“Turner is going to keep us entertained and keep us on our toes for tomorrow.”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household:  Turner
Nominees: Taylor and Brittany
POV Players: Turner, Taylor, Brittany, Alyssa, Monte, Michael
POV Winner: Michael
Veto Ceremony:

Lock your ranks in before midnight

7:45pm – 9:41pm The live feeds were blocked. They’ve been blocked a lot today.
9:41pm Backyard – Turner, Monte, Taylor and Terrance.
Turner and Monte are playing pool. Terrance and Taylor are watching while eating some of the movie popcorn and drinking non-alcoholic drinks. Terrance – I think we need to reset the energy. America we’re back to our regular scheduled program. We’re going to give you great fun and entertainment. The drama is over! That was a moment! That was it! Taylor – child.. and the feeds were on! (No they’ve been blocked unfortunately!) Terrance – We should all love each other just to do it. We about to have some fun! Turner is going to keep us entertained and keep us on our toes for tomorrow. Turner – I don’t know about on your toes .. I think we all know.. Big Brother blocks the feeds. The feeds return. Alyssa joins them. They talk about drinking the margaritas in the fridge. Monte – its a perfect time to get drunk! Terrance – if you’re drinking, I’m drinking! Taylor – AHHHhhh we’re drinking!! Terrance – lets turn it up! Michael and Brittany join them. They tell them they’re going to drink. Brittany – I’ll pass. They start to head inside. Turner – real quick I am going to go talk to Kyle. Big Brother blocks the feeds again..

10:02pm Meanwhile inside – Kyle is eating alone in silence.

10:03pm Feeds blocked.

10:19pm – 10:50pm Feeds are back. Backyard Hot Tub – Michael, Terrance, Alyssa and Monte are chatting about the Dyre Fest backyard tarp over the backyard. Taylor and Turner join them. They talk about the murals on the backyard wall and festivals. Terrance talks about being a dj. The conversation turns to talking about tv shows, relationships and social media.

11:33pm Backyard Hot tub chats continue..

11:40pm – 12am Monte, Turner, Alyssa, Taylor, Michael and Terrance move back inside the house to eat.

12:22am – 12:35am Backyard – Monte and Turner.
Monte – I just got the reassurance from her (Taylor), you’re not going up next week. Turner – I honestly appreciate that a lot. That’s what Michael said too. And this statement gives me Jasmine. I like the way he put it.. you have had the most intense HOH of the summer and today alone and I don’t think anyone is going to have you take out Kyle for the house and then target you next week. Monte – yeah. Turner – or else they’re f**ked. And I am like well I will take that sympathy where I can get it because I would hope to god not. Monte – yeah. 100% Turner – and obviously I would not ask for 100% immunity but Michael said it and I was like that is amazing and it made me reassured for the week. Monte – yeah and its good to hear from Taylor. Turner – yeah especially from Taylor because she is one person I would be worried about. Monte – yeah because that was one thing that I was trying to massage in our conversation. And I think if anything next week its Alyssa and Terrance. Turner – well that is reassuring for myself. I tried to level with her a bit on the whole Michael situation. I was like objectively how she was looking at the situation. Michael kicked our a$$es again. And I think she was open to the idea of not being pissed if one of us took that shot. Turner – I don’t think anyone would be pissed. Everyone knows what’s going on. I definitely hope people approach Kyle with delicacy the next few days because he was .. big brother blocks the feeds.

12:35am Kyle showering..

12:56am Monte – just imagine a house with Indy, Joseph and Jasmine? Turner – and in multiple weeks it gets more chaotic. Monte – this is like Ky.. Turner – his hell! Monte – it is going to be his worst nightmare honestly everything that he did not want to experience .. he will experience. Turner – totally. Monte – I am sure they’re having their one version of fun. You’ve got more reasons than me but just for living situation .. I cannot. Just a lot of stuff that she does ..for her age? Turner – do we solidify the Taylor side or the Terrance. Monte – say Kyle is out this week. Next week .. we can hope and pray for HOH. We can’t punish someone for doing the right thing. After next week .. the week after that I think is the time (To take out Michael). When is the point when we put our d**ks on the table and be like this is what we’re working with. And I don’t think anyone will look at us and be like those to guys screwed us over. Tuner agrees.

1-2 MOnte and Turner have a pool game. Chit chat.

2:00 am to 3:10 am Mostly feeds cut or showing sleeping houseguests

3:10 am Monte and Taylor
Taylor – Turner or Terrance or Turner/Alyssa the week after. We could take Terrance or Alyssa to final 5 take care of things from there.
Taylor – I don’t want to take Turner to final 5
Monte – yeah yeah
Taylor – he’s got a stronger shot at winning
Mont e- the only thing I would say is if he does get there and Michael is still here it’s clear who his target is 100%. The only thing is if he misses we are the causalty.. that’s the issue.
Monte – at this point everyone’s game is out on the table
Taylor – this is crazy I cannot imagine. Turning your TV on

4:30 am Zzzzz
6:23 am zzzzz
8:00 am Houseguests getting a wake-up.

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221 thoughts to ““Turner is going to keep us entertained and keep us on our toes for tomorrow.””

  1. Looking at Kyle you can see how distraught he is. Are they all just ignoring him and consoling Brittany as if she is a victim. This is nauseating. I don’t know why Kyle is the only one being blamed for wanting Michael out Turner Alyssa Terrance and Monte were all on board to do it. I’m also curious if Michael and Brittany make it to final 2 is Michael going to tell the jury what a loser Brittany is and that he carried her to final 2?

