Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Jasmine
Nominees: POOCH and Taylor
POV Players: POOCH, Jasmine, Taylor, Ameerah, Terrance, Michael (Host Daniel)
POV Winner: Michael
Veto Ceremony: Veto was not used
Havenots: Terrance, Nicole, Pooch, Daniel
Lock your ranks in before midnight
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10:03pm – 10:55pm Havenot room – Nicole and Daniel.
Nicole – we busted Pooch in a lie. Daniel – what happened? Nicole – last night when Alyssa and all them left.. well before that when the girls stayed behind and the guys left and that is why Taylor said that she wanted to make out with you or whatever.. but everyone is aware of this so they leave.. so I am the only one in the room with Jas doing her hair Pooch comes in and says Ahhh.. Taylor just tried to make out with me and we were like what and he was like yeah. He said she came up behind me and asked what cologne are you wearing and would you ever make out with any one in the house? So I don’t doubt that was true but then he said I just don’t like her aggressive personality. She just about made Alyssa cry. Now Alyssa is Jasmine’s like number 1. So Jasmine was like wait what? What do you mean? So then we made Brittany go down stairs and check on her and she was apparently okay. Then Ameerah comes up and we’re like hey can you go check on Alyssa because she seems like something is wrong but Pooch isn’t saying anything and I am like weird .. whatever. Fast forward to today.. I brought up Pooch saying Alyssa was upset and Ameerah said she was with Alyssa at the time and she was not crying. She was annoyed being around Taylor. He was trying to make it seem like Taylor made Alyssa cry.
Terrance joins them. Terrance – she (Taylor) wants your boy (Daniel) bad! Bad, BAD! Nicole – bad, bad, bad! Like she is like I was I was a havenot this week. She would be cuddling up next to you keeping you warm. Daniel – she told me that down there. Nicole – yeah because she is for real! Daniel – Ugh WOOF! Nicole – he was like you ready of the latest!? Taylor wants to F**K! Daniel – at least it makes sense now but I am not trying to do all that. Nicole – no you better not. I would be so mad at you. Daniel – dude that would ruin everything. Nicole – that would ruin everything. Daniel – I doubled down down there.. I was like in October we’re all going to get drunk.. I am going to be saying things I probably shouldn’t just to give her something to hold onto. Terrance – I even walked up to her and told her she needs to chill out.
11pm Kitchen – The house guests are sitting around chatting.

12:15am – 1am HOH room. Ameerah and Jasmine.
Ameerah – that is her (Brittany) cover up. The sweet, innocent. Jasmine – if y’all want to get rid of her we will get rid of her. Ameerah – we’ve got to get a guy to get rid of her. We need a guy to put her up. I don’t even trust her as a number. Like oh we have the numbers .. I don’t trust her. Jasmine – Damn .. she better not play with me because I could hurt her feelings. Ameerah – something is not right there. Ameerah – as a matter a fact, I am not talking around her anymore. I don’t trust her. Jasmine – then she is going to know something is up. Ameerah – Y’all can but I’m out of the room. Jasmine – I am not going to mess up my game either.. sh*t! I am not HOH next week so I don’t have to say sh*t. Ameerah – watch her be HOH and put two girls on the block. That would be f**king sick. Jasmine – I don’t think she would. Ameerah – that would f**k up her game because we would gun for her. Jasmine – that is the same way Alyssa feels about Indy. Ameerah – I don’t trust Indy either. Jasmine – I don’t know if she got this thing for Monte or whatever. Ameerah – she is trying to work with Kyle and Joseph. Jasmine – you think so? Ameerah nods yes. Jasmine – like behind our back? Ameerah – yes! I really think so. Jasmine – it could be a ploy. Ameerah – the girls that I don’t trust right now are Indy, Brittany. Jasmine – that’s it. Ameerah – that’s it, I was going to says Taylor but she’s not in the group. I don’t trust her (Brittany). I don’t. She is not giving us any intel. What intel is she giving you? Jasmine – she will talk about the votes but she will not give an info like I heard Joseph and.. Ameerah – no she does not tell us any intel… she gives intel to other people! Jasmine – you think so? Ameerah – she did with Pooch! Luckily Pooch didn’t realize she was telling the truth. Jasmine – I can’t believe I am about to get a guy out of the house this week. Ameerah – yeah I think she needs to go on the block. I am not going to tell a girl to put her up but I am definitely going to tell Taylor that. She just has to go. She is on my hit list.
