Topaz and Alec make up and Gary “Hey AJ everybody poos.. own up to the poo AJ”

POV Holder: Emmett Next POV March 30th
POV Used No POV Ceremony March 25th
HOH Winner: Alec Next HOH: March 28th
Original Nominations: Aj & Suzette
Current Nominations: Aj & Suzette
Last Evicted Houseguest Tom & Liza
Have Nots No Havenots this week


12:10AM Backyard Andrew, Gary, Talla and AJ

They are chatting about the relationship problems that Topaz and Alec are having. Talla says that he really likes her and now she’s not giving it back and he’s freaking out.

They start chatting about plastic surgery. Gary says he wants Rhinoplasty AJ says that “Sh1t” is really expensive. Gary is distraught because he had a d!ck slip he says he’s now wearing two pairs of underwear.

Andrew and Aj tell him there is no way they will notice that. Talla: “Where did it fall out of.. your pants.. how did it fall out of your pants”
Gary in a pouty voice: “It’s long”
Andrew: “Is it long?.. is it really long?.. Its long”
Talla: “I can’t believe you said that so casually”
Andrew is laughing his ass off, “It’s long.. hahaha it’s long hahaha”
AJ: “Oh what a problem it is.. I’m so sorry for you”

Gary just wants to keep talking about his plastic surgery dreams.


12:30AM Alec and Topaz HOH room

Alec talking about his iPod and the recent rift that has formed between them

Alec: “I thought you were going to say you need some space.. if you need a day or something”
Alec: “I’m really choked that my iPod is gone.. I’m not blaming you at all it’s a random rule.. I get sh12t on a lot for things other people do.. I don’t think I took it out on you but I think I could have been a bit more understanding.. You were more concerned about your anger for them than your compassion for me”

Topaz: “I was angry because I felt bad”
Alec: “You shouldn’t have felt bad it wasn’t your fault”
They both agree that production was trying to cause Drama.
Alec: “I was sad that my Ipod was taken away.. “
Alec says he really doesn’t have anyone to talk to in the house other than Topaz. Topaz asks what about Peter. Alec claims that he only talks about video games and such with Peter.

Topaz: ‘I’m sorry i can be b!tchy sometimes”

Alec: “I just want to be able to talk to you.. I had a feeling like we were separated.. it felt bad”
(They are back to the kissing)

Topaz: “I do want to sleep with you tonight”
Alec:”I want you to”


12:45am kitchen Gary, Andrew and Jillian Gary asks Jillian if she’s heard about his “Slip” Andrew: “Apparently it’s Long” Gary starts digging through the cupboards looking for a “Juicer”. He doesn’t find one but instead finds a Cuisinart food processor. All three of them struggle to get the thing put together. Andrew suggests the instruction manual. Gary: “Black people don;’t use instruction manuals” Andrew starts reading the manual “It has a powershaft.. that is intimidating”


1:00AM HOH Talla, Alec and Topaz Talla barges in she has to go pee and Peter is still in the downstairs toilet. She takes a peak under the covers because she thinks they’re naked having s$x. Everyone laughs.


1:12AM Kitchen..Talla, Jilliana and Gary and other random houseguests coming in and out

They finally figure it out and Gary starts cutting up fruit for the food processor. Gary says when he has kids he’ll get fruits and veggies in them by mixing it up in a food processor, “i know they will have a sweet tooth like me”

AJ comes in and complains that the hallway/bathroom smells like poo Aj had used it but so had Andrew and he thinks it was Andrew that made it stink
Gary: ‘Hey Aj.. everybody poos”
AJ: ‘Exactly thank you Gary”
Gary: “But you were just trying to blame it on Andrew.. own up to the poo”
AJ starts singing “Everybody poos.. sometimes everybody poos”

Everyone starts heading to bed leaving Gary and Suzette in the kitchen. Gary still is preparing his fruit smoothie.

1:40pm Kitchen Gary, Topaz and Suzette Gary gets to try his smoothie, It’s a hit.


Gary tells Topaz about his talk with Andrew where Andrew was saying he didn’t want to Emmett out. Gary: “Deep down he wants him to go” Topaz agrees. Gary doubts Andrew will put Emmett up. Gary is confident that he’s good with everybody in the house because he puts in the work (Boy is he in for a surprise.. pretty much the entire house is targeting him)

They head into the living room where Gary says he’s sure Andrew is gay.
Gary: “He’s gay.. I don’t care what he’s saying.. Every time he tells me a different story about him kissing another man”
Gary says he told me a story about when he was in Germany and french kiss some dude

Topaz: “He’s definitely Bi.. if you took him up to the HOH he would come running”
Gary wouldn’t even want Andrew but he knows he could have him if he did. They mention something about Andrew being super nervous because he knows his mother is watching. The feed cut..

Their Boot list is Suzette, Andrew, AJ, Talla, Jillian, Emmett. After some thought they decide it’ll be good to keep Andrew around to take out Jillian and Emmett. Gary doesn’t want Talla around for too long.


Gary’s points out his balls to Topaz.. feeds cut.

(Movie Uploading)

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12 thoughts to “Topaz and Alec make up and Gary “Hey AJ everybody poos.. own up to the poo AJ””

    1. Yeah I don’t understand why he doesn’t just slap Topaz, then try to evict Peter. Men shouldn’t take sh*t from anyone! I think Alec should have put Emmett and Topaz on the block this week, then back-doored Peter. It just makes sense for his game to make a big move like that. Suzette and AJ for the WIN!!!!


  1. This Alec guy is a true pro at this…..I mean Topaz doesn’t trust him, but he’s got her believing and everyone else in the house that he is weak. This drama today was all planned so that it will be a SHOCKER next week when gary and topaz are put up on the block!

    1. Alec actually likes Topaz (he seemed to have been more phased by the drama than she was)
      I also highly doubt the fact that he will let her go on the block before Talla.
      At the end of the day, Alec was just being a big baby b/c of you can tell he is not used to being and relationships and has never
      experienced the “silent treatment” before, LOL

  2. I like how everyone is starting to think of Andrew as a “hit man” they can use. (Except I don’t think they can. He’ll do what’s right for his game.)

  3. I still like Alec – the way he approached the convo with Topaz re their fight was mature. He’s such a whiner though, and she can be so stubborn and rude. But they still know how to play this game!! This couplemance + Emmet FTW.

  4. Welcome to Alec’s ding-a-ling show,
    rockin’ the sweatpants co-mann-do
    as Topaz loses the cuddlemance glow,
    walkin’ the wild side. Go Alec go.
    And the nerdy girls sing:
    doot, do-doot,do-doot,
    do-do-do-doot, do-doot, do-doot

    Now the facesucker is HOH,
    gonna find out that power’s a bitch,
    when your alliances start to switch,
    walkin’ the wild side, Peter’s been snitched.
    And the nerdy girls sing:
    etc. etc. etc.

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