“Obviously, Alyssa is working with Frenchie If you get rid of Alyssa you’re getting rid of one of his numbers.”

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HOH: Frenchie
SAFE: Derek F, Britini, Azah
HAVENOTS: Xavier, Christian, Sarah and Alyssa
WILDCARD Competition Winner: Christian
– Christian also saved Xavier
Nominations: Kyland Travis and Alyssa
Power of Veto Players: Kyland, Frenchie, Alyssa, Travis, DerekX, Tiffany | HOST = DerekF
Power of Veto: Derek X
Power of Veto Ceremony: DerekX used the veto on Kyland. Frenchie nominated Travis

WILDCARD Winner: the winner will also be safe for the week (just the winner, not the winner’s team). With this reward there is risk. If the winning HG chooses to accept safety for the week, it will result in a punishment that may affect them, their team, or the entire house.

Big Brother 23 Houseguest Rankings – RANK THE HOUSEGUESTS –

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Big Brother Spoilers DerekX uses the power of veto on Kyland. Frenchie nominated Travis.

11:40 am Tiffany, Claire and Sarah Beth
Tiffany – I feel so good about this three
Claire says she doesn’t like it when the girls get together and call themselves “THE BOSS BABES”
Tiffany – no no no no..
SB – a casino theme .. card sharks..
Claire suggests the Cartel
Tiffany – does that have to do with Drugs or something?
Claire – yeah that’s drugs..
They laugh ..
SB – is there a word for people that count cards.. like card counters?
Claire – I should know that
Tiffany – we can brainstorm it out we don’t have to come up with it now.
Tiffany – it’s got to be a way we move..
SB – the hustlers..
Claire – I like that
Tiffany – we hustle
They decide on the Jackpot
They form an alliance called “JACKPOT”
Tiffany who do you want to go home..
SB says because they’ve both mentioned her name “If Travis stays I would say Travis or Derek
Tiffany – If Alyssa stays sorry you’re a good pawn
SB – she’s calm
Claire – She’s calm and she’s built some good bonds

Noon Feeds down for the Power of Veto Ceremony

1:30 pm Feeds still down for Veto Ceremony

1:40 pm Feeds return Alyssa and Christian are talking about how much they trust Frenchie.
Alyssa says X looks out for himself
Christian – X scares Frenchie
Alyssa -I know he told me that too
Christian – and Ky scares him
Alyssa – he told me that to
Alyssa says Frenchie told her he trusts Christian 100%
Christian – I do too. I trust him he, goes CUCKOO for cocoa puffs
Christian tells her they have to keep Frenchie in the loop but the info they feed him has to be strategic.
Alyssa leaves..
Christian to the camera – Dude another one too many to keep track of now.. I don’t want to spread it out too much..

1:49 pm ALyssa, Xavier, BIGD
Alyssa – I think I’m fine.. I hope so
Alyssa – Travis needs to stop being in the conversations. If I was Travis this is what I would do. I would hear that Alyssa is working obviously with Frenchie. He’s hearing all of it that I’m staying.. He would go to the girls. obviously, Alyssa is working with Frenchie If you get rid of Alyssa you’re getting rid of one of his numbers. If you keep me I’m a threat next week and you guys are good.. I would be like DAMN I want to keep him
Alyssa – he (Frenchie) needs to stop can we stop putting him in the conversations
DerekF – one of us have to get on that HOH next week
Alyssa – how cool would it be if I got it
Alyssa – Come here HOH key..


2:07 pm Xavier and Azah
X- at this point of the game Frenchie needs to stop talking (Fat chance)
Azah – the girls should know to get him out (Travis)
Xavier points out that Travis doesn’t talk to any of the women in the house.
Talking about how big of a threat Travis is. They highlight how intelligent he is and his extensive accomplishments outside of the house.
Xavier – Travis is the biggest threat this house has.

