Sarah and Jon about Andrew “He’s target number One for most People”

POV Holder: Allison Next POV ?
POV Used ? POV Ceremony March 24
HOH Winner: Racehlle Next HOH: March 27
Original Nominations: Allison & Heather
Current Nominations: ?
Last Evicted Houseguest Paul, Kyle, Anick
Have Nots Adel, Sabrina, Heather, Arlie

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6:00pm Sabrina and Rachelle
Sabrina says Rachelle is so mature.

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6:11pm Hammock IKA and Neda

IKA – “I regret that girls alliance.. it was too big”

IKA says Sabrina is the person that starts all the drama but when it gets heated she cries and makes you seem like the bad person. Or she causes sh!t and tries to move in and play the role of the peace maker.

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6:24pm Hot Tub Room Jon and Sarah

Jon says Sarah and “Neds” are the only people that he would want to know outside the game. Sarah feels the same way.

Jon says Andrew is his biggest fear right now. He thinks even if Andrew does go after him he believes he has the numbers. Sarah doesn’t know what Andrew is doing, She says she’s left out of those types of conversations. Sarah doesn’t suspect Andrew is targeting Jon.

Jon – Do you trust Andrew
Sarah – Not really… I’m in the outs with Andrew

Jon says it’s gotten out that he doesn’t like Andrew, jon thought he has squashed it but he’s not sure. Andrew told him things during the night they were drunk that made him worry. Jon and Sarah agree that Andrew is target number one for most people in the house.

Feeds flip to living room.. ugh 🙁

7:00pm Random conversations.. Lots of farting and nose picking.

7:40pm HUSH HUSH They are probably getting their reward for arlie completing the Moose task.

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10 thoughts to “Sarah and Jon about Andrew “He’s target number One for most People””

  1. Playing each other for information when drunk, awesome life skills to know and have….amusing how these tactics are not working for this group of contestants………these contestants are very skilled players in real life….

  2. Hey Simon and Dawg. Can you guys please confirm if Adel ever called Sabrina a cow and if he mooed at her? What else did he do to her?


  3. Uh-oh it looks like my boy Jon might be in some trouble… I want him, Neda, Arlie, Heather and Adel to go far. I want the first 5 to be taken out.

  4. I hate that the show is making Sabrina the new Amanda! I don’t care if It’s kinda true, Sabrina is gross.

  5. Ugh. It seems that Jon’s become a target. Hoping he can survive next week! Neda & Jon need to make it to the final two.

  6. I just watched the Sunday show. I don’t know how you can watch these morons on feeds as much as you do. I’m giving the show a break until some of the airheads get evicted. These people are even harder to watch than they are to read about!

  7. I would like for Neda to get Sarah or Sabrina on the block this week or at least someone from the first 5, I like a back and forth type of game. Ika needs to stay around and stir up more trouble, can’t have all the controversial impulsive players gone or the game will get boring. We already lost paul and kyle, too very interesting house guest. Send home sarah or heather they are boring.

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