POV Holder: | Corey | POV Competition | July 16th |
POV Used | YES | POV Ceremony | July 18th |
HOH | Paulie | Next HOH | July 21st |
Roadkill Competition Winner: | Tiffany | ||
Original Nominations: | Tiffany, Natalie, Corey | ||
After POV Nominations: | Tiffany, Natalie, Da’Vonne | ||
Have Nots | James and Natalie |
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1:39pm Storage room James and Natalie fight with stale bread
Bread Fight #BB18 @DawgsBigBrother pic.twitter.com/dYehrS9EMX
— OnlineBigBrother.com (@bigbspoilers) July 20, 2016
1:42pm London room Da and Michelle
Da’Vonne is telling Michelle that they were on lockdown because productions said “they will be going in and out of the backyard”
1:44pm Da’Vonne and Nicole
Nicole doesn’t want to have an intense Conversation because she doesn’t have her makeup on
Da’Vonne saying she’s been feeling distance with Nicole.
Da’Vonne – Am I good for tomorrow
Nicole – Ya I don’t think theres distance.. I don’t know how you feel.. .like..
Da – be open
Nicole – I feel like.. I dunno.. Like… like… I always told you you were good…. Like you never believed me… you know what I mean.. You brought it up.. No it’s fine.. Like.. .(WTF nicole)
Da says she thought they were building a friendship and it seems to her that Nicole is moving closer to Zakiyah ..
DA – it’s awkward..
Nicole says she wants to fix this..
Nicole says she lets distance happen with her closest people.. Says when someone tries to steal her boyfriend she just lets them.. She’s done it with her best friends before
Da’ – I’m the complete opposite I’m a fighter if I want a friendship i’ll fight to keep it
Nicole – I want to squash this.. I dunno it’s bad i’m sorry I just want to fix it.. We want you to feel really comfortable..
Nicole wants to go back to how they were
Da – me to it was strong
Nicole blames it on Frank says he’s trying to pull them apart.
They huge it out..
Nicole – sorry, that’s my personality … it’s terrible
1:50pm Tiffany and Frank
Tiffany has a sore stomach, she’s blaming it on the coffee on a empty stomach.
1:52pm HOH Nicole and Zakiyah
Nicole relays the conversation she had with Da.. “She pulled me aside and was like.. She wants to make sure she’s good for tomorrow.. She feels like her and I were really close and now I’m gravitating towards you
Zakiyah – WHAT
Zakiyah thinks Da will bring the same thing up with her
Nicole – she’s putting targets on our backs
Nicole says Da brought up Christine from Nicole’s last season and how Nicole was played by her. Da told her that isn’t what she’s doing
Zakiyah – is that some kinda red flag
Nicole – if something’s awkward i tend to stay away from that .. I just know she doesn’t like corey so what am I supposed to do..
Zakiyah says she could tell Da was really watching Nicole’s body language “I can tell.. She’s definitely been acting weird with me”
Nicole – she is a threat to us.. Don’t you think
Zakiyah – ya
Nicole says the only reason Da brought up the fatal five to the house was to put a target on all their backs.
Nicole – that’s not cool
Zakiyah – no that’s not
Zakiah says that isn’t how you play this game you should want to play it as clean as possible because of the final vote.
They start talking about how they’ve played a loyal game, Haven’t betrayed anybody and kept true to their side.
Zakiyah – shit you play fair.. And I feel like I have to.. I haven’t betrayed anybody..
Nicole – someone betrays us we can’t trust them anymore .. It’s not anything bad on our part..
Nicole – she’s going to the other side.. I know it
Zakiyah – I have a feeling too..
Zakiyah brings up Da talking to her in the beginning saying the two of them can make it final 2.
Nicole says Da told her and Tiffany the same thing
They agree Da had the same conversation with a lot of people, James, Frank, Michelle etc..
Zakiyah – didn’t someone say james will never vote her out
Nicole – she made a deal with Tiffany behind our backs..
Nicole – did you guys kiss last night
Zakiyah – no.. let me tell you about my crazy a$$
Zakiyah says she did the nightmare trick on him where she pretends she’s having a nightmare hoping that he pulls her closer.
She did it this morning and it worked he pulled her close she kissed him on the neck said “I’m sorry” he told her he liked it when she kissed her on the neck.
Zakiyah – no he hasn’t kissed me yet.. I’m like DANG i have to sleep downstairs tonight..
Zakiyah – we don’t cuddle we pretzel
2:17pm HAve nots more James/Natalie snuggle fighting
Zakiyah before she leaves Corey and Nicole to chat..
2:23pm HOH Corey and Nicole
Giving him the rundown about her conversation with Da’Vonne. Says that Da’Vonen told her she’s not doing what Chrisitne did.
Nicole – I really hope I don’t run into a Christine this season.. she backstabnbed the crap outta me
Corey – I’m voting her out (Da)
Nicole – no you’re not
Corey – I’m serious.. .
Nicole – I bet we could get her outta here if we want it
Corey – I’m down
Corey – It’ll be 4-4 and Paulie will break it
Nicole – I want Michelle and Zakiyah to be on board
Corey – Michelle won’t be OK with it.. NOT one bit
Nicole – Michelle cries at the thought of anybody voting her out..
Corey – lets screw it and vote Tiffany out..
