Nick “I am so f**king sick of people f**king dragging me bro! If you want to f**king go, lets go!”

Head of Household Winner – Jackson
Have note are:
Nominations are: Christie & Sis
Power of Veto Players are – Christie, Sis, Jackson, Nick (Christie pulled ), Holly (Sis pulled), Cliff
Power of Veto holder – Jackson
Power of Veto Ceremony – Jackson did not use the power of veto

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8:10pm Kitchen. Christie and Nick fight continued..
Christie – You’re playing a sick game and …and my only way to potentially stay here is to say that YOU are my target because you’re no one else’s and I am still the biggest target and that’s why I am valuable. You aren’t protecting anyone person you’re protecting a cluster or so they all think .. so you don’t need to win ANYTHING because you have a cushion around you. Nick – I never told Jackson or Holly that I was protecting them. Christie – okay! Nick – they know that I was more protective .. I was honest about it. Christie – I know its not your fault that everyone just likes you so much. Nick – I didn’t say that everyone likes me so much.. I said that.. Christie – NO, NO, NO .. ON MY SISTERS LIFE! Its not my fault that everyone likes me! You actually said it like three times! Its not my fault everyone trusts me! I feel bad for Cliff! Nick – I did feel bad for Cliff. Christie – Yeah okay! Nick – I never said I didn’t feel bad for Cliff. Christie – you can’t! I’m saying it NOW! You can’t say.. you can’t say it!?!! DUH!!! Nick – DUH! Christie – congratulations! Happy Taco Tuesday! Nick – thanks! Christie – Now my campaign is spoiled for tomorrow .. I was actually going to do it with integrity ..and talk to everyone one on one because my emotional side wanted to blow it up but then I was like this is so stupid .. I have three days left in this house I’m not going to be the center of another blow up. I am going to do this with respect and stay true to myself and if I go out, I go out.. but that was a BUST! Nick – yeah, its fine! I don’t really care! I’ve been honest about every bad thing I’ve done and every good thing I’ve done. Christie – yeah that’s like your quote! “I don’t lie”. Nick – because its true. Christie – I haven’t lied… yeah you’ve never lied Nick!? Nick – I’ve been honest with every person. Christie – you’ve never given me the chance to lie because you come up with plans that other people execute for you.

Jess pipes in – I didn’t know I was your target… you didn’t let me know that. Nick – you tried to put me up as your replacement nom during your HOH. Jess – who said that?!!! Nick – you tried to get me out last week. Christie tells Jess – its not even worth it! Nick – you were trying to get both of them to stay and trying to get me as the replacement nominee again. Jess – what are you talking about!? Christie – he’s not winning HOH! And you know what Nick .. I have to say something .. you don’t like because you concoct plans for other people to execute. Just like on the hammock when Cliff was HOH and I was going to get your girlfriend out with hopefully not using a power .. you didn’t have to lie because you were going to use Sis to come to me and then you were going to use Cliff to give his word that he would then have to break! You would have made Cliff lie.. so you wouldn’t have to.

Nick – the plan was never even in effect. Christie – no it wasn’t because I saw through your bullsh*t Nick! Nick – I would have still had to have talked to him about it!! Christie – you didn’t have to talk to him about it because I was already in communication about it and I was already in communication with Sis and I called your bullsh*t! Nick – okay! Christie – no you weren’t able to lie because your plan was f**ked before it started because you would have required Cliff to lie. Nick – and if I had talked to Cliff he wouldn’t have done it and the plan would have fallen through. Christie – but you tried to make someone lie for you! Did you or did you not!?!?! Nick – if Cliff wouldn’t have wanted to do it it wouldn’t have gone through. Christie – but your attempt was that!! Nick – I was going to see where his head was at .. yes! Christie – your attempt was to make Cliff lie! Nick – I was going to see where his head was at .. yes! Christie – okay if you want to word it that way .. its good .. whatever! And you don’t have to worry because he is probably not winning HOH .. he doesn’t have to. Its a joke .. this is just a joke! Nick I honestly respect your game so much and this wasn’t going to happen but this is a bad look. I am sorry. Whatever it doesn’t matter. I’m a target! Hello! Holly I am sorry I really wasn’t going to do this. Holly – its okay .. we got dinner and a show! I’m not complaining. Christie – this is your game and I tip my hat to it. Loyal to everyone!

