Nomination Results! “I wanted to work with you because you’re a bada$$ b***h!”

Head of Household Winner – Christmas
Have nots – No havenots this week
Nominations – Bay & DaVonne
Power of Veto Players are
POV Host:
Power of Veto holder
Power of Veto Ceremony
Powers – Christmas, Dani have two of the powers. Christmas’ lets her block renoms. Dani’s let’s her pick an HOH and enables them to play in the next HOH.
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5:24pm – 6:28pm Big Brother blocked the feeds for the nomination ceremony.

Bay and Day in the bedroom.
Bay this is the part that bothers me that she still thinks that she (Christmas) can be anywhere on these people’s list. Flip on us who have your back just to jump in line over there to be at the bottom. That is serious! These people are sick. Day – I need you to keep that fire. I need you to keep that fuel. I need you to fight! Bay – You know what is crazy I don’t mind fighting.. I don’t mind getting my hands dirty. I just don’t like these people. So in my head I am like why do I keep putting myself around people that are not for me. Ian asks if he can give them a hug. Bay – You can hug me .. I am feel like this was planned so I am feeling attacked. Ian hugs her and leaves. Day tells Bay that no one has ever had her back like Bay. Bay hugs her. David sneaks in and hugs them both at the same time. Bay – you’ve been watching this show for years.. you can win these competitions.. you can go far in this game. Day – but the plan wasn’t to do it by myself. Bay – never. I am going to fight and I know its not over yet. There is definitely a possibility that we could both stay. Its fine. Its going to be okay. There are just quite a few people working against us. Don’t laugh and smile to my face .. go out of your way to be nice and then .. lay a trap for me. She was holding my hand today at the competition .. people are weird. Day – she told me that she wished I won this HOH. I want to see you win HOH this season.

6:30pm HOH room. Christmas and Cody.
Christmas is crying. Christmas – I don’t want DaVonne to go home and I love Bay. And I understand that this game has a lot of personal stuff into it. It just sucks. They’re both such amazing females! And I just feel like I put a freakin.. Cody – its part of the game. Christmas – I know. I did what I needed to do. This is what I had to do. For my game and the alliance .. they were going to come after us. Bay is an emotional player and I know I am emotional right now. I did what I had to f**king do and if I am in jury and whoever is in final two I am going to be able to look at their game and not have an emotional vote. I am sorry I didn’t even realize I was going to get this upset. Cody – its alright .. its totally fine.

HOH room. Bay and Christmas.
Bay comes up to talk to Christmas. They hug. Bay – I wanted to work with you because you’re a bada$$ b***h! Its okay. Don’t be upset. They hug again. Christmas is still crying. Bay – I just might be to honest for this game. Christmas – I just hate this game. Last time I had to do this it didn’t matter because it was later in the game. People had like significant reasons and.. and I hate that.. Christmas gives Bay one of her alcoholic drinks. Like cheers to getting outside this motherf**ker! Bay – and I don’t want you to get upset with yourself. It was a good game move.. kind of. I just hope you’re set up well enough when one of us leave.. and I know you’re a fighter. Christmas – and you can both put me at the top of you list. Bay – I told you before .. you’re not a threat to my game Christmas. I already told you I wanted to work with you then. Well I guess you’re a threat to my game now. Either I leave now so I can go see my man .. or I go all the way to the end. I just don’t know what I did for you to not want to work with me. Christmas – You talked to me way more than Day ever did. I always felt outside of whatever was going on .. and then you looped me in whenever you felt it was necessary. Bay – I wish you would have told me. I asked you multiple times that I wanted to work together but you never responded so I just assumed you didn’t want to. Christmas – we just never got together. Bay – but why did it have to be me and Day.. why couldn’t it have just been you and I? Christmas – I was fine with that too. Bay – why do I always have to be the one to initiate it. Christmas – But also with Day being your untouchable .. I know that she would always be higher than me on the totem pole. Bay – that is true.. we always knew that we would get targeted but never thought it would be by someone we were working with. Christmas – we haven’t been working together besides sharing information. Bay – what sucks is I have been pulled in a lot of different directions. I feel like this was just a trap to set me up. Christmas – I am not sure what that is in reference to. Christmas – you get to play in a veto. Bay – I’ve never won one. Christmas – me neither. Bay – it will be a whole lot of firsts and it is a game. Bay – did anyone else know what you were going to do? Christmas – no one else knew.

6:45pm HOH room. Day and Christmas.
Christmas give her one of her alcoholic drinks as well. Christmas – everything I said right there I f**king mean. She just asked if she had listed Ian as her untouchable ..would I have put him up instead. YES! The power duos that are dynamic and social .. just because you haven’t won anything doesn’t mean that you’re not a f**king beast. I see it coming. And I f**king wish you had won that HOH because then .. this one really f**king sucks. I told her it doesn’t matter who she listed .. untouchable is a final two .. your ride or die. Bay and I talked some game but after getting pulled into a room multiple times and not liking how Janelle or Kaysar plays the game .. and it never being clarified .. I just felt like I was being kept in the loop occasionally. Day – I know that you’re a very intelligent woman.. I don’t gravitate towards the weak. I know you know there are other duos .. what made her and I at the top. Christmas – it was confirmed .. I haven’t confirmed any other duos. Day – that sucks because when we would talk to people .. you were our untouchable. Yeah so it kind of sucks! I just wish things would have worked out different. I am just glad you didn’t backdoor me. Christmas – that is not my style .. go play your heart out. I meant what I said on that couch. Day – I believe you.