Corey – it’s not good for our game
Nicole – it’s terrible for our game
Corey – we have to get her out next week
Nicole – we do..
Nicole – Me you Zakiyah need to win HOH that is the only way we are going to be safe..
Nicole thinks Frank is going to win the HOH, Corey says he’s going to try hard he wants to win.
Nicole doesn’t want to win HOH because Frank wants Da and Da wants Frank
Corey says he’ll put up Da and Bridgette..
They go back and forth the possibilities of the following two weeks..
They agree Tiffany should blow up in front of Da and call her out on all the bullshit that way they can see what lies Da’vonne comes back with.
Corey says Paulie has a big mouth he tells everybody everything, “HE tells Paul a lot i’m like bro chill”
Frank and Zakiyah come up.
They talk about how during the lockdown Tiffany was dancing and Da’Vonne sat there with the meanest face. Corey and Nicole think there will be a blow up between those two. Frank doesn’t think so says Tiffany is scared right now.
Nicole – she’s doing a good job to hide it.
Frank brings up the change in routine today.. He’s speculating that there’s nothing going on today but tomorrow will be a full day like it was “That first day” he’s thinking they “Vote in the morning” (Feeds cut a lot during this conversation)
3:00pm Safari room Nicole and Frank
Frank – shit could go down tonight.. Things might be moving faster than we expected..
Nicole – the only way for Tiff to stay is for her to blow up on Day and expose all her information otherwise it’s not going to go
Frank – Why? We have Me, Bridgette, paul, You, corey.. If you talk to James.. he just wants assurance..
Frank warns her about Da’vonne getting into Jury she’ll poison it for them because she’ll know they were behind her getting out. Nicole agrees.
Frank – I got your’s and Corey’s back
Nicole says she doesn’t want her and Corey to be nominated that will piss her off she wouldn’t put Frank and Bridgette up. Frank reassures her she’s not a target of his and either is Corey.
Nicole – I trust you way more than I trust Da, da is dangerous I want her outta this house..
They agree Da’Vonne just makes sh1t up all day and it’s bad for their games.
Frank says the move Da made to get tiffany and Frank to target each other was crazy
Nicole – it was brutal .. i don’t trust her.. She thinks if COrey goes i’ll go running to her, I’m not
Frank tells her BRidgette will not put Nicole up 100%
Nicole – we want Da out so bad but we want it to be a good game move for us and not get crapped on the next week
Nicole is worried Bridgette is coming after her.
Frank says Bridgette will go after Zakiyah and Michelle
Nicole – I don’t’ get into that petty crap I don’t throw her cookies in the trash
Frank says those 2 girls are mean as hell to her Bridgette will ultimately do what Frank says but those two girls (Zakiyah/Michelle) are not safe.
Nicole – i know.. I don’t want to go on the block for something dumb like that
Nicole – If Corey wins he’ll put up Da for sure
Frank – Da is going
Nicole – I don’t think Da is going.. I don’t want james coming after me
Frank says james is not with Da’Vonne she just needs to talk to him and she’ll understand.
Nicole – if she does not go this week she has to 100% go next week
Nicole says Corey wants Da out but he doesn’t think the numbers are they’re, “Focus on Da next week”
Frank – if you do it it’s 5 to 4
Nicole – Michelle will be so mad..
Frank- you’re not scared of her and she won’t have anybody and if Michelle wins she’ll put up Tiff and NAtalie
Frank – she’s (TIFF) not diabolical
Nicole – what does that mean.
Frank explains… “She’s not her sister 100%”
Frank – best case scenario Tiffany stays and Tiffany wins HOH she goes after Michelle and ZAkiyah
They agree Da had 4-5 final 2 deals.
Nicole will talk to James, Frank is pushing that James is onboard. Frank says once they have 6 votes locked he’ll drop it on Michelle, she’ll vote with the house.
Nicole says james is closer to Da than they think, the final 2 deal Da has with JAmes is real, ‘He believes everything she says”
3:11pm Kitchen Bridgette and Corey
Bridgette says if Da wins HOH she’ll put up Frank, Paulie or Bridgette. Corey adds his name to the list but adds that Da won’t win any competitions. Bridgette thinks da can win mental comps.
Bridgette – these girls treat me like shit
Corey – I don’t know why.. I totally agree..
Bridgette – it’s mean … they keep spreading rumours they won’t even stay in the same room as me.
Corey – I see it .. probably because you’re blowing out winning and they are not..
Corey says him and Nicole see a good person with Bridgette. adds that Nicole likes Bridgette.
Bridgette says the girls are doing the same thing with Tiffany these last 2 weeks they’ve been treating her like sh1t and TIffany was best friends with
Bridgette – They keep f***g with me.. I’m like a boiling pot ready to burst.. (HAHAHAH love it)
3:16pm Have nots James and PAulie
PAulie saying that Frank and Da’Vonne are coming after the couples.
James – I can see Frank trying to throw a curveball at us..
Paulie says Frank will send home Natalie so he can pull James in, He also wants to send PAulie and Corey home and use Bridgette to take out Nicole and Zakiyah. (LOL with their never ending HOH wins)
James about Da “Me and her are pretty close.. She still tells me things.. I don’t know how close Zakiyah and da are
Paulie – Paul is suspicious of Moma da
PAule adds they’ve been planting seeds about Da’Vonne so once they get Frank out they can get Da’Vonne out.