Nick heads to the bedroom. Nick to himself – throwing comps!? I haven’t thrown one competition. I am so f**king sick of people f**king dragging me bro! If you want to f**king go ..lets go! Pettiest cast! Sis joins him and ask if he is okay. Nick – I am f**king annoyed! It’s f**king bullsh*t. Its the pettiest f**king cast and no one ever sticks up for me! 🙁 Sis – I didn’t stick up for anyone. Nick – I know you didn’t. Sis – because I love both of you and I didn’t .. Nick – but its bullsh*t.. I’ve been honest about everything I’ve ever done! When have I lied?! I threw one f**king comp .. I didn’t need it. Sis – she could be staying now this week.. I think she might .. people might want to keep her so that she will take you out. Nick – stop, you’re not going home. You’re not. Sis – and now I don’t have a campaign. Nick – you’re not going home. Tommy joins them. Sis – I love you. Sis – leaves. Nick – we have the pettiest cast dude.. what because you’re going out’re going to bury me!? Tommy – I know. Nick – but then you guys are still f**king friends with her.. That’s the type of person you want to be f**king friends with?! She just f**king lied through her teeth. And what am I supposed to say out there .. I’m loyal to Tommy, Nicole and Sis.. like I am supposed to blow up all your games trying to defend myself. So I just have to take the .. f**king bite the bullet!? It really isn’t my fault that I have good relationships with people. I didn’t tell f**king people to like me! Tommy – no I know. I’m just a good person. I preach to my kids …don’t f**king blow… Big Brother blocks the feeds. Tommy – I am sorry I didn’t get involved. Cliff joins them. Cliff tells Nick – We’re always good man. There’s nothing I heard.. Nick – Cliff could put me up and I wouldn’t care .. if its good for his game. Cliff – you and I have played a similar game .. we try to land on the side that we land on. Nick starts crying. Nick – just let me play my game! I’m sick of it! Nicole joins them. Nick – she lies about everything. AND then she is going to try and bury my game!? I only threw one comp! People throw comps all the time. Its bullsh*t that I have to explain myself!?! Tommy – you good. Nicole – you don’t have to explain yourself. Cliff – I have no problem with your game. Nick crying. Nick – What am I supposed to say to defend myself? I’m close with Nicole, Cliff and Tommy?!! Tommy – what just happened changed nothing! Nick – I am not giving up .. this just motives me more to win!

Christie alone in the boat room. Christie gets called to the diary room. Christie – of course!

8:33pm – 9:30pm Kitchen.. TACO TUESDAY!! POW POW!

10:15pm Nick reading the bible…

10:16pm HOH room. Jackson and Cliff.
Jackson – everything she said is valid. Cliff – I get both sides. Stuff that happened a long tome ago ..whatever! Jackson – do y’all have a final 5? Cliff – no! No! There is zero agreement what so ever. Nothing! Jackson – I was going to say if thats the case thats fine but I know that Holly and I are wanting to work with y’all. Cliff – yeah, no .. heres the deal that happened. He kind of touched on it or she did .. or they both did. When they approached us they said we will keep you safe as long as you basically flip and all that. And TOmmy did not want to have any discussion about alliances or anything else. And so we said if its a double .. after the double lets sit down and talk to see if something comes together.. and nothing ever came of it. It was one of those dance with the devil type deal. I went into that agreement that it was only for that one week.

10:20pm – 11pm Boat room. Christie and Jess.
Christie – did I sound stupid!? Be honest with me! Jess – no, no.. I don’t care for him anyways. Its going to be a bias. Christie – Like I tried to just stay as calm as possible. Jess – you did.. I think you did a great job. You know what I think .. about him being a therapist and blowing up the way he does .. not just in this situation but in multiple situations .. like that is his game play. Christie – he just claps and sounds loud to sound like he is right. Jess – and doesn’t say anything. Christie – I don’t lie. To my lying .. Manipulating other people to come up with plans.. is the same thing as lying.. I am sorry. Jess – yeah, I agree with that. Christie – I feel bad because Nicole is probably so pissed at me.. Jess – why would Nicole be pissed at you? Christie – because that is her closest ally and she is very attached to him. Sis doesn’t seem pissed at me. And Nick is close to her too. I hope people will give more thought to how they vote. I am sure now .. I hope people will give more thought to the way they vote. I am going to campaign tomorrow. I really think that I could have a shot. Only for the fact that I am a target. I am a huge target to keep in this house. Sis is NOT! No one is coming after her? Who’s coming after her? Jess – Nicole? Maybe not after this. Christie – if I go ..Tommy is now a big threat. Why wouldn’t he want to send Sis home.. He is going to be a threat before her. Keep me here! I am the shield now. Let me be the bigger threat. I am not f**king scared. I have nothing to lose. Jess – Nick called Nicole a piece of sh*t. Christie – EWWW.. when?! EWWW!!! Jess – when she was on the block. Christie – what a douche! Jess – Let me take that back .. it was either her or Kemi.

