Paulie about Frank “I want to cut off what he’s trying to do so he has zero power!”

POV Holder: Paulie POV Competition July 1st?
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony July 3rd?
HOH Paulie Next HOH July 7th
Roadkill Competition Winner: Victor
Original Nominations: Paul, Bronte and Tiffany
After POV Nominations: Tiffany, Bronte, Victor
Have Nots Da’Vonne, Paul and Zakiyah

Big Brother 18 Alliances Help Guide

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4pm – 4:40pm Bedroom – Natalie tells James he’s her favourite. Natalie tells James that Victor was mean to me this morning. James says I told him I liked you so that could be why. Natalie says that Vic yell ridiculous! Ridiculous! When I walked by him. So I have to say good morning to him first like I always did? What I have to be his little b***h now? Bridgette says he’s butt hurt because he’s not man enough for you. Frank joins them. She is an emotional mess. I felt bad for her, she isn’t adept to being in this house. I figured out the other day .. every time she’s wearing sunglasses especially at night obviously.. that means she’s been crying and her makeup’s a mess. Monday she was all buddy buddy with me after I found out she was trying to get me out per-jury. Now yesterday and today I can’t even get her to make eye contact with me. She’s someone that just can’t squash beef. Natalie says I heard he (Vic) is telling people he has my vote. I never! Never! Frank says I hope its an eye opening experience for him when he gets out. I don’t just cuddle with anyone. I was an idiot for breaking in. That’s just not cool pretending to like someone and then when they like you …then I don’t want anything to do with you.

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5:25pm – 5:30pm Storage room – Bronte is talking to Natalie. Bronte says the only reason Paulie didn’t go after you guys is because I convinced him to go after Victor. Natalie says that’s a lie. He’s trying to scare us so we align with him. Bronte says that he (Frank) said when you gave your speech about being a good competitor the girls rolled their eyes. Natalie says good news for us Tiffany and Frank hate each other! Frank spilled his guts .. and hates Tiffany! Not hates her, doesn’t like her. There’s outside stuff brewing. And Victors going, thank the lord! Bronte says he said that boys aren’t threatened by you .. the girls are threatened by you. Natalie asks us, for what!? Bronte says because we’re physical competitors. Natalie says that Paulie and Tiff’s siblings were on the show .. maybe there’s other people too. Maybe Michelle? We’ve got each other, we just have to stick together. Everyone is clumping into groups. I definitely want to win HOH and I know who I want to put up. Bronte asks who? Natalie asks are you ready?! You know I didn’t grow up with money. The people I hear the most talking about money. Paul his parents live in a mansion. Does he really need it more than I do?! Corey talks sh*t about me and he’s always balling out on weekends and stuff. I’ll tell Corey that we want to get Paul out. The votes will go in your favour. If we have to put up a girl as a pawn, that’s what we might have to do. We’ll think about it.

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5:40pm – 6pm HOH room – Tiffany, Paulie and Corey are talking. Paulie says I was talking to Nicole about Frank .. being like this is what I see. Frank, James and Natalie came out of the room. I was like we need to cut off the life source before this. It will be very interesting to see what James’s team does in this competition. Because I think if he’s tipped off at all and is paranoid … he’s coming after you and I first. Corey says he wants to go after Bronte. He thinks you’re (Tiff) after him. Tiffany says just because of that stupid argument… I’m not. Tiffany says he’s been saying he has a final three with you. Paulie says and he’s also said he wants to clip us. He told Michelle he wants a final 3 with her… he’s told EVERYONE! He won’t let anyone be alone in a room for 5 minutes. Paulie says something like that is bound to blow up in your face. Corey leaves. Tiffany tells Paulie you’re really good at this game. You’re very aware. Paulie says there’s no reason to be paranoid. ..Everyone that blows them self up .. goes home early. Everyone knows that. Tiffany says that James said he doesn’t want Frank around. Corey says that apparently James told Frank I didn’t want to throw the comp. And he got mad about it. Corey says we’ll have to get him out next week if we’re having this conversation. Tiffany says that he (Frank) wanted to align with the showmances .. you (Paulie) & Z ..and you (Corey) and Nicole so that he could be the 5th member… And get the showmances to go after each other. Paulie says I want to cut off what he’s trying to do so he has zero power. Paulie says I don’t think any of those three would take a shot at him. Tiffany says James would. Corey says this is really like a game of chess. Chop off one head and the body slowly dies. I have no problem if someone wants to go after Frank.

