Power of Veto Ceremony Results “Christian is going up I promise”

HOH: Derek X
HAVENOTS: Christian, Xavier, Alyssa
Nominations: Britini Christian and Sarah
Power of Veto Players: Sarah Beth, Britini, DX, Claire, KY, Alyssa | HOST: Hannah
Power of Veto: Britini
Power of Veto Ceremony: Britini used the power of Veto. DX nominated Chrisitan in her place

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Big Brother Spoilers – Brit used the veto on herself Christian was the replacement nomination and is the target.

10:02 am Alyssa and DX
DX – Do you think we have the votes to get out BIGD
Alyssa – 100% you have us three the kings, Ky, Tiff, and Claire
DX – ok
Alyssa – Are you worried?
DX – Kinda, he’s just not a threat in this game.
Alyssa- right now it’s more of a numbers thing

DX asks Azah in the shower if Brit would mind if he told Alyssa before the Veto Ceremony, “I’ll tell Tiffany, Claire, I’m iffy about Kyland cause he’s close to SB”
Azah – I wouldn’t say anything to anybody..
Azah reminds him he has 3 days to smooth things over
DX – I want to cushion the blow.. the ceremony is at 12 right..
DX says if they tell them now they will start harassing Britini (To not use the veto). “I want to make sure Britini is ok with it.”

10:12 am Alyssa talking to Xavier about DX saying he’s worried they don’t have the votes to get out BIGD because he’s not a threat.

10:19 am Brit and DX
DX shares his plan to talk to Alyssa before the veto ceremony.
Brit thinks it’s best to wait until after and have a meeting with the two of them.
Brit – If you say something right before the ceremony it will erupt .. that way if you just do it explain yourself afterward. At the end of the day, they are trying to play their best game.
Brit – SB is going to love you because she knows she’s safe..

DX says he told SB after the nominations and he thinks that was a mistake “I kind of want to tell them beforehand”
Brit – when they say everyone needs to be in the backyard in 5 minutes..
Brit says if he waits an hour before.. it’ll blow up.
DX wants to give them a heads up.
Brit – I don’t think they will come up to me and be like Brit please don’t use the veto.
Brit clears up that only SB and KY told her to throw the veto.
Brit – to salvage any piece of trust with them tell them before.. I trust you in that decision
DX – why does every decision in this game feel so heavy
Brit – this one is a biggie.
Brit is under the impression that nobody else knows about DX’s plan. Recommends he tells Alyssa and Christian they are the only ones that know.
He tells Brit after his shower he’ll tell Alyssa and Christian.

10:42 am Alyssa knocking on the door to speak with DX. He’s in the shower.

11:15 am Alyssa and DX (This was a crazy flurry of activity)
Alyssa – it’s your game you do what you need to do I just know you built a lot of trust and you would lose that
Alyssa – I told you week one I mentioned your name..
DX – you never mentioned my name post?
Alyssa – no. The only time I mentioned your name was when me and Christian were talking about how smart for us to work together because you are each other’s sheild
Alyssa – there’s no point to do this. Hannah would agree.
Alyssa – the one thing Frenchie messed up on is going against the alliance.. and you are going against the alliance.. it’s all about numbers right now.
X joins them “There’s people out of the 8 we don’t fully trust and it’s not you”
Alyssa leaves “I told Alyssa for my personal game as soon as Christian has the ability to take that shot I think he will she’s saying I won’t.. ”
DX – I’ve heard things.. Alyssa says isn’t true but she’s lied to my face
X – what did she say?
DX – I cannot say
X says as far as he knows Christian is not coming after DX.
DX – what if I put up BIGD .. BIGD isn’t going home.. there’s no way
X – anyway you slice it a king has to go home

Alyssa comes back “It doesn’t make sense for your game you will not have people backing you up”
Alyssa – if you know you have the votes but you don’t know that. if he stays and you can’t play next week.
X – if he stays off the blick he’s less likely to come after you because you had the opportunity to backdoor him

DX – If I wait for the future it’s 50/50
Alyssa – you are not the only one that wants to take that shot.. why are you doing other people’s dirty work?

SB joins them.
DX – I do need to tell you this.. I am considering another option which would be Christian. For my personal game, I view Christian as one of the largest threats in the game.
DX add he doesn’t think he’ll get a second shot

SB – you have to do what is good for your game.
Alyss a- it sounds stupid she’s much safer next to BIGD. I can’t say the same about Christian.