7:22pm – 7:35pm HOH room. Christmas and Nicole.
Christmas – I don’t know how the house can be so surprised .. who else was I supposed to pick. They were really sweet ..they were kind. Nicole – this is a game and you didn’t have many options. Christmas – I know they were going to come after the alliance. Game wise it makes sense.. and I will always do what has to be done. That doesn’t mean that I don’t carry the burden personally and emotionally. Nicole – I get it. Its so hard to nominate people. Christmas – now I feel ridiculous because I am more upset than they are. The Comity better keep their sh*t together… because that wasn’t easy and no one else was willing to do it. I’m not talking about you. Dani joins them and gives Christmas a hug. Dani – this game sucks.. I just wish we hated people. It makes it easier to nominate and evict people. Christmas – the bottom line was they were coming after our alliance and had 4 of the 6 in mind. Nicole – The Comity has to keep our crap together because she just did that for us. We should all get together and they can appreciate all the hard work you put in.

7:35pm – 8:05pm Bedroom. Day and Bay.
Bay – I feel really embarrassed. Day – don’t! There is nothing to be embarrassed about. Your heart is open and you trust. Don’t be embarrassed! You don’t look like a fool. You don’t look gullible.. you don’t look like none of that. You look like everything (points to the bible) you read. Bay – I feel really weak. Day – don’t and what does it say his strength works best in my weakness. Bay – But I don’t feel bad for being a good person because that is just me. I don’t get why she wants to embarrass me so bad. Day – I don’t know. Its unnecessary. Day – we have to learn to save our tears for the ones we love. Bay -Kevin is for you. David is for you. Memphis. Day – Memphis would be for you. Bay – you would have Tyler, Dani, Nicole, Ian .. Kevin.. Five. I feel like you have the votes to stay. Day – I don’t want to think about that.. one of us just has to win the veto .. one of us comes off and someone more threatening goes up. David joins them. They talk about how if they get house guest choice they would pick David. Day – when you were talking to her did she say who was the target. Bay – no. I don’t think they care which one goes.

7:47pm – 8:10pm HOH room. Christmas and Dani.
Christmas – I swear to god if Tyler double crosses me or any of them.. before .. like after 6 what you F**KING want! If I get f**king double crosses before six.. Dani – well you know you have Nicole and I. Christmas – I know. And I feel confident with the guys. I don’t know if we need to be reminded ..and I know its an individual game but Big Brother but you have to have a team. I really want us to meet whether we have to stay up late …like I just took a f**King canon ball to the face! So pull your sh*t together and lets start making some moves. Win HOH .. don’t be a little b***h. We just can’t have b***H moves. Dani – no, there is no room for that. Christmas – and I understand that Memphis wants David out .. fantastic but then secure his departure. Ian joins Christmas to play backgammon. Dani leaves. They play a game and then Ian leaves.

8:12pm Bedroom. Bay and David.
Bay – if I win the veto and Day stayed on the block there is a possibility that she would stay. If Day wins the veto and I stay on the block, I don’t think I would be able to stay. It depends on who I am next to actually. The problem is I don’t want it to be next to one of you guys.

8:30pm Lounge room. Dani and Bay.
Bay – I went out of my way to protect the person that was feeding me this stuff and now I feel completely played especially with my experience the last go around. I feel like an idiot. I look like an idiot. And it really just sucks! It feels personal. I know its just game but its not. Dani – its not. That’s what is so hard separating the two. Bay – I wanted you to know that first of all even when I heard it the first time .. I heard it a week ago. Dani – that is everyones biggest fear in this game .. is to look stupid. I did it last time .. I looked like a freakin moron. Bay – I am two out of two. Dani – I told Day that we would look stupid if we didn’t talk. Bay – but even the first time I said I feel like this is a trap so the fact that it was .. frustrates me. Dani – I literally asked him (Tyler) do you feel like she is trying to get you back for last time? And he said yes. Bay – that is his guilt. That sucks. I feel really stupid. I didn’t hold a grudge. When I went through my miscarriage during that time .. when it came out people said Tyler is responsible.. and I publicly said no, it has nothing to do with Tyler when I had that outburst. Big Brother cuts the feeds. Dani – its been a horrible horrible day. Bay – If I leave this week I just want you to know that Cody has been extremely loyal to you. He was very defensive of you. He’s been good. Enzo’s been pissed because the alliance has been breaking up. It has nothing to do with you personally. The first time Tyler told me this .. its reverse psychology .. he has just been trying to mind f**k me. Like you can go and talk to her right now and blow up my game.. I don’t give a F**K. Do what you want to do. And I was like no no I would never. Dani – that’s what I don’t understand his I don’t want to be here, I’ll leave right now .. I want to go home .. is that.. Big Brother cuts the feeds. Bay – During sequester.. Swaggy told me that Angela just randomly started texting him. And Angela doesn’t text. Big Brother cuts the feeds.

