Neda asks Heather who do they cut from Sl*p*y $econds First?

POV Holder: Kenny Next POV ?
POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 7
HOH Winner: Heather Next HOH: Apr 10
Original Nominations: Kenny & Allison
Current Nominations: Sarah & Allison
Have Nots Sarah, Kenny, Rachelle

Allison’s power.. Secret power of veto

Veto is good for 3 nominations and it can be used after the regular veto is used but still during the veto ceremony. If she tells anyone about the power she gets instantly evicted. (The explanation was vague during the episode, I assume that the veto expires after it is used. In my opinion this twist is ridiculous but it’s BBCAN after all )

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8:42pm Arlie and Sarah

Arlie says he’s really going to miss momzi, the connection they had was special

Sarah is going to miss Arlie.

Arlie – I’ll love you for the rest of my life that is fore sure

Sarah – you’ll be my buddy for the rest of my life


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8:48pm Jon and Arlie

Arlie brings up his talk with Sarah says there’s no hard feelings at all Sarah is a champion.

Arlie tells jon the next two weeks they can own this. Jon – All we have to worry about is tomorrow”

Arlie – We both need each other for the end game.. I believe it 1 billion percent but if one of us goes the other will be the main target”
Jon kow says he’s with Arlie till the end.

Jon wonders if janelle will leave him. Adel joins them and both arlie and Adel tell Jon Janelle will not leave him, “1 million percent hundo”

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8:55pm Neda and Heather hot tub

Heather says she’s worried about what will happen after Sarah and Kenny go home. What if a Gremlin wins after that, one of them will be going home.

Heather wishes Adel had his full power.
Neda is nervous about when it does get down to the six they will need to turn on each other.
Neda – “Heather we have to f*** win OK”
Heather – “We have to”
They agree the guys are strong, they wonder if the guys will take each other to the end or if they will bring the girls.

Neda thinks Adel wants to take the strong guys to the end, he wants to compete with the strongest. Heather agrees says at the very least she thinks the guys will want to take them to final 4 after that she’s not sure.
Neda says it’s easy right now because they are all against a common foe
They are unsure who they have to cut from their 6 person sloppy second alliance .

Heather thinks Adel, Jon and Arlie are all trustworthy, Neda says she agrees.
Heather – “one of us have to be a pawn at one point.. this late in the game it can easily turn around and one of us could go home”

Feeds cut

10:01pm Feeds still out

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10:06pm Feeds come back
Sounds like Neda washed Jon’s pants and they shrank.


10:09pm Sabrina
Sabrina talking to Andrew.. saying she really was going to stay true to the end. She sarcastically says she ;lied to keep her alliance safe so she’s the devil.

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10:15pm Jon, Arlie and Adel doing a prank on Neda

(Video coming)
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27 thoughts to “Neda asks Heather who do they cut from Sl*p*y $econds First?”

  1. It’s stupid that Allison can’t tell anyone about the veto. On Survivor, when people find hidden immunity idols they use that fact to entice people to flip or strengthen bonds, and it’s awesome.

      1. Keeping the veto secret seems to have a lot to do with the war room so the room might come into play again? Maybe?

    1. Can’t wait for tomorrow night. Want to see how the second eviction goes down. It will be tense. This is the first time this season I am really looking forward to a broadcast. My vote is for Kenny to follow Sarah out the door. Then we can watch Sabrina implode because all she’ll have left is Rochelle

    2. I believe Allison was coached if not unfairly handed this special power of veto. She was so undeserving of this. Correct me, if I’ve missed something. Did she not come out of DR, make a pit stop at the kitchen and go directly to the exact leaf of the plant to retrieve the first clue? Seems so unfair that she’s the one who was coached on this. She had immunity for 2 weeks, attached herself to the house bully and did nothing but play Andrew’s and the 1st 5’s game. She said nothing to reprimand their behavior but now with her first alliance she tries to convince all-Canada and her new temporary alliance- that she’s hasn’t got a mean bone in her body. Always saying things like ‘I’m too nice’ or ‘That’s mean’. Give me a break. Where was this conscience when she was with the bullies? In my opinion and yes everyone has one, she’s one of the least deserving to receive this advantage considering she’s had the most of advantages. Well, I guess it’s better than any of the other 1st 5 being handed this power.
      If there is something in the war room, once again she knows more than the others. Something is so wrong about all of this. BBCan should just hand her the cheque now. Heather and Adel put up with far more and were in constant danger of going home. I hope her power is such that she can’t replace anyone!
      Can you tell I’m so unimpressed by all this?