2:18 pm Frenchie the clown (His voice is very raspy from none stop talking), SB, Christian and Alyssa
Frenchie the glue clown – I said I’m done all I want next week is for y’all not to put me up just enough so I can get know people for a week because Y’all had that I didn’t. I said Please I don’t want to talk no game with nobody next week. All I want to do the whole reason I even elevated my game this week I wanted to do nominations with a bag of F***ing skittles
Frenchie – that was my intention..
Frenchie – when you start lying to people in front of the whole house I have to step my sh1t up to keep up with you. I said from now on your nickname is Ricky bobby
Feeds cut.. When we’re back the glue clown is still talking “You started not a one, not a two but a three-person alliance.. you drew the line the sand and now they wonder why half the f**ing house is against you”
Alyssa – to top it off he only knows Surviuvor
Frenchie – all you have to do is ask my man anybody who knows the game I’ll tell you none of us have a problem with that (Travis)

3:00 pm BIGD and Xavier
Xavier isn’t sure he wants to win the HOH. Doesn’t think neither of them should.
BIGD agrees
Xavier – If Ky won I would be cool with that, If Tiffany won I would be fine. How would feel if BRent won?
BIGD – I don’t know. Are we supposed to loyal to us?
Xavier – slaughterhouse.. He’s not even in the slaughterhouse he ain’t even in the butchers. He and Frenchie’s relationship really stresses me out. When sh1t hit the fan every single of Frenchie’s conversations BRent was there.
X – I think we be good if he won. My biggest wildcard if DerrickX just overall.. Then it might be Brent or Claire.
BigD – I have a good relationship with Brent.
Xavier says he does to he’s more worried about the rest of the “Cook out”
BigD – we just have to make sure someone that is the opposite POC is next to them.. Someone of the opposite that’s the only way
X – that’s how it always has to be
BIGD – these girls are going to go after each other. I know Britini doesn’t trust SarahBeth.. perfect that’s great. I want these bi1tches to be on the opposite.
Feeds cut.. When we’re back..
Xavier – if BRent won I would be worried someone in the cookout went up I want Azah to win over everybody. If she takes a shot at someone in the slaughterhouse? I think she will take out the biggest threat in the slaughterhouse we ain’t gotta take that shot.
BIGD – we also have to make sure Frenchie stays calm..
X – we have to make sure… if he goes off the rails.. Whenever he gets nervous.
Xavier brings up how the three of them haven’t talked since day one.
X – I want to make sure he’s still good with us three.

Christian joins them. BIGD tells them the line cannot be drawn “everyone has to be walking around here like who’s working with who? what is going on. you have to it’s eh only way we’ll get as far as we want”
Xavier says they all need to sing kumbaya..
Xavier mentions they should discuss if there will be a rogue vote.

BigD – A girl has to win next week
Christian mentions how a few people have said there is a girls alliance
BigD – We need to let one of the girls win to see if they’re working together or not.
Xavier – we need that exposed
Christian – we have two girls in the alliance.. What if they are more loyal than the girls
Xavier – that exposes them
Christian – then we lose somebody
Xavier – we lose someone that’s not loyal to us
BigD – we lose DerekX, or BRent.. or Ky
Xavier doesn’t think the girls will put up Ky
Christian says if Whitney won it would make Frenchie feel safe.
BigD – it would make him feel safe if TIFF won
Christian – I hope that Sarrah Beth wins.. DerekX threw out Sarah Beth’s name and she’s aware of it

3:39 pm BigD and Christian
Christian – the first two (in their alliance) that gotta go are Ky and X depending on how well Frenchie plays he’s up there too. I want to go with you.
Christian – X scares me not because he’s done anything to jeopardize.. He’s just good. For sure 5 and X scares Frenchie
BigD – when we get down to 5 we’ll see what happens..

Christian – Frenchie was scared about X as well. When we were talking about giving the veto to Ky or Alyssa apparently X didn’t try to justify using it on Alyssa as much as Frenchie thought that he should have..
BigD – okay..
Christian – You know Frenchie is like that’s my little sister.

Brent and Alyssa join them.
They talk about doing a rogue vote.
BRent – I’m the reason why Travis was the one going up I was like there are no other targets. He wanted to take out DerekX.