8:55pm Bedroom. Nicole and Dani.
Nicole – what is going on. I can tell you feel super upset. Dani – I feel horrible. She (Bay) is putting it all on Tyler when I know that some of it was my fault. And she is talking about how like how she had a miscarriage and defended him and is so hurt. Like this is not game. I can’t freakin do this! Nicole – she shouldn’t put that into the game. Dani – yeah but she doesn’t mean it like that. She is super apologetic. I feel like a piece of trash. I hate this. Like this is not me. I don’t want to do this anymore. Oh my god I am freaking the hell out. I don’t want to do this anymore. This is too much. God this game is too much. And I genuinely like her. What the hell am I supposed to do!? Nicole – you only have two options. Dani – I asked her and she said the other two people were Kaysar and Ian. Nicole – about me or about you? Dani – about me. Nicole – Ian said you? Dani – Hmmmhmm. Nicole – wow. Dani – she said that he then squashed it later but come on. She said that Cody like defended me a lot. And she said that she asked him about his friends. And he said his only friends in the house .. Enzo is my closest friend.. I think after he didn’t say us so that makes me feel good. What is happening? Nicole – I don’t know. What is crazy to me is its the same people. You’re not the only one going through this.. Dani – but I definitely did say we should get her out. I know what Tyler said and I know he said personal things about her but it is not to the extent that she is thinking. I literally feel like a piece of garbage. Nicole – if she is going home .. you could tell her.. Dani – tell her what though? Nicole – Whatever would make you feel better .. but I guess you couldn’t because that would blow up your game. The thing is .. if she stays and Tyler is still here .. it is just going to get worse. Dani – I am just going to act fine with him. Nicole – I think it is going to blow up is what I’m saying. Dani – I think so too.. which is fine. Nicole – remember you are beautiful inside and out ..people on the outside don’t understand what we see and feel.. Cody comes in and tells Nicole she is tagged in to do dishes.

9:42pm Bedroom. Day and Bay.
Day – yesterday after the HOH when we were all sitting around the table Memphis says didn’t Kaysar say Day and Bay too. I was like no he didn’t say our names. He said I could have sworn he said Day and Bay too. I said no he didn’t mention us at all. DROP THE SEED. Day walks out.

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105 thoughts to “Nomination Results! “I wanted to work with you because you’re a bada$$ b***h!””

  1. Shocker. The two angry black women who can’t win anything, get nominated. While Sideshow Bob AKA Mophead. AKA Tyler escapes unscathed again.

    1. Exactly. This is Christmas ” there are other couples in the house” like Kaysar said ” you guys are awful players”. Instead of getting rid of two $500,000 winners, banners & wall yellers, stiff competition; I guess I’ll put Da & Bay on the block. Get out of here. This show is a mess, but predictable!!!!

      1. I hope the noms stay the same so that Day & Bay have to campaign against each other. That will be some good drama.

    2. this is still xmas’ best move. she’s on no one’s radar and can coast until the house splits at which point she can then start playing.

    3. Of course the two black women are targeted- the “there a duo thing” is crap.They haven’t won anything all season- what is their record? 1 competition across 5 seasons? Meanwhile, you have 2 former winners, bullhorns and flyers telling you who is in the real core and a speech from Kaysar that was just about spot on. But none of that is true in Labor Day’s head?

      Bay and Day have made some dumb moves for sure. One of them was thinking that 4 white people actually wanted to work with them and bring far. That never happens on BB- CBS only casts small-minded, morons.

      They kept Uncle Tom over someone who would have been a number and literally tuned out Jaysar.

      I can’t stand Christmas. The others would have had more of a reason to put them up given the histories of bad blood and knowing that bay and day were coming for them had they won. And this I’m a “conduit for god?”

      How does CBS bring her back after gang-bullying people on her season while they sing this tune about equality and being kind to one another?

      This season is terrible in a plethora of ways.

      1. Janelle and Kaysar weren’t threats either and yet they were still targeted for no reason. Every HOH has been a waste so far and evicted non threats. Bay and Day weren’t nominated because they are black, like you are implying, let’s not go down that path. They were nominated because everyone is too afraid to play the game and make a big move that might step on some toes. They all want to play it safe and nominate people that won’t cause waves.

        1. Maybe you should watch “when they see us.” Did people learn nothing from the social justice movement that has been going on? Or are we going to pretend that race never plays a factor in this game and every other reality game show.

          1. OMg this has NOTHING to do with race. I hate Christmas and want Day and Bay to stay, but this was literally her protecting her alliance…who will cut her soon enough.

            1. Exactly. I’m so sick and tired of race-baiting. Don’t people realize the more you call it out, when it’s not…it cheapens the real times people are racist. People are gonna be less likely to believe it when it really is racist.