Christie – I will talk to everyone tomorrow. I wonder what Michie will say to you. I feel like he is good with you and that he trusts you. Jess – he will tell me which way I should probably vote. Christie – I said to him (Michie).. I know you’re scared of me and my “mental ability” but I said take that threat and make it your asset. Like I will use it and keep you safe. If you can talk to him and know your input .. can you let him know I am not coming for him. I want Nick out. Nick is going to win this game. And he has an army around him.

11:20pm – 12:10am HOH room. Christie, Jackson and Holly.
Christie – he (Nick) is protected by everyone. And I don’t care about being the target. If I means I can stay another week.. I would gladly be a shield for whoever keeps me. Let Nick come after me. Let him take all the shots at me he wants. But at least keeping me will .. is another person after him that is not conned by his bullsh*t. Whether I stay or go at lease people are aware of his game. If I go hopefully someone takes him out.. maybe Jess. Jackson – at some point or another .. we have to all turn on each other. Christie – I want him out. He is my target but if he makes it to the final 2 .. he has my vote because he played the f**k out of this dame. Jackson – I said it from the beginning .. do what is best for you.

1am All the house guests are in bed except for Cliff who is reading the bible in the living room.

140 thoughts to “Nick “I am so f**king sick of people f**king dragging me bro! If you want to f**king go, lets go!””

  1. sis was the first to console both christie in the kitchen and nick in the target room post blow up…having to go back and forth as she loves them both, being neutral switzerland, not spending too much time with either haha

    nicole really didnt like seeing michie smirking and egging on the blow up, knowing michie wanted it to happen to put a target on nick and off himself…it could impact nicole not wanting to work with him

    target room…

    sis told by tommie, cliff, nicole they all are keeping sis and appreciated her level headedness during the blow up, and all 4 say they trust nick and want to work together

    nick joins…and his ideal final 5 are all briefly together

    (michie cant play hoh and holly plans to throw it)

    1. Michie egged this on, and it backfired. Nicole feels badly for Nick, and Michie looks mean. Christie is gone, and Michie just put the target on his own back. Holly got that, because Nick is still in residence.

    2. Crusty is so salty because Nick has out manipulated her at every turn…. that’s what she means by “I’m not mad at you Nick I’m frustrated “ lol…..

      1. I not sure Nick has done much manipulation since Bella blew up in his face (thanks to Crusty). Seems to me he’s been trying to lie low, quietly make friends and slip by under the radar. It’s just when you compare that to Crusty’s frantic self-destructive game play, Nick seems to be dynamic and proactive.

      1. Bummer….not allowed to post the “I will Survive” alien video. But check it out, looks like Christy with the disco ball at the end. Hope it crashes down on her way to the jury house.

  2. If Christy thinks campaigning again tomorrow is going to help . . . she is beyond Delusional.
    Buy a vowel, Solve the Puzzle.

        1. It was a famous Wheel of Fortune answer fail, so I put it in reference to the “buy a vowel, solve the puzzle” reference.

          1. “Bridal and Gold Shower” is another one of my favorite fails. But maybe I should have saved that for when Sis is the obvious one to get evicted.

  3. Nick is NOT, and never has been the master mind. Christie is accusing him of doing everything that SHE has done. There will always be some lies and manipulation in BB; but it’s those people who claim honor and integrity, self righteously slamming others who have played the game. Her virtue signaling is EXHAUSTING. Everything she accuses Nick of doing, she accused Jackson of for weeks. “Jackson is good with every one; Jackson is the master mind;” She (and I quote) “DESPISED Miche.” Now Nick is the enemy. She blew up her own game and it’s everyone else’s fault. Nick is just the dumb a** who aligned with snakes.

    1. Her hypocrisy is ridiculous. She’s told more lies by a factor of 10 than anyone in the house.

      1. Jets, IKR? She doesn’t get her way and she picks an enemy to deflect and freaks the ____ out; all the while screwing over her closest allies by blowing their game up as well. Jackson was just eating popcorn and watching the show (I mean watermelon). And all this “great strategy” with Jess, of all people …. okay… no one trusts Jess anymore! And she has no comp strengths to back herself up. So it’s a moot point. I’m so sick of “her truth” … you know Tommy is counting the hours to get her OUT of there. Ride your high horse out the door.

        1. She did the same exact thing with the whole “you 3 know each other outside the house!!” To Jackson, Holly & Kat.

          And just as that would die down, she’d find a way too reinvigorate it again.