They both claim they won’t have a problem getting their showmances out.
James proposes the 3 showmance and Paul ride to final 7.
Paulie wants the boot order to be Tiffany, Frank, Da, Bridgette.
Paulie says if they stick together they can get to final 5 easy.
James says he’s got Corey and Paulie’s back
3:37pm Kitchen Frank, Bridgette, Nicole and Corey
Frank says during his season Mike Boogie would hide his beers away so before he was evicted he had a 6 pack. Adds that boogie was 3 beers deep right before the show and had beer in a cup during the live show.
Talking changes to Frank,Will, Janelle, Ashley and Boogie going to the Kentucky derby
4:21pm – 4:50pm Chit chat…
Da not saying much..
5:08pm Corey and Tiffany
Corey saying he would much rather Tiffany stays in the game over Da’Vonne. Corey wants to make sure they have the votes and it’ll go down.
5:14pm Safari room Nicole, Paulie, Michelle and Zakiyah
Talking about keeping Tiffany.
Corey joins them, Michelle is talking about Da mentioning to her this season will eb really hard to win because there are 4 very tight people in it.
Corey and Paulie leave..
Michelle – Corey isn’t changing the vote right
Nicole says they don’t have the numbers to flip
5:18pm HOH Corey and Paulie Frank in the shower.
Corey – lets say it’s me Nicole, Frank and Bridgette that vote her out..
Corey – lets get her out..
Corey says Bridgette and Tiffany are after the girls.
Paulie thinks they are lying to him. he says Tiffany will go after the guys “I’ve seen her sister do it..”
Frank comes out.. “We got to get that mother figure out of the house”
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there needs to be a shake up, certain people are getting too comfortable
…aka Paulie.
I think it would be interesting if it came down to the couples as the final 6, and see how they go after each other.
if paulie keeps talking everyone out of getting Day out now while they have the chance sitting on the block, there will be a shake up when she wins HOH, and puts him and frank on the block. the thing with frank is that he does have paulie and corey’s backs, and peripherally James as well. He isn’t misting those 2 or 3. With Paulie being deceptive to frank tho, all he can see in front of him is that Day will put Frank and Bridget on the block, and Tiffany won’t. you can’t see that far down the road unless you also have eyes on this week.
with day out, you also don’t have to worry about what will she actually do versus what do you thnk she’ll do, and that includes voting. or roadkill winning and noms.
the problem also with Frank is that he’s saying, no it’s cool, cuz Bridget (and Tiffany) will for sure put up Michelle, Zak and/or Nicole (not a mention about Natalie, or when talking about Bridget, not a mention about putting up Tiffany? two names that actually might have interested Paulie. Why would Paulie be worried about Michelle going out the door, he wouldn’t, michelle isn’t targeting him or anyone he knows. Frank is missing a key piece of the picture. Also, why would Paulie want Zak out now? Zak isn’t winning anything and she is a vote for him, or a vote in the way he would ask her to vote. Why would he want votes in his favour removed from the house?
I don’t understand why the others can’t see what Paul is doing. Each side knows he is relaying info so why trust him???? I don’t get it. He has an effective strategy against these fools. I like him but personally hate the role he is playing.Watch out, right now he has the best chance of making it to the finals.
Da’s game is done. James ratting her out last night. Even Z is turning her back on her this morning talking to Nicole. Only reason she might last longer than Frank is because people aren’t afraid of her winning comps.
If anybody blows up Cody and Nicole lies she has a chance. All it takes is one blow up for things to change
I think Zak will rat on Nicole and tell Day. If you notice she never tells anybody what Day has ever said she only comments on the current situation to make people feel comfortable.
When she spills the beans on Nicole just remember “Tiff had coffee and now has the shits” said it first ????
If she does I hope today would like to see Da implode and hopefully be further exposed
she’s the only non idiot in the house so it’s frustrating that she plays so emotionally. She needs to switch to the other side but can’t because she’s had this big blow up with Frank.
Her only chance is to link up with Frank but unlike the girls Frank and Corey and Paulie really won’t take each other out over stupidity. She just has a bad cast to work with because Nicole and Zakiyah have basically gone in with the attitude they are going to donate their games to a man and Paul is up Paulie’s butt.
She’ll need to be the best player in BB history to pull this off. On the plus side if she doesn’t I can stop watching LOL.
I wish Da’vonne would learn how to play. I don’t think she can come back from where she is, which is sad.
I think she will be able to come back. People flop too much for her to stay where she is. Plus she will gravitate to whoever comes through that door as long as it’s not Tiffany.
It is strange, if you really think about it. Da is in a worse position now than Frank. At least Frank has Bridgette 100% and right now Tiff. Da has no one in the house. Da went from having allies all through the house, to literally no one. I thought James had her back, but apparently that is over. It leads back to her going against Frank, that is were her game started down hill. Her only play right now…ironically, is if Tiff wins her way back in the house and Da teams up with Tiff, Frank, Bridgette (but that would never happen).
That’s because she is on the block and not put there as a pawn…people are talking shit and turning. People always distance themselves from whoever is on the block. Once Day comes off things will be somewhat normal. It’s the way the game works.
I think Da has Michelle and James which gives her Natalie.
The problem with Da’Vonne’s game is that once a person does something that she doesn’t like, she will not readjust even when the game changes. She helped keep Tiffany last week and she couldn’t fake it with her long enough to keep the target off her back.
