Talla says Thursday, get rid of Peter, Jump Screen, then get down to business! BUSY!

POV Holder: Andrew Next POV April 20th
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony April 15th
HOH Winner: JILLIAN Next HOH: April 18th
Original Nominations: Andrew and Peter
Current Nominations: Peter & Talla
Last Evicted Houseguest ALEC & TOPAZ
Have Nots Talla & Andrew (Servants for haves)

Big Brother Canada April 16 2013 244pm


2:40pm Jillian and Emmett are in the bedroom talking about studying the events of the house in the event that an up coming competition is a quiz. Emmett suggests they go over the first 4 weeks events in the bedroom and then move to the HOH room to do the rest to break it up. They are interrupted when Emmett is called to the diary room. Jillian continues studying without Emmett. Meanwhile in the kitchen: Peter is eating at the table. Andrew and Talla are in the kitchen. Talla goes to wash out the stuff in her hair. Talla heads to the bedroom to talk to Jillian. Jillian tells Talla that she would most likely not want Andrew to win HOH. Jillian tells Talla that Andrew is a bigger threat in physical and mental competition. Jillian says we need our guys to not win HOH. She says we need to win HOH and the POV. If I win POV I will use it on you. Talla says that if its endurance this week ..oh my god! Hopefully I win it. Seeing that video this week has lit the fire to my fuel. Jillian says lit the fuel to your fire. Jillian tells Talla that she doesn’t want to go up against the two strong guys in the final three. She says that she wants Talla to be there with her. Talla says if Andrew wins HOH and Emmett wins the Power Of Veto then Emmett will pick Jillian to go to the final three. Talla says but I understand that. Jillian says but if Andrew wins he will take Talla over her. Jillian says she is going to he fight for that POV hard this week to use it on us. Talla is confused and didn’t know that if Jillian won it and used it on Talla that she would also be safe. Talla says ugh I am scared for Thursday! Talla says Thursday, get rid of Peter, jump screen, then get down to business! Busy! I want to get drunk, I want to get trashed! Emmett joins them. Talla leaves. Jillian talks to Emmett about how she was telling Talla that Andrew is a huge threat he is beating Emmett in physical comps and mental comps. Emmett tells her that she needs to pull the card that Andrew is in here alone, by himself. Jillian says that if Emmett he wouldn’t have used the veto he would have trusted our alliance. Emmett tells Jillian to tell Talla that Andrew is a huge mental and physical threat.. that he has lasted just as long as Emmett in endurance comps. Emmett tells Jillian to tell Talla that you trust me and he is keeping you and her safe. Jillian worries that Talla is telling Andrew everything.

Big Brother Canada April 16 2013 309pm

3:25pm Jillian and Emmett discuss how they would come back into the house if they were asked. Emmett says I would come back with .. Jillian asks Andrew? Emmett says yeah. Jillian says that she would come back with Talla. Emmett says yeah right you have to carry her to the end again. Jillian talks about how Talla annoys her some times .. she is so needy! Emmett describes his friend Jay that he could bring into the house ..we would kill it .. he is so competitive and has the best memory. Jillian tells him he should do amazing race with him. Jillian gets called to the diary room.

Big Brother Canada April 16 2013 241pm

3:30pm – 4pm Meanwhile in the kitchen. Talla, Peter and Andrew are sitting at the table talking about random things. Emmett joins them. Talla says you know what I am going to do today? Work out! ..Probably not! Emmett and Talla start playing puck ball. Andrew finishes his slop chips. Emmett says that he is going to head up to the HOH room to nap. Talla challenges Jillian to a game of puck ball.

Big Brother Canada April 16 2013 326pm

4:10pm – 5pm Emmett doesn’t head up to the HOH room but goes over to a cool air vent and watches Jillian & Talla’s game. Big Brother opens the backyard back up. Andrew gets into the pool. Emmett and Peter play badminton. Talla starts working out. Andrew heads up to the HOH room and gets Jillian to trim his hair.
Big Brother Canada April 16 2013 407pm

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36 thoughts to “Talla says Thursday, get rid of Peter, Jump Screen, then get down to business! BUSY!”