    1. Maybe he can reflect on how Joe felt last week, when Kyle was loving every minute of it. Or how Taylor felt the first few weeks. Hell, how she felt this week when they were telling her all the crap about Joseph, the one person that she felt was a true friend, all for sh*ts and giggles. I don’t like people feeling ostracized, even Kyle, and it sucks if he does feel that way, but he kind of brought it on himself. I mean he was calling Monte a villain and Joe a scumbag less than 24 hours ago, wtf?!?! I’ve made it known that I do not like Kyle in previous posts over the past couple of weeks, I hope he is indeed nominated and goes to jury. It would be the best for Turner’s game, and honestly for Alyssa’s game.

      Now once he’s gone, everyone else in the house better come up with a plan, otherwise Michael will win the whole freaking thing. I think once Kyle is gone, Turner will be able to recalibrate and go back to what he was pre-dyrefest, if he can return to that version of Turner and if he makes it past next week, he’s still in the running to win. Right now I have either Michael, Monte, or Turner winning. We shall see…

      1. I agree. Kyle has lost ranks in the past 2 weeks for me too. He has no loyalty. I think his mom would be under that bus too if she were playing.

        1. Kyle is doing what Kyle is doing because LO did not care about him. They bullied him into backdooring his girlfriend. Kyle was in a position a couple times where he would have voted her out, but to make him be the one that BACKFDOORS his girlfriend for NO REASON was wrong. If I were him I would have done the exact same thing. They don’t care about him. Don’t understand why others do not see this. Kyle would have voted out Alyssa if his vote was not the deciding vote. He could have explained it as his vote did not matter and he had to vote with the house to save face. Shame on the leftovers for not seeing this.

          1. He wasn’t bullied. C’mon, that term is thrown around like salt on fries. He put himself where he is by choices he made and things he said.

            1. He sure was. “you are going to backdoor your girlfriend or you are not with us any more”. They ganged up on him. He had no choice but the try to make another alliance..

    2. Karma coming back to bite mr “shake your grove thing on tic toc.” When the LOs were in pain and anguish after being blindsided by the AP, Kyle was literally rotfl at their misery and encouraging Alyssa to continue to twist the knife. I hope he Palomas.

    3. Friendly reminder that while all of Kyle’s alleged racism hinges on Michael and Brits perception and manipulation of supposed facts, it was Taylor who flat out said she wouldn’t be nominating anyone who was a black woman.

      If you’re ok with that than you’ve trivialized racism, congratulations.

        1. Which is fine, because Kyle never said he wouldn’t work with a person of color or vote for them to win.

          Kyle said something about the cookout which was a VERY reasonable concern and not out of the realm of possibility and somehow it’s a indication on who his character is and not one based on fact of something that HAS happened in the game.

          1. Kyle tried to insinuate that their was another cookout Alliance in the house which was a lie. People fail to realize the cookout was formed because their had never been a person of color to win the BB! They wanted to assure that it would happen that season! In fact they have always gotten rid of the people of color first. Kyle is sneaky and only wants to protect his show mance with his 10 seconds self smh.

            1. Kyle did not know. Just like last season when the non-black people did not know. Look what happened to them.

            2. OMG, some of you are so ridiculous! Have you ever heard of Danielle Reyes? She’s a Big Brother player of some repute – some would call her a legend – and yes she’s a POC! She was NOT gotten rid of first, nor have a LOT of other players that were POC been gotten rid of first – that is simply revisionist history with no basis in fact, so stop repeating those lies.

              You may think Kyle was lying about a Cookout 2.0 formation, but the fact is he may have just been concerned about it and/or paranoid about it given that strategy played a HUGE role in determining who won last seasons game. Neither one of those things make him a racist, simply because the strategy was in fact USED last season, and to ignore that fact you would have to be a complete moron, just like the players were last year, when they refused to even consider the fact it WAS being used against them even though the evidence was very clear that it was once they got down to the final 9 and surely by the final 8! They were all so fearful of being called “RACIST”, they refused to call out the people who were actually playing the racist/bias game against them!

              Now this young man goes into the house, gets paranoid about that strategy and asks questions. He even proposes strategy to counter-act what he thinks might be going on (yes, he was wrong, but he didn’t know that) based on what actually happened in the game last season. How the Hell is he a HUGE racist, and all the members of the Cookout aren’t? Spare me the text book definition of racism about power, because in the context of the game, they definitely had power with the 6 of them and their 5 pawns/plus ones, they definitely had control. They used that power and influence to evict non-black players based solely on their skin color, and now they are hero’s, and KKKKyle is the racist? I just don’t see the difference at all.

            3. I think Kyle just felt paranoid. I hear the house does that to people. Only one wins the $$ so not outside the realm of possibility. His alliance, led by No One Else alowed to have outside ties -Joe, had just threatened and turned against him over using the Veto to Joe’s advantage instead of his own.
              I am disappointed with Michael and Britt over their damming characterization of what he said. Seems like they sat on it and used Out Of Game issues to advance their game. Same sh*t came up on S39 in Survivor too. Leaves a very bad taste in the mouth and feels like a punch in the gut.

          2. Oh come on, he was more than just voicing concern. For one, he said something about the POC were coming at him like they were going to jump him (about using veto), basically insinuating they were thugs. (Stereotyping). Michael and Britt are not the ones that have caused the backlash on social media. It started when Kyle was spewing the BS. He has no one to blame but himself.