So Tiff’s leaving tomorrow?
No she’s not you idiot. Da is going home for sure and Tiff will live again to kick a$$. She’s the best, she will win hands down.
You probably really are related to Tiff…Craziness runs in the family. You have a lot of nerve coming on here trying to stand up for Tiff when she is the one that signed up to be our entertainment for a possibility of winning 1/2 a million dollars. Geesh what the fuck is wrong with you? Quit calling people names. You represent ????Tiff family well
Why are you getting so shook over an obvious troll? Lol calm down. Simply ignore them.
I hope
Nic almost made me happy her and Corey should vote out da
Just like Frank said before jury!!!
I’ve desperately tried to avoid Nicole in these things. So they are almost ready to vote Da’Vonne out and then Michelle won’t like it and back to Tiffany going even though they both say it’s bad for their game. I’m not sure what game they are talking about maybe the cuddle bunny finger soccer league. I’m going to leave it at that, I just can’t bear watching her.
If you can’t stand watching Tiff, turn off you tv, a$$hole!
Oh… I have no problem watching your family go out the door and don’t return. Tiffany played herself by running right into the devil arms. I like Tiffany but she did to much crying made the house think she was a time bomb ready to go off. She over played to soon in the game. She was low key but she put people on edge. I wish she would have not done any thing for a day or so to catch hear breath and rethink everything. She did it to herself bottom line. Vanessa was sick with crying and all the other stuff/mess she was doing. I believe Vanessa could have won BB her season but over playing the game and too many lies and all that crying.
All I saw was vanessa, blah blah blah. And more Vanessa blah blah blah. Vanessa is not on BB18 get over it!!
I am grown and don’t have to get over anything. We all have a right to speak. I can blah Vanessa, Tiffany you are anyone else i like. Freedom of speech it called if you don’t know. Now let’s get back to the game. Wow!
Freedom of Speech!
Please don’t miss understand me. BB is a game of lies and what ever you feel you need to do to win BB. Tiffany playing and Vanessa is over played the game. I feel Vanessa should have won she played the best game her season. She have told Tiffany to not cry much and not early on in the game. Plus you can look at her and see she is Vanessa sister why not let them know. The HG felt she never came clean with them.
But was all part of game for her. Just over played I wish all of well. I wish they would have had Vanessa to come back.
I was talking about Nicole…
Nat and James should bone and get it over with.
Goodbye day and take your lies with you .
Day is not the only one lying get it right. They all are lying. Why because this is BB and you are not going to win 500 thousands being truthful. This is a game!
Only the house guests I like are allowed to be sketchy, although I’m not too fond of any of them so let them all lie, backstab, cheat, and explode all over each other for my amusement!
I love how Day did all that work last week to stick it to Frank but ended up blowing up her whole game. She’s just too volatile to survive in the BB house.
In reality she might look back after this is all over and realize maybe she should have worked with Frank.
Da’s fatal flaw was not going against Frank………it was divulging all that info to Tiffany instead of just setting the plan to flip the vote……..now Tiffany who had nothing to lose because she was at and still is at the bottom of the house could use that info to help her game and blow Da’s up, which worked cause da has really no allies left…….not a fan of eithers game at the moment but for Tiffany to blow up Da’s game after she was the main one to flip the votes for her is DOUCEBAG move and the reason she can’t be trusted and should be having an interview with Julie come tomorrow night!!!!!!
You’re ridiculous. And obviously dont understand how to even play the game. Going to Frank was her only option. Was she supposed to just lay down and die because day voted for her? Especially after she found out day was the ENTIRE REASON Frank was after her in the first place. Lol get real.
Z is such a loser she’s more worried with Paulie than the game
Why is Corey so hellbent on getting day out when she can’t win a comp to save her life
I’m sorry since day lies and lies I would wanna keep her to the end and blow up her game because you know you can beat her plus she can’t win any comps
Z is too self absorbed to play the game. It’s not her priority. It’s more important to get Paulies attention.
Wait a minute… did Nic and Zak talk a little bit about the game? Really??? I’m shocked!!!
And like everything else, any decision will wait until the boys tell them what to do and think.
OMG…go home Nicole!!!!!!!!!!
You will run into a Christine, Nicole, just look in the mirror.
My god, at this point I almost want Da’Vonne to fight to stay, work with Frank and really go at Nicole and Z because good GOD I can’t anymore! Zak, you have to actually play to say you’ve played loyal. And the incredibly stupid passive-aggressive “nightmare trick?” No. NOPE. Just nope.
Nicole “sorry that’s my personality….it’s terrible”. You said it!!! Z “I haven’t betrayed anybody”. That’s because you haven’t played the game. Double evict these two Thursday please!
Okay! Both of them needs to go home. Nicole and Zakiyah I am so sick and tried of them two and James plus Natile can go too. Now Let Play BB after they leave. Oh I forgot Corey the night hand crawler.
My dream double eviction would be Michelle and day. Then followed by Nicole the next week. Since I’m a female, I hate it that I mainly want those females out but I’m over their catty, pettiness.