  1. is jillian ever gonna think for herself … sickening .. oh right she did say she cant think , and dont know what to do … because she is a girl… SLAP .. i am getting tired of those two, i can hope that talla or andrew tarnish the teflon couple… gag .. lol

  2. Talla needs to tell Andrew about her talk with Jillian and what she said about him..PRONTO!! Then he will finally realize Jillian is not going to take Andrew to the final 2 (or even 3).

  3. It pretty definitively sounds like Peter is doomed this week unless there is some sort of HUGE twist or he miraculously manages to convince people to turn on Talla (which is practically impossible, as she’s in the alliance AND a weaker player than Peter. They’ll keep her over him). So that’s a bit unfortunate, but I suppose he had his chances and it was good that he got this far.

    Frankly it’s looking like Jill has the best chance of winning this entire competition. The three people left would probably take her over the others if they had the choice (well played, Jill, getting on all their good sides), and if she gets to the final two I would think the jury would try to recognize what an impact she had on the game. I may not like her personally… but if she wins it was well deserved.

    Aside from Jillian, I’d be fine with Andrew winning… or maybe even Gary (assuming he is the player returning) as they’ve also done fairly well in competitions and made interesting moves. I do not want Talla to win due to her doing essentially nothing, and I don’t want Emmett to win because he is constantly disqualified and coasted through the game on Jill’s coattails.

    1. True, Peter would be the weaker player if production didn’t fix POV comps for him.
      No wonder why the lanes had names on them and Andrew made that face.
      Peter’s social game (and physical and strategic) is horrible. He’s never talking to anyone.
      The majority of fans dislike him, I wonder why producers still want him to win.
      Could it be the fact that the majority of producers are Jewish and so is Peter?
      I dunno. If so, that’s pretty bad. I wouldn’t put anything past them though.

  4. Someone said a while back that everyone dislikes Jillian because we don’t like a strong woman in the comp, etc… I completely disagree. I dislike Jillian for the same reasons I disliked Rachel: annoying laugh/voice, whining all the time, complains when she wins and when she loses, in an annoying showmance, SORE winner, and the list goes on….
    I LOVED Janelle. My second all time favourite BB player (after Dr. Will), and I thought she brought such a fantastic package to the table (strong, competative, smart, beautiful, etc…)

    1. Want to add that even though I think BBCanada was a good season these twists have really brought the game down, stifled real strategy and drama.

    2. I read that website. I am curios how they can be 100% sure that the HG is coming back to play the game. Simon has YOUR site been in contact with BB Canada and have you gotten similar information from them?

      Also that website indicated that it was “obvious” that Gary was the one coming back. I asked them what I had missed because I see NOTHING indicating that Gary is the “obvious” choice.

      1. ahh I guess you are right I have not been contacted by production so I cannot say 100% what is going to happen.

        I trust bbcanadainsider.com when it comes down to this sort of stuff. @Bmcooney19 who runs that site goes to all the shows, interviews Arisa regularly, he’s a reliable source.

        Here are my gut predictions

        Gary coming back to play the game
        Fast forward week next week or 4 (instead of 3) players in the finals
        No reset Peter is leaving the game.

        1. Hi Simon have to disagree on this persons 100% HG coming back to play. Arisa has been very careful to say the evicted HG is going back into the house. That could be a visit or host a comp, ect. I’m not saying they may end up being correct and the HG would compete in a double eviction week. I have no faith in production who have been terrible with twists obviously designed to favour certain HG’s.
          I figure they’re bringing back Gary no matter what. I do think he’ll easily win the vote as well though I don’t think he has to to be back in the house. There are all kinds of ways they can really ruin this season at this point. Lets bring the HG back before Thursdays vote and allow them a vote. Bring him back after the eviction before HOH comp and give him imunity for a week so he’s garunteed top 4. Gets to compete and vote but cannot be evicted next week. Lots of other unfair senarios but you get the idea. Andrew on slop all week competing against Gary in the jury house fat and happy. Some kind of fair competition for 100K don’t you folk think?
          See I don’t have a favorite I just want to enjoy good or really bad game play and the social game. That’s why I am hoping the HG is just entering for a visit and not to play. I think it would completely disrespect the game to pull this kind of foolishness. Then again I don’t think production respects the game or it’s hard core BB fan audiance. The true fan of the game should be PO’d no matter who you liked this season IMHO.

