“Low Key, I’m kinda rooting for Daniel to win the veto so I can take him out myself later in the game”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household:  Michael
Nominees: Terrance, Monte & Joseph
POV Players:
POV Winner:
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots:  None so far

Lock your ranks in before midnight


Festie Besties:

Turner & Jasmine
Joe & Monte & Terrance
Daniel & Kyle
Brittany & Michael
Alyssa & Indy & Taylor

10:00 pm – 11:00 pm Chinese Checkers

11:06 am Jasmine takes off her boot and gobbles down some chips before bed. starts choking

Taylor – Are you ok?
Jasmine – yeah.. I should be standing up eating these anyways..

11:17 pm cam 2 Taylor unpacking

11:58 pm Joe and Kyle (hard to hear from the shower running)
Kyle – there is no way you are staying on the block what are you stressing about?
They are laughing
Joe – if Daniel leaves this week the only threats are Alyssa, Indy, and Jasmine and I, and Monte for sure can keep JAsmine and indy from putting up two leftovers. Alyssa is the only one I can’t tell. Not saying she would.
Kyle – I don’t know what she will do she’s not with the girls anymore.
joe thinks next week is double eviction. “they can’t do it with festie bestie going one”
Joe says the twist ends this week then next week is a double.

12:26 am Michael alone in the tub
Muttering about past seasons of Big Brother “I like SarahBeth.. In season 20 I liked Tyler, Kasey, and Scottie.. Haleigh. I liked Rockstar” (Sh!tstar?)
“Season 15 I liked McCrae and Amanda together” Starts talking about Big Brother Canada. Says he loves Garry from Season one, Thinks Suzzette is “ICONIC”

12:28 am Joe, Taylor and Turner
Taylor is sharing a story about meeting JA RULE at the craps table in vegas. “Nice young man”
Taylor – good luck tomorrow in the veto.
Taylor – good luck If I am playing
Turner – good luck if I’m playing
Joe – Michael only pulls one chip tomorrow
Taylor – what if he wins tomorrow then HOH (Daniel)
Turner – ohh f***
Joe – he blames Nicole leaving on Monte
Turner – there’s a 5% chance of that happening.
Taylor – he would be crazy to target me again. It would be funny. I do want to have a conversation with him so if Doomsday happens he can’t say ‘I was alone, I am a lone wolf’
Joe – I’ve been talking to him too we’ve been hanging out acting normal he doesn’t trust Taylor, doesn’t trust me doesn’t trust anyone. He’s like ohh you are part of a big alliance I don’t have numbers I can’t do anything. Indy confirmed with me that he’s been pushing that around.
Joe – she doesn’t tell me she believes it. Everyone knows Michael put us up to win the veto.
Joe – if Daniel goes up again I feel he’ll have another emotional outburst
Joe – if he’s not selected and doesn’t win it he’s not going to take it well
Taylor – Brittany really thinks he won’t have a job
Joe – really?
Taylor – really .. I don’t think so
Joe – depends on how they portray everything that is going on.
Joe – he’s a decent guy .. He feels then acts which isn’t always a good thing

Joe – he’s 100% sure that you (turner), Michael, Brittany, and Taylor are a thing.. he’s 100% sure. Indy told me.
Joe says once he and Kyle started pushing let’s get Nicole out the rest of the house started flipping from getting Taylor out to getting Nicole.

Joe says he was closest to Ameerah and it broke his heart seeing her go.
Turner says he’s close to Alyssa it’ll be hard to have to vote her out “it’s a bullet to bite”