What is Nicole and Zakiyah talking about how they haven’t betrayed anyone and have played a loyal game. What BIG FAT LIE they are telling. Nicole wanted Day out first. She started then Frank got on broad with Nicole with this backstabbing. Nicole have lied to Zakiyah to get her to go against Day. Why is Zakiyah on BB any way she is NOT playing the game but running after some man that DO NOT want her at all. If Day was in a showmance Nicole and Zakiyah would feel the same way Dayvone feels about them being in showmance and is Nicole and Zakiyah in a showmance or dumbmance. Because the guys do not want them. When are they going to wake up out of this dumbmance this is crazzzy stuff.
Nicole is acting like Chiristine, not Day! And James…very disappointed with him ratting out Day and worrying about his little showmance with Natalie. Z worrying about Paulie kissing her than winning. Wake up to yourselves!!! What is more important…a showmance hopefully turn to romance or winning $500,000?! Remember Nicole and Z…you two will not have romances like Jordan/Jeff and Rachel/Brenden!!!!
You’re forgetting Danielle and Dominic got married too!! 😉
Faking a nightmare???? That is so pathetic. Listen up ladies, if you have to throw yourselves at men, then They’re Just Not That Into You!
Why do you think Paulie not kiss Z he is all over her. Any thoughts?
Agree. If you’re going to fake something, make it more exciting and hot than a nightmare. What a dingbat.
Tiffany is definitely going home. I hope that the girls find a way to reconnect and trust each other. The boys have their minds all working for them.
James is a Asshole for ratting Day out.
Tables will turn if: Day, Nat or Paul wins the HOH next week.
I think and pray that this is the last week for the teams because they have battle back on Friday.
Seems like after Tiff is out this week: the target will be team Paulie against team Frank. however, I am surprised that frank managed to cast doubt on Paulies team this week. Bridget will vote the frank wants. Zak, James, Cody Nicole will all vote with whoever Paulie wants.
I hope Tiffany does make a scene on everybody when she gets booted this week and tell how Nicole and everyone else was campaigning for her. . I live for those unexpected uncomfortable outburst on BB! Added by DOUBLE evictions where people have to think on their feet!
For the battle back: I will be happy if Victor won so Paulie and Frank can have something else to think about.
Da’ has downright lied about James. James told the truth about Da’. Your girl sucks.
How dare you speak ill of Tiffany. She is not going home. Don’t speak bad about her when you don’t know her, her IQ is over 140, what’s yours, stupid.
That is twice just in this post where when someone does not agree with you opinion you feel the need to personally insult them. Calling people stupid or an idiot just because they do not root for Tiff make you feel good internet tough guy? You come across as a real a$$hole IM OPINION!
It’s a no life troll…hello.
Feel people should think before they type because this is someone family member. This is only a game. Tiffany I wish you well in the BB game. Tiffany jump the gun and that is why she is on the block. She should have waited after coming off the block and not told Frank anything now she at his mercy.
The haters are so weird. lol.
It’s creepy and scary and funny at same time.
The fact they try to say anyone who supports Tiff is her family is creepy. It bothers them she had a lot of fans. Very creepy that bothers them.
It’s the two mama demon fans lmao
I want to see Tiffany walk back into that room! I cannot see these people voting out Da even though she is targeting them! Last week they should have taking out Tiffany and they failed at this plan and I think they will fail again. Paulie is the one running the show, he is the decision maker. Da has a tight pact with Michelle, James (Nat will go with James) I would be examining this alliance if I was his cohorts.
Day played too quickly in this game. The person I really can’t stand is Nicole. Nicole keep saying this year she is in it to win it, but all her focus is on Corey. All day had to do was keep all this info to herself until further in the game to expose people.
Because of the stupid team safety the target has moved from Frank to Da. I really don’t think that Da has been disloyal and Nic and Z patting themselves on the back on how “honest/loyal” they have played is laughable. I doubt that Tiff or Bronte(who they told was “ok”) and now Da would agree. It is part of the game but at least own it. Is there anything these two twits aren’t delusional about? Sad part is the person who wants them separated from their fauxmances would be a better ally than the boys who are just killing time til they decide to “clip” them.
Tell the truth and shame the devil! Own up to what you did or said. Nicole and Zakiyah needs to go home. Point blank!###
Zakiyah said she did the “nightmare trick”. WTH is wrong with her! Can’t get a man so she has to trick him? Next she’s gonna do the “pregnancy trick” on him. OMFG!
The nightmare trick seems innocent and funny tho. I never thought about that. Then again I never had to trick a guy to kiss me.
So let me get this straight, u lie to people u r in an alliance w, u create other alliances they found out come to u and say r we cool and then somehow they r the sketchy ones and need to he taken down hmmmmm (nicole)- the only person that got truly fucked in this game is Tiffany, the rest of the lying switching sides m fers deserve what they get
here is something to consider among these douche bags…..To this point in the season who “deserves” to win BB18. Not who you like such as James. Who clearly is playing chit.
Social- Who’s talking to everyone building relationships? Hard to answer but maybe it’s Paulie. I hate saying that
Comps- Frank and Paulie to this point and Bridge 3rd.
Strategy/alliances- Paul seems to be well positioned and liked but not strong on alliance but rather on the fringe of alliances. Strategy alone maybe Z or Big Meech.
I wouldn’t give any of the 500K at this point. The seasons ok but the play has been mediocre.
But we’re all hypocrites and maybe 5% are self aware enough to see that in themselves.