          1. Kyle isn’t racist at all he was stating facts in his convo with Michael he was saying they have a big Why that pushes them to win and without it they may be screwed. That’s all that was, he just wasn’t thinking he has a big why.

        2. Seriously!? What is the difference!? OMG! How stupid is your argument! If a white person said they weren’t going to nominate another white person because of the color of their skin the place would go crazy!

          1. A white person not wanting to nominate another white person because of their colour isnt the same thing, though.
            Being white = being the majority. White people (I am white) don’t need to protect each other, because we are already protected. We don’t have shared stories based on the colour of our skin the way POC do.
            If a white member of the LGBTQ+ community said they wouldn’t nominate another white member of the LGBTQ+ community, that would be the along the same lines as Taylor not wanting to nominate a black woman.
            If a single mom, even if she was white, refused to nominate another single mom, that would also be along the same lines.
            The above would be examples of not wanting to nominate somebody because of identifying with the story of another person.
            Taylor didn’t want to nominate Jasmine because they share some of the same struggles, parts of the same story, parts of the same history. Their stories just happen to integrate because they are both black women. But, it goes much deeper than just being black.

            1. You’ve got to be kidding! This is deeper than being black? That’s all they talk about! So white people have no story? No struggles? Give me a break.

                1. Sunburn!!!!
                  Get over yourself people are tired of race baiting. Race has lost all impact that you want it to, was way over used and now has lost its original shock value.

              1. That isn’t what I said at all…
                Of course white people have stories and struggles. But, not because of being white. I don’t connect with another white person because of the experience of being white…. Minorities face challenges that only other minorities can understand, whether you choose to believe it or not.

              2. Please share your struggles from being white. Like fearing for your childrens lives if driving or out at night by a crazy cop! Any story where you have been targeted because of your skin color. Denied, feared, threatened on a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly basis.

            2. You do realize that the majority of the cast of THIS big brother are POC right? Not white. White is the majority. Of course this hinges on what one defines as white vs POC in the first place. Regardless, White male Kyle is the minority of the house.

            3. There were only 6 white people cast this season on purpose and yet this issue comes up again and again. Mike and Britt are suspect cause they sat on this info until it benefited Mike, Kyle is renom. This social experiment of BB should have ended last season with the historic Cookout win and the unheard of amount of $1,000.000. BB is overcooked and needs to end in the USA if it causes ruin to someone’s complete life. Kyle nor Turner acted in anyway different to anyone in the house. Turner and his rug shop had all kinds of comments on internet about him and POC. Neither has said or acted in the way the internet says a racist acts

                1. Please name the 9 white people? Yiur answer will
                  She’s light on what is actually wrong with ever defining someone by the color of their skin AT ALL. I will give you a hint. Indy is NOT white by American definitions. But something tells
                  Me you lumped her as such. How about we quit with the racial categories all together. Perhaps then América can move along. Ethnicity and culture make us, race divides us. And half the time the assumption of what “race” someone is, is wrong.

            4. Exactly what racism is..making decisions based on race alone..Taylor is a racist … If Taylor was colorblind and could only see one color , what would her reason be… she doesn’t know anything about Jasmines past…Jasmine could have grown up privileged… you are wrong..Taylor is racist based on her reasoning…

            5. Excellent nuanced analysis of an often misunderstood issue, Manders. I wish I could give it 1000 likes.

              To borrow a term used by a couple of our most appreciated comment posters, I “noped” Kyle last week due to his actions during Dyrefest. I acknowledge that it was game play, but in light of his alliance it showed a true lack of character. I believe he blew up his own game and should be voted out because of it. While I don’t think his previous conversations constitute intentional racism I do think they were racially biased. Between the lack of character and the racially biased behavior there should be no doubt to his eviction and no defense of his actions.

              Having said that, it’s understandable that he’s sad and if any of the other houseguests were to ostracize him I would question their character. I also hope this doesn’t permanently cause him to be vilified. I hope it becomes a valuable learning experience for him.

              Forgiveness needs to be part of the equation if we are to achieve social justice. We can all learn from this situation.

              1. He blew up his game during dyre fest really how so? What was he supposed to do stay loyal to the los and be content with finishing 6th or 7th

              1. Please provide your delinations and criteria as to who does or does not qualify as a POC? Also please provide what “race” say a Mexican, Cajun, Creole, Brazilian, etc. Belong to.

        3. same thing. If a white person said they would not nominate a white woman that would be a problem and I’d take issue with it…just as I did with Taylor’s statement that was repeated and repeated and repeated.

        1. So she’s sexist and not racist. Ok, phew, I was worried for a second that maybe she wasn’t a good person!

      1. Totally agree! It started with Taylor. It is doubtful I will continue to watch the show based on the actions of Michael and Brittany’s recent game play.

    4. Sge won’t make it to the final 2 or 3. Final 2 is gonna be monte and Michael.
      Everyone will be out.
      Don’t feel sorry for Kyle. He is racist and throws ppl under the bus like Terrance.

  2. I won’t believe anything until the Veto ceremony is over tomorrow. I hope Mr. 10 Seconds is put up but we shall see.

  3. Kyle was just pitching to Michael different scenarios and Michael was drooling when he heard about the possible all white guys alliance, he almost creamed in his pants. Michael is a racist not only because he was all in cahoots with that idea which was only one of many that Kyle threw out there. But he is a racist because now that he is telling everyone about that, he fails to mention that he was all in with it. Michael used the race card to his benefit and is a liar and a hypocrite. It is a shame because he belongs to a minority of less than 1 percent and should know how it feels to be maligned because of his status. Everyone should shun Michael and vote him out as first chance they get. He’s a racist and also will win POVs to save his sorry assets. Shame on him.

