Taylor – “I have no problem playing around with Indy and Terrance and their lives in the game.” **updated**

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household:  Taylor
POV Players:
POV Winner:
Veto Ceremony:

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The Situation

Taylor is telling the girls Monte is her target and she’s looking at a backdoor. The real plan is for her to nominate Indy and Terrance. Terrance is the target but the door is open for Indy to be evicted if she “POOCHES” herself. Alyssa could also be in danger but it’s more remote than Indy Terrance at this point. Jasmine is safe.

The twist

Wording from the Thursday night show
For the first time ever the game will completely change as the house splits into two groups. These two groups will have no interaction and in a Big Brother first two completely separate games of Big Brother will play out simultaneously all week long all of it culminating with a double eviction like no other”

12:33 am Taylor gets her HOH room.

1:03 am Taylor and Terrance
Terrance – just to see G all the sh1t you’ve been through.. This is what it’s for just like your mom says ‘DO NOT dim your light’
Terrance – stay who you are and move how you want to move. This is your game. PERIOD
Taylor – there’s a lot of people in this house that are expendable to me.. because I’ve been fighting for my life this entire time. I’m not involved in any deeply.. like.. it’s all handshakes like ‘I got you’
Taylor – I’ve been a number for many people.
Terrance – whatever you feel whatever you want to do I have no allegiance other than with y’all. However, you move I support you 10000%
Taylor – do you find there is a target that the majority of house would want to see out this week?
Terrance – I don’t know because everyone was so gung-ho initially on that but accepted Daniel.. Michael did say he would be on board this week.. I don’t know (Monte)
Terrance points out that there’s showmance in the house “A lot of things that will hurt the longevity of the game”
Terrance – take your shots and just.. you know let me know what you want me to do.

1:10 am Taylor and Indy
Indy – we need to think together. We need to count numbers and everything else.
Taylor – there are 5 girls.. I want to get a temperature overall.. I have an idea who people want out. I have to figure out how to backdoor.
Taylor – he’s already won two comps basically. HOH. He’s a big strong guy but he’s also very smart I don’t want to give him the opportunity to run away with this.
Taylor – do you know anybody that would be comfortable being the pawn?
Taylor – NO, I would prefer to put up two guys
Indy – you can ask Kyle
Taylor – maybe
Indy – Maybe Turner, he’s been good at competitions and he knows he’s not a target
Taylor says she and Turner don’t talk game. “he’s kinda just here I don’t see him close to anybody”

Taylor tells her a girl won’t be going home on her HOH. “Monte is number one on my target list”

1:23 am Alyssa and Taylor
Taylor says she doesn’t want to put up two girls and pawns and she isn’t looking to put up Kyle and Alyssa.
Taylor – I’m not worried about Monte we have the power to get rid of him.
Taylor – I’m not going to put you on the front line especially if you feel vulnerable.
Alyssa goes on about how if she goes up she’s worried she’ll be evicted.
Taylor – you are fine you are not touching it I’m not putting Kyle up. I may have to ask how he feels about being a pawn. I’ve been on the block two weeks in a row I don’t want to do that to someone else.
Taylor – it’s a sexless a$$ house and I’m not going to get rid of the two people that will do it.
Alyssa – Thank you I appreciate that.

1:34 am Jasmine and Taylor
Jasmine going on about why she put Taylor up in her HOH. She was safe all along “I didn’t think you were going away.. there was no way”
Jasmine – there were two targets last week one is gone I would think the other would be the target this week. That is who I would think. I can’t see why that person wouldn’t be the target anymore.
Taylor talks about last week she wanted Daniel out “I have my target we can go after Monte at any point I need to get him out of the house. I’m going for this one and you can fall in line if you want”
Taylor – now that it’s done this is an easy week for me I know who my target is (implying MOnte)
Jasmine – the house already decided it last week.. you would be good with everybody. That is the move I would make.
Taylor – When it comes to pawns.. obviously it has to be a backdoor. Do I put up two guys that want to put up a fight and win the veto? or two guys I’m more like MEH whatever.
Taylor says she’s thinking of Turner and Terrance as pawns.
Jasmine – if you have Monte and Terrance together, Terrance is going home If you have Monte and Turner together
Taylor – Monte is going home
Jasmine – you sure?
Taylor – yeah
Jasmine – I’ve never talked to anybody about turner
Jasmine says Monte is one of the people she cannot read.
Taylor grabs a cider out of the freezer. They hug. Jasmine goes to get Brittany.