    2. Wait. Nick did try to start the five alliance to take out Jack and Jackson in weeks two through four.
      Nick did create the new six deal last week. Nick was the architect of the keep Jackson around to take out Christie plan then we three (Tommy, Sis and Nick) get someone else to take out Jackson while he had deals with both Christie and Jackson. Nick has named each of his allies as a target, or pawn, and has further suggested each of his allies as a target to an hoh every week since Sam left. Nick has actually done 90 percent of what he’s been accused of. Christie lies about things she has said and done, that’s a given, she lacks self awareness to the nth degree. When she talks of things another house guest has said and done, she exaggerates the tone and makes the verbs in the sentence more threatening, but does give fairly accurate retell once you tone it down from an 11 to about a 3 in her editorialization.
      Nick has been masterminding. I want Christie to take the walk of shame very much, but Nick has been doing the majority of the things he has been accused of. Nick is a schemer. He has been since day two of feeds when he spoke for longer than five minutes for the first time. He was talking to Tommy and Sam and Cliff about trying to pull in Jack so that they could get rid of Jackson. While he was in an alliance with Jackson.

      1. Nick was HOH early on and had the chance to take a shot at the Js but never did because he was loyal to grateful so i don’t know what show you’re watching…

        1. Nah…it didn’t have to do with loyalty as much as it had to do with being cowardly. Nick is one of the biggest, cowardly men to ever play this game. As is Cliff, to an extent, which is why I think their games are so similar.

        2. Loyal to grateful was the episode edit, but he wasn’t. He was cocky in his belief that he had everyone snowed, and could secretly plot against his alliance without anyone realizing it. He thought he was smarter than them, and that he was playing a better game than them, and that he had covered his tracks completely. If he was so loyal to grateful, what was the point of the flamin five? What was the point of trying to set up a sub alliance within grateful in order to target members of grateful before the final 8?

      2. Also, Nick as a person…..he’s rude & crude when he talks about women & sex (which is a lot) He is also way too “touchy feely” ! Between picking someone else’s nose, to constantly giving massages…foot massages ect…..I don’t think he has ANY business giving “therapy” to women or children! He is just a nasty human. ?

        1. And constantly humping Tommy. If this was a woman he was doing that to there would be charges. Why is it ok to jump a gay man or rob his foot on his penis??? All the damn time.

      3. Even if Nick did do some or all of the things Chrusty said so what? The guy isn’t suppose to play the game the way he thinks is best for himself?!?! Why does she think she should rake Nick over the coals for how he is playing when EVERYBODY is playing.

        That’s beyond sour grapes.

        1. Christie had decided not to do the Taco Tuesday burn. It was Nick coming straight from d/r to the HOH that called for it.
          In a season that isn’t half classic floater with a couple coasters tossed in, the tactic of declaring a single target in order to save themselves would actually be laudable; Might have even worked.
          If Christie were a more likeable person and player in the game, the move of calling out someone else’s game would have people at home cheering.

        2. That’s why it fell flat. Nasty Nick had enough rebuttals of Christie doing the exact same thing, basically…so her words didn’t carry the meaning they would have.

      4. I wish I could triple like this. Was beginning to wonder if I was watching a different live feed as everyone else!

      5. Unfortunately Nick was NOT successful in taking his plans through to fruition and he ended up with a big fat goose egg. He had dirt on them and could have took a shot when he was up in thr game n changed the game but he wussed out!!

      6. Christie has an out of control sense of entitlement. Nick is just playing the game. That’s the difference.

      7. Seriously. And haven’t people called out Nick for his fickleness in their pre-eviction speeches? Christie isn’t saying anything that isn’t true and that the entire house doesn’t already know. This is by no means a defense of Christie. She’s a liar and a blabber mouth and I thought she would leave right after Bella.

    3. Nick,as a therapist,should have noticed in Crusty’s raving dialogue,that she was exhibiting a classic “confirmation bias”. In this entire game she has tried to convince everyone that she is always right and convinces herself that in fact ,she is. You can believe that this behavior will continue in the jury house to the detriment of all others.

      1. Christie is exhibiting textbook “confirmation bias”… great point!
        She also uses “attitude polarization” to help manipulate whoever she’s talking to.
        This in an obvious attempt to drive home her point and be more convincing (she’ll make a statement which “may” be truthful, but she always adds extra volume & dramatics to her statements, in hopes of convincing whoever she’s talking to that she’s being honest).
        When people use words like “honestly” or “I swear to God” in trying to convince someone that they’re not lying, it means that they are DEFINITELY lying.
        What’s funny is that we’re taught in Psychology that people who use “confirmation bias” are usually known to have an over confidence in their personal beliefs, regardless if these beliefs are rational or not.
        We all possess “confirmation bias” as it’s a universal human trait, however some of us are better than others at countering it.
        Coincidentally, some feel there’s an inherent link between narcissists & “confirmation bias”.
        But that’s Christie in a nutshell, isn’t it?
        Narcissistic, polarizing, manipulative and so damn EXTRA.

        1. Attitude polarization….that’s what I think she is so effective at, regarding her manipulation of Jess, especially. This is what I mentioned in another post, saying that Christie has not shown that she has any real positions or views…it’s only the positions and views she thinks the person she’s talking to, has. Then the 2 of them develop a bond over their “shared” views and bam! I do think most in the house do just humor her though.