        1. Truth hurts, doesn’t it???? Because everyone knows Bidet is a pEdo and Kamala-toe is just like your evil hero Michael, a psychopath.

          1. Truer words have never been spoken. Libtards don’t want a discussion or debate, they want to censor opposing views and opinions.

    1. Do your resesearch before you speak i personally watched the feed where kyle more than once insisted on an all white group.

      1. Do you know that Kyle is in an alliance with a person of color?

        Are you aware that Kyle is in MULTIPLE alliances with people of color?

        If Kyle’s all white alliance which doesn’t exist, get you all worked up, what was your thoughts on the cookout and tell us how it marginalized and insulted you. Curious.

      2. I’ve watched the feeds daily and he didn’t do that. And if he did so? The cookout was racist and targeted non black people.

      3. And there lies the problem. Most people who are defending Kyle did NOT see the actual comments he made, nor Michael’s response. I hope and wish someone has captured that (because I have no faith in BB and CBS EVER showing it) to clear up the “racist” perceptions about Kyle.
        I personally felt that and his unjust treatment and blindsiding of Joseph by telling the insiders that Joseph spilled the beans on the LOs was what sealed the deal for me.
        Kyle is not a kid. He is a grown 29 years old. He knew exactly what he was doing and now he has to deal with the consequences.

      1. Ok stupid, the reproductions? Kyle said nothing except questioned if there could be a cookout 2.0, which was actually a possibility because it was actually discussed. That’s it, that’s all. This is so incredibly ignorant.

        1. You’re the person that keeps shouting about Michael being evil. So is this identity politics for you Mooncat? Do you go on social media attacking people because they are not white or they don’t vote the same as you, or they have different religious background? I guess I know who the “vile” or “evil” is coming from. Sadly, you embrace that.

    2. The name of Kyle’s alliance was the Silent Majority. That tells it all. These HG were disgusting. It was not game, it was personal. The hateful personal attacks on Taylor were horrible and that was by black and white HG

        1. she was called a flirt and pageant girl and not a pumpkin spice girl by Jas, Paloma, Am, and Alysis and Indy.

    3. You obviously didn’t see the discussion and how appalled he and Brittany were. But, as usual, your type just spouts out incorrect and Illiterate information which is only believed by similar types. No use for this here. We saw it, read it, and know what was said.

  4. I see Kyle in the house eating by himself, does this mean Alyssa has moved on ?

    Is Kyle going to be the replacement nominee ?

    1. Yeah, she went to Turner for support cause she said she did not want to get caught up in the fallout kyle was getting

  5. For some of us here to accuse M&B of “slandering” K is an overreach. K did all that to himself. Those were his words, seen and heard on TV and in the live feeds. M&B didn’t say anything beforehand because they were in an alliance. But B cared enough to let K know how his words may be misconstrued. Did it stop him? No. He’s been trending online for weeks now, and not in a good way. So M&B disclosing all these to Turner is NOT maligning K. He did all that to himself. What M&B “did” to K he did to Joe so all is fair in the BB House.

    1. Exactly. He was in for a RUDE awakening after the show ended anyways so now he is just getting that treatment a couple weeks earlier.

      Karma is real so I can’t feel that bad for him.

      1. Wait until Kyle goes to the jury house. Joe will be there. Indy and Jasmine have had days to catch up with Joe. And Terrance told Joe it was Kyle who betrayed him and blamed and scapegoated the loyal Joe to all the rest of the alliance. That is why Kyle fell apart – he feels guilty, and he should.

    2. I watched the live feed a few weeks back when Kyle asked Michael and Brittany if they thought there was a cookout this season and should we prepare for it. This could definitely make it seem that he wanted an all white alliance. Michael said to wait and see if there was more proof to support the theory. He had no intention of voting by race because it would look bad. Now M&B are making Kyle’s question as him being racist and they told everyone that narrative. Previous seasons of Big Brother have been an all white alliance because there just wasn’t enough POC in the casting. CBS has done better.

      1. Nobody ever answers this question, it’s been asked many, many times but the accuser never answers.

        1. Yes, as a POC I have repeatedly asked this. I did hear him speak of the Cookout 2.0 and making the Silent Majority. Neither of which do I deem being racist. I don’t think people in this world really know what racism means bc it’s thrown around so much. That’s why no one has answered this question. If I were Kyle I would leave and find a lawyer thb. For years there weren’t enough POC on this show to give us a fair chance. Now that it’s been 50/50 for the past two years, the show is worse. I think the show is done. We live in too fragile of a society for it to continue.

        2. Since Floyd you cant question any poc without being called racist. Thats the new definition. Evidently it stems from 1620.

        3. Do you have the feeds? If yes, you could go back and look for yourself (he’s not know as KKKyle for nothing). If no, you could purchase the feeds.

      2. Explicit words were not used but he made the implications. And Brittany, outside of the game, cared enough for him to point out how his words may be misconstrued.

        A lot of us here called the Cookout being racially biased. I don’t think they are. But they were driven by a goal – to make sure that a black person gets in the end. They wanted to prove something and were able to accomplish it. Let’s not begrudge them of that.

        Words can cut someone down. Let’s be careful in using them.