1am Bumper Pool..
1:20am Bathroom. Ameerah and Joe
Ameerah – are you going for the HOH next week? Joe – probably. Ameerah – yeah me too. Joe – yeah, as you should. I think the next HOH will show.. Ameerah – it will show the most game play. Joe – and if there is any week to have immunity it would be that week. Like from a friend advice standpoint. Regardless of sending people home. I don’t have targets so me thinking about HOH .. its not about the targets it people will start showing their cards in terms of their targets and I would rather have immunity when that happens. Ameerah – same, I’m scared.
1:30pm – 1:50am Outside the HOH room. Turner, Monte, Michael, Kyle and Pooch. They’re talking about BB22 All Stars. Michael – the reason all stars was sh*tty was because it was pre-gamed. Like alliances were formed before they got in there. They continue to talk about other past seasons.
I don’t think Dan the Man has to worry about Taylor. Sure, she seems hot for him, but there’s one thing she’s ignoring….that big cock blocker named Nicole. No way is Nicole going to let Dan do anything with anyone. Especially Taylor who doesn’t know she’s still on the way out. If not this week, then next week.
So if the girls do manage to send Pooch home and then Taylor does win HOH, DantheMan might have to swallow his pride along with his WOOF when he’s being directed by Nicole to lay around in the big bed upstairs with Tay.
Am I wrong or isn’t it like watching the Monte and Nicole show? They seem to be the two most dominant people in the house.
Friday can’t come fast enough. If Pooch gets evicted, oh well. Personally, I’d rather see Taylor go even though it would be fun to see her wage war on the boys. Just something about the girl that has rubbed me the wrong way since the very beginning.
Taylor is not going home. In fact, it seems like the house is starting to warm up to her instead of the unfair “she rubs me the wrong way” which is a baseless insult. It’s a lot of people in the house that should rub you the wrong way. lol
And what does he mean by “woof?” He should be so lucky! lol
Woof on both their parts
Broke Elvis with a bad hairline versus Ms.Michigan USA? I am 100% certain Taylor can do better than beta male Daniel. lol
That’s funny! Mean but funny. Thanks
Seven woman alliance lasted just longer than the hangover?
Britt: did it to herself. what good is the information gatherer that only gives away your information and brings nothing to you? Her selling point to the women was she’s observant and can gather info. She’s yet to do that for the women, she just gives their info to the men.
Indy: Women were going to exclude her again and again anyway. Her targets? Gee tell everyone you don’t want to piss off alpha males. But then, when she suggesteed alpha names, a woman was always saying nooooooo, you caaaa-aaan’t, I liiiiiiii-ke him.
Taylor: not a member. At this point for no damn reason except the pageant bullshit Ameerah and Jasmine have as a bias.
As Ameerah goes back to being her best Regina George… Jasmine is still trying to make fetch a thing, and Alyssa is wishing Kyle would help her check the weather.
How does rat floating work? You gather information and take it to those in power every week, controlling the flow of info in the house. How does Britt do it? takes the info from those in power and robin hoods it to whoever she deems weak and outsider… getting caught every time.
I could be way off base but, I sort of think it is inadvertently going to pay dividends for Britt at least in the short term.
This feeling is based on how this week has played out. Before feeds went black she was only behind Taylor as the primary target but when they returned she was suddenly not even an option. We assume that was partially based on TPTB telling the hamsters she won America’s vote.