          1. The newest post on here is a quote from Christie…
            “I’ll be honest if you stay I would never not want to work with you. I do love you”
            – Nick to Christie
            I’ll be HONEST with you, lol.

    1. Yes I saw that. WOW you hear what sounds like Jackson or maybe Nick responding to it in the backyard.

    2. Too funny! Rachel plays a clip of Cliff and refers to it as “Cliff’s ANNUAL Cliff Notes. hahaha I know it sounds fun to call something annual, but it has not been a year yet…and he doesn’t do it once a year. lol

    3. I suspect Michie heard it as Holly asked him what was said and as Jackson started to speak the feeds were cut.
      Cliff also mentioned something happening when he was doing his cliff notes and that the yard was now off limits
      Then Tommy said he was worried about was said in the yard and then again the feeds were cut.
      I am sure production told them not to talk about it as big brother is truly NOT supposed to involve the outside world.

  4. So… all the rats, snakes and floaters have joined together to form one super incredible ratsnakefloater alliance? What could possibly go wrong? A group of comp throwers and middle riders have banded together to win the season.
    Yeah. That works until someone outside of the alliance wins… then watch the scatter. It lasts 9 days tops.
    Tommy. disingenuous suck up floater game. How the house doesn’t find him annoying and fake af I’ll never know. He’s as readable and predictable as a children’s picture book. Admits to having thrown over 6 comps.
    Nick. total snake game. Always trying to push people against each other, the person to yell loudest when he’s exposed, and totally all over everyone in a really creepy way, sympathy seeker. How the house doesn’t isolate and ostracize him, I’ll never know. He’s also transparent, and telegraphs his lies almost as badly as Tommy. Has thrown over 6 comps.
    Sis. Total i’ll do whatever you want game. To everybody. At least Holly (who I dislike) is committed to being stepford to one person. Sis is like the community stepford servant. With a side of bitchy. Has thrown three comps minimum.
    Nicole. Totally unintentional floater game. The weirdest floater game, where someone is given the opportunity to float because they are not valued enough to actually make them work for it. I like Nicole as a person, but she’s like the nice girl at work that doesn’t know how to do her job. She skates on nice, because nobody wants to be the dick that points out she’s inept. Scary as it seems I don’t think he has thrown a comp yet…. oh my.
    Cliff. The proud to be a rat floater game. He seems to think having absolutely no honor is in itself a badge of honor. go figure. I’m not going to take it easy on the old guy, mostly because he’s not that old, and because he kept whining week one and two that people should take it easy on him because he’s the old guy. In my estimation has thrown at least 2 comps.

    If Jessica or Holly wins HOH, four of these people will say what agreement, what alliance???? Two of them might throw in a ‘I didn’t want to do it, I felt threatened, like if I didn’t they’d target me’. That’s always good for a laugh.
    One of these five people (not naming which) has been my projected second place winner since second day of feeds. By the second episode of the season I solidified my picks in my if i were grodner what would i do book. I just happen to not like or respect either of my picks, and hoped i’d be wrong.
    I’ve said before, and i keep saying it: What dumpster did they scrape this year’s house guests out of… and are we supposed to believe they are a cross section of America?

      1. My prediction is usually based on d/r in the first two episodes, added to how the first two weeks feeds end up being edited to solidify what i’m seeing. If i see any editorial bias happening in the feed game vs what the episodes reveal, it makes me think of what i would do if i were in the storyline or writing dept. moving forward and then extrapolating and trying to predict variables and how they will be overcome. It’s really easy with bbcanada (especially season 6 where i predicted the order of evictions with only one transversal,i had liv and maddie in reverse, after watching the premiere episode before feeds started). i admit some of my calls for bb17 and 19 were off (i had steve out in 4th with the final 2 being the dentist and vanessa, I had josh out at 7th as my predictions with jason and paul being final 2), and my final 4 in season 20 was off (i had predicted brett haleigh tyler kaycee), including having winner and runner up in reverse order. I admitted i was wrong when i was wrong.
        The more i complain about production bias and interference for one houseguest, the more I’m seeing them as my storyline arc predicted winner. It’s pretty easy to see from my previous posts who i fear will be the winner. I complain a lot. ad nauseum. to the point where some roll their eyes whenever i post at all. lol. I can even own it… it’s not on my daughter’s birthday. It is my prediction given edit vs. feeds, and given my other factors that the Grod is moving heaven and high water for Jackson to be the season preferred winner. If that jinxes Jackson because i’ve revealed it before the final six, I’d be happy to be wrong. I’m not his biggest fan.