    3. Michael is the one who deserves to be canceled, and more. Much more! He better get what he deserves when he gets out of the house! I’ve never seen anything so reprehensible in my life! MICHAEL IS EVIL.

      1. It is, after all, a game. People like you strike the tone of Lynch mob. There are real events in the real world going on. Stop your unhinged nonsense.

        1. No, the evil psychopath Michael took this waaaaaay beyond game. HE is the villian here. Kyle is a sheltered child, for God’s sake!

    4. Those weren’t his words though. Michael and Brittany twisted something that was Kyle pointing out facts and scenarios that were rational and made him into a racist. What Michael and Brittany did was disgusting. And no one cares that the white straight guy is being treated badly and lied about.

      1. It’s not just Michael and Brittany taking it that way though. You act like they’re out in left field for reacting that way, when numerous other people heard it and felt the same way (See Twitter). People can have different perceptions which is exactly why you keep those type of thoughts to yourself. The wall yeller called him racist so they’re sitting in the house thinking this is the perception and want to distance themselves. Can’t say I blame them

      2. People seem so willing to jump on the Kyle hate bandwagon and a few see MB for what they are. Because of this, BB needs to be canceled!

        1. Yes! If BB allows an evil attorney to ruin a sheltered child’s life, they need to be canceled. CBS needs to be canceled!

          1. Child??? He’s a 29 year old grown MAN ffs. He may be a sheltered man, but he’s still a man, not a child.

      3. Where is this sympathy for Joseph? He was treated badly, evicted and lied about and I don’t see anyone running to his defense.

  6. So I’ve been offline all weekend,did I miss anything?Oh Ok.Wow.That’s interesting.Hmmm.Alright.I’m gonna avoid the comments since they’re just a reflection of the people writing them.Will he?Renom could be epic.Well everyone can stop complaining about how boring and predictable bb has become.All is fair in bb.Wonder how the episode is going to spin this?

    1. I won’t expect the episode to include any of this debacle. The scripted DR sessions that are broadcast will be tailored for Turner to have some other reason for his renom, if in fact he does use Kyle to fill the chair, ie, “Break up the threat of a showmance”.

  7. Wow, so Alyssa is gaslighting Kyle now ?

    I do remember Kyle saying what he said about the POC, he said it, but I don’t want to see him ostracized, and I’m a POC, he looks really sad and down, all alone.

    I don’t mean this in a bad way, but we all have seen how Kyle is somewhat immature, and he does not really act like a 29 year old man.

    With that being said, I hope they cut him some slack, don’t ostracize him, I’m sure it’s hard enough to deal with something like this, and not have any of your loved ones around, don’t ignore him.

    1. Ok, what do you remember what Kyle said about POC? Was it that he wondered if a POC alliance was forming? That’s what you got? That’s racist? Get out of here with that shit, at least you feel bad for the guy, who did absolutely nothing wrong. It’s obvious that vindictive Mike took what he said the way he wanted, then used it when it was convenient. Mike & Britt have mental psychosis.

      1. Michael is clearly an evil psychopath! Of course, he is an attorney, so what do you expect? Everyone knows attorneys are evil and ruthless.

        Who assassinates someone’s character with vile half truths on national television for a GAME??? I hope his fiance sees the light on his true character and dumps his evil ass! I hope Kyle sues his ass off, too!

        1. oooh girrrrrl !!!you still need to get over yourself. I think your late for your proud boys meeting or is it a MAGA rally.

          1. No, YOU are assassinating Kyle’s character with untruths! What Michael did was a trillion times worse than anything Kyle’s done, and you know it!

        2. Michael has been exposed as a hypocritical racist, best avenue for him to take is the Paloma blvd and self evict for his mental well-being.

          Afterwards he can go on post game interviews and sing like a paloma, perhaps he might find some half-wit to believe him. Michael is a racist lawyer.

    2. I did not like that Kyle turned on the leftovers, a diverse group by the way, first. The cast are always looking for a reason they can vote someone out. Mike and Brit provided it. Mike probably is back doored as soon as he loses a veto. Brit is the perfect goat to take to final 3. Terrence and Alys won’t really win anything. So Taylor and Monte at the end?

  8. the blame joe for his own strategy was poor. people will check notes in jury and it forces dyrefesties to avoid final 2s with brochellas (which i guess was kyle’s whole strategy to keep the house split). i’m also back to thinking turner probably should have thrown this week’s hoh.

  9. I have a theory about why the feeds kept going to We’ll be Right Back but it won’t be confirmed until Wednesday. If I am right they will lose viewers (it involves making a particular agreement with Kyle to get him to stay)

      1. Not sure but it felt last night that if they thought the houseguests were about to mention Kyle’s name/the events that happened, then the feeds automatically went to “We’ll be right back”

  10. I’ve read a few things from people trying to defend Kyle, they’re now trying to say he’s on the spectrum and it’s not his fault blah blah. No. This is 29 year old man-child who grew up in a religious household and has prejudices against poc. That’s it. He needs to grow up and learn he’s wrong

    1. You have demonstrated that you are a person of hate. I’m sorry you feel the need to cut people down to feel better about yourself, I truly feel sorry for you.

      1. If trying to be credible and demonstrate sensitivity, use “I” language (and stop hurling false insults). Maybe you have fallen in like with a TV character; maybe you are deeply triggered by the race discussion. The comment sounds like you’re off as well as butthurt.

      2. I’m not cutting him down. It’s stating facts, he grew up in the Mormon community, which is extremely religious. And he clearly has prejudices against poc.