        2. Janelle was nominated because she is beautiful and the other blonde haired blue eyed women were jealous and Kaysar.. brown muslim. Who else has been on the block David..and Kevin..??? You don’t see it because you don’t want to. It goes this way every year!!! Last season they made them wear uniforms.. all the minorities were in uniforms to even further separate them. GOOD JOB CBS. They caught Ian in some stuff and he is tied to Nicole.. A duo, Both won before.. but havent touched the block. Dani.. started a whole bunch of mess and is with Nicole another duo.They havent touched the block. Then the girls try to get together and get Tyler up and Christmas says Dani will have to tolerate Tyler until the end. WHY?? Nicole gives this half @$$ pitch because you know, the peen. These women watch this game and see this happen every year, yet for some reason they think they are going to be different. Christmas cant see that she is being use to take someone out that is an ally and someone she says she likes because the others are scared to do it. Coming in that house and being a minority is an uphill battle. Being only 1 or 2 black people trying to play this game will never work. If you stick together its a problem. If you don’t its a problem. All the other “others” are trying so desperately to be accepted by the cool kids rather than work with the others. The black people are left trying to be “small” in the game .. Meaning “shrink” themselves so they wont appear threatening or angry. Any sign of of any emotion not just anger but ANY emotion from them is a problem, but from people that look like Nicole… not so much. David is cleaning behind everyone, he has allowed himself to become the butler because he wants to be been seen as likable and “non-threatening” and a “good person”. No one else is worried about that, just the black people. Remember Howard?.. the most decent person in the house was accused of everything under the sun and was assumed to be in an alliance based on his color. He had to control his human emotions about some REAL RACISM so he wouldn’t be seen as the scary big black guy. This is how black people live in the world as well. Trying to figure out everyday how to make our black skin less scary/threatening to the white world. Constantly having to monitor and check whatever emotion we may have against how it would be perceived. Lastly, how many players have been accused of stealing? Asking for a friend. I expect over 100 thumbs dumb. It’s much easier to turn a blind ear rather than to try imagine that this could really be someone else’s experience in this world, and this country.

          1. I dunno man. The first 3 people voted out of the house this season were white people, going up against minorities. I mean, who knows with Kaysor, maybe the white people in the house don’t like Muslims, but not even Bay or Day were willing to stick their necks out for him. I mean, if they really are all racists, David should have gone home over Nicole A in week two for sure.

            1. Exactly what I was gonna say. Evicted…. white woman vs. Kevin, white woman vs David, white woman vs Kayser, Muslim man vs Christmas and next will be a black woman. How is that racist? What about Ageism? Is that a thing people are throwing out there?

              One thing is for sure…. these women better wise up before they are all gone.

        3. Not a pair…. they were the black pair. Let’s not be blind …. don’t wanna make waves ????? It was all they had left. You are correct, they do suck @ the game…. but the sorority (really fraternity) must go on…. and em you don’t really win any comps… i must get rid of you …. great move NOT!!!!!!! waste move!!!!

          They just play with their sub conscious

        4. Janelle and Kaysar and then Day and Bay were all nominated because that’s what Nicole wants, she feels “threatened” by all of them. In reality, none of them fall for her bullshit and poor me routine, and she can’t manipulate them. It sucks that day and bay didn’t listen to Kaysar, things could’ve been different from the start. Tyler is going to realize soon enough he made a fatal flaw too, he’s expendable in the eyes of Dani, Nicole, and Cody. We’ll be left with the absolute worst of the worst at the end, not that anyone is worth rooting for now.

        5. Of course that move wouldn’t step on any toes- the minorities are in the minority. Shocking !

          And Janelle and Kaysar were wayyyy bigger threats than day and bay could ever be, so that comparison is not registering with me.This wasn’t there first all stars…legends never die.

      2. What difference does their skin color make? If they were white they would have still been nominated because they weren’t in with the cool kids.

          1. That’s a great assessment but slot of the houseguests are friends outside if the show i don’t think day or bay are serious friends with anyone outside of the house

          2. Wtf are you talking about? They WERE with the coolios. The Slick 6 was legit. Unfortunately they got a lil paranoid…which in turn made others more paranoid…which brings us to where we are.

        1. The reason they aren’t in with the “cool kids” is because they’re black. If you haven’t noticed, cody, tyler, enzo, and dani aren’t making any efforts to save them even though they were in an alliance. And Nicole who claims to “owe” davonne isn’t even doing anything to help davonne at all in this game. The reason davonne and bayleigh are nominated isn’t because they’re black, but the reason they’re in this situation (bottom of the alliance and openly targeted) is because no one has their backs like how cody and tyler have Nicole and dani’s back. It also doesn’t help that memphis is complete prick. He never made any efforts to ever align with davonne or bayleigh yet he was so quick to include dani, nicole, and Christmas in his bullshit committee alliance which includes basically all the white ppl in the house minus Ian. It’s just saddening to see how two black ppl closely aligned is always cause for alarm whereas you have numerous white duos currently in the game (nicole & Ian, nicole & dani, cody & tyler, cody & enzo etc) yet no one is even considering them. So if you don’t think race has anything to do with it you’re definitely wrong because it might not be the reason why those two were nominated but it plays a huge part in house dynamics and the reason why they’re being targeted first out of the duos after kaysar and Janelle.

          1. Only bone of contention, and it’s just a minor point. Yes Memphis is a dick.
            His original plan was to include Bayleigh, not Nicf in the alliance. He was talked out of it by Dani and Cody, saying you can’t take Bay and not Da, so grab Nicf instead.

          2. Firstly…Cody and Nicole, who I am NOT rooting for…have a tight relationship cause of their season. Secondly…have you not heard how Tyler, Enzo, etc talk bout cutting Dani…and Memphis? It is NOT about race. The other duos are more hidden…whereas Day and Bay are more open about their duo…talked about not wanting to vote David out because of race. Obviously that is going to cause unease w/ others…knowing they won’t be able to be up there because they’re from a diff race.

