Spoilers – Andrews done everything in the game except have a showmance “Emmett, can you lend me Jillian”

POV Holder: Peter Next POV April 13th
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony April 8th
HOH Winner: JILLIAN Next HOH: April 11th
Original Nominations: ALEC & PETER
Current Nominations: Alec & Topaz
Last Evicted Houseguest GARY
Have Nots No havenots this week


9:36AM Backyard Emmett, Andrew, Alec and Peter

Sipping on a Emmett protein shake chatting about how hot the BIg BRother House is. Sounds like the HOH room is extra hot, Emmett says Jillian and him almost decided to sleep in the main bedroom.

Chatting about silly names people give to their kids. Andrew blames it on the celebrates.
Andrew: “Moonbeam and Rainbow”
Alec: “Sanctum”
Topaz: “Apple”
Andrew: “Blue Ivy”
Alec: “Butt Butt”
Andrew: “Hey A$$ face”

Andrew brings up a story about the Capilano suspension bridge in Vancouver. There was a woman walking across holding her baby and for some reason the baby fell off. Andrew: “And the baby lived!” (the current bridge is 140 metres long and 70 metres above the river.. apparently the mother may have thrown the baby off )

Peter: “Locke, Desmond, Faraday.. F***ing Sawyer.. Amazing characters”

…. Standard morning random chit chat ….


10:12 Kitchen Andrew and Emmett

Andrew is getting a bit nervous about a Canada votes twist this week, “That would Suck Man”
Emmett: “We’ll need to see”

Jillian comes down, they continue the chat about the possibility of a twist. Andrew says if there’s a Canada’s vote Andrew or Talla have to go up, Andrew wonders if maybe putting him up is the better plan. Jillian: “Why She’ll lose trust” (Talla) Andrew: “Ya.. Maybe.. we’ll talk later”

Andrew: “There’s too many twists in here.. we’re playing the game working hard leave it alone” Andrew mentions that there hasn’t been a Canada vote yet this week.


10:27AM Hot Tub Emmett and Andrew

Andrew is saying Talla won’t vote him out so if he goes up int eh case of a twist it will send Talla a message that Jillian trusts her. Emmett doesn’t know thinks it’s a bit risky. Andrew points out that they only need 2 votes so if it’s Andrew up against Alec he’ll be OK. Emmett thinks it’s too dangerous with Talla if the twist results in the nominations being Andrew and Topaz.

Emmett about Talla “Does she honestly think that Talla deserve to be here”

Andrew: “She said she needed to win to increase her stats.. she doesn’t even have a stat. “

Emmett says that Alec and Peter have been throwing competitions all seasons. Andrew agrees says it’s a style of playing that he’s not crazy about. Andrew says he liked watching Dr. Will because he was funny but these guys (Alec/Peter) in the house are not

Andrew mentions that Alec and PEter had read Dan’s book and were making a big deal about trying to be portray a character so they get cast on this season. Alec was playing up being social psychologist and Peter was playing up being the “Internet guy”. Andrew says when he went to Casting he was just himself.. didn’t read any books, didn’t do any oddball preparation.

Andrew: “you probably did the same thing.. walked in you have a Nice bod ..giant dong.. “
Emmett: “All I did was be myself walked in..”

Andrew adds that Peter and Alec thought they were going to be talked about as “Legendary Players”

Emmett hopes that Alec and Peter do not bombard them with deals and schemes today. Andrew brings up all the deals Alec has proposed to him, Throw final HOH, THrow next HOH, throw POV’s, nominated who Andrew wants..

Andrew: “How can he keep up with all his lies” (talking about Alec)

Emmett brings up that at least Alec gets to go home with at least 10 grand if the rest of them don’t win they go home with nothing.

Andrew: “I’ve done everything you can in this game, Secret task, Won HOH and POV, Hosted HOH and POV, I’ve had a secret alliance, I’ve had a bromance.. the only thing I haven’t had is a showmance.. Can you lend me Jillian for a night”

Andrew tells Emmett he knows that he’ll have to win the final HOH to get to the final 2 because Emmett and Jillian will take themselves.

Emmett says Andrew should go up to Alec and tell him he feels like Emmett is a big threat and ask him what he’ll do about Emmett and JIllian, “let them talk and burn their bridges”
Emmett: “Pete is really defeated to”

Emmett likes the nickname “The milkman”
Andrew likes “The Prince of Darkness”

Big Brother gives them a 30 minute warning they have to get out of the hot tub

(Video uploading.. it’s long)


11:43AM Alec working out the rest of the house is sitting around the dinner table chit chatting


12:01pm still playing the ring game
Talla tells them about her “Pet Peeves”
Talla: “My pet peeve is burping in public”
Peter: “So all your pet peeves are things you do”

5 thoughts to “Spoilers – Andrews done everything in the game except have a showmance “Emmett, can you lend me Jillian””

  1. I love Andrew and his one liners, ‘Can you lend me Jillian for a night?’ Personality aside, I do think Talla deserves to be there, she has come second in allot of HOH, it had nothing to do with luck.

  2. Just waiting for Andrew to let loose on Alec, doubt he will, but he sure wants to. Alec and Peter are wearing on everyones nerves as they continue their pathetic struggle to save Alec. Could these two be more detached from reality? It’s like trying to sell ice to eskimos, no one is buying it.
    Alec whining to Topaz about coming in 7th, like he somehow deserves more shows what a self-entitled douche he is. Hope Arissa calls him out on his douche gameplay.

  3. Andrew was right about the mother throwing the baby over the bridge but the baby only fell a few meters on to a cliff edge and fall was broken from the trees just some scrapes and bruises thank God. I am so sick sick of hearing Andrew talk about Emmet’s Dong. The guy is obsessed man.

  4. Alec keeps saying it doesn’t make sense to get rid of him. What planet is this egotistical asshat from. At this point in the game it makes perfect sense to split either he and Peter up or Emmett and Jiilian up. And he supposed to be a fan of this game. He has no clue because he is soooo full of himself!!!

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