but I’d argue that they shouldn’t increase the prize money. Instead, the should DECREASE the stipends and jury $$ (and whatever else they’re getting paid to be on the show). Maybe then, the players will stop playing just to make it to jury, not to mention, you’d get some true BB fans who would gladly play for nothing, all for the love of the game (and probably play much better than this sorry cast).
Besides, do you really want to see these horrible people walk away with even MORE money they don’t deserve?
Amanda: “how can they take the personality tests and pass it?” I ask thee the same question ms demanda
this vile woman cracks me up…literally. I feel like cracking myself up cuz I cant take her bullc*ap! -_- so annoying!
I hope this happens tomorrow: (tho my hopes have no affect whatsoever…ever!)
Helen gets booted(this is for certain)….Helen comes back from Jury (hopefully). She or Elissa gets the HOH and put up Amanda & Aaryn/MC/GM if one of them win the veto, then put up the other one up with a plan to boot Amanda. If MC comes up after GM or Aaryn win the Veto, then that will the best thing ever so far 😀
*clop, clop, clop, cloppity, clop………………..* What’s that sound you ask?? It’s Alison Grodner rushing to get her ‘scrip filled because she made a mistake on the casting couch ugh!
*thump, thump, clunk, thump, clunk* ………….. What’s that sound you ask?? It’s Alison Grodner hopping around on one foot trying to kick herself in her big ass with the other. (she’s not happy with herself at all for the whole Amanda thing, the setup to win or having her way on the casting couch).
*sigh* Life in Hollywood rolls on….
I can’ t believe these people are that stupid. The ONLY way to get Amanda out is to put her up against McRae. It seems that Helen was pushing Elissa that way and then Elissa said she would put up Amanda & Arryn. All she would be doing is Amanda’s dirty work. (Dumb) Amanda would get Arryn out with no blood on her hands. Then you would have GM going after Elissa and vice versa. My god, where did they find so many dumb people. Amanda has had fights with everyone in the house and treated them like shit and they still do her dirty work. Spencer went on the block rather than vote Amanda out. Elissa has to team up with GM & Arryn to stay in game. America would vote for her over both of them( perfect for final 2). She’s so dumb she is going to let her personal feelings ruin her game. She knows Andy’s a rat for Amanda,McRae and Spencer went on the block rather than vote Amanda out.(dumb) Spencer,Andy,Amanda and McRae won 2 HOH’s. 1 Pov. Arryn,GM, and Elissa won 7 HOH 2 POV. Come on they make a heck of a force if they band together. My enemies enemy is my friend. Wise up girls if you’ll want to make it to final 2
This cast sickens me! Gosh reading these updates on this site and other spoiler sites, I would want to self evict. I could not imagine living with people like this. I feel sorry for production staff that have to watch and listen to these pigs 24/7. How could they even conduct DR sessions with this crew. I think I would just quit my job rather than dealing with these slugs on a daily basis.
These people act as if the diary room is the determination(right word?)of what people think of the player. Are they really unaware of the live feeds and the internet blogs. I don’t have the feeds, but thanks to Simon and Dawg I feel like I know who they truly are along with BBAD. Even the ones who ONLY watch CBS know more than the show because it is a social game. My sister lives 2 hours away and we talk about everything she misses through the week. I live in the middle of nowhere and I am more aware of those around me than these house guest. MC seems to be the only one constantly aware of the cameras and look what he goes and does. I am not a Rachel fan, but I am really rooting for Elissa just because everyone else is so nasty.
Elissa will win HOH tomorrow, and will get the Diamond Power of Veto sometime later in the week. Who wants to bet?
sounds like something that would happen in Big Brother.. Either way I think 3am will take a hit this coming week
My guess is whoever gets HOH this week will get Pandora’s Box. By opening it, the returning houseguest (Candace/Judd/Jessie/Hellen) will get some sort of POV/immunity to protect them for the week, and also preventing CBS’s latest twist being an automatic flop.
I’m sure they’ll adjust it somehow depending on who the HOH is. So if Elissa is HOH, maybe she’ll get immunity the following week. Or if HOH is someone they don’t want to have immunity, they’ll give them a nice prize but then make them intelligible for POV next week. Basically, I really think Pandora’s Box will happen this week, and I think based on how CBS uses it, hopefully it will finally shed some light on exactly how or who this game is being rigged for… should be interesting.
I agree .. thumbs up
Hey Amanda why would 23 year old McCrea let you put your yeast infected crotch on his junk, oh wait it’s because you are both disgusting, dirty, filthy pigs…….