      3. As a tri-“racial” person (European, Mali and First Nations Native American) I hate when people get falsely accused of racism cause I see it happen far too often on all 3 sides of my heritage. That makes me try to find any reason other than racism to fit what is happening. Though I can see how some (if not most) of their motives are genuinely about game play, I cannot help but see that there is cultural bias happening every season and absolutely on this as well. I don’t think everyone means to, I just think it is there because it is there in everyday life for everyone on some level.

        I honestly think that if you made the houseguests all white, all black, all Asian all Indigenous or even all women or all men we would still see cultural bias happening in there. It would be the cool people vs the wannabe cool people. The rich vs the poor. The social vs the antisocial.

        What makes me mad this season is really the thing that makes me mad every season: core group of alphas safe with all their clueless devotees giving them number safety. Very few (if any) people willing to be an individual and think critically about putting up the alpha core. When yellers and banners consistently call out 2 names and yet they aren’t on anyone’s lips to get them out, then you know there is serious denial and bias going on.

        1. It really is too bad that an all women alliance had never lasted longer than a few days due to pettiness, bitchiness or the feeling of some thinking they need a guy to help them get further. Reconfirms time after time the general thought that we are still being seen as the weaker sex and sadly put ourselves in the position.

          The one thing that frustrates me even more than that season after season is that the nominees never play POV as if its worth a half a million dollars. If I were on the block and knew there was a decent chance of me going…. I’d practically kill myself in those comps because they are quite literally the difference between winning the game or going home empty handed.

        2. I don’t think that’s bias. I think that’s FEAR. Fear of the power. The power that is the alliance and the numbers. They are all so afraid to go against the power of the alliance, it’s hard to even get them to talk about going against that side, and IMPOSSIBLE to get them to team up together and actually vote against them.

          So what we get instead is a constant march of the non-aligned out the front door. Maybe the cool kids (or alpha core as you call them) have other reasons for sending them out, but do they really need other reasons? The fact is they are NOT part of their alliance, as Christmas keeps repeating, so they are the next to go. You can ask Dan or Derrick why they are not part of the alliance, because after all, they are the ones who originated the alliance in the first place, long before the game ever began. Those friendships outside of the house, and also the rivalries from previous games and seasons, pretty much drew the lines before the front door was even opened. It honestly has NOTHING to do with race, but everybody keeps wanting to make it look like it does. Bay and Day are just the next two sheep being lead out of the pen. They could have done something about it, by working with Janelle and Kaysar, using their influence to also bring in David, Kevin and possibly Ian, but they chose not too.

      4. I am not sure how anyone could say BB is not slanted towards “groups”. It doesn’t matter that the first few that were dumped were white. They were women and women hardly ever work well in the house especially when a group of men consistently refers to the women in the house as “these freaking girls”. Sexist much? The way the men talk about the “women” and how they “act” or respond. Evil dick can be despicable but Dani can’t?? Double standard.
        Now let’s talk race. No one had an issue with 8 white people working together but find it “scary” that two black women are working together?
        Keep in mind, it’s assumed that most people who have most in common tend to work together and race and sex usually are a part of that ESPECIALLY in BB. Anyone who says it doesn’t hasn’t watched BB and doesn’t live in reality.
        It’s a true glimpse or how the world is.
        America is racists, classist and sexist and until we get that, there’s no sense in arguing over BB.
        As far as the people in the house, they are only emulating what happens in the real world comfortably so we can’t expect any difference in the house.
        The issue is the amount of production puppet strings and pre game shenanigans mixed with bad game play blurs the line. Which is what, production wants to create the story they see fit!
        We can’t have real “moments” of reality tv with potential sexism and racism because production jumps in and adds a stupid 6 alliance push to try and make it all legit while cutting the feeds and fabricating stories.

      1. Several of them have talked about making sure they had reasons for putting these two up and they started feeding each other made up crap to televise so they could point to game reasons for the nominations. The biggest factor in the nominations though is the lack of pregame connections to the only power base.

  2. Please for the love of my brain can something drastic happen already? You say your making such a big game move but you put up bay and day? She’s so delusional to think She’s on the top off the alliance. I hope they get a power to replace the nominees. Anyone else watch Dani, day and Nicole talking? Dani was throwing Tyler under the bus so hard. I wonder if it will get back to him?

    1. That’s what I was saying. Oh she’s going to make a big game move. It’s about time. And then nominations came, I almost fell over. That’s why I believe CBS has their hands in this show big time. The houseguest cannot be this clueless, or maybe so after hearing their conversations.

    2. Of course Xmas will report everything back to the guys. But Dani and Nicole are done with Tyler and they all know he has been lying …..even Cody figure out the other day what Tyler has been doing and he told Enzo about it

      1. You mean he told Enzo — the same Enzo who held meetings with Xmas, Day & Bay encouraging them to go after NicF and Dani (and Ian)?

    1. You make it sound like she nominated them because black girls are mean, loud and racist or something. It has nothing to do with race. They both suck at this game and stir up too much shit. That’s why they are nominated. It has nothing to do with anything else.