4:30 pm Frenchie and Brent
BRent – everyone has the trust right now the slaughterhouse is open for business so let’s keep it that way. Make sure nobody messes it up.
Brent – we make it to the top 8 because we have the numbers then obvisluy we can’t trust Ky he’s our first option at that point.
Frenchie – we get to top 8 we’re golden..
BRent – we’re golden we have the numbers the only reason this f**8s us over is if somebody f**s it up. Everyone needs to not be paranoid, They need to shut the f** up let’s just do it. Get to top8 .. we have top 2 you know what I’m saying
Frenchie – yeah
Brent – we’re in great great great f**ing shape

4:43 pm Whitney telling the Kitchen bunch she thinks they are building a competition in the backyard she’s heard loud constructon noises.

4:49 pm DerekX, Tiffany and Azah
DerekX – I think Travis was doing a good job trying to convince people to get him to stay
Tiffany – and he still has three days
DerekX – that’s what I told him Three days .. .Trust me .. I threw away my whole life in 6 hours yo can do a lot in 74.
Tiffany – he can count three votes because me, Ky and Claire don’t want to lose a member of our team. That would make our team look weak and they can just pick us off..
DerekX – a lot of time to swing votes.

5:10 pm DerekF and Kyland
DerekF – you’re good young grasshopper you’re okay. How about you be the smile and the beauty and I just need you to be the beauty and play in the comps and just get all sweaty and look cute. Let me do the thinking.
Kyland – I’m good with that alright fare enough..

5:21 pm Frenchie and DerekF
DerekF doesn’t want to draw the line or make any moves that expose the slaughterhouse. This means no large slaughterhouse meetings that raise suspicions
Frenchie – the slaughterhouse has the numbers to do whatever they want for the rest of the game.. (YIKES)
DerekF goes on about how they have to keep everything a secret and the house guessing what is going on.
Frenchie wants to call a slaughterhouse meeting “All of them together some of them don’t even know who the rest of them are” (Yikes)
DerekF – I thought we did when we brought up Alyssa, Britini
Frenchie – we all have to be in the same room
DerekF – my worst fear is Brent will go after Christian and Christian after Brent
Frenchie is going to get together the slaughterhouse right now for their meeting. He leaves.
Xavier comes in first and they laugh at the meeting getting called.

Xavier suggests they make a substitution in the cookout alliance. Dump Kyland for Hannah.
They both don’t like Kyland saying he’s not going after DerekX.
Xavier – she’s got black in her too

Slaughterhouse alliance Meeting
Kyland, Frenchie, Xavier, Christian, DerekF, Whitney, Alyssa, and Brent.
Frenchie – there’s no stopping this group.. we’re top 8
They do their slaughterhouse hand movements.. (Like the BBCAN3 Chop shop)


6:10 pm in the HOH Frenchie and Sarah Beth
(Feeds are cutting a lot right now just getting snippets of conversations. It’s more glue cringe if anything )
Frenchie is complaining about having to play the game so hard and talk so much game all he wanted to do was sit back meet people and “soak it all in”

When we’re back from a 40-minute outage. Frenchie is still talking to Sarah Beth. Going on about how rough his HOH was.
Frenchie is worried when his power is gone will people still want to work with him. “That’s what scares me”

6:50 pm Frenchie the clown is in the HOH with Sarah Beth and Tiffany. For the most part, the rest of the house is chit-chatting and working on dinner.

7:00 pm Chlling

20 thoughts to ““Obviously, Alyssa is working with Frenchie If you get rid of Alyssa you’re getting rid of one of his numbers.””

  1. Hello BBUers! Hope everyone is staying safe and enjoying their summer.

    Sooooooooooooo — Like every season I make mental notes during the first episode on who I’d steer away from, gravitate toward or be cautious of. I like seeing how close I am to who they turn out to be.

    Brent and Frenchie are my immediate red flags (dislike) Christian, Sarah Beth and Xavier I peg as dangerous. Christian, Travis, Derek X, & Claire -the ruthless ones, Big D and Kyland I tag to be very popular — Azah & Tiffany as players who can manipulate but be likeable & Alyssa & Whitney as the 2 females the guys will gravitate to.