    1. Just thinking. One of those what would I, as an admitted completely judgmental, absolutely too bitchy and sarcastic for my own good type of person, do if I were on the block on big brother. Would I bow out gracefully with my head held high and my integrity intact (why is it all them asshats with the most to hide want people to walk out gracefully without a confrontation). NO. I’d be whispering in every ear in a deadpan tone that “somebody” better go out there and get me the damn votes I need to stay or go from room to room exposing their own game and secrets they’ve shared with me… because if “somebody” doesn’t give me their vote and help me with my campaign right now, I’m going to use their still burning corpse to light fire to every damn game in the house and scorch the earth so bad even Julie frickin chen frickin moonves will be at a loss for words… and they’re on a teleprompter. There is no cash reward for boring no popcorn congeniality. It’s not a telethon or a damn pageant. The whole smile and wave, no hard feelings, it’s just a game i’m just happy to have been selected to be on this season approach is boring. If you are going down in flames burn everyone on the way down. Make your eviction so Kraken worthy that Simon will build a permanent shrine in remembrance.

      1. I too agree that it is not a “high integrity, head held high” moment….and would go out with a bang…well, without being TOO extra. hahaha

        1. I’m the one that would have been throwing every watermelon the house received on the floor from week four onward. There is no such thing as too extra.

    2. For myself this is the oddest season ever. It’s not that I’m voting/rooting for someone to win, rather I’m rooting for people to be sent out of the house. Of all these obnoxious players left in the house there is only one I haven’t considered evicting, so maybe its the one that unintentionally want to win, Nicole.
      Of those all from the beginning I was considering to go all the way were Sam, Dave, and Cliff. But Cliff has disappointed me when he had HOH, was manipulated and now floats and changes like a chameleon his loyalty from week to week as a follower/floater, rather then take part in who to evict discussions. Most players over the years have shown how they perform in real life and use it in the house. This season has shown us same, players bringing their game plays from experiences. I seriously had hope and was going to root and vote all the way with Cliff with his job and travel resume. But, as his HOH, and weeks afterwards has shown, Cliff is not a leader nor decision maker, rather a follower and one that convenes directions/instructions given him. So now the only one that I consider winning by default is Nicole.

        1. Definately….if this was a “person with the best heart contest,” she wins in a landslide…but it’s not. She has quite a bit of work to do between now and the end for me to WANT her to win this dang thing. And we all know that all these HGs are truly trying to earn MY respect. lol

          1. Yea she did. I know she won at least 1 hoh cause I remember her in the room. She also won a buttload of veto’s and one of the hacker comps. Plus…her loyalty to Level 6 and how she treated her alliance members as well as other HGs…is why I felt like she was deserving of the title. But yes…if Nicole wins a couple comps…and does something strategic (ie. form an alliance or get a major person out of her own volition)…then she will be deserving in my eyes.

            1. remember Kaycee’s hoh basket? It had a half empty bag of chips from the craft services room, along with snacks and food she herself had purchased for sequester before the game began. lol.

    3. I don’t like any of those players and think they are playing horrible, weak games. Leads me to believe are probably that weak outside the house. I can’t respect or trust people like that at all.

  5. Just an observation,if you removed the word ‘like’ from Jess’ conversations she would like like literally like say like nothing.

    1. Lol….Lol….Lol I was thinking the same dam thing! It’s like …like…Valley Girls! Can anyone in that house complete at least one conversation without the word ‘like’ ?

      1. Jess’s “likes” are bc there is no comprehension of the situation. I’ve started replacing her “likes” with Duh when I hear her speak, it’s way fun!

        1. Her ‘likes” are the precursor to 30 seconds of silence. It must be excruciating to have a conversation with her.

  6. Best quote of the season from Nick (I said it from the beginning Kevin Martin vibes) “MANIFEST THE TRUTH!”. Lol

  7. I’m torn. Jess needs to go. I know Tommy should go but Jess is so two faced and cannot be trusted. I don’t blame anyone for never including her in a non-alliance 4, or 5 group. Nick also needs to go perhaps because he hasn’t redeemed himself.

    I don’t want Sis to win because all she has done is…well until she turned a chicken I couldn’t tell her apart from Holly. Is that horrible? Too bad there is no triple eviction in the U.S.

    1. My order of the next evictions….


      And if Nicole racks up some wins and something, anything strategic…I THINK I’d like to see her and Michie in the final. But it’s just me brainstorming…I still don’t know who I reallllllyy want in the final 2…but I have a good idea of several who I don’t want there.

  8. I hope that the next time Analyse looks into the camera to ask for a power , production tells her “stop that!” & warns her that if she does it again she can forget jury, she’ll be instantly evicted & sent back into America .