We’re seeing the social game. Circumstances change and the what, when, where of a lie or a CYA move matters. And if I’m playing I’m not putting stock in who’s good in these goofy, often crap shoot competitions, not letting it guide my preference for a target. It’s a consideration but not anymore so than somebody who can potentially sway others. If Tiff is “better” at games, Da has far stronger relationships and a willingness to use info to influence others.
So maybe some are blind hypocrites attacking others for playing a similar game….but it’s just as likely recognizing the strategy and seeing danger.
I am all about girl power, but these girls are distracted. You don’t have to force or manipulate a guy to kiss you. The pseudo romances will not last past the wrap party or the morning after. Da isn’t perfect, some have lost sight of the game by romance? How unfortunate…..
Totally agree. This isn’t Big Brother its 90210. How I long for the past when Arnold was the producer. More variety of personalities. Production didn’t need yo manipulate the game because the players were multtidimensional
I think Paulie and Corey would go for a one time hit and depending on how late the wrap party goes it may last past breakfast.
“Z says that isn’t how you play this game you should want to play it as clean as possible because of the final vote.” Um Z this is Big Brother not Survivor. We award Machiavellian gameplay here. I can’t wait for Z and Nic to get evicted, and I hope they’re both royally backstabbed by the boys they think will be their future husbands and the fathers of their children.
I wish Day was leaving so Tiff stayed, and someone new came into the house to shake things up, but I guess it doesn’t matter at this point. Day is a social gamer, but her entire social currency is spent in that house. She’s a dead woman walking just waiting to get clipped.
Meech’s hit list from the last post was a joke. Does she really think she won’t be next after everyone else is gone if she’s the last one left w/ the showmances? And this girl calls herself a “super fan?” She has no strategy at all.
I am team day to stay all the way I see her mistakes and all but last week everyone was done with Frank. His game was over and he didn’t know it and now people aren’t coming for him straight up like they said they were gonna do. Day can move onwards I think.
Now I think this is gonna be such a confusing vote. I don’t know who is voting who. Glad that Corey said to switch it back to Tiffany. I don’t see the benefit of keeping Tiffany. Only if the team twist is still in play and tiff wins HoH they will be safe no one tell them that tho pls. I think genuinely Davonne trust nicole. Like really trust nicole. Nicole needs to learn to use that, who gives a fuck of she wants out Corey. She wants Corey out to be close with you. Use her and not go around and talk shit about her. Zakiyah turning on her black beauty bombshell for some white guys meat (excuse me language) is just unacceptable.
Also I am glad they brought in Da’Vonne cause let’s take a road at the African American women in big brother. Most stereotypes are eccentric women who changes some part of the game: Chima, Danielle, Kalia, Monica etc. others are the calm ones who we can like but do not much like Cassandra and Jocasta. Then the loud mouths but at least they make good drama like Candice and Davonne. But what the fuck is Zakiyah? If we didn’t have vets and just added on two newbies I bet she would’ve been the sole African American and I think that immediately signal you out as an minority in the house. But I can tell her being the only black women wouldn’t hurt her but she would be so boring. I should’ve saw when te girl said she’s a super fan but wants a showmance like Jeff and Jordan. I seriously see her playing this Jordan game. Is this a new archetype for African American women in the show? To be the flirty type that floats and let’s the man do the dirty work? We call it the Jordon Lloyd!!
I think what you are trying to say is most black girls on the show in the past have been passive? I agree 100% minus Jacosta. I highly doubt Gina Marie and Arryn would attempt to flip Day or Zaks mattress over then get all stereotypical and talk about black people the way they did like they did to the black girl on their season. CBS would have to call The pentagon for help if something like that was to happen this year lmao. Day braids would turn into snakes and snap a bish. Furthermore, Josea I believe would fight a girl ahahaha, he was a bit much.
I’m just going to say what most people are thinking and that is Day and Zak both have a comradery because they both know that they need to stick together as long as they can. Apparently, Zak forgot the memo and turned the game into a dating show (they may or may not work for her in the long run)I doubt they would turn on each other just because that’s just the way it is.
Jordan won competitions and her and Jeff had a commitment. It’s not like that with Zak&Paulie. Cory and Nicole kinda have that comradery but the girls are stupid this season. Bronte voice can break a window and make a dog cry.
I do think that the best way to play BB is to lay low (float) until Jury comes around.
Black is not the only ethnicity apart from white you know.
Vic = latino (puerto rican i think?)
Natalie = Venezuelan
James = you didn’t notice, but James isn’t white. He’s Korean I think
Bridget = half Filipino, half white, so still not white
Jozea = racially ambiguous, but still not white.
Day = black
Zak = black
so basically half the cast this year is not white, which for BBUS is HUGELY diverse lol
plus the black girls seem to be hanging around longer than they normally do. i guess that is because they cast two this year, instead of the token one, with that one being the only non white in the entire house.
I thought James was Hong Kongian…
Hello, I feel like Black and White people are the ones that keep the boat rowing and keep shit entertaining lol. Do you remember Marcellus and Jessie (with the muscles) lmbo? As much as Black and whites fight I can’t imagine America let alone TV with out them. Do you think people would watch BB if everyone was like James or Bridgette?
Yeah the black people always do eventually get voted out but that’s because they are the minority. Matter of fact I don’t think any minorities have ever won BB. ????
OMG! Like…umm…I don’t know…like ok…ummm…I don’t know, like omg
GAH! What a twit, a vacuous, vapid, twit.