“pink robe.. pink pink robe”

1:58 am Taylor and Brittany
Taylor points the cider away and grabs a kombucha.
Taylor says Jasmine, Indy, and Alyssa are all about girl power. They want her to target Monte.
Brittany – they are so mad you won. I understand why you don’t want to target Jasmine it just irks me she doesn’t give you that same respect.
Brittany – when they say girls girls girls it is so fake.
Brittany thinks Jasmine would target Taylor if she won HOH.
Taylor – I would love to put two guys up and send a guy out anyways.
Taylor – I told them the truth I told them I’m putting up two pawns which are men. Either two powerhouses I know will win so I can backdoor Monte or two whatever’s
Taylor – I told Alyssa I would not put up Kyle and Alyssa as a showmance together.. I told Alyssa I wouldn’t put her up as a pawn.

Turner and Monte join them..
“I told Joe and Kyle if they fell they were safe.. of course, they are safe.. apparently Kyle didn’t hear me say that and Kyle told Alyssa .. I fell and I didn’t make a deal”
Taylor says her style is not to take out a showmance “I call this a sexless a$$ hour I’m not going to get rid of the one couple that will have sex anyways.. they are fine”
Taylor says they wall Monte gone “You are public enemy number one”
Taylor – none of the girls will be touching the block this week which is fine. It’s going to be two guys as pawns and you (monte) as the backdoor but I am not going to backdoor you
Monte – copy that.. I appreciate that
Taylor says the girls think they have the numbers to get Monte “All the girls and Michael”
Taylor – I would love to nix Jasmine this week but you all heard what I said earlier
Monte – we respect that
Taylor – I made that promise to Indy and Alyssa.
Taylor doesn’t want to break her word this early in the game.
Taylor – it will likely be you and Terrance that are nominated I need to have a guy that is not Michael, Joe, Kyle or You. That leaves you and Terrance
Turner – what would you do if Terrance won the veto? He won’t but what if he did

Taylor – maybe I put you two up and play the card Monte I’m not afraid of a challenge.
Turner – what if someone else in the house won and they didn’t use it?
Brittnay – this is a lot harder now that we don’t have festie bestie and the insulation
Taylor says she’s telling the other side MOnte is her backdoor target.
Turner – would you consider Indy and Alyssa.. that side of the house implodes on itself. The week following that side is enemies. It won’t be four more like 2 and 2. They will fight and campaign against each other we will have less of a threat next week because that alliance will not be an alliance at all.
Taylor says she could have been given information that allows her to go back on what she told Indy and Alyssa.
Brittnay says as a friend of Taylor it’s hard for her to see the girls tell Taylor one thing and then say another thing behind her back.

Turner – two of them on the block will split up that four into two twos and it will benefit us for weeks to come.
Brittnay says Alyssa is already primed for that she was asking “how to I distance myself from Indy and Jasmine”
Turner – I really don’t want to be on the block.
Brittnay – Terrance was second in OTEV, Indy lasted on the wall we can’t get complacent with them winning veto. We don’t know what it is could be luck related.

Taylor – I have no problem playing around with Indy and Terrance and their lives in the game.
Turner – that’s fire
Taylor – I don’t want to put you (Turner) in jeopardy
Taylor – who would have thought I would protect more buys than girls but here we are.
Turner, Brittany, and Monte leave.

Michael joins Taylor.
Taylor says she made some stupid promises to Indy, Jasmine and Alyssa that she’ll have to go back on now.
Taylor – No girl is a target this week.. which is true no girl is the ultimate target this week I am gunning for Terrance. It’s going to be really hard but I have to do it.
Taylor – I told Joe and Kyle before they fell they are safe with me. I didn’t have to say it out loud. For appearances. I told Alyssa that Kyle and Alyssa were not going up because I want somebody to f*** in this house
Taylor – I told jasmine I’m not putting her up and sending her home on her birthday week. I’m not evicting a black woman I’m not doing it. Sucks because she’s given me a million reasons why I should but here I am.
Taylor – Makes sense for Indy and Terrance to go up this week
Michael – yeah
Taylor – it will suck if Terrance wins..
Michael – did you give Terrance a head up?
Taylor – no.. he said whatever you want.. I don’t think he’ll like it. Apparently, I’m his day one
Taylor says Terrance is her target and “Indy is not going to be easy this week”