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5:50pm Kitchen – Nicole talks to Bronte and Natalie. Nicole says that Vic and Jozea said several times that you would put me and Corey up. I don’t know if they wanted me to target you. I thought it was completely personal because I hadn’t said anything at all. Nicole asks I never start anything. I was like why is she coming after me. Nicole says as long as you don’t put me up. Bronte says I’m all for making a fair trade. I don’t put you up / you don’t put me up. I’m here to show America that girls can stick together. Bronte says we’ve got you! Natalie says if we win HOH .. we wouldn’t know who to put up.

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6pm Frank, James, Natalie and Paul are talking in the storage room. Frank says everyone knows who my target is. I can be patient. I don’t think she’s winning anything soon. Frank says I’m going to work on Michelle getting HOH.

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6:15pm – 6:20pm Safari room – Frank and James are talking. Frank says we need to get them out before they have a chance to come after us. James asks who? Frank says Paulie and Corey. James says I’m worried about people going rogue. Frank says I’m not worried about that. I’m just worried about that one.. I think we need to get her (Tiff) out in the next two. Paul joins them. Paul asks James if your team won do you see them giving it to you? James says yeah.

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6:25pm HOH room – Paulie, Corey and Nicole. Paulie says if Frank finds out ..he already knows Tiff was trying to spin things on him … so everything goes right onto her. I think we’re golden .. I think if we take a shot. Nicole says we can’t miss! If we miss, we’re in trouble. The only way to miss is if he’s already sitting up there. Corey says he’s going to know exactly what’s going on when Tiff get HOH. Michelle joins them.

6:35pm In the bedroom –
Bronte tells Natalie and James.. I’m so happy Jozea’s out of this house. No matter what happens ..even if I don’t make it to jury I can be like at least I made it farther than you piece of sh*t!

6:40pm Natalie tells James that he is her favourite person. Natalie says I’ve always been very forgiving but if you do me the wrong way .. I’m going to take you down. I’ve wanted Vic out for so long… since he broke up with me. James says damn that’s a long time. Natalie says she sort of blew up on him when he said ewww about me walking on my pants. I just want tomorrow to come, he’s not kind hearted. You don’t lead someone on.. when you lead someone on that’s the most f**ked up thing. James says so you would tell me if someone was plotting against me right!? Natalie says f**k yeah.

51 thoughts to “Paulie about Frank “I want to cut off what he’s trying to do so he has zero power!””

  1. Simon! That’s a bad picture of Nat Nat. She should only be shown with sparkle n butterflys.

          1. No way I’d vote against you, Dawg. Thanks for hanging in and updating us on bbcan 4!
            Is it just me, or does Bronte not look like a brunette version of Tori Spelling?! I don’t know if you follow Adam Poch, but I was surprised that he gave her tofu, and not at least one strip of bacon, based on her resemblance to Tori!

  2. Day needs to realize that her best move is to stick with the five “showmance” for now and then make a move against them at nine. It’s frustrating and amazing how Day continuously blows up her game when she’s awake and yet when she sleeps things started to look good again for her. So far her best move is to rope James back first, among everyone left he seem to be the most loyal.

    1. I think she pull James into that 5some. I think he can try to calm her down and she can scheme with him.

    2. It s still 14 ppl in the house and she already wanted out everyone at some point of the time, sooner or later these infos will come back to haunt her … Just like Franks game is collapsing …the similar will happen to her just later…not to mention nobody will be her NO 2 just like nobody will be Tiffanny s NO 2, coz they both are too much work. I see her as a middle jury member, she just playes too hard and very rarely ppl who play too hard week 2-3 make it all te way…especially in such a long season

  3. I like Paulie but I have no clue why he is allying himself with Corey a dude who has ZERO game sense….of course Frank is a target to get out but its too early, Paulie could be putting the target more on his back then he realizes. Da needs to stop talking that mouth of hers was the reason she was out so fast on her season, it will get her out again.

  4. I really have no idea what is going on with Frank’s game! I used to love frank but I want him gone because he’s back and forth trying to turn everyone against each other and it’s not working in his favor!
    I do however hope that he gets evicted and then battles his way back in so we can become a comp threat again and win hohs and povs to save himself. That will be entertaining instead of his new strategy.

    I’m currently pulling for the fatal five as I don’t think any of the guys are playing a good game right now. They are sheep to either frank or Davonnes plans!

  5. James isn’t honest like you claim.

    James is a little rat snitch.

    James isn’t funny. He is over thirty and doing third grade sleep over crap in the house

    Thankfully James had zero chance of winning BB. Just like last season.

    James fans are mad now like when Vanessa sent his little ugly chubby snitch ass bitch ass home last summer. Can’t wait to laugh at you James fans when little tike gets booted again.