    I’ll admit I started to doubt my gut in the first few live feed hours as Frenchie came across as a good guy who’ll play straight up but then he exposed what my gut was reacting to — he’s a damn LOOSE CANNON and the very worst type of BB player to align with.

    It’s not just his HOHITIS — it’s that you can’t trust anything he says. Not only has the power gone to his head but you just know he’ll be the biggest hypocrite in the house. Sure it’s glorious feed candy for us but by the same token he’s the kind of player who can inflict major damage this early in the game. Look at how Brent, Derek X and others keep saying “it’ll depend on what Frenchie wants”.

    Granted after the POV ceremony I think we’ll see a major shift (it’s already starting to happen) but for the moment he’s still wielding power. I can’t believe someone whose smart like Xavier or Big D hasn’t collected enough information yet to put together just how much of a sh*t show this HOH has been – – numerous alliances, multiple F2 deals, constant broken promises and worst of all his constant bi-polar ally/foe/safe/target flipping nonsense. At different times this week Brent, Christian, Big D, Allyssa, Derek X, Travis, and Kyland have all been his BFF/ally and within seconds shifted to his foe or vice versa.

    What bothers me the most about players like Frenchie is how aggressive he gets with people when we all know that once he”s not HOH if someone promised him safety and then put him on the block he’d be channeling Keifer from BBCan and spout off about loyalty & trust when his HOH was the very worst example of those traits.

    He’s gotten in people’s faces for simple strategic comments or trying to be allies. Xavier simply said it might not be wise to do another blindside with the POV b/c of how it could hurt his game & he calls him out asking if X is threatening him. That’s the thing with Frenchie – go back and watch the introductions in the first episode & look at his face as Christian, Travis & others speak – his face gives away his disdain for them. Personally, I think that’s his MO – he decides on a target & then CREATES a narrative for why. Even Big D who he has a F2 deal with – – telling others he’s so negative.

    Kyland simply responded to “you’d be 100% be safe” (if he stayed on the block) with “like the 100% I wouldn’t go on the block” and that was enough for Frenchie to become enraged and try to shift the target on him.

    As a side note – I’m doubling down on my dislike of Brent & I’m dying to see how he acts with Frenchie once he’s not the HOH.

    Placing early bets that barring a Joker winning the next HOH (or maybe Brent) that Frenchie will have a meltdown even prior to noms. I also won’t be surprised if most of the house shifts to wanting him OTB & I’ll thoroughly enjoy it if someone he went back on a promise to this week gets to be the one to put him up although I suspect he’ll need to be backdoored b/c they’ll all want to avoid the drama of putting him straight up.

    1. Welcome back! Another great post filled with good information and opinions. Glad to see you back for what we hope will be a much better season than the last one!

  2. Yay! His reign is over (and his vocals soon too). It’s over to the house now. Next week? Have Not and on the block. Ha.

    1. From your lips to god’s ears, whether he’s a Have Not or on the block it’ll be a crazy paranoia filled week.

  3. If Frenchie is next to go will every week after be boring? I want him out quickly and in a humiliating way but seriously, will we have any entertainment after that? I don’t think there has ever been an opening week that is so exhausting for players or viewers. iwould have PTSD from week one for the rest of the season.

    Do any of Frenchie’s followers not think he is crazy and out of his mind? I feel like they are just his Yes men because they are afraid of his erratic behavior.

    1. I don’t think it’ll be boring. The casting seems to be several steps above the last few years and quite a few of these people are looking to play. It’ll be different as we wouldn’t have the crazy, we’ve had this week. Although, it’s possible someone else gets a glue high and we can have week after week of fun crazy.

      1. I agree. All of these people seem to have personality traits that show that they won’t blindly follow the same person week after week without making moves of their own (Again one of the reasons I and others were majorly frustrated by Derrick’s season

    2. I worry a bit b/c already we’re seeing signs many of these hamsters aren’t true fans. Not knowing you’re safe (Derek X/Travis) if you win POV is ridiculous for “supposed” fans.