Michael points out that Indy showed them how she could win an HOH “She’s rising in threat level”
Taylor has reasons to take Indy or Jasmine out. ‘My only concern is if Terrance wins the power of veto then I will have to put up another one of the girls which is not all I want to do there is an option to put up a leftover but I don’t want a leftover up on eviction night”
Michael – what do you think of Kyle and Joe’s double agent thing? do you think it’s necessary?
Taylor says there’s no need for double agents now that festie bestie is over.
Taylor – Indy can be mad she’s going on the block.. whatever.
Michael- turner said we’ve been in the HOH for a month now.. (sigh)
they laugh
Taylor says she would normally want Jasmine out right now but she has “too much of a heart” to do it on her birthday.
Taylor – the guillotine will fall on Terrance’s neck.
Taylor – you and Brittnay are my priority
Taylor says she will have to figure out what she’ll tell indy and Terrance. She may say something like new information came to light.
Michael – hopefully she keeps her cool and doesn’t POOCH herself
Taylor – if she POOCHES herself that is a target out of the house
Michael – I don’t see anyone other than Terrance pulling Terrance down

Kyle joins her.
Taylor – “You didn’t hear me that you were fine when you jumped off the wall”
Kyle – I did. I wanted you to win but I didn’t want to throw anything. I feel comfortable with you winning.
Kyle – I was dying I couldn’t do it. Once Indy left I was sleek OKay pressure’s off.
Taylor says she Won’t evict a “black woman. it’s not my game not now”
Taylor says she promised the girls none of them will bar targets this week and she promised Alyssa she won’t be a pawn. She was thinking of Turner and Terrance but Brittnay, Monte, and Turner and they pointed out if Terrance wins HOH she’ll have to put a girl up.
Taylor – it’s looking like it will be Terrance and Indy nominated
Taylor says indy is going to be upset “It is what it is.. the best option”
Kyle – I’m fine with that. Is there any way I and Joe can leverage our relationships to lessen the blow.. Joe especially.
Kyle – I really like Alyssa but I’m in this alliance to the end.
Kyle says Joe is more all in with the girls girls “I’m more of a fly on the wall”

They hug.
Taylor – I adore you
Kyle – I’m so excited for you
They head downstairs.

3:17 am Taylor opens her cider

3:19 am Joe and Taylor
They hug. Joe says he doesn’t care what she does this week as long as it’s the 7 to the end.
Taylor – I’m thinking Indy and Terrance. Terrance as the target
Joe – Terrance goes home after that
Taylor – to jury
Joe – to jury.
Joe points out how fake jasmine was in the HOH,
Joe – they full-blown told me to sleep up here and get out of you what out of you. you need to give me something to go back to them with
Monte joins them.
Joe – out of the three Indy would make the best pawn
Taylor – I’m not putting jasmine up no matter how much shit she still talks about me to this day I’m just not doing it.
Joe – I can respect that.
Joe says that side is going to blow up once they go up. “The alliance is going to blow up they will say Kyle and I are in it too. If one of them win the veto they will start to put Ideas in your head”
Brittany joins them.
Joe says the girls think Monte and Taylor are working together. They are watching everyone he gets to see “hall monitor” in real-time (hall monitor is what they call Indy)
JOe says Jasmine told him her ankle boot comes off next week “her foot is basically back”
Turner joins them.

Joe – you have to give me something because I’m supposed to be sleeping up here getting information ..
Taylor – You little slut OHH MY GOD. They are whoring the f** out
Joe – they were like go up there spend the night.
Joe points out it’s amazing they would think he as a person would be capable to do that. Says what if I was really in an alliance with them “Do you really think I would go up there and Sleep with the girl just to hear what her move is”
Joe – they want names. They want proof you are not working with Monte. They are watching Brittany.
Joe tells them the alliance with the girls is called “The fly swatters plus Terrance” When Indy and Terrance hit the block and veto isn’t play they will blow that sh1t up.
Brittany says Alyssa is distancing herself from Alyssa and Indy
Taylor – do you believe that?
Britany – yes I do

Brittany doesn’t think there will a big explosion unless Jasmine is part of the nominations “I know you aren’t putting her up know that isn’t an option”
Joe – I don’t think you should put her up it’s her birthday BUT Jasmine would be the one to explode she holds the most secrets she runs the show.
Joe – Kyle is in our Alliance and they were begging me to save Daniel. 24 hours before the vote they are BEGGING me. It’s absolutely wild they don’t give a f*** about Terance the alliance is literally called the fly swatters plus Terrance.
Monte – what do you think about and Indy and Alyssa
Taylor – f** my morales.. I need to Jasmine to blow the f** up and if it’s going to be Jasmine and Alyssa so be it
Brittany – the only reason jasmine will blow up is if she thinks she’s in danger. She will not go to bat with either of those girls
Joe – we just get Jasmine up there to YELP we use the veto and pull her down then we put Alyssa up and do the final smash that alliance will explode.