  9. I love how Christie is doing all this when Nick isn’t even on the block beside her, Sis is. So she is begging everyone to save her as a “shield” and vote Sis her “best friend”…if I was Sis, I’d make light of the fight by butting in and saying sarcastically “yeah let’s save Christie and vote the other nom out…”. She is like crazy from last season who was throwing herself out of the game…with the multicolored hair…Angela was her real name, i forget her fake one…oh yeah Rockstar. Bye Christie.

  10. Christie is delusional, sure Nick plays both sides but this is a game and when his gf got voted out he had to adapt. I’m no Nick fan but Christie is blaming him for her game going down the drain and that’s her fault. Bye Christie I won’t miss you have fun in the jury house, I hope there’s not another buy back competition ugh that would mean Jack or Christie have a high chance of coming back. Also Sis the worst BBB player I don’t care how much you like Christie please keep your mouth shut if you want to stay in the game and it not be flipped. I think Christie is grasping at anything to keep herself in there .

    1. She or Jack coming back would be fun to watch. Hope production would give Christy an easy puzzle comp for her to win.

    2. I think if you are the known target, and if you are going home, you should grasp at anything and everything in order to try to stay.
      If Nick had taken credit for the role he did play in part of Christie’s game crashing and burning, he would have controlled the narrative of the argument. The root of it all goes back to Tommy ratting out the five alliance to Jack during Jack’s HOH. Nick got outed for plotting against his alliance then. He blamed Christie, and Tommy skated. He has, since then, been working hard to sabotage her. His d/r last week that he was choosing a side with Tommy and Sis and Christie? Momentary at best considering just before that he was talking to Tommy and Sis about using Christie as a necessary sacrificial lamb to get their final three to the end.
      Christie and her game would have imploded either way. Nick only helped by voicing his opinion to color the opinions of those around him in secret. Result, he was egging Jackson on in his dislike of Christie, he was heightening the doubt her own alliance had about her. If he’d owned that instead of being defense screamer, he could have easily stemmed any bleeding.

  11. Holly

    Indecisiveness Enough?
    I am beginning to believe her “Game Play’ isn’t laying low on purpose.

    Do you really think Nick & Christy planned these excruciating days & a Family Meal Fail because they plotted together?

  12. No, Nick, no one has to “let you play your game”. That’s why it’s call a game, not Nick gets everything he wants just because EVERYONE “loves” him. His disgusting, sexist, sexual comments should get you sent home. People don’t have to let you win.

    And, yes, Christie, you are a liar almost every time you open your mouth and drop your verbal diarrhea on everyone. No one WANTS you there, much less trusts you. You are a loose cannon but you think you should stay as a target. If you are the fan you claim to be, then you should know that it would be the dumbest move in BB history to keep you.

    1. They are the comments that are slightly offset to the right and that appear under your post – like this one.

        1. Also there is a little caret thing in the lower right hand corner of the post, if you click that you can hide or unhide the replies.

          1. I wasn’t clear. How do I get a notification of a reply? I don’t want to have to go back and find my posts. If I subscribe, I get all posts. Is it the little green bell next to the Post Commens button

            1. Wish I could help. I got notifications in the beginning, but don’t anymore and don’t know why. 🙁 I try to remember to go back and look but I know I forget a lot.

  13. Christie is certifiable NUTS. “I don’t lie” is a lie. She blows up Nick’s game and her own in the process. If that is Christie calm, i would hate to see her riled up!

    1. Well, as much as I don’t like her, she’s not going to admit that she lies to the other players…then again, I’m not sure if that is part of her gameplay or if she is trying to convince herself of that…

  14. Nick isn’t all that quick, just throwing Christie’s words back in her face he could have eviscerated her. She was leading with her chin and a few words about all her dead sisters and reinforcing that she is Christie the Evictee and she’s just marking time until she walks out on Thursday and how utterly hopeless her situation is could have wrapped Taco Tuesday in a nice bow. Jessica had the weirdest look during it all, her makeup made her look cluelessly menacing. Nick could have been like Jerry from BB10 yelling “You’re going HOME!”

    1. NIck took lessons in confrontation from 19’s Josh. pick a fight, yell and scream, run away crying. His performance wasn’t very good.

      1. No, it wasn’t good at all and he knew it was coming. The only good thing he did was blunt her attacks by informing people ahead of time. How much u wanna bet Nick is Josh’s numero uno?

  15. At first I felt a little sorry for Nick but then I came to my senses. Did you notice Nicole told him if she had been hoh she would have put up Jackson & Christie. Within minutes Nick told Sis what Nicole said. How long until Sis tells Jackson & Christie. I wish it was a triple so Christie & Nick & Sis could all be evicted.

    1. Sis will def spread the word to help preempt anyone having thoughts of putting her up. And a triple eviction tomorrow night with those 3 leaving would make this season legendary…haha

  16. Too bad Jess didn’t wise up and get off the ‘girl power’ train. She is a dead fish in the water with no one to swim to. I think she could have been a good player if she had aligned herself properly from the git go. Now she just sucks.