Joe – the worst thing is if Daniel wins (Veto) Kyle will need to override it and be like.. if Daniel is not using it and we stay up Terrance would go home which would leave Monte and I open. I think if Daniel were to win HOH he backdoors Monte and I for sure.
Joe – we need Terrance here 100%
Turner – or maybe Terrance goes home.. I don’t know if I’m biased I get annoyed by Jasmine
They laugh
Turner says Jasmine’s birthday is next week.
Joe asks if there’s is a chance “the girl with a BOOT can win HOH and take control”
Turner – she already won a HOH with the boot there’s a 100% chance it happens.
Joe – Terrance has a higher chance to win HOH than Jasmine. Even though Terrance hasn’t won one.
Joe says Jasmine and Terrance “cancel out” Terrance on competition threat and Jasmine on Social threat.
Joe – they are low threats. Terrance lies to me all the time it’s wild
Taylor – Jasmine, her birthday is Wednesday..
Turner – the 17th NEXT Wednesday. If she goes home next week she’s in jury if she goes this week she’s out of jury.
Turner – living with Jasmien for the next two months would be a living hell
Joe – I love Indy but it’s in doses.. I have a lot of patience that is one thing but the come here.. clean this da da da da ..
Taylor – it’s like shes your nanny
Joe – I can take her on doses if I can could up drive away I would
Joe – you think I’m close with Indy but I would rather live with Alyssa for sure.
Joe – if indy played as good as Alyssa maybe she would be next I dunno
Turner says a jury vote coming from Alyssa would be more reliable than from Jasmine, ‘If you did anything she would never vote for you’
Joe – what scares me are the people that are smart enough to hide that they know what is going on. They will take a shot at us before. The lowest chance of someone doing that would be Indy.
Joe – the problem is if it’s only Indy and jasmine left and if Indy wins HOH I don’t think she would put up Jasmine
Joe – Alyssa knows what is going on from all the points. Terrance is very familiar with what is going on. jasmine knows.. they all are. but as far as taking action it would be Daniel first, Alyssa, then Indy and JAsmine tied.. maybe Jasmine before Indy.
Joe – hopefully, it’s Daniel this week then the rest of them go to Jury and we call it a day.
Joe says that Indy and Jasmine won’t vote for him in the finals “They will feel too betrayed”
Taylor says Indy will be hot at first but after two months in Jury she’ll come back to her relationship with Joe.
Joe says if Taylor, Indy, and Alyssa go up this week they have 7 votes this week distributed among 3 people. They just have to lock four votes to take out Alyssa.
Joe – all five of us vote out Alyssa to ensure your safety. Let the other two votes be scattered.
Taylor – At least we can promise my safety
Joe goes on that Monte will be targeting MOnte “he thinks you (Taylor) and MOnte are running things behind the scenes”
Joe laughs what if Daniel uses the veto and Alyssa, Indy, and Taylor go up then they send Alyssa out.
Turner – that would be so good

1:00 am Strategy time with the Checkers

1:29 am Taylor alone
“Low Key, I’m kinda rooting for Daniel to win the veto so I can take him out myself later in the game”
“If I play and win the veto.. how serendipitous we’ll see what happens tomorrow.. good night.”

1:37 am Zzzzzzzzz (WOW early bedtime)

25 thoughts to ““Low Key, I’m kinda rooting for Daniel to win the veto so I can take him out myself later in the game””

  1. If they were smart they should get Joseph out sooner than later. He’s too much of schemer. He’s trying to play the Dan/Derrick/ Vanessa game by sitting back and letting everyone else do the dirty work while he plants seeds in their heads. Those are the same type of people who always skate to the end.

    1. Agree and if the other hamster’s don’t see it they are just fooling themselves.
      Indy is there for the tv time. Alyssa is after a new boyfriend, Jas is just uggg. I only see one person that I see playing the game but it’s putting a target ? on his back Michael.

  2. taps fingers on the desk. rolls eyes. head desk.

    So, do these people actually buy what comes out of Joseph’s mouth?
    Sorry, I’ve spotted at least three facial tells and a vocal inflection that indicates deception and that’s through feeds, not in the room.
    Michael is an even worse liar. Not only is it noticeable in facial expression and microexpressions (look around his eyes), but blush response. If you can see blush response on feeds imagine in the room… how are they missing it?

    I still want Daniel to go because Daniel is a nope. If anyone is annoyed that my only logic is he’s a nope… oh well. Nopes suck and i want nopes to be evicted. shrug.