Kyle joins them.
Joe tells Kyle if Taylor puts up Jasmine they Taylor will have to tell them the two of them sold out the fly swatters
Kyle – that is not ideal..
Kyle says Joe has Jasmine fooled
Brittnay again stresses the only way to get Jasmine to blow up is to put her on the block.
Joe – I don’t think we forcibly blow up leftovers.. right now leftovers don’t exist because Kyle and I are in an alliance with them.

Joe says the girls are “Thinking of recruiting Turner now”
Monte doesn’t see that much value in keeping the alliance such a secret. Points out it’s like a train coming down on them and it’s too late for the girls to step out of the way.

Joe – who do they want you to put up Taylor
Monte – my black a$$ who do you think?
Kyle is saying he’s trying to ease out of that group he’s been dropping the seeds with Alyssa that Terrance never talks game to him, jasmine is a jerk and INdy is rude to him.
Kyle stresses the only reason he was in the fly swatters is in the event they had won the HOH he could keep Monte safe.
Monte – the longer you guys stay in it the worst it’s going to be when it blows up
Taylor – you got to pull out
(Joe losses jury votes if the fly-swatters blows up without considerable damage control)
Joe – Indy, and Taylor that will cause a full ripple throughout the house.


Alyssa enters the HOH Joe jumps on the HOH bed.

4:24 am Jasmine joins them.. Chit chat

4:48 am Alyssa and Jasmine leave.
Joe had fallen asleep after they leave he wakes up ‘F*** I hate when they hall monitor”
Taylor – Initially I’m going for Indy and Terrance. Whatever happens with the veto if one of them takes themselves down put up another one of the girls Go back on my word I have a reason to go after all of them. becuase people in the house could have told me all the things they said about me.. Whatever.
Taylor – I have a reason to go after all of them.
Turner – imagine Jassmine is up and Indy is up. They are both trying to campaign to their best friend Alyssa.. That could be a big fight.. Indy and Alyssa could also be a huge fight
Brittnay – I could see Indy not wanting to campaign because it’s toxic bad energy
They talk about how Jasmine asks people to do things for her all the time. She asked Alyssa to make her a sandwich and then asked Turner to deliver it.
Turner – first thing she said is why is it so smooshed.. I don’t know I didn’t make it.
Taylor – there is a million reasons to evict her this week a million
Joe – not on her birthday
Michael – I’m sorry she used her birthday to guilt me last week she does not get to guilt two weeks of safety out of the birthday like there’s other reasons to keep her safe but I don’t give a f** about the birthday
Taylor – you are not the ones doing it.
Michael – there are people that have been evicted on their birthday
Taylor- she shared her birthday with her father who passed away.

5:30 am Joe giving shoutouts for everyone’s grandma. List them off.. Kyle’s Grandma Pat, Taylor’s Grandma betty, Michael’s Rita, Terrance’s Grandmas Anne.Grandma Mildred.


5:43 am zzzz

8:23 am Zzzzz
9:35 am Wake up
Kyle comments last night he had the best sleep since being in the house.

44 thoughts to “Taylor – “I have no problem playing around with Indy and Terrance and their lives in the game.” **updated**”

  1. First of all I’m glad the nominees seem to be Ignorant Indy and The Couch 2.0. He is a fake ass useless old man and she is just a conniving hater.

    I’m going to predict Terrance goes so this week should be pretty uneventful.

    The twist for the HOHs the week after Taylor’s reign is going to be crazy though!

    It’s really interesting because it is like Final 5 is at the Final 10 and that is when people should be taking out the big threats to win.

    So say one half of the house is Kyle, Alyssa, Taylor, Monte, and Joseph.

    Who goes home?

    Sadly it seems that Taylor will be ineligible for HOH as outgoing HOH so whatever side she ends up on that should mean they have a 1 in 4 chance of becoming HOH.