But the more compelling reason is how the men are reacting to Pooch leaving this week plus who each side’s priority boots/targets are.
Monte in particular is clearly unhappy his dictatorial position in the house, let alone in his main alliance has diminished. In every convo that didn’t include a female, there was a commonality focused on the women aligning and that being a concern.
The most telling of those chats occurred with Joe & Kyle:
Monte: ‘They’ll be damned if we win HoH next week.’
Joe: ‘Everyone is like “go for Indy, Brittany”. No! Nicole literally looked at me and said I’m a savage“.
Monte: ‘Thank you for that information’
In the same conversation, they note Ameerah & Nicole are the masterminds & would need to be the ones targeted. Of course, this comes up with Joe b/c Monte and Kyle needs him (or Turner) to win HOH in order to take that shot b/c they can’t due to PP (at least not w/o getting major blood on their hands – – although if Monte won & put Taylor up & she won POV it wouldn’t shock me if he put Nicole up as the re-nom).
Kyle’s chats with Michael are also telling as is his openness to suddenly work with Brittany in a sub-alliance in order to make sure the women don’t get control.
Ameerah, Nicole & Jasmine all want Brittany cut (and Indy) prior to jury BUT their immediate priority is to take out Turner b/c Amee/Nic know they’ll be his target. What they don’t realize (YET) is Joe would also likely take that shot or that Monte will be pushing that agenda. The ladies could find out about this if any of the guys exposes that plan to Terrance who’ll undoubtedly tell Daniel and/or Nicole.
The men believe Terrance is with them & likely won’t know any different this week since the plan is for Daniel to tell Monte (with Terrance in the room) on eviction day the vote has flipped with Ter feigning shock. Monte & Kyle are also hinting about pulling in Indy and/or Britt as votes on their side.
The potential pairs twist will likely dramatically affect who gets targeted next week. I’m already assuming TPTB will put them all in female/male duos which sucks b/c it might postpone this gender war.
Monte (& Kyle) still don’t want to win HOH but will try this time especially if Taylor or a female is poised to win. Without knowing about the impending twist they would target Taylor. To be honest, I’m not sure if Joe/Tucker won if Taylor would still be the priority over Amee/Nic/Jasmine which means Brit at best is fifth in line with the men.
If Nic/Amee (or Daniel) won ‘they say’ Tucker/Taylor would be the noms but both Dan/Nic would aim to back-door Monte. I believe Nic would take the shot – but given his first cowardly HOH I’m not confident Dan would. Indy indicated her goal would be to take out an alpha but her initial noms would be Terrance/Taylor to the chagrin of the women. Nic tried to convince her not to put up two of their side together but Indy wouldn’t budge.
Nic/Amee has the best shot from the females of winning HOH and given their objective of gaining the female majority Britt finds herself well down their pecking order too, although she’ll be more vulnerable if Amee wins HOH in the next two or three weeks.
Obviously, a lot depends on who wins/exits next week but my guess is the more the women complain about her the more likely it is she’ll be safe with the men plus Taylor (and possibly Indy).
Suffice to say, if this power struggle & gender war wasn’t happening Britt would definitely be a priority boot but I think she might skate by at least three more weeks. We’ll see.
What I’m seeing as Britt’s problem (outside her sloppiness):
Ameerah. She was always going to be once they got comfortable with this weeks plan and needed to think ahead. Ameerah has Jasmine and Alyssa turned, has told Joseph not to trust Britt.
So… strategically what is the subtext? Why is Ameerah taking aim at Britt?
Ameerah doesn’t want them to actually make the move on her POS Posse men? Well she does have that final 2 promise from Monte… he’s made a few final 3 and 2 promises now.
Ameerah is hedging. If a man wins, she’s trying to put out the get Britt out narrative because she’s the outlier in the girls and has been since the girls got together (even before Britt got caught spilling names the first time).
Nicole doens’t like Britt in the game, but won’t make a move against her, or push. Ameerah will push.