  17. I am assuming Christies sister must be dead by now as she has sworn on her sisters life like half a dozen times or more with complete BS….

    1. I keep waiting for someone to ask her if 1) do you even have a sister & 2) is she alive or dead?

      Just once I want someone to say – I know for a fact you are lying b/c I was in the room when you said that so if you would wish your sister dead then how can I trust you’ll be honest/loyal to me?

  18. Even though the group blew up, looks like Michie is playing the same Christie type game with blow ups and egging people on. I guess what’s good the the goose…
    He didnt like when Christie was dogging him when he was on the block so he uses her to get her to dog someone else about ish that happened weeks ago?
    Dont get mad now Nick. You sat back n saw what they did to bella and u worked with them. Nick is not game savvy. He worked with her and got burnt. Now he’s mad! He should have learned how she played and used it against her first instead of waiting like a sitting duck.

    1. Here’s the diff…Michie didn’t tell Christie secrets back then that she needed to find out about. This time…you have both Nasty Nick and Christie coming to him…telling him insider info, regarding him. So did he egg her on…sure. But she was telling him a lot of stuff about Nick and Nick was doing the same to Michie about Christie. There is no better way than to have a discussion with all parties involved, out in the open. Besides…she had already said she wanted to have this blow up.

  19. Well, hows about we just cake walk Christie to the finish line. Yay!! Christie wins!
    ( Sarcasm)
    Her game is stank. She’s been busted and dusted. If they keep Christie they’re idiots.

  20. While Paul said its all about “friendship” I kinda think Tommy is doing something similar with his “I f#$%ing love you” to everyone

  21. I’m completely clear in saying I would enjoy Christie being evicted. I don’t respect her personality very much.
    I do respect that she hasn’t laid down and died. I respect any contestant on big brother fighting to stay, even if i dislike them.
    The people that curl up in a ball or take up residency on the eviction spot of the couch without fighting so that they can walk out with their head held high: I have no respect for them.
    So, hey, go Christie. Entertain me. Then go. Literally. Go. But good for you for trying.
    The fact that she has to try so hard with her final 2 Tommy? Oh that would be the loss of a jury vote right there.

  22. No, Christie never “called a certain person out on certain racist behavior.” Get it straight. The one person that for certain made racial remarks is out of the house. Don’t get it confused as you have during your past several postings.

  23. What I’m sort of expecting:
    Because of the loudspeaker call out Monday, after Tommy votes to evict Christie she proclaims that her jury vote is up for grabs since her family of seven years voted her out.
    Come on. In her self righteousness, tell me it’s not possible.
    Have i mentioned that I have even less respect for Tommy than I do for Christie? For all of his keep the peace crap, he’s the little voice telling everyone to flip votes from week 2-6. He’s the one telling nominees to blow up games (Jack). He’s the first one to cower. While I can see that as game, he’s more wishy washy than Holly claims Nicole to be. The only declarative statements he’s ever made are against Christie. Starting week four. I really think he loses her jury vote if he votes to evict.

    1. He’s playing such a secret, undercover game and it really seems to be fooling people. I have 0 respect as well…and I don’t see how Christie will know he didn’t vote for her. He will cover it somehow. I really want someone to slow his march to the end. I was hoping getting Christie out would help….but we’re going to need more lol

      1. as a middle playing everybody has to like me, he’d tell her. right before the vote. hoping for sympathy from her. it’s his way. That would have her in tears through her speech. and then she’d flip her bitch switch on the way out the door.

  24. Fk….. there may be a vote flip. Jackson thinking that “ pardoning” Crusty may benefit his & Holly’s game. Tomorrow may be lit

      1. Christie says she wants to make a deal and Jackson says she’s barking up the right tree.
        Jackson tells Holly about Sis not commenting on wanting to work with him.
        Jackson says this is the first time Christie has wanted to work with him and offered him something.
        Christie says she’s hypersensitive and Jackson is aggressive so they clash but they are insanely similar.
        Jackson keeps repeating that this is the first time he’s felt like he could work with Christie.

    1. Jackson is the sneakiest player in the house. Remember when he tried to pin that fake vote on Nicole?

  25. No Jackson! NO! You were just on the cusp of redeeming some of the things you’ve done and now this?
    Christie says she wants to make a deal and Jackson says she’s barking up the right tree.
    Jackson tells Holly about Sis not commenting on wanting to work with him.
    Jackson says this is the first time Christie has wanted to work with him and offered him something.
    Christie says she’s hypersensitive and Jackson is aggressive so they clash but they are insanely similar.
    Jackson keeps repeating that this is the first time he’s felt like he could work with Christie.

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