Morgan “I want to split Danielle & Shane up. She is the snake behind it all!”

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8:20pm HOH room – Alex and Morgan (sisters) are talking. Alex – with this whole sisters twist I wonder if America would vote one of us up so that it would make it really awkward …like how do I campaign. Like do I or can I campaign to save you. I do think there are people that America would put up before you. It makes me paranoid. Morgan – it makes me so freaking paranoid so that I can’t talk to anyone. I just need it to be tomorrow so I can find out. Alex – it isn’t the best for my game but it is the best for your game. Like if I didn’t put up Shane and Danielle and I made a deal with them… then I put up like Justin and Scott or Justin and Monte and whoever America puts up. And then Shane and Danielle would vote with me no matter what so that it would ensure that you wouldn’t go home. But I can’t play like that… I didn’t come here to play like that. I have to play my game. Its weird because its like do you save your family or do you save yourself? Morgan – No you have to play for you. Alex – I’m sorry if you go home but I will fight for you. Morgan – I would send you home if I had to. Obviously I would send you home if I had to. Alex – eventually there probably would come a time like top 5 or 6 when we would start clashing heads and putting each other up… but for now just trying to survive. Morgan – right now I really trust Neeley. Neeley has said she connects with me. I’ve said she is safe with me but she hasn’t really said it back to me. Alex – say America put up you and Shane or Danielle win veto and take themselves down .. I would probably have to put up Scott to ensure he goes home over you. Morgan – I want to split Danielle and Shane up. She is the snake behind it all. Alex – she has personal relationships with literally so many people in the house. Morgan – I know Monte will have my back no matter what. Alex – maybe .. he is wishy washy… and still so far up Shane’s butt. It just depends on America’s vote. Morgan – I trust Whitney. Alex – I do too but what scares me is that everyone does. She’s like a dark horse to go far in this game. Morgan – do you think me being havenot means America might also put me up as a nominee? Alex – I wouldn’t stress to much about it. If you do get it, just don’t freak out.

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9:20pm Backyard – The house guests are hanging out in the backyard chatting and golfing. Kryssie, Jason and Neeley are talking. Kryssie – its bizarre that Scott was bragging about confronting me. Now when America puts you (Scott) up we can get rid of you and not feel bad. They better put him up because that is the only way that someone from over here is staying. Jason – its true. Kryssie – I think America knows too because they would not have made him a have not done that otherwise. At the end of the day lying for the sake of lying will get you sent home. Danielle joins them. Kryssie – he was running up there and telling them everything and coming down at night to tell us everything .. and I’m glad he is having fun playing the game but he is f**king burying himself. Danielle – I want to see someone who I ride with win. I am not going to give it to someone who doesn’t care if he wins or loses. BYE You can go f**king home. Jason – Morgan ain’t here because this is big brother. Morgan is here because this is a tv show and she’s a pretty blonde chick. Monte isn’t here because he loves big brother .. Monte’s here because hes a big ol’ swoll guy that wants to be on a tv show. The pretty people are here to be in front of the press photo and we all saw how that went.

10:20pm – 11pm Jason, Danielle and Kryssie are talking. Kryssie – this Scott business has to work in our favour because after Justin did that today they’re all looking at him now. And they were kind of looking at him but now they’re looking at him… You’re the reason our family might hate us when we go home. Jason – they’re family ain’t going to hate them. America might! But really if America hates you .. they’re not knocking at your door everyday saying America hates you. Stay off of the internet and social media. There are plenty of people that come off of this game hated and don’t have their live ruined. I mean obviously in this one were America is voting for things you want them to like you. It really doesn’t matter if you lost the game. People forget in two weeks. Everyone that hated Paulie .. I bet are at his meet and greets right now. SO its not like it matters. Kryssie – that being said America likes us and knows we give a sh*t. Danielle – America knows we’re real. Whitney and Justin join them.

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10:55pm Havenot room – Scott and Monte are talking. Shane – the only thing that will work in our favour is if Shane and Danielle are up. Monte – America isn’t going to put up Neeley, Whitney and they can’t put up Jason Scott – I am almost positive it is going to be me or you and if we don’t win veto .. one of us is going home. Monte – they’re going to put up me or you.