    The split is coming anyway, it’s not going to be a steamroll per se. Both halves of the alliance are already making other plans (even the ones saying get to seven are serving lies).
    By the way, Michael… quit introverting into the HOH room cocoon. You’re missing the social dynamics.

    So Jasmine made fun of Turner’s performance in the HOH comp? three weeks of acting like her leg got stuck in a wood chipper taught her nothing about empathy? Or was she mad that his cuts and scrapes cut into her gig?

    IF Joe got his way, and somehow Indy, Alyssa and Taylor went on the block… who actually goes? valid question?

    1. Michael is not the only HoH to keep themselves mainly in the HoH room throughout all of the seasons (he has come out occasionally); trying to remember if it was Rachel or her sister that did that one season. As far as blushing, some people (including myself) do it a lot so it is not really a tell

      1. if his color changes when he’s lying… that’s a tell.
        I’m not saying Michael is the only HOH to ever cocoon.
        I’m saying hey, quit cocooning.

    2. the besties twist pretty strongly discourages breaking from the leftovers alliance. every member except michael and brittany is super insulated. it would make sense to target alyssa/indy/taylor though to add a shield to michael/brittany.

      1. The bestie twist strongly encouraged POS to stay together.
        The bestie twist as it stands now? Inhibits strategic nominations more than it encourages protection. But that’s just my opinion.
        we have three pairs left. Some prize / advantage is open to the last pair standing.
        Julie mentioned that when the twist was announced.
        Where does each potential survivor jump?
        That’s something I haven’t analyzed but really should start thinking about.

  3. I’m sorry, what?? Almost all of Michael’s favs are so questionable, but McCrae and Amanda???? Did he not watch the live feeds that season? It was literally just her lying in bed all season and then them having weird sex all over the place……. are we sure Michael is a superfan?

    1. He had to say McCrae (they used to work at the same place years ago – although he doesn’t really know him).

  4. Imagine if Jasmine was evicted & this big brother was like Canadas and they had to walk upstairs to leave out when they are evicted. We’d have to wait for her to scooch up the stairs with her suitcase & bag of muffin. They’d probably have to go to commercial break , roll the credits & save the interview with Julie till Sundays episode .

    1. When the season 7 girl injured her foot (something about a tile slipping and her foot going through the floor board was the rumor), they carried her up the stairs. I’m sure they could attach Jabba to a crane and hoist her up. She might even hobble to the pantry to get some crane hoistin’ snacks.

  5. Michael’s playing the game alright but he’s a terrible player! He’s winning competitions left and right even when there’s no need for him to do so. That puts a foot long target on his backside, but maybe he’s got a proclivity as far as that goes. He will not win BB because he’ll be voted out as soon as the leftovers fracture and he’s not in a position of power.

  6. The only two house guests that I’m rooting for is Taylor and Joseph, and that’s only by default because this year HGs are so despicable. I wanted Taylor to be evicted the first couple of weeks but her survivability and her weathering of bullying tactics has changed my mind on her.

    1. turner really impressed me during his hoh. i wrote him off early and i’m kinda writing him off now, but i feel like with less players he could be someone i root for.

  7. I can see why Taylor would want to delay Daniel’s demise until she wins some power to seal his fate, but that may not be up to her. Even if he wins Veto, there’s zero chance Michael puts Taylor up again just to evict Indy. Not just to give her a break, but he’s building ties with Alyssa and Kyle down the road and putting her up will compromise that.

    If push comes to shove, Jasmine will be the one going out the door if Daniel uses Veto to save Terrance.

    1. strategy-wise i see the advantage of taking out alyssa. it eliminates an ally from kyle at a point kyle might not be mad about it and i think indy might join michael/brittany giving them a shield (alyssa probably joins kyle/daniel).

      1. If they put up Alyssa/Indy/Taylor and vote any of them out, nobody joins anybody. There’s still two of them left to be besties together, so no need for them to join another group. It was a valid point before Taylor joined them, but not now.

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