      1. Easy for you to say when you’re not black. I agree that davonne and bayleigh really do suck at this game (more so davonne) in regards to the fact they can’t win competitions to save their life. But in regards to social game and starting drama davonne literally has done nothing to be targeted. It was dani who started planting all those seeds, and tyler and enzo were onto it and everything, yet look who cody decided to back up: dani. It’s basically whoever cody wants gone at this point and he placed all the blame for all the drama on davonne who literally did nothing. So don’t even try saying that race has nothing to do with it. Race might not be why they’re nominated but it’s definitely some kind of racial bias leading to why ppl are assuming they’re the ones stirring the pot with the drama when it’s clearly dani who’s doing it! If you haven’t noticed it’s basically an alliance of all white people against literally all the minorities in the house, so when you’re black and you’re watching this it’s hard not to assume there’s some kind of racial bias as to where ppl are placing blame for drama and trying to create targets. Because honestly everyone in the alliance should be gunning to get rid of dani but she’s protected for some reason instead of davonne and bayleigh.

      1. You’re completely insensitive. BB is the worse for racism yet you seem to think it’s all nonsense…maybe if you were a minority you would understand how irritating it is to watch all the minorities get picked off one by one pre jury while the white ppl like memphis, nicole and dani can just sit back and chill to the end. I swear coronavirus will be cured before a black person ever wins this frickin game.

  3. Here’s where my brain has settled. I could be wrong. But this is what I have decided.
    The yellers and banner… production has called that fruit of the poisonous tree.
    Therefore Ian has to recant.
    Therefore nobody is allowed to mention that Cody and Nicole are a pair (hence why Xmas tells Da’vonne she hasn’t confirmed any other pairs in the house).
    And just to top it off with a nice little cherry on top to cover Nicf and Cody’s hurt feelings: here are some extra powers for your allies that can protect you moving forward. Cheers.

    1. Wow I was thinking the very same thing. At first everyone was talking about Nicole and Cody and that stopped real quick.
      I bet Cody and especially Nicole, ran to the diary room crying ( I mean real tears), complaining their games were ruined. Hence not one, not two, but three powers. Yeah right CBS.

    2. This needs to be yelled from the mountains. If after what the houseguests heard, Nicole and Cody aren’t EVERYONE’S targets either these are the dumbest people on earth or production worked some magic.

    3. I’m late to the party on this one. I have scrolled through the titles 3 pages back yet havent seen what the banners and yellers actually said. Can you tell me please? Was it simply Nicody alliance established before season started or something similar? Thanks.

      1. The yeller is confirmed to have said “Cody and Nicole are playing all of you!” The banner was not seen but based on houseguests banter, it said “Nicole is a liar.”

    1. the bb legal team is probably happy this makes her less likely to sue them over her injury (also why she wasn’t medically evicted the first time she played).

      1. Obviously most of these people aren’t all stars, even CBS knows it. Does it have to be brought up all the time. This has been well established and laid to rest already.

      2. I cant defend a lot of people on this cast. I was just wondering how many labor day fans are actually out there and its just you

    2. There was only 2 Allstars in the game…2! Janelle and Kaysar. That’s it. Come on …David? Bay? Shitmas? Da? Cody? Ugh All Shitmas did was Hobble around on crutches and Bully people. She’s a awful person.

  4. This season has been the absolute worst. All the women and people of a different background, who aren’t white, are the first to be targeted. If I hear Enzo or Christmas say one more time that “they’re coming for blood” I’m going to throw up. These “all stars” are a disgrace. Hard pass on watching a bunch of privileged white men, ban together to win half a million dollars.

    1. I 100% agree. But it’s partly due to pre game alliances where cody and nicole were basically set up for success by covering bases with dani and tyler. And frickin memphis comes in and within days makes a 6 person alliance including basically all the white ppl except Ian and nicole a. Like how can you not see how fucked up that is. He literally made no attempt to even align with any of the non white ppl except kaysar but that was through Janelle. You can tell he didn’t give a shit about kaysar at any point. That guy is a complete douche. There’s a reason why there’s never been a black winner and it’s because of all house dynamics and racial bias in every season. Also doesn’t help that all the non white players are often disconnected from the bb community (which is why cody and nicole never pre gamed to include davonne, bayleigh, kevin etc into their alliance) so that initially screwed them for the all star season and also the non white players just can’t seem to win anything so they never have an opportunity to make any moves. Another reason why the format of this game is shit but that’s a different argument lol.

  5. LOL amazing that this alliance for all the power & they get powers… The Fix in most definitely IN for one of the large Alliance…

  6. I hope Christmas knows she’s going down as a racist. I’m livid about this season and a few seasons past. I’ve been a fan since season 1 and it’s such a shame how production has made every season such a drag. Stop feeding into the white supremacy, be better than that.

    1. And then you wonder why they don’t cast people of color on these shows much. Because whenever they get nominated they pull the race crap. Davonne and Bayleigh are the most racist ones in the house. Especially Da, She voted out Nicole A. because she was white. If a white person voted out a black person because they said they wanted a white person to get further, they would be rioting and looting in the streets.

    2. So shitmas puts up a two person alliance that’s going after people in her alliance so that makes her racist because they happen to be black. BUT Davonne refuses to vote a black person out WHO SUCKS AT THIS GAME, solely based on his skin color but that’s just fine. If a white person did that they would have been kicked off the show and CBS would of had to make an apology and a statement prior to every show. So as long as there’s racism towards white people, that’s ok. And before someone here states that you can’t be racist against whites I’m just going to say…don’t. The double standard is getting old.