        1. He clearly has nothing of the sort. Kind of sounds familiar labeling someone from where they come from. Just Sayin’ sounds to me like you are a racist.

    2. He didn’t say anything racist!!!!!!!!! He literally was just pointing out facts and Michael and Brittany took that to make up lies and twist what was actually said!

    3. Exactly… He may have not ment it as a racist statement but it was taken as that by a lot of viewers. He’ll have time to reflect sitting in the jury house.. Nope I don’t like Kyle and it has nothing to do with his comments..

  11. If turner puts Kyle up, he’s not just ending Kyle’s game but his own game will end the week after, it will be a terrible move by turner.

    1. agree, he’s pretty much made his bed with kyle. it sucks but i don’t see any path to victory outside of being super loyal to afterparty for turner.

    2. turner acts on what the last person he talked to , talks him into doing. He’s not a strong player socially. But has won 2 hoh, so not a floater

  12. To be honest I wanted monte on the block and potentially going home.. his flip flopping is insane and he’s a low key floater. He goes wherever the power resides. And can’t even win any competition..

  13. The black people in the house are loving it. It’s a really sick and sad situation. Alyssa could care less and is only interested in followers, as well as all the other females except maybe Brittney, who just follows. It was all manipulated by Michael in his mental woke mind that it was racist, when in fact any normal, decent person who isn’t blinded by hate can see it wasn’t, not even close. His lap dog went along with it. This shows you a snippet of everything that is wrong with the world, puts it under a microscope and blows it up for everyone to see. Big Brother needs to wrap it up, it has run its course.

    1. I agree, the social experiment of BB is done, Over cooked. Show should have ended last season with the historic win of the Cookout and the unheard of $1,000,000 prize. Did you see how Derek acted on The Challenge? Wow, that’s a role model

      1. Historic …lets rig the show to give poc a win season…..Production gave them the win by having comps. that fit their strengths , telling players what to do in their DR meetings etc. They had to be given a scripted win could never have done it on their own.

    2. When did anyone call him a racist? They said he wanted to create an all white alliance, which he did and was warned more than once that the optics of saying that could follow him in the real world. Anyone blaming Michael, seems pretty childish. None of the minority players were doing anything to make him think they were they were trying to recreate last year’s alliance. Yet he said they bullying him by being aggressive and loud. He’s dang near 30 and acts 12. He has to own what he said. Michael didn’t do anything that America wasn’t already aware of. Negative stuff about Kyle has been trending for 3 weeks straight. As have been people who watch the feeds complaining that the TV edit was protecting Kyle.

  14. Thinking back, has Taylor ever did anything to get her off the block or has it always been others that just voted the other person out? For Turners game, he needs Taylor gone and keep Kyle as the biggest target in the house. Taylor is already talking about Turner/Terr or Turner/Alyssa.

    1. nope. taylor’s been nothing but a pawn all season. she has no game. and thus everyone sitting next to her looks more dangerous and gets voted out.

  15. Tylor is so lucky. she is getting saved, yet again, not due to her actions. But others who are saving her without her being involved.

  16. Kyle was jubilant every time he stabbed someone he was working with in the back. His comeuppance was inevitable. Having said that, the vitriol he is receiving is over the top and not warranted. His life should be ruined because of a reality tv show? This season of BB has turned into a shit show. Can anyone really be having fun watching how this is going down?

    1. The ACTUAL racists are having fun watching Kyle’s downfall for something he’s not even guilty of. Thats the kind of people they are. They get off on ruining an innocent kid’s life. Smh…

  17. I’m backing away from what up to now was a very good season.

    I can never bear to see someone ostracized. Kyle did screw up but in no way was there malice. He does not deserve to fall so precipitously now.

    Kyle had very much wanted to avoid a showmance, which is why his behavior was so erratic for a while regarding Alyssa. He did not have the impulse control to just stay away from her and carry through with his LO alliance.

    So he then was in too deep with her and decided to flip the switch and be her protector.

    Of course bc she feels betrayed by Kyle’s lies, she is now deserting him. Yet the lies are not the core of her alienation, as she was willing to continue with him up until the racism revelations. Her relationship needs are very superficial and now that Kyle is in a very bad light, she is separating herself from him.

    He screwed up his game for a flighty girl, but the alliance also added to that. Once he clearly had feelings for her, they should not have pressured him to use the veto to get her on the block. That was bad play on their part and led to the implosion of the LOs.

    I’m going to watch this week for any major shifts or drama, but once Kyle is gone I am out.

    I know, fan threats, haha. I’m just expressing I really cannot bring myself to watch these people anymore.

    Michael really sickens me. Taylor is such a flip flop or either really vulnerable or really cocky drunk with power and loving the stab. Brit was genuinely offended by Kyle’s comments but she clumsily contributed to this scenario. Dumb ass Terrance does not seem to realize that this turn is not helping him, as he is back to being picked off.

    I could tolerate a Turner win but really can’t watch the rest of them. Maybe Monte as well but he really did not play a good game, he just got lucky with his loyalty and he gets way too self righteous.

    1. I think Michael sickens everyone with a modicum of self worth. His racist tactics of bringing up the race card and placing all the blame on Kyle when he was all in on an all white alliance that Kyle was not even serious about. If it hadn’t been for production at a DR session warning Michael that exposing himself as a racist wasn’t a good idea, Michael would’ve gone ahead with the plan and started his white knights club.