Helen: “I’m even appalled at things that I have done.” No truer words have ever been spoken from you Helen. It must suck to be beaten at your own game. Now quit your whining to your stuck-up fake friend and stop manipulating her already. Everyone else in the house has finally seen through you. You have no influence on them anymore. If you were really Elissa’s friend you would let her play her own game and make her own decisions instead of treating her like a retard who is dependent on your wisdom. Look where that got you. Can’t wait until you are adios tomorrow, followed (hopefully immediately through self eviction) by Miss fake boobs and Botox duck lips.
after watching tonight’s episode, they all mine as well give amanda the money.
I hate Amanda’s stupid arrogant attitude on her diary sessions tonight. She must be coached to act that way & was especially cast to be the villain.
I think the Only thing that could save this season is if -1 They get booze tonight and of course get drunk ,start talking crap (as always) planning their next target Andy hears that it is really HIM !!! and Aaryn instead of running to demanda ,clues in Aaryn and they get together with GM and they vote out Spencer .Judd comes back so they have the numbers to get rid of Demanda !!! A girl came dream right……….
Has anybody else noticed that Andy acts, talks, and has the same facial expressions as Pee Wee Herman !!
these people deserve to lose to amanda. they could have gotten her out numerous times but theyre too scared. scared people do not win this game.
ps helen: still too early to get out amanda? Hmmm??
Andy is a rat!! He even looks like o e
I am watching last night’s BBAD (tonight’s will be on at 3 or 4 am)
Aaryn says she wants to know what is odd about her? McCrae says she smells odd.
Of course she does. McCrae is not familiar with the smell of clean
The ugly female-Rat Andy is a slimy POS.
I know it sounds shallow but why would they cast someone so hideously ugly and it’s a man who acts like a woman on top of that……he even dresses like a mentally-ill person and sounds like a Pedo.
It really sucks when the people in the house are all so disgusting that you can only root for 1 or 2 of them.
Amanda is evil
Not sure if it’s just me but I tried to go back to watch this morning’s drama when Elissa went to talk with Aaryn and it is completely gone off playback. It goes from 11:32a and time jumps an hour to 12:33p. I keep trying to get to it and the feed time jumps and I can’t get it. What’s up? Anyone else ever try to go back and watch something and had this happen? Does CBS block certain things in playback until they air what they want from it?
ya Dawg was telling me that the flashback was messed up during that time.. It does happen from time to time.
oh ok. I was ready to chalk it up to a conspiracy lol
The only person I have respect for in these comments is ill will and its funny to see when he makes fun of elissa its insensitive but he makes fun of Amanda and its hilarious people in these comments are delusional
Whats wrong with Aryans eyebrows.
I have a feeling Amanda’s attempt to Intimidate elissa and remove her Ali is going to do the opposite of what they all think. They are all so sure she will crumble and fold or leave the game as soon as Helen is gone. I personally think Helen has been holding elissa back, she hasn’t played the game at all until this week. The only difference is that she actually says what she is thinking to everyone instead of scurrying off to the hoh room to laugh at them behind there backs. She was like a plastic superwoman in that comp, and I have a feeling these people are about to see what she is capable of.
So sick of this mom squad! Helens is going and then it will be Elissa. Week after week Helen had her hand in every eviction and now they are paying the price. Elissa can’t hold a conversation with anyone; she makes no sense when she talks and acts stupid. She hasn’t done cra# in this game but look at herself in the mirror, worked out, she looks and talks down on everyone, she has acted all uppity. All this crying is so old, my god its big brother.
Andy better get that diaper ready
Amanda is evil
I finally figured out who McCrae reminds me of …..the uni bomber!!! especially when he wears his hood.
just watched the OTEV pov comp. After the first round Elissa says she took extra time to scan for other names before going back up the hill. She is not smart enough to come up with this strategy herself. I’m sure production told her this before the comp.
did you come up with that comment on your own? I think production fed it to you.
wow like mother like daughter. the apple didnt fall far from the tree there. i hope she wins too so she can spend it all on crack and OD.
Think about it… Rachael and Brendan more than likely gave her some pointers on the comps before she went into the house. The comps are the same every year.
I love how they are all worried how Elissa is portrayed, oh if they only knew how they were portrayed, they would shut their mouth! I used to like Andy but not so much anymore, either his true colors are coming out or he’s been in that house with those people for too long.
Dream come true Jeesie comes back iin Melissa wins HOH MCPUSS/Spencer on block pov used Backdoor the disgusting loud mouth wanabee trashy open holed post.:)
i’m so pissed, i didn’t make it back in time for big brother,
is there anywhere i can watch it online? do you know? D;
When Amanda first started taking over the house, I didn’t think she would be there much longer. But now? Well, I think they should just go ahead and give her the money then go home. If she wins, it will be b/c the rest of the house allowed it. They will have no one to blame but themselves.