      1. You’re frickin delusional. Clearly you don’t understand that things are NOT equal between white players and black players in BB. First of all 80% of the house is frickin WHITE! Each season all the white ppl always work together (because it’s only natural for people to be drawn to people who look like them and that also leads to them wanting to want to work with and align with them as well) yet whenever there is more than one black person on a season and they decide to work together they’re ALWAYS linked together (even if they aren’t working together or aren’t even that close) and targeted as a threat. The point is the game of big brother is not fair towards black players because a) they only have 2 or possibly 3 black ppl a season and no one EVER includes them in a majority alliance b) the black players they pick are often shitty at the game in the sense that they aren’t fans and are recruited (david) or they just can’t win for shit when it comes to the competitions (davonne and kaysar). And don’t start that shit about racism towards white ppl. White ppl aren’t the ones who are misrepresented on shows like big brother. I understand that davonne voting to save david solely on race was going too far but if you look at her perspective and the perspective of ANYONE who’s non-white you would see that she really just wants to see more minorities go far in this bullshit game and actually have a frickin chance to win! David was a terrible example for her to do that because he’s bad at the game but if the show would have gotten more black players (who are true fans of the show) on past seasons and created a more fair and equal social environment for black players then this issue wouldnt even be happening! So quit trying to place blame on the black players for trying to stand up for representation. Blame the producers and casting directors of the show for causing the misrepresentation in the first place.

      2. Da not voting David out is not racist. Imagine being given a platform on a national television show in the middle of a social justice movement pushing that black lives, opinions, ideas, and talent matter. And for the first time in a long time, your white counterparts are actually listening, or pretending to be. Imagine that pressure. Having to be the representative for people because they’re simply aren’t many people around that look like you.

        Walk a (Day) and then call her racist. Ignorance is bliss.

    1. If DaVonne has the power I hope it is just a have not pass or get out of wearing a punishment costume or play in a veto pass. She needs to stay on the block because she and Bayleigh will both crumble.

  7. So.
    Why does everyone think Christmas needs so much coddling after making nominations?
    Her ass isn’t on the block.
    She convinced herself she was going to play a loyal game and not lie (week one she said this to Dani, who quite honesty looked at her like she was an idiot).
    She promised Bayleigh week one that if she were ever hoh, Bayleigh would be safe.
    She’s very afraid of looking like the dipshit backstabber villain. Even though she’s been playing the float of the house for information. That tends to get called rat real quick.
    She’s afraid a large portion of social media (it’s already happening so stawp, i’m reporting not endorsing really) will say the reason she’s only able to see the one pair in the house, and she put the two of them on the block is ethnicity.
    She’s aiming for sympathy from the house, and sympathy from which ever nominee stays.
    (one of those things is NOT going to happen).

    To Nicf Xmas says: I just took a cannonball to the face.
    Well she chose the right audience for that comment…. if anyone knows about taking balls to the face it’s Wankzilla.

  8. If I were to guess I would think Tyler got the third power seeing as no one has told anyone else they got it. He (and maybe Ian) are the only ones who wouldn’t run to someone and tell them they got the power. Much like in BB20.

    1. Agree 100% – think about it – Tyler won in his season & only told Kaycee/Angela but not right away and he trusted them. In this game he knows Enzo/Cody are tied at the hip, knows Xmas hasn’t told him things (in spite of sharing she had one of the powers) and/or lied to him.

      Only way we’re learning if Ty has a power is on Sunday night in his DR session b/c like him or not he does know how to play the game.

      As for him being set up by things he said to Day/Bay about Dani he’s got receipts from both sides he can air out – Things that Dani said, Day/Bay said as well as things Cody told him that Dani/Nic have said so if it gets ugly he can dump a chitload of things into the center of the floor & have everyone turn on each other.

      Only other options are Ian (who likely wouldn’t tell Nic he had a power at this point) or Memphis who also would likely keep it to himself b/c he now knows he can’t fully trust Cody “his F2 partner”.

      I’m betting it’s Tyler & he’ll be more than happy for things to get crazy this week especially if Dani/Cody/Nic (Enzo?) turn on him and then either this Thursday or when he’s on the block stand up & replace himself/whoever is beside him with Dani/Nic or Dani/Cody & say yeah take a seat b/c your prearranged deal isn’t going to work out – sorry. Don’t take that as set – I’m just guessing based on the powers they mentioned that the last power would be bigger/better. And the best power is being able to remove nominees from block and have the power to replace them.

      Unlike the hamsters who thought Tyler’s activity/nervousness was him worried I have a different read – I think it’s b/c he’s excited he won it.

      1. Love your thoughtful takes on the situation in the house! I hope you are right about Tyler because he’s got at least two vipers after him now (that’s the way it is with snakes – if you see one, you know there’s always another one around somewhere, and Dani/Nicole are a two pack of slime!) so he may need it to save himself from their vicious backstabbing lies. He and Ian are about my only hope to save this season from the cesspool of evil that Dani, Cody, Nicole, et al are dragging it into.

  9. Bet day and bay wished they would have listened to Janelle and kaysar now and stopped voting out people that they could have really had an alliance with.

  10. Who all has powers? Dani the HOH thing that she hates, Shitmas the Veto one kinda like Tyler’s power from his season, and who else? Do we know and I missed it?

  11. 2/6 of The Committee have won HoH this season. Shitmas must be talking about Dani & Nicole lol. Her stupid poem was so cringey. She needs to be evicted just for reciting that. Enzo’s DR sessions were hilarious (when Cody came clean about his other alliance and Enzo didn’t give a damn because he’s also in other alliances LOL).