      1. I’m not about to commiserate with someone who has your political orientations.

        Kyle was absolutely inappropriate with his comments. He started out grazing the racism line but then landed squarely there.

        That being said, the extent of the consequences here do not fit the behavior.

  18. I don’t understand how all of the houseguests are falling for Michael making Kyle’s comments into a racist accusation. Your telling me not one of them has ever made a comment about a person’s race or a racial subject. So is everyone racist? They are doing exactly what Michael wants and if Turner puts up Kyle and they vote him out they are not only playing right into Michael’s plan but they are all hypocrites. Everyone of them have lied or said or done something behind someone else’s back in there. If I was Kyle I wouldn’t want to be associated with these disgusting people. He should leave and see what his legal options are against CBS. Michael is going to pick these idiots off one by one. So proud of how Alyssa is standing by Kyle wonder which guy she will now latch herself to.

    1. i’m particularly surprised by turner. this is exactly why you need to eliminate michael and failing to do that one of his allies. turner went from a really comfortable position in the house to having an uphill battle moving forward all by not throwing the hoh comp.

    2. Because Michael made it racist and Turner doesn’t want any part of that and how would someone make that up. I just wish Turner would think about it and still put Kyle up but see that Michael and Brit only did this for their game and not because of morals. Michael said he was going to get Kyle on the block and this is how he did it. Why didnt Michael and Brit say something to Turner before the vote, why did they wait until after the POV. That’s where I would be questioning why now are you bringing this to me, hmm could it be you are working with both Brit and Taylor and after I told you Taylor was my target?? I wont be surprised if Taylor, Monte or Terrance make it to final 2, they win, they at least will get Kyle’s vote considering the situation.

  19. Kyle has overplayed this game and fought tooth and nail to save his showmance when he was previously the top of the LO/pound town alliance. Had he cut Alyssa weeks ago he could have continued to fade into the background and ride LOs whule putting pressure on everyone to be wary of Joseph/Taylor as the new showmance and letting Michael make his target bigger from winning comps. But instead he chose the harder road to save Alyssa who is just one vote, can’t win comps, and had the intelligence of a rotting peanut.

    1. I think it’s already started to wane on here. Michael’s rating has gone from a very high 3 to a high 2.

      1. It’s interesting Kyle’s number is on the rise while Michael’s is going down.

    2. What love? Brittany is currently one of the 2 that people have considered taking to the end because they are sure that they can beat them and Michael is a comp beast that is able to avoid the Eviction chair so far so it may be more admiration for Michael. The Twitter fickle idiots have occasionally tried to lump Michael in with Kyle’s annoying behavior which is false except for when he wanted to rev up Kyle’s idiotic paranoia. I am sure things will be left of the Wednesday edit that explains amongst other thingsBrittany’s crying when the feeds briefly came back yesterday. It seemed to me that when the feed operators thought that the houseguests were about to talk about Kyle or the unseen incident the feeds automatically went to “We’ll be right back”

  20. Planning to Avoid Prior Successful Game Strategies is NOT Racist
    Don’t know the man (you don’t either) other than game and romantic strategies he has acted upon. The House has constant discussions of prior series’ successful (or not) strategies, and how they would be combatted. The Cookout was a game strategy, regardless of what bigger purposes there was for its formation. Ignoring the question of if the Cookout was a racist strategy, it was very successful, and, like all successful strategies, the players have an obligation to their own right of being in the game, to consider ALL prior successful strategies, and plan an approach to counteract the potential implementation of those prior successful strategies to detriment of the players’ games. Non-POC HG’s did NOT implement the game strategy the Cookout used – if they had “struck first” with a similar strategy, it, for good reason, would be viewed as racist.
    But since that strategy has successfully been used, it is stupid to think that non-POC HG’s have no right to consider if that particular game strategy can be used again, to the detriment of their game. If you believe they do not have that right, the resultant logic is that POC’s that do NOT link up are stupid, as no one could challenge them without being racist. Not a world (game) I want to live (play) in.

    Not saying he’s a racist, not saying he isn’t. Sayin’ his bringing up the possibility to others whose games would also suffer if implemented is NOT racist. It has been used as a past successful strategy and therefore a plan to counteract can be legitimately considered.

    1. Don’t go there with bringing a reasonable position into this thread. That way of doing things has not mattered since 2020!

  21. I don’t think Kyle is racist and he is dumb if he stays quite, he should call a house meeting and clear the air!! It makes sense for him to think there could be another cookout forming and who the cookout targeted? Any one that did not belong in their group. So he just brought that up and I need this would happened after the cookout did last year!!

    1. In the midst of the wacky feeds there was at least an agreement for Kyle to be put on the block as the replacement nominee. Beyond that I couldn’t say definitively

  22. Kyle also said “As a straight, white male” to Brittany. She frantically shushed him. I think Kyle was incensed that Joe & Taylor got on him to vote out his lover. Michael caught the race and sexuality undertones (Kyle has foot-in-mouth). When they knew Kyle/Turner betrayed the alliance, Michael used his comp-winning prowess, then took revenge for himself. The real world of N. America has lost ground and degraded in race-relations, and the 24/7 scrutiny that we are all involved in, so apparently much is riding on the contestants. Quite the social experiment.

  23. Looks like Kyle is gone? Don’t see him anywhere and everyone is super quiet and weirded out this morning. Wish they did not block feeds so we could see honestly what went on.

  24. can they stop making this about race? evict taylor, don’t they see michael and brittany are trying to save her a$$??