    3. Maybe the final twist will be that Canda will vote out one of the last four remaining players…Or even decide the winner.. …BBCan 1 needed fewer twists and more players. . So much was predictable… Seems production acted as the phanton third tit in the house.
      Many times what the shows designers were up to was more interesting than what the HG were doing between thursday to thursday. E.g.. Andrew talking about taking a dump. Talla getting drunk. Peter watching the wall be a wall.. The slave for 72 hours was production ‘s idea of good spontaneous reality entertainment.. The focus was on events to create a reaction from the contestants. . Should have been more about the social interactions and game play of the HG.. Production should pay your site royalties for keeping the viewers interested in the show.. A few times I tried to watch the after dark show but quit because I kept falling asleep.. Your site’s recap and comments are gold….

  5. Well said Cal!! Also, I agree with Tammy although this is how Talla has stayed in the game so long. She jumps to the person in power and stays loyal until someone else is in power. It is always the last floater to make it to the end as they are needed as a vote. I think Andrew is underestimated in knowing the game. If he wins he will put up E or J, don’t think he doesn’t know he is third. If he is successful in getting on of them out he will stick with Talla. I don’t know how the hg will effect the game but if it’s Gary he may ruin Andrews game. But I think Gary is smart enough to go after E/J as I am sure Topez has filled him in.

    1. I agree. I really do think Andrew knows what it is going on with Jillian and Emmett, but he is smart enough to keep it inside. Anytime he has power, he acts definitively and without much drama. So I believe if he wins HOH next week, he’ll know he has to put up Emmett and Jillian to get rid of one of them to bring himself to the finals. He just won’t blather about his plans to any other house guests who might try to screw him.

    2. Any juror who enters the house will have a major impact on the game and they will be set up with biggest advantage in the game (knowledge). If BB was going to bring back a juror they should have sequestered them and not let them talk to each other. Now whoever comes in will know what deals were made who did what and all that our current BB house guests will have no clue about. Juror that returns will ruin the game for everybody including the viewers…unless they are a shield fan.

      1. I think the show plans all possible twists and scenarios before the game even starts… so if they were planning on doing a returning house guest at some point in the game, I would imagine that they’ve already been sequestering all the evicted house guests in preparation. I think it was BB 13 when America voted on which house guest they wanted to return out of all evicted house guests and the show had already sequestered each of the evictees from week one. I think Brendon was the one who got to return. I remember that afterwards, the other house guests had commented something to the effect of, “man, that means so-and-so (Keith?) was sequestered for all this time since week one for nothing”.

        My point is that even though the general public has only been aware of this returning house guest twist for a week or so, it doesn’t mean that this is a new spur of the moment slapped together idea as far as production is concerned. They plan everything. In all likelihood, the show has already been planning to pull a returning house guest twist all along and has just waited for the most opportune time to do it (like now when things need to be shaken up).

  6. Unreal. What a load of BS. Although it will be interesting to see houseguest a reaction to a Gary returning to the game, more glitter will do nothing give me and certainly the remaining house guests a headache. Hope he is in and out quick, a minor bump in the road for Andrew who I hope to win

  7. I also wanted to thank you guys tor doing such a great job with the postings for BB Canada. I have been watching all TV shows, the 4 cams of live feeds for the majority of the day/evenings, and also every After Dark show. Even with all that there is STILL stuff I learn through your website.

    I have send a small donation to help offset your costs. It’s only $25 and I have gotten so much more than $25 worth of enjoyment from your site so far. (Last time I went to a movie it cost me more than $25 lol)

    Thanks again.