Do I think it’s going to work? Joe is a bit of a follower. So he’ll be influenced.
Alyssa and Jasmine? Of course they’ll hate on another woman. Law of three when it comes to women’s alliance dynamic in big brother.
As long as the guys think Britt is on the outside of the main circle though? They might not target Britt. However, never say never. A weaker man or a man trying to make peace with his female allies might just figure Britt is the easy pickins to take the majority away from the women because enough of them dislike her.
Terrance would put up Britt *say it was as a pawn to appease both sides, he doesn’t like her.
I’m not sure if I heard Monte correctly earlier.
He seemed put off that the women didn’t put up 2 women this week. Where did that come from? When was the plan ever 2 women on the block this week? He made this as part of his case for why all 7 men have to vote to keep Pooch, so they can put 2 women up next week.
Michael, says Monte, is being lied to in order to get him to go against the men, and Monte won’t stand for it.
Did i hear correctly?
Yeah today wasn’t good for her with both Nic/Daniel going in hard on her (without evidence or reason).
I know she messed up but they overlooked Pal’s lies, Monte’s obvious lies, Jasmine’s constant lies but give zero leeway to Brit. YES she talks too much but I think this might go beyond what you cite. I think there is concern from Nic/Dan/Amee that Michael/Britt could be dangerous if she’s good in mental comps.
Breaking them up means Michael (as far as they know) would be alone & therefore a stray person whose proven to be loyal & competitive to pull for their own use.
As for the Kyle/Michael/Britt trio, I do buy it (perhaps I’m gullible) but Kyle has said out loud to Mike that he wants one of the ladies to take out Monte. They also made a F2 deal (I’m sure Kyle also has one with Pooch from Day 1 & Monte from a few days later). The thing is I find Kyle more intense in his chats with Monte pushing the bro’s bros & more at ease with Michael. AND the trio of Ally/Kyle/Mike seem to really enjoy hanging out & were as you pointed out in concert with being annoyed they weren’t consulted about Nicole.
Kyle has CLOCKED Nicole & Jasmine (& Ameerah) as priority issues so a Turner/Joe HOH will result in him pointing them in that direction. The ladies might use Brit as a pawn but tbh I think the only ones who would do it are Mean Elvis & the Cruel Chef (or Terrance who I doubt will win – but I also said that about Jas).
Again, I could be wrong but I think Mike/Kyle would try to get Monte to help keep Brit off the block if possible. Monte will target Taylor & Mike will point out that if they put Brit OTB beside her the mean girls plus Dan/Terrance could vote to keep Tay. If Kyle wins I see a backdoor situation either targeting Nicole or cutting her off at the knees by taking out Daniel.
On the latter, Mike confirmed today that Dan (& Terrance) were ALWAYS voting out Pooch. Mike shared that he told Dan ‘you’ll be safe next week’ & Dan’s response was ‘thank-you’ not yeah you’re safe too. It raised red flags for Kyle.
NOTE: I might also be guilty of really disliking certain hamsters – namely Mean Elvis & the Cruel Chef plus that fake hobbled liar in the HOH & the 2022 version of Pig Pen so just want to see some of the more tolerable people align (better feeds when you aren’t repelled by the hamster you know?).
Given the names i’ve been calling them tonight… yeah, i know. lol.
I’ve actually had to go back and edit out my more nasty thoughts and words, and be nicer about my nicknames. Even still… I think I’m going to sound a bit vitriolic in my disdain.
The gender war is really fake as there really is no gender war. The girls in the guys agree on nothing except they want to take out members of their own sex. It really is just a gender war in everybody’s minds that doesn’t really exist because these people couldn’t work together if the world were ending in my opinion.
Seems like they HGs are making a mistake sending Pooch home this week.
So many missed opportunities.
The girls are really gonna have to hurry if they wanna “Screw the Pooch.”
Pooch really screwed himself by volunteering to go on the block.
The eviction show…. might be moved to SUNDAY NOW.