I know the conspiracy thing is played out but you can’t convince me otherwise……here’s why. We all wonder how these houseguest can be so dumb…nieve….compelled to do A man duhs dirty work……it’s simply….they have to!!! Think about it…after everything she has done she has never tasted the block (except for when America did it) and neither has McUseless…or Andy. I have heard most comments and discussions by A man duh and do not believe her to be very intelligent. Yet she has run the entire house….also why can nobody figure out Andy is the rat boy he is…I mean come on. I also notice that even all the controversial players r still in the game….you know who I’m talking about….simple…RATINGS…BB knows we don’t like most of these players yet everyone is still watching the train wreck season. This ‘what the house wants’ shit to try and make it not look so obvious. Even if I didn’t believe this whole thing was rigged…I would still have to go with production heavily moving the game in the direction they want. I know I will get thumb downed for this but whatever… I live somewhere those houseguest may never live…….REALITY!!!!! Lol.
BTW thanks Simon and Dawg for these great updates….I have quite watching but still curious as to how this plays out…I realize I could be wrong so thanks for your hard work and keeping us informed….Peace!!
You got a thumbs up from me because you are right about all except one little thing. Not all of us can stand to watch on the TV or have time for live feeds . By the time the show is on I am way ahead thanks to OBB and prefer updates by Simon and Dawg and reading the comments. It’s hard to watch bad game play and if Amanda wasn’t so filthy in every way, especially the personal hygiene and the laziness factor , I could root for her . But to not win anything and be that gross…he’ll no to her and her little doggie McDirt .
Plenty of people have controlled games, most are just more likeable than nasty Amanda. I am one of the biggest Rustle fans (survivor) he was a true puppet master. Amanda is more like his creepy unlikable nefew. It’s funny you felt the need to comment on how little the posts on here meen to you, if they didn’t you wouldn’t have said sh***. Amanda won’t win, the game isn’t rigged, and I can’t wait to see her leave the house. It isn’t hard to see where she gets her nasty personality from. Your poor husband has to deal with two of you.
Name one player who has absolutely controlled bb EVER the way my daughter has? No one EVER. Love her or hate her we don’t care. F you all. Bring home the money darling and let them weep. It is rigged it is rigged, whine whine whine. But keep watching. By the way, when we are at the finals I will throw up a peace sign remember I said that. But only thing is I am really only throwing one finger to all of you..l guess which finger. Hahahahaha. I have had enough of all your hatred. Sorry for venting but for gods sake leave us alone!
wow like mother like daughter. the apple didnt fall far from the tree there. i hope she wins too so she can spend it all on crack and OD.
what is that brown stuff on your finger????
ps no one loves her lady
So you think she can actually win one competition? She doesn’t strike me as the athletic type unless you count ah jobs and jobs as a physical challenge.
Oops hand jobs and blow jobs! Taking off spell check !
Dan, Evil Dick and chill for starters. Jeff to a certain extent. And eventually they get turned on just like the house will turn on Amanda. The only difference is that those people were loved and have a following, next year no one will remember your nasty kid, except maybe the big brother couch where she left that stain
Andy must go on the block against Amanda or McNasty so they out him for being a rat in order to save themselves. No one seems to fully realize it yet. Aaryn is also being a rat when it has been in her best interest to keep her emotions and big mouth to herself, thinking she still needs to prove her (misguided) loyalty. This very well may be her downfall. Spencer can win with his record of being a pawn. Amanda can win since she ran the house. Aaryn can win due since she has a great win record. Mcgross can win only if they vote for the nice guy ( unlikely) . GM could be taken to the end because she has no chance to get jury votes over any of the players left. I would like to see an evictee take the win if Ellisa doesn’t go the distance. I had Mc day one but after a few weeks after he failed to play the game and lay in bed , he doesn’t deserve it .Vote Dawg and Simon for next years casting director or to play the game!
Elissa is insane for saying that she shouldn’t have taken out all of her allies early in the game. Howard and Candice were never Elissa’s ally to begin with, neither were the other people that left the house. Judd was in multiple alliance and didn’t care who left the house as long as it wasn’t him. Elissa is so delusional.
Haha good veto game!!!!! Love had Andy hit his head!!!! 😉
So they are just playing a game so that Amanda will win. I know Helen if you had got Amanda out earlier instead its to early you might have still be in the game. YOU AND THE OTHERS THAT ARE AFRAID OF AMANDA JUST STOP PLAYING AND GIVE IT TO HER. Worst BB ever.
the HGs have wondered off and on when Zingbot will be coming into the house. From the rants Elissa has been spewing (her version of alliance building and talking strategy) I have finally figured it out—–ELISSA IS THE ZINGBOT for this seaon.
Yes, Elissa, that is what I thought when Howard, Candice, and Jessie were being voted that you are getting rid of all your allies.