    In my scenario it will really depend on who wins HOH (and Veto) of course.

    I would be shocked if Kyle or Alyssa puts up one another even if Veto is used.

    For instance if Kyle wins HOH he would nominate say Monte/Joseph leaving the girls safe until they play the Veto. If the Veto was won by Kyle or Alyssa the nominations would no doubt stay the same with Monte probably being the target. Of course if a nominee wins it then they will use it and Taylor would have to go up since Kyle is in love with Alyssa and wouldn’t put her up imo.

    The only exception would be if the person not on the block wins Veto and takes off one of the nominees. So if Taylor won the Veto and used it on Joseph then Alyssa would be the only person left over that could be nominated.

    She and Joseph could then save Monte by voting out Alyssa on Kyle’s HOH or decide that Monte is the bigger threat and vote him out. If it was a tie then Kyle would break it which would be intense.

    Monte/Joseph would probably follow the same path that Kyle/Alyssa would since they are so close. Alyssa would be the target.

    If the above 5 are grouped together that would leave Michael, Brittany, Turner, JasMEAN, and Ignorant Indy as the other five.

    I’d be shocked if Michael didn’t win HOH and or Veto but depending on the competition who knows. I’d be simarily shocked if the HOH and or Veto were won by JasMEAN or Ignorant Indy but crazier things have happened. If for some reason Michael or Brittney wins neither the HOH/Veto and he hits the block with Brittany by his side he is going home most likely!

    I wonder if Turner would take the shot? He loves big moves and getting out Michael would be the biggest of the season.

    I really like this twist but it is very nerve-racking because I don’t want to lose players that deserve to win and that I personally like… I could see two big time players going home and useless players like JasMEAN and Ignorant Indy skating by even if they don’t win HOH/Veto during this twist week.

    Like seriously imagine if Terrance goes on Taylor’s HOH then this twist takes out Monte and Michael the following week!

    Not that the girls are playing girls strong but if they wanted to they could. I mean they would have the numbers advantage for sure in the house at that point (5-3). Although to be fair the girls left are not that strong and the three left over men in this scenario would be Turner, Kyle, and Joseph. Going into the following week’s HOH two people would be ineligible to win and depending on who the previous two HOH’s were that could heavily determine the outcome.

    Of course this twist could be a dud overall by not shaking up the house much. It very well could still see two of the non Leftover players going home or 1 Leftover and 1 non Leftover.

    The smartest strongest players are in the Leftovers though so I could see some Leftovers turning on the alliance to target certain members in the alliance.

    I seriously can’t wait. The whole no communication thing sounds hard to implement but we’ll see!

    1. i’d prefer terrance and jasmine as noms. indy and alyssa have proven themselves completely useless in comps. jasmine may not be a physical threat (even if she wasn’t “injured”), but she seems more likely to win mental comps than indy and alyssa, at least to me, while terrance’s 2nd place otev finish definitely puts him higher on the threat level list than alyssa or indy. but taylor really can’t go wrong with any of those four.

    2. I believe I said this somewhere else but here I go again. Since BB is changing the game next week, basically a reset, it is possible that Taylor might be allowed to participate in HOH comp. Just a thought. I’m sure TPTB are flexible with their manipulation.

    3. What if all 5 players are leftovers only. Lol they still have to eliminate one of there own. That could be interesting

    4. I think Taylor will be able to compete because technically it’s 2 hoh so it wouldn’t be fair because on double eviction she coyldnt play first one but would be allowed to play in the second one

    Jasmine has joined the HOH party.
    So Alyssa and Jasmine are there.
    Michael has joined.
    Jasmine. Note: she is doing everything in her power to not look at Taylor and Joseph on that HOH bed. It’s… something considering the angles of the seating.
    After they leave Alyssa looks shook.
    Michael reveals that Jasmine already used her birthday with him last week… how long does she get to keep pulling the birthday card?
    The general house becoming Jasmine’s servants thing is out of the bag. Yup, she does expect catering, and everyone in the house allowed the behavior, and went along with it.
    Turner wants to see the mess and chaos of Jasmine and Indy on the block together. LMAO.
    Joe has said that he and Kyle will leave the swatters tomorrow. Believe it when I see it.
    Okay. I’m going to tap out at this point.

    The night has gone from Pound being full of themselves to Taylor going pregame plan and telling her male alliance mates to pretty much eat cake to Taylor having to be talked back to game over real world principle, to target definition, to everyone telling Joseph and Kyle the free ride jury pandering is over.

