Spoilage – BOOZE, Moons, Kisses, Wet t-shirts and Final 2’s

POV Holder: ? Next POV ?
POV Used ? POV Ceremony March 24
HOH Winner: Racehlle Next HOH: March 27
Original Nominations: ?
Current Nominations: ?
Last Evicted Houseguest Paul, Kyle, Anick
Have Nots Adel, Sabrina, Heather, Arlie

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9:25pm Feeds come back to the houseguests drinking around the pool going crazy
Looks like they are having a party with appys and beer.

Lots of chaos going on… At one point Neda takes Rachelle off to the side tells her that Kenny and Sarah are very close. Everyone is drunk except for IKA and Adel.

The image of Racehlle is on our tumblr site here
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10:00pom Bedroom Neda and Jon
Jon drunk asks her for a final 2 they joke around and Jon leaves says fine final 6 then.

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10:10pm bathroom Allison and Heather followed by Kenny and Andrew

10:15pm Neda and Jon
Neda has an answer for JOn – “I’m so down for a final 2”

A couple more images…

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26 thoughts to “Spoilage – BOOZE, Moons, Kisses, Wet t-shirts and Final 2’s”

  1. They are so boring that production had to give them alcohol so the live feeders can get some action lol.

    Love this site. Thank you guys.

  2. So many of them are faking drunk. These girls are acting like some high school girls having their first drink.
    Would be funny to give them a bunch of fake alcohol and see who still acts drunk…..

  3. Uh wow you should see it how Andison ( allison & Andrew) the made a complete a** of themselve… these ppl should check in AA soon !
    Seriously they are so boring without alcohol .

  4. Sure looks like a good time. Wish i was there. You know you are getting old though when your first thought after wow that looks like a good time, is BB Canada is just looking for a major lawsuit. Plying house guests with liquor and then letting them loose around a swimming pool with a slippery surface while they throw people in the pool. Just asking for someone to split open their coconut and suffer a serious injury. Man, I’m old. lol

    1. The releases all of the “house guests” I am sure have signed have their back covered, moreso in Canada where the personal damage litigation is lax. I was think that when Heather hurt herself, thinking “oh shit now are all the comps going to be lame for fear of legal ramifications? Hope not, and the Booze is the ply to break links, especially when some are not drinkers and some have self control, they sort out the weeds when the booze flows.

  5. Kenny is in the same situation as Emmett was last season, when he had to distance himself from Tom.
    Andrew is this season’s testosterone loaded control lacking jerk, just like Tom was.
    Kenny did (have to) deal with the cards he was dealt, and that included having to cope with Andrew’s antics, and to a certain extent act along the same line. Tom had also rubbed off Emmett quite a bit during their close alliance, Emmett really came back to being himself once Tom was gone.
    Kenny said several times “I hate my life!” when no other HG was near during tonight’s drunken rampage. I’m sure he doesn’t want to go on like this in this game. I hope he does get to leave the uncontrollable hot mess that is Andrew (and Sabrina!) behind.
    I still really like Kenny.

    1. Kenny and Emmett may have been dealt the same situation but they’re NOT at all the same people.
      Emmett was actually really kind and respectful, but Kenny is a scumbag and he is no better than Andrew he just hides it from the other HGs better.

      1. Emmett talked shit about people and called people bitches all the time. He was by no means perfect and neither is Kenny.

    1. Allison looked to be speaking to her, so yeah another one but she is best safe with arlie I think, but she does have to start forcing herself in and just ignoring, this is Paul and Kyle all over again, and I don’t want to see her go so she has to try, the boys are going to use her, so that is good for her, all she has to do is win something once the other vipers are gone,

  6. You think none of these individuals had alcohol before, the way they go on is hilariously ridiculous.
    Leave it to piggy impulsive nosepicker Andrew to grab Allison’s boob on live tv, he’s just such an impulsive idiot, no respect.

      1. Well Cora, I would guess it would depend on how you felt about the guy, If he was your “NFLND” dream lol maybe it would be impulsive vs the guy you don’t like which of course would be repulsive….didn’t see it, can’t judge as I can’t really say what I would do at the same age in the same situation.

  7. Hey OMG did u catch why Allison broke down in tears? I couldn’t hear anything.

    Please help lol I’m so curious

  8. there all young and having fun acting like idiots, I am sure most of us have been there at that age (unless we had no friends)

  9. Neda has an answer for JOn ā€“ ā€œIā€™m so down for a final 2?

    thats awesome, im cheering for Neda

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