DX – who is not in our alliance right now?
Alyssa – JHokers
DX – are you threatened by them
Alyssa – no
X – up until Britini they haven’t won sh1t.
DX – the house right now it’s the flush and the jokers.. I don’t think anyone in the flush is worried about the jokers

Christian joins them.
Alyssa – what’s best for your game and best for your game 100% is BIGD sitting next to her.
Christian – she’s fine against any joker.

DX talks to SB alone.
Sb – they already told me they want to come after you whether it’s a double or not
SB – either way you have to take the shot.
DX – I was hoping she would be more understanding.. she’s lied to me soo much.. She said if I put up BIGD she would flip the vote
SB – ohh wow how’d you find that out?
DX – I can’t say

DX – if you are sitting next to Christian you have the votes
SB – I feel better sitting next to Christian..
They hug
DX – I’m not changing.. you’re good.

Tiffany – Don’t back down now it’s too late.. we got you.. she already knows right?
DX – I told them.

Alyssa talks to him again with SB..
DX – she (Tiffany) agrees with you better to sit next to BIGD than Christian.
Alyssa – I’m telling you for you it’s not smart Derek.. You next to anyone in the final 2 you have my vote even next to Christian.. from where you started we all trusted you 100%. Christian did not put you up because he trusts you.
Alyssa – I trust you even SB is saying she doesn’t think she has the votes to stay
DX – you are saying post nominations this week you did not mention me?
Alyssa – no.. mentioned your name NO

SB – Alyssa I don’t have the votes against BIGD
Alyssa – you guys we have the numbers..
SB says she doesn’t think she has Alyssa’s vote
Alyssa – SB I was willing to win the veto and use it on you
Tiffany now joins them “I agree we have the numbers but he is a big threat”
Alyssa – there’s no point to go against the numbers
Alyssa tells him Christian could have easily have backdoored DX last week but he didn’t.

Sb and DerekX (everyone coming in and out)
Sb is saying even if she went for the Veto she wouldn’t have gotten it so she went for the money.
DX – Christian is going up I promise
Sb – they are going to talk you into circles.. we can find out after the ceremony if it was really true she was going to flip it. It is what it is they are just two people.
(While this happens Christian is upstairs knowing he’s going up)

11:50 am Feeds go to pound puppies..

12:35 pm Feeds return

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15 thoughts to “Power of Veto Ceremony Results “Christian is going up I promise””

  1. Alyssa has been trending on Twitter today for various reasons. Not sure if fans like her a lot. Anyway, if she doesn’t go to F2, I can see her being a bitter juror

  2. Christian is like i couldve backdoored him last week, Alyssa is like you still couldve gone up by anybody, Brit couldve still won veto. HELLLO ALYSSA, you and X were the last ones on the HoH comp with DX

  3. Now the power is in the hands of the house. It won’t be unanimous vote but at least will see Christian fighting for his life. I just hope SB makes an effort to campaign. Next few days will be interesting

  4. (Was hoping to put Pinocchio icon here) Hope Tiff realizes her tangled web can snap her game anytime. She talks too much.

  5. hmm.
    this could get fun.
    the campaigning is already underway. The not a showmance are divide and conquering the house for votes. Gee, it should not help… at all, that Alyssa is campaigning so hard.
    I mean for all of her whining that they shouldn’t be seen as a duo, she’s sweating an awful lot.
    There is still a question of hinky week for shock and awe at the vote.
    D/F is pulling his who cares how i vote routine.
    Tiff is already planning to vote for Christian to stay (reality: so she’s still covered by X and Alyssa and not a target.
    Realistically, one hinky vote more is all that is required.
    Given there is no way Tiff and D/F are going to discuss votes, potential for slapstick d’oh moment is actually pretty good.

      1. How is Brit with pinky promises? She made one with Dx that the two of them have successfully pulled off the move of the season, thanks to her veto win, so Christian has to go.

  6. The greatest blindside of the season and Derick X blows it. Ugh. Why? I really think he has a good shot of making it to the end, but grow a pair. Please!

  7. X you better watch your back someone is gonna do same thing to you. Hope u go home to jury. Your a big butt. And x isn’t a threat. Hes a dumb dummer..
    He ckukd had put up azah, Claire, any one but Christian and he can’t play in the veto to save himself and seriously so hasn’t one shit what abkut Derek f, he can’t play or tiff, none of them has one hope yssa wins puts up x and tiff.
    I’m all done watching this season if they boot out Christian
    Hrs going against his inner just like frenchie did.

  8. Christian should have put DX up last week when he had a chance. Whitney was way less of a threat. Well to late. I’m guessing he will go home. I just hope Alyssa gets the chance to send DX home. I can’t stand him.

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