      Frenchie spouting how Derrick shouldn’t have taken Cody (HELLO Cody took Derrick) or that NO ONE has ever had a huge alliance with side alliances in the history of the game isn’t just annoying — it’s a demonstration of asshattery to the nth degree.

      Frenchie also talks a lot about Paul & Rock Star like he’s BFFs with them — is this just him yapping or does he actually know them?

      Anyway – it’s still early so other than Brent I haven’t developed any dislike for the hamsters. I think there are copious players who could play under the radar this seaosn which is something I always find appealing (Azah, Sarah Beth for example) and others who’ll overplay their hands which won’t be as ridiculous as this week’s HOH glue clown but should be entertaining.

  4. Why do I have 4 cameras on a single conversation? I don’t need two angles of the same speaker! It’s 4 people laying around in the middle of the day. I’m sure some of the other 12 people are at the very least speaking in another room.

  5. OMG! Frenchie seems quite offended by this “3-person alliance”

    Like bro, aren’t there like 11 people in Slaughterhouse?

    1. LMFAO – right?

      I mean he has more F2 deals (Brent, Christian, Big D, Kyland, Xavier – who am I missing?) than anyone in the house.

    2. See, the issue is that he ONLY had 3 people. If he had 9-14 it would be fine. Three is the number of the meathead devil so obviously that’s a problem.

    3. Yeah, each time that Frenchie brought up a Slaughterhouse meeting, I was thinking, “You mean a House meeting?”

  6. I was looking for Another Name’s posts to see if an alliance tracker had gone up yet. Here’s what I have so far (not all named). Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong on any and add where applicable:

    BB assigned quartets:

    • Jokers: Frenchie, Big D, Azah, Britini
    • Kings: Christian, Alyssa, Xavier, Sarah
    • Aces: Whitney, Hannah, Brent, Derek X
    • Queens: Claire, Tiffany, Kyland, Travis

    Frenchie instigated alliances:

    • Slaughterhouse: Frenchie, Big D, Xavier, Christian, Alyssa, Kyland, Brent, Whitney
    • Butchers: Frenchie, Big D, Xavier, Christian, Kyland (of note I think he’s also told Derek X & others about these 2 alliances but can’t keep track of who was added, on the morning of Day 2 he told Whitney about the Butchers but I’m not sure if she’s a formal member).
    • The Parents: Frenchie, Tiffany, Whitney
    • Day 1 alliance (Name (?) Frenchie, Tiffany, Whitney, Britini
    • Day 1 alliiance (not sure if it has a name) Frenchie, Xavier, Big D

    Gender mixed alliances w/o Frenchie:
    The Cookout: Kyland, Tiffany, Hannah, Azah, Big D, Xavier
    The Firefighters: Derek X, Tiffany, Claire, Kyland, Travis

    Female Alliances:

    • Sirens: Britini, Claire, Azah, Tiffany
    • Jackpots: Sarah Beth, Tiffany, Claire

    Alyssa: Christian, Derek X
    Azah: Britini | Xavier
    Big D: Sarah Beth | Frenchie | Christian
    Brent: Frenchie
    Britini: Azah | Whitney | Christian
    Christian: Frenchie | Alyssa | Big D | Britini
    Claire: Tiffany
    Derek X: Sarah Beth | Alyssa | Kyland | Travis
    Frenchie: Big D | Tiffany | Xavier | Christian | Brent | Kyland | Whitney
    Hannah: ????
    Kyland: Big D | Frenchie | Sarah Beth | Derek X
    Sarah Beth: Big D | Derek X |Kyland
    Tiffany: Whitney | Frenchie | Claire | (Ky?)
    Travis: Derek X
    Whitney: Britini | Tiffany | Frenchie
    Xavier: Azah | Big D (?) | Frenchie (?)

    I know there might be more female groups or smaller subgroups. I think I’m definitely missing more with Tiffany and some smaller subgroups from the Cookout for example. Let me know who I missed.

    1. Thanks! It is all so confusing especially since I don’t watch the feeds and are still figuring out who everyone is.
      What a crazy start.

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