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12am – 12:55am Danielle and Shane are hanging out in the hot tub. Meanwhile on the backyard couches – Whitney, Neeley, Jason and Justin are chatting. Justin talks about New Orleans. Danielle – America doesn’t like y’all. Kryssie got America’s care package and four out of the five of you are havenots.

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1:10am – 2:45am Shane, Danielle and Kryssie practice golfing. Jason, Danielle and Shane move over to the couch and talk about the fight from earlier in the day.

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3am – 3:45am Jason and Kryssie talk about Scott. Kryssie – he is dead to me. I’m grossed out by him now. Jason – I respected him on a superfan level. Kryssie – we don’t even know if he is a super fan.. he might have just studied before he came here. Jason – he might not even be spitting out real facts, I wish I knew enough to fact check him. Kryssie – if he doesn’t go up, our odds are f**ked, f**ked. Jason – if you run around and talk different sh*t about everyone you will get caught up. Kryssie – and to make up a lie about me and then say it to me. Jason – I don’t see myself finding any respect for him the way he is playing. Kryssie – he made a powerful enemy in me. Jason and Kryssie head to bed.

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3:50am All the house guests are sleeping..

[polldaddy poll=9545742]

94 thoughts to “Morgan “I want to split Danielle & Shane up. She is the snake behind it all!””

  1. How much you want to make a bet, Danielle, Kryssie, Jason, Justin & Shane are going to turn into MEAN GIRLS 2.0? Yes it’s a house divided and I am a fan of Jason but his fan’s lynch mob mentality against The Plastics is such a turn off. Very hypocritical if you ask me..Compared to previous seasons, Shelby, Whitney, Morgan & Alex are nothing compared to say, Aryan, Amanda etc

    I like both sides of the house but I like The Plastics better, I would take Monte over Paulie any day & Justin is a tad bit overrated. There are a million guys like him at every party, he’s a cool cat but not the second coming of Christ and his bitchy colors are starting to swirl. The twist gives Jason and his fans such an advantage making the game not so much fun.

    1. These are the ridiculously unfair hurdles Alex team has to overcome…

      1. Jason and his allies have been favored by all 5 fan votes so far and this trend will continue
      2. By the end of the third week Jason and his allies will have been favored by all 11 fan votes
      3. Every care package, 3rd nom, and Americas eviction vote will favor Jasons team, and whilst still in the house only Alex team will be have nots(no Jason team as have nots)
      4. Its almost impossible for someone to backdoor Jason as production manipulated the rules to protect him – so America will always put one of the Alex crew as 3rd nom(cant be replaced)
      5. Alex team has to win both HOH and veto to evict one of Jasons team each week(Jasons team has luxury of throwing HOH and still be in control)
      6. Majority of fans are Jasons submissive vote b!tches, voting how he tells them to vote rather than voting wisely and making the season as great as possible in terms of unpredictability

      I have been thoroughly impressed and entertained by particularly Alex, but really the whole Plastics crew. Alex has played well, earned herself HOH and has 2 targets she is going to nominate, which looks to be a good strategic move. She deserves to have one of her targets go home, rather than someone from her own team, which if it happens will bring into question the legitimacy of the season, where production and the majority of fans seem to want Jason to do well at all costs, including hurting the quality of the season, hurting good gameplay, and rewarding those who havent earned it.

      If you are voting this season and any of this annoys you as a fan of the game – please vote wisely to make this season as good as it can be! If you are like me and against the 3rd nom twist so easily being able to rickroll HOHs then please vote as 3rd nom the person being on the block which most helps an HOH be able to send one of their 2 targets home.

  2. So many racists flock here to bash Justin and other black contestants, it’s sickening. Justin is supposed to not take offence to that “stupid” joke, yet that “stupid joke” had very EVIDENT racist tone attached to it, something you all fail to recognize cuz it has nothing to do with you. However if Justin said “Monte has like no personality, and that is typical for straight white males” or “Monte is a certified redneck cracker, he probably inbreeded his own sister cuz that’s what they do in south” there would be AN UPROAR

    1. Right!!! Y’all leave him alone! He’s a stand up guy. He only makes me ho on the weekends. During the week I watch his kids

    2. @ Tim

      Justins stinks because he is an ahole. It has nothing to do with race. You should really talk to someone about your issues.