  12. Okay.
    If i was understanding the conversation right from the other room *i could hear some of feeds but wasn’t watching…
    Did Dani really just try to capitalize on the miscarriage?
    I mean Really?
    If i misunderstood what was happening there, please let me know. Because that sounded to me like that was what she was doing…. and that.. that would be really gross. Like. GROSS.

    Is that why she was crying… because she knows she took game a bit too far?

    1. I think she was stopping Nicole from saying that Bayleigh shouldn’t use it as a talking point or a way to guilt Dani into feeling some type of way, to me it sounded like Dani was letting Nicole know that Bayleigh was coming from a sincere place about being hurt by Tyler after everything they went through on their season. IMO it sounded like Dani WASN’T being a total b*tch for once. I think Nicole was the insensitive gross one in this instance. I could be wrong though

      1. Okay. So she reacted as a human with the crying. I can get that. That’s where i come from the ‘realized she went too far’ thought. Dani admitted that she’s pushing Bay to blame everything on Tyler, and Dani feels guilt because she’s at fault for it as well. I understand the effect. It’s the cause i’m concerned by:

        during the actual convo before nicf found her crying, did Dani open up that can of worms with Bayleigh in order to goad the hate for Tyler? That’s where i was wondering where did that come from… and tell me Dani didn’t. Because….yeesh.

        1. Honestly, I can never be sure when Dani is being genuine or not, I’m hoping in this instance she was. Sadly, you never know though

  13. I know shitmas can’t think this but she has to understand
    Being a southern white gurl the worse look is putting up 2 black women against each other!!!! Not only that is she not seeing the pattern all the girls leaving. Why nominate two girls? How does this help her. If no waves wanted to make throw David and a pawn up. There is enough reasons for this. Or Kevin and Memphis. She has reasons to do this

  14. Let’s be honest, none of these people can think this would ever be the best move for their game. Really, Bay or Da in the final 2 against anyone else in the house
    The other house guests has a 90% chance of winning. All of them are stupid.

  15. Let’s get real….this show was made to entertain people. CBS doesn’t care that the majority of the contestants are blonde and blue eyed and gang up on minorities….it makes for good TV. If it didn’t, the show would’ve been canceled many, many years ago.

    I just hope future minorities contestants look at the stats of winners and figure out they have no chance in hell in winning and don’t bother applying to this racist show.

  16. no one in the house currently looks “good”
    Bay and Day don’t look good because: they had a chance to align with players who would support them to the end. instead they chose to align with people they KNOW are snakes. they chose poorly. there is an old story, a frog and a scorpion were sitting on the bank of a river. the scorpion asked the frog to ferry him across. the frog said no, you’ll sting me. the scorpion said no i won’t we’d both die. halfway across, the scorpion stings the frog. the frog said, why? now we both will die. the scorpion said, i’m a scorpion. Christmas cannot help being a scorpion. Bay and Day can’t help but be the frogs.
    Xmess and all the other scopions don’t look good for several other reasons. First, the appearance of bias. every year a group of white players get together, then one by one target the poc players. CBS trys to mitigate this, but it still happens. Most of the time, it happens because, well, horrible people like to be around other horrible people. That way, their own horribleness isn’t so obvious. they as induviduals can “hide” what they are doing even from themselves. Look at Xmess up in her room crying, because she had to make this choice. Next, we have the old school versus the new school. Old school says, make big moves, out wit the others on your own merits, don’t take it personal. Now this included being mean, rude, crude, and nasty to the others. Almost everyone of the old school players engaged in this. They played dirty. But, they didn’t lie to themselves about it.
    New school says, be nice. Don’t hurt someone’s feelings. Much better to let them think you are on their side, so you don’t have to face any consequences. New school gives no chance for an out. You are doomed as soon as the group decides you are. No amount of argument, no amount of reason are going to save you. This is where the “house” vote comes in. The “house” decries you are done. No blood falls on anyone’s hands.
    Old school players loved bloody hands. They could point to exactly what they did to win.
    New school cannot. Its just a popularity contest.
    Personally i think old school was much more exciting. Everyone had a chance to play a good game. People could actually save themselves by talking. Now with new school we have groups of horrid people running things from day 1. We have in the last few years very few true winners. The only one I can think of who actually played a good mental game, and the one I blame for how it is played now, is Derrick. He sucked the fun and excitement from BB. His season ushered in the “house” as a voting party. He truly deserved his win. But the game itself is poorer for it.
    As for the racial issues inherent in this show. I don’t know what to do about it. Everything CBS tries falls flat. Nothing seems to make things more equable. Bay and Day are truly bad at this game. David and Kevin are just clueless about everything. Dani, Cody, NicF and the rest are arguably horribly people. I think, casting for looks has really sucked CBS into a hole. Most fans want a more diverse cast. By divers I don’t just mean color. I mean age range, sex range, expression range. All CBS seems to look at is how attractive some young person is. Regardless of color. David for instance, very nice looking guy, smart, does not understand anything about the game. And doesn’t seem to think that’s a handicap. Which it clearly is. Wouldn’t it have been better if CBS had given his spot to a Danielle Reyes type?
    Well, if you’ve read this whole thing, Bless You! Because, I probably wouldn’t have.

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