    We’re back to Terrance and Indy anyway. So… the group meeting was fun but didn’t really do much, that’s where she was in her first talk with Michael hours ago.

    1. they’ll either split the house in two somehow or potentially the jury house is set up to have them live there temporarily (1st jury member would be sequestered elsewhere).

  3. I WANT TURNER TO WIN he is playing the game internally. He observes everything.
    Jasmine will be taken to the end, because everyone can beat her. Its sickening but true. She should have been eliminated by producers and CBS.
    I’m sorry, I am now not liking Taylor. Did she really need to eat those chips on livevTV? Overkill with those damm chips.
    I miss the early seasons of big brother. Now too scripted.
    Have a good day!

      1. Just one reason. I liked her, now not do much.
        I want Turner, Monte, Joseph and Michael to be final 4. Only ones really playing.
        Just my opinion.

      2. The chip thing was probably something TPTB pushed. They saw her eating chips all of the time so they had her do it in the DR and created the montage, like muffingate. What else were they going to spend the episode time? Did you think they would show what a true a$$hole Terrence is or just how b!tchy and mean little miss country bumpkin is? Hatefull Indy?

        What about Turner and Britt’s injury. I guess they didn’t milk it enough.

        Sorry, I’m just ranting. I would have liked to see Julie press EE a little harder. but I’m sure the real world will take care of that.

      1. Yeah, I thought it was like a joke actually towards JasMEAN. She is either always eating and/or talking about food. So why not make a little bit of fun at her expense by showing her nemesis portraying her shoveling food in her mouth while constantly talking about the food?
        I got it.
        Now I am doubting myself.
        Do I have it wrong?
        I would never presume to tell someone that they look like food
        JasMEAN is so over the top ridiculous that she’s just asking to be the butt of jokes.

  4. When the 2 groups happen…Here’s hoping Taylor gets put with Michael, Brittany alyssa and Jas then jas goes home. Kyle, monte, indy, joe and turner indy goes home
    Then….the gloves come off.

    1. There’s a lot of confusion as to how this will work. There’s a rumor that they were going to have an inside group and an outside group but Production was afraid of outside influences like banners

  5. For the first time ever the game will completely change as the house splits into two groups. These two groups will have no interaction and in a Big Brother first two completely separate games of Big Brother will play out simultaneously all week long all of it culminating with a double eviction like no other”

    How is this going to work for Taylor’s HOH? How are they going to keep them separated? How are they going to choose the teams?

    1. Taylor’s HOH will not be impacted THIS ^^^^ starts next Thursday.

      It’s unclear how the teams will be decided. It could be:

      • pulling names out of a bag
      • TPTB stating – “in a random draw” (meaning they picked the teams)
      • As outgoing HOH Taylor could pick two names from the bag as the first players on each side & then they alternate picking the next player.

      In that final scenario it would look something like Monte & Joe’s names are pulled by Taylor then Monte picks Indy & Joe picks Jasmine (so each side will have a non-LO member) then Indy & Jas select next.

      It sounds like the HOH, nominations, POV, POV ceremony will all occur independent of the other side & then come together on Thursday for eviction.

      The details are unknown at this stage such as (to your point) how they keep the two sides separate. There is only one kitchen & one HOH room so unless they are confined to upstairs/downstairs & are given kitchen hours (or 5 are taken to a different studio) I’m not sure how they ‘completely separate’ them so they can’t interact.

      Also – HOW will they handle eviction night? Will they vote separately? (only 2 people voting per side?) or will everyone who is safe vote for both sides? (which would still only be 4 people voting). If the latter, consider the fact they can’t interact all week but then suddenly you discover who is on the block Thursday & have to decide on the spot? That’s why it seems more likely they just have 2 voters & HOH decides in a tie b/c there wouldn’t be an opportunity for the nominees to campaign cross sides if they can’t interact.

      1. inside/outside works. the outside group would be “camping” and would probably get given a porto-potty and barbecue grill for cooking.

        hoh placement could also determine where houseguests end up (don’t know what that’d mean for taylor), with players either picking their spot as they fall or being assigned based on placement.

      2. The interesting part is that it isn’t only for Thursday but for the whole following week. Only 1 person going home Thursday and two the following week

    2. Simon and Dawg…
      You should file a complaint or something.
      TPTB just doubled your work load. Not fair!
      We know that wouldn’t do anything. Guess I’ll just donate again.
      Appreciate all of your hard work.
      Money coming your way…Thanks!!!