I wish Frank was a pre-jury boot. But, I’ll take an early jury boot. He’ll still probably try to blame Dan.
I think Da will put up Corey and Paulie if she ever won HOH. She will tell Paulie i need you to go up to assure a veto position. That would be a good move for her. James has been cuddling too much not seeing what is going on in the house. He is under the radar right now but I think he will be the first couple to go.
They need to be talking about what damage Da could do vs Tiffany. Paulie relying on Paul or one of the girls to win HOH to put up Frank shows how is is afraid or Frank. He talks big!
Really starting to hate Nicole-corey Z-paulie… They constantly bitch about how bad the other HGs are, how evil, lying biches…. Bla bla…. Can big brother show them a video of themselves?
I don’t even care about whether evicting Tiffany or DaVonne is the better decision. Each of them could be beneficial or detrimental to different people for different reasons. This is what bothers me- Nicole still seems to trust Frank. Nicole and Corey both said that keeping Da is not good for their game. Corey said “then why are we doing it?” Nicole said that she didn’t want to make Paulie mad and that Michelle would be so upset. So who’s game are they playing? At this point, especially since they all seem pretty sure someone is coming back, shouldn’t they be making the move that they feel sets them up best in the game?
Paulie tells James information that is 100% the truth because it came from Paul. James has already expressed that Paul is playing both sides and last night Natalie basically confirmed his suspicions. So why is he believing everything Paulie tells him, especially when it is second hand information that came from Paul?
Why Paul doesn’t even make a good rat- First, a rat has to clearly be on one side. Now obviously Paul has chosen his side and, yes Paulie, Paul is your boy. Second-You don’t share information with the enemy. Check-he hasn’t been doing that unless it’s misleading information. Third-You try to get information from the enemy to share with your side. This is where he fails. He definitely gets info and he does run straight back to Paulie but, sometimes he embellishes and/or flat out lies. That really isn’t helpful to his team because ultimately that causes them to change their strategy and targets based on false info. I think that in reality Paul is as insecure as Michelle. He is afraid of losing his new position as Paulie’s best bro. Even though Paulie is already targeting Frank, Paul wants that target to be even bigger with flashing neon lights. Eventually this could backfire on Paul and I will enjoy watching it if it happens. He is basically doing the same thing DaVonne was doing to make sure other people are targeting the people he wants out. DaVonne was way less obvious in her shenanigans and it still blew up in her face so I think Paul is playing a very dangerous game at this point.
Nicole is playing The Bachelor or maybe The Bachelorette. Zakiyah is just hanging out collecting a check and latching on to king cool kid.
Team NoMance
why do people want da out knowing she’s horrible at competitions and even worse at her social game. you keep people like her around because at the end nobody would vote for them. her, z, natalie, and michelle are all final 4/final 2 material because they would have been carried to the end. frank needs to go because he has the potential to win, and tiffany is too unpredictable. but i do agree the showmances need ta GO. james and paul need to band together and start playing. knock the “dictators” off their pedestals!
I wish they would kill the team twist after tomorrow’s eviction, but they probably won’t. UGH. It’s most likely that they’ll end it after next week’s eviction because that’s when jury starts.
Have faith: they will probably end the team twists this week because they have the battle back on Friday. With an extra person coming in the house they are not going to be on a one person team and have everyone else on teams.
So, who does Paulie want gone this week. Every hour on the hour they flip. The person I would like to see gone prejury is Christine, I mean Nicole
I have a strong feeling Paulie will keep day. I haven’t seen him saying anything that makes me think otherwise.
This team crap is the only reason Michelle is safe every week. Stop the team crap and make Michelle the biggest floater in the game fight for her life. She’s a mean girl that keeps getting a pass every week. It’s really making me sick.
WTF if I wanted to watch the Bachelor I’d watch the dam Bachelor! Let’s start slaughtering showmances like the Terminator.
Frank: People on my first season didn’t like me because they were bad people.
No, Frank. People didn’t like you because you’re a dick.
When Frank wanted Tiff out fans thought he was the devil.
Now Frank wants Tiff in fans think he’s a saint.
When Michelle flipped to save Tiff, she was a saint.
Now Michelle turns on Tiff she’s the devil.
People will ignore any transgression as long as they support their favorite hamster.
Truth is, they both suck.
This board is one big HOH Flipping and Flopping! I did not like Tiffany but changed my mind for a few reasons one, the way she was treated by the mean girls, Corey & Nicole. She gets props for blowing up everyone’s game and aligning Frank. I have stuck with the devil Frank throughout his ups and downs I think he is the best player. I am solely judging Frank on gameplay. As for favourite player, I like James the best but his head has been out of the game he needs to start playing he has little intel.
I think people ONLY gave Meech props being able to switch the vote.
No, I still dislike Frank but I want chaos! I want people to freak out and vomit in the fake plant. I want to see people on the verge of a breakdown and then I want the power position to flip around to the next stooge so the party begins again. I want people to age in Big Brother like the president does!
Shouldn’t you be rocking in a hammock somewhere….
Da will switch sides, blow up your game, make up lies about you and more. So sure she make someone good to ride into final two with. The problem is she does nothing to help you get to the final two and you know she isn’t going to be remotely loyal to you. So more than likely pairing up with her will not lead you to final two and hoping the jury votes for you. You need someone that can win at least a couple comps to help keep you safe since you can’t win them all, and you have to have a decent feeling that they will be somewhat loyal. Then at the end, may the best game player be voted on to win.