      1. You are soooo right about the veto being rigged. I saw Allison come out of the diary room sit in the kitchen and then pop up and say she is watering the flowers and finds the clue. Diary room hinting to check the flowers to Allison and Kenny only as I saw in the show last night that Kenny was looking for a clue in the flowers and no other houseguest did. Production made sure that Allison got it first. She walked around lost looking for where to go and was called into the Diary room again. Once again she goes straight to the wall under the stairs and knows to look there. Come on people this is BS. Canada wanted that alliance gone and now production is cheating us.

    1. I know what we’d do without the site; we’d have to watch the feeds ourselves – and that’s a horrible thought. All that Sabrina..

      So i agree, thank you Dawg and Simon!

      1. it was way more fun gettin’ Scott’s & Allison’s take on
        the live feed game~play from the “War Room” ~~!!!
        i am in full nostalgia mode, as i now think back over
        all the wry, dry and witty quips & this includes Nate!

    1. LOL! I couldn’t agree more WEHO! She looks like a roachfaced floater who needs to stop counting calories and carbs. Maybe if you were healthy Meda you wouldn’t have to “throw” so many challenges or be “about to explode on” Sabby, most people on healthy diets can actually compete and do more than float through the game! KENNY ITS TIME TO BOSS UP AND TAKE OUT THE TRASH (Neda and Jon).

  2. Sabrina is such a little biotch sometimes but overall she was going to stay loyal to her alliance and she did their dirty work. LOVE LOVE LOVE how Kenny and Sarah cut her up so bad now, oh but yet when you two were on the winning side you didn’t really say shit about her. It’s pretty funny how all of this is blowing up in her face because of how cocky she got but in the end she has played the BB game.

    1. I agree she was playing big brother except for that fact that this is also a social game you need the other houseguest’s votes to win in the end…but then again all of the 1st 5 and to a degree the sloppy seconds have forgotten this little component.

  3. Allison has come so close to spilling her ‘secret’ a couple of times. I hope she does because as I’ve said before, she’s been handed a lot of gifts without having had to do anything for it. I think it’s because anyone who is attracted to Andrew is questionable especially after being such a misogynist.

  4. just watched some of the live feeds.. the prank the girls pulled on Jon was priceless. BEST EVER .. I have never seen anything this funny on any BB EVER … can hardly waite to see it posted here…

  5. Marianne, now I can’t wait to see what they did! I like how silly that group gets and laugh a lot.

  6. well it wouldn’t be smart for Allison too tell anyone remember big brother 12? When Matt got a diamond POV? Brenden put him up then MATT took himself right off the block plus it would be more exciting too see when Allison gets put up and see the other houseguest’s face

  7. kenny and sarah had one last cuddle fest.. even watching it is awkward…there is no way kenny is gay..those 2 are way more then friends..all the touching and rubbing and pecking…you would have to be stupid to buy what they are selling..mother and son my ass!!

  8. I’m hoping the sloppy seconds can hold it together and make final 6, but alot of them are already speculating about who to cut, so I’m not sure if it will happen. Sabrina needs to get cut before the jury, and I think it would be a shame to see any of the gremlins carried to final 2. It will be interesting to see how far Allison gets, as she has the option of playing her Veto at the double eviction ceremony and the following week. Can’t wait til Thursday at 6pm eastern!

    And if any of the Sheyld are reading this, you guys can sniff my an#s!

    1. This is for Pretty Trickster and Cora,

      Too bad you are so jealous……..if you had a life you wouldn’t spend all your time on this site.

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