    1. I’m guessing you are a Bronte fan? Seeing as all the hate for a generally likeable guy. No mention of Hong Kong at least

    2. Finally someone speaks the truth about James! Looks like Natalie put him the friend club too. Wonder what Meg is doing

  6. There needs to be a fight….the tensions there, everybody is targeting everybody. Shame Bronte and Nat aren’t smarter. Rather than trying to be the Spice Girls or convincing everybody they hate their friend or pretending they’re clueless as to who they’d nominate, they should be trying to nudge the conflict. They gotta know they’re on the outside looking in, but a big public split makes them invaluable votes and top free agents.

    1. What could cause a lot of action is Frank finding out about Paulie/Corey and that alliance of 5, get Tiffany voted out this week and see a House with several alliances. Paulie taking down Paul this week with veto could be his downfall(depending on who wins HOH Thursday)

      1. I’m one of those fans that roots just for entertainment and ideally some really savvy, manipulative…but not mean or personal…game play. So let’s keep blowing it up and may the best man/woman win….

  7. I find it slightly ironic that Frank was rolling with laughter at how much Jozea was oblivious to his surroundings but Frank’s gameplay is pretty reminiscent of that very thing (this week anyway).
    He is so hyper focused on Tiffany that he’s losing perspective on everything else.

    1. After DR dragged him in this morning for his “tone it down talk” and plummeting popularity, they focus “show” on his hatred for Tiff and tell him about the comps and strategies for HOH to help Eudy Tootie his way to $500k. HG Rank soared to #13 with 5 hours of DR help! Season 18 Reeks in more way than one. Does Frank think telling feeds Production is rigging it for him makes him more popular. So far it hasn’t helped Vanessa or Day, he’ll be out so much sooner too. If you’re bored hearing Natalie whine about getting dumped on national TV for 3 hours tonight, for laughs, watch Brittney Haynes discuss Frank’s Seasons on YouTube BBAD footage. Orwell says it’s a hoot!

      1. Frank was a piece of shit on his last season and he still is. Time for someone to kick that overgrown hillbilly cabbage patch kid to the curb.

  8. Its funny because I cant stand Victor but for game and entertainment reasons I wish somehow Tiffany would go this week. Frank finds out about that alliance of 5 and the BD plans of Corey/Paulie and gets enough votes to get Tiffany out

  9. Someone with a brain and comp beast really needs to team up with Davonne, among the players she by far has the best read on everyone, it really is a shame that she over complicate things and over plays. Somehow I’m hating the fact that survivor 34 changed directions because she could probably do better on it, things are way easier and way faster, the down time in big brother screws her game so much. It is really frustrating to root for her.

  10. I want to thank Dawg and Simon for doing a great job. I have taken a liking to this season, especially glad James is back. He’s a nice guy and not malicious. Good on him, and I hope he gets to kiss Nat Nat!

    1. Nat is using him for attention and TV time. He is thoroughly friend-zoned and she is still Victor-obsessed.

  11. Wow Natalie is starting to pull it together a little and is getting a little more aggressive. She’s finally starting to talk some serious game on how to win. I’m genuinely surprised, this could be a nice turn in the game, I thought the girls would play the game from behind trying to stay sad but sounds like they’re on the move

  12. I just can’t wait to see the next hg leave so I can see some real action. I’m ready to see the lines drawn so we can get down to the nitty gritty

  13. I love you, both, but Dawg, you are the man. You brought us bbcan4, when Simon refused, since he was disgusted with it.
    Thanks for doing that!

  14. Sorry, Simon! I shouldn’t say that you were disgusted, but just that you maybe didn’t like it.
    It was underwhelming, but I’m greatful that Dawg still brought it to us. I’m hoping that you don’t hate me now! Sorry!

      1. Thanks, Simon! I look forward to all of the coverage that you and Dawg bring to us.
        Yours is the first site that I go to for all bb information .
        Thank you both for all of the time that you dedicate to bringing us these timely updates!
        You are appreciated!

        1. A question for your Kill Show: Frank is under the bus with the eight-pack, but he’s in good with the three girls (Bridgette, Bronte, Natalie). James is bonding with Natalie.
          Do you think that James will tell Frank about what is going on, in the hope of him and Frank saving Natalie and these girls?
          That could really mess everything up, on the other side.
          I’d love your thoughts on this!

  15. I know Victor insulted Natalie about her pants and a couple of things, but why are her feelings so hurt? She acts like they’d been kissing and falling in love and he dumped her, what’s up with that, anyone know? She keeps talking about how he “hurt her” like they were lovers and I missed it.

    1. It’s Natalie’s way of telling people Vic is not a good person because he hurt her. Basically she’s doesn’t want anyone to switch from voting out Vic because her BFF bronte is on the block.

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