  25. I did not want to watch Big Brother this season after Cook Out last season.
    I broke down and decided to watch since I had from season one.
    Now I am sorry.
    The entire Jasmine and her ankle was a joke.
    Taylor not wanting to vote a woman of color. So what is her strategy?
    Now twisting Kyle’s meaning of his words by Michael.
    Now TURNER MUST CHANGE HIS TARGET BECAUSE he will be ostracized by association.
    Alyssa will be as well because of association.
    Big brother not my escape anymore.

  26. I know we’re pretty talked out about this topic, but some thoughts from my side. (Disclaimer: i’m a POC, so some things I might mention you might not see as big of a deal, whereas to me, they are.)

    First, the fears about the alliance. People keep asking for proof to back up what was said. It’s very easy to look at the words that have been used to say “that’s not what he meant” or “you’re making a mountain out of a molehill.” Using the term “silent majority” is one of those phrases that seem harmless to some and inflammatory to others. As much as we can rehash and rehash our own reactions to that term, there are some people who will never seem the harm and others who will always shudder at those words. The same thing goes for the adjectives Kyle has used to talk about some of the houseguests — aggressive, loud, equating a discussion as being “jumped,” etc. Again, some people will never see the harm in those words, and others, mainly POC such as myself, who are just tired that even when we are extremely gentle or non-confrontational that those words are so quickly used to describe us. When they are used in cases that are not true, people who hear those descriptors see us in a negative light that no matter what we do can ever undo that perception of us. The key takeaway that I find troubling is that even after Brittany and Michael explained the optics of how the discussion might look to others, Kyle was still talking about this suspected alliance without having substantial proof.

    Now, for the other stuff… when you look at the number of things Kyle has said and done, again, it’s easy for people who don’t want to see it to dismiss it or excuse it away, but Kyle has made a number of other questionable comments (i.e., mocking Turner’s clothes comparing him to a “Philippines rice farmer,” mocking Indy’s accent, making a “Juan on Juan” “job” during checkers, making comments about him and Alyssa representing the picture of the typical American couple, and quite a bit more) that when you add everything up, it’s tough to look at any one comment as an isolated incident and instead looks much worse when you add everything up. We might be able to look at this and say that he’s not very conscious of the harm behind what he’s saying, and that’s fair. But it is also important that regardless of that, he needs to be more informed about how those words and actions matter. [If you want to watch the clips, I’m not going to do that work for you. It’s all out there and has been uploaded multiple times on social media.]

    Now, I do agree that Michael and Brittany waiting for this moment to reveal everything is something I don’t agree with. I don’t buy that they didn’t want to rock the boat at the time. If something happens that sounds red flags on your moral code, you discuss it then and there, as difficult as that kind of conversation can be. There are diplomatic ways of getting things across. I do think Brittany tried to do more to try to get Kyle to understand the impact of what he was saying, but if they had intervened earlier, it could have had different implications on some of the recent evictions. I think it’s tough for a lot of people to face those kinds of conversations, so I understand there is going to be some hesitancy for some. But if you’re not going to speak up when it matters — when it happens — then you don’t get a cookie when you bring it up at a time when there’s a benefit to you as a result.

  27. So production steered that narrative. So favorite Taylor was saved and an alliance of which ( we can not name ) will in fact control the show.

    1. is taylor a production favorite? she’s has a fanbase outside the show. but inside i think their darling is kyle. his edit has been very kind. taylor’s not so much.

  28. Michael has been the strongest player, against all odds from the beginning, when an all boy alliance was forming that Michael knew he was being being left out. It was then and there that he knew the formidable odds that he would be up against. And subsequently, with focus, calm, intellect and athleticism, he has moved through this game and managed to avoid eviction. It has been the best BB viewing watching him do this. Will he win? I hope so, but probably not because often the best players do not. Someone earlier said to write the check to Taylor and close it down! I could see her winning just by floating along and seemingly not being a threat.

    Kyle OTOH showed his true weasel colors when he, without hesitation, slithered over to Terrance and threw his alliance under the bus. All respect lost then and there.

    When his stupid all white alliance proposal became illuminated, a deeper level of snake was exposed. If this had somehow taken of, BB would have become ugly and cringeworthy beyond description. Definitely not watchable.

    I would like Michael to win, but thinking of Hayden and Janelle and others with these comp skills, I don’t think he will. But maybe..

  29. I’m honestly getting tired of this whole race issue we have today. Not one person is or should be considered above any other person for any reason connected to race. I don’t find it a race issue if the first person voted off the show is a POC, but people of color do. I don’t find it a race issue if the hoh doesn’t want to put up a person of the same race, but people of color do. Do you see a pattern? What i do see as racist is the BLM movement. Of course black lives matter, ALL LIVES of every single race on this planet matter. Singling out one race in and of itself is racist.(see dictionary) I totally understand how POC feel about white people but they also have to understand that not one single white person that lived during civil war times is still alive. White people were the first slaves on the planet but they are not sulking about it like POC are. Saying you feel you need reparations or compensation for what your ancestors went through is ridiculousness. Every POC that’s put in the position of police brutality were out and about and up to no good at the time they were pulled over, so why are y’all acting like they’re an innocent life? I have never heard any other person in the world say “is it because I’m _________!(whatever race they might be) After getting pulled over by the police and being asked do you know why i pulled you over? Racism is a very serious issue but it is being pushed to the brink by only one race blaming another one. It’s not right, accually it’s racist!

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