Feeds down… from THURS…until SUNDAY????
I swear i was joking when I compared it to BBCAN….. but here we are.
Wish they would wait until a bit deeper into the season. We just started I’m no where near burnt out yet
Don’t worry, trying to figure out the besties twist situation, who got nom’d, and who won veto for the first few hours feeds are back should help????
They are going to lose ratings with stunts like this.
Ok, just read and based on comments previously on here they are going by the BBCAN playbook. Obviously the feeds will be down unless they have intentional leaks to show viewers. Reminder that this could have been the case with last Thursday if the hearing hadn’t been delayed and the audience could have had a reset as well as the Houseguests (lol)
Alyssa and Kyle talk dating experiences.
His are… um… wholesome and sorta boring sounding… like hanging out with his sister.
Hers are…. um…. like one time at bandcamp in a seedy motel, or a conjugal visit trailer.
Oh great pick there for showmance Grod.
Kyle is scared of showmancing. Don’t worry, Ameerah will help… by pushing Alyssa that Kyle wants to showmance.
The guys find out Taylor wants to put on a drag show a la bbcan9.
Terrance: absolutely not.
Monte: yeah, no, won’t be doing that. the stupid goggles almost popped off his head.
Joe: i’ll do it, it will be a chance to talk game.
The reactions are pretty telling on why they excluded kittyshirt from the men’s tribe until they wanted his vote this week. oh no… if Michael does it and his pageant name is Miss Kitty Litter….
Nicole’s HOHITIS by proxy. She’s really feeling herself about her power… oh the fall from grace is going to be epic.
Ameerah? She will throw Every woman at the men (and probably throw the scooter one rode in on) as human shields… while screaming girl power.
The women think they need to spend more time with the boys because their feelings are hurt that nobody is asking them to open jars and take out the garbage. I simplify and exaggerate, but… the issue that women aren’t just nodding their head and following what the guys say… that IS the issue for a couple of the men (coughcough MONTE).
Go back to his day 3 discussion with Kyle. They’d already evicted all the women (except for one maybe as the Victoria), and were now deciding what order the men leave.
So when feeds return after the Sunday show… (yes, it is being questioned how long feeds will be down, i’m being worst case devil’s advocate)
Besties twist will be going on, noms and veto comp will be done.
Catch up is going to be a bitch.
This is what happens when your last episode placed lower than family feud.
Why is everyone saying they will be put in pairs as the new twist?Where is this info coming from?
In an interview last week, Julie spoiled a new pairs or besties twist was coming.
Please note the following update to the BIG BROTHER air schedule:
As previously announced, CBS News coverage of the House select committee’s public hearings on Jan. 6 will be broadcast Thursday, July 21(8:00-10:00 PM, ET) during the original time period for BIG BROTHER.
Thursday’s weekly eviction episode of BIG BROTHER will now move to a special two-hour episode Sunday, July 24 (8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT).
What a shit show this season has been…
-First week- with a terrible twist that wasn’t going to allow the HG’s to vote out a player, then a player self evicted and the eviction canceled…
-Second week- the live eviction show is moved to sunday…
-Third week- the feeds possibly being down all week end, so we can’t see the new HoH or the noms, we miss ALL that gameplay and this “Big Twist” to further ruin the game…
The first month of the game is an absolute Shit Show
With Jasmine telling people it would be shameful to nominate her while she’s injured… you just know she’s going to milk it forever.
It’s now productions fault btw. She wasn’t warned how dangerous these comps were.
Since nobody has offered to dress her, she isn’t changing her clothes until her injury is better.
She made a big deal about wanting Nicole, the have not, to make her breakfast because nobody was going to make it right.
Me: Same thing I said with Arbor Day in 19… if you can’t compete in the comps, you shouldn’t be there.
Also me: get up off your lazy ass and have a shower, change your clothes and go make yourself your own breakfast, you’re an adult… and btw drop the fake added twang you keep adding, everybody has heard your real voice.