      1. How dare Tim mention race, right dip$hit Troll aka HillaryLiesMatter aka DirtyHarryReid aka HillaryLied4PeopleDied aka HillaryLiesMatter aka BotoxPelosi aka FactCheck aka Dependocrat. You change your username and reply to yourself if anyone disagrees with you. You are such a sorry Troll. Sad.

            1. The Don crushed her in the debate and you could see fear in her eyes, he clearly won on the issues that most matter to America and majority in the media and audience members and social media are agreeing post debate.

    3. Is it correct Justin has been arrested 17 times? Anyone know what for? Thanks.

        1. It was 11 times, not 17

          1:15am – 1:35am Backyard – Scott, Jason, Justin, Kryssie and Shelby are talking about random things. Kryssie talks about her foot fetish and whether or not they can fit their fist in their mouth. Off camera Scott puts his fist in his mouth. Jason – I’m probably the most arrested person to be on here. Justin – I’ve been arrested 11 times.

  3. My comment is a little late but.. I didn’t like Jason his first time and I was reminded why when he actually said he would make up sh*t to convince ppl that Monte was a racist. I don’t like saying I hate someone but he makes my blood boil. Especially with all the tension going on in the real world just knowing that someone could say that is so disgusting and unforgivable. The others seem to be worried they could be sent home for things like that so why does he get a free pass? I can’t stand that boy. Smh.

    1. I can only watch Jason in small doses. He is just making it into a popularity contest which is overriding strategic game play. Making it way more BB UK/Australia and much less traditional North American BB when it doesn’t have to be that way.

      I understand Jason is a popular guy, but in my opinion, he is not worthy of this much overwhelming protection from both production and fans. He didn’t play well on BB17 and I can think of many other former players who are more worthy of such a starring/fan favorite role on a 1 returner only season. I would have liked to see this season as multiple returners either 2 or 4, or none. Having 1 returner means he not only has his massive fan base, the casual vote, the gay vote, and players he played with on BB17 fan bases as well and at the same time doesn’t have to compete against any former players in the house and their fan base for votes.

  4. I don’t like the showmance, big surprise. I had an idea of what Jason would be like so the fact he hasn’t changed his gameplan (smoke in the backyard and talk shit) isn’t too surprising but I wasn’t 100% sure after the way James played bb18. I don’t think I like anyone in the house to be honest but I can’t stop watching. it’s lie highschool lmao. Danielle is insecure bringing up Zakiyah (when everyone has already exhausted the topic of Zaulie’s grossmance) to divert the fact she had a showmance within days of entering the house. The plastics are on one side, Jason’s crew on the other with people throwing accusations left right and centre – I love the drama but they should be more careful and try to realize there are still 11 evictions to go (of which the last will be decided by America) so they could atleast try and spare some drama/accusations for the rest of the season…

    Btw has anyone remarked on the sisters recently? I recently saw a picture (maybe in the previous update?) with them sitting side by side both wearing similar hats and it made me wonder if the houseguests notice at all

  5. I’ve noticed that the posters and polls here are usually spot on when it comes to BB. So, I’m curious about everyone’s thoughts on the third nominee? On social media, I’m seeing a mix of HGs and their reasons, Monte, (He’s not liked by most), Morgan (sister casualty), Krysee (she’s to mouthy), and Scott (being compared to Ronnie/Rat).

    1. I would be cool with Scott going up. He’s not really on either side so it’s not a huge loss to either alliance. He tried to play the middle but was far too obvious about it so it wasn’t good game play. If Scott goes up as the third nom and POV is not used then we (the HGs and America) can see how the rest of the week plays out and it leaves the option of getting rid of the snake or splitting the showmance.

    2. I am voting for Krissy as 3rd nom as a pawn and also because she has been majorly annoying. I want to reward the good play of Alex after she battled in the endurance comp and see one of her targets Danielle or Shane go home. Alex has earned my respect and so this week I will be voting to best respect her nominations and I will vote as my eviction vote whoever she wants out, either Danielle or Shane.

    1. Seriously? He is too much and full of himself. He is gross. Are him and his showman cell still together or has she saw the replays of the shows where he is extremely disrespectful of her?

      1. Yes they are still “together”. She hasn’t seen any light what so ever. Lol. He was on Twitter about a week ago bragging about how he just bought her a pair of shoes.