When are they showing the battles? Is it this Friday or next Fruday?
Oops… That is supposed to be “or next Friday”
This Friday!
plus Paulie is really super annoying with all the ‘her sister did it’ as his excuse for everything. Tiffany is not her sister, Paulie is not his brother. Cody didn’t play nearly this hard, he didn’t try to run things, he quietly went around not winning stuff or basically not having an opinion about anything. (apparently he wasn’t throwing stuff, he just wasn’t winning stuff)
should we all run around behind the scenes and say, oh, gee , you know what Cody did, so we sure can expect to see Paulie do it too. except we aren’t seeing that, at all. We aren’t seeing Paulie discuss and agree on a thing with his socalled closed #2, corey. if you know Day is gunning for couples, and that even James has revealed that she is gunning for couples and you still say oh, James and Day are super tight, he won’t vote against her, even tho James just CAME TO YOU and said HERE’S A REASON I WANT TO VOTE DAY OUT. that’s complete denial and very delusional to still think that the votes cannot change so why try.
Totally agree. I feel like Paulie has been thinking he’s special all this time because of Cody. Paulie is a lot more confrontational than his brother was tho, or at least he’s more vocal about his feelings. It just seems to me he thinks BB18 is he Paulie show.
Nicole….Blow ur nose!
I was totally thinking that when Tiff was saying Day hit her with her braid that it was intentional. On goodness, that was so not the case Day just flicked her braids and it tapped Tiffs shoulder. Tiff needs to go, she will go.
Sooo freaking funny CBS made the snap sounds when Day was flicking her braids. That made me laugh out loud.
I love the diary room cause we get a chance to hear what’s going on in the players head.
I do think in order for Day to save her game for next week she needs to pick a side and relish in side and just keep telling secrets.
BB are not showing the showmances cuddle this year…thank you!
A whip and a flip… big difference
Well, I think the flip was intentional but more like cast a bit of shade than a slap. What I saw tells me Tiffany is just blowing it up to sell the fact Da’Vonne is bound to explode.
I agree. Either way still not smart on days part. She’s just playing this whole thing wrong. There’s not a person in the house that doesn’t think she’s being sketcy right now.
I don’t even know who to root for guys. I am not one to normally complain about BB but everyone on this casts irritates me. Paulie right now is the worst. He’s so stubborn and douchey. The girls are all brainless followers of the men (with the exception of tiff and da — which is, of course, why they are both on the block). I wish the women would open their eyes and see that the men are running the game. It’s so friggin obvious! The minute you are a threat to the men’s game then you are a target for the house. FFS I would love to see a bunch of intelligent women next season PLEASE! You can still cast a few models just for show, but jeeze, put at least a couple who have a fighting chance.
As for who to go for….. Paul? He’s the only one not completely irritating me at the moment. Maybe Da if she can get her shit together. Da definitely has the best DRs this season. It’s one of the few things that have kept me interested.
You need to come over to the Frank side. He’s not the devil I promise!
‘lies and deception’…how did that classic Mama Da line not earn a hashtag…gonna miss her
The 3 Stooges
MOE=. Paulie
LARRY = Corey
Curly= Paul
Paulie just wants to rule the roost and he has it in his head to get out Tiff so that is what has to happen because He is HOH ya’ll and Tiff is her sisters clone so she’s going to amazingly get rid of all the boys while nobody trusts her and is on her side.. Paulie who are you feeding this bullshit too? currently a bunch of scared minions …. You aren’t playing like your Bro at allllll but Tiff is playing exactly like her sister lol if you actually believe this after watching last season you are a fool. I personally think you just want to be the one that got the other sibling out… Paulie Brah You are playing too hard and fast; worse than Frank at this point… I really wanted to cheer you on… and that type shit
I am confused, after watching the show. How smart is Corey, if you are copying Tiff and having a comp thrown to him? Also, Tiff said she wanted to shift the power in the house, which is the Corey was selected and to break up the couples. Isn’t this the same mindset as Day? Z is disillusioned, by her false sense of clout and power. She and Nicole will be devastated, when their men put them, on the block. They are disposable. Why do the powers that be feel they are running the house? Do they not realize they are doing Frank’s dirty work? He is chilling and playing the game more than anyone. I think Tiff or Victor may return after the battles…..it will be good tv.
I believe Frank when he says the main reason he wants day out before tiff is that she will taint the jury. But little does he and the rest of them know, the next TWO evictions won’t make jury.
I also wouldnt be surprised if they dont keep the teams intact until jury. Whoever wins the Battle Back will just simply rejoin their teammates.
I know ppla re ahaitng on him being comfy, but an we reeeally blame him? he has so many loyal soldiers that are terrified to go against his wishes…I dont even know why…Paul, James, Corey, Nicole, Z…his social game is crazy ..he can literally be a douche for a whole week and ppl still follow him w a loyalty that Tiff wasnt able to inspire in anyoen the whole game….
I know there are lot of paulie haters and I get the hate, but I give credit where credit is due and he really does have the most power in the house , all thanks to his early social game…
Now Nicole is saying type thing after ever frikkin sentence!!! OMG these people are going to drive me insane with their stupid phrases!!! …worse than “at the end of the day!!!”