Turner looks like hippie with those big glasses
I have no idea if any of this is accurate, anyone got the facts?
Brittany was a background guest on real world las vegas (2011), was also a bit part player on Gossip Girl (most likely somewhere between 2010 and 2012), and launched her own bathing suit line before becoming a hypnotherapist.
Any of that true?
The guys are STILL going on like they didn’t create a men’s only alliance last week… while trying to gather the men they left out. They act like it’s new that there is a gender based alliance… while trying to remember which men were invited into the men’s only group a week ago.
Monte doesn’t give a shit about Pooch staying. He just wants to be the one making the decisions for everyone. He decided Taylor had to go last week, he created the false narrative that was used as justification, and doesn’t give a crap whose name comes out of Pooch’s mouth (even Monte’s apparently).
OPINION AND ASSESSMENT: Monte and alliances.
He isn’t learning.
He didn’t want Terrance or Michael in the men’s alliance, and only wanted Daniel because Daniel was week one HOH.
He jumped in on the Mamba’s because it gave Kyle and Monte control of 3 women, and they could keep riding with the men, use the women to knock out the men, then knock out their women.
What bothered Michael, Kyle and Alyssa? Monte and Ameerah decided Nicole was Paloma’s replacement, didn’t ask them or get input, just did it.
What bothered Nicole about becoming the new Paloma? She’s being pulled into a pre-existing alliance, so obviously she’s bottom of the pole.
What bothered the POS pack? Four agreed Pooch goes. Monte wouldn’t back his alliance’s majority decision. He wanted to vote with his side alliance instead. He argued with 2 alliance women that they wouldn’t do what was best for his game, and did not like that they didn’t cave.
What does Monte want now? To pull in the men excluded from the Men’s group for over a week, and tell them they should vote with the men’s alliance they weren’t invited to join because they are men…. but they only need them for this vote.
See the problems in the learning curve? His insistence is actually what is pushing the decision away from his goal. He keeps saying Taylor is after him, but Pooch names everyone so…. Why should anyone care then, if they have Taylor going after Monte, and nobody knows WHO Pooch is after, isn’t keeping Taylor better for everyone else?
Beyond that:
Michael and Brittany are giving Kyle way too much in the new Outsiders alliance. He isn’t giving them anything, and they are giving him infodumps. One proviso: Kyle said Monte and Joseph are aiming at the core of Ameerah, Jasmine, Indy and Alyssa with their targeting.
I’m not sure if i like this alliance. I don’t know the actual motivation for it’s creation to judge if it’s real or fake. I hate not being able to tell.
Oh Goooood. It’s Joe’s turn to talk to Britt and Michael.
Keeping Pooch is uniformity, we should all go for uniformity.
We can build alliances later if Pooch stays….
If Pooch goes… alliances already exist. Uhm. Oy headdesk Vey.
*he told Britt last night he isn’t with Pooch, they’re just friends. Britt should keep Pooch…. who already sold her out once…. oh.
Jasmine: i slept in my parents bed until i was 17.
Me: please tell me she doesn’t have younger siblings.
Ameerah: Jasmine has a black belt in martial arts.
Me: knock off versace is not a martial art.
I think Daniel is trying to preemptively blame Britt for the rogue vote Daniel wants to throw.
The women already told him not to throw a rogue vote when he and Nic brought it up.
So now he’s coming up with Britt will throw the rogue vote. She must be aligned with Pooch.
Now Britt has to go next week no matter who is HOH.
Raise your hand if you didn’t see Daniel trying to play middle. Put your hand down.
Admittedly, Britt’s sloppy play makes this easy.
Let’s get real. Britt has been on the outside of the girls since the girls formed the alliance night one. Her sloppiness just made it easier.
With Nicole saying they should have replaced Taylor with Britt on the block… hey Nicole, Michael had veto. Not Nicole. eyeroll. Her decent from her powertrip is going to be wonderful to watch.