    2. Why the thumbs down? It’s true. Paulie is charging $60 a ticket to come in and meet him for a quick hug and a picture.

      Honestly the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Who would pay to see him much less $60? What a joke

  6. Please please vote Kryssie for America’s nomination, seeing how Jason side is so arrogant. Danielle telling Alex and Whitney that America hates ya, and loves her (Danielle’s) side. Can you just imagine the look on everyone faces if they were to see Kyrssie picture as American nomination. At least then the house will be able to get rid of Danielle.

    1. Or put up Justin, the way he reacted yesterday was out of control. It’s only been 10 days, imagine if he gets nominated he’s gonna lose it. I’m not saying he needs to be voted out, but they need a reality check. That maybe not all of America loves them………

    2. Arrogance has always killed BB players. Jason’s side will get tortured by America if they keep it up. Annoying is one thing. Making up rumors that harm another person’s reputation is another. The Jamboree crew all rail about how others need to be accepting of them and not to assume things about them because of looks ore personality. Then the all proceed to bully others in the house and make up rumors to harm them. They may win the game then wonder why others give them a hard time when they return to their lives.

    3. No way. I’m voting Monte every week until he’s gone. I don’t care about sides at all yet. Pretty much everyone on feeds and Twitter are either voting Monte or Morgan. I like Morgan so I’m not going with her. But Monte has got to go.

      1. If you like Morgan, don’t put up Monte as it will hurt Morgans game as he is a number on her side. If you want to help Morgan, vote to nominate Krissy or someone on the Krissy side.

      2. People are voting for Krissy or Monte as the top 2 candidates for 3rd nom. Krissy is far more annoying and putting her on the block rewards Alex to ensure she has a well deserved successful HOH.

    1. America’s nomination can’t be Danielle cause Alex is sticking to her guns bout nominating her and Shane. We can nominate Kryssie though, just imagine the late night crew conversation. It will totally change their attitude bout being holier than thou …..

    2. I think that Whitney and Neeley are doing a good job of staying under the radar. The two sides that the house is split into are really making this season fun to watch.

  7. I was gone all day yesterday and when I read the comments I apparently rubbed some people the wrong way so, hopefully I can clear it up.
    #1-I didn’t watch the feeds much until the first eviction so I have no real feel for what kind of person Cornbread was. I said that his comment about ‘jew down the price’ may have been made out of ignorance. I was told that ignorance is not an excuse. Ignorance means being unaware of the facts, meaning or history behind something. In this day and age with the p.c. police monitoring everything, it seems hard to believe that someone would be unaware of certain things but, that was a common term for a long time and, where CB is from it may still be a common term. When I was young I had no idea what it meant in regards to Jewish people, I thought it was just a term for barter. CB may be a bigot or just an insensitive jerk, I have no idea what kind of person he is. However, I would have felt better if Kryssie had talked to him one on one and explained that that term could be offensive and hurtful to people instead of running to everyone in the house and saying that CB was a racist. Maybe he really did not realize that the term was offensive and he would have felt bad and actually learned something. Maybe he would have thought Kryssie was a p.c. moron and told her to F-off. But I think that Kryssie handled it wrong and the rest of the house ran with it.
    #2-I said in regards to Monte, “I just don’t like the guy.” I am not biased against Monte as a player. If he plays a great game I will be able to give him credit for that. I am not biased because of where he is from, who he is aligned with, some preconceived opinion of who I thought he would be, or hearsay and rumors. Pointing out what other HGs have said or done doesn’t really change my feeling for Monte because I haven’t defended them. There are things about some of the other HGs that I don’t like just as I am sure there are things about Monte that I could like. I didn’t say I hated the guy or want him kicked off the show or want to hunt him down and ruin his life. I don’t like his overall personality because of the things I have seen and heard him say. Calling Kryssie a linebacker doesn’t phase me. That is just the typical mean girl trash talk that happens with everyone at some point. I am well aware that the outside crew (team Jason) are way more guilty of that kind of behavior. Referring to a person as low class and trashy because they come from the bayou, making a ‘joke’ about a black man stealing his clothes, telling an african american woman that it’s hard to be white, and most of all, referring to Jason as a f-*-g, these are the types of things that have made me feel the way I do about Monte. Do I think he is a raging racist or homophobe that is going to run out and commit a hate crime? No. But I do think he is intolerant. I think he is uncomfortable and unfamiliar with people who are so incredibly different from him and the type of people he associates with back home. If he opens up and takes this as an opportunity to learn and grow and realize that, at the core, we are all just people with more in commonalities than differences, maybe Monte will be one of my favorites by the end of the season. Right now, he does not seem willing to open up. Not only does he seem uncomfortable, he seems like he would be happier if certain people just did not exist in his world.