    1. Thank you Bill, We really appreciate it and are glad that you enjoy the site. Without all the great fans like yourself OBB just wouldn’t be the same. It is amazing how much more there is to big brother than just the episodes which is why we work so hard to try and share it with everyone 🙂

  8. Dawg’s Prediction:
    This Thursday ..HG’s vote
    > Peter goes home
    > Arisa tells the HG’s there’s a twist
    > Gary enters the house
    > HG’s FREAK out!
    > Andrew, Emmett, Talla, Gary play in the HOH comp
    > Gary wins
    > Nominates Emmett & Jillian
    > Emmett wins POV
    > Andrew goes up
    > Jillian gets voted out
    > DOuble eviction
    > Andrew wins HOH
    > nominates Gary and Emmett
    > Talla wins her first comp the POV and doesn’t use it
    > Talla votes Emmett out
    > Gary, Talla and Andrew compete in 3 part HOH
    > Talla wins Endurance
    > Andrew and Gary compete in Physical comp
    > Andrew wins
    > Andrew and Talla compete in Mental comp
    > Andrew wins
    > Sends Gary home
    > Andrew and Talla final two
    > Jury votes unanimously for Andrew to win

    1. I agree with this prediction it gives us maximum drama.. When Gary comes back the level of complaining coming from Emmett/Jillian and to a lesser extent Andrew will be epic.

      I just hope they keep the feeds on during this time which I worry they will not.

      1. Remember how everyone felt when they thought Tom was coming back? The Hg’s are gonna be pissed when they see Gary (or whoever) come back..

    2. I would love that!

      Andrew has grown on me. He has become my favourite player and he deserves to take this thing all the way to the end. I hope no one catches on though that he could sweep it with the jury vote.

      What would suck is if Alec / Topaz / AJ and Gary talked about who they would vote for in the end. If they all said Andrew then whoever comes in to the house is going to know who is popular and vote to get him out.

    3. Well THAT’s depressing…..
      I am part of the “Anyone-but-Gary” group. But I concede that it may well be a group of one.

      I don’t know which irks me more: that Gary is returning or that Talla is still there

  9. Hello out there. This is exactly what is going to happen on Thursday. They are going be in the living room ready to vote and the Arisa is going to make an announcement. She is gonna tell Peter and Talla to go sit down on the couches with everyone else. She will then reveal this weeks Bring back a Juror twist and then Alec will come through the doors. Its the only decent way to pull off this twist because in no way, shape or form is it fair to kick out Peter or Talla then give someone else a second chance. The numbers have to remain even for this twist to work. So next week we will have 6 people. 3 teams of 2. Jemmett vs The Stooges vs The Shield. I’m taking bets if anyone is interested. We all know anytime a show has a vote nationwide they just end up doing what they want anyways. Who can prove the results false?????

  10. Based on the pictures already taken and shared at Jury House – AJ and Gary’s being the only ones taken and we’ve seen; I think it’s going to be Alec or Topaz.

    1. Nevermind – I see by the next OBB update Topaz and Alec are in Jury House so that blows my theory out.

  11. Maybe the HGs will be asked to chose between Peter or a surprise Jury member after the eviction. Seems more fair to have it play out that way.

    1. There’s a new idea I hadn’t considered. So to attempt to save productions “white haired boy” Peter they allow HOH or POV winner to remove 1 of the 2 present nominies. Lets say that’s Lala but could easily be Peter if HOH decides and Emmit gets his way. Then Ureka Gary on the block with lets say Peter as you suggest. They vote out Gary and Peter fights another round of comps/votes.
      I have to say I could stomach this alot more than the other obvious options. Which is exactly why it won’t happen. But I like your creative thinking.

  12. well it’s says right on the big brother slice website vote a jury member back into the GAME so obviously the jury member is coming back to play.

    1. A jury member’s appearance in the BB house impacts the game even if they are there to simple say “BOO” This would be considered gameplay.
      Production did something similar to what i suggested if not identical in BB8? HGs were allowed to save the person they just evicted or open a box – They chose to evict and and keep the box – someone from jury was in the box.

  13. It’ll probably go like this-evicted hg(Peter) will play in a comp. against
    returning player(Gary) Whoever wins stays in bb house and
    continues. Been done more than once already !

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