  6. Taylor please put up Jasmine and Terrance . If one comes down Indy. They would all put you up and they talk crap about you all the time. They need to go.

  7. “I told Alyssa that Kyle and Alyssa were not going up because I want somebody to f*** in this house” Does Taylor really think a showmance is essential to BB or is this production talking?

    1. That’s all Alyssa and Kyle talk about. She is probably just telling Alyssa what she thinks she wants to hear.

  8. No big surprise, but I’m confused and wondering if someone can clairify:

    After the eviction this week, the house will be split into two “houses” with five members each. Then, each house will have an HOH comp. So, will Taylor will playing in the comp, even though she’s the HOH this week? If she doesn’t play, the four house guests in her “house” would have an unfair advantage (or disadvantage). I’m probably just overthinking this. . .

  9. Taylor is starting to lose me as a fan. “I can’t and won’t put up a black woman.” Then maybe BB is not the game for you. Didn’t dayvonne and tiffany say same thing. SMDH

    1. the show is ruined that day made a race narrative motivating the cookout and taylor it is a mistake that three years in arrow the AFP will be a houseguest that blantantly made game moves on race the show has encouraged it

  10. This is a great HoH for Taylor.
    I think the smartest choice is Indy and Terrance, but Indy should be her target.
    I don’t think Indy would ever vote for Taylor in Jury, but I do think that keep Kyle and Alyssa safe is good work to get in Alyssa’s good graces as is keeping Jasmine safe on her Bday week. Taylor should build some trust with both girls and set Indy as her primary target (so she leaves Joseph alone + can maintain a relationship with Alyssa and Jasmine).
    I don’t see Terrance gunning for Taylor though I easily see Indy putting her OTB.
    Let’s go with the layss Taylor!!

  11. I am sooo sick of Terrence!!! If he doesn’t agree with the moves that have been made so far then he should have WON something and played the game HE wanted to play! He is literally whining because no one made the moves HE wanted them to make.
    No one told him to jump from a Yacht to a sinking ship with holes in it! He is just too old to be this dense. UNBELIEVABLE!!!!

  12. Taylor tells Indy she might be the pawn.
    Indy pulls Alyssa and Jasmine to talk to Taylor… to tell Taylor she has to prove herself to them.
    Taylor to Alyssa, so Indy sent you?
    Alyssa: yeah.
    Taylor to Jasmine, so Indy sent you?
    Jasmine: who? what? sent me? oh no i was just on my daily five mile hobble, y’know becuase of my INJURY, and thought i would drop in on my BEST FRIEND Taylor, so maybe we could plan my BIRTHDAY PARTY, who is this Indy you speak of? Never heard of her. So what are we going to do this week to dominate the game together, It’s like we’re more than SISTAHS, We’re like REAL SISTERS…. y’know I competed in Miss County Fair before my horrible foot deforming INJURY… So it’s like we were both almost Miss America… TWINSIES.

    Meanwhile, the heat about Joseph’s middle play game is starting to rise. Monte, Britt and Michael are not having it. Kyle is deflecting the heat he should be sharing back on Joseph.
    Michael: that guy is kissing babies.
    Kyle: yeah, HE’S the one, just him, and look how he’s always after Alyssa but trying to protect Indy because she’s his number.

    Daniel Interviews:
    I’m just such a loyal and passionate guy. Gee i wish i hadn’t been so loyal and passionate and emotional when I said some of those things, but shucks, what’s a guy so loyal and emotional to do?
    He’s been told he was Paloma’s target. Well yeah, I’m 6’3″
    He’s been told Jasmine was never called fat. See, she told Jasmine her dress size.
    He’s been told the blow up had no factual basis. Well Nicole misheard it too, and i was just being loyal and supportive to my friend.
    He does not pick up the cues from the production debrief that Ameerah and Nicole picked up. Guess he didn’t think a Superfan like him would have to.
    There. It’s the same basic deal across the board.

  13. Taylor says to Kyle ” I won’t evict a black woman” isn’t she the last black woman left? So this week get rid of Terrance but next week Jasmine needs to go and so does floater Indy. Like what has she done but sit in that back bedroom crying! So if 2 leave next week my votes are for those 2. Why does bb let Jasmine get away with this injury for so long viewers are tired of the bullshit

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