  8. Krissie for nom. Dani vote out. Pls pls vote 20 times a day two days in a row for the nom vote. Accusing someone of racism is one of the lowest things I’ve seen someone do on BB. When dani and Shane celebrated their plan I flipped. I used to like her but Dani needs to go and the smug krissie needs to sit in the nom chair and realize we can’t stand her.

    1. I was all for voting out Monte, but Kryssie is annoying me more. She loves the sound of her own voice and the constant belching with no manners drives me crazy. Besides, it would be hilarious to give ACP and then nominate the same person. They will not know what to think. I really like a lot of the females in this cast, strong, smart, and mature. Makes Nicole and Z look even worse by comparison.

      1. I totally agree bout it would be hilarious to nominate Kryssie after she got acp, it will be great tv. She thinks she is so loved and its definitely not the case, at least for me.

        1. Stop Talking Krissie!, Erin and Stephanie I am with you.

          Krissy gets my vote as 3rd nom. Then Danielle gets my eviction vote.

  9. For Shane to mock the other side as “plastic” is hysterical. Considering it appears he is/was a model pretty much puts him in the “plastic” category. Wonder what his self righteous alliance members would say if they knew about his modeling??

  10. I’m no fan of and not here to defend Monte however IMO the Backyard Crew is grossly hypocritical.

    Kryssie constantly berates the plastics for being the ‘pretty people’ however it’s not their fault how they look. She is using their physical appearance against them the same way that she believes her appearance is used against her.

    Why is it ok for Jason to call Shelby a ‘sl*t’ and Morgan a ‘fake b*tch’ when if any other male had made those comments they would be crucified by the pitch fork mob.

    Justin is quite vocal about being a womanizer and viewing women as little more than s*x objects but no-one bats an eye at it because he is ‘such a character’.

    They reference Monte not wanting to sleep with a guy as evidence that he is a homophobe when in reality, he did sleep with Shane and CB. It was Justin who devoutly refused to sleep in a bed with another man and instead slept on the floor in a sleeping bag when there were two available beds with males in them.

    1. Also loved the Jason comments the other morning when he was the last one awake complaining that Scott was not a “real super fan”. I have watched BB since season #2. I would think that would qualify me as a “super fan”. Guessing that since I do not blog, tweet, etc about BB constantly Jason would say I was no “super fan” either.

  11. Let’s try and do our own poll for nomination. Reply by name of who you would nominate. I personally of course would definitely nominate Kryssie for great entertainment purposes.

  12. I understand why people would want to nominate Scott, but can we please just nominate someone from Jason’s crew. They are the cause of all the lies that are going around. After the late night crew bragging bout stirring up that mess with Scott. We need to send a message that America does not approve of their behavior. Kryssie needs to be nominated and Danielle needs to be the one to go home..

    1. They aren’t there to behave like model citizens. They are there to play a cutthroat game of elimination.
      Don’t hate the players, hate the game!

  13. How great would it be to give Krissy “Save a Friend” CP then vote her Americas Nom? Haha. She’s convinced America loves her now.

  14. No longer a Kryssie fan. No need to bash others like that. She has become a bully in the house and extremely manipulative. I’m also no longer a Jason fan.
    I think the only one I want to win is Alex. She is a smart girl and actually playing a sensible game. None of this name calling. (At least from what I saw on the feeds…. haven’t watched every day.)

  15. Sick of the showmance. I had so hoped that this version would not do this. The sooner they are gone the better.

  16. Thanks for the poll, Dawg. Also, thanks for all of Simon and your’s hard work. Dont know how yall do it.

  17. Everyone, vote Kryssie as third nom. She will be like, huh? I got the first care package and now I’m nominated. That might shut her big mouth up for a second. Lol. Monte is a good guy. He has a good heart and would take up for anyone’s Mother or Sister.

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